RDA Resolution 2004-006 I RESOLUTION NO. RA 2004-006 - , A RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF . THE CITY OF LA QUINT A MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS PURSUANT TO HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE SECTIONS 33445(8) AND 33679 AUTHORIZING THE EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS AT THE MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE WHEREAS, the Redevelopm nt Agency of the City of. La Quinta ("Agency") is a public body, corporate and politic, organized and existing under the California Community Redevelopment Law Health & Safety Code § 33000 et seq.); and WHEREAS, on the 15th day of ay, 2001, the City Council for the City of La Quinta ("City Council") approved the 001-2002 Economic Development Plan which included implementation policies sup orting economic diversification, business expansion, economic protection and preserv tion, and recreational opportunities; and WHEREAS, the California Com unity Redevelopment Law, at Health and - Safety Code Section 33445, requires that b fore the Agency may pay fo~ the cost of publicly owned improvements, the Agen and the City Council must adopt a resolution making certain findings; and WHEREAS, on 15th day of A ril, 2002 and again on the 21 st day of October, 2003, the Agency made findings p rsuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33445 to approve the expenditure of ta increment funds the Agency receives pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33670 to fund all or part of the value of land for and the cost of the installation and onstruction of the SilverRock Municipal Golf Course ("Golf Course"); and WHEREAS, the Agency now oWns 525 acres of property (the "SilverRock Property") located in La Quinta Redeveloþment Project Area No.1 (the "Project Area"); and WHEREAS, the Agency wishes to update its prior findings now that it is ready to commence construction of the pub~ic buildings on the Golf Course; and WHEREAS, the need for recreational facilities and opportunities was documented as one of the conditions of blight that justified the formation of the La Quinta Redevelopment Project Area No.1 ("Project Area"), as cited in the October - 1983 Report to the La Quinta City Council on the Proposed Redevelopment Plan for La Quinta Redevelopment Project Area No.1; and Resolution No. RA 2004-006 SUvefRock Health & Safety Code Findings Adopted: April 6, 2004 Page 2 WHEREAS, the construction of the Golf Course would afford the Agency the opportunity to address some of the aforementioned conditions of blight; and WHEREAS, the Agency's Implementation Plan prepared pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33490 provides for the Golf Course; WHEREAS, the Golf Course will be located in La Quinta the Project Area; and WHEREAS, there is inadequate funding within the City's General Fund or from other sources to construct the Golf Course; and WHEREAS, Section 518 of the Redevelopment Plan for La Quinta Redevelopment Project Area No.1, as amended by Amendment No.1, authorizes the Agency to undertake the funding of the Golf Course; and WHEREAS, the California Community Redevelopment Law, at Health and Safety Code Section 33679 requires that if any of the publicly owned improvements to be funded with Agency funds is a publicly owned building, and the Agency's funds for such purpose are tax increment funds the Agency receives pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33670, the Agency and City Council hold a duly noticed joint public hearing in connection with the proposed use of Agency funds for such purpose and in connection therewith have prepared a report summarizing (i) the estimated amounts of such tax increment funds to be used for such purpose, (ii) the facts supporting the findings required to be made pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33445, and (iii) setting for the redevelopment purpose for which such funds are being used to pay for such purpose (the "Summary Report"); and - WHEREAS, the Agency, in compliance with Health and Safety Code Section 33679, duly noticed a public hearing on the matter of the use of Agency funds for payment for the cost of the installation and construction of certain publicly owned improvements made part of the Golf Course; and WHEREAS, the Summary Report was duly and timely prepared and made available for public review, inspection, and copying in compliance with Health and Safety Code Section 33679; and WHEREAS, on April 6, 2004, the Agency held its duly noticed public hearing on the Agency' s payment for certain publicly owned improvements associated with the Golf Course ("Public Hearing"); and .~---_._- . Resolution No. RA 2004-006 ,.-- SllyerRock Health 8& Safety Code Findings Adopted: April 6. 2004 : Page 3 . . WHEREAS, at the Public Hearing the Agency received and considered the staff report and such other information, testimony, and evidence as presented; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency as follows: SECTION 1. The above recitations are true and correct and are adopted as the findings of the Agency Board. SECTION 2. The Agency Board hereby authorizes Agency funding up to $11,510,000 to be utilized for the Golf Course. SECTION 3. Pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33445(a), the Agency finds and determines that: A. The Golf Course will be located within the Project Area and thus will provide recreational facilities and opportunities for the residents, businesses, property ,.-- owners, and others located within the Project Area, as well as the City at-large. B. That no other reasonable means of financing the buildings, facilities, structures, and other improvements are available to the community other than Agency funding. In light of the current economic situation in the nation, the State and locally, the continuing requirement for the City and Agency to provide contributions to the State, and that City general funds are already committed to expenditures for necessary police, fire, and other public safety purposes, recreational purposes, administrative, operations, maintenánce purposes, and other previously identified capital improvements, Agency funding is the only available source of funds to the community for the Golf Course. C. The Golf Course will assist in the elimination of one or more blighting conditions inside the Project Area, including the lack of recreational facilities. and opportunities, and. is consistent with the Agency's Implementation Plan adopted pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33490. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency held on this 6th day of April, 2004, by the following vote: - I . I Resolution No. RA 2004-006 SilyefRock Health & Safety Code Findings Adopted: April 6, 2004 Page 4 AYES: Members Adolph, Osborne, Perkins, Sniff, Chair Henderson NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None c TERRY ENDERSON, Chair La Quin a Redevelopment Agency ATTEST: ~.. c- -et. ~ ..JJ Jur . S. REEK, CMC, Agency Secretary La Quinta Redevelopment Agency (SEAL) APPROVED AS TO FORM: M. KATHE NE JENS , Agency Counsel La Quinta Redevelopment Agency - ..__. ._.