MUP 1997-0150 CITY OF LA QUINTA 0 Community Development Department 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO Z -0m , 1;ev, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 LL 619-777-7125 r,,4j6 �-�`� Case Number. Oki N a� Date Accepted: (-b `i 1 Fee: + 2rS — MINOR USE PERMIT APPLICATION Minor Use Permit (MUP) applications are governed by Section 9.210.020 of the Zoning Code (A copy is attached). Uses requiring a MUP have a low or moderate potential for adverse impacts on surrounding properties, residents, or businesses. Review and approval by the Community Development Director for this application is required. Purpose of Request: l4 m i k k A rqk-' / 'I -- Assessor's Parcel No.: General Location:ib'�i / f] V en > Ho- VCL11P• b Acreage: I VQ -.50 LDS j Cg 1-` QV Existing Zoning: Additional Information: (Additional written material can be submitted separately) ��D�p�� RCHIT C URAL PIANS - Three copies of the architectural and landscape/irrigation plans Gilbmitted with this application unless otherwise determined by Department staff. Colored renderings may be required depending upon the application being submitted. kkkk•k###•k#ki####i#######iki##ikt###k##iki#i######i###ii#•ii#i#ti#k########i####i###ii##i##i##i##k#####kii#i##ii Applicant: /-0���r 77/ 330 (Print Name) (Phone) Address: --) ,J Owner(s) Address: Signature of (Print Name) Date: Authority for this application is here given: �. Signature of Property Owner(s): -" ��` 2� Date: / 91 61 Any false or misleading information given in this applications all be grounds to deny this application. Signatures and addresses of all property owners affected by this application shall be included in this submittal. Separate letters of authorization can be submitted. O FMMUP-P 1j oTe ; C-4,_1 I Tit,, 4 4aQulinz FILE COPS June 27, 1997 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO — LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (760) 777-7000 FAX (760) 777-7101 TDD (760) 777-1227 Ms. Janet Locker 78-680 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 SUBJECT: MINOR USE PERMIT 97-015 (LARGE FAMILY DAY CARE) Dear Ms. Locker: The Community Development Department has reviewed your request to relocate your existing large famiiy day care facility at 78-680 Cate Tampico to 53-160 Avenida Vallejo based on the requirements of Section 9.60.190 of the Zoning Code. Your request is approved provided the following Conditions are complied with: I . The day care facility shall be e:;uipped with fire extinguisher, smoke detectors and other fire safety equipment as specifies: by the Fire Marshal and/or State regulations. This information may be obtained by contacting 'he Riverside County Fire Department Hazard Reduction Unit at (909) 940-6950. 2. The facility shall be licensed and operated in accordance with State and local health, safety, and other regulations. 3. Temporary parking is perrn;*itec in front of the two car garage on the driveway or may also occur in front of the home ir. ,he street. Garage parking shall be maintained for the sole use of the facility operator, sponse or members of the household. 4. Outdoor activities cor the children shah be limited to between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. This decision is appealable to' he Planning Commission if a written appeal and filing fee is submitted to this Department within 15 dans from the date of this letter. Please contract our office if you plan to file an appeal and we will be happy to explain the process. The cost to appeal this decision is $175.00. TWT197-015-16A MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 J • If you have any questions, please coniact me at (760) 777-7067. Sincerely, DEVELOPMENT DIREC'T'OR Cr USDELL Associ a Planner GT. Enclosures c:. Community Development Director Building and Safety Director Fire Marshal MUP97-015-1.6A 0 0 FILE COPY Tw�t 4 4a QU14a 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO — LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 777-7000 FAX (619) 777-7101 June 13, 1997 Ms. Janet Locker 53-160 Avenida Vallejo La Quinta, California 92253 SUBJECT: MINOR USE PERMIT 97-015 (LARGE FAMILY DAY CARE) Dear Ms. Locker: The Community Development Department is currently reviewing your request to relocate your existing large family day care facility at 78-680 Calle Tampico to 53-160 Avenida Vallejo based on the requirements of Section 9.60.190 of the Zoning Code. We are unable to complete our review of your request until we receive a letter from the State Department of Social Services (Community Care Licensing Division) stating that there are no other existing or approved large family day care centers within 500 -feet of your proposed child care site. If you have any questions, please contact me at (760) 777-7067. Sincerely, JERRY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR GT. c: Community Development Director Building and Safety Director MUP97-015A/ 16G a ii MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 '40( RIVERSIDE COUNTY LARRY D. SMITH, SHERIFF Li Sheriff 82-695 DR. CARREON BLVD. • INDIO, CA 92201 • (619) 863-8990 PROUDLY SERVING AS THE LA QUINTA POLICE DEPARTMENT June 6, 1997 City of La Quinta Planning Department 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, Cal. 92253 Attention Greg Trousdell I GMVE'- i JUN 12 1997 PLANNING DEPAP,TMENI � Re: Minor Use Permit 97-015 (Large Family Day Care Center) Dear Mr. Greg Trousdell The Sheriff's Department has no negative comments. All state, county and city regulations for Day Care Centers must be in compliance. We appreciate the opportunity to comment on the project from a law enforcement point of view. Sincerely, Ronald F. Dye Captain Station Commander • 9.60.190 Family Day Care Facilities 11 9.60: SUPPLEMENTAL RESIDENT19L REGULATIONS A. Purpose. The purpose of this Section is to provide standards for the establishment and operation of child or family day care facilities within residential districts consistent with Chapters 3.4 and 3.6 of Division 2 of the state Health and Safety Code. B. Small Dav Care Facilities. Family day care facilities serving eight or fewer children are permitted in all residential districts except the RE District. Such facilities shall conform to the following requirements: (Revised 4/97) 1. All facilities shall be equipped with fire extinguishers, smoke detectors, and other fire safety equipment as specified by the Fire Marshal and/or state regulations. 2. All facilities shall be operated in accordance with state and local health, safety, and other regulations. 3. All parking and outdoor lighting shall comply with the applicable regulations set forth in Chapter 9.150 and Section 9.60.160, respectively. 4. All facilities shall comply with the development standards of the residential district in which they are located, as set forth in Section 9.50.030. 5. All outdoor play areas shall be fully enclosed by a minimum five feet high fence which conforms to the standards of Section 9.60.030 (Fences and Walls). No such play area shall be provided where fences are limited to less than five feet in height. PP C. Larve Dav Care Fac' ' ' Family day care facilities serving nine to fourteen children are permitte in -711 rest ento clistricts except the RH District if a minor use permit is approved. Such facilities shall conform to the preceding requirements for small day care facilities plus the following: (Revised 4/97) 1. A minor use permit approved by the Community Development Director shall be required to establish a large family day care facility in accordance with Section 9.210.020. In addition; all facilities shall comply with this Section and with any additional requirements imposed as part of the use permit or of any other applicable permit. No large family day care facility shall be approved on a parcel which is within 500 feet of another parcel which either already contains such a facility or which has a valid permit for such a facility. All outdoor play areas shall be fully enclosed by a minimum five feet high fence which conforms to the standards of Section 9.60.030 (Fences and Walls). No such play area shall be provided where fences are limited to less than five feet in height. 60-20 9.60: SUPPLEMENTAL RESIDENTIAL REGULATIONS 4. Outdoor activities shall be limited to between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. 9.60.200 Senior Citizen Housing. A. Purpose. The purpose of this Section is to provide standards for the establishment and operation of senior citizen housing facilities consistent with Sections 1568.083 et seq and 1569.85 of the state Health and Safety Code. B. Senior Citizen Residences. Senior residences, i.e. those with six or fewer residents, shall conform to the following requirements: 1. All facilities shall be equipped with fire extinguishers, smoke detectors, and other fire safety equipment as specified by the Fire Marshal and/or state regulations. 2. All facilities shall. be operated in accordance with state and local health, safety, and other regulations. 3. All signs, parking, and outdoor lighting shall comply with the applicable regulations set forth in this Code. 4. All facilities shall comply with the development standards of the residential district in which they are located as set forth in Section 9.50.630. C. Senior Group Housing. Senior group housing facilities, i.e. those with seven or more residents, may be permitted in RMH and RH residential districts subject to approval of a conditional use permit by the Planning Commission. Such facilities shall conform to the preceding requirements for senior citizen residences plus the following: (Revised 4/97) 1. Residential occupancy shall be limited to single persons 55 years of age or over or married couples with at least one spouse 55 years of age or over. 2. The project may provide, for the exclusive use of the residents, central cooking facilities, common dining room(s), central laundry facilities, a beauty shop, a barber shop, and a pharmacy not exceeding 1000 square feet in floor area. 9.60.210 Construction and Guard Offices. The temporary placement of a trailer, recreational vehicle, or other relocatable building, or the temporary use of a permanent structure on an active. construction or grading site to serve as a construction and/or guard office, and the establishment of a materials and equipment storage yard, may be permitted subject to approval of a minor use permit processed in accordance with Section 9.210.020 and the following requirements: 60-21 ^LIFORNLA -HEALTH ANO WELFARE AGENCY • 1 ,FACILITY SKETCH (Floor Plan) • OEPARTWNT OF SOCLAL SERVICES COMMUNrTY URE LICENSING Applicants are required to provide a sketch of the floor plan of the home or facility and outside yard. The Floor Sketch must label rooms such as the kitchen, bath, living room, etc. Circle the names of the rooms that will be used by clients/children. Door and window exits from the rooms must be shown in case of an emergency (see Emergency Disaster Plan). Show room sizes (e.g. 8.5 x 12). Keep close to scale. Use the space below. See back for yard Sketch. FACILITY NAME: IfORn"IM AWA I rWJ_F W; 99 • UC990(W) ;ALIFORNIA • HEALTH AND WELFARE AGENCY DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES COMMUNITY CARE LICENSING ACILITY SKETCH (Yard) The Yard Sketch should show all buildings in the yard including the home (with no detail), garage and storage building. Include walks, driveways, play area, fences, gates. Show any potential hazardous area such as pools, garbage storage, animal pens, etc. Show the overall yard size. Try to keep the sizes close to scale. Use the space below. FAGllrrr NAME: I :7:5 " /6,0 / q • - VO-M." O- l P / D u / r �a :....:..... ..:....: JUN.-25'97(WED) 16:08 CCI RIVERSIDE TEL 909 P 00? jJ4985 DATE RUN: 04/01/07 STATE Of CALIFORNIA PROGRAM. LI5754 DEPARINENT OF SOCIAL SERV;CES CDMMI�ENSING CARE ON SYSTEM INFCRMAT10N CIRECTORY REPORT PAGE: 1 DISTRICT OrFICE: SAN GORGONIO DAYCARE COUNTY: RIVERSIDE CAPACITY FACILITY NAME LICENSEE NAME FACILITY aOORksS FACILITY PHONE N0. ADMINISTRATOR _ _..-- -LICENSE COMMENTS ------------------------.__.__-_-_.-._-- C1TY: LA.GUINTA FACILITY TYPE: FAMILN DAY CARE DIEMER FAMILY DAY CARE 92253 D7eMER, JANET MAKIMJO CAPACI'Y; 12 CrILDREII INCLUDING LICENSEE'S CHILDREN UNDEA211 NO MORE THAN 4 INFANTS 70-980 CALLS TAAIP;CC 810 -771 -IIIA DIEMER, ,,ANET Y ryFpN�FMEACE NSWHOGHILDOUNOER-2EYEARS p�pTH -COM AND GARAGE OFF LIMITS: M4STERBEDROOM. LAUNDRY IVINGSTON FAMILY DAY CARE F' 6K 1 LIVINGSTON, DCR1S 6 AICHAPD i4 MAXIMUM CAPACITY. 12 CHILDREN, WITH ND mDRE THAN 4 INFANTS. QA 6 YEARS OF AGE w1 TI l3-556 AVEN'oA VILLA 922,3 D Ca/ACIrr 14 CHILDREN NHEN 2 CHILDREN ARE AT LEAST PROPEPTV OWNER/LANDLORD CONSENT IS REQUIRED 019-504-2705 .:VINGSTON. / f✓U� A MAXIMUM OF 3 INfANTS: OFF LIMITS: GARAGE 12 D'MA'_LEY FAMILY DAY CARE 1./ O'MALLEY, GLORIA A DENNIS CAPACIT": 12 CHILDREN INCL LICENSEE'S cr+1LDAEN JNDER 1 THAN INFANTS, 54-881 AVENIDA RAMIREZ 92253 maKIMUM WITH4 YEARS OF AGE WHO RESIDE IN THi HOME WITH NO MOPE 610-504-6531 D'MALLEY G (INFANT MEANS A CHILD UNDER 2 YEARS OLD)- 12 VANDERHQRST FAMILY DAY CARE VANDEAHORST. DERE MAXIMUM CAPACITY: 12 DHILbAEN INCLUDING .'CENSEE'S CHILDREN UNDER 1 MORE -MAN A INFANTS 7®-770 1 WIN CIRCLE 0f 255 E19-345-6155 VANDERNORST. DERE YEARS OF AGE wH0 RESIDE IN THE HOME, WITH ND (INFANT MEANS A CHILD UNDER 2 YEARS OLDI.NOTMINC OFF LIMITS. FACILITY 'YPE SCHOO.-AGE DO CENTER 75 DESERT YMCA' ADAMS/TRUMAN SCHOOL ✓ FAMILY YMCA Of THE DESERT 75 AMBULATORY S-.HOOL-AGEDCHILDREN ONLY. OPERATING HCURS: MONDAY TO 6 PM, CLOSED 78-900 AVENUE 5C 92253 PATRICIA THROUGH FRIDAY 7 AM TO 9 AM AND SCHOOL DISM:SSAL 619-773.8248 LDVERNICH, SUMMERS - FACILITY TYPE: DAY CARE CENTER 0^< OF TME DESERT DESERT YMCA! LA OUINTA PRESCHOOL V FAMILY YMCA MONDAY7:00 A�M.•5:.0 P.M. NO MORE THAN TWO NDN-AMBULATD-Y 49-095 PARK AVENUE 92233 ES-FRIDAN, CHILDREN. &G . 2 YRS THRL K 519-564-7848 KNUDSEN. CA'HT C1Tr IA KE ELSINORE FACILITY TYPE: FAMILY DA° CARE ANIGELONE FAMILY DAY GARS 92".JC 1104 JEFFERSON 9D0-245-2517 ANGE_ONE, DEBRA $LACK FAMILY DAY CARE 02530 3531 LAKE CREST DRIVE 009.674-3964 BLACK. GALVEZ FAMILY DAY CARE 92530 32015 BCURCES STREET 9Oa-674-9224 GALVEZ, MICHELLE GEORGE FAMILY DAY DARE 62330 19479 GRAND AvENJE 909-670-3689 GEORGE. J GINNETTI FAMILY DAY :ARE 97330 29069 PALM VIEW 609-245-5689 GINNETTI P HASKINS FAMILY DAY CARE 92590 31008 ST, PIERRE LANE 909-674-0541 HASKINS, J MATaIAS FAMILY DAY CAPE 02530 3o450 JEANicaa y09-674.4307 MATHIAS, S SIARSH FAMILY DAY CARE p2530 34396 TREE LANE 909-1474-8730 SYAASH. L dALTON FAMILY DAY CARE 8733C 1101 ROOSEVELT DRIVE 979-674- A91 WALTON, KAREN WOLTER FAMILY DAY CAR: 02536 3439E TREE LANE 9D9-674-43'8 WDLTER 0 1 FACILITY TYPE: INFANT CENTER 1(14 CHILDREN'S CENTER, INC. 759ORANDAVENUE 92530 gD9-576-0130 SCHUTT, JOYCE ANCELONE. DEBRA ANN1. MAXIMUM CAPACITY: 12 CHILDREN, INCLUDING LICENSEE'S CHILDREN UNDER 19AR3 OF EANSVAOCHES1 i iN RT2Er EA E OLD TH NO MORE THAN 4 INFANTS ONL I IN BLACK, JENNIFER a JACK 12 MAXIMUM CAPACITY: 12 CHILDRENp.y INCLUDING LICENSEE'S CHILDREN UNDLR tENFAN OOF MEANS WHO G H IiS LD DE NDER'2cYEORS OLDIH NO MORE THAN 4 INFANTS OFF LIMITS: MSTRBDRM/BATH, SON'S RM, OFFICE/LNDRY RM AND GARAGE GA.VEZ. MICHELLE 1` MAXIMUM CAPACITY: 12 CHILDREN, INCLUDWNTNLNCENSEI MORE SHCHIAN LDREN UNDER YEARS OF AGE WHO RESIDE IN THE MOMF, OFFFANT LIM 1' SANS ALL UPSTAIRS AN AN D GARAGES OLD) GEORGE, JOAN b MAR060 tl MAXIMUM CAP4CITI: 12 CHILDREN INCLUOING LICENSEE'S CHILDREN UNDER YEARS 'JF ACE WHO RESIDE IN THE HOME. WITH NC MORE THAN • INFANTS, tO`FFLIMITSAN5MASIERBIDRCOM ANDBATHROOM 12 GINNE'TI, PATRICIA CHIILDRENyUNDEPTio YEARSIOFRAOE WHO RESIDELiN THEE HOMENDwpSHINDAMORE THAN 4 1NFANTS ONLY (INFANT MEANS A CMILCC unDEa Z TEARS OLD). OFF LIMITS: MS,RBDRM/BATH AND GARAGE •` ' 12 HASKINS. JAN MAKIMUM CAPACITY 12 CHILDREN INCLUDING .ICENSEE's AND ASST.'S OHLDRN uCDEA 10 vas OLD CWHOHILDREN RESIDE 1N THE HOME, W17H NO MDRETHAN 4 INFANTS ONLY IINFANT c UNDER 2 YRS OLD) UPSTAIRS/GARAGE OFF LIMfTS. 12 MATHIAS, SHARON THIS IS A PRCBATICNARY LICENSE EXPIRING 12/17/99 - -ERMS ANC COND N BE REvIE,W Br CALLING (9001 787-4200 SAN GONCONIa D C MAX IN ^AP; HCHLDOMEREi LNC( MOREETE'SHANC4LOt NFANTSAN Ep1NFA NRS( 5F AA OH Iw DO UNDER RESIDE YEARS) 1: SYARSM, LA FIERCE MAKIMUM CP?ACITY' 12 DHILDREN, INCLUDING LICENSEE'S CHILDREN UNDER YEARS CF CAW MHO RESIDE IN THE HOME, WITH NO MORE THAN 4 INFANTS 'INFANT MEANS A CHILD UNDER 2 YEARS DLO). OFF LIMITS:MSTRBDRMYBATH, OFFICE, LIV/DIN RM. AND KITCHEN. 1: WALTON, I NFANO N6P O KAREN MAXIMUM CAPACITY 12CMILDREN,iNCLU DEI NG LICENSEES CH1lOREN JNDER 10 IEARS F AGE WH2 rR;IOOLON,THCAAOGkIOF`TLIr101T5DPE T' -IAN 4 INFANTS. I; WDLYER, DONNA MAXIMUM CAPACITY; 12 CHILDREN, INCLUDING LICENSEE'S CHILDREN UNDER YEARS OF AGE Who RESIDE IN THE NOME, WITH NO MOA) THAN • INcANTS i INFAN- MEANS A CHILD UNDER 2 YEARS CLDf, OFF I1 ITS: MS TABDAM/t:, AND GARAGE LAKELAND CHILDREN'S CENTER, INC 2 AMBULATOFr ONLY. 10 INFANTS. AGES c - 17 MONTHS; AND 412 TODDLERS OC ACES 18 - 30 MONTHS. HOURS OF OPERATION', MONDAY 6 30 P.M