So California Gas Co/Main SilverRock 05MAR-21-2005 08:30 FROM:THE CAS CO. PALM DES 760 773 9243 TO:760 777 7155 P.1/9 TIM Gas Ca�!aY' A Sens pira E-aergy utility I - 2, VJ Q- \'J u~' To: TIM JONASSON Company: FaxC Tel: 760-777-7155 From: VINCE ALVAREZ Fax: _-_ 760-773-9243 Address:. 75095 IVIAYFAa:f2 City/s7ZP: PALM DESERT CA 92211 Tel: 76(046-8198 Number of Pages (Wudlng cover page): Date: 03/21/2005 The project planning and cost estimating for Project # 72701 has been completed and Included with this letter. Under the Line Extension Rules, you have the opportunity to select the utility as the installer (Option A) or you may hire a qualified contractor (Option B) to do the Installation as described in Line Extension Rule 20. You must declare which installation option you wish to pursue before the process can continue. To assist you in making an informed decision, the attached bid letter provides the estimated installation cost comparison between Utility Installation (Option A) and Applicant Installation (Option B) for the installation of GAS MAIN & SERVICES. Again, work on your project cannot continue until you have made your selection and returned the executed attached document(s) to So Cal Gas. (if0ptlon A is selected: • n ica a your selection on the bid letter If received, execute Line Extension contract and return with signed bid letter by fax to me If payment Is due, please remit payment to local Gas Company payment office with Exhibit A Stub or mall to: Southern California Gas Company Sundry Billing ML 711D P.O. Box 2007 Monterey Park, CA 91754-0957 If Option B is selected: • Indicate your selection on the Bid Letter and return by mall or fax • Destroy Line Extension Contract if received • Additional documents will need to be prepared prior to executing a new Line Extension Contract • You'll be contacted by your Project Manager to assist you with the applicant install process If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me. MAR-21-2005 Oe:31 FROM:THE GAS CO. PALM DES 760 773 9243 TO:760 777 7155 Linc F xterlsion Contract The Gas Ompanr Reference: A gSernpra Energy utility 03/16/2005 JOHN PREZYBYS7,I,WSKI PRca ECT MANAGER CITY OF LA QUINTA 78495 CALLS TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CA 92253 P.2/9 Cray C.omptuiv Project : 00000072701 Project Location: SI'LVr'R ltWX /C' 1 Y 017 LA (IUTN,rA Project Scope: NC)N-RFSI MI nIAL, COMMFMC.IAL, PKOJF.CT LOCATED Ni- SILVER kc)C_K /C:ITY Or LA QUINTA A\'D AVENUE 52/ A DIF RSON, IN ME CITY OF LA QWNTA, N TITE COUNTY OF R1 VRRSIDr INSTALL MAIN. SE-RVIC1JMSfE;R'I'c)'r[4P SPF..0 rr-IE-D LOCATION. IN APPLICANT A.NT 12ROVIDLD TRL'•NCII The e>agi>eering required for -the installation of the gas facilities as described above in the Project Scope, haled on the information you have provided us, has been completed. The attached 14E.xh.ibit A" dated 03/16/2005 details the estimated costs and allowunces, and also imbc0tes any advances and contributions, if required at this time. Please provide ws with an address list for the property, if applicable, including any internal apazwwara<t or trait munbers or letters as quickly as passible. This will assist us in providing Limely installation of the requested gas meters and/or rc;funds of your refuudahle advances. "ro acknowledge your receipt of the Exhibit A,confirmatioln of the scope o_f the Proiect, an-d. receipt and- agleemcnt with the enclosed General Conditions, plcasc have this letter executed by your awhorized representatives) (owner or corporate officer) and return all pages to The Gas Company mpany representative listed below. Your retum or the executed copy of this letter plus any required advance will constitute your request to The Cray Company to scliedule the installation and your agreement to Exhibit A and the General Conditions. Timely return of this letter -will ensure tha;l your construction is not delayed, A copy of the letter has ben provided for your records. Thank, you for this opl'x>rtwlity to provide you with natural gas to serve your .requuecneots. WO are pleased to have you as a Gas Company customer and 'v with the best passible service. If you have any questions, please conLaut me a sm, cercly, JONATHAN C. BLACK NEV 13(J5INE!Z PROJECT' MANAGER 75095 MAWAIR DRIVE PALM DESERT,CA 92211-5102 lit to provide you (909) 335-7629 Form 3905-D. Effective July 2002 Line Egetkzion Contract #: 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 z 7 01- 1 Dated: 0 a i 162 0 a 5 Pale i of 4 MAR-21-2005 08:31 FROM:THE GAS CO. PALM DES 760 773 9243 TO:760 777 7155 P.3/9 SOurfffRN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY GENERAL C ONDTTTONS FOR LINE ]CWTENSTONS 'These are the general conditions under which Southern 091ifornia Gras Company ("The Chas Company") will provide line extensions for Applicants- Y. COSTS A. Fstimatcs and Duration. The enclosed ExIdbit A estimate is valid for 90 days and may be revised after 111at lime if the; installation of gas facilities for the Projcct has not begun. Once The Gas Company begins the installation, the estimated cost will remain in ctTcct for 12 months. If at the end of the twelve months the work - is not complete, The Gras Company reserves the right to calculate i is costs for the work completed, less applicable allowances, anti issue a new project and Line Extension Contract for the remuining installation work. If additional monies are due, Applicant agrees to pay them within :30 days after invoice. Applicant will be responsible for costs of enguieerjjW, planning, surveying, right of way acquisition and other associated costs. B. Allowances. Applicant(s) receivlug allowances as an offset to the installation costs are responsible for these costs and may be billed subject to the Collowing: line extension(s) where allowances have been granted to the Applicant based on future gas load(s) must have the gas mcter(s) installed and, turned on wick► bole fide load within six (G) months for main/main and serviec(s) installations and twel ve (12) rnontlis for services) ordy installations. These time frames commence from the date The Gas Company completed the installation of gas facilities. If: Applicant fails to comply, the Applicant will be billed for the difference between esti.niated ullowances and authorized allowances, as described in Tariff Rules 20 and/or 21. The bill amount will include Income Tax Component Contribution and Advances (ITCCA/CTAC) Tax. Applicant requested temporary scrvice(s) ure Cully collectible. Refunds shall be made and calculated in accordance with Rule 22. C. Attorneys Fees and Offset. if The Uas Company is required to bring an action to collect monies due or to enforce any nther night car rem Wy, Applicant agrees that The Gas Company is e✓-ntitic d to recover it.-i reasonable attorneys' tees and costs. `the Chas Company may withhold from any payments dice Applicant any amounts Applicant owes The Gds Company. IT. INDEMNITY A. Crencial. Applicant shall indemmify and hold The Gas Company harmless from and against all .Liability (excluding only Pre -Existing Environmental Liability) connccted with or resulting from injury to or death of persons, including but not limits d to employees of The; Gas Company or Applicant, injury to property of The Gus Company, Applicant or a third party, or violation of local, state or federal law% or regulations (excluding environmental laws or regulations) (including attorneys' fees) arising out of the performance of this Contract, except only for liability to the ex-te -nt it is caused by the negligence: or willful misconduct of The Gas Company B. Environmental. Applicant shall indemnify and hold The C3as Company hamiless from {tnd against any and all liability in attorneys, fees) arising out of or w any way connected with the violation or tom ia.nce with of any local, state, or fcdcra.l environmental law or regulation as a result of pre-existing conditions at ffie; Frgjeet site, release or spill of any pre-existing hazardous materials or waste, or out of tlic management and form3M-D, rffc0tivc July 2002 Line Extcrwion Wnt=19: 00000072701-i Dated: 031161200E Pvc 2 or4 MAR-21-2005 09:32 FROM:THE GAS CO. PALM DES 760 773 9243 TO:760 777 7155 P.4/9 disposal of any pre-existing contaminated soils or groundwater, hazardous or nonhazardous, removed ffTurml the ground as a result of The Gas Company's work performed ("Pre-Existingm Environmental Liability"), intruding; but not limited to, liability for the: costs, expenses, and .legal liability for environmental investigations, monitoring, conta-Hi mrent, abatement, removal, repu.ir, cleanup, restoration, remedial work, penalties, and fines arising from the violation of any local, state, car Cedera.l law or regulation, a.ttomeys' fees, disbursemenLs, and other response costs. As between Applicant and The Gas Company, Applicant agrees to accept full msponsil�ii.1 y for, and bear -all costs associated with Pre -Existing Environmental Liability. Applicant' agx4es that The Otis Company may stop work, terminate it, redesign, the gas facilities to a different location, or take other action reasonably necessary to complete its work without incurring any Pre -Existing Fnvironrnental Liability, C. Withhold Rig_lit.s. In addition to any oilier rights to withhold, The Grits Company nay w1flihol.d from payments dui Applicant such amounts as, in The (as Company's reasonable opinion, arc necessary to provide security against all loss, damage, expense and liability covered by The roregoing indemnity provisions. Ill. WARRANTY The Gras Company requires that Applicant warrant all materials and worktnunship performed by Applioant (directly or through a contractor other than The Gas Company) shall be free or all dofects and fit fOT their intended purpose. A one-year warranty Un any materials and a two-year warranty on any installation work provided are required. If Applicant's work or materials fail to conform to the warranty, Applicant shall reiranburse the Gas Company for the total host of repair and/or re placement or The Gets Company may give Applicant the opportunity to fix within a reason mble tinne s:uc;h defect.(s). Such reimburscrnents are non. - refundable and the aMO=t of suc11 reimbursements may be withheld by The Gas Company and offset against refundable amounts owed Applicant. IV, TA.RWF RULES / COMMISSION A- "Ibis Line Extension Contract ("Contract") consists of and incurporates by reference the line rxtens►1011 contract letter, Exhibits A, Gcncral Conditions and all of The Gas Company's applicable tariff schedules and rules as filed from tine to time with the California Public Utilities Commission ("Commission" ), including but not limited to, the Preliminary Statement and Mules 1, 2, 4, 9, 13. 20, 21 and 22. Copies of these rules way be. obtained by visiting the SoCal(ias' .Lntern.et site at www_socalgzs.corn or by requesting topics from. your Gas Company representative. B. This contract is at all times subject to such changes or modifications as the Commission may direct from time to time in the exercise of its jurisdiction. C. No agent of ] be Cras Company has authority to make any terms or representations not contained in this Contract and the taxi ff schedules and Applicant hereby wai ves them and agrees neither 'The C'ras Company rior Applicant shall he bound by them. V. JOINT AND SEVERAL ILIABMITY Where two or more: pasties are Applicants for a Project, The Gras Company shall direct all commurdwtions, bills and refunds to the des,1 mated Applicant, but all Applicant` shall be jointly cmd severally li<Fible to comply with all ternms and coMitlons herein. rime 3905-D, Bai;oLi+c July 21.02 Lino Extcwioa Cvnlracl N4: 00000072701-1 Dated: 03/16/2005 PAW 3 of 4 I Inn 1. L_i weJ-1 "LJ - .AL- r r\Ui - i. i ne tarns k_U . r r L-1 1 LJCJ t OU t ( ) 7C`tJ 1 U: (t )u f r ( f 1'Z) F'' .' / y VI. STUB EXTENSIONS Stub costs are reftmdable only to the extent the allowmice;s generated by stub extensions exceed the maim to meter installation costs, and only for ten years from the date of the stub installation. Rebinds will be made without interest, and no refimd will be riiade in excess or the amount advanced. VIL AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE If Appli.c;uant is a corporation, partnership, joint venture, or a group of individuals, the subscriber hereto represents tbdt he has the authority to bind said corporation, patiners, _joint venture, or individuals as the case may be. My signature below represents my agreement and aac eptanec of the Project confirmation, Exhibit A and Southern California C'ras Company's General Conditions For Line Extension. 1 acknowledge and agree that The Gas Company's cost and Allowance estiYnatt:s for this Project were based on information provided by me or my authorized represelatative. I further acknowledge and agree that my signature represents my/my company's agreement and understwiding that subsequent ehanges in Project scope inay af'tect the installation price and further, that of allowances have been granted, an additional contribution may be required if the future loads on which the allowances were: based do not materialize. APPI:TCANT CITY OF LA QUINTA By - (Authorized Sipiature) Thomas P. GenOVE:se (Print Name) Title: City Manager Date: Applicant is a: (Please check onc): Address: 78-495 Calle Tampico La Ouinta, CA 02.253 Telephone; Social Smurity or Federul Tax ID No. No. 95-3740431 _Individual/Sole Proprietor. _Corporation _Gen. Partnetslvp Ltd. Parttticrship _LL,C Government A§ency Form 3905-0, Ettective July 2002 Lina l xrenaion Contract #: 00000072701- i !hated' 0311612005 PAe 4dr4 PALM DES 760 773 9243 TO:760 777 7155 P.6/9 03/16/2005 Gas Installation Bids fnergYvrmy- THIS IS NOT A BILL - DO NOT REMIT PAYMENT. Name: CITY OF LA QUINTA Address: 78495 CALLS TAMPICO LA QUINTA CA 92253 Project Address/Location SILVER ROCK /CITY OF LA QUINTA Project ID Number: 72701 SocalGas Project Manager. JONATHAN C. BLACK Telephone Number: 760 777 7051 Tract Number: Telephone Number: 909 335 7629 The project plannning and cost estimating for the above referenced project has been completed. Under the Line Extension Rules you have the opportunity to select the utility as the installer or you may hire a qualified contractor to do the installation as described in Line Extension Rule 20. As required by the Califomia Public Utilities Commission, you are being provided the estimated installation cost (bid)- prior to the issuance of a line extension contract. The bid is broken down between the cost for the work the utility must perform, the work that can be performed by your qualified contractor, inspection fees, and tax. You must declare which installation option you wish to pursue in the space provided. work on vour oroiect can not continue until you have made your selection and retumed the executed form to SoCalGas. fastaltation Cost Breakdown I �.G1 G� o ',�, CA v k ':; , ta: f A:Estimated cosh if installation Is performed by SoCalGas- (a)main $40,329 24 (b)Servlce(s) $1,544 74 (c)Stub(s) $0 00 (d)MSA(s) $988.73 (e)Tax $15:001.95 Total (a thru e) $57,864.66 41 t ? CO V�Gt� � c L i t. 1 `\ •� !�' 'T S 1 Option B: ed SoGalGas' estim cost for the work performed by SoCalGas under the applicant installation ption (a-ebthe SoGalGas' estimated cost for the work the applicant can perform under the applicant installation (f-h), and tax for both SoCalGas and applicant work performed (1). (a)Main $9,805.01 (b)5erviceis) $246.95 (c)Stub(s) $0.00 (d)MSA(s) $988.73 (e)Inspection $4,404.40 (i)Tax $16,543.49 lain $30,524.23 (0)$erviee(s) $1,297.79 (h)Smb(s) $0.00 Total Cost (a thru h) $63,510.60 Select One Box Oplion A: f select SuCsff.ax as the installer. Please prepare and forward the GaA t.lne Fxtensinn C;untratt ❑Option B: 1 wish to pursue the appik2ut install optlon. t understand that there are additlonal documents I must complete, and return to SoCalGas, parlor to the developyneut of like CIL$ Lint. Exteuslou Coutratt. My signature confirms my understanding that the bid price consists of the estimated cost for work SoCalGas must perform and the estimated cost of all'remaining work if SoCalGas is selected as the installer (Option A). If I select Option B and elect to have my contractor perform less than all the remaining work. I understand that a new bid will need to -be -prepared. A new bid may also be required if the assumptions that the bid -was —based on change. This bid will remain in effect until: 04/15/2005 Applicant Name: QTTY OF LA QJJIN�A of Signature; Print Name: Thomas P . Genovese Witte• City Manager Date: April 21, 2005 MAR-21-2005 08:33 FROM:THE CAS CO. PALM DES 760 773 9243 TO:760 777 7155 P.7/9 Date Mailed: 03/16/2005 Project ID: 00000072701 -.Exhibit A COST AND ALLOWANCE CALCULATION (ESTIMATES) (X) Trenching by Applicant Cx) Trenching by Company C ) Applicant Design C ) Joint Trench C ) Gas Only Trench C ) Applicant Install 7,950.00 - $ 3,766.85 = $ 31,145.86 Proioct Cost Site Praparotlan Allowance APP11*d Advance Required '(Refundable) Advance Required (Non -Refundable) ITCAA (CIAC Tax) Payment Received $ 31,145.86 S. 31,145.86 S 0.00 X 35/e = $ 101901 ._05 $ 0.00 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE S _ 42, 046.91 Site preparation reimbursement for applicant provided trench will be treated per Tariff Rules 20 & 21 and payments, if any, will be be based on the agreed CP upon price per foot times the actual footage of the trench used. Q LN NNI Fore 3905-D, EffeatiVe July Z002 Line Dctenslvn Contreet N3 00080072701 -1 ----�—�, *ps- ---------------- M -------------- —------------ WW'Y YWrw&Y•8-rrrrwram. Yi.►YYYY-I�....Y /1.1----� Date Mailed 03/16/2005 Detach and return this portion with your payment THIS BILL IS NOW DUE AND PAYABLE US On CITY OF LA QUINTA 78495 CALLS TAMPICO A Se i'rihra 1 Terrgy"tny LA QUINTA, CA 92253 SO. GAL. GAS. CO. MORT PK, CA 91156 NEMS Project ID 00000072701 -1 PLEASE PAY THIS AMOUNT 1 42,046.91 4200007270101000000420469190000 92 000072701 9 JUN-15-2005 07:27 FROM:THE GAS CO. PALM DES 760 773 9243 TO:760 777 7101 P.2/3 nee A �SCMPfa 11310 [y"ruui(y SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY SPECiFICATIONS FOR APPLICANT I'ROVTD1ED TRCNCH 03/21/2005 Project Number: 72701 Job ID or Work Request Number 1489756 Job Location: SILVER ROCK, LA QU1NTA, CA. Tract Number (s): Lot. Ne rnbers ; It is understood by acceptance of this agmement that Southern California Gas Company (SoCalGas) requirements related to trenching and backfilling are to be met in all instances. Any deviation from these requirements that is not approved by an authorised SoCalGas representative shall be considered cause for this agreement to become void and releases SoCalGas from any obligation of participation in an applicant provided treneh installation. The Applicant will notify SoCaMas at least ten days in advance of starting work. SoCalGas may coordinate the installation of main and service piping with other operations. The Applicant or his autbori7.ed agent shall, at no cost to SoCaiGas, obtain the necessary trenching permits, pay all inspection fees, and satisfy any and all other requirements pertaining to trenching, backfilling and compaction called for by authorized governing agencies. It is agreed that trenches shall be of such size as to provide a minimum vertical clearance of twelve inches from power conductors of any size and a minimum separation of six inches from all other substructures. All gas "main and service piping shall have a minimum thirty inches cover below finished grade. All trenches must be level and free of debris at the time gas lines are to be installed. All joint trench and gas -only trench will be backfillod with sand to be a minimum of twelve inches of cover over all gas main and service pipe in normal soil and a minimum of eighteen inches in rocky soil. Pipe depth to be determined by a So Cal Gas representative. Applicant shall be responsible for repair or relocation costs of any gas facility, which has been changed, altered, or modified inside the project limits, without SoCalGas authorization. Refer to the drawing(s) dated 02/02/96 of a cross section of a joint trench (no scale) attached hereto and incorporated by reference. SoCalGas will reimburse or credit Applicant for acceptable trench at the agreed to rate of $1.00 per foot, which will be identified on EXHIBIT A-] or EXHIBIT A-2 as Site Preparation. This agreement is suhiect to SoCalGas Tariff Rules 20 and/or 21, which are incorporated by reference, axed is subject to such changes or modifications as the Commission may direct from time to time in the exercise of its jurisdiction. Accepted By Applicant: Company-tiLme. Signature: Print Narne: Thomas P . Genovese Print Title: rit-4z Manager Date: June 15, 2005 Accepted By Southern California Gas Company: Signature: Print Name VINCENT AI..VAREZ Print Title: FPA Date: 03/21 /2005 JTRFNCH.DOC (Pev. 6f2UQe1) S 1 MAR-21-2005 08:33 FROM:THE CAS CO. PALM DES 760 773 9243 TO:760 777 7155 P.9/9 J'I'RENCH.WC (Rev. 6/20 1) 'wX Preferred Method q (i E of street r Curb face OF TRENCH Right of MY-, VANES VARIES I VARIES VARIER I I s Gas Note: southern California Gas Company will only participate in "Dry Utility" ioin[ trench. 0Telophone��I / TV _ 1. CROSS SECTION OF JOINT TRENCH NO SCALE "B" Acceptable Method OF TRENCH Flowline Or VARIES r.• ma / Top of pipe OR Gas Note; Southern Cali f iirni a Gas Company will only participate CROSS SECTION of in "Dry Utility" JOINT TRENCH joint trench. NO SCALE Power Telephone T.V revs -tea arum S2 n n