1989 09 19 CCTwit 44a " CITY COUNCIL AGENDA CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 78-105 Calle Estado La Quinta, California 92253 Regular Meeting September 19, 1989 - 7:30 P.M. CALL TO ORDER Beginning Res. No. 89-106 a. Pledge of Allegiance Ord. No. 147 b. Roll Call CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA ANNOUNCEMENTS PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Continued Public Hearing on Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment 89-009 to Amend the Fencing Regulations to Require Decorative Fences and Walls in the Front Yard in the Special Residential Zone (SR). a) Ordinance Action. 2. Continued Public Hearing on Zoning Text Amendment 89-008 and Change of Zone 89-043 Amending Title 9 of the La Quinta Municipal Code by Adding Chapter 9.145 Hillside Conservation Zone and Rezone Those Properties Which Meet its Criteria Set Forth in the Ordinance to Hillside Conservation from Various Residential Zoning Designations and Confirmation of the Environmental Determination. a) Ordinance Action. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS a. Letter from Boys and Girls Club of La Quinta regarding a location for their facility. BUSINESS SESSION 1. Consideration of Request of Property Owners in the Area South of Avenue 49 and East of Monroe for Annexation. a) Minute Order Action. 2. Second Reading of Ordinance No. 146 - Chg. of Zone - Spanos I CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Approval of Demand Register. 2. Approval of Minutes of September 6, 1989. 3. Approval of Agreement with BSI for Design Services in Connection with the Widening of Washington Street from Highland Palms to Highway 111. 4. Approval of Agreement with Kicak and Associates for Construction Staking and Consultation in Connection with Phase II of the Cove Improvement Project. 5. Approval of Special Advertising Device - Search Lights at La Quinta Hotel on September 26th from 7:30 P.M. to 9:00 P.M.. COUNCIL COMMENT PUBLIC COMMENT CLOSED SESSION a. Discussion of Litigation - City of Indio/Indio Case No. 57496 ADJOURNMENT STUDY SESSION AGENDA Monday, September 18, 1989 - 3:00 P.M. NOTE: Action may be taken on any of the following items during the regularly scheduled Council Meeting of Tuesday, September 19, 1989. 1. Discussion of Proposed Amendment to Municipal Code Regarding Fencing Requirements. 2. Discussion of Agenda for Meeting with C. V. Recreation and Park District. 3. Discussion of Bond Financing for Library Facility. 4. Discussion of Criteria for Community Services Grants. DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS a. City Manager b. Assistant City Manager C. Administrative Services Director d. Community Safety Director e. Planning Director f. Public Works Director REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS a. Planning Commission Minutes of August b. Community Services Commission Minutes C. C. V. Recreation and Park District d. Sunline Transit Agency e. CVAG Committee Reports 22, and August 29, 1989. of August 28, 1989. NOTICE OF UPCOMING COUNCIL/COMMISSION MEETINGS September 18, 1989 CC Study Session 3:00 P.M. September 19, 1989 CC Regular Meeting 7:30 P.M. September 25, 1989 PC Study Session 4:00 P.M. September 25, 1989 CSC Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. September 26, 1989 PC Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. October 2, 1989 CC Study Session 3:00 P.M. October 3, 1989 CC Regular Meeting 7:30 P.M. October 9, 1989 PC Study Session 4:00 P.M. October 10, 1989 PC Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. October 16, 1989 CC Study Session 3:00 P.M. October 17, 1989 CC Regular Meeting 7:30 P.M. CC - City Council PC - Planning Commission CSC - Community Services Commission DECLARATION OF POSTING I, Saundra L. Juhola, City Clerk of the declare that the foregoing agenda for the September 19, 1989 was posted on the Chamber, 78-105 Calle Estado and on the Quinta Post Office on Friday, September 15, 4AUN-DRA d: Septembe 1989. L. JUH ity Clerk City of La Quin a, California City of La Quinta do hereby City Council meeting of outside entry to the Council bulletin board at the La 1989. d I � CONTINUED FROM COUNCIL MEETING DATE: COUNCIL MEETING DATE: ITEM TITLE: September 6, 1989 SEPTEMBER 19, 1989 PUBLIC HEARING ON ZONING ORDINANCE TEXT AMENDMENT #89-009 TO AMEND THE FENCING REGULATIONS TO REQUIRE DECORATIVE FENCES AND WALLS IN THE FRONT YARD IN THE SPECIAL RESIDENTIAL (SR) ZONE. BACKGROUND: AGENDA CATEGORY: PUBLIC HEARING: BUSINESS SESSION CONSENT CALENDAR STUDY SESSION The Planning Commission on July 11, 1989, on a 3-0- Nost89np34 and Bund absent) adopted Planning Commission Resolution 1 vote (Moran No- 89t , recommending a Zoning Ordinance Amendment reconstructed fences and requiring decorative fences andewallslin the front yard areas of SR (Special Residential) zoned lots. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None RECOMMENDATION: Move to introduce Ordinance City Council Ordinance No Assessment Amendment No. No. 89-134. 89-009 and Amend Submitted by: BJ/CC#9/6.Fll APPROVE�y_ confirmiapproving Zoning 4 Environmental Approved for submission to City Council: f RON KIEDROWSKI, CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DATE: SEPTEMBER 6, 1989 SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARING ON ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT #89-009 REQUEST: CONSIDERATION OF AN AMENDMENT PERTAINING TO RECONSTRUCTED FENCES AND TO FENCING REGULATIONS TO REQUIRE BLOCK, ROCK, STUCCO, AND/OR ORNAMENTAL IRON/TUBULAR STEEL FENCING IN FRONT YARDS IN THE SPECIAL RESIDENTIAL (SR) ZONE. INITIATED BY: CITY OF LA QUINTA ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT #89-134 HAS BEEN PREPARED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THIS ITEM. THE ASSESSMENT CONCLUDES THAT NO ADVERSE IMPACTS WOULD RESULT FROM IMPLEMENTATION OF THESE AMENDMENTS. THEREFORE, A NEGATIVE DECLARATION HAS BEEN PREPARED AND SHOULD BE FILED. BACKGROUND: The issue of fencing had been before the Planning Commission on three prior occasions. At the last informal discussion on June 13, 1989, the Commission instructed Staff to set this item for public hearing. Additionally, at that time, Staff included a proposed amendment pertaining to the reconstruction of fences when destroyed, damaged, or replaced. The public hearing was held on July 11, 1989, at which time, the Planning Commission adopted Planning Commission Resolution No. 89-034, recommending approval of this Zoning Ordinance Amendment. AMENDMENT DESCRIPTION: The first item of review pertains to compliance with existing requirements where a fence, wall, or landscaping hedge is destroyed, or damaged to the extent of more than 50 percent of its total replacement value, or removed in whole or part. With this amendment, the new fencing, etc. will need to comply with current existing requirements. The revision would read as follows: BJ/MEMOSS.006 - 1 - T 9.204.030 RECONSTRUCTION. Notwithstanding any provision of Chapter 9.152 to the contrary, any fence, wall, hedge or landscaping which is destroyed or damaged to the extent of more than 50 percent of its total replacement value or removed in whole or part, may not be reconstructed, repaired, rebuilt or reestablished stanaaras set forth by this Title. For purposes of this section, the portion thereof, which is in a corner cutback area, shall be considered separately from the rest of any fence, wall, hedge or landscaping to which it is or was attached. The second area of review pertains to fencing requirements in the front yards and street side yards of S-R zoned properties. The amendment requires that fencing in the front yard area, street side yard area, and between structures and interior side property lines must have a masonry finish or be out of ornamental iron/tubular steel. Additionally, gates must be of ornamental iron/tubular steel or minimum 4" wide cedar or redwood and stained or painted to match or complement the adjacent wall or structure. The revision would read as follows: 9.42.070 (F) 2. Fencing along the front property line, or in the front yard setback area, including the area behind the front setback in the interior side yard area, back to where side walls (between structure and interior side property lines) occur, or between any structure and side property line, or along the street side yard setback area, or between any structures and the rear exterior property line, shall be constructed of a masonry product such as block, rock, brick, stucco, etc., and/or ornamental iron/tubular steel. Any gates in these walls shall be constructed of ornamental iron/tubular steel, and/or minimum 4" wide cedar or redwood boards and stained or painted in a color to match or complement the adjacent wall or structure. PLANNING COMMISSION DISCUSSION: On July 11, 1989, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the proposed amendments. Ann Young, a resident in the SR zone spoke in favor of the proposed amendments and inquired about upgrading of existing fences. Planning Commission discussion followed regarding screening of existing wood fences. It was determined that the issue should be discussed separately as a study session item. BJ/MEMOSS.006 - 2 - PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: The Planning Commission on July 11, 1989, on a 3-0-1 vote (Moran abstaining and Bund absent) adopted Planning Commission Resolution No. 89-034, recommending a Zoning Ordinance Amendment pertaining to reconstructed fences and requiring decorative fences and walls in the front yard areas of SR (Special Residential) zoned lots. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Move to introduce City Council Ordinance No. approving Zoning Ordinance Amendment No. 89-009 and confirming Environmental Assessment No. 89-134. Attachments: 1. Draft Ordinance 2. Planning Commission July 11, 1989 3. Minutes of Planning of July 11, 1989 BJ/MEMOSS.006 - 3 - Staff report dated Commission meeting CITY COUNCIL ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA AMENDING CHAPTERS 9.204 AND 9.42 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE (ZONING ORDINANCE). CASE NO: ZOA #89-009 The City Council of the City of La Quinta, California does ordain as follow: SECTION 1. City of La Quinta Municipal Code Title 9 (Riverside County Ordinance No. 348 adopted by reference by this City Council in Ordinance No. 5, operative August 29, 1982) is hereby amended by replacing Section 9.204.050 concerning reconstruction of fences, walls, or hedges and replacing Section 9.42.070 concerning fencing in the Special Residential (SR) Zone, as setforth in Exhibit "A", attached hereto. SECTION 2. POSTING. The City Clerk shall, within 15 days after passage of this Ordinance, cause it to be posted in at least the three (3) public places designated by resolution of the City Council; shall certify to the adoption and posting of this Ordinance; and shall cause this Ordinance and it's certification, together with proof of posting, to be entered in the Book of Ordinances of this City. The foregoing ordinance was approved and adopted at a meeting of the City Council held on the 6th day of September, 1989, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: JOHN J. PENA, Mayor City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: SAUNDRA JUHOLA, City Clerk City of La Quinta APPROVED AS TO FORM: DAWN HONEYWELL, City Attorney CITY OF LA QUINTA BJ/ORDDRFT.005 - 1 - APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: RON KIEDROWSKI, City Manager CITY OF LA QUINTA City Council Ordinance No. 89- Case No. ZOA 89-009 Exhibit "A" Amend Municipal Code (Zoning Ordinance) Chapter 9.204 as follows: 9.204.050 Reconstruction. Notwithstanding any provision of Chapter 9.152 to the contrary, any fence, wall, hedge or landscaping which is destroyed or damaged to the extent of more than 50 percent of its total replacement value or removed in whole or part, may not be reconstructed, repaired, rebuilt or reestablished section, the portion thereof, which area, shall be considered separately fence, wall, hedge or landscaping attached. Amend Municipal Code (Zoning Ordinance) follows: F. Fencing or purposes of this is in a corner cutback from the rest of any to which it is or was Section 9.42.070 as 1. Rear and side yards shall be completely enclosed and screened by view -obscuring fencing, walls, vegetation -planted screens, or combination thereof, unless modified in Section 9.42.070 (F,2). Fencing along the fr the front yard setbac area behind the front side yard area, back (between structure an lines) occur, or betw side property line, yard setback area, or and the rear exterior 0 k d e 0 b constructed of a maso block, rock, brick, stucco, etc., and/or ornamental iron/tubular steel. Any gates in these walls shall be constructed of ornamental iron/tubular steel, and/or minimum 4" wide cedar or redwood boards and stained or painted in a color to match or complement the adjacent wall or structure. BJ/ORDDRFT.05A - 1 - nt property line, or in area, including the setback in the interior to where side walls interior side property en any structure and r along the street side etween any structures property line, shall be my product such as 3. Fences, walls, and vegetation screens shall generally conform with the design standards and typical layouts contained within the Manual on Architectural Standards, unless modified in section 9.42.070 (F,2). 4. Vegetation screens must consist of planting materials of a suitable type, size, and spacing, so as to provide a view -obscuring barrier within a reasonable time of planting as set forth in the landscape plan approval, and shall be watered by an automatic irrigation system. The planting plan shall be approved by the Planning and Development Department. �. All walls and fences shall be continuously maintained in good repair, and vegetation screens shall be continuously maintained in a healthy and viable condition. BJ/ORDDRFT.05A - 2 - PH-2 STAFF REPORT PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DATE: JULY 11, 1989 APPLICANT: CITY INITIATED PROPOSAL: CASE NO. ZOA 89-009 AMENDMENT OF SPECIFIC SECTIONS OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE (ZONING ORDINANCE) REGARDING RECONSTRUCTION OF FENCING AND FENCING REQUIREMENTS IN THE SPECIAL RESIDENTIAL SINGLE-FAMILY (S-R) ZONE BACKGROUND: The issue of fencing has been before the Commission on three prior occasions. At the_ast discussion on June 13, 1989, the Commission instructed Staff to set this item for public hearing. Additionally, at that time, Staff included a proposed amendment pertaining to the reconstruction of fences when destroyed, damaged, or replaced. DISCUSSION: The first item of review pertains to compliance with existing requirements where a fence, wall, or landscaping hedge is destroyed, or damaged to the extent of more than 50 percent of its total replacement value, or removed in whole or part. with this amendment, the new fencing, etc. will need to comply with current existing requirements. The revision would read as follows: 9.204.050 RECONSTRUCTION. Notwithstanding any provision of Chapter 9.152 to the contrary, any fence, wall, hedge or landscaping which is destroyed or damaged to the extent of more than 50 percent of its total replacement value or removed in whole or part, may not be reconstructed, repaired, rebuilt or reestablished reestablishing is in conformance with the and _standards set f this section, the cutback area, shall rest of any fence, is or was attached. ,rtn by this Title. For purposes of portion thereof, which is in a corner be considered separately from the wall, hedge or landscaping to which it The second area of review pertains to fencing requirements in the front yards and street side yards of S-R zoned properties. The amendment requires that fencing in the front .yard area, street side yard area, and between structures and interior side property lines must have a masonry finish or be out of iron/tubularornamental steel. ornamental iron/tubularsteelorAdminimum 11gates 41 wide mustof or redwood and stained or painted to match or complement the adjacent wall or structure. The revision would read as follows: 9.42.070 (F) 2. Fencing along the front property line, or in the front yard setback area, including the area behind the front setback in the interor side area, back to where yard side walls (between structure and interior side property lines) occur, or between any structure and side property line, or along the street side yard setback area, or between any structures and the rear exterior pr�perty---line, snail be constructed of a masonry product such as block, rock, brick, stucco, etc., and/or ornamental iron/tubular steel. Any gates in these walls shall be constructed of ornamental iron/tubular steel, and/or minimum 4" wide cedar or redwood boards and stained or painted in a color to match or complement the adjacent wall or structure. These matters are now before the Planning Commission for deliberation and further recommendation to the City Council. A Public hearing has been noticed for this purpose. ENVIRONMENTAL ANAL,ySIS: In connection with the Zoning Ordinance Amendment items now before the Commission, Staff has prepared Environmental Assessment No. 89-134, which concludes that the subject amendments would not result in a significant adverse impact on the environment and that a Negative Declaration should be filed. COMMISSION ACTION: As this matter is a public hearing, the Commission should take any testimony offered, and forward their recommendation by resolution to the City Council. A draft resolution has been provided to record the Commission action. Attachment: 1. Draft Planning Commission Resolution 2• Excerpts from existing ordinances and requirements CM/STAFFRPT.012 -2- 2. Chairman Walling opened the Public Hearing. cilia King, representing the Applicant, ad essed the Commission to explain the requ t. There being no further comment, Chairm Walling closed the Hearing. 3. The Commi§r4on discussed the request as presented. Consensus was reached regarding the number of the the size of those signs, and the illumina 'on of the signs. 4. A Motion was made b Commissioner Steding and seconded by Commiss1 er Zelles to adopt Resolution 89-033, appr ing Variance 89-008, allowing one 42-square-foo illuminated sign on the corner of Fred war' g Drive and Dune Palms Road and one 32-square- of illuminated sign on Dune Palms Road. Foll ing roll call otion was unanimou y adopted, with Commissions abstalRing and Commissioner Bund absent. --�-� B. Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment 89-009; a City -initiated request to amend the fencing regulation to require block, rock, brick, stucco, and/or ornamental iron/tubular steel fencing in front yards, located in the SR zone. 1. Planning Director Jerry Herman presented the information contained in the Staff Report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development Department. 2. Chairman Walling opened the Public Hearing. Ann Young, a resident in the- SR zone, addressed the Commission to speak favorably of the proposed Amendment and to raise questions regarding the upgrading of existing fencing and the implementation of the proposed changes. There being no further comment, Chairman Walling closed the Hearing. 3. The Commission discussed the item as presented. Commissioner Zelles strongly expressed his position that existing wooden fences should be hidden with vegetation. It was the consensus of the Commission that the question of how to deal with existing wooden fences be agendized as a future study session item. 4. A Motion was made by Commissioner Steding to adopt Resolution 89-034, approving Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment 89-009, amending specific sections of the Municipal Code regarding reconstruction of fencing and fencing requirements in the SR zone. Commission Zelles seconded the motion with the amendment that, in addition, serious attention be paid to the condition of presently existing fences. Following roll call vote, the motion was unanimously adopted, with Commissioner Moran abstaining and Commissioner Bund absent. IV. UBLIC COMMENT one wished to address the Commission. V. CON T CALENDAR A motion was made by Commissioner Steding and seconde by Commissioner Zelles to approve the minutes f the May 23, 1989, Planning Commission meeting. nanimous. VI. BUSINESS Chairman Walli introduced the Business Items as follows: A. Minor Temporary ( utdoor Event 89-013; a request by The Art Affair ary Lohman) for approval to conduct an art s w on Saturdays and Sundays between mid -October 1 9 and mid -May 1990, on the grassy area just eas\Hihway Downey Savings and Loan; located at the Plaza Quinta Shopping Center, southwest corner of 111 and Washington Street. 1. Principal Planner St\co presented the information containedStaff Report, a copy of which is on fie Planning and Development Department 2. The Commission disthe request as presented and arrived ensus regarding changes to the Condof Approval as follows: Condition 6,to read "20 feet from back of " instead of "50 feet"; Condition 7, rto direct that Staff can enforce the conditipn if deemed necessary; and Condition 12, revised to add CalTrans. \ MR/MIN07-11.DFT -3- (Y COUNCIL MEETING DATE: SEPTEMBER 19, 1989 ITEM TITLE: CONSIDERATION OF HILLSIDE CONSERVATION AND TRANSFER OF DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS AND THE CHANGE OF ZONE TO HILLSIDE CONSERVATION. BACKGROUND: AGENDA CATEGORY: PUBLIC HEARING: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: Attached are revised copies of the two Ordinances (Hillside Conservation and Transfer of Development Rights) and the Change of Zone to Hillside Conservation. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDATION• Adopt City Council Resolution No. 89- adopting a Negative Declaration for the Environmental Assessment. Adopt City Council Ordinance No. 89- adopting Hillside Conservation and Transfer of Development Rights and Change of Zone to Hillside Conservation. Submitted by: Approved for submission to City Council: RON KIEDROWSKI, CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DATE: SEPTEMBER 12, 1989 SUBJECT: HILLSIDE CONSERVATION AND TRANSFER OF DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS ORDINANCES, AND CHANGE OF ZONE TO HILLSIDE CONSERVATION ORDINANCES: Attached are the revised copies of the Hillside Conservation and the Transfer of Development Rights Ordinances and the map of the Hillside Conservation area for the Change of Zone to Hillside Conservation. The changes made to the Ordinances were a combination of the suggestions made during the joint meeting with the Planning Commission and suggestions made by the City Attorney. RECOMMENDATION• Adopt the Resolution adopting the Negative Declarations: 1. EA #89-122: Hillside Conservation and Change of Zone to Hillside Conservation, as recommended by the Planning Commission. 2. EA #89-135: Transfer of Development Rights, as recommended by the Planning Commission. Adopt the Ordinance which adopts the following items as amendments to Title 9 of the Municipal Code (as recommended by the Planning Commission). 1. ZOA 489-008: Hillside Conservation Zoning Ordinance Amendment Chapter 9.145). 2. ZOA #89-010: Transfer of Development Rights Zoning Ordinance Amendment (Chapter 9.146). 3. CZ #89-043: From various zonings to Hillside Conservation for all the area within the General Plan Open Space designation. BJ/MEMOTB.011 1 - CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 89- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA ADOPTING NEGATIVE DECLARATIONS NO. 89-122 FOR THE HILLSIDE CONSERVATION ORDINANCE ZONE TEXT AMENDMENT AND THE CHANGE OF ZONE TO HILLSIDE CONSERVATION (H.C.), AND ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT NO. 89-135 FOR THE TRANSFER OF DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS ZONE TEXT AMENDMENT. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California did on the 19th day of September, 1989, hold a duly -noticed Public Hearing to consider the Environmental Analysis of the Hillside Conservation Zone, the Change of Zone to Hillside Conservation (H.C.) and the Transfer of Development Rights Zone Text Amendments; and, WHEREAS, said Zoning Text Amendments and Change of Zone has complied with the requirements of "The Rules to Implement the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970" (County of Riverside, Resolution No. 82-213, adopted by reference in the City of La Quinta Ordinance No. 5), in that the Planning Director has determined after initial study (EA No. 89-122 and EA 89-135) that the Zoning Text Amendments and the Change of Zone will not have a significant adverse impact on the environment and that a Negative Declaration should be filed; and, WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all interested persons desiring to be heard, said City Council did find the following facts to justify the adoption of the Negative Declaration: 1. That the Amendments to the Zoning Ordinance (Title 9 of the La Quinta Municipal Code) are consistent with the General Plan, and are called for within the General Plan; and 2. That the Change of Zone to Hillside Conservation (H.C.) for all Open Space designation in the General Plan is consistent with the General Plan intent; and 3. That the impacts of the proposed Zoning Ordinance Amendments and the Change of Zone to Hillside Conservation (H.C.) were addressed by Environmental Assessment No. 89-122, for the Hillside Conservation Zone and Environmental Assessment No. 89-135 for the Transfer of Development Rights, and Environmental Assessment No. 89-122 for the Change of Zone, prepared in conjunction with the Amendments to the Zoning Ordinance and the Change of Zone. BJ/RESOCC.009 _ 1 _ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct and constitute the findings of the City Council in this case. 2. That it does hereby confirm the conclusion• of Environmental Assessment No. 89-122 and No. 89-135, in that the Change of Zone Text Amendments and the Change of Zone to Hillside Conservation (H.C.) will not result in a significant adverse impact on the environment, and that a Negative Declaration is appropriate for the filing. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council, held on this 19th day of September, 1989, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: JOHN PENA, Mayor City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: SAUNDRA L. JUHOLA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California APPROVED AS TO FORM: DAWN HONEYWELL, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California BJ/RESOCC.009 - 2 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA AMENDING TITLE 9 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING TWO CHAPTERS: 9.145 HILLSIDE CONSERVATION ZONE, AND 9.146 TRANSFER OF DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS, AND BY ADOPTING A CHANGE OF ZONE FROM VARIOUS ZONES TO H.C. (HILLSIDE CONSERVATION) FOR ALL LAND PRESENTLY DESIGNATED OPEN SPACE IN THE GENERAL PLAN. The City Council of the City of La Quinta does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Title 9 of the Municipal Code is hereby amended by adding two chapters: 9.145 Hillside Conservation and 9.146 Transfer of Development Rights, attached hereto as ZOA No. 89-008 and ZOA No. 89-010. SECTION 2. All land designated in the General Plan as Open Space is hereby rezoned from various zones to Hillside Conservation as depicted in the General Plan and on the map attached hereto as CZ No. 89-043. SECTION 3. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its adoption. SECTION 4. POSTING. The City Clerk shall, within 15 days after passage of this Ordinance, cause it to be posted in at least the three (3) public places designated by resolution of the City Council; shall certify to the adoption and posting of this Ordinance; and shall cause this Ordinance and it's certification, together with proof of posting, to be entered in the Book of Ordinances of this City. The foregoing ordinance meeting of the City Council held 1989, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: was approved and adopted at a on the 19th day of September, JOHN J. PENA, Mayor City of La Quinta, California BJ/ORDDRFT.007 ATTEST: SAUNDRA JUHOLA, City Clerk City of La Quinta APPROVED AS TO FORM: DAWN HONEYWELL, City Attorney City of La Quinta APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: RON KIEDROWSKI, City Manager City of La Quinta BJ/ORDDRFT.007 - 2 - CHAPTER 9.145 H.C. ZONE (HILLSIDE CONSERVATION ZONE) Sections• 9.145.005 Generally .010 Purpose and Intent .015 Application to Property .020 Permitted Uses .025 Plot Plan Review Required .030 Design Review Required .035 Engineering Reviews Required .040 Other Studies Required .045 Grading, Grubbing, Scarring Control .050 Development Standards .055 Division of HC Zoned Land .060 Transfer of Development Rights .065 Alteration of the Location of the Toe of the Slope .070 Recreation/Open Space Ownership and Maintenance .075 Change of Designation 9.145.005 GENERALLY. A. The Hillside Conservation (H.C.) Zone applies to all land within the City of La Quinta designated in the General Plan as "Open Space". B. The Hillside Conservation (H.C.) Ordinance applies specifically to land meeting the definitions of being above "the toe of the slope as defined in 9.145.015 "Application to Property", within the .following 19 sections (San Bernardino Base and Meridian) within the City of La Quinta: T5S, R7E:..- Sections 19,-_ 25, -30; T5S, R6E: Section 36; T6S, R6E: Sections 1, 12, 13, 24, 25; T6S, R7E: Sections 6, 7, 8, 17, 18, 19, 20, 28, 29, 30. C. The H.C. Ordinance shall also apply to each and every parcel of land within the city (without otherwise being noted on exhibit or map which is added to the City by annexation, dedication, or other means) meeting the definitions of being above "the toe of the slope". BJ/ORDDRFT.003 - 1 - D. Except as specifically provided elsewhere in this title, any and all disturbance of natural terrain, grubbing, grading, new use, and every new building and premises or land in the H.C. zone shall be used for or occupied and every building shall be erected, constructed, established, altered, enlarged, maintained, moved into or within such H.C. Zone exclusively and only in accordance with regulations set forth in this chapter. 9.145.010 PURPOSE AND INTENT. A. The purpose of this Chapter is twofold: 1) to define those hillside areas which are not developable, from either a public safety or engineering perspective, and to prevent inappropriate development on them; and 2) for those hillside areas which are developable, to ensure the safety of the public, and to ensure that the placement, density, and type of all hillside development within the City of La Quinta is suitable to the topography of the existing terrain, that proposed developments will provide for minimal disturbance of the existing terrain and natural habitat, and that the natural hillside characteristics will be retained wherever practicable. B. It is the further purpose of this Chapter to implement the goals and policies of the General Plan and to achieve the following objectives: 1. To protect the public from hazards associated with hillside development, including seismic activity, landslides, flooding, inaccessibility from fire and emergency services, lack of water for fire control, wild fires, collapse of roads, and similar risks. 2. To protect and conserve hillside ecosystems through the retention of unique natural topographic features and hillside characteristics, including drainage patterns, streams, slopes, ridgelines, rock outcroppings, vistas, natural vegetation, and the habitats and migratory routes of animals; 3. To maximize the retention of the City's natural topographic features, including, but not limited to, mountainsides, mountain faces, skyline profiles, ridgelines, ridgecrests, hilltops, hillsides, slopes, arroyos, ravines, canyons, prominent vegetation, rock outcrops, view corridors, and scenic vistas, through the careful limitation and selection of building sites and building pads on said topographic features, thereby enhancing the beauty of the City's landscape. BJ/ORDDRFT.003 - 2 - 4. To assure that developmental use of said topographic features will relate to the surrounding topography and will not be conspicuous and obtrusive because of the design and location of said developmental use; 5. To reduce the scarring effects of excessive grading for roads, building pads, and cut and fill slopes. 6. To balance public and private interests while preserving the hillsides. 9.145.015 APPLICATION TO PROPERTY. A. In the La Quinta General Plan, all hillsides and some alluvial fans are designated "open space". In general, the dividing line between open space and other land uses is meant to follow and be bounded by "the toe of the slope." The area above "the toe of the slope" includes not only hillsides, but also alluvial fans which are not protected by flood control structures, and drainage ways and stream courses which have some potential for flooding. In general, alluvial fans not exceeding 200 slope are developable consistent with this chapter either through the transfer of residential units from contiguous hillside areas, by change of designation (9.145.075) by providing flood protection (9.145.065). B. For any parcel subject to the jurisdiction of the City of La Quinta, the City Engineer, upon viewing the site and considering a land suitability study (containing all the requirements in .035) submitted by the applicant shall determine the boundary between the developable and the undevelopable portions of the parcel by locating "the toe of the slope", using the following criteria (more than one criterion may apply): 1. The point where water -borne alluvial material not exceeding 20% slope begins to collect to a depth of one foot or more; 2. The dividing line between steeper rock formations and more gently sloping alluvium, i.e., where there is a noticeable break in the angle of slope from steep to shallow; 3. where the angle of slope exceeds 20%; 4. An area unprotected from flooding potential, i.e., an area above the uppermost flood control structure which intercepts runoff (in the form of either natural water courses or as overland sheet flow) and directs it to a controlled stormwater diversion channel (see Section .065). BJ/ORDDRFT.003 - 3 - 9.145.020 PERMITTED USES. A. C. M No development (except as provided under Subsection D, below) shall be approved for slopes exceeding 20%. The following are exempt from the requirements of this Chapter: tracts and specific plans already approved. The following uses within the HC Zone shall be permitted on alluvial fans with slopes not exceeding 20%: a.) Golf courses (not including above -ground structures), but permitting fairways, greens, tees, and golf -cart paths to access them; b.) Flood -control structures; c.) Parks, lakes, and passive recreation facilities; d.) Water wells, pumping stations, and water tanks (if properly screened or painted); e.) Power, telephone, and cable substations and transmission lines (if properly screened or painted); f.) T.V., cable, and radio antennas; g.) Hiking and equestrian trails; h.) Single family residential uses; i.) Accessory uses necessary to accomplish the permitted uses such as roads, gate -houses, on -site subdivision signs, parking lots, noncommercial community association, recreation, and assembly buildings and facilities. The following uses within the HC Zone shall be permitted on slopes exceeding 20%: a.) Hiking and equestrian trails not permitting vehicles; b.) Access roads which shall be non -visible unless applicant can prove to the City that the only access to a non -visible area must traverse a visible area. (Ownership or non -ownership of property is not sufficient proof of reason to place a road in a visible area.) Roads cannot exceed 15% grade. 9.145.025 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REVIEW REQUIRED. All development within the H.C. Zone shall file and receive approval (or modification) of plans by means of the Conditional Use Permit approval processes described in Chapter 9.172 plus all requirements of this chapter. BJ/ORDDRFT.003 - 4 - 9.145.030 DESIGN REVIEW. All development in the HC Zone shall be subject to Design Review pursuant to Chapter 9.183 Design Review. "Development" in this context shall include the following: grading, building, grubbing, or permitting any heavy equipment (equipment whose function is digging,clearing, earth -moving, grading, or a similar function disruptive to the natural terrain) access to the H.C. Zone property. 9.145.035 ENGINEERING REVIEWS REQUIRED. For every home site or for every subdivision proposed within the H.C. Zone, the following reports shall be prepared by a California -licensed engineer (licensed in the appropriate discipline), and filed with the City Engineer (unless specifically waived by the City Engineer based on a site visit to the proposed site): a.) Hydrology, drainage, and flooding report for all sites; b.) Soil survey of the sites proposed attesting to stability of all sites, and the appropriateness of the construction method proposed; c.) Underlying geology/engineering report, attesting to stability of all sites; d.) Seismic analysis attesting to the stability of the site(s) and addressing the potential of material above the site(s) impacting the site(s); e.) Access plan showing the preliminary engineering for roads giving access to the proposed site(s); f.) Grading plan for the construction site(s) and access routes. g.) A utility plan demonstrating the feasibility of providing water for domestic and fire suppression purposes, sewer, power, and other utilities, especially with regard to the scarring effects of the grading necessary to install such utilities. The City Engineer shall specifically -approve each ---proposed site and access route based on the submitted reports. 9.145.040 OTHER STUDIES REQUIRED. The following studies shall be filed with the Planning and Development Department as a part of the application process: A. All development in the HC Zone shall be subject to a review by a qualified biologist, which addresses the following: 1. Natural vegetation and affected b17 the project; native plants which may be BJ/ORDDRFT.003 - 5 - 2. Wildlife habitats, migratory routes (e.g., for Bighorn sheep), and native animal species; 3. Plan to maintain corridors for wildlife habitat and movement of animals within H.C. Zone. B. All development in the H.C. Zone shall be subject to a review by a qualified archaeologist, which addresses the following: 1. A thorough examination of the site for archaeological remains; 2. A plan for the salvage of any significant findings; 3. A review of the site for any significant historic or cultural resources. C. A plan for the preservation of all areas exceeding slopes above 10% (as per Section 9.145.045 J.), including: 1. The designation of all areas exceeding 10% slope, with the degree of slope noted, and the calculation of the percent to be left undisturbed; 2. The designation of all water courses both natural and man-made, with plans for the preservation and/or reintroduction of drought tolerant plants. Water courses shall be designated as Open Space; 3. A monitoring program (following CEQA) for the preservation of open spaces. 9.145.045 GRADING, GRUBBING AND SCARRING CONTROL. A. No permits shall be issued for any grading, grubbing, building or structure in the H.C. Zone until grading plans, slope planting and irrigation plans, and building elevations for design review have been submitted to the Planning Commission for recommendation and -to-the--City Council for approval. In reviewing plans for grading, slope planting and irrigation, native revegetation, mitigation of scarring caused by grubbing and grading, preservation of the natural state of the hillsides and water courses (based on slope angle) and building elevations, the Commission and Council shall consider the purpose and intent of this chapter and the criteria established in Section 9.145.050, together with applicable standards and shall approve the design if all applicable provisions are met. BJ/ORDDRFT.003 - 6 - B. Conditions may be applied when the proposed development does not comply with applicable standards and shall be such as to bring such development into conformity or the plans and drawings may be disapproved and the City shall specify the standard or standards that are not met. C. The Applicant or Developer shall be responsible for the maintenance of all slope planting and irrigation systems until such time as the properties are occupied or until a homeowner's association accepts the responsibility to maintain the landscaping in common areas, or other maintenance district formation is established. D. Any person who fails to protect the natural terrain, defaces, grades, grubs, scars, or otherwise disrupts the natural terrain in the H.C. Zone without prior City approval of plans for such work, subject to this Chapter, shall have created a public nuisance which shall be abated. Abatement may include the property owner undertaking the restoration (under City supervision and monitoring), or that failing, City -contracted restoration of the disrupted area. The property owner may be charged the cost of the restoration together with the direct costs of supervision and monitoring of the restoration. If the property owner fails to reimburse the City the costs incurred, a lien against the property for payment may be instituted and collected. E. Any plans which are being considered by the City for possible approval of development shall at the time of discovery of the creation of the public nuisance be denied by the considering body. After such time as the public nuisance has been completely abated, the plans may be resubmitted, upon payment of all required fees. F. The provisions of this section shall be in addition to other Municipal Code titles and regulations applicable to grading activities within the City. No grading shall be conducted, nor shall any grading permit be issued for any grading in the H.C. Zone until grading plans and special drawings showing grading and topography as viewed from critical locations within the neighborhood or community have been submitted to the Planning Commission for recommendation and to the City Council for approval. G. The Commission and Council shall consider the following matters of particular concern in their review of grading proposals in the H.C. Zone. Conditions may be attached to the approval of grading plans so as to achieve the purpose and intent of this chapter and the following objectives: 1. The health and safety of the public; BJ/ORDDRFT.003 - 7 - 2. The preservation of vegetation and animal habitat, designation of stream courses as open space, preservation of habitat corridors, encouraging revegetation with drought -tolerant native species; 3. The avoidance of excessive building padding or terracing and cut and fill slopes to reduce the scarring effects of grading; 4. The encouragement of sensitive grading to ensure optimum treatment of natural hillside and arroyo features; and, 5. The encouragement of imaginative grading plans to soften the impact of grading on hillsides, including rolled, sloping, or split pads, rounded cut and fill slopes, and post and beam construction techniques; 6. The maximum retention of vistas, and natural topographic features including mountainsides, ridgelines, hilltops, slopes, rock outcroppings, arroyos, ravines, and canyons. H. All land areas with 20% or greater slope shall not be graded in any manner except at the specific discretion of the City Council, and only where it can be shown that a minimum amount of development is in the spirit of, and not incompatible with, the purposes and policies set forth in this article. I. The following table indicates those minimum percentages of the ground surface of a site which shall remain in a natural state (no cut or fill or grubbing) or be developed solely for recreational purposes based on the average percent slope of a parcel: BJ/ORDDRFT.003 - 8 - TABLE OF NATURAL SITE TO BE PRESERVED MINIMUM PERCENT OF SITE TO REMAIN IN NATURAL STATE (NO CUT OR FILL AVERAGE PERCENT SLOPE OR GRUBBING) OR BE DEVELOPED OF SITE SOLELY FOR RECREATIONAL/OPEN SPACE PURPOSES 10.0 - 12.4 70.0 12.5 - 14.9 77.5 15.0 - 17.4 85.0 17.5 - 19.9 92.5 20.00 or more 100.0 "Average Percent Slope" means the average natural inclination of the ground surface of a lot or parcel expressed as a percent and as measured by the following formula: S = 0.002296xIxL A Where: S = Average Natural Slope in Percent I = Natural Contour Interval in Feet L = Length of Natural Contour in Feet A = Acres of Property (Parcel of Record Existing on November 13, 1979) 0.002296 = Constant which Converts Square Feet into Acres and Expresses Slope in Percent 9.145.050 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS. A. Maximum density and minimum lot permitted. In the H.C. Zone the maximum density permitted shall be one residential unit per 10 acres. On a contiguous parcel which includes areas both above and below the "toe of the slope", residential units may be clustered together below the "toe of the slope" to take advantage of buildable areas with lower slope angles, provided the overall density for the parcel of one unit per ten acres is not exceeded_ Ctrnnt++roc chaff rpmain cingle family. BJ/ORDDRFT.003 separated, on individual lots having an area of at least 7,200 square feet. B. Yard (setback) requirements. The requirements for R-1 zone shall apply. C. Heights. The requirements for R-1 zone shall apply, except that no structure shall be placed in such a way that its outline is visible above a ridgeline. D. Auto storage. On -site parking requirements shall follow Chapter 9,.160 OFF STREET PARKING. E. Equipment. No roof -top equipment for heating, cooling or other purposes will be permitted. F. Architectural treatment. The architectural treatment of structures within the HC Zone shall be compatible with the setting of the structure and shall be generally con- sistent with requirements of the desert setting and other architectural treatments found elsewhere in the City. Use of indigenous materials for the structure of walls should be encouraged. Fencing and walls must follow SR Zoning requirements. G. Landscaping. On the cut or pad occupied by the structure, landscaping may be left to the choice of the homeowner, providing some selection of drought -tolerant species is observed. Elsewhere on the site (or open space), native vegetation shall be undisturbed (or recreated after approved grading). H. Utilities. All utilities shall be placed underground, except for water tanks and substations which shall be appropriately screened and/or painted in colors to blend into the background. 9.145.055 DIVISION OF H.C. ZONED LANDS. In order to assure compliance with the provisions --of- this_ chapter where a planned residential development is not required pursuant to Chapter 9.148., there shall be submitted, for every property within or partially within H.C. Zoned land, along with every tentative subdivision map and parcel map filed for approval, in accordance with the provisions of Municipal Code Title 13, a preliminary grading plan (and other requirements of this chapter) showing at least one practical, usable, accessible building site which can be developed in accordance with the provisions of this chapter for each lot or parcel. BJ/ORDDRFT.003 - 10 - 9.145.060 TRANSFER OF DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS. A. Transfers of development rights shall follow the procedures and standards presented in Chapter 9.146, Transfer of Development Rights. B. Any owner of property within the H.C. Zone may transfer development rights from the H.C. Zone on the basis of one residential unit per 10 acres. C. The property receiving the transfer of development rights may be: 1. Another portion of the same property below "the toe of the slope," as presented in a Specific Plan; or, 2. by means of sale to any area of the City which has been General Plan designated as medium density (8 units per acre) or higher (except the SR zone within the Cove area which is single family on small lots in character), provided the increase for any particular parcel does not exceed 20% of the General Plan density designation. D. Any owner of property with the H.C. Zone may sell, bequeath or transfer the development rights of the property, in accordance with this Chapter (9.145) and the Chapter on Transfer of Development Rights or Credits (9.146) to any governmental jurisdiction or any properly organized nonprofit organization whose charter allows for the ownership and/or transfer of development rights. Said governmental jurisdiction or nonprofit organization may retain or sell or transfer acquire development rights in accordance with the Chapter on Transfer of Development Rights (9.146). 9.145,065 ALTERATION OF THE LOCATION OF THE TOE OF THE SLOPE. If, as a result of an approved developmental project, a flood control structure is placed higher on a hillside area so that an area of alluvial fan becomes protected from flooding potential (or if the location of the toe of the slope is moved by altering some other criterion), the new area below "the toe of the slope" shall remain zoned H.C. (Hillside Conservation), and the Conditional Use Permit approved for the site shall determine the effective density of the developable portion by virtue of the transfer of development rights from the hillside areas to the developable portion of the property. BJ/ORDDRFT.003 - 11 - 9.145.070 RECREATIONAL/OPEN SPACE OWNERSHIP AND MAINTENANCE. A. Those areas located within a hillside development controlled by this chapter which are to remain as undeveloped open spaces, such as undevelopable slopes and natural landmarks, etc., which are to be used for game preserve, recreational, or open space purposes, may be offered, through dedication, to a governmental jurisdiction, or to a not -for -profit land trust, conservancy, or similar organization whose charter allows for the ownership of development rights which will preserve the natural open space of the hillside area in perpetuity. B. If, however, the public agency, or City, or land trust, conservancy, or similar organization does not accept such an offer (or if such an offer is not made), the Developer shall make provisions for the ownership and care of the open space in such a manner that there can be necessary protection and maintenance thereof. Such area shall be provided with appropriate access and shall be designated as separate parcels which may be maintained through special fees charged to the residents of the subject development or through an appropriate homeowner's association or maintenance district. Where necessary and appropriate, maintenance in perpetuity shall be guaranteed through the bond of the Developer. 9.145.075 CHANGE OF DESIGNATION. All lands within the Hillside Conservation Zone are designated on the General Plan Land Use Map as "open space." A property owner may propose a change of designation from "open space" and "HC" zones by means all of the of the following procedures: A. General Plan Amendment from "open space" designation to an equally appropriate category. B. A change of zone from HC to an equally appropriate zone; C. Submission of a specific plan for the property; D. Satisfaction of the engineering and other reviews required in Section 9.145.035 and .040; E. Compliance with all other sections of this Chapter except 9.145.020; 9.145.050 A,B,C; 9.145.060; and 9.145.065. BJ/ORDDRFT.003 - 12 - AREA OF HILLSIDE CONSERVATION ZONE �� Y CHAPTER 9.146 TRANSFER OF DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS SECTIONS: 9.146.05 Generally 9.146.10 Definitions 9.146.15 Procedures 9.146.20 Timing 9.146.25 Documentation 9.146.05 GENERALLY A. All transfers of development rights or credits shall follow the definitions, procedures, timing, and documentation presented in this Chapter, and shall observe the restrictions and guidelines presented in other enabling chapters, such as Chapter 9.145, Hillside Conservation Zone, and others which may be from time to time adopted enabling transfers of development rights or credits. B. The purpose of this Chapter is to provide the process by which development rights or credits may be transferred from donor parcels to receiving parcels such as in Open Space land use designations to enable it to be preserved as open space, and other purposes which may be adopted in other enabling legislation. Such transfers of development rights or credits may be within the same property, or may take place from one property to another by means of sale or transfer within the same ownership. C. Transfers shall take place under the guidance of the City and shall be documented by means of recordation. 9.146.10 DEFINITIONS A. Development Right or Credit: A potential entitlement created by a land use designation and, by adoption of a zoning category, applying to a parcel of land, to construct one dwelling unit per a given number of square feet or per a given number of acres, which can only be exercised when the development right or credit has been transferred pursuant to the provisions of this Chapter and the enabling Chapter, from a donor parcel to a receiving parcel, and all other requirements of law are fulfilled. BJ/ORDDRFT.001 - 1 - B. Donor Parcel: A parcel, from which all potential entitlements for residential development are transferred (by means of sale, or transfer to another parcel in the same ownership) and thereby extinguished. A subdivision may be required to separate developable from undevelopable portions of the parcel. C. Receiving Parcel: A parcel, to which potential entitlements for residential development are transferred up to the limits of the enabling Chapters, and exist in addition to any potential entitlements created by General Plan Land Use Designation and Density Specification and in addition to any zoning which applies to the parcel. D. Fractions: Development rights or credits may be transferred as a fraction carried to the second decimal place, rounded up or down to the second place following the rule of the third decimal being 0-4, round down; 5-9 round up to the next digit in the second decimal place. When applied to the receiving parcel, the number of credits (carried to the second decimal place) will be spread across the acreage of the receiving parcel and will be translated into an increment of additional development entitlements carried to two decimal places per acre. E. Density Bonuses: Transferred development rights or credits shall not be counted in the basis for density bonuses granted for providing for affordable housing or good design or special amenities. The order in which bonuses and transferred rights or credits are applied shall be as follows: 1. The base density ranges as per the General Plan; 2. Density bonuses applied for providing affordable housing (up to 30 percent of the base density alone); 3. Density bonuses for good design -or special amenities (up to 10 percent of the base density alone); 4. Transferred densities added to the final figure of any density bonuses. - Transferrerdensities shall not become a part of the base on which bonuses are figured. 5. In no case shall the sum of all density bonus and tranferrerd densities (if all are maximized) exceed 60% of the base density in the General Plan. F. Enabling Chapter: A chapter of Title 9 of the La Quinta Municipal Code which creates and further specifies and limits the transfer of development rights or credits, such as 9.145 "Hillside Conservation Zone". BJ/ORDDRFT.001 - 2 G. Timing: The time limits as specified in Section 9.146.20 Timing. H. Documentation: The requirements for City approval, recordation and notice to the City of La Quinta of such recordation, following example language specified in 9.146.25 Documentation. 9.146.15 PROCEDURES A. The enabling Chapter shall specify by class the donor parcels and the receiving parcels, the number of residential development rights or credits which can be transferred per square footage or per acre; and the limits of development rights or credits which can be transferred to any one parcel. B. The donor parcels, from which development rights are being removed must: 1. Remove all development rights or credits at the same time (residual development rights or credits cannot be left on the property); 2. Be mappable; according to the Subdivision Map Act requirements, i.e., a legal description and a total acreage will be required to be recorded. 3. Record a document which acknowledges that all development rights or credits for the described parcel have been extinguished and that no further residential development can occur on the parcel. C. The receiving parcel, to which development rights or credits are being transferred, must: 1. Be mappable; according to the Subdivision Map Act requirements, i.e., a legal description and a total acreage will be required to be recorded; 2. Record a document of affixture (or attachment) which has been attested to by the City Clerk of the City of La Quinta, tying the transferred development rights or credits to a specific parcel, in perpetuity, following the sense of the example of language contained in Section 9.146.25 Documentation. D. This document of transfer and affixture must be recorded. Evidence of the Recordation must be supplied to the City Clerk of the City of La Quinta within 30 days of the date of attestation by the City Clerk. -S 7 BJ/ORDDRFT.001 - 3 - E. The City Clerk shall only attest to a transfer of development rights or credits upon receipt of written authorization from the City Manager. The City Manager shall only authorize such transfer after receiving a report from the Planning and Development Department containing a recommendation and a synopsis of the engineering report from the Public Works Director. F. If a property consists of both undevelopable and developable portions, the applicant may apply for the subdivision of the parcel to allow transfer of rights from the undevelopable portion to the developable portion. 9.146.20 TIMING A. A condition of approval of the development rights transfer shall specify the donor and receiving parcels subject to the transfer which shall be recorded no later than 90 days from the date of Council approval. B. In the event that a parcel of hillside land (with development rights still attached) is granted, bequeathed, sold, transferred, given or otherwise becomes the property of a not -for -profit land trust, conservancy, or public agency, the receiving entity shall have an unlimited period from the date of receipt in which to dispose of the development rights by sale or other means. When development rights are transferred to a specific receiving parcel, the 90 day time limit shall apply as in "A" above. 9.146.25 DOCUMENTATION A. There shall be recorded for the donor parcel a document having the sense of the following: 1. A legal description and a total acreage of the parcel or portion of the parcel. 2. The total number of development rights or credits being removed from the property. 3. An acknowledgement that no further residential development rights or credits shall accrue to the parcel in perpetuity. 4. The assessor's parcel number of the parcel to which the development rights or credits are being transferred. 5. An attestation by the City Clerk of the City of La Quinta (dated). 6. The signature, name and address of the owner of the riarral . BJ/ORDDRFT.001 - 4 - - There shall be recorded for the receiving parcel a document having the sense of the following: 1. "In addition to the number of dwellings units on this parcel APN# (legal description and total acreage attached as Exhibit A) which may be permitted by the City of La Quinta by virtue of the General Plan Land Use and Density Designations, this parcel shall be permitted (number) of additional dwelling units per acre, which have been transferred to this parcel pursuant to Chapter 9.146 of the Municipal Code, Transfer of Development Rights." 2. "These additional dwelling units are hereby affixed to this parcel APN# and may not be further transferred, sold, traded, or otherwise removed from this parcel, except by the purchase by the City of La Quinta or other public agency authorized by the City." 3. The Assessor's Parcel Number(s) of the donor parcel(s) from which the development rights or credits have been removed and transferred and affixed to this parcel. 4. The signature of the City Clerk of the City of La Quinta affixed below attests to the legitimate transfer of these development rights to this property (as described in Exhibit A). City Clerk, City of La Quinta Owner of APN NAME ADDRESS Date Date BJ/ORDDRFT.001 - 5 - 5 c� SEPTEMBER 1, 1989 CITY OF LA QUINTA PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPT. P.O.BOX 1054 LA QUINTA CA 92253 DEAR SIRS: P.O. BOX 65783-0783 • LOS ANGELES, CA 90065-0783 THEATRES WITHIN A THEATRE RECEIVED SEP 5 1989 CITY OF LA QUINTA PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPT. RE: CITY COUNCIL HRG. OF 9/19/89 PROPOSED AMENDMENT, CHAPTER 9.145 EFFECT UPON COMBINED PARCELS #761060004-2 & 4761060013-0 PLANS HAD BEEN PREPARED AND PRESENTED TO VARIOUS PUBLIC AND PRIVATE AGENCIES FOR A PROJECT TO COMPLIMENT THE ENTIRE CALIFORNIA DESERT. THE GENERAL PUBLIC RESPONSE HAD BEEN FAVORABLE AS TO THE VARIOUS APPROVALS HAD BEEN SOUGHT. THE PROJECT AT THE INTENDED LOCATION IS TO SERVE THE ENTIRE PUBLIC AS A PLATFORM TO ENJOY THE FEATURES OF THE CALIFORNIA DESERT. PRESENTLY, THE PROPOSAL AS WRITTEN WILL REDUCE THE PROJECT TO POSSIBLY A PRIVATE RESIDENCE AND DEPRIVE A PUBLIC ASSET (DOCUMENTED BY THE DECLINING COUNTY PARK ATTENDANCE. THE PROPOSED PROJECT IS A CIVIC ORIENTED IMPROVEMENT TO THE COMMUNITY WITHIN A HIDDEN COVE ISOLATED FROM THE CITY PROPER BY THE SANTA ROSA MOUNTAINS AND ACRES OF COUNTY PARK AND LAKE TO THE OPPOSITE SIDE. THE DESIGN TO BLEND WITH THE DESERT DECOR IS TO PROVIDE A PURPOSE FOR THOSE WITH APPRECIATION OF THE ENVIRONMENT AND THE ARTS. IF THE PROPOSAL BECOMES A LAW, IT CAN DEPRIVE THE PUBLIC FEATURES PRESENTLY UNAVAILABLE, LOCAL BUSINESS RESTRICTIONS, AND THE DESERT COMMUNITIES A FAVORABLE IDENTITY. WE BELIEVE THE CITY COUNCIL WILL REVIEW THE ENTIRE CONCEPT PRIOR TO A DECISION. S I C REmk OHN KWAKE JK:CS 0 m Q E R N A R D September 12, 1989 Mr. Jerry Herman, Planning Director Planning Department City of La Quinta 78-105 Calle Estado La Quinta, CA. 92253 D E Q O N N SEP CITY 'OF LA QU11VTA PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPT EV0MENDEP RE: PROPOSED HILLSIDE CONSERVATION ORDINANCE AND PROPOSED ORDINANCE FOR TRANSFER OF DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS Dear Mr.'Herman: As. you know, I represent La Quinta Heights, the entity that owns an 87.1 acre parcel described as the East half of the Southeast quarter of Section 13, T6S, R6E. With respect to the public hearing scheduled for tonight, September 12, 1989, we wish to reassert the objections to the proposed ordinances as contained in the letter from our attorneys, Schlecht, Shevlin & Shoenberger, which letter was dated June 27, 1989 and a copy of which is enclosed herewith. While your revisions to the ordinances certainly provide some relief to the private property owners, we still believe the transfer rights are not adequate to provide reasonable and fair compensation to the property owner for what in effect is the taking of his property for a public purpose. E POST OFFICE BOX 1935 • PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA 92261 TCI GDunNrtA10Nr%AA_An00 FAX(AIOIF,AA-A9O7 Mr. Jerry Herman September 12, 1989 Page 2 We enclose ten copies of this letter so you may have ample copies for the distribution to staff members and members of the commission. Thank you for your cooperation. tru yours, B nard Debonne.. for La Quinta Heights BD/ml Enclosure u ! )- POST OFFICE BOX 1936 • PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA 92261 TC i C D U r%Al C/Ain\ca A Arnnn C A vi A.I n % C c A An 11 �ANCA M.•Cnl[CNT JOwN C. 1ALYL.N .ON A. lnO[N�LRO[A JOL, s MIli/•wp �w NiL i, T, ♦pnN60N .Osep" ,. Moss [CNNIL OAAi ANO OUst WA090 ,A T1wAYLq CAAIG W. NCAATn JN June 27, 1989 SCHLECHT, SHEVON & SHOENBERGER A tAW COMPORATION 6AWYCR6 goat orrect max Igot 001 C^AT TAHOWITZ WAVE SUIT[ 400 PALM SPRINGS, CAUPORNIA 92263-1906 Jerry Herman Planning Director Planning Department City of La Quint& 78-105 Calle Estado La Quinta, CA 92253 REs' HILLSIDE CONSERVATION ORDINANCE Dear Mr. Hermans 1[ueAwONe 16,61 2t0.9. sI TL�eCO/IeA to,*, 383-1I66 IN 6901.1 ACICA TO This letter is a follow-up to our conference attended by the City Manager and Bernard Debonne Monday morning, June 26, 1989. As I indicated, this office represents La Quints, Heights, the entity that owns an 87.1 acre parcel described as the East half of the Southeast quarter of Section 13, T6S, R6E. We assert that the ordinance as presently drafted would substantially preclude any development on the properties described in the proposed ordinance and certainly on our client's property. Whether by design or not, the effect of the ordinance as proposed results in a taking of private property rights for what is perceived to be the "public good." Certainly with respect to any property below a 20% grade the proposed ordinance is far more extreme than any which we are aware. While we commend the attempt to put some equity into the ordinance by the insertion of the provisions providing for a transfer of development rights, the limitations proposed in the ordinance on that transfer really do not provide reasonable nor adequate compensation for the taking of the private property rights. V 3 SCHLECHT, SHEVLIN & SHOENBERGER A LAW G0400RAT'ON LAWYERS June 27, 1989 Page 2 If the transfer of development rights section were to be modified so that a density transfer of two units to the acre for all property below a 20% grade while remaining with your proposal of one unit per 20 acres for property above that grade were to be included in the ordinance, we think then it would be substantially more equitable to the property owners and certainly would be acceptable to our client. In the absence of some feature such as suggested above, we believe the ordinance will be fatally defective and will only result in substantial attack upon it by private property owners who are adversely affected thereby. We enclose ten copies of this letter so you may have ample copies for distribution to staff members and members of the commission. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to discuss this matter with you and the City Manager yesterday morning. Vey truly yo&CHT J ES M. SCHL MS/ct 9/60 nclosures /cc: Bernard Debonne x ".;TY iwiih :.tip•' p`�a. Q��.2�✓, Gr ,4 9.� a 53 any .0�--2.4 �f�= �a�..�.a-�' �.✓ J / th �� � .lam ,c.rcJ �-u h J a�J G.c�e--2.�� �-� � �.�l�u-ems ' . � -� -e'er June 22, 1989 Mr. John Pena, Mayor City of La Quinta 78105 Calls Estado La Quinta, CA. 92253 Dear Mayor Pena: BOYS & GIRLS CLUB OF LA QUINTA POST OFFICE BOX 386 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 82253 In reference to our past communication, we would like to be informed if the Council has made a decision to help provide a suitable location to establish a Boys and Girls Club in our community. It has.been understood that the Fritz Burns property is not suitable for our organization. Please let us know if this is correct. If this is true then we would like.to be placed on your agenda for the next city council meeting to discuss the possibility of the city helping us acquire a parcel of land to fulfill our goal of providing a building for our youth. As you are aware, the community is growing quickly and as the population increases so'ara the needs of providing a place for our youngsters. We need your help now! It is a fact that when two juveniles are incarcerated it costs the taxpayers approximately $60,000 for one year to provide care for them.. The same amount of money can help train, educate, and entertain 700 to 1000 youth at a Boys and Girls Club facility. It is a positive investment for our community. We hope that you, Mayor 'Pena, and the council can optimistically see that our dream can become a reality soon. Yours sincerely, Don P. 2ar ci President cc: Ron Kiedrowski, City manager Stan Sniff, City council Joyce Bosworth, City council Dale Bohnenberger, City council Bill Rushworth, City council 1111ndar nrnanization Auspices of Boys Clubs of America" BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. I August 27, 1989 City of La Quinta Attn: Mayor & Council Members P. 0. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Sirs, As property owners in the area currently being considered for annexation by Indio (south of Avenue 49 and Avenue 50, known as Indio Ranchos), we strongly feel it is to our advantage to be annexed by La Quinta instead. We have indicated our preference to the City of Indio. Please advise us what further steps are necessary to effect this change. Thank you. Very truly yours, Catherine L. Ebeling Parcel # 617-620-009,013 617-630-001,002 yr August 27, 1989 City of La Quinta Attn: Mayor & Council Members P. C. Ecx 150: La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Sirs, As property owners in the area currently being considered for annexation by Indio (south of Avenue 49 and Avenue 50, known as Indio Ranchos), we strongly feel it is to our advantage to be annexed by La Quinta instead. We have indicated our preference to the City of Indio. Please advise us what further steps are necessary to effect this change. Thank you. Very truly yours, y Norris j # 767-090-003 Muriel M. Norris August 27, 1989 City of La Quinta Attn: Mayor & Council Members P. O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Sirs, As property owners in the area currently being considered for annexation by Indio (south of Avenue 49 and Avenue 50, known as Indio Ranchos), we strongly feel it is to our advantage to be annexed by La Quinta instead. We have indicated our preference to the City of Indio. Please advise us what further steps are necessary to effect this change. Thank you. Veryjj:ruly yours, t Al # 67-090-002 To August 27, 1989 City of La Quinta Attn: Mayor & Council Members P. O. Sox 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Sirs, As property owners in the area currently being considered for annexation by Indio (south of Avenue 49 and Avenue 50, known as Indio Ranchos), we strongly feel it is to our advantage to be annexed by La Quinta instead. We have indicated our preference to the City of Indio. Please advise us what further steps are necessary to effect this change. Thank you. Very truly yours, )John White Parcel # 617-620-005 onna Whie August 27, 1989 City of La Quinta Attn: Mayor & Council Members P. 0. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Sirs, As property owners in the area currently being considered for annexation by Indio (south of Avenue 49 and Avenue 50, known as Indio Ranchos), we strongly feel it is to our advantage to be annexed by La Quinta instead. We have indicated our preference to the City of Indio. Please advise us what further steps are necessary to effect this change. Thank you. Very truly yours, JBe 14, CC. Laiw y Shiow S. Laiw 'Parcel 4 767-050-007,767-100-002,767-040-007 j )EP August 27, 1989 City of La Quinta Attn: Mayor & Council Members P. O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Sirs, As property owners in the area currently being considered for annexation by Indio (south of Avenue 49 and Avenue 50, known as Indio Ranchos), we strongly feel it is to our advantage to be annexed by La Quinta instead. We have indicated our preference to the City of Indio. Please advise us what further steps are necessary to effect this change. Thank you. Very truly yours, M�rcos E. Munoz Alice G. Munoz Parcel # 617-630=008,009,010 August 27, 1989 City of La Quinta Attn: Mayor & Council Members P. 0. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Sirs, As property owners in the area currently being considered for annexation by Indio (south of Avenue 49 and Avenue 50, known as Indio Ranchos), we strongly feel it is to our advantage to be annexed by La Quinta instead. We have indicated our preference to the City of Indio. Please advise us what further steps are necessary to effect this change. Thank you. Very truly yours, Mr. Gus Funtas / Mrs. Gus Funtas Parcel # 617-600-001 ��Y HP � 15u9 August 27, 1989 City of La Quinta Attn: Mayor & Council Members P. 0. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Sirs, As property owners in the area currently being considered for annexation by Indio (south of Avenue 49 and Avenue 50, known as Indio Ranchos), we strongly feel it is to our advantage to be annexed by La Quinta instead. We have indicated our preference to the City of Indio. Please advise us what further steps are necessary to effect this change. Thank you. Very truly yours, Boleshaw S. Sztt4ka Anne J. Sztuka Parcel # 767- 40-006 AARON H. WEINER, M.D. MURIEL M. WEINER 1 606 West Ocean Front Newport Beach, California 92663 (71 41 673-6934 August 27, 1989 City of La Quinta Attn: Mayor & Council Members P. 0. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Sirs, As property owners in the area currently being considered for annexation by Indio (south of Avenue 49 and Avenue 50, known as Indio Ranchos), we strongly feel it is to our advantage to be annexed by La Quinta instead. We have indicated our preference to the City of Indio. Please advise us what further steps are necessary to effect this change. Thank you. Very truly yours, Aaron H. Weiner MD Parcel #617-600-004 Muriel M. Weiner Phone (714) 673-6934 August 27, 1989 City of La Quinta Attn: Mayor & Council Members P. 0. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Sirs, As property owners in the area currently being considered for annexation by Indio (south of Avenue 49 and Avenue 50, known as Indio Ranchos), we strongly feel it is to our advantage to be annexed by La Quinta instead. We have indicated our preference to the City of Indio. Please advise us what further steps are necessary to effect this change. Thank you. Very truly yours, tmma P. Knight Parcel # 617-620-004 s "TY OfLS, :CEP 1 �3�9 August 27, 1989 City of La Quinta Attn: Mayor & Council Members P. 0. Bcx 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Sirs, As property owners in the area currently being considered for annexation by Indio (south of Avenue 49 and Avenue 50, known as Indio Ranchos), we strongly feel it is to our advantage to be annexed by La Quinta instead. We have indicated our preference to the City of Indio. Please advise us what further steps are necessary to effect this change. Thank you. Very truly yours, Tommy N. Mazzella Parcel #i676-070-OL7 %y17-1"1-77) Nina Mazzella S?r August 27, 1989 City of La Quinta Attn: Mayor & Council Members P. O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Sirs, As property owners in the area currently being considered for annexation by Indio (south of Avenue 49 and Avenue 50, known as Indio Ranchos), we strongly feel it is to our advantage to be annexed by La Quinta instead. We have indicated our preference to the City of Indio. Please advise us what further steps are necessary to effect this change. Thank you. Very truly yours, uay Edwards Parcel # 767-070-010 F August 27, 1989 City of La Quinta Attn: Maycr & Council Members P. O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Sirs, As property owners in the area currently being considered for annexation by Indio (south of Avenue 49 and Avenue 50, known as Indio Ranchos), we strongly feel it is to our advantage to be annexed by La Quinta instead. We have indicated our preference to the City of Indio. Please advise us what further steps are necessary to effect this change. Thank you. very truly your Day Edwards Parcel # 767-070-010 /O City a,{ A ()ui ; i 1 Sj Dr. Aaron Weiner 1808 W. Ocean Front Newport Beach, F1.92663 Dear Dr. Weiner; September 10, 1989 I thank you for your letter of August, with enclosures, but I have already made a commitment to the City of Indio. My husband and I gave this much thought, long aro, and decided that for the good of the whole area, it was the right thing to do. I recall when Rancho Mirage was thought of with distaste, from those who could afford to live a more elegant lifestyle, and you know what happened there. I truly believe that Indio too, can support lots of different ways for people to be proud of where they live. Sincerely, Dorothy N�ian Representing 100 acres. BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. oZ ORDINANCE NO. 146 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF THE CITY, BY REZONING CERTAIN PROPERTY REFERRED TO IN CHANGE OF ZONE NO. 88-035 The City Council of the City of La Quinta does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Section 4.1 of Riverside County Ordinance No. 348 (which was adopted by reference by this City Council by Ordinance No. 5, operative August 29, 1982) and La Quinta District Official Zoning Plan Map No. 14, as amended, are further amended by rezoning from R-2-8000 and R-1 to CPI R-3, and R-1, the parcels shown and depicted for such rezoning on the map which is attached to and made a part of this ordinance, and which attached map is labeled "Exhibit A", Change of Zone 88-035. SECTION 2. Said Change of Zone complies with the requirements of "The Rules to Implement the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970" (County of Riverside, Resolution No. 82-213, adopted by reference in City of La Quinta Ordinance No. 5). Mitigation measures were generated to reduce environmental impacts to an insignificant level. A Negative Declaration is appropriate for this Change of Zone request. SECTION 3. EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its adoption. SECTION 4. POSTING. The City Clerk shall, within 15 days after passage of this ordinance, cause it to be posted in at least three public places designated by resolution of the City Council; shall certify to the adoption and posting of this ordinance; and, shall cause this ordinance and its certification, together with proof of posting, to be entered into the Book of Ordinances of this City. The foregoing Ordinance was approved and adopted at a meeting of the City Council held on this 19th day of September, 1989, by the following vote: BJ/ORDDRFT.006 - 1 - AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: JOHN PENA, Mayor City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: SAUNDRA L. JUHOLA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California APPROVED AS TO FORM: DAWN HONEYWELL, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California BJ/ORDDRFT.006 - 2 - •,rg/ i_, w � y R-2-8000 •04��.\ CHANGE Of ZONE\\ EXHIBIT T(MIATN TRACT M' 21.MS ■raw R-1 EXISTING ZONING •J M CHANGE Of ZONE EXHIBIT TINTATIV9 TIUCT r SS,S11 New �I I PPOPn.qr:n 7n Twy °i 4(-VQU&M COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 19, 1989 ITEM TITLE: Demand Register BACKGROUND: Prepaid Warrants Payable Warrants 5701 1042-1066 3557-3594 5900-5963 FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: Demand of Cash RECOMMENDATION• $332,814.65 Approval of Demand Register Submitted by: 9 Signature $106,159.68 $226,654.97 $332,814.65 AGENDA CATEGORY: PUBLIC HEARING: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: /— STUDY SESSION: APPROVED BY: Cl�w Approved for submission to C' Co�n 'l I�RON EDROWSKI, CITY MANAGER FORM#OOI.ALL �- W X aE z ¢ u CL M+- a - W La cast c^ L�tnx A zL O \ 0 : a LL H Z LL X �r J .+ W ii! 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WccC® "®- . ago= X. »23 W=WZ 000 ;o ,,, 333.f \� noon non S2)G} zt 01�G �C.� , ,!; oron non 0000; \- , ; \ - >»$% ¢101 _ $��a,; c:=, /\ « ��c T41y/ 4 04� Q944(rad COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 19, 1989 ITEM TITLE: Agreement with BSI for Design Services in Connection with the Widening of Washington Street from Highland Palms to Highway 111 BACKGROUND: AGENDA CATEGORY: PUBLIC HEARING: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: This project is to continue with a 4-lane facility plus a frontage road. BST did the design for the previous widening projects and has done the preliminary work for this one in establishing the precise alignment. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: APPROVED BY• Time and Materials estimated at $36,250.00 Acct. No. 18-4817-111-000 and 010. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize entering into Agreement. Submitted b Signatur FORM#002 Funds are budgeted in Approved for submission to Council: RON kfEDROWSKI, CITY MANAGER Tq4.f(vQgmrw COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 19, 1989 ITEM TITLE: Agreement with Kicak and Associates for Construction Staking and Consultation in connection with Phase II of the Cove Improvement Project. BACKGROUND: AGENDA CATEGORY: PUBLIC HEARING: BUSINESS SESSION: / CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: Kicak and Associates' work on Phase I has been entirely satisfactory, and being the design engineer there is a distinct advantage in their continuing during the construction phase. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: Time and Materials not 80 o RDA 20o Assessment District RECOMMENDATION• APPROVED BY: to exceed $130,000.00 Authorize entering into Agreement. SuL by: Si FORM#002 Approved for submission to C ' Council: ON IEDROWSKI, CITY MANAGER TAt 4 04� Quhtro COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 19, 1989 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: PUBLIC HEARING --- Approval of temporary special advertising BUSINESS SESSION _ permit (search light) for party at La Quinta Hotel CONSENT CALENDAR S STUDY SESSION BACKGROUND La Quinta Hotel is hosting an event called Dr. Pepper Hollywood Party, on September 26, 1989, from 7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. There will be 150 people in attendance. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None APPROVED BY RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff recommends approval of the temporary permit. Submitted by: CO%MMMUNN.I�TY SA,FFEET_Y�DDE�PT. ROGER T. HIRDLER COMMUNITY SAFETY DIRECTOR FORM002 Approved for submission to City Council: 4 _ /6-g vR KIEDROWSKI CITY MANAGER 1 5 Celebrating 100 years of library service June 16, 1989 Mr. Ron Kiedrowski, City Manager P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Ron: P�v ide City/County Public Library Thank you for your hospitality on May 12. I enjoyed meeting with you and viewing the models for the new civic center. We are very excited about the possibility of the new library building being included on the civic center site. As we discussed, I am enclosing a planning budget for an 8,000 square foot library building. I do not know how close the land value shown on this planning budget is to the actual land value. We will have to get an appraisal done close to the time the application is filed to determine the actual amount of the local match which we can assign to the land value. We should wait for the State to issue regulations, so we will know how far ahead of the application date the appraisal can be done. As this budget indicates, if the City were able to contribute the site, site preparation fees, testing, and architectural fees we would be within "shooting distance" of the 35% local match required. The County Library would have to absorb the cost of the library materials budget. However, we have never been able to provide that much money for one project from our annual operating bud- get, even for facilities designed to serve much larger popula- tions such as Moreno Valley and Rancho California. Therefore, if the City could give us any help on that part of the budget also it would be greatly appreciated. I think a project will be more competitive for the State bonds the further along in the planning process it is. So, if you think the City will be able to come up with all or most of the local match, perhaps we should work together on a more precise designation of the site, its dedication for library purposes, and the selection of an architect. Please let me know if you have any further questions take any further actions at this time. Otherwise, you know when the State issues the regulations. Sincerely, Linda M. Wood Library Director Attachment c: Judith Auth, Assistant Library Director Greg MacDonald, Facilities Manager Barbara Bowie, Desert Regional Librarian or wish to we will let Linda M. Wood, Director • P.O. Box 468 • Riverside, CA 92502-0468 • (714) 782-5211 LA QUINTA LIBRARY PLANNING BUDGET Following are estimated costs for an 8,000 square foot library for La Quinta: Site acquisition, one acre $354,880 Site utilities, site preparation, fees testing 90,000 Architectural fees 64,600 Construction 760,000 Interior design services 20,000 Project management, reserve for contingenciesl 152,338 Library furnishings and equipment 180,000 Total $1,621,818 65% eligible for State Bonds $lr054,182 35% local match required Recommended Library materials budget Total local costs (35% match and library materials) $567,636 373,998 $941,634 1. Includes a public works factor since partial federal or state funding may be involved CITY OF LA QUINTA APPLICATION FOR A COMMUNITY SERVICES GRANT Name of Organization Requesting Grant: Amount Requested: $ Contact Person: Address: La Quinta, California 92253 Phone: Date Submitted: RIVERSIDE COUNTY COIS BYRD, SHERIFF Sheriff 46.057 OASIS STREET • INDIO, CA 92201 • (619) 342.8800 September 18, 1989 Ru identb Fan An Even Bettet La Quinta P. 0. Box 251 La Quinta, CA 92253 Attention: Rupert E. ye66ay.can Dean Sit: We have received youx tettet o6 Augua.t 29, 1989, negand.ing your concern o6 a high butgtaty Late in La Quinta. We compared the burgtary tote bon the 6ix month period o6 January 1 to June 30, jot each o6 .the ta6t 6ouA years, ua.ing the FBI Pant 1 Crime Index. We bound that jot the pabt hour yeata, there ha6 been no 6.igni6.icant .inctea6e .in the number o6 buAgtaniea .in La Quinta. The number o6 actuat burgtaA.ie,6 are: 1986 - 92 butgtatiee 1987 - 101 butgtanie6 1988 - 108 bungtaniea 1989 - 100 bungtahi,e6 On 9-7-89, we added Community Se vice 06b.icet (CSO) Matt Cattwnight to your city .Zaw en6orcement 6ta66. We hope .the ptu ence o6 another patrot can w.iU have a detettent eb6ect on chime. The C.S.U. w.i,U aa6.i6t your deputies by handling home o6 the minor catU 6or 6env.ice that .tie up your patto.Zmen. Thi.6 witattow youA deputi.ee mote .time to .invati.gate the mote .important caaea, such a6 buAgtaAy. We have at6o teatigned out Inveatigati.on Section and now have one .inve.ati,gatot uzigned to handle a i the6t6 06 ptopenty .in La Quinta. We hope th.i,6 wiU improve out ab.iPity to .impact the the6t6 in your city. Thank you 6or the oppottun.i ty to tapond to your conceA" Feet 64ee to contact me of my 6tab6 .in the 6utute. vtm SinceteZy, COIS M. BYRD, SHERIFF., Michael R. Lewi.6. Captain Cove Station Commander. Mailing Address: P.O. Box FFFF, Indio, CA 92201 GL102 8/20/99 CITY OF LA OUINTA STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION PAGE ONE PERIOD 7/88 THROUGH 6/99 GENERAL FUND STATE FEDERAL COMMUNITY GA` T4 MV. SHARING DEVELOPMENT FUND FUND BLOCK GRANT ASSETS CAM SEC PAC MONEY MKT AC 318180 5&%14.93- 9066.60 903734,84 51499.91 PETTY CASH 700.00 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 3462.26 PREPAID EXPENSES 3436,48 DEPOSITS -WORKERS COMPENSATION 57666.74 EMPLOYEE ADVANCES/TRAVEL 2203.20 DUE FROM OTHER GOVERNMENTS 601637.27 28524.22 665.31 DUE FROM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 9619,20 INVESTMENTS - LAIF 4639000*00 INVEST/G2EAT AM SAV/5/29/89 100000400 INVEST/GREAT WESTERW8R/89 500000.00 INVEST/REPUBLIC FED/8/7/99 100000.00 INVEST/FAR WEST/7/7/89 9800p.00 INVEST/WESTERN FED/7R/89 100000.00 INVEST/COUNTY SAVINGSR/7/89 100000000 INVEST/VALLEY FED/8/7/89 100000,00 INVEST/GLENDALE FED/7/24/89 100000.00 INVEST/G_ENDAL.E FED/9/1/89 300000.00 INVEST/SO CAL SAVINGS/8/14/89 98000400 INVEST/D06W SAVINGS/8/21/89 100000400 INVEST/CAL FED SAVIN(5/7/19/89 100000.00 INVEST/GLENDALE FED/9/1/89 100000.00 INVEST/GREAT WESTERN/11/6/89 500000.00 INTERFUND TRANSFER ACCOUNT 70438.54 TOTAL ASSETS 7204435636 93M9.06 52165,22 LIABILITIES 6 EQUITY LIABILITIES ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ACCRUED EXPENSES 219909.96- 34401.70- 1959 PERS SURVIVOR BENEFITS 606.39- MISC.PAYROLL ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DEPOSITS PAYABLE DEPOSITS/NELLO RODS DIST 89 40709.72- DEPOSIT/SIGNAL.-EISENi n/C STRONG NOTION INST. PROGRAM 1348.0 - REIHANmMARK/CONTRACT INSP SVC FRINGE TOED LIZARD FEES 42774.00- S SCMOMITICONTROL ENCUMBRANCE 5024.00- RESERVE FOR FNCL14FRANMS TOTAL LIABILITIES 310372.14- 3440I.70- RESERVE - LANDMARK 1075360.49- FUND BALAWtE 5818702.73- 897857.36- 52165.22- TOTAL LIABILITIES 6 EQUITY 7204435.36- 932259.06- 52165.22- L G IO2 8/20/89 ASSETS CASH SEC PAC MONEY MKT AC 318180 PETTY CASH ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE PREPAID EXPENSES DEPOSITS -WORKERS COMPENSATION EMPLOYEE ADVANCES/TRAVEL DUE FROM OTHER GOVERNMENTS DUE FROM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY DUE FROM C V WATER DISTRICT GENERAL FIXED ASSETS PAYMENT OF LONG TERM DEBT INVESTMENTS - LAIF INVEST/GREAT AM SAV/5/29/89 INVEST/GREAT WESTERN/8/7/89 INVEST/RFPUBLIC FED/8R/89 INVEST/FAR WEST/7/7/89 INVEST/WESTERN FED/7/7/89 INVEST/COUNTY SAVINER/7/89 INVESTNALLEY FED/8/7/89 INVEST/GLENDALE FED/7/24/89 INVEST/GLENDALE FED/9/1/89 INVEST/SO CAL SAVINGS/8/14/89 INIEST/DOWIEY SAVINGS/8/21/89 INVEST/CAL FED SAVINGSR/19/89 INVEST/BLENDALE FED/9/1/89 INVEST/MEAT WESTERN/11/6/89 INVEST/DENMAN AND COMPANY TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES At EGUITY LIABILITIES INTERFUND TRANSFER ACCOUNT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ACCRUED EXPENSES 1959 PERS SURVIVOR BENEFITS MISC.PAYROLL ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DEPOSITS PAYABLE DEPOSITS/FELLO ROOS DIST 89 DEP05TTS/SIGNAL-EISENHOWER/C STRONG MOTION INST, PROGRAM T INSP SVC FRINGE TOED LIZARD FEES SCHOOL. MITIGATION FEES COMP ABSENCES PAYABLE INVEST.IN GENERAL FIXED ASSETS ENCUMBRANCE CONTROL RESERVE FOR ENCUMBRANCES TOTAL LIABILITIES RESERVE - LANDMARK FUND BAC.ANCE TOTAL LIABILITIES 6 EQUITY CITY OF LA GUINTA SIATEKNT OF FINANCIAL POSITION PAGE TWO PERIOD! 7/88 THROUGH 6/89 LANDSCAPE SEWER INFRA - MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT STRUCTURE DISTRICT 1 DISTRICT 88-1 FUND 74955.23 404294.96- 795441*30 5349.20 316,60 VILLAGE PARKING FUND 3456,96 953.60 8878.16 10190.29 44.35 425090.50 746846.59 76225,43 776520,29 810980.79 3501431 70438,54- 3231.24- 260734.33- 3231.24- 260734.33- 70438,54- 72994.19- 515765.96- 810980,79- 66937,23 76225.43- 776520,29- 810980,79- 3501.31- GL102 CITY OF LA QUINTA 8/20/R9 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION PAGE THREE PERIOD 7/8B THROUGH 6/89 LONG GENERAL TERN FIXED OUIMBY DEBT ASSETS FUND ASSETS CASH 29815.84 SEC PAC MONEY MKT AC 318180 PETTY CASH ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE PREPAID EXPENSES DEPOSITS -WORDS COMPENSATION EMPLOYEE ADVANCES/TRAVEL DUE FROM OTHER GOVERNMENTS 332,66 DUE FROM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY DUE FROM C V WATER DISTRICT GENERAL FIXED ASSETS 2256103.04 PAYMENT OF LONG TERM DEBT 268602.5E INVESTMENTS - LAIF INVEST/GREAT AM SAV/5/29/89 INVEST/6REAT WESTERN/8/7/89 INVEST/REPUBLIC FED/8/7/89 INVEST/FAR WEST/7R/89 INVEST/4EsTERN FED/7/7/89 INVEST/COUMTY SAVINGSR/7/89 INVEST/VALLEY FEDR/l989 INVEST/OLENDAL.E FEDR/24/89 INVEST/GLENDALE FEDnI1/89 INVEST/SO CAL SAVTNGS/8/14/89 INVEST/DOW EY SAVINGS/8/21/89 INVEST/CAL FED SAVINGS/?/19/89 INVEST/aMO)ALE FED/9/1/89 INVEST/ORFAT 1ESTERN/li/6/B9 INTERFUND TRANSFER ACCOUNT TOTAL ASSETS 268602,58 2256103.04 30148,50 LIABILITIES & EOUITY LIABILITIES AMOUNTS PAYABLE ACCRUED D8 DOWREY SAV LOAN/P3913-M 5/1 CAL FED SAVNG/P3/13/M4/17 1959 PERS SURVIVOR BENEFITS CONTRACTS PAYABLE - COMPUTER CONTRACTS PAYABLE - FIRE TRUCK 129374,36- MISC.PAYROLL ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DEPOSITS PAYABLE DEPOSITS/lEOOL ROOS DIST 89 DEPOSIT/SIGNAL-EISENHOWER/C. STRONG MOTION INST, PROGRAM f INSP SVC FRINGE TOED LIZARD FEES SCHOOL MITIGATION FEES COMP ABSENCES PAYABLE 139228,22- INVESB.IN GENERAL FIXED ASSETS 2256103,04- CONTROL RESERVE FOR ENCOMBRANCES TOTAL LIABILITIES 268602,58- 2256103.04- RESERVE - LANDMARK FUND BALANCE 30148,50- TOTAL LIABILITIES S EQUITY 268602.58- 2xj6103.04- 30148.50- GL102 CITY OF LA QUINTA 8/20/89 STATEM1ENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION PAGE FOUR PERIOD 7/88 THROUGH 6/89 ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT 86-1 DISTRICT DISTRICT AGENCY 89-1 89-2 FUND CASH 5064.00- 1778,24 6418,13 SEC PAC MONEY MKT AC 318180 PETTY CASH ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE PREPAID EXPENSES DEPOSITS-WORIQ RS COMPEMATION EMPLOYEE ADVANCES/TRAVEL DE OTHER WMNiENT FROMFROM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 22.18 3819.10 DUE FROM C V WATER DISTRICT PAYMENT OF LONG TERM DEBT INVESTMENTS - LAIF INVEST/GREAT AM SAV/5/29/89 INVEST/GREAT WESTERN/8/7/89 /7n/89 /89 /24/89 aA INVEST/DE~ AND COMPANY 86237,21 IWERFUND TRANSFER ACCOUNT TOTAL ASSETS 5064.00- 1900,42 96474,44 LIABILITIES S EQUITY LIABILITIES INTERFUND TRANSFER ACCOUNT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ACCRUED EIS 211,64- 16421.41- DOWNEY SAV LOAN/P3,13-M 5/1 CAL FED SNMVP3/13/144/17 1959 PERS SURVIVOR BENEFITS CONTRACTS PAYABLE - COMPUTER CONTRACTS PAYABLE - FIRE TRUCK MISC.PAYROLL ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DEPOSITS PAYABLE DEPOSITS/MEOOL ROOS DTST 89 DIPOSIT/SIGNAL-EIS[?HOWER/C STRONG MOTION INST. PROGRAM REVAANDMARK/CONTRACT INSP SW FRINGE TOED LIZARD FEES SO4ML MITIGATIOkN FEES COMP ABSENCES PAYABLE HOLDING ACCOUNT/SEWER ASSES 25000,00- ASSES,SMEwTS/DEPOSITS 85598.44- ENCUMBRANCE CONTROL RESERVE FOR FNCOKBRANCES TOTAL LIABILITIES 211.64- 41421,41- 85598,44- RESERVE - LANDMARK RJND BALANCE 5275.64 39620.919 10876.00- TOTAL LIABILITIES 6 EQUITY`,064.00 1800,42- 96474.44- 873926.5E 5086,6( 700,0( 8811,4E 3753.0E 57666,71 2203,2C 655067,14 9619,2C 425090.5C 268602.5E 463SMoOo 100000.00 500000.00 100000.00 98o0o,oc loo0oo,oc 100000.0c 100000,00 100000.0c 300000,00 98000.00 100000#00 100000,00 100000,00 500000.00 833083,80 70438,54 10240049.40 70438,54- 534910,30- 100000.00 100000,00 606.39- 129374.36- 40709.72- 1348,05.r 42774,00- 5024,00- 139228.22- 25M.00- S5598,44- 87`,Al2.02- 107`,360, 49- 8297676,89- 10248049.40- -�7 �(�aON,JINNNTCz I CIO N t7a�AD �ZZZp-4 �000�ox �N O�CA I rI I f I I I I f I I I I I I I I I I I I i l l l l t l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A AAJ�AA � WWWW�IW � N ICbIOI��b���yy 1 r 0�C7OON►Y`O�O�AWIV ~f�70p� -4aii9 -4 tn'1S 90 � f.D 0' G f' U"f, �'" X G r S"r as a; to z�z a I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 1 I 1 NN A W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W O W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W R! babbbbaaaa,IbabaaY N N�L�77rrUNN NNrY I MI�,11� rY SIP N> W N r O N 0 r O O N 0 J�jjxxlfflfl x MK -i-i TlN Arnz Y -= z rr r � 5pA N 1 N�IxaQ kfl. .pt0rY~~s�YP+,IN h1fl.-gg p.OMIC NA&A.. W"U OW A�W NOOvaaAA . 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OO,Oph+ G'1X O� **O�S Ci SSg a#'kAa %010 •� *A*AOOA **8 -� # # # # # r Zi x A r, a m C�ON000 000 00000 000 000 0000 �-Fji N r O O O O O 00 pC x Wxxxxatbe xxx xxxxx xxat xxat xxuW:ItWW �,txxx Go p Todf 4 144a QuAro COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 19, 1989 ITEM TITLE: Community Safety Departmental Report For July, 1989 AGENDA CATEGORY: PUBLIC HEARING --- BUSINESS SESSION --- CONSENT CALENDAR --- STUDY SESSION --- DEPARTMENTAL REPORT d BACKGROUND Monthly Report for July for Code Enforcement, Animal Control, Sheriff and Fire Departments. (Attached Reports: Sheriff & Fire Department) FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None RECOMMENDATIONS: Informational Submitted by: COMMUNITY SAFETY DEPT. ROGER T. HIRDLER COMMUNITY SAFETY DIRECTOR FORM001 APPROVED BY: Approved for submission to City Council: RON KIEDROWSKI CITY MANAGER COMMUNITY SAFETY ACTIVITY REPORT July 1. 1989 CODE ENFORCEMENT Nuisance Abatements Completed Weed Abatements Completed Vehicle Abatements Completed Warning Notices Vehicles Vehicles Actually Towed Total Incident Reports Citation Issued Animal Pickups Dogs Cats Animals Redeemed Dogs Cats Bite Reports Citations Issued MTHLRPT02 1987 12 199 153 479 52 343 35 ANIMAL CONTROL 371 270 55 4 31 82 ' 1 1988 1989 15 162 250 128 107 43 349 .I 337 12 0 379 727 33 I 55 JULY 60 27 4 62 0 104 11 445 248 31 250 138 19 104 78 12 2 0 0 24 31 3 129 86 14 IC Community Safety Monthly Report July, 1989 Page 2 Burglary Auto Theft Citations Dwelling Medical Aid Total Response MTHLRPT2 SHERIFF'S ACTIVITY - 20 - down - 13.0% - 6 - up + 100% - 11 - down - 94.6% FIRE DEPARTMENT ACTIVITY - 0 - $0.00 - 26 - 39 2 I Cn,ozx" TT•--.ZZO nrx3 -t ZtinO p >->O3w-4 »ZZoor .+0--1 O MaMCO0>0 P O OAAti nni P1F ZN> -1J4-LZZr -4r31. -4 NH>A.I7P�Z 1 ti Z>.•> i ZMA 1 >-1 »CC 1 I" >rr > OOZO. MITI" ► I TZr 11 "o"mm" rr70A�" NM r Z Or m n M r PITH 11 Z Z>00 «ZZM "W" -t »A W mi-tzm y OnnNO2 L/_0 O• m 2-411[10401< v n *qn3>m A70 NO >C1n Z ZO> m3<N m 70 2 rV m r AN Zn2n ZnV1 NZT Tm > 1.I 1.. r v 0.•I0"0. NT 1T C 2 Z m O.<•1 C n n n n 1 V1 r m nC n > Z < n cam C w. 7v < T r ut INN+F+rI Amy v �►-a-� 00 1-OOPJw 00I+000►• ""N a 00.40W001+ P OOo CD -C 2ti 1 I I > v or N mA m m 1 I < F- VI NNRI m 1••00N 0 1+ N ON W N a I�o-am 1b. I-WNJWP OOI-WF•NO WOW a aW1 OW-000 O WOJA A I11 1 1 III M 11 1 aaa V 1 J1 a" O ►-N 1 OPI. 1 •% > OZZPVIo, ZZYIZaZJ1 #V10 O ZOOWVIZZZ u, rmv0 r . \\... \\. \• \. . . . . \.... \\\ . . . n r O»j.NJ »O>r>O PW+ O >0000»1h. m OJOa3 .. 1 m v p r rm > 2 A nOT -t0 = A 70>A m Z TN 2 TYn 2 Tr.r-t Z O<VCOCM Om=cmn=nmrl 7ocrm m -IFIAPA•-IN -i>2AAACrmrt1NN -4~i 1flfVI>OOP•mn0 0 O ZMX-nDm>ZmN nOCCNO Sn>n0rrm-ry Srm»NAONxt SXNmm20NA\ O 70 n lm Inmzzztim m>vmZr.+nrm fro"InzZooz >m m >mm..< r n • 7vZr Mm 7v70\<>n^ C2 7bnVb 70 mn«2n Zn I m Zo+ Pm TZZ m 111 MN > N rm 3p« r N.+J O 2 ma >Zv►•m> N> m0 1> O 1< A -f> -.CD .y <O ZC I+ m 7vfiU AOC SZ C 22 -C70 Z - m '7» Ir2 M.. ZO n CN In0 N mm O zo mrr m» 09<aG'fA O N a A i0 \ .Q - - yml.•C H 2 t 2 N n O> m O r Vorm n AN N> A Z m =1"m ' NN 1013. 1n Mn n C -t J. mzz Z rpm 22 2 H < A CNn O m m.. " o m X." Nm m v o m -/ T T r in O 2 w 0 70 F+ n m 1 7 O A O .� arn - A < . ►+ /+ VI F+ WO W I+N 1+ NJrP 11- - Nam A _ - - 01"n-ul aWa cool.. •OOOOCD oo1-V1004.000rr 0I+4,0010P000 N . Cn a m 7O m n 1 0 W O 1+F- V W NJ•J ►-1- N"v Z OJmJPPa 000-0J0J0-44• OOW1a0atmw+N ONVMOOmO t-ti -1 1 1 to 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 < a O VIWNW 1 Qrm 1 P 1-• !- "1 V N►- V" N lot 1.0JmWmO ZZZWVIVn-2VIJ ZZOO►+ZJaN2JP 20022ZVIOJ c a') • • • • • • • \\\. • .. \.. \\... \... \. • \.. \\\... n 111* _ NON10•WWO »>WJNN>aP »OOI+>N►-m>WJ >00»>OOVIS C< G n co OD C T Na a1+ h-N NWP F-F• 1+r> I•I-a VIJa VI OOOI4•POOJJ OOI+VIyOWJJ OWW C"WOOh-Vlamr m 1 r T Wa ON F-N NWP I-F- I.-mn N WtJJPNa 001+f•Vlt 1OV1a OOM�WmOJPVM-I+N OO�OOOfPVH 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 O JNN►+ 1 1 rm I N "I P 1 1 r N po" I PC N NV1mmPar ZZZVIOJOZWP ZZOPOZTNI+ZOD, ZZVIZZZVIINW A ....... \\\.... \. 0 \\... \... \.. \\. WOPPJAO »>00-1P>W�O »OJO>NWWNW »O»>OVIWS O 1 s n r m W NJ J 1+ F+►+ Nam VINVIVIVII✓VI 000**-PWOMr OOOOJ•oWJ"Coo OONOOONNav C n ►. r+ w m m JOt-OPPOI 0001W •- Jr F.VF+ JJ VI WPV17r0 OOVIONam ZZZOOZOZVIJ• ZZOOOZNJPZI+F- ZOOZZOW00\ .. • .... \\\.. .. \. • \\... \... \.. \.. \\. . • • A 0000000 31,31*>0000>00 30,111,000>000>00 >00)>0000> J .+ m �03 RIVERSIDE COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT CITY OF LA QUINTA �. P&RIOD OF 07/01/69 TO 07/31/89 TYPH`' NO. DOLLAR LOSS DOLLAR SAVE ----------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ DWELLING 0 $0.00 00+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- , COMMERCIAL BUILDING 01 0 ; $0.00 ; $0.00 ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- VEHICLE ; 0 ; $0.00 ; $0.00 ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER FIRE 2 ; $100.00 ; $0.00 ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FALSE ALARM 8 ; 11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MEDICAL AID ; 26 ; ; 11 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUBLIC SERVICE 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIRE MENACE STANDBY 1 3 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------=- TOTALS ; 39•; $100.00 ; $0.00 ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *DWELLING* Includes single & multiple family units. *VEHICLE* Includes cars, trucks, trains & aircraft. *OTHER FIRE* Includes vegetation, refuse, utilities, and other structures not classed above. r �a avti+4a puG 1��gg9 CAi�' CQOm�y��ty OY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: SEPTEMBER 26, 1989 AGENDA CATEGORY: MONTHLY REPORTS PUBLIC HEARING: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION DEPARTMENTAL REPORT: BACKGROUND• Monthly report for the month of August from the Planning and Development Department: Current Planning Division, Advance Planning Division, and Building Division. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDATION• Submitted by: Approved for submission to City Council: a ju "b7 /C/�" RON KIEDROWSKI, CITY MANAGER BJ/CC#9/26.F1 CURRENT PLANNING MONTHLY REPORT AUGUST, 1989 BJ/ CURRENT PLANNING DIVISION - AUGUST, 1989 PLOT PLANS: 89-421 89-422 89-423 89-424 89-425 LANDMARK LAND COMPANY LA QUINTA HOTEL EXPANSION PC HEARING 73 UNITS 10/10/89 LANDMARK LAND COMPANY CITRUS COURSE CLUBHOUSE PC HEARING JEFFERSON & 50TH WEST SIDE 9/26/89 LANDMARK LAND COMPANY TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ON HOLD SALES OFFICES -PGA WEST LANDMARK LAND COMPANY STORAGE BUILDING AT OUT FOR MAINTENANCE CENTER COMMENT AVENUE 58 DEANE HOMES TT 423971 - MODEL HOME OUT FOR COMPLEX - WASHINGTON ST. COMMENT ENTRY N/W PORTION 89-094 WILLIAMS DEV. FUTURE FACILITY SIGN APPROVED RANCHO OCOTILLO S/E CORNER FRED WARING & ADAMS STREET 89-095 TRANSPACIFIC DEV. FUTURE FACILITY SIGN APPROVED N/E CORNER HWY 111 & WASHINGTON ST AS WELL AS N/W CORNER OR ADAMS ST. 89-096 A.G. SPANOS FUTURE FACILITY SIGN APPROVED EAST SIDE WASHINGTON ST. BETWEEN 47TH & 48TH AVE. 89-097 GEORGE ELKINS LEASE SIGN FOR FUTURE APPROVED BUILDINGS - PLAZA TAMPICO GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT: 89-028 CITY OF LA QUINTA CHANGE OF ZONE: 89-048 CITY OF LA QUINTA ANNEXATION #5 SECTION CONTINUED TO 4 & 9 PORTIONS 10 & 1% PC HEARING 9/26/89 ANNEXATION #5 PREZONING CONTINUED TO SECTIONS 4 & 9 & PORTIONS PC HEARING OF 10 & 15 9/26/89 Jh 1J / PAGE 2 OF 4 TENTATIVE TRACT: 24801 SUNRISE DESERT PARTNERS 21846 SUNRISE DESERT PARTNERS 25125 STROTHER ENTERPRISES 21880 J.F. DAVIDSON EXT. #2 I.D.G. DEV. CORP. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP: NONE DIVISION OF 31.4 ACRES INTO 8 CONDO LOTS -PGA WEST SOUTH OF 54TH AVE. REVISED UNIT COUNT -PGA WEST 117 LOT S.F. DEVELOPMENT (OLD TT 24026) DIVISION OF 731 ACRES INTO 330 S.F. LOTS S/E CORNER 52ND AVE. & BERMUDAS LOT LINE ADJUSTMENTS: 89-077 WARWICK/EVANS ADJUST 3 LOTS INTO 2 89-078 BALDHOSKY/DAVIS ADJUST 3 LOTS INTO 1 89-079 MURRAY/MORGAN ADJUST 3 LOTS INTO 2 89-080 LA QUINTA JOINT VENTURE 89-081 BARCON DEV/GOLDS SPECIFIC PLANS: 121-E LANDMARK LAND AMD. #2 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: 89-141 LANDMARK LAND 89-142 STROTHER ENT. 89-143 CITY OF LA QUINTA 89-144 VALLEY LAND DEV. PC HEARING 9/26/89 PC HEARING 9/26/89 OUT FOR COMMENT OUT FOR COMMENT IN PROCESS IN PROCESS IN PROCESS IN PROCESS IN PROCESS ADD 80 HOTEL UNITS & PC HEARING POOL - LA QUINTA HOTEL 10/10/89 LA QUINTA HOTEL EXPANSION PC HEARING 10/10/89 117 LOT S.F. SUBDIVISION OUT FOR COMMENT ANNEXATION #5-PREZONING CONTINUED TO PC HEARING 9/26/89 PARCEL & TENTATIVE TRACT APPLICATION I� MAPS INCOMPLETE () DDTDn Ann - 1) PAGE 3 OF 4 PARCEL MERGER: 89-204 JOHN & PEGGY DINIUS 89-205 CORINE WESTBURG 89-206 THOMAS & TEERY CARAMELLO 89-207 MICHAEL BANGERTER 89-208 TONY & MAXINE FAIRCHILD VARIANCE: M PUBLIC USE PERMIT: NONE MINOR OUTDOOR EVENTS: 89-015 5K & 10K PRIVATE RUNNING RACE LA QUINTA HOTEL RPTPD.000 - 3 - 2 LOTS IN PROCESS 2 LOTS IN PROCESS 2 LOTS IN PROCESS 2 LOTS IN PROCESS 4 LOTS IN PROCESS APPROVED PAGE 4 OF 4 CASE SUMMARY - AUGUST, 1989 ------------------------- Residential Adjustments Precise Plan Plot Plans Sign Approvals Conditional Use Permits Change of Zones Tentative Tract Maps Tentative Parcel Maps Lot Line Adjustments Specific Plans (including Amendments) Environmental Assessments Parcel Mergers General Plan Amendments Street Vacations Variances Public Use Permits Zoning Ordinance Amendments Subdivision Ordinance Amendment Home Occupations Minor Outdoor Events Appeals T O T A L S YEAR AUGUST TO 1986 -------------------------------------- 1987 1988 1989 DATE 0 0 0 0 0 66 157 240 27 180 102 18 15 6 22 21 16 18 3 21 0 0 0 0 0 4 5 8 1 13 7 3 16 4 18 0 1 4 0 4 6 7 12 5 31 4 4 2 1 5 18 18 22 3 30 13 18 34 5 116 8 2 2 1 6 0 1 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 3 2 0 0 0 2 0 3 1 0 5 0 1 0 0 0 - 9 25 2 28 0 0 8 1 7 0 0 1 0 0 253 267 408 59 492 RPTPD.000 - 4 - ADVANCE PLANNING DIVISION MONTHLY REPORT AUGUST, 1989 - 1 - BJ/RPTPD.001 ADVANCE PLANNING DIVISION MONTHLY REPORT AUGUST, 1989 (Numbers and letters refer to assignment priorities.) A. Priority Assignments: 1.A. Village Zoning Map. Wrote General Plan Amendment (incorporating Area 5 into the Village) as "Urban Mix" allowing both Commercial and High Density Residential. Analyzed Specific Plan for the Village. Wrote revisions to the Specific Plan. Wrote Area 5 into another subzone of the Village Commercial and added it to the Village Zoning Text. Created a new table of uses permitted in Village Commercial. Prepared map of Village Zoning Area 5. Made field visits to Area 5 to double check standards to apply to the new area. Figured acreages of uses and vacant land and streets. Wrote memo and resolution for Planning Commission on General Plan Amendment, Village Specific Plan, Village Zoning Text, and Change of Zone. B. Other Activities during Reporting Period. 1. C.D.B.G. Coordination. Wrote memo and resolution for City Council to reprogram Year 13 funds from site acquisition to construction of Senior Center. 2. Recreation Planning. Reviewed change of location of Deane Homes Park location. Evaluated land to be left after D.S.U.S.D. buys 50 acres along the Whitewater Wash. Only 3.4 acres will be left. This is not large enough to be a community park, even with some of the Wash included. An earlier memo gave recommendations on a plan for a community park. 3. Current Planning. Reviewed project applications and participated in review sessions including Parcel Map No. 24860 Landmark Land at the Highway 111 southeast City limits; Tentative Tract No. 23971, review construction trailer site on Deane Homes; Tentative Tract No. 24950, Change of Zone NO. 89-047, Chong Lee; Setback Adjustment No. 89-009 on a back to back pair of lots; Tentative Tract No. 23955 reviewed street names and continuity; reviewed Civic Center sign draft; Plot Plan NO. 89-422, Oak Tree West; reviewed street names and continuity for Lake La Quinta; reviewed Deane Homes park location and drainage basin; reviewed street names in PGA West; Public Use Permit No. 89-005, child care center; Plot Plan No. 89-424 and PGA West storage building site. BJ/RPTPD.001 3.B. Highway ill. Began update of Specific Plan. Started file of older material. Revised outline to simplify. Re -read State requirements on specific plans. Held update meeting with C.V.W.D. on plans and sizes of pipes. Called C.V.A.S. for a statement to include in the plan. Wrote a letter to C.V.H.S. asking for historical material. Studied Caltrans manuals for guidance on medians and landscaping. Discussed two proposed school sites with D.S.U.S.D. 4. Meetings, Conferences, Training. Attended CVAG Bikeways Committee. 5. Research. Researched and found copy of County Washington Street Specific Plan. 7. Housing Element Update. Finished first draft of revision including new data. Reviewed typed version and made corrections. Submitted copy to Director and City Manager for review. 8. Hillside Ordinance. Revised Hillside Conservation Ordinance. Discussed implementation with Engineering. Advised numerous citizens on H.C. Zone. Did map of H.C. Zone. 9. Parking Ordinance Revision: Reviewed typed Off -Street Parking Ordinance. Revised sections and resubmitted for corrections. 10. Transfer of Development Rights: Revised Ordinance. Submitted advance copies of Hillside and Transfer of Development Rights to Planning Commission and Council for early review. Wrote memo for joint meeting. Mailed out H.C. & T.D.R. to interested parties. 11. General Plan Amendments. Wrote up changes to streets in General Plan Amendment as per Engineering recommendations. Wrote memos and resolutions for Planning Commission. 12. Dark Sky Ordinance. Revised and polished Outdoor Lighting Ordinance and wrote memo and resolution for Planning Commission. 13. Design Review Standards: Prepared Design Review Standards for joint Planning Commission/City Council meeting. 3 - BJ/RPTPD.001 BUILDING DIVISION MONTHLY REPORT AUGUST, 1989 BJ/ M in N N O) Q Z O LL J t2 Q E yl N O O\ zu 7 MOo (H�• OOO�Mo QQQ ?1 cOM co ail y N �f] IO O N -7 kD 1l 1l f- co O O f� co O W Oi N m CO w M W r-1 v-i O\j p >4 un M M O v1 O � O LIN O r- ti ul N N H N C7 ON Ln N �o O O -7 O 00 W O N O\ N �O co ON M w (y �7 00 M N N N 00 O\ 177 .� �7 !V <O O M %O <O M 4" d N O1 if) N O N N O\ N u•1 r� O m O O O O O O O V1 v1 ON O O O O 00 O w m w O� r� r� V1 00 O �O 0 w n <C w 1 O\ O� O� �--i W .7 O 00 v1 to N O n .7 N m Q M N a0 CO N WH 00 H Q W'J'� L O <o N 00 N NON N m M A O M N N C4 M 00 00 �c O 'r �O M O N O C 4 r 0 � to a ro .� to o � Y 00 rn H a o I T a A H D A H D A N D A H A H 5 A H A H J q H A H A H D q H A H D A H A H c A N D A N 00 A N D A N n 00 Cl) M 00 N O --i Cl) Cl) �t �O 't m L/1 m ul Cl) �7 m �o Cl) N ,-+ .--� �t 1� 00 (•1 -1 00 00 Cl) It m co M 11 00 N -1 It n m Lr) d N r` d �--� .-� M U1 � n CY1 Ul tv 00 M Lr1 �1 � O .1t ul 00 u'� -t U1 w 0) be O P. r- N 00 -� t` n t` O r� rl O r� a0 M r� M O O O N .t .t 00 —4 �o cc 00 O V1 V1 O O On N �C V1 -t O V1 00 00 N N N O Cl) •--� �o -T M -t -t 'T N Cl) a M cV M M r4 M M F O 00 O 'r V1 -t V1 O O O �O �o O O O O m 00 V1 O rr) O �O %0 rb N 00 O O O ON m O t\ C� V1 C� r` n .7 M 00 r, 00 00 00 00 00 >a w H 3 r-I �r7ca3 3 o m - - - = = - -H co bf ccc o 60 0o >, a W � 7 34 •G c .H H o •C o co u u C C E o a a rn _ _ _ _ _ a avc co) H w° v 0 > co �l00 C O 0) O O O O O N cc O O % N C ,C ,� W C '0 14 1 w rl O w .� C +•1 C C w 1 w cc cc $4 C N x i4 u 01 u d N cc (3) ri 14 w cc W r I m 0) w m ►+ w m > w rl H u > w r1 cc 10 0 r1 cc •rl •rl cc •rl cc cc C cc -H 3 cc u w w w z w > V w z w x Lr) o rr, o Lr, o o rn V, o O o 0 0 Lr) n'1 O 00 M -�t T M N O r- r\ M O O T q q I:r M a M \0 00 rl M . q cn -�T .o H I H I I I I I I 1 I I I I H 1 1 I O _T O IT M lT M N IT M m Cl) n O 00 -�T -T V') > V') rr 1 rrl Ln Ln N V1 V) -T rr1 V'l 5 I, --? ^✓1 C\ N 00 M �O M It N M 1T V) %O N r, .-a N r\ �c r, n r, m C� cn M M M M M M V1 V1 Ln V'1 V1 V1 %C %0 �-O 'O \0 'O 'O '0 �o CN OD O\ r-4 u d 00 u al 0 �i O O 1l O u1 Cl) r, � N 1n It 1t It a O u1 ON . �o v1 kC M 00 L7 u•1 u•� M �Y O 00 00 E-! k[�WSy, O Cl) tr1 N 00 1l �O N '-+ I7 1�0 M �t O M 00 00 -t 00 00 It 00 ti Cl) Cl) 00 l7 . 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Chairwoman Ladner advised that Mr. Molina is an instructor at C.O.D. and a special teachers' meeting was scheduled for this evening, therefore, Mr. Molina asked that he be excused. PRESENT: Commissioners Beck, Kennedy, Ladner, Mendoza ABSENT: Commissioners Benedict, Molina, and Pina REORGANIZATION OF COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP The Commissioners concurred to table this matter until the next regularly scheduled meeting of September 25, 1989. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS PUBLIC COMMENT STAN SNIFF, P. 0. Box 1414, La Quinta, stated that he would like the Commission to consider sponsoring an Academic Incentive Program within the La Quinta schools. He felt that it is important to reward and encourage academic achievements and good study habits. In answer to Mrs. Mendoza, Mr. Sniff stated that he would like to see a cooperative effort from teachers and staff at the schools and suggested that the Community Services Commission present a certificate to a substantial number of children who meet the criteria of this program. Mrs. Mendoza stated that she would discuss this matter with the principals of the other schools. The Commissioners concurred to discuss this matter at a future date. OLD BUSINESS A. COMMITTEE REPORTS 1. Human Services Committee a. Selection of Recipient(s) for "LA QUINTA BEAUTIFUL" award for the month of August. /,� Community Services Page 2 August 28, 1989 Commission The following homes were nominated for the "Most Improved" award: Mrs. Mendoza and Mrs. Kennedy nominated the home at 51-295 Eisenhower; Mr. Beck and Chairwoman Ladner nominated 52-415 Carranza. The Commissioners concurred to select, as the August recipient, the home at 52-415 Avenida Carranza. The following homes were nominated for the "Most Beautiful" award: Mrs. Mendoza nominated the home at 53-743 Bermudas; Mr. Beck nominated the home at 50-735 Calle Quinto; Mrs. Kennedy and Chairwoman Ladner nominated the home at 77-480 Calle Colima. Receiving the majority of the votes, the home at 77-480 Calle Colima was selected as the August recipient for the "Most Beautiful" award. Chairwoman Ladner requested that 77-210 Calle Ensenada be included as one of the nominees in September for the La Quinta Beautiful award. The Commissioners voted to select, as the August recipient, the home at 50-735 Calle Quinto for the "Honorable Mention" award with Mrs. Mendoza voting for the home at 53-743 Bermudas. MOTION - It was moved by Mrs. Kennedy, seconded by Mrs. Mendoza that Mrs. Juhola, Administrative Services Director, send each Commissioner a list of all recipients who has won a "La Quinta Beautiful" award. Unanimously carried. 2. Parks & Recreation Committee Report a. Discussion of Bike Lanes and Master Plan for Parks and Recreation. Chairwoman Ladner mentioned that a couple of issues needing to be discussed are bike lanes and bus stop shelters. She stated that she would like the Commission to present a recommendation to the City Council for a Master Plan for Parks and Recreation. She suggested contacting various colleges as for a small fee they would develop a general plan. Chairwoman Ladner added that at a later date this plan could be taken to contractors of the City's 0-Y choice. By moving in this direction, they could Community Services Page 3 August 28, 1989 Commission establish a general plan, land areas the City needs to project towards purchasing, and develop what the uses would be for these areas. After further discussion, Chairwoman Ladner stated that she would meet with City staff to find out what direction the Commission should take in order to implement this master plan and report back at the next Community Services Commission meeting of September 25, 1989. 3. Culture & Fine Arts Committee Report a. Discussion of "Art in Public Places". Mrs. Mendoza would like to see art placed in various locations of the City and commented that she would like to see the City promote the idea of a committee for "Art in Public Places" and support them with ideas for funding. She stated that the City Manager, Mr. Kiedrowski, commented that this committee should make sure that there is a wide variety of criteria for selecting art pieces because everyone has different taste in art. Mrs. Mendoza suggested placing art at the new Civic Center when built and in the parks and briefly commented on various ways for funding. Mr. Beck stated that he loves this idea, however, he feels the downtown village area is not developed enough for placement of any art work at this time. Chairwoman Ladner felt that this is a great idea and would like to see a piece of art placed at the Civic Center. Mrs. Mendoza commented that forming a committee commissioned by the City would be a start which would allow them to look for possible locations for art, consideration of the criteria for the types of art, and the possibilities for funding sources. She would like this to be an ongoing committee in conjunction with the Arts Foundation. MOTION - It was moved by Mrs. Mendoza, seconded by Mrs. Kennedy that the City of La Quinta consider creating an Art in Public Places Committee and that the Arts Foundation be considered as a part of this committee. After discussing whether this committee should or should not be a subcommittee of the Community Services Commission, Mrs. Mendoza withdrew her motion. Community Services Commission Page 4 August 28, 1989 0 The Commissioners concurred that Mrs. Juhola contact the cities actively involved in a program such as this and forward the information to them for their review. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF JULY 31, 1989. MOTION - It was moved by Mrs. Mendoza, seconded by Mrs. Kennedy to approve the minutes of July 31, 1989 as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS In answer to Chairwoman Ladner, Councilman Sniff briefly commented on the current status of the mini park. There being on further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m. upon motion by Mr. Beck and seconded by Mrs. Mendoza and carried. Respectfully submitted. L' da Cehr City of La Quinta, California