CC Resolution 2017-015RESOLUTION NO. 2017 - 015 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO CONVERT AN EXISTING BUILDING TO MEDICAL OFFICES, AND FIND THE PROJECT EXEMPT FROM THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT CASE NUMBER: SPECIFIC PLAN 2016-0004 (SP 2001-052, AMENDMENT 1) AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2016-0005 APPLICANT: WASHINGTON STREET UROLOGY PROPERTY, LLC WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California did, on the 2nd day of May, 2017, hold a duly noticed Public Hearing, to consider a request by Washington Street Urology Property, LLC for recommendation of approval to the City Council of an amendment to the Omri and Boni Specific Plan and a Conditional Use Permit to allow an existing building to convert to medical offices, generally located at 47474 Washington Street, more particularly described as: APN: 643-200-005 WHEREAS, the Design and Development Department published a public hearing notice in The Desert Sun newspaper on April 21, 2017 as prescribed by the Municipal Code. Public hearing notices were also mailed to all property owners within 500 feet of the site; and, WHEREAS, per SB-18 consultation requirements, the Design and Development Department has forwarded information regarding the proposed amended Specific Plan and Conditional Use Permit to those Tribes referenced on the Tribal Consultation List provided by the Native American Heritage Commission and has received no request for information or consultation from a Tribe; and, Specific Plan 201E-0004 (5P 2001-52, Amendment 1). WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all interested persons desiring to be heard, said City Council did make the following mandatory findings pursuant to Section 9.240.010 of the La Quinta Municipal Code to justify recommending to the City Council approval of said Specific Plan Amendment: Resolution No. 2017- 015 Specific Plan 2016-0004 (SP 2001-052, Amendment 1) and Conditional Use Permit 2016-0005 Adopted: May 2, 2017 Page 2 of 4 1. Consistency with General Plan The proposed Specific Plan amendment is consistent with the goals and policies of the La Quinta General Plan in that the expansion of allowed uses is consistent with the General Plan designation of General Commercial. 2. Public Welfare Approval of the proposed Specific Plan amendment will not create conditions materially detrimental to public health, safety and general welfare. The Design and Development Department has determined that this project is exempt from environmental review pursuant to Section 15301 of the Guidelines implementing CEQA California Environmental Quality Act in that the proposed project can be characterized as an existing facility. 3. Land Use Compatibility The proposed Specific Plan amendment incorporates a land use that is compatible with zoning on adjacent properties. The property will continue to be zoned as Community Commercial. 4. Property Suitability The uses permitted in the Specific Plan amendment are suitable and appropriate for the subject property in that the revisions include allowing uses consistent with the City's Zoning. Conditional Use Permit 2016-0005 WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all interested persons desiring to be heard, said City Council did make the following mandatory findings pursuant to Section 9.210.020 of the La Quinta Municipal Code to justify recommending to the City Council approval of said Conditional Use Permit: 5. Consistency with General Plan The land use is consistent with the General Plan land use designation of General Commercial. The City's General Plan policies relating to General Commercial encourage a full range of retail, office, resort, and institutional businesses within the City, and the proposed use maintains those policies. 6. Consistency with Zoning Code The proposed use is consistent with the development standards of the City's Zoning Code. The Conditional Use Permit has been conditioned to ensure compliance with the zoning standards of the Community Commercial zoning Resolution No. 2017- 015 Specific Plan 2016-0004 (SP 2001-052, Amendment 1) and Conditional Use Permit 2016-0005 Adopted: May 2, 2017 Page 3 of 4 district and other supplemental standards as established in Title 9 of the La Quinta Municipal Code. 7. Compliance with California Environmental Quality Act CE A The Design and Development Department has determined that this project is exempt from environmental review pursuant to Section 15301 of the Guidelines implementing CEQA California Environmental Quality Act in that the proposed project can be characterized as an existing facility. 8. Surrounding Uses As conditioned, approval of the application will not create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare or injurious to or incompatible with other properties or land uses in the vicinity. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: SECTION 1. That the above recitations are true and constitute the Findings of the City Council in this case. SECTION 2. That the above project be determined by the City Council to be exempt from CEQA pursuant to Section 15301 of the CEQA Guidelines. SECTION 3. That it does approve Specific Plan 2016-0004, as set forth in attached "Exhibit A" for the reasons set forth in this Resolution. SECTION 4. That it does hereby approve Conditional Use Permit 2016-0005, for the reasons set forth in this Resolution and subject to the attached "Conditions of Approval". PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City of La Quinta City Council, held on this the 2" d day of May, 2017, by the following vote: AYES: Council Members Fitzpatrick, Pena, Sanchez, Mayor Pro Tern Radi NOES: None ABSENT: Mayor Evans ABSTAIN: None Resolution No. 2017- 015 Specific Plan 2016-0004 (SP 2001-052, Amendment 1) and Conditional Use Permit 2016-0005 Adopted: May 2, 2017 Page 4 of 4 C. k0g"DI, Mayor Pro Tern City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: SUSAN MAYSELS, Cit Jerk City of La Quinta, Cali ornia (CITY SEAL) APPROVED AS TO FORM: WILLIAM H. IHRKE, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California COUNCI L RESOLUTI ON NO. 2017-015 SPED FI C PLAN 2016-0004 (SP 2001-052, AMENDMENT 1) & CUP 2016-0005 ADOPTED: MAY2, 2017 EXHIBIT A )y C-iLyCouncll� hvLi'33 114411�i �' � il� ll��I it G 1 NO E Xhlbil �,-V1 With Conditions eXiglalf - .I'_ -CASE 140.z� ,p52. CONTENTS Exhibits Page Cover I Introduction / Executive Summary 2 Vicinity Map Overall A Vicinity Map Detail B Grading Plan C Entitlement Request 3 Architectural Site Plan D Development Plan 4 Design Guidelines 5 First Floor Plan E Materials 6 Color board F Elevations G Sections H Project Materials 7 Operational Guidelines 8 Landscape Narrative 9 Electrical Site Plan I Site Light Fixture Cut Sheet J OMRI AND BONI RESTAURANT i LA QUINTA, CA I. INTRODUCTION / EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A. Authority and Scope In accordance with CELSOC Planning and Zoning guidelines section 65450 Specific plans, o planning agency or property owner rncsy cause ilia prelmraiion of a specific plan for the davelopmonl of in particular piece of property. Tile Omri and Bum Specific Pion dernonstrotos implementation of commercial Zoning criteria consistent with the General Plan in bolh land use and intonshy. Approval of ilia Omri and Boni Specific Pion is subject to city council findings as limed in Ilia City of to Ouinio Zoning Code section 9.240 Specific Plans. B. Purpose and Intent The purpose of the enclosed site development permit submittal for the Omri and Boni Restaurant Commercial Davelopmmnt is to ensure that this proposed davalopment satisfies the requirements of the City of to Quinto Zoning Coda and all allowances which may be granted as a part of the Specific Plan approval procass. The proposed development is consistant wilhL die approved General Plon, Protects the public health, Is compatible with adjacent Zoning and uses, and Is Suitable and appropriate for the wbiclat property. The following praliminary site development, building development, signage and landscape documents depict the ehoracter of the dovelopmeni. C. Project Overview The Omri and Boni Restaurant is located in the central Coachallo Volley within the incorporated City of Lo Quinto {see exhibit T — regional map). The site Is bounded on the south by Lake Lo Quinto Driva, west by Woshinglon Street, east by Caleo Bay and north by vacant commercial fond (see exh!Wt 2 — viclnity map). The site Is currently undeveloped and has a minimum of landscape features, generally on the west and south sides as part of he original entrance to the Lake Lo Quinta Project. Ilia project will develop a single building consisting of a fine dining restaurant and an attached commercial rental offica building. Additionally appropriate parking and landscape improvements are planned on the easterly portion of the sitre. Stanford [uaorthard Blsl�op Architects ti _e_e __ _T (A QUiNTA, CA t7MRl �t°�iL, T�`��° fi�"�Ts�L9f��':;�, REQUESTED ENTITLEMENTS [lie opltlicont is leaking approval of the City of La Quinta for this specific plan to be submitted in conjunction with a Silo Development Permit Application. D. The Process and Findings The Following four required findings are necessary to approve the project: Consistency with the General Plan The proposed development is consistent tin use and intensity with the General Plan. Public Welfare. Tho plan or amendment will not create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety, and general welfare. The proposed rojact is consistent with city development standards, engineering standards and fire department requirements designed to protect public welfare. Land Use Compatibility. The specific pion is compatible with zoning on adjacent properties. The proposed development is consistent with the commercial character and uses of the properties and major arterial sheets surrounding the subject parcel. Properly Suitability. The specific plan is suitable and appropriate for the subject property. The project is lowed at the intersection of Washington Sh-eet and take La Quinta Drive, a mulor arterial and o local collector sheet, a tocation of which the General Plan finds opprapriata for the type and intensity of the proposed project. The project complies complies with the city development standards. Stanford Laonhord Rtshap Amcb Itects � � y 716 I. sae my 720 r � � 29Y lY N1 .I gar.,a MN i. klrl INDI'�N WELLS i A. 0MRr AND BONI Rf:SXAURANT - — --- - -- - - -�LA QUINTA CAJ II. DEVELOPMENT PLAN 1. Existing Site - Zoning Characteristics Ilia subject site is located in the cenliat Coachella Valley within the incorporated City of La Quima. The site is bounded on the north by undevolopod commotc of land, east by Cahn Boy, snuth by lake In Ouinta Drive and west by WriAinglon Street, The site is zoned CR. Regional Commercial and is mns#stoat with the General Plan designation M/RC - Mixed Regional Commercial. The project silo is currenlly vacant. Tho site has on significant looluras and only a minimum of landscape development along Ilia frontage at Vdrishinglon and fake I.n Quirila. Three sides of Ike site are improved with curb, gutter and sidewalk. Fire hydrants have bean installed as part of The original tract development In accordance with City of I.o Quinia slundords, Architecture Land Use - Site Plan The site plan wilhbuilding location is shown on exhibit 5 - Site Plan. This specific plan proposes a singlu building locolod on the weslorly side of Iho property with the required parking located between Cnfeo Boy and the building. Cieculalion through she parking arou is via a connecting drive located along Ilia northerly portion of the property. Who parking demand calculation is based upon a usagge lactor of one car par 3 soots and an additional allocation of staff porkrng. Because of the usage timing nature of Ifie dovoloWenl, ilia parking for Ilia use of the office complex is part of joint usage of the facility. It Is intended that the offices will bra in oparattun farm 7am To 5 pm and the restaurant From 5.30 rem to 1 1 lam weekdays. with the restaurant hovina slWitly exoanded hours on the weekends. PARKING CALCULATION Area Seats Total Main dining 100 Bar 22 Office 3392 13.57 Patio 20 Employees 12 154 51.33 Shsnford Leanl}ard Bis Arclrftecis -a- OMRI AND BONI RESTAURANT LA QUINTA, CA I Building suibacks are in accordance willr current City of La Quints standards. The signuge requirements of the individual businesses located in this project are shown as exhibit b and conform to ilia currently applicable ordinances of the City of La Quints. DESIGN GUIDELINES A. Overview Tho design inlenl of this proieci is to project a modernist contemporaryy vision of a fine dining oxperienca. The juxtopositian of the sculpture of iha architaclure with nearby other orchifectuial forms creates a view of the La Ouinto - Washington corridor axparience thol is sicanificanl of inclusion as part of ilia Arts Center locution. Tho prolect Is self• conroinad and onticlpates no additional construction. B. Architectural Guidelines il,e bulldinci consists of a simple and direct pnlolto of colors and muterials. The use of basic type materials displays the honusty fit material use consistent with contemporary architectural forms. Only one building is anticipated in this submittal. Roof Lines and Screening Roofs are sloping and Hat and incorporate screening elements to lido the muhitude of equiprneni required by a resiouront. Additional screenin�i walks at ground level provide privacy for other "back of hausa" ope(ations. Services have been segregated from public uses io provide a poOivo personal arrival experience. Architectural Features Tho office building is loraled io hike ordvantogo of the views to ilia north and ease and to provide on idontificotion element for southfwund traffic oo Washington. Locating ilia paita/wa tying area outsido ilia bar area on the west side Of The building continues tho theme of opennuss. The large glass arms on iha west side of the building allow to; dramatic views of the local mountains and the lights of the village and developments on Ilia west side of Washington. Slaaford Leonhard BishaN Architects S w Q Z FZ IyI �Rj I dY11 S1�arem v C L to �J InQ 8�2 •,_v%_ 0 3 3 03 ��IIII DD ~ FL o o p U N V N 4 ) aM e• :I rn -o 011 n aM V) c! h 11 l fl C'I N 004 u7�NM O l e I Y! f M —W)— 'O V 'n O D'•.� �Pr �V+!!P y'!� Ino.'C',N wNNr'f'fi n o I�thna00 r) `—^ rn w N N E I D Yid��J r i O 'j 'c CL IIrrrYr'f'.i•I f 'flPjl✓r<P,f"r d+y ridJ�'1'. m� `lam°i[w�`^N� �0 O C O cc nm1I VQ l rPP f m cv�E ' LU fp 5 O idNN�� ON oPfPf I "f Pre,. �+t�rllf+lPP� I !, Vim rr W Ihp7 � { - UA.BCiIiLB ry,B[001) I 1 .fP +tl l+. rP 7Pd :.P. fJ PI Z `. P! V. I P I+ Ir f 1 -^ � J �./ Id..f '�f"1Y illy Z _ 01 f _ P/ Y I1 PI IN P 1 3F zzz M3ll11�911n],r'IS X]' gnida b1Nino v1---- --- -_ -_i=----_r-r- 3�1b'1 NORTH ll Ifi I ' rl P 1 '' cosart-a w I' dl ,� r rnrr CIA i 4.1 I • f J P `'i PLI Y'•A P 1" 1 Ir i• ppC � f yypppp I r � 1 +I I I +4 tld d - 1 d`" V f q { 1 { +I 1 Y r w 1 dr tl d 11 tl f r 11 II tl i o I�Y t di " 1 1' ri +YI Y 11 17� 1 41 P I PI 1 Id J, v� P f J t fFL I ' r w Y W-1 act- ram°- t-- k r_ r—_ r— W ■ram W lr- W r r r it a=- r rw-__ vc�_ W-_ ca Tema 0 0 z_ U � U C3 �= Q J i � i J 0-� r, O �. U � Q mca� Z • a X O -a N : L g� Z_ 2 d ti Cog Q O m� L JamLO °' r m LU - z O ' o C O U c6 +� O Cn Ij. LU z Lli F- U W p� m Q Q U Q J Q H J Z Z Q } L11 ~ -i LL 0 LLI 2 j m :D m a_ CA Z 11J CL bMltl AN15 RONI RESTAURANT - - LA OUINTA, CA Site and Building lighting Lighring will be very law key as the inferior of the restaurant is the nightlimo focus of the project. Low level bollards and simple lighling elements placed on the building will provide the required level of light consistent with Lei Quinto 7oning Corte.. Materials and Color Fapoda malarial and color are the key components of the pro. I' design_ The forms of llte building and the application of each material project on image of ilia surrounding landscape and davelopmani. Colaas, because of Ike use of basic malerials are very subdued, except for the. facul paint of the entrance area. The use of simple strong color to idenlily the entry for the restaurant and the office building creates a directness of use to "make it easy" to use the building rand the lausinasses That ore 1twoted in die building. The colors in Ilia presentation ore as presented on Iha color and material board. COLOR • Building Base • Frazee 5442M • Building Accent • DE 1071 • Special Accent • Frazee 6345R • Entry Accent Wall • Frazee 5915N 5�anford li®ort and Blsh�a a Architects 6 Z 0 > Fn < LU Li god 0 z LLJ --j LU V) LLJ 2 r- k\f q nn== � 2 � s > X \ \ & 2 � ¥ � u 2 i $ \ Q ce / 0. 1:. � UM if ,' 1 . y. . . . . — — — ._ — — — — _ _ 9 u k 111 m orL �P Ri$7 z 0 V w V) fN V) 0 2 U �b OMRI AND BONI RESTALMANT LA QUINTA, CA PROJECT MATERIALS Exterior Concrete 'Smootli troweled finish natural and stained concrete. Decorative and appropriate tooled and construction joints Io minimize nornial cracking and enhance applied and integral colors is parl of the basic design of the project. Concrete block walls Noawrnl gray concrete block laid in running bond with tooled horizontal and struck vertical joints forms the core division walls and decorative planter walls. Glass Walls Glass walls of tinted glass and clear anodized aluminum form the wall facing the street and the walls of the office spaces. Corrugated Metal The wall Inning the poAing area is coy red with corruggatod metal laid horizontally in a gentle curve. The openings set in a rondom pallnm rim of alumMUM frame with colored glass inserts. Stucco Smooth finish stucco is used as an accent material in light warm grey. SIGN CRITERIA Only a minimum of signage is proposed for the project. A simple "WRI AND BONI' to identify the sestouront and a simpler placanront of non saki illuminerted identification on the east and west facades of the office space will provide appropriate grophics. A sample of the text is included as part of ilia material board. Signs shall be in full compliance with Iha City of la Quints Zoning orditnonce. Stanford Leonhard bishop Architects — OMRI AND BOP- RESTAURANT — to QUINTA, CA OPERATIONAL GUIDELINES AND MAINTAINANCE City guidelines require the following provisions for transportation demand management. The Project shall make provisions for bicycle parking in accordance with Zoning Code Section 9.150.060.D.3. The project has walking access From Washington. FacIII1193 Maintenance The monoegomant of the project is Ihv responsibility of the ownership of the prolect. Maintenance will be in accordance with the City of Lo Quinia guidelines. Siunivrd and l9is o�Arc IpBcts _ _._ , s` �� i` `t''` C ,� rr l lit" lirp.7�ai PIT, d vi a! IF � G � �z � a a �z J =.. M. L _Y . F.- -_- Landscape Narrative A. The landscape design and implementation of the project will meet the Cite of La Quinta Design Guidelines for and zone planting. & Carried throughout the project, the landscape design shall follow a Mediterranean and desert theme. Using water conserving, low maintenance plants similar to the landscape concept developed for the City of La Quinta Highway 111 Corridor, supplemented with other drought tolerant plants. C. The street landscaping on Washington Avenue will incorporate a mixture of medium and large canopy --flowering -trees,--together- with -open -form -shrubs, -drifts of -low groundcovers; succulents and occasional specimen plants such as multi -stem Ocotillo or a dwarf palm. The planting will be done on undulating earth mounds among cropping of tan native boulders and -rocks. No turf shall be used at the street. All planting areas (except for groundcovers) will be covered with decomposed granite, mixes with native soil and stabilized, over filter fabric. D. Groups of Washingtonia Palms (hybrids of the California Fan Palm and Mexican Fan Palm) will enhance site entrances and building entries. Mediterranean and Sago Palms will be used as -specimens at -focal points: - E. The parking lot will be shaded with wide canopy trees. Where space is limited (for example: near tiUilc ing5) or vi+lieie screening is desired, co I uninar, evergrreeii trees will -be used.- - F. Annual flowers will be plaided in small quantities in restricted locations such as around monument signs, entries and in large decorative pots. G. Landscape Palette: -please -see the -planting list -and -the conceptual landscape plan. H. Landscape Maintenance: a landscape maintenance manual shall be submitted as part of the general planting specifications. January 2000 Landscape Guidelines & Notes Detailed planting and irrigation plans shall be prepared and submitted at a later stage as part of the final landscape construction drawings for the project. The plans will meet city ordinances and the Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) requirements. 2. Size of all trees to be min. 24" box up to 36" box. Size of palm trees to be nun 6brown trunk. Size of large shrubs: 15 gal.; medium shrubs: 5 gal.; small shrubs: I or 5 gal.; groundcovers: 1 gal..-, -or flats; specimen plants: to be selected: Turf shali be sod/seed. Height of earth mounds to be max. 3'-0" above curb or nearest pavement in areas between curb and parking lot and in front of blank windows. Height will be max T-6" in front of glazed walls and windows. 4. Inert materials - decomposed granite, pebbles, cobble stones, etc. will be placed over layer of filter fabric. Mowing bands shall be colored concrete to be approved by the city, 8" wide. No wood headerboard will be used. 6. Boulders will be of similar color and texture to native rocks in the surrounding desert. Boulders will be size of T to 5'. They shall be set 1/5 of height into ground. Boulders will be treated with 'permion`stain -to-accelerata'DegertVarnish' look and to repair chaffed and broken surfaces. Irrigation system to be fully automated. There shall be complete separation between different plant groups - trees, shrubs, groundcovers, turf, color drifts, and pots. 10. No overhead spray heads shall be installed at street curb and in planting islands in parking lot, sidewalks and terraces. January 2000 Qty Key & Scientific Name Common Name 1 Size 4 Caliper Cacti and Succulents _ n/a F.S. Fou uieria s lendens Ocotillo 7 canes+ n/a n/a O.B. O untia basilaris Beaver Tail Cactus 5 gal. n/a n/a O.S. O untia Santa -Rita Santa Rita Prickly Pear 5 gal. n/a n/a Y.E. Yucca elata Soa tree Yucca 15 al. n/a _ n/a N.L. Nolina lon ifolia Mexican Grass Tree 15 gal. n/a n/a D.W. Das lirion wheeleri Desert Spoon 15 gal. n/a n/a D.A. Das lirion acrotriche Green Desert Spoon 1 15 al- n/a _ n/a H.P. Hes eraloe arvifolia Red Yucca 5 gM. n/a Vines and Espaliers n/a B.S. Bou ainvillea San Die o Red Bougainvillea 5 gal. n/a n/a B.B. Bo ainvillea Barbara Karst Bou ainvillea 5 gal n/a n/a R.B. Rosa banksiaii Lady Bank's Rose 5 al n/a Goundcovers n/a A.R. Acacia redolens Acacia Redolence 5 al. n/a n/a B.C. Baccharis hybrid `Starn' Desert Broom H brid 1 gal. n/a n/a n/a D.G. Dalea greggi L.M. Lantana montevidensis Prostrate Indigo Bush Training Lantana P le 1 al- 1 al. n/a n/a n,`a L.M. Lantana montevidensis Training Lantana Gold 1 gal. n/a Mound Bermuda #328/Annual Rye Seed n/a n/a Turf Grass n/a Drifts of Annual Color Seasonal Flowers (in limited Flats n/a locations) Non Or anic Materials n/a Boulders Cobble Stones and Pebbles Ba'a Select Permion treated 2'-to '6' n/a Baja Select 3"-to 6" n/a n/a n/a . Decomposed Granite Desert Dust, Stabilized and 2" layer n/a Compacted n/a Mowine Striv Colored Concrete, 8" wide n/a Preliminary Planting Palette a y Key & Scientific Name Common Name Size Caliper Canopy/ Columnar Trees n/a C.L. Chilo sis linearis Desert Willow (multi stem) 24" box 1.5" 2.0" n/a _ A.S. Acacia smallii A.A. Acacia aneura A.St. Acacia steno hylla Sweet Acacia (multi) _ 24" box 1.5"-2.0" n/a n/a Mul a Shoestring Acacia 24". box 24" box 1.57.'-2.0" 2.0%3.0" n/a C.L. Citrus - Lemon Eureka Lemon 24" box 1.5"-2.0" n/a C.Li Citrus - Lime Bearss Lime 24" Box 1.5"-2.0" n/a O.E. Olea Euro ea Fruitless Olive 24" box Multi stem n/a T.P. Ti uana Tipu Ti u Tree 36" box 2.0"-3.0" n/a n/a n/a P.G. Punica Eranaturn F.C. Fig' Conadria' A.W. Acacia willardiana Pomegranate Edible Fig Palo Blanco (multi) 15 Eal 15 gal 24" box 1.0" 1.0" 1.5" n/a P.C. Proso is `Colorado' Argentine Mesquite 36" box 2.5%3" Palms n/a W.R. Washingtonia robusta Mexican Fan Palm hybrid 679712' n/a n/a C.H. Chainaero s humilis Mediterranean Fan Palm 36" box n/a n/a C.R. C cas revoluta S c Palm S ecimen n/a Shrubs _ n/a n/a n/a C.A. Cassia artemisioides R.P. Ruellia eninsularis C.N. Cassia ne;bo hila Feathery Cassia Ruellia Desert Cassia 5 gal. 5 gal. 5 gal. n/a n/a n/a n/a C.P. Caesal inia pulcherima Red Bud of Paradise 15 al. n/a n/a n/a D.P. Dalea pulcehra G.N. Grevillea noellii -Indigo Bush Grevillea 5 gal. 5 al. n/a n/a n/a L.Fc. Leuco _hllum fr. com _acta Dwarf Texas Ranger 5 al. n/a n/a L.F. Leoco hyllum frutescens Texas Ran er Green Cloud 5 gaL n/a n/a L.F. Leocophyllum frutescens Texas Ranger White Cloud 5 al. n/a n/a T.P. Thevetia peraviana Yellow Oleander 15 al. n/a n/a B.R. Bou ainvillea La Jolla Bougainvillea Spp. 5 gal. n/a n/a C.E. Calliandra erio h lla Fa-Fa-y Duster 5 gal. n/a n/a G.C. Grewia caffra Lavender Starllower 15 gal. n/a .2 U cc s z 0 0 0 nO W ly R a �2- im ffmk�O� S A T E L L I T M I N I GN: SateJlit Mini ♦ DESIGNER: Jens Moller Jensen ♦ SPECIFICA- is:1he "Sotellit" is a cylindrically shaped luminaire with a floating tor, shade ♦ The lamp compartment enclosure is of clear UV stabilized ess- polycarbonate ♦ The reflector shade is of vandal resistant color `.gyrated fiberglass ♦ Reflecting surfaces are finished in a weather resistant 1 rvhite enamel ♦ The upper and lower sections are tied together with '/a',' diameter aluminum rods finaled with architectural nuts A Glare is oiled by an `opaque injection molded polycarbonate circumferential arc shield ♦ ( `Translucent in white versions) ♦ The concept of this original ltsign is to direct the lamp lumens onto the surface of the reflector and 26.0" Dia- Pixturc Maximum Catalog 1�26.0" 19.3" 1/150W/INC. SATT-M IN -70 1 -Grey 26.0" 19.3" 1/100W/MH SATT-MIN-373-Grey 19.3" i 26.0" 19.3" 1/100W/HPS SATT-MIN-386-Grey 26.0" 19.3" 1/100W/Mv SATT-MIN-399-Grey 26.0" 19-3" 1/150W/INC- SATT-MIN-455-White 26.0" 19.3" 1/100W/MH SATT-MIN-439-White 26.0" 19 3" 1/100W/HP5 SATT-MIN-442-White 260" 19.3" 11,100W/Mv SATT-MIN-426-White 26.0" 19.3" 1/150W/INC, SATT-MIN-409-131ack 26 0" 19.3" 1/100W/MH SATT-MIN-412-Black 26.0" 19.3" 1/100W/IAPS SATT-MIN-425-Black 26-0" 19 3" 1/100W/MV SATT-MIN-439-Black thus redirect the light out- ward in a broad, IES Type V, distribution ♦ The creative use of annular rings and vertical struts convey the appearance of a satellite in stationary orbit ♦ COLORS: Grey, Black, White — with translucent anti -glare ring MOUNTING: Post Top or Extended Wall Bracket ♦ ELECTRICAL: Provided stand - and with F-Can style ballast 120/277 Volt for Metal Halide, Mercury Vapor and High Pressure Sodium ♦ TECHNICAL DATA: Refer to technical data sheets for further details ♦ LAMPS: For use with Clear lamps ♦ LAMPHOLDER: Medium Base Pulse Rated ♦ LABELS: UL/CSA,Wet Location 15 LF OMRI AND BONI SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 1 SPECIFIC PLAN 2016-0004--SP 2001-052, AMENDMENT!) Permitted Uses: The permitted uses for this building are those allowed in the City of La Quinta's Community Commercial Zoning District, per Municipal Code Section 9.80.040. RESOLUTION NO. 2017-015 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - ADOPTED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2016-0005 WALSH UROLOGY ADOPTED: MAY 2, 2017 Page 1 of 1 GENERAL 1. The applicant agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its agents, officers, and employees from any claim, action, or proceeding to attack, set aside, void, or annul the approval of this Conditional Use Permit. The City of La Quinta shall have the right to select its defense counsel at its sole discretion. The City of La Quinta shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action, or proceeding and shall cooperate fully in the defense. 2. The applicant shall comply with all applicable provisions of the La Quinta Municipal Code (LQMC), including LQMC Chapter 9.210.020. 3. Any expansion of this use or substantial modifications shall require an amendment of this conditional use permit. Minor modifications to this Conditional Use Permit shall be considered by the Design and Development Director in accordance with LQMC 9.200.090, and may require notification of surrounding property owners prior to such approval. All other amendments shall be processed in accordance with LQMC 9.200.100. MISCELLANEOUS 4. No signage is included in this Conditional Use Permit approval. A separate Sign Permit is required through the Design and Development Department if the applicant proposes signs for the business. 5. The second floor shall only be used for administrative offices. No medical procedures shall occur on the second floor. 6. Hours of operation shall occur only on the days and times specified in the Statement of Operations provided to the City by the applicant. 7. The City of La Quinta reserves the right to review and monitor the operation of this facility and modify conditions of approval regarding hours of operation, occupancy, and other operational conditions. 8. The design of all exterior improvements to the site and/or building shall be reviewed and considered by the Planning Commission.