51215 Rubio (Avenida) DPR 523L (09/2013) Identifier: 773044014 Date Constructed: 1937 UTM Zone: 11S, 563479 mE; 3726448 mN Neighborhood: Yucatan Peninsula (The Cove) Tract: Santa Carmelita Unit No 4; Recorded May 31, 1934, MB 18/62 Owner and Address: Matthew Thomas Miller, Elsa A Miller; PO Box 371, La Quinta CA 92253 Updated Description: The 51215 Avenida Rubio residence was constructed in 1937 in the Yucatan Peninsula neighborhood, a small portion of the La Quinta Cove along the northwest boundary of the region. The residence was constructed in the Spanish Colonial Revival style. The residence has an "L" shaped plan with a shed roof clad in red tiles and a stucco exterior. Since the previous survey, the window at the front elevation appears to have been replaced. Previously this was a metal sliding window with wood on either side and shutters. Currently the window has been replaced with a multi-pane casement window, and the shutters have been removed. Wood panelling appears to have been installed over stucco surfaces on the primary elevation facing the public right-of- way. There does not appear to have been any other significant alterations to the property. These changes appear to be relatively minor and do not alter the essential form or integrity of the dwelling. Updated Significance: This dwelling is a contributor to the La Quinta Cove Thematic Historic District which is considered eligible under Local Criterion B (events) for its association with the Residential Development theme. The Cove district is also considered eligible under Local Register Criterion A (special element) as the first residential subdivision within the boundaries of the city constructed with Spanish Revival style homes and eligible under Local Register Criterion E as a geographically definable area possessing a concentration of buildings, structures, and improvements linked historically. The dwelling retains integrity from the 1935 to 1950 period of significance for the Cove. Because the district is not formally designated, it is assigned a 5D2 status code: Contributor to a multi-component resource that is eligible for local listing or designation. The dwelling has not been found individually eligible under NRHP/CRHR/Local Criterion A/1/B, as it has not been associated with significant events or patterns of events in local, regional, state, or national history; not individually eligible under Criterion B/2/B, as it has not been identified as having an association with an important person; not individually eligible under Criterion C/3/C, as it does not embody the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, or method of construction; and not individually eligible under Criterion D/4/D, as further study of the dwelling would not appear to yield information which could be considered important in local, regional, state, or national history. Additionally, the property was not found to be individually eligible under Local Register Criterion A, as it was not found to exemplify a special element of the City of La Quinta. As the dwelling has not been substantially altered, this dwelling maintains integrity from the historic period. State of California — The Resources Agency DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION CONTINUATION SHEET Primary#: HRI #: None Trinomial: N/A CRHR Status Code: 5D2 Other Listings: Urbana Survey No. 094 ý Update Resource Name: 51215 Avenida Rubio Page 1 of 3 DPR 523L (09/2013) 51215 Avenida Rubio_1: View west of the front (right) elevation. 51215 Avenida Rubio_2: View southwest of the front (right) and side (north) elevation. State of California — The Resources Agency DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION CONTINUATION SHEET Primary#: HRI #: None Trinomial: N/A CRHR Status Code: 5D2 Urbana Survey No: 094 Resource Name: 51215 Avenida Rubio Page 2 of 3 DPR 523J (09/2013) *Required Information *Map Name: La Quinta *Scale: 1:24,000 *Map Date: 2021 State of California — The Resources Agency DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION LOCATION MAP Primary#: HRI #: None Trinomial: N/A CRHR Status Code: 5D2 Other Listings: Urbana Survey No. 094 Resource Name: 51215 Avenida Rubio Page 3 of 3 State of California -- The Resources Agency ���������. DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION PRIMARY RECORD Other Listings Review Code Reviewer Page 1 of 1 *Resource Name or #: P1. Other Identifier: 773044014 Primary # HRI # Trinomial _ NRNP Status Code aJ Date / l *P2. Location: ❑ Not for Publication ❑ Unrestricted a. County Riverside b. USGS 7.5' Quad La Quinta .Date 1980 T 06S , R 06E; NE 1/4 of SWM /4 of Sec 1 B.M. c. Address 51-215 Avenida Rubio city LaQuinta zip 92253 d. UTM: (Give more than one for large and/or linear feature) Zone mE/ mN e. Other Locational Data: (e.g. parcel #, legal description, directions to resource, elevation, additional UTMs, etc. as appropriate) '*P3a. Description: (Describe resource and its major elements. Include design, materials, condition, alterations, size, setting, and boundaries.) Basically "L" shaped, this early ranch home is one of a number in The Cove that is Spanish Colonial Revival with some Pueblo Revival details. The roof is multi-level shed covered with red tile, and stucco walls. The long part of the "L" makes up the back and side of house. This side, facing east, holds three vigas undernearth the slanting roof line, and a large window space below (now filled in with newer metal sliding window, wood at either side, and shutters) with massive wood lintel. A front porch with secondary dropped roof runs parallel to the long wing, and is connected perpendicularly by foot of the "L", which has its own narrow porch. The roof here is dropped as well, but higher than porch roof. The north wall, or foot end, has a smooth stucco chimney at center, and is met on right by another down -slanting roof. A single sash window with shutters is in this wall next to chimney. A room size addition is connected at right, and is different with nonmatching wood and stucco siding, and sliding window. The yard is well maintained; numerous bushes close to the house obscure the front windows and doors. *P3b. Resources Attributes: (List attributes and codes) HP2. Single Family Property *P4. Resources Present: ® Building ❑ Structure ❑ Object ❑ Site ❑ District ❑ Element of District ❑ Other (Isolates, etc.) P5b. Description of Photo: (View, date, etc.) *P6. Date Constructed/Age and Sources: ❑ Prehistoric ® Historic ❑ Both Owner and Address: me & Elsa Miller *P9. Date Recorded:- x/06/1997 *P10. Survey Type: (Describe) U—com rellenslve Survey *P11. Report Citation: (Cite survey report/other sources or "none") City of LaQuinta Historic Context Statement, 1996 *Attachments: ®NONE ❑ Location Map ❑ Archaeological Record ❑ District Record ❑ Photograph Record ❑ Other: (List) ❑ Sketch Map ❑ Continuation Sheet ❑ Building, Structure and Object Record ❑ Linear Feature Record ❑ Milling Station Record ❑ Rock Art Record ❑ Artifact Record DPR 523A (1/95) *Required information