CC Resolution 2003-003 Street Vacation - Madison StRECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: CITY OF LA QUINTA 78-495 Calle Tampico ' La Quinta, CA 92253 Attention: CITY CLERK DOC # 2014-0167740 04/30/2014 04:24 PM Fees: $0.00 Page 1 of 10 Recorded in Official Records County of Riverside Larry W. Ward Assessor, County Clerk & Recorder. "This document was electronically submitted to the County of Riverside for recording" Receipted by: SGOMEZ RESOLUTION NO. 2003-003 VACATING PORTION OF MADISON STREET BETWEEN AVENUE 58 AND AVENUE 60 CASE NO. RW-V 2002-011 THIS AREA FOR RECORDERS USE ONLY This document is exempt from payment of recording fee pursuant to Government Code Sections 6103 and 27383 RESOLUTION NO. 2003-003 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, VACATING PORTIONS OF MADISON STREET BETWEEN AVENUE 58 AND AVENUE 60, RESERVING ALL THE NECESSARY EASEMENTS FOR THE EXISTING UTILITIES CASE NO. RW-V 2002-011 WHEREAS, the City Council of the.City of La Quinta did adopt Resolution 2002- 162, declaring its intention to vacate portions of Madison Street between Avenue 58 and Avenue 60, reserving all the necessary easements for the existing utilities, .setting the date of January 7, 2003, at the hour of 7:00 P.M., in the La Quinta Civic Center Council Chambers as the date, time, and place for the hearing of all persons interested in presenting their views and testimony in regard to the proposed vacations; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to Sections 8322 and 8323 of the Public Streets, Highways and Service Easement Vacation Law, due notice of the Public Hearing was given by public posting in the time and manner prescribed by law, and, WHEREAS, following its discussion of the street vacation application on November 26, 2002, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta has determined that the vacation of a portions of Madison Street between Avenue 58 and Avenue 60, reserving all the necessary easements for the existing utilities, is not in conflict with the Infrastructure Element or other policies of the General Plan of the City of La Quinta; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of La Quinta has conducted the required public hearing upon due notice and, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments of all interested parties and persons desiring to be heard, did find the facts to exist justifying the approval and adoption of said resolution to vacate said portions of Madison Street between Avenue 58 and Avenue 60 as follows: 1. Vacation of the subject portions of Madison Street between Avenue 58 and Avenue 60, reserving all the necessary easements for the existing utilities, will not adversely affect the City of La Quinta or adversely impact the Circulation Element of the City of La Quinta General Plan. 2. The affected portions of Madison Street between Avenue 58 and Avenue 60 will be realigned by Coral Option 1 to accommodate the Coral Mountain project's on -site development plan, shown on Attachment 1. Resolution No. 2003-003 Street Vacation Madison St. between Ave. 48 & Ave. 60 Adopted: January 7, 2003 Page 2 3. Approval of the street vacation by the City Council subject to the condition that the new right-of-way along with full -width improvements are dedicated to the - City in the new alignment in the areas adjacent to the developer's land holding, and single lane improvements in areas adjacent to the property not owned by the developer. 4. No local public agency has submitted objections to the proposed vacation of portions of Madison Street between Avenue 58 and Avenue 60. 5. Approval and adoption of the resolution. to the proposed vacation of portions of Madison. Street will . not cause a significant negative impact upon the environment, due, in part, to the fact that extinguishment of the right-of-way will restore possession of the vacated portions of Madison Street to the vested owner of the abutting parcel of real property. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The City Council, having elected to proceed under the provisions of Chapter 3 of the Public Streets, Highways and Service Easement Vacation Law of the State of California, and having held a .public hearing upon due notice as provided. therein, hereby finds from all evidence submitted that the portions of Madison Street, specifically described and shown in . Attachments 2 and 3, attached hereto and incorporated herein, are unnecessary for either present or prospective public use or purposes, including use as non -motorized transportation facilities, on the condition that it will be replaced with the proposed new street alignment shown in attachment 1. SECTION 2: The City Council hereby approves the vacation on the condition that: 1) the developer enters into a landscape maintenance reimbursement agreement with the City to cover the landscape maintenance cost of the 18-foot wide median island, and 2) the new.street full width street improvements are constructed and accepted by the City in the areas adjacent to the developer's land holdings, and single lane improvement are constructed in the areas not adjacent to the developer's land holdings, including the new right of way dedication, prior to recording the vacation resolution at the County Recorders Office. . _ , Resolution No. 2003-003 Street Vacation Madison St. between Ave. 48 & Ave. 60 Adopted: January 7, 2003 Page 3 SECTION 3: The City Council hereby conditionally orders the vacation of the portions of Madison Street between Avenue 52 and Avenue 60, as shown and described in attachments 2 and 3, attached hereto and incorporated herein, reserving all the necessary easements for the existing utilities. SECTION 4: The City Council hereby determines that adoption of the vacations . will cause no significant negative environmental impact. SECTION 5: The City Council hereby orders that the vacations shall not be effective. until a certified copy of this Resolution, has been recorded with the Riverside County Recorder. SECTION 6: The City Council hereby determines and orders that the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to record a certified copy of this Resolution in the Office of the County Recorder of Riverside County, California. once the conditions set forth in Section 2 are satisfied. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held on this 7th day of January, 2003, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Council Members Henderson, Osborne, Perkins, Sniff, Mayor Adolph NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None ATTEST: JU . CREEK, CMC, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California (CITY SEAL) 0,6-�W. DON ADO PH, Mayor City of La Quinta, California Resolution No. 2003-003 Street Vacation Madison St: between Ave. 48 & Ave. 60 Adopted: January 7. 2003 Page 4 APPROVED AS TO FORM: M. KATHERINE JENSO , City Attorney' City of La Quinta, California 58TH AVENUE ATTACHMENT 1 Will c/) z O U) 0 a zl Lni I Al. w co OZ O CALLE CONCHITA / r g SCALE: 1" = 600' 0 300' 600' 1200' 1800' 2400' =� 0 H AVENUE STREET ALIGNMENT FOR MADISON STREET ATTACHMENT 2 EXHIBIT "A" MADISON STREET VACATION THOSE PORTIONS OF THE EAST HALF OF SECTION 28 AND THE WEST HALF OF SECTION 27, TOWNSHIP 6 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: THE WESTERLY 30.00 FEET OF SAID WEST HALF OF SECTION 27; THE EASTERLY 30.00 FEET OF SAID EAST HALF OF SECTION 28; THE WESTERLY20.00 FEET OF THE EASTERLY 50.00 FEET OF SAID EAST HALF OF SECTION 28 LYING WITHIN TRACT 3686, FILED IN BOOK 60 OF MAPS AT PAGES 12 AND 13, RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, EXCEPTING THEREFROM THOSE PORTIONS LYING WITHIN THE RIGHT OF WAY OF REALIGNED MADISON STREET PER LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION OF ACCEPTANCE OF REALIGNED MADISON STREET RIGHT OF WAY ON JULY 16, 2013 AND THOSE PORTIONS WITHIN SAID EAST HALF OF SECTION 28 LYING NORTHERLY OF THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF PARCEL "A" OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NUMBER 06-462, RECORDED DECEMBER 11, 2006 AS INSTRUMENT NUMBER 2006-0907392, OFFICIAL RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY AND SOUTHERLY OF THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID TRACT 3686, MB 60/12-13 AND THAT PORTION LYING 40.00 FEET ON EACH SIDE OF THE EASTERLY PROLONGATION OF THE CENTERLINE OF CALLE CONCHITA AS SHOWN ON SAID TRACT 3686. SEE EXHIBIT "B" ATTACHED HERETO AND BY THIS REFERENCE MADE A PART HEREOF. SAID VACATION CONTAINS 5.72 ACRES MORE OR LESS. L W. WATSON RCE 2 662 DATE Q�OFESS/ � O co J 2 �—z j No.26662 EXP.3-31-14 CIVIC- �P EXHIBIT "B" SHEET 1 OF 2 SHEETS MADISON STREET VACATION A PORTION OF THE W 1/2 OF SECTION 27 & THE E 1/2 OF SECTION 28, T.6.S., R.7.E., S.B.M. SCALE: 1" = 400' 0 200' 400' 800' 1200' 1600' F7,71 AREA = 5.72 ACRES 0 0 u uj U U) im Q�OFESS/O� o�� No.26662 EXP.3-31-14 CIVIL �P QF CA0F //P 0013 DETAIL SCALE: 1 "=40' 21 20 PARCEL IlAll LLA 06-40 \ 776-070-014 766-070-012 SEE DETAIL BELOW SECTION LINE ;ECTION LINE 766-070-006 MID -SECTION LINE 28— — P22 AVENUE 58 27 i _' 65 � 55 �O N PARCEL "Bit1 LLA 06-462 -� MID -SECTION LINE ---277 W 1/4 COR SEC 27 SCE SHEE7 2 SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS EXHIBIT "B" MADISON STREET VACATION A PORTION OF THE W 1/2 OF SECTION 27 & THE E 1/2 OF SECTION 28, T.6.S., R.7.E., S.B.M. SCALE: 1" = 400' 0 200' 400' 800' 1200' ® AREA = 5.72 ACRES 766-070-006 600' SEE SHEET 2 MID -SECTION LINE 2$------------- �-- o 0 u — iw J U 766-080-004 1 1 MID -SECTION LINE - ------ r i r-----27 WW1/4CORSEC 27 �W W 30' c H N PARCEL LINE I PARCEL, u o u 1 1 O. LL A 006-462 ' y Q �Q Q APN 766-090-001 1 - o TRACT 3686 6 ND 600/12,1 3 CO / APN 766-090-009 ' C/L CALLE CONCHITA o APN 766-090-010 APN 766-080-009 APN 766-080-010 I APN 766-080-011 ' 28 2� AVENUE 60 33 34 T-Vf 4 4Q" OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK TEL (760) 777-7103 CERTIFICATION OF RESOLUTION 2003-003 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) CITY OF LA QUINTA ) I, SUSAN MAYSELS, City Clerk of the City of La Quinta, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution containing eight (8) pages is a full, true and correct copy of Resolution No. 2003-003 of the City of La Quinta entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, VACATING PORTIONS OF MADISON STREET BETWEEN AVENUE 58 AND AVENUE 60, RESERVING ALL THE NECESSARY EASEMENTS_ FOR THE EXISTING UTILITIES. CASE NO. RW-V 2002-011 Resolution 2003-003 was adopted by the La Quinta City Council on the 7th day of January 2003. Dated: April 30, 2014 SUSAN MAYSELS, Cit Clerk City of La Quinta, California 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA, CA 92253