Wells Fargo Bank/Cash Mgmt. 99i f 50Z WELLS. FARGO QANIC, NATIONAL ASSOCIA'OON APPLICATION AND AGREEMENT for CASH MANAGB IENr SERVICES � C I TY or 1.4 fJ vld-*, �, s ('lrou�, rec�est that WELLS lW y �I ("0 of f sn�y) FARGO 13ANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION (rWeNs Fargo, %error US) provide Cash mane�ente at servers (each a SerAce) In connection with your Wells Fargo Ydx" tale Demand Deposit Account (WDDA). You receipt of our CASH MANAGEMENT SERVICES DISCLOSURE STATEMENT (Uisolosure Statement). For each Ssnrioe, this and Statement and the User for that Setvit� �• the Disclosure n) together whh our WDDA Disdovura (coaectively, the 5ervk:e PI'�«rsh► provided to you)" am each prat be m Set1t (a copy of which was y od"W or amended from tune to time, contain the terms and conditions- governing our provision of that- Service to you, and any of your sub-asor of les on when behalf you are acting. You and such subsidiaries and atfillates agree to be bound by such terms and cotions. (The term you" as used in the Service Documentation means you and zany such subsidary or affiliate N you are already a Wells o cash rnanagerrrern wst�antrer, the I.for any owke(a) YOU aro ou ocs your axis" agnogont(s) with any Wells Far Bag* ro+hrfng repBank � First �er�stato Barrlc with respect to such Strict(*) , unless such Servioe(s) are listed as "Excluded ServWer on tfte signature page below. Our OWSUng agro i !VW s With you with respect to each Excluded Sorvioe win remain Ih cftect end coridnue to govem eeoh Excluded Service. For your convenience, definitions of certain capitalized tofms used below and in other Service Documentation are set out in a Glossary located at the end of the D&bsur+e %stemo t. Certain of tho SarAm Involve Funds TrwWera or ACH Transfers out of or into your de�rignated WDDAs (each a Transfer Account). In an effort to detect unauthorized requests for trarwerg of funds, we have establish the followitng security P 'es (SOoMIty R . ) with which you agree to comply. Additional details cwith as a USecur�y Prot�edunes are located in the Disclosure Statement and the oppliDoCu wtafon. Weds Fargo shell have no obligation to process a Unds Transfer of ACH Transfer for which you have not c�ornpf ed with tho relevant Sew*Procedure. Except as expressly provided below, Weis Fargo is under no am Inn M 21kTTVATVff .TAT'"kTVrJAr%7 CCCC bTC CT7 VVJ VYC _ TT Cnn7 /i,T /TT obiown wroft : 'i shad have no liability for tat.. ; to 11 *astigate or ve ft, any roquest for a Funds Tm carer or ACH Transfer. SECURITY PROCEDURES FOR AUTOMATED CLEARING HOUSE ! ('ACH'j TRANSFERS Difed Tranangesion 04 ETS Vendor TtirwwmissioR You are required to �� processing des for your ACH transmissions and a list of the names and telephone numbers of persons authorized to request and confirm your ACH transactions (Authorlied Re pr I . We will pmvide a transmission Code. to you which you must use with each transmission of ACH file(a) through your PC or mainkame. We will also assign a file identification code and a batch identification code to you which you nwt imbed in each NACHA formatted ACH file. On each day you are scheduled to trot a file, we will attempt to verify the trarambsion by calling one of your Authorized Representatives at the number you have provided and requesting the total debit and credit goliar amounts and item count of the ACH file to be transmitted. if we am unable to reach an Authorized Representative after attempting to call each Authorized Re once, we will not process the transmission. If we receive an urtsdhedufed ACH file, we will attempt to verify the transmission by calling one of your Authorized at the number you have provided who must then teleoopy, us a letter written , on your lattechead, pu%mW* BOW by that Authorized Represer>tafive, rWwsartg that we process the wwcheduled file, and must Include the total debit and CM& dollar amoumts and toted item count of that file. The letter must oche be in form and substance satisfactory to us and must be received at least one hour prior to our processing deadline. if we are unable 'o reach an Authorized Representative after % tempting to =11 each Authorized Reprmwntativs oneo, we will not pfooess the transmission. The totals provided by your Authorized Representative by telephone (in the case of scheduled transmissions) or by telecopy (in the case of unscheduled trattsrthisslons) must match the actual totals of the ACH file transmitted or the uwwmise w will *not be processed. • (If ACH files are dehoered to ua by your electronic trwv t sior service vendor [ITS Vendorl, you must still comply with the foregoing procedures: -except that the Authorised Representatives" shall be those designated by the �M Vendor who shall also provide us .with your processing schedules.) We are, only required to determine N the name given by the person verifying a transmisspn by telephone, or whose name appears on any letter verifying a tram mission, is listed as an Authorized Representative on the vial you have 'provided us, but we are under no obligation to confirm any such persore identity. ACH ExpismN for Was* ne. If you use ACH Express for tVkx ows to delver your ACH fps, you must Install the ACH Express liar Windows software on your pC in order to commurtic:ate with out systems. You mey Install the W tw8ft on only one la s ttop ©orttputer, onp remote PC or one L.rocW Area Network You will designate at one of employees to be your ACH Express for Windows System Adn-drilWalor. You will communicate to us the name(s), aftvss(es), telephone number(s), maden rAme(s) of mother(s), and place(s) of birth of the System Adrn 9 upon whom we may rely with respect to all ACH Express for WrW ws E am ennM .9WTVWVA .T.W..WWWX9Ar)7. QQQR tTQ RTZ TVA C4 : TT Rnnz/%T /TT relate rn8ti M S C" 'tile eta t-up, We will p -/--1. y-1 N temporary System Adninlis"tor Ida and sonware aooesko passwords. (You shall be respanaible for the temporary System Addministrator IDS and temporary software access passwords wR have provided for System Adrrdnistrator start-up, inckxhng their security, unfit you have elther used them or have manually deleted them.) Upon first successful fog -oft using one of the temporary System Administrator IDs and its oorrwaP A ng temporary software aooess password, each System Administrator shalt create a software acpesa . , which must be changed at least once every 6o days, and a pea Inddlert• System Administrator ID. The System Administrator(s) shag enablel access to ACH Express 1!or Vdhdbws for those employees you have designated to be Operators by assigning them temporary software access passwords, which must be changed ton first suooessfuf log -on and at least once every 60 days thereafter, and permanent Operator IDs. In order to gain access to ACH Express for Wffd►vwa, an Operstt+or must enter his/her software access passwgr►d and Operator ID. We wiq abo assign a batch identification code to you (which the ACH Express Aor Windows . Will ironed in each NACHA-tMWW ACH file) , and we wiq provide you a remote Identification code vYhich the System Administrator(s) -will manually Imput into the user profile for each Operator allowed to trarw * files, which remote identification Dods Will ter be imbedded aUlorl1aticelly when a file is created. in order to enable file trar>smise qn, we will provide a faced communications password required for access through our Conrwd Mailbox applkation. Pft to transmitting a fife, such an Operator must i Put the communicationz password. You may set the following transfer limits (which will be resident on your PC): number of entries per batch; batch entry dollar amount; batch total dollar amount and transmission dollar amount per fie, and each transfer shall be within such kn*(s). In addition, ACH Express for Wkmb" allows you to "Pan" among your Operators the ability to Create, verify and send transfer' requests, an4 -we strongly recommend that you do so. IF YOU DISREGARD THIS RECOMMENDATION, YOU INCREASE THE RISK THAT THERE WILL BE A LOSS, FOR WHICH YOU WILL BE RESPONSIBLE, RESULTING FROM AN UNAUTHORIZED OR FRAUDULENT ACH TRANSFER. rW cb, bt*1911 .d rid&w* of y+.IUw9M O&po @"L SECURITY PROCEDURES FOR ACH TRANSFERS INITIATED THROUGH OUR CASH CONCENTRATION/CASH DISBURSEMENT SERVICE If you use our Cash Concertra ion/Caah Disbursement Service, you may make request$ for ACH Trwsfere by touch-tone telephone or computer terminal. ff you use a touch -tome telephone, you must dial the number we provide you and follow the prompts, entering, the User ID !and Location ID we provide you and the amount of the ACH Transfers) you wish made. If you use a computer terminal; you must use the access numtaer we provide you and follow the prompts, entering the User ID and Location ID we give you, your panmrd and the amount of the ACH Transfer you wish made. We Will assign each of your Operators a temporary password Which each of your Operators must d vqp upon Naftr first log -on via computer terminal to the Cash t,nn M Z%1LTT VATVa T hPJVATMrJ A z%7 PPPP i.Tn PT7 v%ij nP • TT Pnn7 i&T /TT • Conoentratiortl�C1--Nt Di-'*" Ysetnent Service and which t� ;- she 'change thereafter at We once every 80 icLrd. The I !on Code, which we a.,ign you based on the inform sction we receive on your SW ­UP Forms, Will allow us to determine whether an ACH Transfer will be an ACH Credit or ACH Debit and the account from which and into which the ACH Transfer will be made. SECURITY PROCEDURES FOR ACH TRANSFERS gVITIATED THROUGH OUR PAYMENT MANAGEW SERVICE You must specify, in our Payment Manager Set -Up Forms, the format In which you will transmit your payment flies to us, the payment vehicles) you will use (e.g. $ • checks. ACH or booth,, your trmi131otr schedule, the app�ble transfer limits, and the names and telephone n�uaWbers of those persons eurthorized to request and confirm your bansmisswns (AWwrtzed Representatives]. You must comply with Weis Farg General Transmission Implementation Procedures which are a part of the User Guide for our Payment Manager, Service. We will provide you a tansmission ID and a austorYter app�cation ID both of which must be included in the 0100 nic transmission �voelope acccompanylrg the files you transmit to us. The customer application ID akms us to verify your mission by Matching Certain salient characteristics of your transmission a0alro a redefined Pr'o��� profile developed from information you have provided your Payrt�ent Manager Set -Up Forms. If no match is created, we will not pr xaw the tre—Mission. in addition, if you wish to have your elect wk,% trartsnti�siono sent to us through a value added network (VAN), we must approve the VAN end set up the lbu W n detail. If we receive an unscheduled transmission, we VAN attempt to verify the transmission by Calling one of the Authorized Representatives at the number you have provided who ,must then teleoopy us a letter written on your letterhead, purportedly signed by that Authorized Representatives requesting that we process the unschedpled transmission, and must include the total debit and credit dollar amounts and total item count of the files transmitted. The letter must be otherwise in form and substance satisfactory to Wells Fargo and must be received at least one hour prior ' to our processing deadline. If we are unable to verify the ion as provided above after two attempts to reach an Authorized RR"sentative, we will not process the transmission. The totals provided by your Authorized Repreaertative by telecopy must match the actual totals of the files transmitted or the transmission will not be processed.. We are only required to determine if the mitts given by the Person verifying a transn�ssion whose tnarne appears on any letter v by telephone, or etitjvinp a transmission, is listed as an Authorized Representotive on the list you have provided us, but we are under no obligation to confirm any such person identity. SECURITY PROCEDURES FOR ACH TRANSFERS INITIATED ELECTRONICALLY THROUGH OUR WebTax SERVICE We will wide• you with a temporary PIN (which you must change upon your first auavessM log -on b weftTax and you should change at least once every so days "WAN age W%LTTtT\TVfT T►TITMLTUCT & nl AAfA.o i.TA fAT7 -vLY.T ! fb • TT CbAA7 /W.T /TT them and 8�'iooF' ' code, each of which your Opp',' �"• Est use when initiating a trardW through INbiw 4 ax. If you initiate transtem of iuncL . mMh your PC, you rust use our WelisTax software. i SECURITY- PROCEDURES FOR FUNDS TRANSFERS INITIATED ROUGH OUR PC MANAGER° SERVICE You must insigil our PC Manager softwom on ydur PC which wM allow you to cotntnt I I jots, with our systems. you VA delemnine which of your employees will be Operators and helve acom to PC Manager. in your oommtmicatlon with our systems, the Opeml or must enter your User ID (which we will provide), your PCI D (which we will provide), your PC Manager Admit ID (which you will select during PC Manager reostmfion) and his/her temporary (which we will assign for that Operator). You wig Assign a yemporary passim to each of your other Operators, and each of your Operators must be required to change his/her password upon his/her first suocogsfuI log-0n to PC Manager and thereafter at IevA every 90 days. After your first log -on, communicam. a by any of your Operators can onlybbe initiated by till your User 10 and the Operrttoi password. You shall oommue to is the name, and telephone number of your PC Manager Administrator upon whom we. may rely with respect to al PC Manager related matters. You must also set the following transfer and opgrar In is (which wi l be resident on your PC). daily transfer limits for each Transfer Accourt, daily UWLS er knits for each Operelor, and Operator limits )or each Fumds Transfer, and each Funds Transfer must be within each such Irnitt. In addition, PC Manager permits you to separate among Operators the ability to create, verify and NNW ftngW req , and we strongly recommend that you do so. IF YOU DISREGARD THIS RECOMMENDATION, YOU INCREASE THE RISK THAT THERE WILL BE A LOSS, FOR WHICH YOU WILL BE RESPONSIBLE, RESULTING FROM AN UNAUTHORIZED OR FRAUDULENT FUNDS TRANSFER. SECURITY PROCEDURES FOR FUNDS TRANSFERS INITIATED VIA TELEPHONE . WELLS FARGO DOES NOT RECOMMEND THESE SECURITY PROCEDURES. WE RECOMMEND THE SECURITY PROCEDURES SET FORTH ABOVE FOR FUNDS TRANSFERS INITIATED THROUGH PC MANAGER. IF YOU DISREGARD OUR RECOMMENDATION AND USE THE SECURITY PROCEDURES BELOW BY INITIATM FUNDS TRANSFERS BY VOICE VIA TELEPHONE, YOU SIGNIFICANTLY INCREASE THE RISK THAT THERE WILL -BE A LOSS, FOR WHICH YOU WILL BE RESPONSIBLE, RESULTING FROM AN UNAUTHORIZED OR FRAUDULENT FUNDS TRANSFER. In the Set -Up Forms for our Funds Transfer Services, you are required to provide a Ist of the names and telephone numrs beof awes' persona ('Transfer Atuthorizers) who are authorized to request Funds Transfers out of or into each Trand w Account. We will attempt to verity each request for a Funds Transfer by (1) 5 AAA Fib C%LTT lT\TVQ T \TSTDT\NST A C%7 AAAA &Tn ATV VV.T ! f* • TT AAA7 /i.T /TT c hecicing the negig•—. by the person requesting, artyi th -- .se of .non.Repetitive Funds Transfers verI4. j, the Funds Transfer into or uut o.... Transfer Account to ensure that it is one of the names of Transfer Authorizer you have given us for the relevant Transfer Account, and (ii) In the case of Repefitive Fund Transfers. c haddrng the repetitive request number ghmn by the person requesting the Funds Transfer into or out of a Transfer account to ensure that It is one of the repetitive request numbers we as*ned to the relevant Transfer Account,. and (IQ in the case of requests for non- Repetifiv►e Funds Transfers, by calling back a Transfer Authorizer for the recant TransW Account. other than the Transfer Authorizer who purportedly made the request, at the to -hone number you have provided for such other Transfer Authorizer. No non -repetitive Funds Transfer will be made . if it is not verified by such name veffic Lion and call-back procedure. No request for a Repetitive Funds Transfer will be honored unless the person calling in the request provides a vallid Transfer Authorizer name and repetitive r4quest. number. No caM-baclk wil be made to attempt to verify any request for a Repetitive Fund Transfer. In accepting and, in the case of non -repetitive Funds Transfers, atternptiirhg to verify by voice -initiated telephonic requests for Funds Transfers" out of or into a Transfer Account, we are only required to determine (a) If the nacre given by the person requesting or vorff)ring a transfer is listed as the name of a Transfer Authorizer for that Transfer Account, but we are under no ob1111,agpn to confirm any such identity, and (b), in the case of Repetitive Funds Transfers, ff repetitive request number given by the person requesting the transfer -is the one wt4ch we assigned to that Transfer Account. SECURITY PROCEDURES FOR FUNDS TRANSFERS INITIATED THROUGH .. OUR InfoTouc�h EXPRESS° SERVICE You are required to use (a) your identification code (which we will assign) for the Transfer A000unt or the family of accounts containing the Transfer Acoount from which or Into which the transfer will be made, (b) the ldentificu*m number of the Operator requesting the transfer (which you WIN assign for each of your Operators).(c) the which must of the Operator requesting transfer(which we will wfially assign and be changed by each Operator the first time I is used and thereafter at least once every 90 days), and (d), for Repetitive Funds Transfers, the repetitive request number for the Repetitive Funds Transfer (which we wiQ asn for each Repetitive Funds Transfer series you request be tablished). You must also set the WoWng transfer and operatcr .1mits (which you will determine and commute to us): (Q a daily trdnsl0r fonj each of your Transfer Accounts, and (1) for Repetitive Funds Transfers, (A) a Nn* for each Repetitive Funds Transfer, (8) an Operator Imit for each A� Funds Transfer, and (C) a daily Repetitive Funds Transfer limit for each Operator, and each Funds Transfer must be Within each such limit. In aWtion, we recommend that you use a supplemental security procedure called Second Operator ReieaWwhich allows yW to sWarete between two Operators the ability to create and to release transfer ram. IF YOU. DISREGARD THIS RECOMMENDATION,YOU .INCREASE THE RISK THAT THERE WILL BE A LOSS, FOR WHICH YOU WILL BE RESPONSIBLE, RESULTING FROM AN UNAUTHORIZED OR FRAUDULENT FUNDS TRANSFER. •aLOC z.. s rnnM &IATT\TATVCT TAT►'MATNWA1l7 CCCO TyTO OT7 VVJ OC' TT OAn7 /T.T /TT SECURMY PROCEDURES FOR FUNDS TRANSFERS INITIATED BY INCOMING DRAWDOWN REQUESTS (DRAWDOWN TRANSFERS) Any &Mr4W kw*udon, ading as your agent Mrawdown Agent'), in requesting a funds transfer out of your WDDA, must transmit its request to us (DMwdown Rem throWh a Federal Reserve Bank by means of a dedicated oor�munic�tions I ne using the enoM*on Wandards of, and access controls established by, that Federal Reserve Bank, The "4jp Forms for Funds Transfer Services require that you provide us with -a PM ('Drawdown 1-180 Containing (a) the name and ABA routing number of each Drawdown Agent which you have authorized to request and receive Drowdown Transfers out of each Transfer ACoo^ and (b) the titles and account mmbers of your a.ocotxrts with each Drawdown Agent which are to be credited for Drawdown Transfers out of each Transfer Account. Before making a Dno down Transfer out of a Transfer A000unt, we wig verify that (i) the account to weive the transfer is listed as an account to rec eW transfers from that Transfer Account. and (1) the financial institution reque0ing the Drawwdown Transfer is listed as a Drawdown Agent for that Transfer Aocaunt. if fhe above. information cannot be verified, we wilt not be obWed to honor the Drawidown Requed nor make the Drmdown Transfer. 7�z f La Qu'ntazt�c—l� p� Date: By: Tide:/ - - 1 t:e--F —r c 7 .00 8m1e By. ///PO/- 4 k (name and signature for each subsidiary/affiliate on whose behalf customer is sans] Qnn M '1kTTVATV9 .TXT;MkM FAC%7 CCC4 %Ta QT7. VVJ RC : TT t`nn7 /6T /TT 41. 'r FUNDS TRANSFER SERVICE DESCRIPTION This Service is subject to, and provided upon the condition that you comply with, the provisions of the Application . and Agreement for Cash Management Services, the Cash Management Services Disclosure Statement' the User Documentation for this Service, the WDDA Disclosure Statement,a Security Procedures for Funds Transfers, as each is currently in effect rid the You may initiate most Funds Transfers, including Repetitive Funds Transfers', electronically through our PC Manager Servicee or via telephone by voice. initiation. You may also initiate Repetitive Funds Transfers and transfers of funds between your WDDA's through our InfoTouch Express* Service. Each time you request a non-* repetitive Funds Transfer electronically, via telephone by voice initiation, or rough InfoTouch Express, you must provide the number of your WDDA a it Account") gh to be debited or credited, the amount of the requested transfer, ( the account and the identifying number of any bank out of or into wh and the number of the made. We will assign a repetitive which the transfer is to be� 9 P request number to each series of Repetitive Funds Transfers which you request be established. Each time you request a Repetitive Funds Transfer, you must also provide the repetitive request number assigned to the related Repetitive Funds Transfer series and the amount of the requested transfer. You may also have another financial institution, actin as y contact us directly to request ("Drawdown Request") agent ("Drawdown Agent"), eq t) transfers of funds from your WDDA to your account at that other financial institution ("Drawdown Transfer"). Drawdown Request made by your Drawdown Agent must include Each the amount o Funds Transfer, the number of your Transfer Account out of which f the made, the number of your account at the Drawdown Agent- t the transfer is to be o b Drawdown Agent's name and ABA number. You may also arrangee credited, and the Transfers ("Standing Funds Transfers") to be made at re for a series of Funds Transfer Account and another account by providing • regular intervals between a P g us with a signed written request ("Standing Funds Transfer Request") including the amount of each of the transfers (which may be a fluctuating amount to be determined by Wells Fargo based upon criteria or a formula you provide), the number of your Transfer Account to be debited or credited, the number of the account and the identifying number of the bank out of or into which the transfers ate to be made, the date of the initial transfer, and the frequency of the transfers. sc fta.d= 027 600 P1 5N1T NIMI .T.Kr4NWH9A97. 9125M7 SGGR VTQ RTZ YVA nn:7.T PAAZ/*T/TT INFORMATION EXPRESS SERVICE DESCRIPTION This Service is subject to, and provided upon the condition that you comply with, the provisions of the Application and Agreement for Cash Management Services, the Cash Management Services Disclosure Statement, the User Documentation for this Service and our Positive Pay Service, and the WDDA Disclosure Statement, as each is currently in effect You may, using your computer or terminal acceptable to us, (a) receive account balance and certain other types of account information related to your WDDA or your accounts with other financial institutions, (b) access our Positive Pay Service, and (c) obtain investment rates for, and information concerning - your position in, investments made through our Investment Service. POSITIVE PAY SERVICE You provide Wells Fargo on or before the Business Day that you issue checks on your WDDA with the number and amount of each such check. This information is electronically matched to checks presented against your WDDA and is provided to our branches to help make decisions on cashing checks presented to tellers. You may instruct us through Information Express or PC Manager to return any checks that do not match this information so long as we receive such instruction before 12 noon Pacific time on the Business Day that we inform you of the mismatch. You will be deemed to have authorized payment of all other mismatched checks and all checks which are not mismatched. Each check you have authorized us to pay in accordance with this Service will be paid without performing our customary (or any other) check verification procedures. Accordingly, we will have no responsibility whatsoever for any such check without regard to any forgery, alteration or other deficiency. sdinkiex.aoc n?6 nTn M gWTVWVfF .TW.►iNWX►iA!n7 CCQr bTQ VT7 VVA Tn : ZT rnn7. /bT /TT PC MANAGER SERVICE DESCRIPTION This - Service is subject to, and provided upon the condition that you comply with, the provisions of the Application and Agreement for Cash Management Services, the Cash Management Services Disclosure Statement, the User Documentation for this Service, our Funds Transfer Service and Positive Pay Service, the WDDA Disclosure Statement, and the Security Procedures for Funds Transfers initiated through this Service, as each is currently in effect. You may use our PC Manager software ("PC Software") to initiate, request or receive many of the services and features available with your. WDDA, including, (a) initiate Funds Transfers including Repetitive Funds Transfers, through our Funds Transfer Service, (b) receive account balance and . certain other types of account information with respect to your WDDA .or your accounts with other financial institutions, (c) request stop payment orders on checks drawn on your WDDA or Controlled Disbursement Account, (d) print checks to be drawn on a designated WDDA, including . any Controlled Funding Account (collectively, the "Designated Accounts"), (e) maintain on your PC a register ("Register") of checks written and other items originated with respect to the Designated Accounts, (f) transmit the check issue data to us electronically from the Register and through such transmission to receive our positive Pay Service, (g) retrieve electronically on each Business Day a statement of checks and other items posted against the Designated Accounts on the immediately preceding Business Day ("Daily Statement"), (h) reconcile items on the Daily Statement against the items on the Register (which reconciliation will occur automatically when you retrieve your Daily Statements), and (i) instruct us electronically not to pay, or to correct or repair and pay, any check posted against a Designated Account (items (d) through (i) constituting ' the "PC Reconcilement Service") , and (j) obtain investment rates for, and your position in, investments made through our Investment Service. The PC Software was designed to operate on a PC using a Windows® compatible operating system. We hereby grant you a non-exclusive, non -assignable license for your use of each copy of the PC Software only on the PC on which each such copy is initially installed and only for the purposes set forth in the preceding paragraph. The PC Software is the original, confidential, valuable and proprietary product of Wells Fargo. You have the right to use the PC Software consistent herewith and with the other PC Manager User Documentation. If you use our PC Reconcilement Service, it is essential that you promptly and accurately enter your check issue information on your PC and then promptly transmit this check issue_ information electronically to us. If a check drawn on a Designated Account is presented to us for cashing and the check does not match by serial number and amount the check issue data previously transmitted to us or if no issue information sdpcnr cft w2M7 0?4 TTn M .IATTVKTVSA .T.AI►'WhM9Ar17 CCC4 *Ta rT7. TVJ TA : 7T CAA7 /§PT /TT has been transmitted to us for that Authorized Account, we will not cash the check. By transmitting your check issue information for a Designated Account to us, you authorize us to pay a check drawn on that Account presented for cashing if the serial number and amount of the check matches the check issue information transmitted to us. You understand and agree that in cashing a check in accordance with the above arrangement, we will not use our usual (or any other) check verification procedures, and that we will have no responsibility for any forgery, missing signature or other deficiency in such check. You understand that you must deliver to us any instruction to return unpaid, or to correct or repair and pay, a check posted against an Authorized Account before 10:00 A.M. Pacific time (8:00 A.M. Pack time in the case of a check posting against a Controlled Disbursement Account at PNC Bank) on the day we notify you of the discrepancy. FUNDS TRANSFER SERVICE • You may initiate most Funds Transfers, including Repetitive Funds Transfers, electronically, through our PC Manager Service. Each time you request a non -repetitive Funds Transfer, you must provide the amount of the requested transfer, the number of your Transfer Account to be debited or credited, and the number of the account and the identifying number of any bank out of or into which the transfer is to be made. We will assign a repetitive request number to each series of Repetitive Funds Transfers which you request be established. Each time you request a Repetitive Funds Transfer, you must provide the repetitive request number assigned to the related Repetitive Funds Transfer series and the amount of the requested transfer. POSITIVE PAY SERVICE On or before the Business Day that you issue checks on your WDDA, you provide Wells Fargo with the number and amount of each such check. This information is electronically matched to checks presented against your WDDA and is provided to our branches to help make decisions on cashing checks presented to tellers. - You may instruct us through Information Express' or PC Manager to return any checks which do not match this information so long as we receive such instruction before 12 noon Pacific time on the Business Day that we inform you of the mismatch. You will be deemed to have authorized payment of all other mismatched checks and all checks which are not mismatched. Each check you have authorized us to pay in accordance with this Service will be paid without performing our customary (or any other) check verification procedures. Accordingly, we will have no responsibility whatsoever for any such check without regard to any forgery, alteration or other deficiency. sdPe"r.doc 2 W25197 r 7.Tn F/31 s1ATTVUVff .TAAMNUNWAF17 CCOP 6TO QT7 VV4 7A : 7T onn7 /%T /TT was rRGO BANK Cunt wwr Number. '7 WELLS FARGO BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION APPUCATION AND AGREEMENT for CASH MANAGEMENT SERVICES CITY oF LA 0 u%-*J7*. C*. a 0kkA AAer7' (you), roWest that WELLS Py� () FARGO BANK, NATPNAL ASSOCIATION ("Wells Fargo' woe~or 141 proviae cash management services (each a Service) in Connection with your Wells Fargo Wholoa" Demand Deposit Account (WDDA). You aduvwledgv receipt of our CASH MANAGEMENT SERVICES DISCLOSURE STATEMENT (Uisolosure Statementl. For each Service, this Application and Agreement, the Disclosure Statement and the User Documentdon for that Service (collectively, the Service Documentationg with our WDDA Disclosure Statement (a Copy of which was previously provided 116 you), as each may be modified or amended from time to time, contain the terms and conditions governing our provision of that Service to you, and any of your subsidiaries or affiliates on whose behalf you are acting. You and such subsidiaries and of hates agree to be bound by such terms and conditions. (The term you" as used in the Service Documentation means you and any such subsidiary or affiliate.) If you are already a Wells Fargo cash management cuaton t the Service Documentation for any Servkre(s) you aro currently receiving replaoes your existing ►ranent(s) with any Wells Fargo Bank or First WOW Bank with respect to such Servioe(s) , unless such Service(*) are, listed as "Excluded Servk*sr on the slgnoture page below. Our existing sgresnnenks, with you vrith respect to each Excluded Sevioe will remain in enact and condnue to govern each Excluded Servics. For your convenience, definitions of certain capitalized terms used below and in other Service Documentation are set out in a Glossary located at the and of the Disclosure $tatemeft Certain of the $wvioes involve Funds Transfers or ACH Transfers out of or into your designated WDDAs (each a Transfer Aamntj. In an effort to detect unauthorized rows" for transferee of funds, we have established the following security procedures (Security Procedures) with which you agree to comply. Additional details with rem to the Security Procedures are located In the Disclosure Statement and the MC I! -sbie User Documentation. Wells Fargo shall have no obligation to process a Funds Transfer or ACH Transfer for which you have not complied with the relevant Security Procedure. Except as expressly provided below, Welts Fargo is under no aw"Aw as obligation whatsoever, and shall have no liability for failing t0 investigate or verify, any request far a Funds Transfer or ACH Transfer. SECURITY PROCEDURES FOR AUTOMATED CLEARING HOUSE ! (ACM TRANSFERS Dho t Trranandasion mind ETS Vendor TransmkWorL You are required to provide prooessing schedules for your ACH transmissions and a fist of the names and telephone numbers of persons authorized to request and confirm your ACH transactions (Authorized RepresentaMves). We will provide a transmission code to you which you must use with each transmission of ACH file(s) through your PC or mainframe. We will also assign a file identification code and a batch identification code to you which you must imbed in each NACHA formatted ACH file. On each, day yqu are scheduled to transmit a file, we will attempt to verify the transmission by calling one of your Authorized Representatives at the number you have provided and requesting the total debit and Credit gollar amounts and item count of the ACH file to be transmitted. if we are unable to reach an Authorized Representative after attempting to call each Authorized Representative once, we will not process the transmission. If we receive an unscheduled -ACH file, we will attempt to verify the transmission by calling one of your Authorized Representatives at the number you have provided who must then teleoopy us a letter written , on your letterhead, purportedly signed by that Authorized Representative, requesting that we process the unscheduled file, and must include the total debit and credit dollar amounts and total item count of that file. The letter must otherwise be in form and substance satisfactory to us and must be received at least one hour prior to our processing deadline. If we are unable to reach an Authorized Representative after attempting to call each Authorized Representative once, we will not process the transmisWon. The totals provided by your Authorized Representative by telephone (in the case of scheduled transmissions) or by telecopy (in the case of unscheduled transmissions) must match the actual totals of the ACH file transmitted or the transmission will ' not be processed. • (If ACH files are delivered to to by your electronics transrnlseio i service vendor VETS Vendon, you must evil comply with the foregoing procedures except that the Authorized Representatives" shall be those designated by the EATS Vendor who shall also provide us with your processing schedules.) We are, only required to determine I the name given by the person verifying a transmission by telephone, or whose name appears on any letter verifying a transmission, is listed as an Authorized Representative on the Nat you haveprovided us, but we are under no oblofm to confirm any such person identity. ACH E-m-em fiar Wig. If you use ACM Express for VAhdows to deliver your ACH filet, you must Install the ACH Express liar Mndom software on your PC in order to communicate with our systems. You may install the software on only one desldop computer, onp remote PC or one Local Area Network. You will designate at least one of your employees to be your ACH Express for Windows System Administrator. You will communicate to us the name(s), address(es), telephone rwrnber(s), maiden rpme(s) of mother(s), and place(s) of birth of the System Administrator(s) upon when we may rely with respect to all ACH Express fot Windows an related matters. To enable start-up, we will provide to you six temporary System Administrator Ids and corresponding temporary software access passwords. (You shall be ra"nsible for the temporary System Administrator IDs and temporary software access passwords wR have provided for System Administrator start-up, including their security, until you have either used them or have manually deleted them.) Upon first successful log -on using one of the temporary System AdrndnlWaitor IDs and its corresponding temporary software access password, each System Administrator shall create a software aoFees password, which must be changed at least once every 60 days, and a permanent System Administrator ID. The System Administrators) shall enable access to ACH Express for 144ad►ows for those employees you have designated to be Operators by assigning them temporary software aooess passwords, which must be champed upon first successful log -on and at least once every 60 days thereafter, and permanent Operator IDs. in order to gain access to ACH Express for Mdows, an Operator must enter his/her software access password and Operator ID. We will also assign a batch Identification code to you (which the ACH Express for Windows software will imbed In each NACHA formatted ACH file) , and we will provide you a remote identification code which the System Administrator(s) will manually imput into the user profile for each Operator allowed to transmit files, which remote Identification code will thereafter be imbedded automatically when a file is created.' In order to enable file transmissign, we will provide a fixed oommunications password required for access through our Connect Mailbox application. Prior to transmitting a file, such an Operator must input the communications password. You may set the following transfer limits (which will be resident on your PC): number of entries per batch; batch entry dollar amount; batch tote! dollar amount and transmission dollar amount per file, and each transfer shag by wldtn such limit($). In addition, ACH Express for Wkmbws allows you to separate among your Operators the ability to create, verify and send transfer reWests, ano we strongly recommend that you do so. IF YOU DISREGARD THIS RECOMMENDATION, YOU INCREASE THE RISK THAT THERE WILL BE A LOSS, FOR WHICH YOU WILL BE RESPONSIBLE, RESULTING FROM AN UNAUTHORIZED OR FRAUDULENT ACH TRANSFER. y4wom b fir! wp" F1 Madonna, of" MWWO cmpOrs"& SECURITY PROCEDURES FOR ACH TRANSFERS INITIATED THROUGH OUR CASH CONCENTRATION/CASH DISBURSEMENT SERVICE If you use our Cash ConcentrationlCash Dlsbursement Service, you may make requests for ACH Transfers by done telephone or computer terminal. If you use a touch-tone telephone, 'you must dial the number vie provide you and follow the prompts, entering the User ID !and Location ID we provide you and the amount of the ACH Transfer(t) you wish made. If you use a computer terminal, you must use the access number we provide you and follow the prompts, entering the User ID and Location ID we give you, your password and the amount of the ACH Transfer you wish made. We will assign each of your Operators a temporary password which each of your Operators must change upon his/her first successful dog -on via meter terminal to the Cash aor.a�loc aim 3 CortcenatioNCash Disbursement Service and. which they should duange thereafter at leant once every 90 idays. The Location Code, which we assign you based on the inbrmation we reme an your Set -Up Forms, will allow us to determine whether an ACH Transfer will be an ACH Credit or ACH Debit and the account from which and into which the ACH Transfer will be made. SECURITY PROCEDURES FOR ACH TRANSFERS INITIATED THROUGH OUR PAYMENT MANAGEW SERVICE You must specify, In our Payment Manager Set.Up Forms, the format in which you will transmit your payment files to us, the payment vehicle(s) you will use (e.g., decks, ACH or both;, your transmission schedule, the transfer limits, and the names and telephone numbers of those persons authorized to request and confirm your than smiseions (Pathorized Representatives). You must comply with Wells Fargab General Transmission Implementation Procedures which are a part of the User Guide for our Payment Manager Service. We WIN provide you a transmission ID and a m tomer application ID both of which must be included in the electronic transmission envelope accompanying the files you transmit to us. The customer application ID allows us to verify your transmission by matching certain salient characteristics of your transmission against a predefined processing profile developed from Information you have prodded in your Payment Manager Set -Up Forms. If no match is created, we will not process the transmission. In addition, if you wish to have your electronic transmissions sent to us through a value added network ('VAN), we must approve the VAN and eat up the transmkwion detail. If we receive an unscheduled transmission, we will attempt to verify the transmission by calling one of the Authorized Representatives at the number you halve provided who roust then telecopy us a letter written on your letterhead, purportedly signed by that Authorized Representative, requesting that we process the unscheduled transmission, and must include the total debit and credit dollar amounts and total itecount of the files transmitted. The letter must be otherwise In form and, substance satisfactory to Wells Fargo and muet be received at least one hour prior ' to our processing deadline. If we are unable to verify the transmission as provided above after two attempts to reach an Authorized Representative, we will not process the transmission. The totals provided by your Authorized Representative by telecopy must match the actual totals of the files transmitted or the transmission will not be processed. We are only required to determine If the name given by the person verifying a transmission by telephone. or whose name appears on any letter verifying a transmission, is listed as an Authorized Representative on the list you have provided us, but we are under no obligation to confirm any such person identity. SECURITY PROCEDURES FOR ACH TRANSFERS INITIATED ELECTRONICALLY THROUGH OUR WellsTax SERVICE i We will provide you with a temporary PIN (which you moat change upon your first su=sdul log -on to WeilsTax and you should change at least once every 90 days • M6*C an 4 thereafter) and an access code, each of which your Operators must use when initiating a transfer through VYeltsTax. If you initiate transfers of funds through your PC, you must use our WellsTax software. i SECURITY. PROCEDURES FOR FUNDS TRANSFERS INITIATED ?THROUGH OUR PC MANAGER* SERVICE You must install our PC Manager software on your PC which will allow you to communiWe with our systems. You will determine which of your employees will be Operators and have access to PC Manager. In your communication with our systems, the Operator must enter your User ID (which we will provide), your PCID (which we will provide), your PC Manager Administrator ID (which you will select during PC Manager reostration) and his/her temporary password (which we will assign for that Operator). You will assign a temporary password to each of your other Operators, and each of your Operators must be required to change his/her password upon his/her first suoceesful lo"n to PC Manager and thereafter at least every 90 days. After your first iog-on, communications by any of your Operators can only be initiated by inputting your User ID and the Operator password. You shall communicate to us the name, address and telephone number of your PC Manager Administrator upon whom we may rely with respect to all PC Manager related matters. You must also set the following transfer and operator limits (which wiN be resident on your PC): daily transfer limits for each Transfer Account daily transfer Ornits for each Operactor, and Operator limits for each Funds Transfer, and peach Funds Transfer must be within each such limit. In addition, PC Manager permits you to sepaMe among Operators the abi ty to create, verify and send transfer requests, and we strongly recommend that you do so. IF YOU DISREGARD THIS RECOMMENDATION, YOU INCREASE THE RISK THAT THERE WILL BE A LOSS, FOR WHICH YOU WILL BE RESPONSIBLE, RESULTING FROM AN UNAUTHORIZED OR FRAUDULENT FUNDS TRANSFER. SECURITY PROCEDURES FOR FUNDS TRANSFERS INITIATED VIA TELEPHONE . WELLS FARGO DOES NOT RECOMMEND THESE SECURITY PROCEDURES. WE RECOMMEND THE SECURITY PROCEDURES SET FORTH ABOVE FOR FUNDS TRANSFERS INITIATED THROUGH PC MANAGER. IF YOU DISREGARD OUR RECOMMENDATION AND USE THE SECURITY PROCEDURES BELOW BY INITIATING FUNDS TRANSFERS BY VOICE VIA TELEPHONE, YOU SIGNIFICANTLY INCREASE THE RISK THAT THERE WILL BE A LOSS, FOR WHICH YOU WILL BE RESPONSIBLE. RESULTING FROM AN UNAUTHORIZED OR FRAUDULENT FUNDS TRANSFER. In the Set -Up Forms for our Funds Transfer Services, you are rewired to provide a list of the names and telephone numbers of those persons (Tranafer Authorizers) who are aulhori=ed to request Funds Transfers out of or into each Transfer Aocount. We wNl attempt to verity each reddest for a Funds Transfer by (1) a. �� 6 checking the name given by the person requesting, and in the case of non -Repetitive Funds Transfers verifying, the Funds Transfer into or out of a Transfer Account to ensure that it is one of the names of Transfer Authorizers you have given us for the relevant Transfer Account, and (il) In the case of Repetitive Funds Transfers, checking the repetitive request number given by the person requesting the Funds Transfer into or out of a Transfer Account to ensure that It is one of the repetitive request numbers we assigned to the relevant Transfer Account, and VIQ in the case of requests for non - Repetitive Funds Transfers, by calling back a Transfer Authorizer for the relevant Transfer Account, other than the Transfer Authorizer who purportedly made the request, at the telephone number you have provided for such other Transfer Authorizer. No non -repetitive Funds Transfer will be made . if it is not verified by such name verification and calf -back procedure. No request for a Repetitive Funds ,Transfer will be honored unless the person calling in the request provides a valid Transfer Authorizer name and repetitive riaquest. nurnber. No call-back will be made to attempt to verify any request for a Repetitive Funds Transfer. In accepting and, in the case of non -repetitive Funds Transfers, attempting to verify by call-back, void -initiated telephonic requests for Funds Transfers- out of or into a Transfer Account, we are only required to determine (a) If the natne given by the person requesting or verifying a transfer is listed as the name of a Transfer der for that Transfer Account, but we are under no obligation to confirm any such pen*rt identity, and (b), in the case of Repetitive Funds Transfers, if repetitive request number given by the person requesting the transfer is the one wh ch we assigned to that Transfer Account. SECURITY PROCEDURES FOR FUNDS TRANSFERS INITIATED THROUGH OUR InfoTouch EXPRES90 SERVICE You are requW d to use (a) your identification code (which we will assign) for the Transfer Account or the fatuity of accounts containing the Trarwfer Account from which or into which the transfer will be made, (b) the kkw tiftca*m number of the Operator request the transfer (which you willassign for each of your Operators), (c) the passwo of the Operator requesting fto transfer (which we will initially assign and which must be changed by each Operator the first time it is used and thereafter at least, once every 90 days), and (d), for Repetitive Funds Transfers, the repetitive request number for the Repetitive Funds Transfer (which we will assign for each Repetitive Funds Transfer series you request be established). You must also set the following transfer and operator , bruits (which you will determine and communicate to us): (i) a daily transfer limit toll each of your Transfer Accounts, and Pi) for Repetitive -Funds Transfers, (A) a limit for each Repefte Funds Transfer, (B) an Operator limit for each Repetitive Funds Transfer, and (C) a daily Repetitive Funds Transfer limit for each Operator, and each Funds Transfer must be whhin each such NmiL In addition, we recommend that you use a supplemental security procedure called Second Operator Release'which avows you to separate between two Operators the ability to create and to release transfer requests. IF YOU DISREGARD THIS RECOMMENDATION, YOU INCREASE THE RISK THAT THERE WILL BE A LOSS, FOR WHICH YOU WILL BE RESPONSIBLE, RESULTING FROM AN UNAUTHORIZED OR FRAUDULENT FUNDS TRANSFER. in 6 SECURV PROCEDURES FOR FUNDS TRANSFERS INITIATED BY INCOMING DRAWDOWN REQUESTS PRAWDOWN TRANSFERS) Any financlal institution, aadng as your agent (Orawdown Agent), in requesting a funds transfer out of your - WDDA, must transmit its request to us ('Dnrmk wn Request) through a Federal Reserve Bank by means of a dedicated communications line using, the encrypMon standards of, and access controls established by, that Federal Reserve Bank. The Set -Up Forms for Funds Transfer Services require that you provide us with a list (Drawdown t.isty containing (a) the name and ABA routing number of each Drawdown Agent which you have authorized to request and receive Drawdown Transfers out of each Transfer Acoourit, and (b) the titles and account numbers of your a�ocourrts with each Drawdown Agent which are to be credited for Drawdown Transfers out of each Transfer Account. Before making a Drawdown Transfer out of a Transfer Account, we will verfftr that (1) the account to receive the transfer is listed as an account to receive transfers from that Transfer Account, and (H) the financial institution requesting the Drawdown Transfer is listed as a Drawdown Agent for that Transfer Account. if the above. information cannot be verified, we will not be obligated to honor the Drawdown Request nor make the Drawdown Transfer. 0`Date: 3� )OC By' Title: 7 By: Tile: [name and signature for each subsidlary/afANate on whose behalf c uMmer Is acting] ACH'SERVICUACH EVREMFrOR MRllff.'fOWS SERVICE DESCRIPTION Each Sorvics, is subject to, and provided upon the condition that you comply with, the provisio�+s of th. Appltlon and AErosmsnt for cash Main pmord Serums. the Cash Msment Servie DI sw 16 Statement, the User Documentation for the SeMes, the WDDA Disclosure Statement, and the Security Prooeduree for ACH Transfers, as each Is currently In effect. Our ACH Service and ACH Express for Windows Service allow you to request funds transfers ("ACH Transfers') from your designated WDDA to a third party account (Credit Entries] or from the account of a third party to your designated WDDA (Debit Entries) by requesting Wells Fargo to transmit such transfers through the automated clearing house (7kCH) network. For purposes of this Service Description and related User Documentation, the third party is referred to as a "Receiver" and the term "ACH Entries" can mean either Credit or Debit Entries or loth. Initiation and transmission of ACH Entriies under either Service are subject to, and must be in accordance with, the National ACH Association ( "NACHA*) Rules, consisting of the NACHA Operating Rules (and Appendices thereto) and the NACHA Operating Guidelines. Unless otherwise defined, capitalized terms used in this Service Description and in the other User Documentation for these Services have the meanings provided in the NACHA Rules. With our ACH Service, you create and transmit ACH Files to us using your computer terminal while with the ACH Express for Wkd►ows Service you create and transmit ACH Flies to us using your PC and the ACH Express far Windows software ("ACH Software"). With r"pecs to each ACM Entry contained in a File, you represent and warrant that on its Effective Entry Date, on the date it is transmitted and on the date we credit or debit your WDDA for the ACH Entry (a) each Receiver has authorized the crediting or debiting of its account, (b) each Debit Entry is for an amount agreed to by the Receiver or a 'correecction of a previously transmitted Credit Entry, and (c) each ACH Entry is in all other respects properly authorized. You agree to indemnify us for any losses, liabilides, ; oasts (including attomeys' fees) or expenses we suffer or incur resuttin g from or arising out of any breach of these representations and warranties. Weld Fargo May process your ACH Entries either directly or through any mechanism we select. If an ACH Fie contains errors that cause it to be rejected. we will make reasonable efforts to contact you promptly so that you may repair and retransmit the ACH File. N you request that we repair the ACH File and we endeavor to do, we shall in no case be liable for our failure to make the requeeted repair. You shall pay all charges and expenses we incur in connection with ACH File repairs. N we reject an ACH Entry you requeit we will endeavor to rotliy you promptly on or before Its scheduled Settlement Date, but we shall have no liability to you for any such rejection or for any leas resulting from our falure to provide any such notice. Whndawe is the r"isW%l ftdsrn" of the Mioroeolt Corpvrpgvn. ,fd,,do9 �s If we reeive Ian ACH File after our prboessing deadline, we will not be responsible for our failure to meet the deadliness of the -ACH Operator for processing and transmitting ACH Entries. At your request, we will make reasonable efforts to reverse or delete an ACH Entry, but we will have no responsibility for the failure of any other person or entity to honor your reMest. You will, at your own cost and expense, obtain, install and, at all times during your utilization of either Service, maintain in good working order all necessary hardware and equipment. You agree to implement, on a regular basis and not less than weekly, bacKrup measures, including, among other things, copying onto diskette each week's current data base files. in the event of any failure of hardware or software, you will deliver to us all data necessary to perform our obligations in connection with the Service. All ACH Files trar*Mod through the ACH Express for Wk bm Service must be created wing the ACH Software. If you are an ACH Expressfor Wkidowa aratomer, we hereby grant you a non-exclusive and non -assignable sublicense to use the ACH Software for the purpose of Initiating ACH Entries. The ACH Software Is the original, confidential, valuable and proprietary product of Politzer & Haney, which -has licensed the program to Wells Fargo with the right to sublicense to you. You have only the right to use the ACH Software consistent herewith and with the other ACH Service/ACH Express for Wkwb s User Documentation. No 2 Inland Empire Commercial Banking 3633 Inland Empire Boulevard Suite 855 Ontario, CA 91764 WELLS FARGO December 13, 1999 Thomas P. Genovese (�U DEC 2 11999 U City Manager City of La Quinta 6 P.O. Box 1504 Y La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Mr. Genovese: Wells Fargo Bank, National Association ("Bank") is pleased to continue to partner with the City of La Quinta for banking services. The Bank is dedicated to providing full support and maintenance of services for the City of La Quinta's banking requirements. The banking contract is comprised of the Application and Agreement for Cash Management Services, Cash Management Disclosure, and the Wholesale Demand Deposit Account Disclosure Statement which are located in section Wsin the Request for Proposal. The Application and Agreement for Cash Management Services was signed and dated on March 24, 1999. In addition, the pricing arrangements are also described in the Request For Proposal dated October 29, 1999. THE PRICING PERIOD WILL BEGIN FROM JANUARY 1, 2000 TO JANUARY 19, 2004. Any extension of credit by the Bank or credit exposure experienced by the Bank is subject to credit approval by the Bank's Credit Administration. In order to extend credit to or offer cash management services such as Wire Transfers, Automated Clearing House, Controlled Disbursement, etc., the Bank must be in receipt of all requisite financial data, and may from time to time request this from the City. Account activity fees will be collected monthly. The Investment Sweep may be utilized for excess collected balances, allowing all excess balances to be working for you. Your acknowledgement of this agreement shall constitute acceptance of the foregoing terms and conditions. Sincerely, WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. %/ !�@�ll� IL.GI/l l� Pam Baird Assistant Vice President Acknowledged and accepted as of 1 Z� 2 2 , 1999. City a Q ' to BY: homas P. Genovese, City Manager 1nkM EmOre CORMOKW bnk it 103 Inland Empire 8oulood Suite ass Ontario. CA 91764 A LY-As FO December 13,1999 Thomas P. Genovese City Manager City of La Quinta p.0_ Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Mr. Genovese: Welts Fargo Bank, National Association C,Bank') .is ple&qedto continue to partner with the city of La Quinta for banking services. The Bank is dedicated to providing full support Tan fl� of the ance Of services for the City of La Quinta's banking requirements. The banking contract A Application and Agreement for Cash Management Services. Cash Management �tidnure, ai tithe the Wholesale Demand Deposit it Account Disclosure Statement which are located ement Services was signed for Proposal. The Application and Agrtixmnnt for eh Ma CasnarE also described in the Request and dated on March 24, 1999. In addition, the pricing g For Proposal dated October 29, 1999. THE rpjCING P'EIIOD WILL BEGIN FROM jA,NUARY 1.2000 TO JANUARY f, 2004. An extension of credit by the Bank or credit exposure experienced by the Bank bh a� na rcdit y approval by the Hank's Credit Administration. In order to extend credit to or etc., the Elank services such as Wire Transfers, Automatement ed Clearing House, Controlled Di re uestth s from the CitY- must be in receipt of all requisite financial data, and may from time to time request Account activity fees will be collected monthly. The Investment Sweep may be utilized for excess collected balances, allowing all excess balances to be working for you. Your aakno gernent wled of this agreement shall constitute acceptance of the foregoing terms and conditions. Sincerely, WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. r 79m4u Pam Baird Assistant Vice President 11999. Acknowledged and accepted as of City of La Qulvta F3Y: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager ZO/ZO 'd 0060 iti6 606 ON XVA oe3a3I 0 M 11 NOW 66-6I-03C P. 0l w TRANSACTION REPORT DEG-23-99 THU 3:41 PM FOR; CITY OF LA QUINTA DATE START RECEIVER TX TIME PAGES TYPE MOTE DEC-23 3:41 PM 919099410900 39" 1 SEND OK