Truly Nolan/Pest Control 05 Branch No. 0(·"3 Map Grid: Start Date: 1;1 - ~V-==- 111_1.1\ DI .. PEST CONTROL TERMITES Route No. " Time: This agreement is made between TRULY NOLEN EXTERMINATING, INC., and ADDRESS TO BE SERVICED i.f'l - ;-~;<11' k hÝ ¿ I C, 11 01 I I~<:" i \, V--I \ i '10.- BILLI~G ADDRESS ANNUAL PEST CONTROL SERVICE AGREEMENT Date: ~/_/ 199'LL- ¿~~ ~~" .+, .~ ,fy\. C. \~, . t ,. c.., I ~~ ",,1. Service Phone -'J( v - Billing Phone 7 ( 0..) - This agreement is effective for the 12 month period beginning L / _ / 199 'í ì . TRULY NOLEN WILL PROVIDE CONTINUOUS SERVICE THROUGHOUT THE PERIOD SPECIFIED. THIS WILL INCLUDE A MINIMUM OF Î- SERVICES, PLUS AS MANY SERVICES REQUESTED BY THE CUSTOMER, AS MAY BE NECESSARY TO MAINTAIN CONTROL OF THE FOLLOWING: ROACHES SILVERFISH CENTIPEDES SCORPIONS HOUSE MICE HOUSEHOLD ANTS SPIDERS MILLIPEDES SOWBUGS FLEAS FIRE ANTS (indoor) CRICKETS EARWIGS PILL BUGS BROWN DOG TICKS THE HEART OF THE TRULY NOLEN EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL SYSTEM IS BASED ON AN EXTREMELY WELL ESTABLISHED EXTERIOR BARRIER AND REDUCTION OF PEST HARBORAGES AND POPULATIONS, WHEN REINFORCED ON A REGULAR BASIS. REMEMBER TO CALL SHOULD YOU REQUIRE INTERIOR SERVICE. "..--~ ì \ PRESENT INFESTATION IS: ~,J, ¡, ! (,\ \ Y<~ U, \ ~\ NOTE: Flies, bees, carpenter ants, carpet beetles and rats are special problems and are not inclµded in this agreement. TRULY NOLEN offers a specialized service for treating such cases. Termites are a structural problem and cannot be included in this agreement. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Your scheduled months as indicated: 'f ; ANNUAL PEST CONTROL -" .;; SVC Rate .;; ':> x ~vcs= 7S-'¿ Intensive Service II ',V ,OD ~-,. 17<;':':' Total Contract Value $ Lis'! ,;;; ';> d3 7J; '1S" ~ J5 $ 1~ï ;;.:;,- Less 5% Annual Investment TOIAL. ANNUAL INVESTMENT INCLUDING DISCOUNT Subtotal Sales Tax Total To Prepay First Year Jut. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. ;;;. 3 .. PAYABLE: _ Full Year with Discount _ At Time of Service Amount Paid $ Cash Receipt # Check Number Credit Card: 0 MC _ 0 Visa ~lfIsAl 0 Discover [.ill] o American Express . Card # Expiration Date RENEWAL: This service agreement automatically renews itself on a month-to-month basis, unless notice is given 30 days in advance by either party. IMPORTANT INFORMATION Warning - Pesticides can be harmful. See caution statement on reverse side. TRULY NOLEN EXTERMINATlNG,-I~.C. 7( - II ("f ... --', \., \ ,c,-- LA. ,.. \ ')" "{ \ C/, "r'; .,;¡G. \ (OFFICE PHONE) .'ft.",} # 7:, "~! .~\ ..:" \ ,,', \ ',: "--, {¡" \'" (0,' FFI~,E ~~" ?RfJ'~.) , I r I '" \ -) ~, , (REPRE'¡¡EN{}('!:~VE) .- ~\."'\">"'" ---,--- By:¥ I (~ By: : - I ¡~AGENT) (MANAGER) PLEASE CALL AND LET US SCHEDULE YOUR FREE HOME TERMITE INSPECTION If the agreed upon terms are not met, Buyer agrees to pay all reasonable attorney fees and court costs in addition to any other necessary fees for collection. It is mutually agreed that any dispute under the terms of this agreement shall be submitted to arbitration pursuant to the rules of the American Arbitration Association You, the Buyer, may cancel this transaction at any time prior to midnight of the third business day after the date of this transaction. II- .. (3196) TN012 WHITE ~ OFFICE YELLOW' CUSTOMER PINK ~ SERVICE [ill , V:~i Branch No. ()~ 3 Route No. 0 .lJ ' Map Grid: Start Date: ~ Time: át - . - -=æ-V-=e- 1111.' IIISI ," PEST CONTROL TERMITES T(,~~ -...." ANNUAL PEST CONTROL SERVICE AGREEMENT Date: L / a.o.. / 199 ~ ADDRESS TO BE SERVICED ,9-\01 Q V E~ Sa- ~ of lo.Ou,,,tc-- \- ü (~":J" ~ I~ \ .-. ~~ ,-\ ') ~:) :',-''';' This agreement is made between TRULY NOLEN EXTERMINATING, INC., and BILLING ADDRESS \=>.0 . ~ 'j.. \ ~CO'Þ-\ Service Phone /;. I 'f - f 17 - 7 ('¡ 1'1 h.ú ' :; '-I., " t-,,:.., c:..".. <;1 è)..~"),S:2, Billing Phone "" , ~I - ìTl ì ð I ('I This agreement is effective for the 12 month period beginning 1- / JŽl.S/ 199 ~ . TRULY NOLEN WILL PROVIDE CONTINUOUS SERVICE THROUGHOUT THE PERIOD SPECIFIED. THIS WILL INCLUDE A MINIMUM OF _ SERVICES, PLUS AS MANY SERVICES REQUESTED BY THE CUSTOMER, AS MAY BE NECESSARY TO MAINTAIN CONTROL OF THE FOLLOWING: ROACHES SILVERFISH CENTIPEDES SCORPIONS HOUSE MICE HOUSEHOLD ANTS SPIDERS MILLIPEDES SOWBUGS FLEAS FIRE ANTS (indoor) CRICKETS EARWIGS PILL BUGS BROWN DOG TICKS THE HEART OF THE TRULY NOLEN EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL SYSTEM IS BASED ON AN EXTREMELY WELL ESTABLISHED EXTERIOR BARRIER AND REDUCTION OF PEST HARBORAGES AND POPULATIONS, WHEN REINFORCED ON A REGULAR BASIS. REMEMBER TO CALL SHOULD YOU REQUIRE INTERIOR SERVICE. I PRESENT INFESTATION IS: tJ ¡ NOTE: Flies, bees, carpenter ants, carpet beetles and rats are special problems and are not in uded in this agreement. TRULY NOLEN offers a specialized service for treating such cases. Termites are a structural problem and cannot be included in this agreement. Jan. Feb. Mar. May Jun. Your scheduled months as indicated: Apr. 3 ANNUAL PEST CONTROL SVC Rate~x ~vcs= J ~O ~? ~ Ov o - Intensive Service Total Contract Value ~. C~C> $ d<47 - ; Less 5% Annual Investment TOTALANNUAL INVESTMENT INCLUDING DISCOUNT Subtotal Sales Tax ~ Total To Prepay First Year Jut. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Lf J ;z PAYABLE: _ Full Year with Discoun¡' _ At Time of Service Amount Paid $ Cash Receipt # -'Check Number Credit Card: OMC .. OVisa ~SA_i 0 Discover [ill] o American Express . ( '" "k«> ,-2x:ò -, w nx.. '" ) Card # ExpU:ation Date RENEWAL: This service agreement automatically renews itself on a month-to-month basis, unless notice is given 30 days in advance by either party. IMPORTANT INFORMATION ¥..~c\.,,::> ).............~ h......\à.......", 'E.(:\~-\ ::>~- \!,,..,<"\'.~ c:.:\-", Ov.t- ~ Warning - Pesticides can be harmful. See caution -...., -r- By: ~ / .¡#-, :~a' -~C>:'\''t -,--7 '1 - 'J"~! :'1 L~~ j , (SPOUSE OR AUTH RIZED AGENT) (MANAGER) PLEASE CALL AND LET US SCHEDULE YOUR FREE HOME TERMITE INSPECTION If the agreed upon terms are not met, Buyer agrees to pay all reasonable attorney fees and court costs in addition to any other necessary fees for collection. It is mutually agreed that any dispute under the terms of this agreement shall be submitted to arbitration pursuant to the rules of the American Arbitration Association You, the Buyer, may cancel this transaction at any time prior to midnight of the third business day after'the date of this transaction. ~: i l' I- .- (3/96) TN012 WHITE ~ OFFICE YELLOW ~ CUSTOMER PINK ~ SERVICE , [.ill] }o .....- VISA -¡ ,;;;: \ .J '-- How did you hear about us? Other Branch No. 0(" (, Map Grid Start Date: ~ Time: DATE:~.;Jp-l~'::>/ This agreement~s~;;;~~een TRULY NOLEN OF AMERICA, INC. and C b--0F ¿e.... Qu. , ,,-te-, _j ì ~ ;)/~·- C...ø ~ I~n'f"" ( lIu Service Phone "7" ù Route No. 0 TRULY no LEn 3 lOnE PROTEnlon PLAn - -=:-v-==- TRU!)I nOLEn PEST CONntOL Ð c,' ,. - c ( . Id J )3 , " Sf" y- L(7{] ADDRESS TO BE SERVICED Customer E-Mail: BILLING ADDRESS THIS AGREEMENT IS EFFECTIVE FOR THE 12 MONTH PERIOD BEGINNING 2-/~£ Billing Phone 7f.sc, - ; -ì,. 70/'/ TRULY NOLEN WILL PROVIDE CONTINUOUS SERVICE THROUGHOUT THE PERIOD SPECIFIED. THIS WILL INCLUDE A MINIMUM OF t;).. SERVICES, PLUS AS MANY SERVICES REQUESTED BY THE CUSTOMER, AS MAY BE NECESSARY TO MAINTAIN CONTROL OF CRAWLING INSECTS. Truly Nolen technicians are trained to work with the environment in preventive pest control rather than to use only materials. Although clients always want fast results which are easily supplied by chemicals, our philosophy openly encourages use of the safest methods of protection and the added peace of mind. TRULY NOLEN 3 ZONE PROTECTION PLAN - A time tested service for crawling household pests, features a well established perimeter barrier that is reinforced on a regular basis. Interior service is performed (annually with courtesy service) on an as needed basis. You will be charged for your exterior service at the time of your regular service. EXCLUDING WHITE FOOTED ANTS. ~ D D D D D D D INSECT EXCLUSION - This program provides exclusion pest prevention services in a highly effective prowam of treatment and monitoring. The ultimate in pest protection and prevention for your family and pets. Truly a service second to none. Insect Exclusion is a once a year service with quarterly quality assurance inspections and maintenance service. After first year of service protection the Insect Exclusion will maintain a quarterly inspection/service without having to invest another initial service investment CARPENTER ANT SERVICE - The most complete carpenter ant service treatment program available. Designed to control ants inside your home and keep them out. Complete exterior perimeter treatment with extensive attic treatment, wall void treatment and baiting, combined for the most effective program available today. FLEA AND TICK SERVICE - Highly effective and long lasting protection from fleas and ticks for your family pets. Using people friendly materials. WHITE FOOTED ANT CONTROL - Exclusive method developed by Truly Nolen to control these aggressive ants. MOSQUITO MITIGATION SERVICE - A service program designed to reduce conditions conducive to infestations by identifying and treating mosquito breeding sites in and around homes and buildings. This service has shown to significantly reduce mosquito populations around the home and bUilding environments. RODENT/PACK RAT CONTROLJEXCLUSION - The most thorough mechanical exclusion, removal and monitoring system in the industry. Over 55 years experience in rodent oontrol, and every exclusion carries a full one year warranty. SPECIAL SERVICES - This intensive service will achieve temporary oontrol of the pests named below. This service carries a retreatment guarantee for 30 days from the date of intensive service. This agreement can be converted to a regular pest oontrol maintenance program, with no additional intensive service charge on or before Note: Termites are a structural problem and treatment for them is not covered by this agreement. References to subterranean termites refer only to monitoring for activity in the area surrounding your home. RENEWAL: This service agreement automatically renews itself on a service to service basis, unless notice is given 30 days in advance by either party. SINCE MOST INFESTATIONS ORIGINATE OUTDOORS, THE HEART OF THE TRULY NOLEN SYSTEM IS BASED ON AN E;XTREMELY WELL ESTABLISHED EXTERIOR BARRIER AND THE REDUCTION OF PEST HARBORAGES AND POPULATIONS. WHEN THIS EXTERIOR BARRIER IS REINFORCED ON A REGULAR BASIS, THE NEED FOR INTERIOR SERVICE IS DRAMATICALLY REDUCED. IF INTERIOR SERVICE IS lEVER REQUIRED PLEASE FEEL FREE TO CONTACT US FO~ NO CHARGE COURTESY CALL PRESENT INFESTATION IS: ..., ; NOTE: All Truly Nolen Services are designed to include regular inspections and analysis y au h'o zed technicians. Please refer to the service checklist for specific features of the custom tailored program created just for your home. .i.. .....,It ...)'-'.- Intensive Service PAYABLE: Retail Sales Your scheduled months as indicated: \ $ (, ~~~'.;6 A\ . TOTAL FIRsf yrÁR INVESTMENT \"'-. _Full Year with Discount _At Time of Service SVC Rate-iex-1L..SVCS= Total Value Price Subtotal c¡ 88 c~ ~ C¡;Q·B,·· G' _. (1) Cash Receipt # Check Number Credit Card: 0 MC.O Visaœc 0 Discoverill o American Express. Tax Less 5% Annual Discount Total $ OPTIONAL SECOND YEAR INVESTMENT Sales Tax (if applicable) Card # Expiration Date ) Total First Year IMPORTANT INFORMATION Warning - Pesticides can be harmful. See caution statement on reverse ~ j;; TRULY NOLEN OF AMERICA, INC. ' ,," ,.. f'" ' O~'::'5:.~I/ ~ ~---------------------------------------------- (OFF!PE tfESSì _.,' - ,-' (OFFI E PHONE) , ' ,,--,!-:;~::\----·----~!!-.i~-;;",:m.-;-----------~---- -------- -----"""O"-~,'"'"'----------------- ------ --------~~-----~~¡~-- -(MANAGER) -------------------. trulynolen. I::. .- ¡. IiIII œc - (PLEASE CALL AND LET US SCHEDULE YOUR FREE HOME TERMITE INSPECTION AND/OR LAWN ANALYSIS If the agreed upon terms are not met, Buyer agrees to pay all reasonable attorney fees and court costs in addition to any other necessary f It is mutually agreed that any dispute under the terms of this agreement shall be submitted to arbitration pursuant to the rules of the Ameri You, the Buyer, may cancel this transaction at any time prior to midnight of the third business day after the date of this transaction. TNQ12. Bev. 5/05 Branch No. ø"'" Aoute No. 0 TRUIV nalBl 3 IDUIE PRDlEDIDD PLln Map Grid . g¥'j-cS-7 " start Date; l::J..l Time: DllõÆ:LL1Z:L/~~ " Tho...-- :'"',.............;. ""'-EN OF '",",'OA, ,,,,- """ ~ ð F 4!2..:.i... -;:h¡ /I..J.p -) ADþf es5TQeeSEF\VIC~ Î~..,r:r.;' L~'l 'U-'LQ 111 Q........"tr:.. _ '7 ;;;5"-3 CuslcrnBl.e-Mall: S,Irv/.,apncme Îl",o-..,'ì- Î 1nt'J BI1J.INGAtJDFtE$$ Ja'i9~ t::!.J/J ~,~ ¿CVLL....fu<. THIS AGREEMENT IS EFFECTIVE FOR THE '2 MONTH PEAIOD BEGINNING _, L.1---1JJ:L. Ellltlng ~t'IB TflUI.Y NOU:N WILL PROVIPIi CONTINUOUS seAVJœ Tl'tFtOUGHOUT THE P :f IOD $PSCJFIsc' THIS wlu.. INCLUDE A MINIMUM OF l=. SERVICES, PLUS AS MANY S1FIIIIC::SS FlEOUESTi:C lilY THi CUiTOMEFI. AS MAV Be IIIECESSAR'f TO MAlIII'TAIN CONTROL OF CRAWUNG INSECTS" Truly NoIIIIn tKhnlclans are 1I'aIned 1Ø work wldllhe eflvlfMmenr In pnIIIentlve pest col\1rQ1 raltll!ll' 1 han ~ use only m4'lørl8lB_ Allbaugh cIIemII øJwaYli wønI .. ruula. whlelo al'l:l ~OII~ Qlupp'ied Þ!I dlemlCa s, gUl' pnllasopþy OPeJ' JV en_wrages use ot Ute salest meØ'lclds Of pl'a1eClllen iIIncllftB 8I!ded peace 01 mlncl. ~ TAW-V NOLEN 3 :!ONE P~ON "LAN - A tImo 1esœcl servfce for ~ hau$B/IaId ~ Ie~ II I11III1 esIabIl5hed per!marer barrier It1I1t Is IBInfarçed DO II regl,ll. ~ basia. InIarior I18rvi~B is parfonned (~~ an IiIn III neOdld biJ&Ïa. 'rou wm be ::h3rgad for your 8ICIBriDr seMœ ill tho lime gf yg¡¡r I8!lllIar iBrviœ. exCLUDING WI1ITE FOOTED ANts. . o [] D o D o DEC-22-2004 01 :15PM FROM- How diC you near aþCUI iii? T-029 P.002/002 F-867 MouN Car Amlque Clar I ElillÞOard J'Va'OW PageS Üll'l8r . I!l ~c... INStiC'r exCWSION . Thlli progtam prOllld8SIJIÇ USlon pes! preo.renllCl'l f;fi '\I1cos In a 1'ii!;Jh!y deç l'o'e 11"C ram or lrealment and mOMo~nS, TfIØ I,IlItmare In pest P.fOIe"II;n and pfe\/en~~ for )/QIlt ramify en!! pets. Trury & BIIIrvictll8COl1d 10 none..1nsIIt:I ~ 18 iii øncI II y8BI' SlII\IICB with quar1llrJy qualify 8&&L ranl::S ~ IIIId m&1nœnm¡ce &Brviœ. After 11r!i1 ~liIr Or 1\IIM:a prolllclicn !tie !!IIiIa EKcIu&i01'l wiI mainá1 ¡) quàI'IeI'fy Il'I$p8"\loMIe ro,jco wICnoul n~ \u ÏI'WCØ anolhOr iflilJal seMel! irMISlmont, CARPENTER ANT 5S'1111CE . 'Tho I11D&t complele carp.,lCIr :Jnt SBrviœ treatment program available. o.l~ød ID l:I:Inll'Ol tllIl$ inside ~ nome and kOOp \/'tom OIJI. CompIoIc ØXll!lrior pSrimalar tmatmsnt wlll1 ø.lonsivc alllC 1rB~lrnOrll, walll/olel treatment and Þaldng, COmbined Ie' 'ne maSt eff'K1Iue progmrnllVSilabla 1Dday. PLeA AND TICK SERVICE - HlQn~ .1fG~VB and longlasllng pratÐCliOn from noas and licks Jot your I~ "11)' pð13, U:;ing pooplO Jriondly materialS, WHrTC I'OO1ëD ANT CONTR01,.. e~c:I\JS"'e meIt10ct dellelOplld Dv Truly Nolan ra conlrol these aggrs iBÅle anlli. F-'~ ïì7-7ö II RODENTIPACK RAT CDNTRDLJEXCI.USION . ThB rnDlõl1hDlDugh mcehÕlnlc;¡1 oxc1\1$Ion, I'Omoval an 2 monilOtlng system In Ine Indl.lStry. Over :is yalll'S ecperlenc:e In rodam cantrOl, I!.t\d overy Q l;c:I~s¡on carrle$ a 11111 o/la yaar warm¡ty. SPeCIAl- 5el!VIÇ¡;¡S . 'rniS I/IIÐnslV6 serv[eð will a~l'Ileve 1ef!\ )On!ry t:Ql1tItJl of the pBSI!I ~ befow. Thill IIeMce ømiec¡ iii runlmOl1L QIIiBiII1Iø8 for 30 dE1J15 frorn1ha daIS aI InlSnshtB ~alVice. This agreernllnt can be cllnllBT1Iid 11) 21 rlgUlðr pe:l'l c:ontrol mainlsnarJCO prcgrom, ""¡U ¡I\D lIddlllOl'lallrlrlW;lll8 se '\llCa ØIafg' an 01' ÞefIlr8 . ~Olo:TarmIIO~ iIIC Q =_I11III plllDln IIICIlr1IOImonllorlnom " noI_Ø '" I~ ..."..."t, R.Iu..nr.r,e 10 ...111_l1li1 UI'...... ..,." ""'I . manll",lf1Q la, .....Ir¡o In 1r1Q olaR ~I_" r'iOIM FleN~Al: ThiS SQlvICO agroomorn automallca11y røneW$11SeIf on a aervlte 10 IOI'IIÎœ basic. unIeå; notice i:; g vøn 30 days l!'Iadvanœ b'I either parw. SINCE MOST INFESTATIONS OAlGlNAlE OUTtlOOfllS, 1"115 HEART OF THe TRUl.V NOLEN S'VSTEM IS SASECI ON AN EXTASMELY WaL ESTABLISHED EXTERIOR BARRIeR AND THE RecUCTION OF PEST HAFlBOAAGIEiS ANO pOPI,II.ATIONS- WHEN THIS MERlOFI BARRIER IS RElNFOAœD ON A AeGUl..Af:! BASIS, THp NæD P'OFI MER"" 5EPMOE IS """","CAlLY"BJUCEJ> IF !NYE"'''' se . ,œ IS ~7'" PLEASE FæL ",..TO OC.".". US "'" A NO """'Ge C"'-"'TESY CAlL PRESENT INFES11.TION IS: - ~ ~_. NOTE: All TrtllY Nolen SGrvicos ar. da:iÏgnad 10 indudO I'I g¡ Iaf IfISpCC:dO 8f1d ena!ySl!, BUIhorIzad œel1nldUIIIL PIBiI&B rerar tD 1he service l:Ihal:kll:ltlor 5pocmc loallll'DS o11t1e CIICtIIm 18J QnIØ progœm cræ1ed uBt for your ho 11B. ;'=r~g~l ;:'3 r;:. I ;: I ~ec, I ) ~-~~;_.. .,----~ . Warning. PestiCiCllll$ _ISO 1Ull'mlUI, Sêe caurJon BtlUlilment on I'IIVD V1 (PLEASE CALL AND I.iT us 'CH1SDur.E YOUR FRU TRULY NDLEN OF AMiftfÇA, INC. ~ t-INIIETERMlTE INSPECTION ~NDIOR !.AWN ANALYSIS ~Î"9 ~ ~ ~'i I ~;:¡;~.t hJ)LÅ·'~OFRr;EP~~ ~::':'r-~~--~---"---------------------~----- .. ..Q~PRËf~ïrRl'3.º ':kl. ... --- -- ---------- trI: . ..I·:,'~t&·(~7r.ïj;,õu&r& ¡¡1~~ÄifErii1------ - __m_____ --- - --- "' -.._......__.....--1ÑA~J-...---------........._~ .. .-------- Ii 1M 'Ir. IGf11........ "'" not ""'I, Buyer ~ 10 18118If ,.~ øåOm6Y Ioœ IVt4 COU T = In R<I/IIUon ~Im\' DIIw nIII*-.y I_lor CGIIøc:c1OO. II :¡ mwJI).y AJ IDOd 1""1IIt~ dll:poJIs ~nlll!r ilia I8MIII or l1li8 ~ 111M Þ8 &UIIntIsIIlo i\1IJlIr.1IlOn ~ "' Iho:I NIIII Df III, An1atldn ArI)hrø ¡m Aø8IX:IøIIon. "'u, I!1C Buyor, rTI~Y """"011 Un: 11M_lOIn III "'" 111M prlclla m~19h1 or In6 U'lIrIIIIIlBIn8BB dB~ Drier lI1e dati! of Ihl5 ¡¡f):;~IIII1. "bur Sl;hødlollad monlhs 01& il'ldîcatod: .....-- ....... _.. 1-. at____ $Ao~ ð 7..S"'..!...!!..o !;~', OD , ~.Î::: ... ~~~.d-~ " ~ $ ~ai;¡S s c308~~ TOTAL ARST YEAR INVESTMENT IOIOn8f1Vð SVC A a...;¡:C ~SIJCS", 1bml LIB IÞ.I: ~ ^nl\U8l Cleeounl SUbtOTal $ OPTIONAL SECDND VEAR INIJESRAENT Sales TIÞ; (II applic:lblO) Total ~I Year __ ."'. "-"'Y' IMPORTANT II'IIFORMATION PAVABI.t: ~FuU Year wiIh DiI;eount --AI Tlmo ar SOf\llc:tl ~mOlJnt Paid $ _~~ ~ 'FIecelp! Ir :;heCIk NumÞor :ïredl! Card: 1;1 MC . 1:1 VIsa CIC L.I Olsc:ovlilr iii Q Am,)r!t:3n express. Jardll :xpirotion Dale . truly 1olen.com -iI ~. TN012 Rev. 11103 OCT-22-2004 12:41PM F ROM- Branch No. ð c.:, '" Map Grid Route No. 0 ';J.- T-673 P.002/002 F-068 TRULY nOLEl1 3 10llE PROTEnlon PLAn It I' ~DAQ~.~"~,.....~~ ~ fY\o.....t.:.. i..........>'Y\.00 L~··Y, ...~~- ~'T~C;)-'5'~ CU5tomer E-Mail: SOl vice I'none .-:J...~p - <tø L/ - I d ~3 SII.L.INGADDRESS ~. f.?J)l...... t C::SaLt J- C.-<"~lL.....,.so-. .~.... r&-d-'S:~ - )./ ""D; ~'" ~ THIS AGREEMENT IS EFFECTIVE FOR THe 12 MONTH PERIOD BEGINNING L~.--1~Sllllng Pnone .:J...b,Q -1,1- '1 0' 4:t TRULY NOLEN WILL PROVIDE CONTINUOUS S~AVIC= ntAOuGI-IOUT THE PERIOD SPECIFIE ).,TI-II~: WILL INCLUDE A MINIMUM OF ~ SERVICES, PLUS AS MANY SERVIC¡:S AEOUESTED BY THE CUSTOMER, AS MAY SE! NH!CeSSAAY TO MAINTAIN CONTROL OF I~RAWLlNG INSECTS, Truly Nolen tBChniCi~n$ are trllloed to work with the environment In preventive pest control rather t~an to use only m~lorlQls. Anhough clients always want 1ast ~sults which are easily supplied by chemicals, our phllo$Qphy openly encouragøs use ot UI8 safest metho. S of pro~tlon end the eddød pO~CO Of mind. ~ TRULY NOLEN 3 ZONE PflOT!CTION PLAN - A time te5led S6Nicé for crawling household pest5, fB"turSS a well e!3tebllshed perimeter barriél' ~t Is telnforcecJ on a regular baSis. Inlerior service Is performed (ennu;,11y with eourt8$y 1;ArvieQ) on an as needØC3 ba5is, You will De (hargecJ for your exterior sérvice at the time 01 your regular ¡¡eNicé. EXCLUDING WHITE FOOTED ANTS. o Start Date: AODRESS TO BE SERVICED il 38 S- ~'Vv INSECT EXCLUSION _ This program provideS exclusIOn pest prevention services in a highly onoctlve progrllrn 01 treatment and monitoring. Tne ultimate in pest prolQC\iOn and pravention for your f<lmlly an<:! pets, TrulY iii sefVlce second to none. Insect ExclUSion IS a once II year service witn quarterly quality assurenœ in¡;pøctions and maintenance serviœ. Aller first ýear of SE!rv1ce protection the Insect Exclusion will maintain II quarterly inspøctionlSelVlCe without having to inll86t anothér il'lltial service Inve!3tmen1. CARPENTER ANT SERViCe _ The most complete carpenter ant service lreatment program availeble. )Qsignod to control ar¡ts inside your home and kOOp tnom ol,lt· Complete exterior perimeter treB1ment with extensiw anic troalmont. wall void treatmen1 snd baiting. combined 101 the most effectiva program availablo today, o o D o o FLEA AND TICK SeRVICE - Highly effective and long lasting protOCtlon from fleas and ticks for your fal nlly pets. lJ!ling people friendly malerlals, WHITE fOoreo ANT CONTROL· i:xCluslVe metnocl developed by Truly Nolan to control thOSe aggre! ;slva ¡mlS. F,x 7løo-ì7Îlo1 J RODJ:NTJPACK RAT CONTROuexCLUSION . The most Ihorough mechaniCal o,ccllJSlon. removal and monitoring Systom In me InoustrY. Over 55 years experience In rodent contr~, and e>Jery exclusion carries a full one year warranty, . SPECIAL SERVICES. Tnls Intensive liIervlcs wùlachieve temporary contrOl 01 the pestS nilme(l below. This SérvlCO carries a retreatment guarantea for 30 dayS Irom tne date of intensive service. This agreement can De convérted 10 a røgular post control msJntenanœ program. wlU, no aOdit!an.allntensive 58Nica charge on or before f'Io48, Totrnhoa DR:I Q ~1J'\¡CUJrDI prcblO!1'1 ønd IrtlalmfJnI ftIr liMn" nol ÇOWJr~ II)' ~'»b nCJr1'lnn'llltnl. AClrCll'onC!D!ö 10 ~r.JncHln tarm!~!S ~.1)f11) Q MQI'II1D1mg for i1diYIIy In ma !l11II. eulTOLJOdtn£! ~r 11Ott·ft. ~ENEWAL: This seNiCB agrøømonl automatIcallY reneW$ltse~ on lit aervlcs to aE!rvÍCB wis. unloss notlce!!3 g van 30 days in advance by ellner party. E TRULY NOLeN SYSTEM IS BASED ON AN EXTREMJ:LY WELL ESTABLISHED EXTERIOR NS. WHEN THIS EXTERIOFI f3AARIER IS REINFORCED ON A REGULAfi BASIS, THE NEED FOR IS EVER REQUIRED PLEASE FEa.. FREE TO CONTACT US FOR A NO CHARGe ~RTES\' CALL. þlY\f.">. f).v r '1_I¿·<Y~ ) .lJ" Q~.J analysis by authorizSd tEJChnl~ inS, og '¡!m crested just for yOUr ho 'nO. .' IM~ATANT INFORMATION Waming _ Pest~deg can be harmful. See caution statement QrI reverse side. (PLEASE CALL AND LET US SCH600LE YOUR fflJ\1E TRULY NOLEN OF AM~ICA, ~~C, /'Y. ÆJ . ~ ~ '.' H4)MI:.TERMITEINSPECTlON ANDIOR LAWN ANALYSIS ç. .::¡ :]- ? !.' S G ß-<,- 1':.... ~ - --..- -- ---------- _------------S~.,;-:-2<:--- r ~_ .ffiœ~ '," ,______~""'.,""1t._~;?-=::4-,1J' 1*___ _ :~..... --~-------------- --------------- .. ----n---lM^NÃ~~Ã)----n---u- 11 the agreed YpQO tarms are not I'MI, B~yer Borge:¡ 10 prro¡ a8 re&60naÞlo OUQ,ney reee and court COSIS In addllian to 8I1Y other n '~Baty. fee:; lor cOIledlc~. It \8 lmitu:>iIy a9f9ðd 111111 ~ny oisp~te ~ndQr Iha lamlB oI1I11~ OC,],OC!fI18tII all all be &Ubml~Dd 10 arcltr.ltlOl' purauant to II1e rum 01 'he Amond.n A1'Ditratlon """otlatlcn. ",bu, \118 Bl¥Ir, mi1)' cancel1hlS lr.m0:3clIOO at any tlmo prior to mlclnigl1t of tho third buBlne&5 r;l;>y afl&r 1I1e da~ 01 tnia transaçliQr '. YOur sehêdlJled montns as Ind1cated: SINCE MOST INFESTATIONS ORIGINATe OlJTOOOFlS, THe HEART OF BARRIER AND THE REDUCTION OF PEST HAR80RAGeS AND POPUL INTERIOR SERVICE IS DRAMATfGAl.LY REDUCED, IF INTI:RIOR SeRvlC PFlESS'IT INFESTATION IS: NOTE: All Truly Noler¡ Services are désignGd 10 1l'lcllJdO rogular Inspecllons a Please re1er to the service checklist for specifiC fèatures Of tM euslom lallored $ / 90 .rJ::- TOTAL FiRST YEAR INVESTMENT Intensive Service SVC~~SVCS= Total V~ S- Q. aD 1.50. cj,> a QU_t.-DD- \ é'kDÙ- rCfo.~O- .., ~O·~ Leae 5% Ann~al DIaCOLJt1t Subtotal $ OPTIONAL SECOND VEAR INVESTMENT Sales Tax (if applicable) Total First Year ........-.,_.,--. J~J Aug. I ~I~ Sep. PAYABLE: _Full Year with Diacount _AI Time ot Service Amounl Paid $ Caah Receipt # Ct1e¡;k Number Crealt Card: 0 MC _ 0 Visa 3C 0 clsc:over ¡ø¡ o American Express - Card # Expiralion Oate ~ tl'LlI) 'nolen_com . . iIi - TN012 Rev. 11/03 ,- SEP-27-l004 01 :37PM FROM- T-506 P.001/001 F-698 00 o o o D BranChNo..Q~RouteNo_....Q..s' TRULY NOLElu SERVICES :::::n...do -':"';~ULY NOLEN OF l~~,~, I~C~ND _~ ":E~~i: ~~~~ "C -'^ k J II ADDRESS TO BE SERVICED ~ S-o v.-v'ë- ~...... ,,~""\.À._ \ c..-~~__ Zip COde ~~..3 __ Service Phone ~.I... 0 - C;~-=:....D~q:_~_ _.. Bluing Phone -:]~ ð- =t~..::t..=- =l--o \ 9 6ILLlNGADD~eSs -\:--;;---Ð-- Zl~oc:le ~~;}..~::.3.....~ l;MAILADDRESS TRULY NOLI:N WILL PROI/IDE 0 TIIliUOUS SERvICE THROuGHOUT 'rrlE PERiõí)'š)í:èïÆ'ò'1-R\šwllL INCLuDf A MINIMUM OF , ~ ._ SERVICES, PLUS AS MANY SERI/ICES REOUEST By THE CUSTOMER. AS MAy BE NECESSARY TO MAINT^IN CONTROL OF CRAWL IlliG INSECTS, .., IRIIE 5EIUIŒ A time leatea s.rvi,o far crawling nOLl'mnOla InulS.1llco) peSIS, laalul/.:! well 0~cll8ned µ.",mr.lor Darner U1.Ir IS ,",nlartOd )n a raO.131 bõ¡:;I;, Cuaranreea ..rvita IS perfOrm"d prafslSlan~lIy Mtn ca~ne8y Sot.ie. OA an as ne.d.d basis. PIIiEOIIIIIU PIaIBmOI 5ERVIŒ UÞIIZlno In. minI oneclws n,.,had5 af prsvcnlian tnrOuOl1l'õ'pplna, s~cl".ion. oradleallel1 8.",<e5, F-~ ì ì 1 - II:J I _SIr PllEUBlllon I The moat tnofoUDh mechanical ext:hJ:,t.,on,' removJJ ilnd mcrulorin[ì ~st.m tr'IlI1r: ¡neuErI)'. Ove.( 55 yri)r5 8k:penell[f in rodon· pr,s"'~nl QI1. ana every dxcll¡:¡ron ca(r~.... :;cr~1C8 Gbll"!ltl:C TRULY III8DF SEllUll:E '!iY5lEll1 Tnis program prO"¡~05 uel~SIC l pl"'. pr~vÐntlon ""rv,ca& In a IliCnly ollsellve prDcram 01 Uaatl11ðl11 ¡1M monHOfln9. Th~ uUlAlata In p..' prnlocnon eno p"'lI1Intlon fer your famuy ane 1"'1< Tr~1y n seMC. "<~nd 10 nene, r"'11 Proot SSlvH:. ¡" " oneo a y.ar ~efVlCO 1111111 qllimany Inter.:11 a~nll¡Y M.ur.ncr. Inopecban lllC maintenance !.rvi ", Mar !Irsl v..r 01 5ervlCS ørot.c1ion ¡nO Truly Proor ServlC. will maimaln 0 qLJ.111,,1y IniØectiO v~~rvit( wllnOLlI tu...ing JI) IrIlJlISI anc1ncr Inlllsl ~~rVICIJ rf1\røstnll~nl, SPEIIIL 5EIMŒ . A one 111110 5CIVICe InOI pIQv,dr.~ up Ie tnlny dny call tacit gllolilnrss. S",ito may be <oll,",rl"o ta an anlluOJ "BrcOmen! wllllu ¡¡a ~;IY5 at eempl~[.d .pc"al &ervle" ¡II no adollla,t,l ,n,I¡¡¡llntenIIV. <Iwge 'fY'\ t:.À(" 1 ,"0 - Sb"t - S'1. S ~ GUARANTEE; A cuaranlc~ tnat reqUires yaur satlsf¡¡ction. SHe attachec Guarantee, EQUIPMENT: StrategicallY Placed peSI - RODENT - Bird eqlllpmem is the property Of Tr~ly Nolen PROGRAM SECURITY; During serviCe progl~lTIltenJ)re Truly Nolen relies on ils experience 3nd cduGatJcn in its pes! cra:lk:atlon methODS. Customer altered service Will VOIU any Guaranree SIIIiCE MOST INFESTATIONS ORIGINATE OUraOORS, THE HEART OF THE TRULY 1li0LEN TRULY CARE SYSTEM IS BJSED ON AN EXTREMELY WELL ESTABliSHED ExTERIOR BAARIER AND THt REDUCTION OF PEST HARBORAGES AND POPULArIONS. WHEN THIS EXTERIOR BAR ¡IER IS REINFORCEO ON ^ RtGULAR BASIS. TI-IE NEED FOR INTERIOR SERVICE 15 DRAMATlCA~I_Y REDUCED. HOWEVER, IF INTERIOR SERVICË IS EVE~REQUIRED PLEASE ~EEL FREE TC CONTACT US FOR A NO CHARGE COLJRT~SY CAll, IN YOUR ABSENCE, TRULY NOLEN CAN MAIIliTAIN SAID BARRI R AND PROVIDE A FiJ Y CliARGI:ABLE EXTERIDR SERVICE. PRES~NT INFESTATION IS: ~ . :::::K~t.5;..- NOTE: Woo~ deslrcylnQ organisms are nDI cOVBred by thIS aglBemenl. Unless eç l/çally wrllløn. rlYi~nSeCIs a -0 not oovered by thiS agrEment. YO"'~"d",~""'h,,,¡",,,,,.. ~~ De< 5" \0 , 1;}- I ~ ð 4 ANNUAL PEST PA!¡veIlITlON PAYABle SVC Rate _,_ Ò t) x -\.1...- SVCS = ~~. oJ;> _ __ Full Yea, With Disco...n! _._ At Tima of Service Amoun: Paid $ Cash Fecelp[ b___ Cneck ~umbe( Credit Card: ,j MC till U Visa IZJ u Americøn Expruss .. u Discover /ill Int~nsivø Servic~ 30..OÞ _ s ~l{~. ~ TOToiÏl FIRST YEAR INVESTMeNT INC~UDING DISCOUNT Total Contract Value "3~OI oð _ _t..&~ Ò~~O~ P - , $ 3"t~· ~ Car( " Expira:i)n Dale Ll!Iss 5% Annual Investment SubtOtal $--- ADDITIONAL SECOND YEA~ INveS'I'MENT Sele$ 'rax Total To Prepay First Yesr SpeCial Instructions: (Ó_~.oXß~ 'reRMS: I undOrstand Ins! tnls agreêmentls lor a period of one year. This sorvlce agreement automatically renews IIsoll after first yea( On a service cycle 10 serviCe cycle basis. unless written notiCe 15 given 30 days in advanco by either øarty. ~ __I '-r . Cu&tomer Aceeptilnce ~_.. - ¿stomer ¡nilials Warning - Pesticides can be harmful_ See caution statement 01'1 roverse side 0 . ~Or lih Ul.: NO EXTERMINATING î -£-~~,/,....-¿ ,.if'---('..oC.,,9d.J53 '___ ._ U ~~E) (AUfHORIZED AGeNT) ~ (RePRESENTATIVE) T us SCHEDULe YOUR FRee foIOME TeRMITI< INSPECTION. å..1ANAGEFI ADDITIONAL CHARGE FOR WOOD INFES'I"ATI II 1110 agree~ upon ¡10m. arc:> nOIIMI, Buy'" 'g'o.,; 10 pay all ,aooon.,ble anorney fDD' ~nd COull eo... In .dditionlo any olh", rB:o...,IY foeS lOt l:Oll~OIIQt1. III~ mUruõ1~Y ..greed 111Rt any disputo \Jndcr lhe ~ttrml5 of Ihi~ ~grGeMt n. $h311 be ~uømjn$d 10 tl.rbd~Lon pUf!il.lam h) Ihtf ru~ of JnC American Arbllr.:rllCn A~~øUo . You, !no S,Uyef. may (;dncel thi!õ tri1n~cl on tU önV timo prior 'Q mldnigh1 oi tho thlr4 Þve.irlt:fts~ dllY ¡sf1ðr 1nQ data or Ih.S InmtõZl.C1lon. · White/Office· Yellow/Service· PlnklCu5fnr1p.r . -~ ~ o D o D FROM- R:;:::~:N~~"~'~~O N~~~~ I~~:~~IC~.~, II · Zip Code ? ~S-3 SêrvtCé Pl'IOnè ...:tk~"1::L"" ::¡o.' 9. Billing Phone 1 t. 0 - 1Î 1 ~ 1....Q...J ~ BIWNG ADDRESS' - ~ \ Zip COde "i ~ ç 3 EMArL AOOFlESS TRULY NOLEN WILL PRO DI; CONTINUOIJS SERVICE THAOUGI10UT THE PERIOD SPECIFIE~5 WILL INCLUDE A MINIMUM OF t.f AS MANY SERVICES REOUESTEO BY THE CUSTOMER, AS MAV BE NECESSARY TO MAINTAIN CONTROL. OF CRAWLlt-IG INSECTS, qUi, ailE 5EIIUIŒ A time 18100 Yr\lleð lor C/'8j1Nng nDuØllnDla (nulsane!) pC". !...Iurø~ ~ wç~ m;¡ ¡¡:ïIJc d pa~rtIOler Þi1rriar 11131 is 1111¡"Dltad D~ . rooulat ~35is. GUllla~blðd Stlrvlta i:¡ parfarlT1"D PID'~anillly wi!!, .:ðune~ salvltl D~ an ~ naldoa ba&ls. 1RII.V ..mØIIIII. 5IDIŒ TII8 mDBI camplel8 manthly aaMc8lr8stmenl prDQr:lI~ 3YoIÞbIO, Guaranlavd Scrvlco. Dci"Ðnl1d ta ",ownl po51s in tour IIomø ana hap IlIam Dul. Camp,"l. .,.,.riar p"rimalC:r Ireal"'"nl w~þ man1llly llaalmenls, 03: 15P1.4 T-057 P.002/002 F-847 NOV-15-2D03 Branch No. aLol~ Map Grid Start Date: SERVICES, PLUS PliEII/IIII PIEUEIII10II SElVIO UtIlizing tho mall offactiw molllOCll at pJ'BV8ntlDn IIIrOllgh trapPIng, axeluslDn, eradJWIOn saMC8S. ...m PJE\IÐßIOD ThB most IhorDbgh JI1IICnanical DlCClu&lOn, rBmD'IB1 ønd mcmmnng syslem In the lIIa_sny. Ovlr 55 years U llrlanCBln rooenl prlYDntlOn, and DV8I11 DClbSlOn carnes I SBrvle1 GIIat&IIIII. TRlß.9 PRIIIF 51D1Œ ømm TnID progrøm DnrvldaB DXcllJilOn post pl8V8l111an Sill/ie" In a nlgnly I"Bellv! pt'O r3II1 Dr IIlItmBnt Bnd manl!Dnng. 1TI8 _IUmatl m IIIB! prol8ct1Dn and pravoobon lor ~~r ramily ønd pBIJ. Tr~1;' I servl¡o &OCanD to nana, Trult Proal Service 15 a ~.., a year 5Dr\lÎCII witn quartarly IntBMI QiIIIlly AsB~ranCII inspÐCtlon and mamlonance sorvicc. Aher fir:;l year or iICIrvI.., pI'Qlactlan ilia Truly Proof Surviaa win J11iIinlain ~ quarlorl~ In5~IQ1/s.JYÞ wl1/lðu! n:lYlng Ið inllll'"1 ""ol/¡er Inillõ1l iICIrvl!;1llnVo&ImOOI. D SPaœ. 5EIUIEI A onø limo 5IIrvlco 11\;11 prQ\/ido~ UP 10 !nir1Y d.1y cali back g~;u¡¡ntll8. SaMcl may Þ8 convomd to an annilll aoroemen! --.ithln GO caY5 of "'/I1P~od 5 CIclal service: at no additlo",,1 iniUal inlanslW cnDrllD. GUARANTEE: A guali1/1tae thaI rtlquilllS YDur s3tÏ5f¡¡C\ion, See anacned Guarantee. EQUIPMENT: StrategicallY placed pest - ROOENT - Bird eqUlpmonllS tho prapBr1y of Truly Nolon. PROGRAM SECURITY: During sel"llce programltonuro Truly NalBn rsli8$ an its Ø);periønce and eduealion in its pesl eraaicatlon metnods. Customor allerad sorvice will VOio any guarantec. SINCE MOST INF£STATIONS ORIGINATe OUTDOORS, THE HEART OF THE TRULY NOLEN TRULY CARE SYSTEM IS BAS EO ON AN EXTREMELY WELL ESTABLISHED ExTERIOR BARRIER AND THE REDUCTION OF PEST HARBORAGES AND POPULATIONS. WHEN THIS EXTERIOR BARRIER IS REI~FORCED O~ A REGULAR BASIS. THE SERVICE IS DRAMATICALLY REDUCEO. HDWEIlER, IF INTERIOR SERVICE I MR REQUIRED PLEASE FeE~ FREE TO CONTACT uS FOR A NO CHARGE COURTESY CALL. IN YOUR ABSENCE. TRULY NOLEN CAN MAINTAIN SAI BARRIER A~D PROVIDE A FULLY CHAAGi:AaL.e eXTeF!10F! SEFt\lICE. PRESENT INFESTATION IS: .:t;" NOTE: WDod dBllraying organisms alii nol £ovørød by !/tis loreement. U ess spaclllcallv nen, flvlng InseGII lire nut ÇI 1II lIId by thil Bgrøøm Your scneduled mDntl1S as indica\el ; ANNUAL PEST PREVENTION S\/C Flate ~O It 3 SVCS = PAYABLE FUll Year With DlscolJnt At Time of Serv çe Amount Paid $ casn Recoipt # Check Number CreeJit Card: i:J MC. Q Vi5ilœ!C C1 Americsn ExprB&Ii _ tJ Di&COVl!r IiiII $ ;;5~,~o TOTAL FIRST YEAR INVESTMENT INCLUDING DISCOUNT Intensive Service..----u \' ~ c:. _ SO- 0 0 Total ConlrBct VBlue Less 5% AnnuBllnvestmant SublOtal " ADDITIONAL SECON) YEAR INVESTMENT Sales Tax Total To Prepay First Year $ I understa0l1 that tnls agraement la for t one year. TIllS service agreament automatically renaws itself aftÐr first year on a servo a cycle to sarvice eyelø nless written notk:e Is gIVen 30 days tn advance ~ Oither pil . nt mat ~\, Ihe c:ùstomer cancel this agraement priDr to one year a canœl1ellOn fee of $75.00 will bé accassed 10 your accounl which will be due along with any accounl b the day or IaSI ronOetOO servICe. Customer Acceptance CIJ!:\Omer Initial!;; (Ht olH~I=NTATIVI!! (....AIllAO!!/iI US SCHEDULE YOUR FREE HOM!"! TeRMlT1i INSPECTION. ADDITIONAL CHARGE FOR WOOD INFESTATION REPORT. n 1110 õI! I'I1QCI ~ .ams "IV naI mill, Buyer agrM" ID pay "II ""'$DI1"III" ,,"arney fee$ QI'Id <aurI cœlll in addllic>nla 1111)' ""'.r nDC41M8ty 1- tor COneClJOll, II i.. mulwlly agr880 lllal anr dllplllO lIIKIor 1110 !\Irma of !IllS aQfeemem 3111111118 aliÞmmed 10 i\lÞnl'llllQ!l pu~;¡nl la "" ruIU of !hit ^,""rlcllR Art>itralÏDn A'U'DCoaIlDn. YÞu, 1110 BlIYGr, m;w ~ 1IIi. Inlntaclion al any Ima prior IQ lTIiGni!tll at It1cr lhirII Mn..... day ..hIiIr Ihe aete Dr \tile rranaaclkln, . Whlta/Offlce . Yellow/Service - Plnl<lCustomer . AUG-28-2003 03:25PM FROM- ~ª;~';{~~;;:L:~~~R~.~~D ~~~~:~~~~;~~ II ~ ~ ADDRESSTOBESEFlVICED ~ ~E.~\U:>Q(&.~O;:¡~~ ~~""Iri\r,. <0;\- ZlpCode 7¢d53 ~ \ l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~, 'i Service Phone ~ {¡.. 0 - î ì Î - :l.OJ 'i- _ Billing Ph::>ne - BIU.IN~DDRESs.._ \ Zip Code <1 d-~ S 3-- EMAIL ADDRESS ~ £yo..:.. o'l"n- . ~<- '\JL~ TRuLY NOLEN WILL PROV CONTINUOUS SERVICE Tt! UGH THE PERIOD SPECIFIED THIS WILL INCLUDE A MINIMUM Of I ~ AS MANY SERVICES REQUESTED BY THE CUSTOMER, AS MAY B CESSARY TO MAINTAIN GON1'ROL OF CRAWLI ~G INSECTS, 1IBlV DIIESIlURf Lb-t ~ Ç" e.<,--lt 'i;.. l.á.~ :,,<1 L~ Q o.J-;",:t:- «:'1'.- A timo lo~loØ ~olyl¡, lor frawJlno Mu!k1Mld (nuisance) P""I~, f.ôl\µr.S a wdll 8S1301~hðd p}lmel8r barrlsr !not IS roinlorccU ( n a rocular Þ¡¡zi¡ Gu¡¡r¡¡nle~d $erviç. I~ perform'u professionally with courtosy ~oIVi¡o 0!1 ¡¡n ¡¡S noo~cd D¡¡~¡S, Çb 00 D o D PlIiaIß/IIIII PREUBmDn SSlUIŒ U!i~¡lng the mozl offoc!jv. I!1I lhod¡ of provenllon Ihrough trapplno, ol(!Mion, oròØiCiltion $orvim, T-698 P.001/OOl F-888 --.--.-.. SERViCES, PLUS IUIIBß PliVEß11811 T11. 11'I0stll1orougll mechanical e~clvslon, ramoval snd mOnllOring "y~l.m in In' indu~;'!y, Over 55 y8a(~ experience In rodsn! prevention, ane &,el) excl~slcn carnes a service Guaranies. F",- X 1 Î 7 - 7 (J II 1IU¥ PRDIF 5BIUIŒ SVIIBIJ Thl~ prcgmm provldo, ..fluslo~ peSI pr.v'fllien ".rVit.~ in ¡¡ highly offective prODram ollrC¡lImenl.no·n1oniloring, Th. ullln al. In pesl proteflion anD prevemlon !crycur ramlly OnC p.I¡, Truly a s.rvlce ~.c0l1u 10 nona. Truly Preol Sal'llcels a once a year sel\llce witn quoflerly Inl.rv~1 Qvallly A~,u!.nte InSpacllon and malmenance seM e. Aher rlr~t year 01 !k1l\1lce PIOlscuon ¡he Truly proot Sel'llce will malntsln e Q~arterly InapectlOI\/S9r\1ICe without flavine to Invas! anotner Inllla! saIVlce Investment. D ~ HlllHE A on. lime s8r,lc8 In!t pro,l~es up to thirty day call back auararn".. $I",ico may þll tonveflAd Ie an aMual ag/esmant wltnll 60 Days c! complalød special 6Ør\llce at no aDditional lnulal Intensive cherao, GUARANTEE: A guarantoe mat requires your satisfaction, See attached Guarantee, EQUIPMENT: Strateoically placed past· RODENT - Bird aquipment is Ihe property of Truly NoIQn. PROGRAM S~CURlrv: Ourlna service proDramltenure Truly NOlen relies on ItS eKperlence ana eDl,¡çatlon in ils P".t er¡ dicatlon methods. Customer altered service will void any guarantee, SINCË MOST INFESTATIONS ORIGINATE ToOORS, THE HEART OF THE TRULY NOLEN TRULY CARE SYSTEM IS B.\SED ON AN ExTREMELY WELL ESTAßLlSHED EXTERIOR BARRIER AND THE REDUCT N OF PEST HARBORAGES AND POPULATIONS. WHEN THIS EXTERIOR BAF RIER IS REINFORCED ON A REGULAR liAS IS, THE NEED FOR INTERIOR SERVICE IS DRAMATICALLY R~PUCEO HOW~VER, IF INTERIOR SERVICE IS EVER REQUIRED PLEASE FEEL FREE TII CONTACT US FOR A NO CHARGE COURTESY CALL, IN YOUR ABSENCE, RULY NOLEN CAN MAINTAIN SAID B RArER AND PROV P~A FULLY CHARG::ABLE EXTERIOR S~ICE. PRESENT INFESTATION IS: .' ~d...~. - _Cb ~( \-" ... NOli: wood d8Slloylog organisms are "I !:livered by ltils agreellllltll. Unless speclllçallY \\rIDed, lIylng ¡nsbclS ,lr8 not Govered by Ihl Igreement. YoUrSCnedule~monthsaslndlcat~ð: J~n. ~ Aor. ~!Y.] Aua.~ O<,,:'C I ~~<=i~:.J l~vJ ANNUAL PEST PREVENTION x f.. P svcs = g r") / 5""L () 0 , 'SS. Qn g1o.QD J..{ 3 , ';-0 ßø.~.~b f B ;¡4> -$"o PAYABLE __ Fuil Ye<lr With Di9çount __ At Tlmo 01 Service Amou ,t paid $ Cash ,eceipl # Ghec~ Number Credit Card: 1:1 MC. U Visa. (J American Express _ I) Dh~co~er iii! SVC Rat $ 8;}G.,·~o lDTAL FIRSTYEAA INV¡:STMENT INCLUDING DISCOUNT Total Contract Value Less 5% AnnuallnveSlmonl Card ,! liKplt<:ion Date Cuslomør Acceptance ~ Customer Initials Warning. pcstiClClcS can be I'IlIrmfuL See caution statement on reveree aide of cover lihe UL.Y NOL.I£N BY~ Subtotal $ ACDITIONA~ SECOND YEAR INVESiMENT Sales Tax (MANAGER) "DDITIONAL (:HARGE FOR WOOO INFI':STATION If ,t\Q ~grDcd upon item~ 3fe nOt mdt, Buyer agrees to pay alll'8ð80(\abte auorn8Y 1886 and c:oun CD~t:;; in õ3dditicn 10 i1ny aU ler r"IElcessary fees fOf conechon. II Is mutuBlly 8IJr"d 11101 ony dioputo under !he lerm. of Ihi. 3greamant .hall be aubmlned to atÞllrallon pU[5uom to tho rul,. of lhe AmeriMn A,bllt8110n Msoclallon. You, the Buyer, may cancol this tran...c;tion .t any hme priOr 10 midnight 01 IlIe tl'llrl! buelness day altar tho dolo of thl. Irtlns ~ctlon, Tolal To Prepay First Year $ SpeCial Instructions: TERMS: ! understanr:! that this agreement is fer a period of one year. This service agrêOmont autom31 basiS. unless wrltton notice 1$ given :'0 c,1::1Ys In ac,1vançe by either p;;rtY. ')~'7::;.ç C.o 11....,4,-::: (.J{'(.(;> /.,1 Q,~~.Jt-G- ~&-, c¡.,;}.~3 OFFIC 55) =-ï (OFFICE PHONE) -;tJ I _._.. _,_ (REPRESENTATIVE) AND I.-ET US SCHEDULE VOUR FREE HOME TERMITE INSPI:CTION. BV, . White/Office. Yellow/Service· PlnklCus' orner · JUL-02-2003 03:22PM FROM- ~~~~~~;œ:;;~;;:~~"~~~D ~~.~:~~~~~~YICS~~A'. ~~RESSTO BE SERVICED t::.,. \ ~ ~ \.. a.'("~ ~'I'i'-\A..ò.:..J$ G..Q.~, ~ip Code crd-d-ç], C:~~ \-\~. SarvicePholle ~<')'"" - ·~Ç}dO ___'_____:;- B.lllngPhone -=1_£..0 - :l,:Lî.::.:L~_~_ BILLING ADDRESS Î. "")., 4.. q S ~ ~ \ .J..~".-....o Zip ~ '7 ã-~ ::' :3 EMAIL.ADDRESS TRULY NOLEN WILL PROVIDE CONTINUOUS SERVICE THROUGHOUT THE PERIOD~C~D. THIS WILI.INCWDE A MINIMUM OF \ rl-:: AS MANY SERVICES REOUESTED BY THE CUSTOMER, AS MAY Be NeCESSARY TO MAINTAIN CONTROL OF CRAWLING INSECTS. -~ [K1 D D D T-440 P.002/004 F-206 _ SERVICES, PLUS IIIIY UlIŒ 5ØlVHE A tlml tlslBd 8el\>Ic8 for crawling nou8enold (nUlea~CS) pe!!s, lelt~res a wall 8stlbllStHid perlmlter barrlor that 16 relnloreec )n a regular basis, Guaranteed 5ßrvlce is pørfDrmec prOI...lan~1y witn eourts!!}' eSllllce on an as nl!Sded ba,"., PlliBln/.. 'Iamnm SERVIlE Ullli~ng In; mo~llrllctlv. metnods of prevontlon tnrougn t¡&¡Ipmg, ncluslon, eradication serVices. RDD. PREUEIIIDn Tne mOSt U,orougn n,.cnanlcal exelusiOn, lomowl aM monitoring s¡etem In Ine Ine~stry. Over 55 yelrs experience In roden: preventiOn, a~d e~lry e~clusion carrlv~ a scrvice Guarantee. çc...'X.... "ll'l- 'lo \ l ~~CL"-~ 1111.' _OF ~E 'W5TaII Tnls progrilm provloos e~elll:õlon post proVQndon IIIVlcl8 In I nlgl'ly all.tllv, prQOrom all¡..tmenl _nd monlloring, TMe ulllr 1al~ In p;~1 praloclion ano prevlII1t1on for your flmlly and pelS. Tr~11 B ser,'C8 secona to nOnB. TrUly Prool SSrvlCI Ie a once I y.ar ."rvice whh Quarterly intolVBI O~allty Allivrance inspectIOn Ind mllntlnance lel\>l :a. After f¡rs! year or service protectiOn 1M' Tr~ly Proof Sorv;ço will maintain a Quartorly InspoetlDO/sÐlVlCØ wltnout nBvlna to In~est anotl1<!r !I'ltisl 'Irvicc invDstmont. D ~PEI" SllUKE A onl time seMca tns! provides up to 111iny oay call Þ_ck cuarantee. Sorvlce may bl convlrted to an annLJiI agreement ",lInll 50 days 01 completM special !Brvice 31 no addilion.11 in<lial intensivD cnaroe. GUARANTEE: A guarantee that requires yOur sa!isfa~!ion_ See attacoed Guarantee, eQUIPMENT: Strategically placeu pest - RODENT - Bird equipment Is tne property or Truly Nolen. PROGRAM SECURITY During sor~lce program/tenure Truly Nolan relies Qn its experience arid education in its pest ßndlcatlon metnods. Customer altered mvlce will void any guarantee, SINCE MOST INFESTATIONS ORIGINATe OUTDOORS, THE HEART OF THE TRULY NOLEN TRULY CARE SYSTEM IS B~SED ON AN EXTREMELY WElL ESTABLISHED ExTERIOR BARRIER AND THE REDUCTION DF PEST HARBORAGES AND POPULATIONS. WHEN r~HS ExTERIOR BAF:RIER IS REINFORCED ON A REGULAR BASIS, THE NEED FOR INTERIOR SERVICE IS DRAMATICALLY REDuCED, HOWEVER, IF INTERIOR SERVICE IS EVER REQUIRED PLEASE FEEL FREE n CONTACT lJS FOR A NO CHARGE COIJRTESY CALL, IN YOuR ABSENCE, TRULY NOLEN CAN MAINTAIN SAID BARRIER AND PROVIDE A FULLY CHAR[ EABLE EXTERIOR SERVICE, PRESENT INFESTATION IS: A n -l..s ~ - ÞlOTE: Wuud de~rtJying urganlsms arB nlll ~ov8red by tbis agresmenl. Unless Bpsclliti!.lIy 1IIrlnon, lIylng Insects lie not cuvered by this agreement. Your scneduled monms as ndlcBte~: ANNUAL PEST PREVENTION SVC Plate ~ ( ) svcs = Intensive $ervl<;~ @ Total Contract Value ·3ï~.oo I (d..< D 0 '1810,00 ;J.Lj, òQ 1-6:. I. d-D >' $ J..j ~ I· éJ-D PAYABLE _ _ FI.lII Vear With Discount __ At Time of Se",lce Ar\1O~ nt Paid $ Gash RÐceiplll Checl, Number Gradi' Card: I.J MC. I.J visa. u American Express _ U Discover !ill $ J./6 (.~ "TOTAL FIRST YEAR INVESTMeNT INCLUDING DISCOUNT Less 5% Annuallnveetment Card 'I ExpiriLtion Date ~ -0 ~ TERMS: I understand tnat this agreement is for s period of one year, Tnls service agreement automatics Iy rjws itse basis, unloss wrinon notice IS given 30 etays In advance by olrhér parI)'. I Subtotal $ AODITIONAL SECOND Y¡¡¡l.A INVESTMENT Sales Ta ( Total To Prep!!y FI~t Year special Instructions; ~ -. ~. n."'-';;-~ Warning - Pesticides can be harmful, See cllution ststement on reverse .side 01 COver shoot TRU C",.('<ì;).'5~ altor IlrSt yoar on a ServicO cycle 10 sèrviCo cyclO CUBtomør Acceptance Customer InlHills RlzeD AGENT) (REPRESENTATIVE) (MANAGER) T US SCHEDULE YOUR FREE HOME TERMITE INSPECTION. ADDITIONAL ';HARGe FOR WOOD INFESTATION REPORT. --..-.-. f thD ~groed upon ilern!: 3.11!!1 nDl mtll. Buytlr agree!!: 10 ~y :JII ro~;QnaÞlo ~"ornOV fell$ an~ c:curt CD!!:.S in õ!IIddiriOn Ie Zlny 01 \ðf neC8S&a1j' feee fOf ~olleJC;lIof'l. Ills mutually agr8eØ Inal any dl~pulQ under 1M tSImS 01 tnls agreement eMs" be s~Þm.rted to ar\)ltra~on pUl'$uAnI II> Ihs "" S. of tho A¡norioon Arbit"'I,an A$.ociQllon. You, th~ Buyer, m"Y cBltlcel !hls transaction art any time prior 10 midnignr 01 rho third buoino$s day allsr Ihe dlle 01 this lI'Bne ectlon_ . White/Office· Yellow/Serviœ· PlnklCuSDmer' 02-18-'09 15:33 FROM-trulynDlen LaQuinta 7605645459 T-164 'POO2/OO2 F-629 How dla y0U hear about use TV Refetral Direct Mail Ratlio MOUra Car Antique Car Billb0aftl Yellow Pages) Other Branch No. 0 6 ~ Route No. ~ TRUL4110LE113 ZOIIE PROTFtTIQt1 PLII11 N Map Grid ~y ~~ S18R DaT0: 09 TiR18: DATE./g/~~1/~~ (~~/'-f/~ IAo~il This agreement le ode eNreen TRULY NOLEN OF AME/R~+ICA, INC. and ~ / ' .G/77 - C/0 r•-e ` 0/f ~ .3.1 ADDRESS TO BE SERVICED ~~~36 ~/'an t~ ~ ~~5/ • ` •~ ~ ~-•'ti~p~aS"3 Customer E-MaiC! ~',3)Servlce Phone r °v •" Z / 7- BILLING ADDRESS ~" T'HI$ AGREEMENT IS EFFECTIVE FOR THE 12 MONTH PERIOD BEGINNING ~~ Billing Phone TRULV NOLEN WILL PROVIDE CONTINUOUS SERVICE THROUGHOUT THE PERIOD SPECIFIED. THIS WILL INCLUDE A MINIMUM OF SERVICES, PLUS AS MANY SERVICES REQUESTED 8Y THE CUSTOMER, AS MAV 8E NECESSARY TO MAINTAIN CONTROL OF CRAWLING INSECTS. Truly Nolen tepnnlcian9 are trained [o work with the envimnm¢n! in preventive peat control rather than t0 use only materials. Although elienls always want last results which are easily supplied by chemicals, our pAllDSOphy openly encourages use o1 the heat method oA protselion and the added peace Pt mind. TRULV NOLEN 3 ZC1NE PROTECTION PLAN - A ume tested service for erawlinp hous'e11o10 pests, features a well established perimeter bafrre/Mat is relmOrceO On a regular baeb ITlterlef seMCe IS peI}ermed~pnnnelly wit asrv cal on an as needed basis You wd be cAafged IOr your evterier service & the pme pf your regulaf SeNICe. EXCLUDING WHITE FOOTED RNTS. INSECT E%CLyUSION -This progrem prowdOS elroluslOn pest prevemi0n gervae3 in a IKDIdy eBeYcavs program of tfealmenl and monnonng. The animate in pest promcinn antl L~ serv ce~Aner first Yes lof setlrvee~ Pmrenian t~ I wed E~auswn will m~elnta n a gluarteM inpecuo~NSrennCe wrt'hoN having roVnlvesl arather minalpsetMCe Nveslmenni~~ r 1 CARPENTER ANT SERVICE -Tree mcei Complete rarpentar ant service treatment pNgfam aVllable. Desgned IO comrol ants inside your home arW Keep them OuL COmpk`te I_ exterior perimeter treatment wins eMtenSive ants treatment, waN vord treatment and beAing, combinetl for llle most eDaCUVe piVgram available today. ^ FLEA AND TICK SERVICE- Wghty eneclrve 8ntl long lasting prolectron Imm Aeaa and bd:e far your famny pets. Using people friendly materials. ~LX *f L 1 WNITE FOOTED ANT CONTROL - Exduarve method developed by Tmry Nolen to oonVa tnese aggressive ants 7 ~] ' ~ c 1 / I~ MOSQUITO MITI[iATiON SERVICE-ASONice program designed to reduce wndinone oonduave to infestalprl5 by gOntilying antl Irealing ngaquim breading apes in and ' J around homes end buildings. TTis semnre has SYwwn to Slgnlncanify 1'educe mpgquita pnpulabone around the han0 antl hoisting BnwrorKnenlS~ ^ ROOENTMACK RAT CONTROL/EXCW SIGN -The most thorough medlanical exclusion, remWal and momonng eyatem in the industry Over 55 years experience in rodent oontrW, ana every E%duSlon Conies a fun ono year warrenry. ~~ SPECIAL SERVICES • This intensive service w01 aMieve temporery rmntrol of the pests named bebw. Ynis Semce corner a rebeatmem guarantee for 30 days Irani the date of imensrve service Thre agreement a3n be tonvedetl to a regu4ar pert control maintenance program, with no atltlitanal infenswe Servae charge On or before NO[e. Termites are a rlmCNrel problem end treatment for them i5 rat covered by Inlr agreement RENEWAL: TniS raMce agfeemen[ aulOmetaalty renewr rtseA On a service Ie service basis, untes5 noise IS given 30 days in advance by ether party. INITIAL SINCE MOST INFESTATIONS ORIGINATE OUTDOORS, THE HEART OF THE TRULY NOLEN SYSTEM IS BASED ON AN EXTREMELY WELL ESTABLISHED EXTERIOR BARRIER AND THE REDUCTION OF PEST HAREORAGES AND POPULATIONS. WHEN THIS EXTERIOR BARRIEj1 IS REINFORCED ON A REGULAfT BASIS, THE NEED FOR INTERIOR SERVICE IS DRAMATICALLY REDUCED IF INTERIOR%RVIGE IS EVER REQUIRED PLEASE FEEL F6TEE TO CQ~ ACT U$ FORA N~rCHARGE COURTESY CALL ~ ~~A ~ / / ~l L ,. • L PRESENT INFESTATION IS: NOTE Al17Nly Nolen Servbes ere designed to include Please rater to the servce cnecKllst for specific IeaNres Your scrreaulea months ea indicated• § EJCLD~C a TOTAL HflSTYFAA INYESRABIT 0 9n8. rlr by aOlnOnaeo IeCnnxxana ~ ~ t~ program created )ust for your home F-a ~ ~ W /~q , ~~jyp ~ t Jan. Feb. Mar. A r. Ma Jun. Jul. AUp Se Oct Nov. Dec. I a 3 `f S 6 9 eD // PC Interarve SeMce Rpdem mtemrve Selvica svc Rare~.x /i suss= TdN Value LBaaS%Mmel Oismua $ SubmWl OPTIONAL SECOND YfAH INVESTMENT Sales Tax [d applicable) Taal fiy Year IMPORTANT INFORMATION blaming -Pesticides can be narmlul. SSP eautlon Sta TRULV NOLEN OF AMERICA, INC. S f a,. • . ____-I aYe ea -- (aEPaE$EMRNp '~' S • O a. PAYRBLE: _wlYearwimoiuoum _arrneaservKe ~ 7 , pp Amoum Pai0 s as r O O Geah fleceipl E CneSN NUmOer ~I r/•nC cmencad: DMC`~DVrs~'DOlscovel® pt ~J--E--~- Opmedran Express® Coma ,~GS g. 5S EFprelian Daie ---.----l-'-r-- Tom Hartung; }rulvnolAn com-- n Ne agreed upon Wrme ere not mM, &ryar agrees pay all IB atbmay tees and coon costs n eddmon to any Diner rte II i6 muluary spread mat any Magna under Utc anti a av ewnenl Shan bu aWmlAed ro aroiVaiian pursuant to the rubs or N Vou, We Boyar, may [anallhis lrereaeam ai anyp to mpnghtaftha lM1,d pyzine9 day Beer ew tlatedtnls tmmacam ~f/o dn~ Ra1af Salve Price Tax Total Trial Semcee SCHEDULE YOUR FREE AND/OR LAWN ANALYSIS ----------------- - 2/18/09 - - ----- -------------------- ai~ Tnge~N"Saf irerrt~ ~' ~~ion-/-D A rumn o..., am 04-10-'89 15:02 FkOM-trulynolen LaQuinta 7605645459 T-411 P001/001 F- 136 How dId you near aboN us? TV Referral Duect Mall Ratllo Meuse Car Antique Car BiIlDOartl Veltow Pages Other Branch No. eb¢. Route No.,12~~ .. ~RU~v n®iEn 3 zonE ~aoTErrion Pun Map Grid y - ~~°~ ` try Start Date: Time: DATE ~' J~~°°~I ~/Y~1ui~~~ This agreement i mad elween TRULV NOLEN OF AMERICA, INC. and Cb G p /~' ~n°'r'ax~ ADDRESS TO eE SERVICED ~ y ~ L'~'O Ca [~_~6 F c] I~-I ~ 1 r-~ I ~ ~ ,d s~ _ J /~ customer E-Mad: BILGING ADDRESS service Phone t loo ~ ~ T Y THIS AGREEMENT IS EFFECTIVE FOR THE 12 MONTH PERIOD BEGINNING ~('-"Y~ 8111irxg Phone TRULV NOLEN WILL PROVIDE CONTINUOUS SERVICE THROUGHOUT THE PERIOD SPECIFIED. THIS WILL INCLUDE A MINIMUM OF tt~ SERVICES, PLUS AS MANY SERVICES REQUESTED BV THE CUSTOMER, AS MAV SE NECESSARY TO MAINTAIN CONTROL OF CRAWLING INSECTS Truly Nolen technicians aro trefnad W work with ihs snvlronmenl in pravardlve pest control tether than to uas onty metedela. ANhough silents always want fast resYlta which are easily supplied by chemicals. Our pnllOSOphy openly eneOWages use 01 the hest ma1hW 01 protection end ihs adMtl peace of mind. n TflULY NOLEN J mNE PROTECTION PLAN - A hme felled %MCe br uawlirg YavseFald pests. features a well eslabl49hsd psdmeEar bamOr Inal le relntorced on a regular 1/yl basis. In[edOr servics IS padOmiCe (annualN INth murtre5v carvirn on en as nestled balls You unit be charged 1nr your e>nerror servroa at Iha Ilme of your regular sernce E%CLUDING WHrTE FOOTED AN'YS~ I ~ INSECT EXCLUSION -This program proVltles exdusion pest prevention SeNKes In a highly aXechVe program d Vestment and rcronltOnng. The ultimate m peeN prdecaon and LJ pfeveMiOn }of yyo(xuIf lamely aril pale. Truly a senhte Second to none Iraect Exduabn is 5 once a year ssrnce Witn quanerlY 9ualdy assumnte InepecVons and maiMelmnce service. Aflsf ii51 yeaf d cervKe pm[eglen the Ina'6tt Excllwim will maintain a quanerly IllspectnNaemce wteloul naying to Invest anolllsr imlial Semca mvaelmeM. ~ CARPENTER ANr SERVICE • lT0 m031 Complete rarpsntar ani Service treatmem program av8149b10 Designed to cOnkd arils inpda your forme alq Keep Them out Canplele ~I exterior perimeter tleetmem vide eXtenslVe aelc treetlrenL wall vatl 1reaUnent and bating, Cnmolned for ale moat effedlve program svsllehle today. I~I REA ANO TICK SERVICE - Highty eNsdive and long lawn9 prdruiion Irom Neae and Vcka for your family pals. LJ Uang people friendly rnatenals. W HRE FOOTED ANT CONTROL -Exclusive medrod tlBVCIOped by Tmty Nolen to conlyd Niece aggressive ants l (~ MOSQURO MRNiAT10N SERVICE - ASBrvice program deli netl to reduce Conditions wnduorv0lo Inlestallons by xlentihying end Irealing mosquiro hreading SNeB in end J azountl fIOmCS erld bUildirgs Thia servwe Vas SrWxT to ~g^ifgcantly reduce mosquito poWlafiorls around Ne name and budding snvironmeMS. ^ RODENiIPACIC RAT CONTflOUEXCLU510N-Tits most Ilwrpugh mechanMal extNSion, removal and momCOnng System In the mduslry. Over 55 years expanence in rodent contrd, and every exclusion Carnes a h+ll one year warranty. [~ $pECWL SERWCES -Thor intensive SEfVICe will aehl6Va tetttporary Conird of the pests named below. This service calriea a mtreetment guarantse for 30 days Irom Me lots of mtenslVe Service Thls agreement can be tonveRed to a regular pest talkol maintenance program, mIn rq adtliAonal InterxuVe SeNlce Charge an a balers NOIe: TBm1itBS afe a SINCNI51 prahlem and treatment far IABm is mt covered by trill agreement RENEWAL Thla service agreement aulomatlCyly renews i1seN on a service to service basis, unless npNCe is given ?0 days in atlvarloe by aNhsr pady INriIAL SINCE MOST INFESTATIOINS ORIGINATE OUY000RS, THE HEART OF YHE TRULV NOLEN SYSTEM IS BASED ON EXTREMELY WELL ESTABLISHED EXTERIOR BARRIER AND THE REDUCTION OF PEST HARBORAGES AND POPULATIONS WHEN THIS EXTERIOR BARRIER IS REINF RCED ON A REGULAR BASIS, THE NEED FCR INTERIOR SERVICE IS DRAMATICALLY REDJdCED IF INTERIOR SERVICE IS EVER REQUIRED PLEASE FEEL FREE YO CON CT US FOR A NO CHARGE COURTESY CALL. ND I E An I fury Nolen xrvlces are please rater to the aervioe cheCNiSI Your scheduled monNS as' In0lcaled: tagged prOgrem cleated lust for your hams. Jan. Fab. Mar. Apr. Ma Jun. Jul Au Sep. Oct. Nov. DeC. to /~ e.'~ a ~ of S (, 7 P ~ PCIntensive Smite (one-~ yq.op PAYABLE: RetelSelee ---- RodentlnNreMeSarviw '~ -Full Year with Dnmum .~1I TNne of Semce S .'pi , ,~ d ~. g~ BVC Rate 37 x // SVCB= 70~ f2LZ Amolmt Paid $ PnCe TOTAL FIAST YEAR INVESTMENT TOlal Value ~s~6'--np- Caah Reuwpta Yax p~ leas SxMnwlUasum ad.~=- cnecK Numter Credit Card: OMC.~OVisd~~ ODswvsl~ TDlul SutW61 33e~~ OAmedcan Expresses S PTIONAI SECONDYEdA INVESTMENT 7 $eheTex ld applkabl9l ~ CeNS Total Servltes Tdal Rrsl Veer ~33,~-o EApYadal Date IMPORTAPIT INFORMATION Warning - Pesticldas eon be hermlul. SBe caullolt stet TRULV NOLEN OF AMERICA, INCA. ~~~ 1 R, J~gr ~ 3 0 aY-___!~_ ._ _______i~~ESEMATIVE7 ---_~ --- C ----- ___J manneaHl II Na agrtbd vpen urine are not mat, Buyer agrees to W 1 It m mutualy agroaE Mel any tllspNe uMsrtM term= I You, ma Buyer, maymrcel Mm vanawon at amrromd - 7~1 ~~ ~7 ~.~ TERMRE INSPECTION ANWOR LAWN ANALY618 ~G< Y.~S~------- %qNE) ~ % I s- ¢ ___ ~~,rYr- e atlomey leas ant coon roars m addllon ro anY shat its aNyl be auhmBaO to arDANton Purwam n Aw rises of In d Ina InIM buaxreY. day east ma Wta Of Na aansacUM _ _ _ __ y_,(3~Q~-- ' EOPA BIZEeecEHT) __ /- CJ ~ ~~ ~~ y-/~-O 06-22-'18 13:40 FBOM-trulynolen LaQuinta 7605645459 N TRULY COMMERCIAL SERVICE AGREEMENT n, A Division of Truly Nolen of America, Inc. www.trulynol/e1]n.co1m 888-GO-TRULY Sewlre address c,+~( ~ La Q(/(k I ~ Billing Information T-184 P0021004 F-987 ern # ~ eta # Grid r ~r r mgnt smn pace Time armvnt r Business Name 1 ~ Billing Name Prpperty Address ' Z billing Address ~ T City, SCaCe, Zip L C City, State, Zip Phone Number ~t Billing Phone 7 _ ~ t--l Fax Number --, 7 ~~7 ~~ ~ O l I Fax Number ~ ~"~~ ., t O I Contact Name ~ n ~ ~ E-mail Address Business Type Y' 1 - W L O Q.. Y'0.t ~e/ ational Account r- Yes ~ No Scone of Service r Special Irrstructians-Intensive Service&Present Infestation rS rQ( ~l(~Q~/1/ 1~ Ants (exoWnq I. carpenter ants) I r'1o-0'~ , -~PrIAV~c~a~I~ t ly ~l I ~~ eS ( I r~ ~'P-~r~i~wt~ r ~. Bed Bugs I ~ ~, , ~ e[u f SiNerrnh 1 ~ DrzinBFruTn/5 r~, Bwdia Speeiallnswaian$-Re3ulafSenrirx:rj~'GrrW n'L1U ~w~Priar ~erd[c'8~ W r ha~se Flee: r-! spxlers ~ '' Rl ( Mire r': OMer ~ ~' A1'CBS LO tM BCrviced -~~'c,~-~-~ae [ j'' hP.~ttHd -~ljC°' ~~i'~t~L~ en~umer C,Qp,Perafien~ Pest management indudes the udrzatbn of pesticide materials and devices intergrated with the maintenance, sanitation and the mechanical pest prooFlng of buildings and ztrudures. Successful pest management is a hue partnership between Truly Nolen and our customer. T~ Gre cammamant~ pu monthly service charge. [n the event If, For any raASon, we Fail to resph/e ypur pest issues In a reasonable amount of 11me, we will refun y d mat emergency service is necessary, Truly Nolen agrees to respond ro issues in 2 hours. Truly Nolen agrees ro be on-site within "L hours bo resolve issues. Terms of Agrement~ This agreement is effective for a twelve month period and, unless written notice is provided by either pant thirty days prior tq the annNersary date of this agreement, I[ will automatically renew on a,monm to monm basis. Truty Nolen reserves me right [o re]ect this proposal unless aooepted vA[hln 30 days from date d inspection. Your sareduled mpnth5 as indicated: t~~D ' s/ ~ fjj~ '6V (~Tp tlr r~/y ~ M'tV ~ r~/~~ {~ ~j \ ~ I~ 'V ll rl ~Ll ~ / Frequency of Service y 1A ~~, """ (I'~(^-i-y' ~ Type of Warranty ~ Premium ~ Limihed ~ None ¢gprj{~„1 /~ Payment Terme Initials I e Charge e "(, r Full year with discount ~ Cash J ~ ~ Svc Rat -11 / x t~ I l ~ r Receipt Number I At time of service Annual Amount c /''~ l ) ~ (J r I Ch k 5% Dismurn /or ASI ,. ec 15 days Pram ~ receipt of invoice Check Number Discounted Annual Amount ~ S ~ Spedel b111Ing (PO required) Gedit Card ~ # Sales iax % Card Numher & Exp Total Investment i EYUiPmeotC4i![s~ r Tax Exempt CUSt? r Yes 1 No Tax Exempt # Equipment Purchased / .! aranch Address ~~ ~ a S(/I 1 ` r Number of Items Purchased Ciry, State, Zip h ~t // T ` `J Total Cost of Equipment (~ Insp Date Phone Number j [ Sales Tax Insp Name & Lic. No Total Equipment Cost ~~---p Aa-epted by i ~ -/~t1 /.~/If,.~ Manager APProval Print Name !t TM~-nw. }--t[ Q~ ~ (~ n 0 ~p/~ ~ /~~