Urban Crossroads/Air Quality 04Q6/04/2004 06:31 7148361748 RSG PAGE 11 a. 1 May 24, 2004 Mr. George Britton ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP INC. 217 North Main Street, Suite 300 Santa Ana, CA 92701-4822 Subject: Centre at La Quinta Air Quality Analysis Dear Mr. Britton: INTRODUCTION The firm of Urban Crossroads, Inc, is pleased to submit this proposed Agreement to provide an air quality study of the Centre at La Quinta, consisting of 138,000 square feet of retail development and 300 apartment dwelling units. The project site is generally located south of Highway 111, west of Dune Palms, and east of Adams Street in the City of La Quinta. SCOPE OF WORK The following Scope of Work is proposed by Urban Crossroads, Inc. for this study effort: Existina Conditions 1. Identify the existing air quality setting in the area. 2..Obtain existing air quality data from air quality monitoring stations within the study area utilizing SCAQMD data sources. Sources of data will be identified as part of the air quality impact report. Data will be obtained for air pollutants, including ozone, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, PM 10 & PM 2.5. 3. Identify applicable rules, plans and thresholds of significance. 4. Prepare a micro scale CO screening analysis of existing conditions at up to 6 "key intersections" located in the City of La Quinta in accordance with the SCAQMD requirements as described in their CEQA Air Qualfty Handbook. 41 Corporate Park Suite 300 Irvine, CA 92606 p;949.660.9 994 f:949.660,1911 urban xroads.corn 06/04/2004 06:31 7148361748 RSG PAGE 12 0 Is Mr. George Britton ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP INC. May 24, 2004 Page 2 Future Air Quality Analysis 5. An analysis of emissions and air quality will be performed for the proposed project. Emissions estimates will be based upon trip generation projections provided as part of the traffic study. Daily and peak hour trips will be used along with estimates of the types of trips generated and average travel speeds to estimate daily emissions generated by the project. Urban Crossroads, Inc. will develop air quality recommendations for the project. 6. Evaluate emissions associated with construction activities related to the project. 7. Prepare a micro scale CO screening analysis of future conditions for each future scenario evaluated in the traffic study at up to 6 "key intersections" located in the City of La Quinta in accordance with the SCAQMD requirements as described in their CEQA Air Quality Handbook. Air Quality Report 8. An air quality report will be prepared documenting the results of the study. The report will summarize the results of the previous work tasks. PROFESSIONAL FEES The fee for the work outlined in this proposal is based upon an overall budget of $5,400.00 which will not be exceeded without prior written approval by the client. Urban Crossroads, Inc. will, therefore, be compensated on a Task Progress (i.e. "percent complete") basis. Three copies (two bound and one original for the client's use) of the project report would be prepared. Monthly billings for Urban Crossroads, Inc. will be based upon the percent completion of the project. The proposed fee does not include attendance at public hearings/meetings, which may be required to secure approval of the project. If these are required and requested, Urban Crossroads, Inc. would be pleased to attend these meetings and billing would be based upon the billing rates included in Exhibit A. The Client agrees to limit the Design Professional's liability to the Client and to all construction Contractors and Subcontractors on the project, due to the Design P6/04/2004 06:31 7148361748 RSG PAGE 13 Mr. George Britton ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP INC. May 24, 2004 Page 3 Professional's negligent acts, errors, or omissions, such that the total aggregate liability of the Design Professional to all those named shall not exceed $50,000 or the Design Professional's total fee for services rendered on this project, whichever is greater. In the event that a lawsuit is brought for the enforcement of any of the terms of this agreement, the prevailing party should be entitled to attorney fees and costs in addition to any damages_ TIME SCHEDULE It is estimated that the air quality analysis will be completed in 20 working days from the date of authorization, and date of receipt of data essential for the study (e.g., results of the traffic analysis). Additionally, any delays resulting from circumstances beyond our control, such as weather, shall extend the time schedule, QUALIFICATIONS Urban Crossroads, Inc. specializes in transportation planning and trafficlacoustical engineering for governmental agencies and the business community. The firm has completed numerous traffic studies in the project area. A description of our company can be reviewed at www.urbanxroads.com. The experience of the firm's personnel in transportation planning and trafficlacoustical engineering provides the special skills necessary for determining practical and meaningful traffic solutions. Representative air quality analyses that have been completed by Urban Crossroads, Inc. staff include: • The Marketplace at Palm Desert Air Quality Impact Analysis -- Urban Crossroads, Inc. prepared the air quality impact analysis report to evaluate the air quality impacts of the proposed Marketplace at Palm Desert located in the community of Sun City, Riverside County. The project site consisted of 11.1 acres of retail commercial and hotel uses. Eight "key intersections" were analyzed for the analysis. The initial section of the air quality impact analysis report describes the project and summarizes the atmospheric setting within the study area. Subsequent sections of the report describe the existing air quality setting for the study area; evaluate the project air quality impacts, and present recommended mitigation measures that should be implemented in conjunction with the proposed project. 06/04/2004 06:31 7148361748 RSG PAGE 14 Mr. George Britton ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP INC_ May 24, 2004 Page 4 • Torres Martinez Project Air Quality Impact Analysis — Urban Crossroads, Inc. prepared the air quality impact analysis report to evaluate the air quality impacts of the proposed 640 acre Torres Martinez project located in Imperial County. The project consisted of three phases including commercial/retail, hotel, residential, and recreational uses. The intent of this air quality evaluation was to analyze the potential emissions associated with the development of the project site and a carbon monoxide hotspot analysis for the future intersections of the project. The initial section of the air quality impact analysis report describes the project and summarizes the atmospheric setting within the study area. Subsequent sections of the report describe the existing air quality setting for the study area; evaluate the project air quality impacts, and present recommended mitigation measures that should be implemented in conjunction with the proposed project. • Coachella Shopping Center Air Quality Impact Analysis — Urban Crossroads, Inc. prepared the air quality impact analysis report to evaluate the air quality impacts of the proposed Coachella Shopping Center located in Riverside County. The project site consists of 17,8 acres of commercial retail. Three "key intersections" were studied in this analysis. The intent of this air quality evaluation was to analyze the. potential emissions associated with the development of the project site and a carbon monoxide hotspot analysis for the future intersections of the project. The initial section of the air quality impact analysis report describes the project and summarizes the atmospheric setting within the study area. Subsequent sections of the report describe the existing air quality setting for the study area; evaluate the project air quality impacts, and present recommended mitigation measures that should be implemented in conjunction with the proposed project. • SAtA, Motor Freight Facility Air Quality Impact Analysis — Urban Crossroads, Inc, staff` prepared the air quality impact analysis report for the proposed SAIA Motor Freight Facility Expansion in the City of Fontana. Six "key intersections" were studied for this analysis. The intent of this air quality evaluation was to analyze the potential emissions associated with the development of the project site and a carbon monoxide hotspot. analysis for the future intersections of the project. The initial section of the air quality impact analysis report describes the project and summarizes the atmospheric setting within the study area. Subsequent sections of the report describe the existing air quality setting for the study area; evaluate the project air quality impacts, and present recommended mitigation measures that should be implemented in conjunction with the proposed project. 06/04/2004 06:31 7148361748 RSG PAGE 15 Mr. George Britton ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP INC. May 24, 2004 Page 5 This letter can serve as a Memorandum of Agreement and our authorization to proceed. Please sign one copy and return it to us for our files. We are looking forward to serving you on this project. This proposal is valid for sixty days, if signed by the client. If you have any questions regarding this proposal, please do not hesitate to give me a call at (949) 660-1994. Respectfully submitted, URBAN CROSSROADS, INC. Aric Evatt Associate Principal AE:ds JN:02065-01 Attachments CONTRACT APpJ�C��o Approved by: C r Title: EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Firm: CITY OF LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Date: J UNE 89 2004 06104/2004 06:31 7148361748 RSG PAGE 16 EXHIBIT A BILLING RATES FOR URBAN CROSSROADS, INC. Compensation for Services The Consultants Billing rates for services are as follows: Position Hourly Rates Senior Principal $150,00 - $175.00 Principal $140.00 - $165.00 Associate Principal $125.00 - $150.00 Senior Associate $110.00 - $130.00 Associate $100.00 - $120.00 Senior Engineer/Planner/Analyst $ 85.00 - $100.00 Engineer/Planner/Analyst $ 75.00 - $ 90.00 Assistant Engineer/Planner/Analyst $ 65.00 - $ 80.00 Senior Technician $ 55.00 - $ 65.00 Engineering Technician 11 $ 45,00 - $ 55.00 Engineering Technician 1 $ 40.00 - $ 50.00 Engineering Aide $ 35.00 - $ 45.00 Senior Administrator $ 80.00 - $ 90.00 Administrative Assistant $ 45.00 - $ 55.00 Administrative Aide $ 40.00 - $ 50,00 Clerical Aide $ 35.00 - $ 45.00 General (1) Reimbursable direct costs, such as reproduction, supplies, messenger service, long-distance telephone calls, travel and traffic counts will be billed at cost plus ten (10) percent. (2) Hourly rates apply to work time, travel time and time spent at public hearings and meetings. For overtime work, the above rates may be increased 50 percent. (3) Client payment for professional services is not contingent upon the client receiving payment from other parties. (4) Billing statements for work will be submitted monthly. Statements are payable within thirty (30) days of the receipt by client of statement. Any statement unpaid after thirty (30) days shall be subject to interest at the maximum permitted by law. January 5, 2004 7 11/05/2004 17:28 7145411175 RSG aw MOV• •04 2004 1: 44PM HP LRSERJET 3200 WORK AUTHORIZATION TO: Mr. George Britton ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP INC. 217 North Main Street, Suite 300 Santa Ana,•CA 027014822 PHONE: (714) 5414M FAX., (714) 541-1175 FROM: Mr. Are Evatt URBAN CROSSROADS, INC, 41 Corporate Park, Suite 300 Irvine, CA 92WB DATE: November 4, 2004 JOB NO: 02065-04 SubJect: Centre at La Quinta ReAsed Air Qualtty Analysts -- Contract Amendment #i ContraciJAuthorization to Proceed on revising the Air Quality Analysis for the Center at La OtAnta retail and residential development The project Is generally k=ftd South of Highway 111, wrest of Dune Palms, and east of Adams Street, in the City of La Quints, This task vAll include the following: 1. Model analysis based on revised project land use / trip generation, $500 2. discussions and/or meetings wlih the client $42D 3. Updatetrevlse the analysis, based on changes in the land use and rlrwisions of $2,400 the treffic study, Total $3,320 The additional work will be completed in 15 working days from date of authorization_ The Client agrees to limit the Design Professionars liability to the Client and to all construction Contractors and Subcontmetors on ifte project, due to the Design ProfesSloWs negligent acts, enrors, or omissions, such that the total aggregate liability of the Design Professional to all those named shall not $50,000 or the Design Professimars total fee for services rendered on this project whichever is greater. Your authorization, in the tm of a signed copy of this work authorization will be necessary for us to Initiate this work effort. Billing rates for this job will be based upon the attached Exhibit A. After signing this work authorization, piease keep a copy for your files and return the original to our office. If you have any questions, please give me a call at (949) 660.1994. CONTRACT aL: Approved Title: Executive Director Fig: CC ji y of La Quinta Date: November - 9 . 2004 kE:ds Wachrnent 41 Corporate Pvk - Suite 3DD o. Irvine, CA 92ED6 r p:949,660.1994 - f:949.6W.1911 n urberwoads.com PAGE 03 P.1 11/05/2004 17:28 7145411175 RSG NOV'04 2004 1:44PM HP LRSERJET 3200 PAGE 04 p.R 4 EXHIBIT A BILLING RATES FOR URBAN CROSSROAD891NC: cornonmorf for S2W=- The Consultants Billing rates ibr services are as follows: Senior Principal $150-175 Principal ' 1 $140-185 Assoc iaW Principal $125-150 Senior Aswdats $110--135 AseocWe' $100-125 Senior Analyst $ 85-110 Analyst $ 70-95 Assistant Analyst $ 50-75 Senior Technician $ 6"0 Technician $ 45-70 Assistant Technician $ 36-50 Administratnre Manager $ 75-100 , AdminishyM Supervisor $ eo-85 Administca hm Assistant $ 45-70 -Genera l .(1) Reimbursable direct costs, such as reproduction, supplies, messenger sewice, long- distance telephone calls, travel, and traffic counts will be billed at oust plus tens (10) percenL (2) Hourly rates apply to work . time, travel time, and time spent at pubho hearings and meefings. For overtime work, the above Was may be increased 50 percent, (3) Client payment for professional services is not w itingent upon the client receiving payment from other parties. (4) - Billing statements for work will be submitted monthly. Statements are payable within thirty (30) days of the receipt by client of statement Any statement unpaid after thirty (30) days shall be subject to interbat at the maximum permitted by law. October 7. 2004 • 061 gi47 2004 06: 31 7148361748 RSG PAGE 07 URBAN CROSSROADS May 24, 2004 Mr. George Britton ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP INC. 217 North Main Street, Suite 300 Santa Ana, CA 92701-4822 Subject: Centre at Ea Quinta Noise Analysis Dear Mr. Britton: INTRODUCTION The firm of Urban Crossroads, Inc. is pleased to submit this proposed Agreement to provide a preliminary noise study for the Centre at La Quinta, consisting of 300 apartment dwelling units and 138,000 square feet of retail. The project site is generally located south of Highway 111, west of Dune Palms, and east of Adams Street in the City of La Quinta. SCOPE OF WORK The following Scope of Work is proposed for this study effort: 1, Review the precise grading plan for the project from an acoustical standpoint. 2. Utilize a version of the FHWA prediction model to determine noise impacts from the adjoining roadways. 3. Determine outdoor noise impacts and required mitigation measures (barrier heights) to achieve the City of La Quinta outdoor noise standards. 4. Calculate the interior noise levels using the architectural floor plans for the project. Identify potential interior noise impacts and recommend mitigation measures to meet the City of La Quinta interior standards. 5. Identify impacts from other adjacent uses to the sensitive residential areas. 6. Summarize the results of the study in a noise impact report addressing the interior and exterior noise impacts and recommended mitigation measures. Al Corporate Park Suite 300 Irvine, CA 92606 p:949,660.1994 f:949,660.1911 urbanxroads.com 06I @4h2604 06: 31 7148361748 RSG PAGE 08 Mr. George Britton ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP INC. May 24, 2004 Page 2 REQUIREMENTS To complete the study please provide a digital copy of the precise grading plan (preferably in an AutoCAD file format). The grading plan should include the parcel boundaries, lot numbers, pad elevations, and street centerlines with elevations. Additionally, a hard copy of the Architectural Plans are required to calculate the interior noise reduction for all home types. PROFESSIONAL FEES The fee for the work outlined in this proposal is based upon a fixed fee of $2,600.00 which will not be exceeded without prior written approval by the client. Urban Crossroads, Inc. will, therefore, be compensated on a Task Progress (i.e. "percent complete") basis. Three copies (two bound and one original for the client's use) of the project report would be prepared. Monthly billings for Urban Crossroads, Inc. will be based upon the attached Exhibit A - BILLING RATES FOR URBAN CROSSROADS, INC.. The Client agrees to limit the Design Professional's liability to the Client and to all construction Contractors and Subcontractors on the project, due to the Design Professional's negligent acts, errors, or omissions, such that the total aggregate liability of the Design Professional to all those named shall not exceed $50,000 or the Design Professional's total fee for services rendered on this project, whichever is greater. In the event that a lawsuit is brought for the enforcement of any of the terms of this agreement, the prevailing party should be entitled to attorney fees and costs in addition to any damages. TIME SCHEDULE It is estimated that the noise analysis will be completed in 20 working days from the date of authorization, and date of receipt of data essential for the study. Additionally, any delays resulting from circumstances beyond our control, such as weather, shall extend the time schedule. QUALIFICATIONS Urban Crossroads, Inc. specializes in transportation planning and trafl'iclacoustical engineering for governmental agencies and the business community. A description of our company can be reviewed at www.urbanxroads.com. The experience of the 06/94/°2004 06:31 7148361748 RSG PAGE 09 Mr. George Britton ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP INC. May 24, 2004 Page 3 firm's personnel in transportation planning and traffic/acoustical engineering provides the special skills necessary for determining practical and meaningful solutions, This letter can serve as a Memorandum of Agreement and our authorization to proceed. Please sign one copy and return it to us for our files. We are looking forward to serving you on this project. This proposal is valid for sixty days, if signed by the client. If you have any questions regarding this proposal, please give me a call at (949) 660-1994. Respectfully submitted, URBAN CROSSROADS, INC. Fernando Sotelo Transportation Engineer FS:ds J N:02066-01 Attachments CONT Approi Title: EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Firm: CITY OF LA QUIFTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY- Date-- ,TUNE 89 2004 06/@4A2004 06:31 7148361748 RSG PAGE 10 EXHIBIT A BILLING RATES FOR URBAN CROSSROADS, INC. Compensation for Services The Consultants Billing rates for services are as follows: Position _ Hourly Rates Senior Principal $150.00 - $175.00 Principal $140.00 - $165,00 Associate Principal $125.00 - $150.00 Senior Associate $110.00 - $130.00 Associate $100.00 - $120.00 Senior Engineer/Planner/Analyst $ 85.00 - $100.00 Engineer/Planner/Analyst $ 75.00 - $ 90.00 Assistant Engineer/Planner/Analyst $ 65,00 - $ 80.00 Senior `technician $ 55.00 - $ 65.00 Engineering Technician 11 $ 45.00 - $ 55.00 Engineering Technician 1 $ 40.00 - $ 50.00 Engineering Aide $ 35.00 - $ 45,00 Senior Administrator $ 80.00 - $ 90.00 Administrative Assistant $ 45.00 - $ 55.00 Administrative Aide $ 40,00 $ 50.00 Clerical Aide $ 35.00 - $ 45.00 General (1) Reimbursable direct costs, such as reproduction, supplies, messenger service, long-distance telephone calls, travel and traffic counts will be billed at cost plus ten. (10) percent. (2) Hourly rates apply to work time, travel time and time spent at public hearings and meetings. For overtime work, the above rates may be increased 50 percent. (3) Client payment for professional services is not contingent upon the client receiving payment from other parties, (4) Billing statements for work will be submitted monthly. Statements are payable within thirty (30) days of the receipt by client of statement. Any statement unpaid after thirty (30) days shall be subject to interest at the maximum permitted by law. January 5, 2004 L06I04/2004 06:31 7148361748 RSG PAGE 02 UFR13AN April 29, 2004 Mr. George Britton ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP INC. 217 North Main Street, Suite 300 Santa Ana, CA 927014822 Subject: Centre at La Quinta Traffic Study Dear Mr. Britton: INTRODUCTION The firm of Urban Crossroads, I nc. is pleased to submit this proposed Agreement to provide a traffic study of the Centre at La Quinta, consisting of 138,000 square feet of retail development and 300 apartment dwelling units. The project site is generally located south of Highway 111, west of Dune Palms, and east of Adams Street in the City of La Quinta. SCOPE OF WORK The following Scope of Work represents our attempt to give you a full picture of Potential services needed for completion of a traffic study for the project. Task I.- Access Evaluation and Site Plan Ind_ 1.1 Site Plan Review (based on most current site plan) 1.2 Assessment of Adjacent Roadway General Plan Classifications and Intersection Spacing Criteria 1.3 Interface with Project ApplicantlTeam (teleconference) 1.4 Prepare Recommendations Regarding Access and Internal Circulation Features 1.5 Interface with Jurisdiction Staff (teleconference) Task 2: Scoping Agreement Process 2.1 Project Trip Generation 2.2 Project Trip Distribution 2.3 Study Area Definition 2.4 Identification of Cumulative Projects and Ambient Growth Patterns 41 Corporate Park Suite 300 Irvine, CA 92606 p;949.660,1994 f:949.660.1911 urbanxroads.con, 06/04/2-004 06:31 7148361748 RSG PAGE 03 Y Mr. George Britton ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP INC. April 29, 2004 Page 2 2.5 Preparation of Draft Traffic Study Scoping Assumptions 2.6 Interaction with Jurisdiction Staff and Finalize Traffic Study Scoping Agreement 'cask 3: Traffic Counts and Existing Roadway Conditions Inventory 3.1 Peak Hour Intersection Turning Movement Counts (up to 5 intersections) 3.2 24-Hour Roadway Segment Counts (up to 3 segments) 3.3 Field Inventory of Intersection Traffic Control Measures, Approach Lanes at Intersections, and Through Travel Lanes along Segments Task 4: Cumulative Growth (Interim Year Future Traffic Projections 4.1 Generation and Distribution of Other Development Traffic 4.2 Calculation of Cumulative Future Peak Hour Turning Movement Volumes at Study Intersections 4.3 Calculation of Cumulative Future Daily Traffic Flows on Study Area Roadway Segments Task 5: Traffic Impact Analysis 5.1 Analysis of Existing Intersection Performance Based Upon HCM Delay Methodologies 5.2 Analysis of Existing plus Ambient Growth plus Project (E+AG*P) Intersection Performance 5.3 Determination of Improvements Needed to Serve E+AG+P Conditions 5.4 Analysis of E+AG+P with Cumulative Developments Intersection Performance 5.5 Determination of Improvements Needed to Serve E+AG+P with Cumulative Developments Conditions 5.6 Review of Funding Sources for Study Area Circulation Improvements 5.7 Preparation of a Draft Traffic Study Report Which Incorporates Findings and All Supporting Calculations for Work Phases 1 through 5 T_askk,,6: Responses to Comments 6.1 Review of Jurisdiction Comments and Revision of the Draft Traffic Study Report (if necessary) 6.2 Attendance at Follow -Up Meetings or Hearings on a Tune -and -Materials Basis 06/04/2004 06:31 7148361748 RSG ti PAGE 04 Mr. George Britton ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP INC. ApH129, 2004 Page 3 PROFESSIONAL The fee for the work outlined in this proposal is based upon budgets for each task which will not be exceeded without prior written approval by the client. Urban Crossroads, Inc. will, therefore, be compensated on a Task Progress Basis (i.e. "percent complete") with the following "not —to —exceed" budgets for each project task: Task 1 - $17300 Task 2 - $1,800 Task 3 - $1,500 (budget is limited to 5 intersections and 3 segments) Task 4 - $2,300 Task 5 - $2,800 Task 6 - $ 600 (not including Task 6.2) TOTAL $10,300 This fee estimate is based upon our assessment of the City of La Quinta requirements for the Traffic impact Analysis. As part of the Traffic Impact Analysis, Urban Crossroads, inc. will coordinate with the City of La Quinta to refine this scope of work. At that time, the City may decide to expand the study area and/or change some of the project assumptions that could potentially require a budget augmentation. If the City requires more than five intersections and/or more than 15 cumulative projects to be analyzed, Urban Crossroads, Inc. will advise the client of potential additional costs associated with the additional work effort. Three copies (two bound and one original for the client's use) of the project report would be prepared. Monthly billings from Urban Crossroads, Inc. will be based upon the attached Exhibit A - BILLING RATES FOR URBAN CROSSROADS, INC.. The proposed fee does not include attendance at public hearings/meetings, which may be required to secure approval of the project. If these are required and requested, Urban Crossroads, Inc. would be pleased to attend these meetings and billing would be based upon the billing rates included in Exhibit A. The Client agrees to limit the Design Professional's liability to the Client and to all construction Contractors and Subcontractors on the project, due to the Design Professional's negligent acts, errors, or omissions, such that the total aggregate liability of the Design Professional to all those named shall not exceed $50,000 or the Design Professional's .total fee for services rendered on this project, whichever is greater. In the event that a lawsuit is brought for the enforcement of any of the terms of this Agreement, the prevailing party should be entitled to attorney fees and costs in addition to any damages. 06104/ 2,004 06: 31 7148361748 RSG . I 1 • ► PAGE 05 Mr. George Britton ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP INC. April 29, 2004 Page 4 TIME -SCHEDULE It is estimated that the traffic analysis will be completed in 40 working days to complete from the date of authorization, and date of receipt of data essential for the study. Additionally, any delays resulting from circumstances beyond our control, such as weather, shall extend the time schedule. QUALIFICATIONS Urban Crossroads, Inc. specializes in transportation planning and traffic/acoustical engineering for governmental agencies and the business community. The firm has completed numerous traffic studies in the project area. A description of our company can be reviewed at www.urbanxroads.com. The experience of the firm's personnel in transportation planning and traffic/acoustical engineering provides the special skills necessary for determining practical and meaningful traffic solutions. This letter can serve as a Memorandum of Agreement and our authorization to proceed. Please sign one copy and return it to us for our files. We are looking forward to serving you on this project. This proposal is valid for sixty days, if signed by the client. If you have any questions regarding this proposal, please do not hesitate to give me a call at (949) 660-1994. Respectfully submitted, aCROSSROADS, INC. to Associate Principal SS:ds JN: 02051-01 Attachments CONTRACT A A . Approved by: . Title: EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR. Firm: CITY OF LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - - Date: JUNE 83, 2004 1006/04/2004 06: 31 7148361748 RSG PAGE 06 EXHIBIT A BILLING RATES FOR URBAN CROSSROADS, INC. Compensation for -Services The Consultants Billing rates for services are as follows: Position Hourly Rates Senior Principal $150.00 - $175.00 Principal $140.00 - $165.00 Associate Principal $125.00 - $150.00 Senior Associate $110.00 - $130.00 Associate $100.00 - $120.00 Senior Engineer/Planner/Analyst $ 85.00 - $100.00 Engineer/Planner/Analyst $ 75.00 - $ 90.00 Assistant Engineer/Planner/Analyst $ 65.00 -- $ 80.00 Senior Technician $ 55.00 - $ 65.00 Engineering Technician Il $ 45.00 - $ 55.00 Engineering Technician 1 $ 40.00 - $ 50.00 Engineering Aide $ 35.00 - $ 45.00 Senior Administrator $ 80.00 - $ 90.00 Administrative Assistant $ 45.00 - $ 55.00 Administrative Aide $ 40.00 - $ 50.00 Cledcal Aide $ 35.00 - $ 45,00 General (1) Reimbursable direct costs, such as reproduction, supplies, messenger service, long-distance telephone calls, travel and traffic counts will be billed at cost plus ten (10) percent. (2) Hourly rates apply to work time, travel time and time spent at public hearings and meetings. For overtime work, the above rates may be increased 50 percent. (3) Client payment for professional services is not contingent upon the client receiving payment from other parties. (4) Billing statements for work will be submitted monthly. Statements are payable within thirty (30) days of the receipt by client of statement. Any statement unpaid after thirty (30) days shall be subject to Interest at the maximum permitted by law. January 5, 2004 11/15/2004 15:16 7145411175 RSG PAGE 03 NOV-'15 2,004 10;4?RM HP LRSERJET 3200 WORK AUTHORIZATION TO: Mr. George Britton ROSENOW SPEVACEK GROUP INC, 217 North Main Street, Sutte 300 Santa Ana, CA 92701-4= PHONE: (714) 541-4585 FAX; (714) 541-1175 Subject: FROM: 101, I r.S os Mr. Scott Sato, P. E. URBAN CROSSROADS, INa 41 Corparate Park, Suite 300 ar Irvine, CA 92906 DATE: November 15, 2004 JOB NO: 02061-04 Centre at La Quittta Traffic Study - Contract Anwridrnent #1 Contract/Authorization to proceed on oompleft the traffic analysis for the Centre at La Quinta to reflect the latest land use scenario. The fee to finalize the traffic analysis is based upon personnel charges, plus direct expenses as indicated in the attached Exhibit A. The "not to -exceed" fee to accomplish the above Soope of Work is $3,8W. The Client agrees to lirnit the Design Professional's liability to the Client and to all construction Contractors and Subcontractors on the project, due to the Design Professional's negligent acts, arrors, or omissions, such that the total aggregate liability of the Design Professional to all those named shall not exceed $50,000 or the Design Professional's total fee for services rendered on this project, whichever is greater. Your authorization, in the form of a signed copy of this work authorization will be necessary for us to Initiate this work effort. Billing rates for this job will be based upon the adached Exhibit A. After signing this work authorization, please keep a copy for your isles and return the original to our office. If you have any questions, please give me a call at (949) 680-1994. CONTRACT Lll � Approved bar: � _ --- TItle: Firm: Date: SS:ds Attachment Executive Director City of La Quinta Redevelopment Agency November 16, 2004 41 CoTporatP Park,,. SUke 30D - Irvine, .''.A Mt- p;949,660.1 "4 - f;949,660.1911 ► urbanmva&.com p- X I 11/15/2004 15:16 7145411175 RSG NOV}15 a004 10:471"IM HP LASERJET 3200 PAGE 04 p.2 EXHIBrr A 81UJNG RATES FOR URBAN CROSSROADS, INC. Compen—oWn for Servioes The Consultants Billing rates for services are as follows: PosUM Hourly Rates. Senior Principal $ 150--175 Principal $ 140-165 Aswciate Principal $125-1 a0 Senior Associate $110-135 Associate $.100-125 Senlor Analyst $ 85--110 AnaW 1 $ 70-95 Assistant Analyst 3 5O-75 Senior Technician $ 5"o Technician $ 45-70 Assistant Technician $ 35-M AdrninWrabve Manager $ 75-100 Administrative Supervisor Administrative Assistant $ 45-70 Ge (1) Reimbursable.. direct costs, such as reproduction, supplies, messenger service, long- distance telephone calls, travel, and traffic counts will be billed at cost plus ten (10) percent. (2) Hourly rates apply to work time, travel time, and time spent at public hearings and meetings. For overtime work, the above rates may be Increased 50 percent. (3) Client payment for professional services Is not contingent upon the client rw*1ving payment from other parties. (4) Billing statements 1br work will be submitted monthly. Statements are payable within thirty (30) days of the receipt by-cl"Wd of statement. Any statwncnt unpaid after thirty (30) days shall be subject to Interest at the maximum permitted. by law. October 7, 2004