MUP 2017-0019 Griffin Ranch Model Home Complex (09.27.2017)eCai C2tdida, - — GEM ofthr DESERT -.--- September 27, 2017 Ms. Shelly Jordan Lennar Homes of California, Inc. 980 Montecito Dr. Suite 302 Corona, CA 92879 SUBJECT: SUBJECT: MINOR USE PERMIT 2017-0019 MODEL HOME COMPLEX WITH SALES OFFICE: GRIFFIN RANCH Dear Ms. Jordan: The Design and Development Department has reviewed and approved your request for a model home complex and sales office for Griffin Ranch, subject to the information on file and the following Conditions of Approval: 1. The model home complex and sales office shall be permitted to remain for two (2) years, beginning from the date of this approval, unless a time extension is applied for and granted by this Department. The Design and Development Director may extend the permit for up to one year, upon written request from the property owner. No fee will be charged to extend this permit. 2. The following advertising devices or activities are expressly prohibited within or outside the project: banners, balloons, portable trailer signs, or human indicators/sign twirlers. Permitted signage can be found in LQMC Section 9.60.240. 3. ADA accessible route(s) from the sales office to and throughout the model complex area shall be provided and maintained as may be required by the Public Works Department and the Building Division. The City may elect to add Conditions to this application request to mitigate any problems that arise not previously addressed herein. Should you have any questions, please call me at (760) 777-7069. Sincerely, Carlos Flores Associate Planner 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 760.777.7000 AV LOT"C" LOT "C' OT'7i1( LOT ''Al" 286 287 LOT "AQ" WELL SITE CANANERO CIRCLE 289 291 290 U 0 z 281 DONALI STR ET LEGEND: HOMES SOLD - 66 TOTAL =1 INVENTORY - 2 TOTAL PREVIOUS BUILDER - 53 TOTAL MODEL HOMES FOR SALE - 5 TOTAL A11 K SQ. FT. LOTS AVAILABLE - 61 TOTAL 14K SQ. FT. LOTS AVAILABLE - 56 TOTAL 20K SQ. FT. LOTS AVAILABLE - 37 TOTAL NEW MODEL COMPLEX - 4 HOMES + PARKING LOT MADISON STR 5I 262 267 �I nl 263 266 L "'AN COURT MERV GRIFFIN WAY LOT "AH" COMMUNITY RECREATION CENTER LOT "AW" RECREATION / RETENTION LOT "AU" 212 202 RETENTION BASIN LOT "AT" GC/(CN THUNDER GULCH WAY 239 224 223 222 208 207 206 197 196 184 174 173 172 171 GRIFFIN RANCH LENNAR - HOMESITE DISPOSTION EXHIBIT APRIL 26. 2017 415 MSA CONSULTING, INC. PT Ammm r OV!L Bwon+n 1 i . -Aro SvavI Two 34200 Boa Hoes nom . RANCHO Mu AOB ■ CA 92270 Mumma (760) 370-9811. FAx (760) 3237893 DESIGN BY 8MB DRAWN BY SIRS CHECK BY JAB GRIFFMII RANCH 2017 MODEL COMPLEX LOT 61 PARKING LEN1INIAR "NV LOT 212 r‘nt 4154 r PLAN 5C 1 !II_ _1 [EI]O . 1_ D EP • _ Liv02j))1 LOT 211 Erti 3818 PLAN 4B I I Lo3T3124io -I PLAN 2A - 0 • • • IA4 4 —1--!_341446 —MOO - -DAMASCUS DRIVE Is -0 0 20 40 60 NORTH OVERALL SITE PLAN APRIL 24, 2017 LOT 1 PARKING ADA PATH OF TRAVEL FROM PARKING LOT TO 2 L6OF7C2 DAMASCUS DRIVE B A95 OF BEARING 7.76 Or WARM rat TM 44771 Tir EISTIM177 • I. 113M31•17d 977. ROLL 7 YE Or TIC 92.17.457 m 0315 ���, s rocam as As x v[o.V3a, frvnuu me comm)u,uU nl REVISIONS tltuArv�LH INOIO BM /39 IELEV. 499-71 moor saw. IM*m a.az. auo Ito uwrAN r19172 utnma> 1�1 MERV GRIFFIN WAY twOjEs rr s• "D 20. ]P •I_ NORTH LTJ • arm 1.11C7.4 WIC CITY OF LF CALIFORNIA GRE•FIN RAN r.1 2M17 MOTEL C_TMFLEX — -mAf j ryQ. 32879. SALES OFFICE SITE PLAN rms:r VI' p ri _ x a >u 444€5 3NE{`f5