MUP 1997-019tyM a Doom Alp '° CITY OF LAQ UINTA FurF 3b 1 9 Community Development Department Mra 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO 7_ -7 IJS LA QUINTA, CA 92253 619-777-7125 Case Number: Date Accepted:. Fee: MhVOR USE PERMIT APPLICATION Minor Use Per,sdr WUP) applications are governed by Section 9.210-020 of the Zoning Code (A copy is attadwa�. Uses requiring a MUP hAvc a low or moderate potential for adverse impacts on surrounding properties, residents, or businesses. Review and approval by the Community Development Director for this application is required Purpose of Request: Model Home Complex (Bella Vista) Assessor's Parcel No.: 609-080-013 General Location: Fred Waring and Venice Drive Acreage: Eksting zoning: RL Additional lnfom ation Lots 1 & 22 throu h 26 of Tract 28457-1 (Additional written material can be submitted separately) Three copies of the architectural and landscapclirrigauon plans shall be submitted with this application unless otherwise determined by Department staff. Colored renderings may be required depending upon the application being submitted, ••tttttaftt�mttltttttttm'mttttttstttl�tttittti�t•tttttttttttttt�tttttttt••ttttttttttstttttttttttttttttt••!&**stmt• Applicant: Ro er Snellenberger & Assoc., Inc. (760) 836-1888 (Print Name) (Phone) Address: 1 Florentina Drive Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 Owner(s) : The Exchange Group Inc. (Print Name) Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 Signature of Authonty_ for this Application is hereby givV: v Date: 7- Z�/' Y,7 Signature of Property Owner(s): Date: 7- 2 -J9 7 Any)W► or + ft Wfirm&t&m OWM in *&applia� shall be V..* to den. y this aPpliea"mL Sowt srms and addnwes 'f P"P8'ty o"rssrr aff"Ud by this appo►iwtion shall be inn.,, td in this subntimsl. Separau lettrss of a.rthirizar;o„ ert,e be subneitesd. o FMMUP•P ,uL 2 4 �ggl Q� of a , . N1�51L�T$A� INDIAN WELLS OFFICE of the!}r4rrt Account No. Account I-tolder: — -- ---- -- - -- ggoof� gg S ENEgRGER & ASSOCIATES INC. Address: 1 PLORENT NA. IVE, RANCHO MIRAGE, CA 2270 SSN/TIN: -- -- --- -- Issue Date: 8/8/97 Par to the Order of: ***CITY OF LA. QUINTA*** - A�. 2,50 ll S 11' - u .Amount Deposit .Amount...... Maturity Options LN Automatic Renewal 0 Single Maturity Term: ONE YEAR Maturity Date: 8/8/98 Interest Options Annual Interest late on Issue Date: _ 5.10%. % Fixed Rate to Maturity Variable Rate Based On: Interest Payment Options Add Interest to Principal Deposit to Account Number: Interest Paid: AT MATURITY Mail Check to Account Holder: Compounding Frequency. DAILY Interest Start Date:._ 8./ 8 / 9 7 tylized Signa r Per Annum Basis: 365 U- a�■�� i 0 mom 0 N N E 0 T A 8 L E 11 760 772 0257 P.1 ROGER SNELLENTBERGER & ASSOCIATES, INC. LAND DEVFLt3Pw1ENT 78615 NAPL);S DRIVE %f LA QUINTA_ C.A 92253 FEE(76 `:x/11 �= �.!% r� LL�111 ' FAX (7601) 772-02 ,17724)222 57 January 27, 1999 JA,1 2 3 ND � CITY OF LAQUINTA PLANNING DEPARTMENT Greg Trousdell Associate Planncr CITY OF LA QUINT_A 78-495 Calle Tampico FAX 760/777-7011 La Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJFCT: MUP 97-019 (Model Home Complex Flags) Dear Greg, We respectfully request an extension be granted to allow our 8 American flags with the Proper lighting remain at our model home complex at Bella Vista, Tract 28457, for six additional months. May we have your approval? If you have any questions, please call. -Sincerely, I. Donal son dent JDO: ke APPROV UNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT BYDATE EXHIBIT CASE NO. �-? S o-) 61+11 • CIN OF I_A nl IINTA AUG 3 1 RECD ROGER SNELLENBERGER & ASSOCIATES, INC. LAND DEVELOPMENT BUILDIIvu AiViJ 6AFI_ dY 78615 NAPLES DRIVE LA QUINTA, CA 92253 (760) 772-0222 FAX (760) 772-0257 n l� August 27, 1998--, Mr. Greg Butler `P�iN�N� o�PRZM CITY OF LA QUINTA P 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT: MINOR USE PERMIT 97-019 RE: VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT MAPS 28457 (BELLA VISTA) Dear Greg, This letter is to request a one year extension of the above referenced Minor Use Permit, which covers our model complex here at Bella Vista. Sorry for the oversight by not requesting this last. month. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, Donal Olson Vice sident JDO: ke APPR NY K" BY CASE NO. V--� 3 - 2 - -7'!� vti /its ,ep a4 • FILE COPY 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO — LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 – (760) 777-7000 FAX (760) 777-7101 June 15. 1998 TDD (760) 777-1227 Mr. J. Donald Olson, Vice President RSA and Associates, Inc. 78-615 Naples Drive La Quinta, California 92253 Subject: MUP 97-019 (Model Home Complex Flags) Dear Mr. Olson: The Community Development Department has reviewed your request for a one year time extension for the model home complex flags at Bella Vista. Our Department is unable to approve an extension of time for your flags because they contain "flag copy" which is prohibited pursuant to Section 9.60.250(C) of the Zoning Code. The existing flags shall be removed which will resolve the problem. You may then reapply for approval to install subdivision flags. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact the undersigned at 760-777-7067. Very truly yours, JERRY RMAN CbMMUNTY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR 4GSDELL Asser GT. c: Community Development Director Building and Safety Director Code Compliance Department LTRSAflags-24v1AILING ADDRESS — P.O. BOX 1504 — LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 �` • ROGER SNELLENBERGER & ASSOCIATES, INC. LAND DEVELOPMENT June 5, 1998 Greg Trousdell Associate Planner CITY OF LA QUINTA 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT: MINOR USE PERMIT 97-019, AMENDMENT #1 (TEMPORARY SUBDIVISION FLAGS) Dear Greg, • 78615 NAPLES DRIVE LA QUINTA, CA 92253 (760) 772-0222 FAX (760) 772-0257 D ECOVE JUN 0 8 1998 CITY OF LAQUINTA PLANNING DEPARTMENT We respectfully request a time extension of one year to keep the eight temporary model home complex flags at the Bella Vista entrance on Fred Waring Drive. May we have your approval? Sincerely, lson Vice President JDO:ke • ROGER SNELLENBERGER & ASSOCIATES, INC. LAND DEVELOPMENT June 25, 1998 Greg Trousdell Associate Planner CITY OF LA QUINTA 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 • 78615 NAPLES DRIVE LA QUINTA, CA 92253 r� (760) 772-0222 �j ILS' IjV I ` FAX (760) 772-0257 JUN 2 9 1998 CITY OF LAOUINTA PLANNING DEPARTMENT_, SUBJECT: MUP 97-019 (Model Home Complex Flags) Your 6/15/98 Letter Dear Greg, The model home complex flags at BELLA VISTA have been removed and replaced with eight American flags with the proper lighting. We, therefore, respectfully request a time extension of one year to keep the flags at the Bella Vista Fred Waring Drive entrance. Sincerely, J. Donal son sident JDO:ke FPP ED PUNNING DIVISION By ATE -"f' —)- is ° 9__A IEA . Jun 04 98 04:51p • ROGER SNELLENBERGER June 4, 1998 Greg TrousdeIi Associate Planner CITY OF LA QUINTA 78-495 CaRe Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT. MINOR, USE PERIvQT 97-019, AMENDMENT 91 (TEMPORARY Sl.1BDI-vZSf0N FLAGS) Dear Greg, 760 772 0257 is 46259 CLUB TERRACE DRIVE INDIAN WELLS; CA 92210 (760) 772-0702 FAX (760) 772-0784 U JUN291998 U CITY OF LAOUINTA PLANNING DEPARTMENT We. respectf dly request an time extension of one year to keep the eight temporary model home complex flags at the Bella Vista entrance on Fred Waring Drive. N2ay we har'e your approval' Sincerely,, J. Dona Oson e Pre dem. JDf):ke 06-94-98 16:46 RECEIVED FROM:769 772 9257 P.01 p.1 S. • I / I 0 FILE COPY 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO — LA GIUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 – (760) 777-7000 FAX (760) 777-7101 TDD (760) 777-1227 December 2, 1997 Mr. J. Donald Olson, Vice President Roger Snellenberger and Associates PO Boa 13335 Palm Desert, California 92255 SUBJECT: MINOR USE PERMIT 97-019, AMENDMENT #1 (TEMPORARY SUBDIVISION FLAGS) Dear Mr. Olson: The Community Development Department has approved your request to install eight temporary model home complex flags at the Bella Vista entrance on Fred Waring Dnive, subject to the following exhibits and conditions: The flag poles shall be located a minimum distance of 13 -feet from the curb and not interfere with traffic visibility. 2. All provisions of Section 9.60.250(C) of the Zoning Ordinance shall be met as required. A copy is attached. The temporary flags are allowed to remain on-site until June 2, 1998, unless a written time extension is requested and approved by the Community Development Director. If you have any additional questions, please contact me at (760) 777-7067. Sincerelv, JERRY RMAN ZGGM I Y DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR �1 S ELL Associate P anner Enclosures c'. City Attorney Community Development Director Building and Safety Director Code Compliance Department LTBellaVistaFlags-20 # 4 MAILING ADDRESS — P.O. BOX 1504 — LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 IN 9.60: SUPPLEMENTAL c. Temporary sales office buildings or relocatable buildings. d. Accessory buildings and structures in compliance wi to the properties that are being sold. e. Recreational facilities that will become a with the zoning regulations applicable to 1fIAL REGULATIONS zoning regulations applicable portion of the project in compliance es that are being sold. f. Permanent streets and driveways that will art of the project after the closure of the real estate office use. g. Temporary children's playgrounds. h. Temporary and permanent fen g, walks. and structural amenities. i. Temporary vehicle parkif and maneuvering areas to provide off-street parking as necessary for employee§rd guests. j. Tempor/lanping. ccessways. k. Tempor B. Signs. Signwith a temporary model home complex shall be permitted within a project subject to equirements: 1. Project entification signs are permitted at each street entrance and shall conform to the 4The rovi ns of Section 9.160.070 (Permitted Semi -Permanent Signs): area: maximum 32 sq. ft. per sign and 64 sq. ft. aggregate per project. ht: maximum ten feet. n copy shall be limited to matters relating to the project within which the signs are located. 3. Time limits for display of signs shall be concurrent with that of the permitted model home complex. (� C. F11 . Flags in connection with a temporary model home complex may be permitted within a residential project subject to the following requirements: 1. :Number. A maximum of eight flags shall be permitted. There shall be no more than one flag per pole. 60-24 • 9.60: SUPPLEMENTAL RESIDENTIAL REGULATIONS 2. Height. Flag poles shall be a maximum of 20 feet in height on the perimeter of the project and 16 feet in height in the interior. Pole heights shall be measured from finish grade at the nearest project perimeter. 3. Pole Diameter. Pole diameter shall be determined by the lateral load and size of the flag. The Director shall provide applicants with diameter standards. 4. Size. Flags shall be a maximum of 18 square feet in area on the perimeter of the project and 12 square feet in the interior. 5. Rigid Flags. Rigid flags, secured on more than one side, are prohibited. 6. Flag Copy. Flag copy is prohibited. 7. Color. Flags may vary in color or have multiple colors but fluorescent colors are prohibited. 8. Time Periods. Flags shall be approved by the Director for an initial six-month period. The Director shall review the installed flags prior to the end of that period. If the Director determines that all standards and conditions have been met and that all flags have been properly maintained, the Director may grant a time extension for an additional six months. If no such extension is approved, all flags must be removed upon expiration of the initial six months. D. Prohibited Advertising Devices. The following advertising devices or activities are expressly prohibited within or outside the project: banners, balloons, portable trailer signs, or human indicators. E. Requirements for Approval. Any approving action shall include those conditions and requirements deemed by the decision-making authority to be necessary or advisable to protect the public safety and the general welfare. together with adequate guarantees that the structures and facilities will be removed or made consistent with applicable zoning regulations within 90 days after the expiration of the permit. In addition to those findings required for the approval of an application, any approving action for a temporary real estate office shall also include the following finding: "The access, parking and circulation facilities will not result in excess traffic congestion or traffic safety hazards." F. Time Limitations. A minor use permit for a real estate office may be approved for a maximum time period of one year from the date of approval. A time extension of up to one year may be approved by the Community Development Director if the Director finds that all requirements of this Section and all other City requirements and conditions have been met. 60-25 November 26, 1997 Mr. J. Donald Olson, Vice President Roger Snellenberger and Associates 1 Florentine Drive Rancho Mirage, California 92270 SUBJECT: MINOR USE PERMIT 97-019, AMENDMENT #1 (TEMPORARY SUBDIVISION FLAGS) Dear Mr. Olson: The Community Development Department has approved your request to install, eight temporary model home complex flags at the Bella Vista entrance on Fred Waring Drive, subject to the following exhibits and conditions: The flag poles shall be located a minimum distance of 13 -feet from the curb and not interfere with traffic visibility. 2. All provisions of Section 9.60.250(C) of the Zoning Ordinance shall be met as required. A copy is attached. The temporary flags are allowed to remain on-site until May 26, 1998, unless a written time extension is requested and approved by the Community Development Director. If you have any additional questions, please contact me at (760) 777-7067. Sincerely, JERRY HERMAN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR GREG TROUSDELL Associate Planner GT. Enclosures c: City Attorney Community Development Director Building and Safety Director Code Compliance Department LTBella VistaFlags-20 ROGER SNELLENBERGER & ASSOCIATES, INC. LAND DEVELOPMENT November 26, 1997 Greg Trousdell Associate Planner City of La Quinta P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 VIA FAX & U.S. MAIL Re: Bella Vista, Tract 28457 Minor Use Permit #96-006 Dear Greg: 78615 NAPLES DRIVE LA QUINTA, CA 92253 P.O. BOX 13335 PALM DESERT, CA 92255 (760) 772-0222 FAX (760) 772-0257 V } DEC 01 1997 CITY OF LAQUIN T PNING� DEPARTMENT I am enclosing herewith a plan showing the location of the eight American flags for our Bella Vista project for you approval. I would appreciate it if you would add this as an addendum to the above referenced minor use permit #96-006. All other flags have been removed. If you have any questions please give me a call. Sincerely, onald son Vice President November 26, 1997 Mr. J. Donald Olson, Vice President Roger Snellenberger and Associates 1 Florentine Drive Rancho Mirage, California 92270 SUBJECT: SECONDARY' ACCESS FOR TRACT 28457 Dear Mr. Olson: The Community Development Department has received your approved secondary access plan for Tract 28457 as required by Condition #74 of Resolution,97-19. The improvements noted in the attached plan shall be completed prior to issuance of the 36`h building permit. Once the improvements are installed, please contact the Fire Department for a final inspection. If all improvements have been installed, the Fire Department will notify our office that additional building permits can be issued. If you have any additional questions, please contact me at (760) 777-7067. Sincerely, JERRY HERMAN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR GREG TROUSDELL Associate Planner GT. Enclosure Community Development Director Building and Safety Director Fire Department Sheriff s Department Code Compliance Department Public Works Director LTBellaVistaAccess-20 FILE COPY 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO — LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 — (760) 777-7000 FAX (760) 777-7101 TDD (760) 777-1227 October 15, 1997 Mr. J. Donald Olson, Vice President Roger Snellenberger and Associates 1 Florentina Drive Rancho Mirage, California 92270 Subject: Temporary Wrought Iron Fencing (Bella Vista) Dear Mr. Uson: The Community Development Department has evaluated your written request to install temporary wrought iron fencing behind Lots 2 through 5 of Tract 28457-1 to provide exposure of your model home sales complex on Naples Drive. This Department approves your request for temporary Tract fencing provided the wrought iron is removed and permanent 6' high masonry wall is completed prior to permanent occupancy of the Model Complex houses or any houses built on the affected lots, whichever occurs first. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office at 760-777-7067. Very truly yours, JERRY H N CO UN D VELOPMENT DIRECTOR ELL Associate Planner OT. Enclosure c: Community Development Director Planning Manager Danny Crawford; Building Inspector #� MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 I;U-, I -T8 el l a yi t t@UV @ 11-19 m 0 WALL WF."H WROUQHT LACY V) ct 0 Ln ID N FRISMEM) PERMEYER WALL ;:'r:-.,-PockAwr vwZC:.r6Wr !wc;N 41 C,aL: S.AT 24' C.C;. TO A W Cr qgr -FR-E"-ePOARY ftt-��Zl h; rs cz LAJ 2 C3 LAJ LAJ (V C3 rr S - cm Z tj -T rY cw1c uj 93 - co ud U Lr =dory CELL -T. ^A To DE c.-X-'LnTC-0 October 14, 1997 Mr. J. Donald Olson, Vice President Roger Snellenberger and Associates 1 Florentina Drive Rancho Mirage, California 92270 Subject: Temporary Wrought Iron Fencing (Bella Vista) Dear Mr. Olson: The Community Development Department has evaluated your written request to have temporary wrought iron fencing installed behind Lots 2 through 5 of Tract 28457-1 to provide exposure of your model home sales complex on Naples Drive. This Department approves your request for temporary Tract fencing provided the permanent masonry wall is installed prior to permanent occupancy of either the Model Complex houses or any houses built on the effect lots, whichever occurs first. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office at 760-777-7067. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR GREG TROUSDELL Associate Planner GT. c: Community Development Director Planning Manager Danny Crawford, Building Inspector LTBellaVistaWall-19 Sep -26-97 14:49 RSA Inc_ P.02 IZO(d.lt SN ELL ENNBERG ER & A.SSCIUNn-"s. INC. ;..AND t:}f:-VE1.:1.)1'ltrTf N."1' I FLOK.EhTINA DRIVE HANCHO MIR.46EI, (A 92,",70 COO) 836-1888 FAX (760) U6.1984 Tt� mbeT ?n. 1997 lirc)? Trousdell AS.iociatc Planner City of L-1 Quinta 78-495 Calle 1,unpico l..t QuiCita, CA 922531 Kra, I rac:i 211457-I Miner i (Se Permit 9? -()19 Deu tTN : This letter is to request the Ciiy's permission not to complete t!tc perimeter Hock wall for lots 2 throutlh ', of the above re4erenced tract. We would i ke to install the first 36 inches and thin mount i temporary wrought iron fence on the black wall as per the enclosed detail prepared by Ray Martin our Landscape: Architect. T'hi:; will allow its to lutve our model homes viewed from Fred lNlaring Drive. Upon completion of our sales program we will finish the wall. as per the attached drawing. 1'his wall will he completed prior to tIv request for final inspections for logs 2 through 5 of tract 28457-1. 7"'lank ou in advance A)r yattr cooperation. Sineerely, 1-44pnidd ()ison Vice "fe,mr6ttt F116 COM T.: M_ 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO — LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 – (760) 777-7000 pF FAX (760) 777-7101 TDD (760) 777-1227 September 24, 1997 Mr. Roger Snellenberger, President Roger Snellenberger and Associates I Florentina Drive Rancho Mirage, California 92270 SUBJECT: MINOR USE PERMIT 97-019 (BELLA VISTA) Dear Mr. Snellenberger: On August 5, 1997, the Community Development Department approved your request to establish a model home complex with on-site parking at the northeast corner of Venice Drive and Naples Drive, subject to Conditions. This approval did not authorize temporary wrought iron fencing in lieu of a solid masonry wall along Fred Waring Drive based on the Conditions of Approval for Vesting Tentative Tract Map 28457 and Site Development Permit 96-593 (i.e., City Council Resolutions 97- 19 and 97-20). If temporary model complex fencing is desired for Fred Waring Drive, please submit five (5) copies of the wall plans to this office for review by October 1, 1997. Once submitted, staff will determine if temporary wrought iron fencing will be allowed and whether a security bond will be required to insure removal and construction of the solid masonry wall. The Building and Safety Department has been notified that work on the perimeter wall, in the area of the proposed wrought iron, is not to be completed or finalled until conditional approval by the Community Development Director is obtained. If you have any questions, please contact me at 760-777-7067. Sincerely, iYA Y DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR c: Community Development Director Building and Safety Director Danny Crawford, Building Inspector MUP97-019RSA-18 f � MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 • September 23, 1997 0 Mr. Roger Snellenberger, President Roger Snellenberger and Associates 1 Florentina Drive Rancho Mirage, California 92270 SUBJECT: MINOR USE PERMIT 97-019 REF: VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT MAPS 28457 (BELLA VISTA) Dear Mr. Snellenberger: On August 5, 1997, the Community Development Department approved your request to establish a model home complex with on-site parking at the northeast corner of Venice Drive and Naples Drive, subject to Conditions. This approval did -not authorize wrought iron fencing in lieu of a solid masonry wall along Fred Waring Drive based on the Conditions of Approval for Vesting Tentative Tract Map 28457 and Site Development Permit 96-593 (i.e., City Council Resolutions 96-19 and 96-20). If temporary model complex fencing is proposed for Fred Waring Drive, please submit five (5) copies of the wall plans to this office for review by October 1, 1997. Once submitted, staff will determine if temporary wrought iron fencing will be allowed and whether a security bond will be required to insure removal of any temporary improvements. If you have any questions, please contact me at 760-777-7067. Sincerely, JERRY HERMAN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR GREG TROUSDELL Associate Planner GT. c: Community Development Director Building and Safety Director Danny Crawford, Building Inspector MUP97-019RSA-18 FILE COM -QuM.1- • 011 atdN y 3113 `'� , _ / r • '�� �'��•+f� 7 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO — LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (760) 777-7000 y OF TN�O FAX (760) 777-7101 TDD (760) 777-1227 September 5, 1997 Mr. Michael L. Mayer, Landscape Architect Foothill Design Group 65-802 Avenida Cadena Desert Hot Springs, California 92240 SUBJECT: MINOR USE PERMIT 97-019 (BELLA VISTA MODELS) Dear Mr. Mayer: The Community Development Department requires modifications to the model home complex landscape plans for Vesting Tract Map 28457 as follows: 1. Relocate street trees and palm trees a minimum distance of 10 -feet away from the street to insure future growth without requiring tree removal once the public sidewalks are installed. 2. Specify trees will be double staked with minimum 2.5" diameter lodge poles to prevent wind damage. 3. Specify sprinkler spray heads shall not be located within five (5) feet of the street curb to reduce water running into the gutter (Condition 55 of Resolution 97-19). 4. Specify pedestrian gates leading into the side and back yards shall be wrought iron or tubular metal. 5. Provide drip irrigation for the landscape improvements along Venice Drive adjacent to the temporary parking lot. 6. Provide water usage information as required by Chapter 8.13 (Water Efficient Landscaping) of the Municipal Code. 7. Specify perimeter block wall construction materials to be used for the six-foot high walls. If you have any questions, please contact me at 760-777-7067. Sincerely, DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR GRI�%� - TR ELL Associate Planner p MUP97-019LanSL�p� ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 T4'�t 4 aCP Qamm 1 0 FILE COPY 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO — LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 — (760) 777-7000 FAX (760) 777-7101 TDD (760) 777-1227 August 5, 1997 Mr. Roger Snellenberger, President Roger Snellenberger and Associates 1 Florentina Drive Rancho Mirage, California 92270 SUBJECT: MINOR USE PERMIT 97-019 REF: VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT MAPS 28457 (BELLA VISTA) Dear Mr. Snellenberger.- This nellenberger: This is to report that the Community Development Department has approved your request to establish a model home comp?ex with on-site parking at the northeast corner of Venice Drive and Naples Drive, subject to the Condiiions 91 being met before a building permit for the temporary garage conversions can be issued: A Certificate of Deposit, in the amount of $2,500.00, shall be posted with the City to insure the garage conversions to models for Plans 3, 4 and 6 are removed prior to release of the utilities for each house (i.e., Certificate of Occupancy). The City shall be named as the controlling party to insure removal of the temporary improvements. The deposit will be refunded when all model improvements have been removed. Building and Safety Department Mounted close to the exterior of ta'ie front door of each office or sales facility shall be a written notice informing emergency personnel of your 24-hour emergency phone number that they can call in case problems arise that need your prompt attention (Le., minimum 1" high letters). Fire Department Install one 2AlOBC fire exti iguisher inside each garage conversion area by the exit door, and provide a "Door to remain open during business hours" sign above the exit door. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Tom Hutchison, Fire Safety Specialist (Riverside County) at 863- 8885. Community Development Deoartment 4. The model complex is per rifted tc remain until August 5, 1998. Prior to expiration of the permit, a six-month time extension request may be made in writing to the Community Deveiopment Department. The Comm,,:rity Development Director may, after reviewing the facts, extend he use of the model complex for another six-month period. MUP97-0 l 9RSA-18 MAILING ADDRESS — P.O. BOX 1504 — LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 w No temporary signs or flags are permitted unless separately approved by this Department. The following advertising devices or activities are expressly prohibited within or outside the project: banners, balloons, portable trailer signs, or human indicators. Permanent identification signs for the project shall be approved by the Planning Commission. 6. The final landscaping and irrigation plan for the model complex shall be submitted for review and approval to this Department by August 19, 1997. All landscaping and irrigation improvements shall be installed prior to use of the model complex. Perimeter walls and gates shall be included with this submittal. Public Works Department 7. The installation of trap fencing and parking lot improvements will require review and approval by the Public Works Department. The parking lot design and improvements shall comply with Chapter 9.150 (Parking) of the Municipal Code. The physically challenged parking space shall comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act provisions which require hard surfacing with striping and signs. General 9. All requirements addressed in Section 9.60.250 (Model Home Complexes) of the Municipal Code shall be met where applicable. 10. The City may elect to add Conditions to this application request to mitigate any problems that arise not previously addressed herein. 11. Contact this Department when all on-site improvements have been installed, and we will conduct a final inspection to determine compliance with all Conditions of Approval. If you have any questions, please contact me at 760-777-7067. Sincerely, Y DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR GL DELL Associate er GT. Enclosures Community Development Director Building and Safety Director Public Works Director Sheriff s Department Code Compliance Department Fire Department MUP97-019RSA-18 Or own �3 s �OfJ CITY OF LA QUINTA Community Development Department 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO ,7-'7 1LA QUINTA, CA 92253 619-777.7125 Case Number. Date Accept; Fee MINOR USE PERMIT APPLICATION Mlno. Use Pe.wd: WUP) applications are.govaned by Section 9.210.020 of the Toning Code (A mpy is 4ttach4. Uses requiring a MUP have a low or moderate potential for adverse impacts on surrounding properties, residents, or businesses. Review and approval by the Community Development Director for this application is required Purpose of Request: Model Horne Canplex (Bella Vista) Aucesces Parod No.: 609-080-013 General Location: Tred Warina and Venice Drive Acreage: Ldaong Zoning: RL Additional h*rmaaan Lots 1 & 22 through 26 of Tract 28457-1 (Additional written material can be submitted separately)ELA - Tbree copies of the architectural and landscapeyirrigation plans shall be submitted with this application unless otherwise determined by Department staff. Colored renderings may be required depending upon the application being submitted. ................................................................................................................. Applicant: Roger Snellenberger & Assoc., Inc. (760) 836-1888 (Print Name) (Phone) Address: 1 Florentina Drive Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 Owner(s): The Exchancfe Gr6up Inc. (Print Name) Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 Signature of Date: Z�1"%7 Authority for this application is hereby giv v Signature of Property Owner(s):Date: �- , S/. 9 7 Axyfidw °r'r'Wmmft &ftrM&VM t#"" 61 d* appriaotlm shall be Von.* to deny this appllrastou Slgnaft W =W adk.. °f as PnVWV oftTs" affertad by this appfieurtdas sAea11 be inducted in Wt ss miftd. Sepas wa lnvm of asrghwwasim can be AtbRu"44 FMMtlP.P -- - -- A= a 99 itAo op" ORRK �►A�tr�:"!A�+ TW / 1 1PAD 1 ROGER SNELLENBERGER & ASSOCIATES, INC. LAND DEVELOPMENT 8 -Aug -97 City of La Quinta Mr. Greg Trousdell 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 1 FLORENTINA DRIVE RANCHO MIRAGE, CA 92270 (760) 836-1888 FAX (760) 836-1889 AUG 21 1997 Ref: Minor Use Permit 97-109 - Vesting Tract Maps 28457 (Bella Vista) Dear Mr. Trousdell; In reference to your Letter dated August 5, 1997, more specifically Item no. 1, please find attached hereto Certificate of Deposit #045-305916 in the amount of $2,500.00 and as indicated in the letter the C.D. is in the name of the City of La Quinta. This C.D. is being posted with the City to insure the garage conversions for the models are removed prior to release of the utilities for the Units (...i.e., Certificate of Occupancy). If you have any questions or require any additional information please advise. Sincerely, (K,OLJ Fred O. Koenig cc:file O T A S E A B L E t, ' uuur Ur51#0141r+d r dnih. - rr the drsr-t INDIAN WELLS OFFICE Ah Account No. Account H_ older: ggpoGGEgRR S gg LLEE R &ASSOCIATES INC. Address: 1 FLORENTINA. �R�VE, CHO MIRAGE, CA 2270 t\/TIN: 1 Pay to the Order of: ***CITY OF LA. QUINTA*** _ - Issue Date: 8/8/97 •., ��9ti7., �., {{•� u K_ 2,5u-(- DepositAmount: ........: (,.�.. 2500.0 _ Maturity Options y - - - Interest Options 5.10%-. Annual Interest Rate on Issue-Date:ro Interest Payment Options ??p-•� L"! Automatic Renewal :_ Fixed Rate to Maturity- ._ "- - _ _ _ Add Interest to Principal Single Maturity ' Variable.Rate Based Ort: — Deposit to Account Number: Term: ONE YEAR - -- - _ — _ —_ t,..t l' -aid AT MATURITY - _ � Mail Check to Account Holder: Maturity Date: 8/8/98 _lr CompoundingFrequency- DAILY - - _ InterestStartDate:- 88/97- zed Signa r : Y\iuj EM =,- Per Annum Basis: 365T - - = TIME CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT AGREEMENT O N E O I A B L E This Time Certificate of Deposit Agreement acknowledges that the Account Holder named has placed on deposit with the Bank the Deposit Amount indicated and has agre_d to x.erp ih= funds on deposit until the Maturity Date ci this Fucoun: subiact to inc terms and conditions of this Aarec new. As used is this Aireement. the word; ' :.c::'. • •.•o;:r•• o- _roti^ rncn the Account Holder(s): the word -Account' means lhi, Time JepoO Account and the word "Anreerno_nt- means this Time Certificate at Deposit Agreement ani the Acc•::17• Sbna:w Car: "Signature Card" or other document prcmidcd with this Account. The foliowi.g tans tnd conditions sratcd bciow and or, the rv�,erse side apply to veur hccou- EARLY WITHDRAWAL. You have agree fo keep the Iunds cn de:;osit until the maturity o: your Account. If your Account has not mature'_, an:• ui:hdravr:! r' 2' or cert d ih funds from youf Account ma%- result in an early withdrawa! peta:r . The Fant: wil: consider requests for eariv withdrawal ani, it frame'_, the fcilouinr penelr- -;t ap,^.tir Penalty. The earn, withdrawal penahv is calculated as a ioricture of part of the accrued interes: that has c- wou!d be came_ on the Account. If e_.1- F:_coun* r:,3s n:)' vc1 carne. enough interest so that v,e peroky c -+r. be oeiucted frprr, earned interest ori. t:. ir,terec: already has been Haid, tate difterencaui!t be deiucted iron. th ❑ nc:rate. count or yoiv Ac alto!. or this Account the early withdra%vai p --tally will be an amount c-,-,e!:t.• 9b DAYS strrple interest on the amoun• uit'ndrawn. li Srtrr Account has e yariabie intr•e­ rat.:. the Bank will use the rare in cheer on Ll :he date of uithdraw=t.:Ztrc date ire cepesn was ooe.••tcd c* renew•ea. For !%ed rate f ccouns. t!tc liar_ :vi!! -,sc !nc ra•C i-' c^nc• fc-yo:r. deposit. - Ereeptions: The$ah'r, rnav allow the uir rdrre+•ai of ail or pan of Phis Ac o tn: Beier^ t ••. Me! _r :y Da e uitho, inip^sinr 4r•, car:..- ,.v l!xirau,-: hemi,—i!, th, i_,anw.;rn :ire:,rns a cc.. a. When an Account Hoidcr dies or is detemmea ie.:aliv r..cim-actert bu a :.cur. o- other adrmn& alive bod;• o- comric;cn• iursdicr:oc b. Where -the Account is an lnditi•idual Feliremen' Acccunt (iRr i and an,; vartior.:s oaid within se.rec '7; d i rs after establiahrne, oru�-,ere the A:zouht is e Ke:,cl f +n rfiroghl r:':(:'e' that the Account Hoider tonciis an arroum at mast equai to the simple rme-es: camel nr lite amours uiihdrawn: or vmcre the time depose is mi IF." n- i,=ogc �.ni ti Holder attains aac 59:•2 or becomes dtsabied. c When the Account ns on Au:o..nar c Renowa: icaiura ane n.e v::hrraw;i: z :race with:- rer. 1101 dans of:cr a snecifted 5E" ?R cr.jc SUS 70P. ADD -i ONA'_ TERM r Sections: 9.60.010 9.60.020 9.60.030 9.60.040 9.60.050 9.60.060 9.60.070 9.60.080 9.60.090 9.60.100 9.60.110 9.60.120 9.60.130 9.60.140 9.60.150 9.60.160 9.60.010 CHAPTER 9.60: SUPPLEMENTAL RESIDENTIAL REGULATIONS Purpose and Intent ..................... 60 - Signs and Parking ...................... 60 - Fencesand Walls ....................... 60 - Patio Covers, Decks and Play Equipment ... 60 Storage and Other Accessory Buildings..... 60A Garages and Carports ................... 60-4 SwimmingPools ........................ 60-' Satellite Dish and Other Antennas ......... 604 Second Residential Units ................. 604 GuestHouses ......................... 60-11 HomeOccupations ..................... 60-12 Pets and Other Animals ................ 60-13 Recreational Vehicle Parking ............ 60-14 Screening............................ 60-15 Tennis and Other Game Courts .......... 60-16 Outdoor Lighting ...................... 60-17 Purpose and Intent. Post -it® Fax Note 7671 Datec/ Z # oof To From 60-28 Co./Dept. Co. 60-31 p O Phone N 0.3 !Mt� Phone # ..7 Fax a 03to —Fax is 7 ) 9.60.260 Condominium Conversions............ 60-26 9.60.270 Density Bonuses for Affordable Housing. 60-28 9.60.280 Bed and Breakfast Regulation ......... 60-31 9.60.290 Timeshare Regulations ............... 60-33 9.60300 Compatibility Review for Partially -Developed Subdivisions ..... 60-38 9.60.310 Restrictions on Multi -Story Buildings at Project Boundaries ...... 60-41 This Chapter sets forth requirements for accessory structures, fences and walls, swimming pools. and other special aspects of land use in residential districts. These requirements are in addition to the regulations for residential uses set forth in Chapters 9.30 through 9.50. 9.60.020 Signs and Parking. Refer to Chapter 9.150 for parking regulations and Chapter 9.160 for sign regulations. r 9.60.030 Fences and Walls. `--A-:--Defi itiom_F-ar_p this Section, "fence" or "wall" means any type of fence, wall, retaining wall. sound attenuation wall, screen, or windscreen. The terms "fence" and "wall' are used interchangeably in this Section to mean any or all of the preceding structures. B. Measurement of Fence Height. Except as otherwise specified in this Section. fence heights shall be measured from finish grade at the base of the fence to the highest point of the fence on the interior or exterior side, whichever is higher. In addition. the following provisions shall apply to the measurement of fence heieht: 1. OPEN RAILING UP TO.6- HIGH CN TOP OF MAX HEIGHT WALL FOR PEDESTRIAN SAFETY INDEPENDENT FENCES MORE THAN W APART Mwb� u*eowA be=) SHALL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATE STRUCTURES FOR PURPOSES OF MEASURING HEIGHT i v Open railings, up to 48 inches high, placed on top Figure 601: Measurement of Fence Height of a retaining or other wall and required for pedestrian safety shall not be included in the height measurement. 9.60: SUPPLEMENTAL RESIDENTIAL REGULATIONS 2. Fences less than 30 inches apart (measured between adjoining faces) shall be considered one structure and fence height shall be measured from the base of the lower fence to the top of the higher fence. Fences 30 inches or more apart shall be considered separate structures and their heights shall be measured independently. The Director may require that the area between such fences be provided with permanent landscaping and irrigation. C. Maximum Fence Heights. The construction and installation of fences shall be in compliance with the following standards: Within Main Building Area. In the area of a lot where a main building may be constructed, the maximum freestanding fence height shall be 12 feet. 2. Setback Areas Mot Bordering Streets. The maximum fence height shall be six feet within any required setback area not adjoining a street. Where the elevation of an adjoining building site is hither than the base of the fence within a side or rear setback area, the height of the fence may be measured from the elevation of the adjoining building site to the top of the fence. However. fence height shall not exceed eight feet measured from either side. 3. Setback Areas Bordering Streets, Alleys, and Other Accessways. a. Within all districts, the maximum fence height shall be five feet within the first ten feet and six feet thereafter within the required front setback area (measured from the street right-of- way) and six feet within any rear or side setback area adjoining a street or alley. b. Notwithstanding other fence height restrictions, where, because of the orientation of the lots, a property line fence separates a front yard on one lot from a rear yard on an adjacent lot. the maximum fence height shall be six feet. c. Arches or trellises up to eight feet in height and five feet in width may be constructed over a gate on a lot provided the arch is integrated into the fence/gate design. Alternately, pilasters adjacent to such a gate may be constructed up to eight feet in height provided the pilasters are integrated into the fence/gate design. A maximum of two such arches or pairs of pilasters shall be permitted per residential parcel. d. Any portion of a building site where vehicular access is taken shall conform to the access intersection requirements of Paragraph C.4. of this Section. e. City- or state -required sound attenuation walls bordering freeways or arterial highways may exceed six feet in height if so recommended by a noise attenuation study and approved by the Director. 4. Visibility at Intersections. In regulating fences and other visual obstructions, it is necessary to preserve motorist sight distances and to maintain visual openness. Therefore, notwithstanding Paragraph C.3. of this Section, the height of fences, trees, shrubs, and other visual obstructions shall be further restricted as follows: 60-2 9.60: SUPPLEMENTAL RESIDENTIAL REGULATIONS a. The height of fences, trees, shrubs, and other visual obstructions shall be limited to a maximum height of 30 inches within the triangular area formed by drawing a straight line: 1) Between two points located on and 20 feet distant from the point of intersection of two ultimate street right-of-way lines. 2) Between two points located on and five feet distant from the point of intersection of an ultimate street or alley right-of-way on one hand and the edge of a driveway or another alley right-of-way on the other. b. For purposes of this Code, "point of intersection" shall mean the intersection of the prolongation of the right -of --way lines, excluding any curved portion joining the two lines. c. The height restrictions of this Paragraph CA. shall apply to fences, walls, trees, shrubs, vegetation, or any other material which obstructs or may obstruct visibility. D. Gates. 1. Materials. Gates shall be constructed of ornamental iron/tubular steel and/or wood. Such gates may be placed in any location provided they meet the requirements of this Section and provided any wood used is not less than a grade of construction heart or merchantable and better redwood or #2 and better (no holes) western red cedar, stained or painted to match or complement the adjacent wall or structure. Alternatively, if left in natural color, all wood shall be treated with a water -repellant material. Wood gates over 36 inches wide shall have a metal frame. Chain link gates are prohibited. 2. Width. Pedestrian gates shall not exceed 48 inches in width, except that other gates may be any width in sideyard fences within sidevard setbacks of at least 12 feet. E. Fence Construction and Materials. All fencing in residential districts shall conform to the following construction and material standards: 1. Wood Fencing. a. Except for gates and for equestrian fencing regulated by Section 9.140.060, wood fencing is permitted in rear or interior side yards only, and only if not visible from the street. Gates may be of wood in any location provided they comply with the standards of this Section. b. All wood fencing shall be constructed of not less than a grade of construction heart or merchantable and better redwood or #2 and better (no holes) western red cedar, stained or painted to match or complement the adjacent wall or structure. Alternatively, if left in natural color, all wood shall be treated with a water -repellant material. 60-3 9.60: SUPPLEMENTAL RESIDENTIAL REGULATIONS Fence boards may be horizontal or vertical. Support posts shall be a minimum of nominal 4" x 4" redwood. pressure -treated lumber, tubular steel or block placed five feet on center. All fences shall have a concrete footing or approved post base or be embedded in concrete in a manner which allows standing water to drain from the post hole. The posts shall be installed on the interior side of the lot with fencing material on the outside edge of the support posts. 2. Ornamental Iron and Tubular Steel Fencing. Ornamental iron or tubular steel fencing may be permitted. The iron or steel shall be painted to match or complement the adjacent wall or structure. 7K-- 0 -).Masonry Fencing. Solid Masonry fencing (i.e. block, rock, brick, with or without stucco covering) is permitted in any location on the lot provided the color of the masonry or stucco matches or complements the adjacent wall or structure. Precision concrete block shall not be used unless all exterior surfaces visible from outside the property are covered with stucco, paint. texture coating, or other comparable coating approved by the Director. 4: .Material Combinations. Combinations of two or more of the preceding materials may be used provided that the bottom one-half of the fence is constructed of a masonry material. Combinations incorporating wood materials shall only be used for the rear and interior side yards and only when not visible from the street. F. Fence Landscaping and Maintenance. 1. Landscaping. The area between the back of curb and any fencing shall be landscaped, have a suitable permanent irrigation system. and be continuously maintained by the property owner. (Revised 4/97) �. Maintenance. All walls and fences shall be continuously maintained in good repair. The property owner shall be provided thirty days after receiving notice from the City to repair a wall or fence. The Building Official may grant an extension to such time period not to exceed sixty days. G. Prohibited Fence Materials. The use of barbed wire, razor wire, or similar materials in or on fences is prohibited in all residential districts. In addition, chain link fencing is prohibited within required front setbacks or between the street and building adjacent to a street or alley. Chain link fencing is permitted for temporary construction fences when authorized by a minor use permit issued in accordance with Section 9.210.020. H. Equestrian Fencing. Notwithstanding any other requirements of this Section. fencing shall be regulated by the provisions of Section 9.140.060 (Equestrian Overlay Regulations) where the keeping of horses is permitted. 60-4 z5fl-IT WALL RT* 7 1�7 Y'. . 11 0 0 6 "D ui PAD=11,3-40 Mix PA,D:= 112.9-3 Me PAD =112.40 IM �6. /00.09' P-110.1 05.0 dN 1u'� •� PAD L7�� •.� �� Le'3,. •�--I / r . ," .{ - 1 ( 73, Aso f.W A% et, Rp -' p �►,, O kor, 'i 1 > ,p L �. ,p�U r� `• \ r 69 GD,.L 83. xl5 a MASONRY 0*141. ` 0.'i.1 ST. R W /N a 0.43 _ +^ IoB� ar�1�Qr— B' W/DE MEANDEP/NG FRE �R 7,4115PLAN. as 7 /7 ..CON;rr,4C7-OR 1NALL- L OCT/ON OX fXiSr 4 - 4 "0 0'.` —\ .77 a I I U7.4 h o \ l 08.3 k� C- d • /7' 46 0 35. 0 o L • 31.87 � '� r 97. A4' 1 e'- T L,Z.j . R,C� L� t Tt_- L-A C, AROVEINNING &s DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DATE /i -l7 -S1 2 Z rASE NO. � rj,��tC theDeswStm SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1997 F7. D ase eve).en'lrs_,.._.....; Bella Vista primps for Nov. 15 opening 0ellaLA OUINTA — Model homes at BVI r r wi h • m r h In ste offers five one and doors t master baths. Grand opening: Roger Snellenberger & Associates ris readying Bella Vista for a Nov. 15 grand opening. d oor �glla Vista are open for buyers who two-story d6signs, covering 1,817 laundry rooms, large family rooms don't mind a little dust as the Roger square feet to 2,730 square feet. and great rooms highlighted by SI{ellenberger and Associates de- The homes offer the same attention classic pillars also will be available. V�opment prepares for Its Nov. 15 to detail and fine craftsmanship as grand opening. other Snellenberger communities, In addition, a new home at Bella such as the gated community of The - Vista means lower utility bills be - The grand opening will feature live Estates and Rancho Mirage and the cause of its location within the Im- untry music, refreshments, draw- recently sold out Quinterra In La perial Irrigation District, which offers brags for fun prizes, the new homes Quinta. the lowest rates in the valley. and mountain views. Kitchens will be highlighted by Bella Vista: On the north side of Although many of the homes in Corian counter tops and General Fred Waring Drive between Wash - Phase One have already been sold,. Electric white -on -white appliances, ington and Adams streets. The on - there are still models and sites with Including self-cleaning double site sales center Is open 10 a.m.-6 views to choose from. The early pre- ovens. p.m• dally. sale of the Bella Vista homes is credit to preview prices starting in Master suites will offer walk-in Information: 772-5227 or 777 - the high $140,000s. closets and/or mirrored wardrobe 7770 Grand opening: Roger Snellenberger & Associates ris readying Bella Vista for a Nov. 15 grand opening. Nov -26-97 11:08 RSA Inc. P.01 WCOUNlY OF RIVERSIDE OF 7" j8 110 I Lo L. rl rm.&aom It 4r rL hpA W.M.L. "p, Lilva 7%mv Kv IA. 1w: D ECOVE NOV 2 61997 CITY OF LAQUINTA PLANNING DEPARTMENT q A ... .. ....... po9l-4V ==ix Note ;671 Dare tt —T- FrovYl Cc r 0007 �i rte` APPROV NG & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DATE i �P1.17 Fi�cFi P���h` WAL Lt NT* IJ�Nb1 • L� LAWNAV L^n•N 1•WN I 6 O I • •Yw• �-(Wc. • U*w � � I O•►6 Mlle( blwlo�••+� P(M14 f4vvocov1dJ i ai+•�` OaTtK m+v I uvl� c�1 7•{t. Cobh Ow e•v I o all - o LAWN o IAVYN -� GliVacl� VINO Ill' •• .. -�L' ' I AWN i • 1A•W w0• : I • .In►N MINA _ - _ -- -IM4� • I— O , • • • • • OF �fe C) C.cNG(+biE 51GBNWLf� —. Yom,' o o �WIIA�IOINEfZ i PAD=: nn i �. pj%n=11,"ti.AO PA,D::112.9-J �C3LC(4 WS tat. It1/%/91 cr_ Q CL LAJ N CL \i 0 cyLu Q c N J a 6 LAJCl- ci LL ST`* -r -p A,, # 0i opt iN sTA4ct-F40 A)O V RE Do LLAeJ !ti/ C.L "da ♦7� /T f7. I I 10 I PLAN M -z, I SAN MARINO 1 L— C OUtT-- I9 1 PINI SB I POMPEII II %AN 68 12 13 111 15 PUN .A PIAN 3A(R) PIM so PLAN a PIM 48(R) P116ARA5A 17 181 PAAR) PLAN N SB I 29 58 28 RAR 4A(R) 21 PIAN .B 7 212 5(R)RW PIN RANI SI I RAM 1• PIM ANA(R) PLAN SB 5 3 WP1 jB %A! 4A(R) nA30(R) 27 22 PLAN .A PLAN 3A PIAN SA(R) 19 PLAN 3A(R) p. 40 I 1 RAM SB PIAN SB(R) PUH 1A -NI )8(R) 10 10 6 PLAN 38(R) 9 AAM 6A(R) --.--_ ---- —�— aw PUN 3A RETENTION I 31 PINI IB(R) ., 6 23 9L� 18 14 � I u BASIN — RAN yA %AN 1/�(n) PI AN .�D PUN SA(R) 9 y7 _> ' 4A(R) 0 2 � I.L.(R) 3 5 6AA 1 7 7B(1 PIAN 4(R) 1 PIAN AB PLAN 7e RAN 5B(R) %N1 'B(R) PIM16A PIAN I %AN P UN R 21 PLAN 3B --3 3 I ~µ2A 25 %AR SB(R) 2 PLAN 17 15 P1- WR) PLAN 20(R) 8 1 �.n(n) 6A(R) PUNB(R) PLAN 60(R) PLAN ]S(R) PIAN .A PLAN MOO PLAN N(R) PIAN 50(R) PL . SB P122U -- ----- ---- I TORINO DRIVE ppQ 2 296B(R) II %AN 68 12 13 111 15 PUN .A PIAN 3A(R) PIM so PLAN a PIM 48(R) P116ARA5A 17 181 PAAR) PLAN N SB PUR7 B 7 410 RANI SI 6 RAM 1• PIM ANA(R) PLAN SB 5 3 PLAN 5A(R) PLAN .A PLAN 3A PIAN SA(R) hAH .B(R) PLAN 3A(R) p. 40 PIAN06B 6 PLAN 38(R) 9 AAM 6A(R) --.--_ ---- —�— aw COMO COI�tT I — y7 _> ' 4A(R) 0 2 � I.L.(R) 3 5 6AA 1 7 7B(1 PIAN 4(R) 1 PL AN PLAN 7e RAN 5B(R) %N1 'B(R) PIM16A PIAN PIAN 5B(R) %AN P UN R 21 PLAN 3B --3 3 7 PIAN 4B(R) P1- WR) PLAN 20(R) PLAN SA 6 5 4 3 �.n(n) PLAN ]S(R) PIAN .A PLAN MOO PLAN N(R) PLAN PL . SB P122U ppQ 2 296B(R) ---SIENA --- SA PLAN 30 vl - COURT J PIN. I.A(R) %AN07A 22 3 PUNIIn(N) PLAN ,0(R) PLA' 5A(n) PLAN .8(R) 5 PLAN 3t?(R) MA. 6 ]A 7 P I4(R) I RAN 5[KR) ..� 2 h2379 16 %1— u 26 PLAN SA P B %An M(R) PLAN 21 B(R) PIN103A PLAN ,A(R) PLIl AN 50 PUN 40(A) a ) - --- —_ __ Pw15o1R) NAPLES ------ --_-----—rte--- ---- / - — �� DRIVE 3 SB PLAH~n(R) %AN SA %AN 'B(R)%AH'10(R) PINI]A(R) PLAN 58 PLAN 410 RANI SI 16 1 % 12B 13,0 7 1 PAN FRED MAMNB ONVE . x � LOCATiepl CF S /9HAt,e'ifaJ PLp4N3 � X s ELLA V 0 STA Nov -26-97 12:45 RSA Inc. A�^lAIi__ .......... . - i _- - .. I.. I " ........... 11 ...... . .............. --1..__; ...Irfx�` s l LT!"'i 11 12 jl� 6 16 J-r -1 22 19 Is 1 ,i52 10 EWNTION RAS 25 ... . ... .... A�^lAIi__ .......... . - i _- - .. I.. I " ........... 11 ...... . .............. --1..__; ...Irfx�` s l LT!"'i 11 12 jl� 6 16 J-r -1 22 19 Is 10 EWNTION RAS 25 15 22 4 jq'I A�^lAIi__ .......... . - i _- - .. I.. I " ........... 11 ...... . .............. --1..__; ...Irfx�` s l LT!"'i 11 12 jl� 6 16 J-r -1 21 ?o Ig IB 17 i . . ............ .... ... .............. 3 7 P, �er/> kolARAW1 A v 4 o e, *rp*Ai 0O' Z x 6 amw P.03 15 'tl� -NOV 2 6 1997 CITY OF LAQUINTA PLANNING DEPARTMENT_1 ou mHawsod" N.A014', /$I palit's UPCc�r 22 . . .......... . . ........ ... .... ...... ... Ito 21 ?o Ig IB 17 i . . ............ .... ... .............. 3 7 P, �er/> kolARAW1 A v 4 o e, *rp*Ai 0O' Z x 6 amw P.03 15 'tl� -NOV 2 6 1997 CITY OF LAQUINTA PLANNING DEPARTMENT_1 ou mHawsod" N.A014', /$I palit's UPCc�r � r4-�- PAD�115.5G AWkl ',,9 UrJM� toy, HT '1* ` ! �: -2 1 e- F �- 7 5; H r-t4� rt6alt4o T. -zt.-rl 1 VVriL.*- ILSF FIRED 'A"I,%FflH(21 [DDG3BYE PAD -1' 1.30 t4o" �7 PACI= 11 Ii10 J G, L / ■-....,�=,rAm._J1Lm LIM z W •rRi.f ��i �_ �j�� !� �� 4`I'TT�'^ " Fi.,� C� ,�I�- .��-! i�j�I�� � �^,aJ ��' r�i�= �(.,�-.�-.�"�'� q �► �Ct��7. �� II it � II 31 i� 1 id r 1:� f �! \�i�'�,,���� (•; 4r ria . + ! ; LIMIT OF WORK IRRIGATION LEGEND SYMBOL mmuU ACTURER . ' MODEL N0. DESCRIPTION NOZZLE RAgIU3 ROW PSI PATTERN U. RAINQIRO 2045 -PJ MAXI -BIRO 'IMPACT, SPRINKLER 10 LA (YELLOW) 29 FT. 4.0 GPM 35 PART CIRCLE 3$( RAINBIRO`. 2045 -PJ MAXI -BIRD IMPACT �SPRINKL£R 10 LA (YELLOW) 29 FT. 4,0 GPM 35 FULL CIRCLE • RAIN81R0 1806 POP—UP FLOOD BUBBLER- FB 5 FT. 2.0 CPM 25 RAIN81R0 1806 CENTER STRIP SPRAY 15' CST 4 z' 30 FT. 1.25 GPM 30 CENTER •' RAINSIRO 1806 6' ,POP-UP SPRAY (SHRUB) IOF-LA 10, FT. 1.5 GPM 30 FULL Q '• . RAIN&RO 1806 6' POP -`UP SPRAY (SHRUB) 10T-LA10 FT. 6 C?M 30- THIRD Q;, •+ RAfNBiRO 1806 6' POP-UP SPRAY (SHRUB) IGH—LA 10 FT. .8 GPM 30 HALF • • RAMBIRD 1806 6" POP. -UP SPRAY (SHRUB) 8Q—FLT 8 FT, .36 GPM 30 QUARTER • • RAINSIRO 1804 4" POP—UP SPRAY HEAD 12F—LA 12 FT. 2.6 GPM 30 FULL 0 " RAIN81RO 1804 4' POP—UP SPRAY HEAD 12H—LA 12 FT. 1.25 GPM 30 HALF '• RAINBIRD 1804 4' POP-UP SPRAY HEAD 10F—LA 10 FT, 1.5 GPM 30 FULL • • RAIN8IRO 1804 4' POP—UP SPRAY HEAD I CH—LA 10 FT. 0.8 GPM 30 HALF . " RAINBIRO 1804 4' POP—UP SPRAY HEAD IOQ—LA 10 FT. .6 GPM 30 QUARTER' RAINEIRD PA—SER;ES SHRUB RISER ICH—LA 8 FT. 0.8 GPM 30 QUARTER `y *� RAINBlRD PA—SERIES S iRUB RISER SH—FLT 8 FT.0.5 GPM 30 HALF FRED WARING DRIVE PIPE SIZING CHART PIPE SIZE MAX, ALLONAESLE FLOW 1/2" 5 GPM 3/4" fO GPM 1" 16 GPM 26 GPM 40 GPM 2" 60 GPM REFER TO , �';`EET L-2 FOR IRRIGATION ; LEGEND - DETAILS, & NOTES. LIMIT OF WORK f ���-�I I g v3z. iy - �� a�nw SEP 18 1997 C17'r'.Os` Lt'+UiJiilliA CANNING DEPARTMENff rim7�� Q i y U Q q VW r' .fib 4 W CL CL W Q N 2 C 0 Q _2 4.v V o A LL : 4 H W A 1� Q G Q -4 4 aaaa C�\\SECT P� 0 3730 Q i y U Q q VW r' .fib Z W CL CL W Q N 2 C 0 Q V o A LL : 4 H C�\\SECT P� 0 3730 Q i y U j j e q r' Z W CL CL ° V o A H W Q i� 5z 404 -o � J � - r w Zm S ^ J 00 yu,J W Scale: 1"=20'-0" Date: 8/I S/g 7 North: Sheet No } CJ N. T. S. POP-UP SPRAY HEAD N.T.S. LEGEND 1. POP-UP SPRAY HEAD. 2. WALK OR CURB. 3. PVC SCH. 80 NIPPLE- 4" MIN. LENGTH. 4. PVC Tx1 90 DEC. ELL. 5. LATERAL LINE PIPE AND FITTING. 6. MARLEX 90 DEG. STREET ELL. 7. PVC SCH. 80 NIPPLE-- 6" LONG. 8. FINISH GRADE. NOTE: USE TEFLON TAPE ON ALL MALE PIPE THREADS. * I" IN TURF AREAS. 3" IN PLANTING BEDS. 1 TRENCHING N.T.S. o• o• o 080 ° 00 o o•• 0.00 8°:88 00 g ° o ° o "..1=O SEGTIOH °' ° 80 ° 8°80 '°g •° ° GATE VALVE N. T. S. LEGEND 1. NON -PRESSURE LATERAL LINE PIPING. 2. PRESSURE MAIN LINE PIPING 3. CONTROL WIRES - TAPE AND BUNDLE EVERY 10 FEET. INSTALL ADJACENT TO PRESSURE MAIN LINE. 4. PROVIDE /_ DEPTH OF CLEAN BACKFILL. 5. SEE IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS FOR BACKFILL AND COMPACTION REQUIREMENTS. 6. FINISH GRADE. * MINIMUM BACKFILL DEPTHS FROM FINISH GRADE TO TOP OF MAINLINE 24" FOR PIPE SIZES 3" AND LARGER 18" FOR PIPE SIZES 2 1/2- AND SMALLER. PROJECT TRCH_STD 1. ROUND VALVE BOX WITH GREEN BOLT - DOWN COVER - HEAT BRAND "GV" ON VALVE BOX COVER IN 2" HIGH LETTERS. 2. FINISH GRADE. 3. GATE VALVE WITH BRONZE WHEEL HANDILE OR BRASS CROSSHANDLE. 4. 6" DIA. SCH. 40 PVC PIPE EXTENSION - LENGTH AS REQUIRED. 5. 3/4" CRUSHED ROCK - 8" DEPTH. 6. COMMON BRICK (2 REQUIRED). 7. PVC MALE ADAPTER (TYPICAL). 8. 2" CLEARANCE. 9. PVC MAIN LINE PIPE. _ 1" IN TURF AREAS. 2" IN SHRUB AREAS. MODEL PCS -020 LEGEND PCS -040 s PCS -090 1. SET ROTOR FLUSH WITH ADJACENT �8 6 2) LEGEND 4r' LEGEND WALK OR CURB AND 4" ABOVE FINISH ( 1. 6" POP-UP SPRAY HEAD. 1'\ 1. GRADE IN OPEN AREAS AT TIME OF 10 2. WALK OR CURB. - 2'- INSTALLATION.* INSTALLATION. Silver Orange 2 2. RAINBIRD 1401 BUBBLER HEAD - ONE (1) - 2. WALK OR CURB. 8F -FLT - 1 I 3. ROTOR HEAD. _ - - - 4. PVC SCH. 80 NIPPLE - TBE RAINBIRD 8H -FLT 1 /2" x SHORT. 2" MINIMUM LENGTH. 4'-6' EDGE OF PALM TREE ROOT BALL. +8' 3 5. PVC TXT 90 DEG. ELL. 4. PVC TxT 90 DEC. ELL. 0 ' • 2 6. LATERAL LINE PIPE AND FITTING. 7 8 99 +8' 4 7. PVC TxT 90 DEG. STREET ELL. 3. \\� _ 8. PVC SCH. 80 NIPPLE - 12" LONG 5. MARLEX 90 DEG. STREET ELL. 4'-5' , - (7. - - 9. PVC TxT 90 DEC. STREET ELL. 10F -LA 4. LATERAL LINE FITTING. C Bub. 3' 6. PVC SCH. 80 NIPPLE - 12" LONG. 1O O 10. FINISH GRADE. a IOH-LA - NOTE: USE TEFLON TAPE ON ALL MALE PIPE 5' 7' 5. THREADS. - TRAJECTORY 7. LATERAL LINE PIPE AND FITTING. PER COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 3„ 3 ON DRAWING. GENERAL DESIGN GUIDELINES. _ ROTOR POP-UP SPRINKLER (GEAR DRIVE) N. T. S. POP-UP SPRAY HEAD N.T.S. LEGEND 1. POP-UP SPRAY HEAD. 2. WALK OR CURB. 3. PVC SCH. 80 NIPPLE- 4" MIN. LENGTH. 4. PVC Tx1 90 DEC. ELL. 5. LATERAL LINE PIPE AND FITTING. 6. MARLEX 90 DEG. STREET ELL. 7. PVC SCH. 80 NIPPLE-- 6" LONG. 8. FINISH GRADE. NOTE: USE TEFLON TAPE ON ALL MALE PIPE THREADS. * I" IN TURF AREAS. 3" IN PLANTING BEDS. 1 TRENCHING N.T.S. o• o• o 080 ° 00 o o•• 0.00 8°:88 00 g ° o ° o "..1=O SEGTIOH °' ° 80 ° 8°80 '°g •° ° GATE VALVE N. T. S. LEGEND 1. NON -PRESSURE LATERAL LINE PIPING. 2. PRESSURE MAIN LINE PIPING 3. CONTROL WIRES - TAPE AND BUNDLE EVERY 10 FEET. INSTALL ADJACENT TO PRESSURE MAIN LINE. 4. PROVIDE /_ DEPTH OF CLEAN BACKFILL. 5. SEE IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS FOR BACKFILL AND COMPACTION REQUIREMENTS. 6. FINISH GRADE. * MINIMUM BACKFILL DEPTHS FROM FINISH GRADE TO TOP OF MAINLINE 24" FOR PIPE SIZES 3" AND LARGER 18" FOR PIPE SIZES 2 1/2- AND SMALLER. PROJECT TRCH_STD 1. ROUND VALVE BOX WITH GREEN BOLT - DOWN COVER - HEAT BRAND "GV" ON VALVE BOX COVER IN 2" HIGH LETTERS. 2. FINISH GRADE. 3. GATE VALVE WITH BRONZE WHEEL HANDILE OR BRASS CROSSHANDLE. 4. 6" DIA. SCH. 40 PVC PIPE EXTENSION - LENGTH AS REQUIRED. 5. 3/4" CRUSHED ROCK - 8" DEPTH. 6. COMMON BRICK (2 REQUIRED). 7. PVC MALE ADAPTER (TYPICAL). 8. 2" CLEARANCE. 9. PVC MAIN LINE PIPE. _ 1" IN TURF AREAS. 2" IN SHRUB AREAS. 12" POP-UP SPRAY HEAD N.T.S LEGEND 1. SHRUB SPRAY / BUBBLE HEAD. 2. FINISH GRADE. 3. PVC SCH. 80 NIPPLE. 4. PVC TYT 90 DEG. ELL. 5. MARLEX TxT 90 DEG. STREET ELL. 6. LATERAL LINE FITTING. 7. WALL OR FENCE. * 12" ABOVE F.G. FOR SHRUB SPRAY HEADS, 3" ABOVE F.G. FOR BUBBLER HEADS AND 6" ABOVE F.G. FOR STREAM BUBBLERS. PALM TREE BUBBLER N. T. S. LEGEND 1. AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER (SEE PLAN). 2, 120 -VOLT POWER SUPPLY WIRES IN CONDUIT. 3. PVC CONDUIT -2 1/2" 4. FINISH GRADE 5. SWEEP ELL -2 1/2" 4 6. DIRECT BURIAL CONTROL WIRES TO CONTROL VALVES. 1 I 7. 4" THICK CONCRETE FOOTING. o 1111= o � � IIII=IIII=IIII IIII-IIII=IIII_ I) j=IIII^IIII NOTE: INSTALL ALL WIRING PER LOCAL CODE. =(IIS 7 IIII-I II 2 � IIII GENERAL IRRIGATION NOTES 1. ALL POP-UP TYPE SPRINKLER HEADS INSTALLED IN SHRUB OR GROUNDCOVER AREAS SHALL BE INSTALLED SO THAT THE TOP OF THE SPRINKLER HEAD IS 1" ABOVE FINISH GRADE. 2. ALL POP-UP TYPE SPRINKLER HEADS INSTALLED IN LAWN AREAS SHALL BE INSTALLED SO THAT THE TOP OF THE SPRINKLER HEAD IS FLUSH WITH ADJACENT SIDEWALK OR CURB. 3, 1N OPEN SEEDED LAWN AREAS SET TOP OF POP-UP TYPE SPRINKLER HEADS 3" ABOVE FINISH GRADE UNTIL LAWN IS ESTABUSHED. LOWERING OF ALL LAWN HEADS BY THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR SO THAT THE TOP OF THE SPRINKLER HEAD IS 1/4" ABOVE FINISH GRADE, SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED WITHIN TEN (10) DAYS AFTER NOTIFICATION BY THE OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. 4. ALL SPRINKLER HEADS SHALL BE SET PERPENDICULAR TO FINISH GRADE OF THE AREA TO BE IRRIGATED UNLESS OTHERWISE DESIGNATED ON THE PIANS. 5. THE SPRINKLER SYSTEM DESIGN IS BASED ON THE MINIMUM OPERATING PRESSURE AND THE MAXIMUM FLOW DEMAND SHOWN ON THE IRRIGATION DRAWINGS AT THE METER OR POINT OF CONNECTION. THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY WATER PRESSURE PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION, REPORT ANY DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE WATER PRESSURE INDICATED ON THE DRAWINGS AND THE ACTUAL PRESSURE READING AT THE IRRIGATION POINT OF CONNECTION TO THE OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. IN THE EVENT PRESSURE DIFFERENCES ARE NOT REPORTED PRIOR TO START OF CONSTRUCTION, THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR SHALL ASSUME _ FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY REVISIONS NECESSARY. 6. 120 VOLT ELECTRICAL POWER OUTLET AT THE AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER LOCATION SHALL BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS. IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR TO MAKE THE FINAL HOOK-UP FROM THE ELECTRICAL OULTLET TO THE AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER. 7. THIS DESIGN IS DIAGRAMMATIC. ALL PIPING. VALVES, ETC. SHOWN WITHIN PAVED AREAS IS FOR DESIGN CLARIFICATION ONLY AND SHALL BE INSTALLED IN PLANTING AREAS. AVOID ANY CONFLICTS BETWEEN THE SPRINKLER SYSTEM, PLANTING AND ARCHITECTURAL FEATURES. 8. THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR SHALL FLUSH AND ADJUST ALL SPRINKLER HEADS FOR OPTIMUM PERFORMANCE AND TO ALLOW FOR NO OVERSPRAY ONTO WALKS, ROADWAYS AND/OR BUILDINGS. THIS SHALL INCLUDE SELECTING THE BEST DEGREE OF ARC TO FIT THE EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS AND TO THROTTLE THE FLOW CONTROL AT EACH VALVE TO OBTAIN THE OPTIMUM OPERATING PRESSURE FOR EACH SYSTEM. 9. DO NOT WILLFULLY INSTALL THE SPRINKLER SYSTEM AS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS WHEN IT IS OBVIOUS IN THE FIELD THAT OBSTRUCTIONS, GRADE DIFFERENCES OR DIFFERENCES IN THE AREA DIMENSIONS EXIST THAT MIGHT NOT HAVE BEEN CONSIDERED IN THE ENGINEERING. SUCH OBSTRUCTIONS OR DIFFERENCES SHOULD BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. IN THE EVENT THIS NOTIFICATION IS NOT PERFORMED, THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR SHALL ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY REVISIONS NECESSARY. 10, INSTALL ALL PIPE MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT AS SHOWN IN DETAILS. USE TEFLON TAPE OR TEFLON PIPE DOPE ON ALL PVC MALE PIPE THREADS ON ALL SPRINKLER SWING JOINT AND VALVE ASSEMBLIES. it. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR TO FAMILIARIZE HIMSELF WITH ALL GRADE DIFFERENCES, LOCATION OF WALLS, RETAINING WALLS, ETC. HE SHALL COORDINATE HIS WORK WITH THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND OTHER SUB -CONTRACTORS FOR THE LOCATION AND THE INSTALLATION OF PIPE SLEEVES THROUGH WALLS, UNDER ROADWAYS, PAVING, STRUCTURES, ETC. 12. IN ADDITION TO THE CONTROL WIRE SLEEVES SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS, THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE INSTALLATION OF CONTROL WIRE SLEEVES OF SUFFICIENT SIZE UNDER ALL OTHER PAVED AREAS. PCS SELECTION CHART DESCRIPTION MODEL PCS -020 PCS -030 PCS -040 s PCS -090 PCS -125 �8 6 2) LEGEND 4r' LEGEND 0.2 ( 1. 6" POP-UP SPRAY HEAD. 1'\ 1. PALM TREE. SEE BLOW-UP "A" FOR PROPER 1.25 2. WALK OR CURB. 1:1BUBBLER COLOR INSTALLATION. Silver Orange Black 2. RAINBIRD 1401 BUBBLER HEAD - ONE (1) Yellow 3. PVC SCH. 80 NIPPLE - 8F -FLT - REQUIRED -INSTALL AT THE OUTER 6' Bub. 2' Bub. 3' 5' +8' RAINBIRD 8H -FLT 1 /2" x SHORT. BLOW-UP A \ �. 4'-6' EDGE OF PALM TREE ROOT BALL. +8' - 4. PVC TxT 90 DEC. ELL. 0 ' • 2 3' 4' 5' +8' - 3. FINISH GRADE. 10 FT. 1.5 GPM 30 FULL 8Q -FLT 5. MARLEX 90 DEG. STREET ELL. 4'-5' , - (7. - - LOW ANGLE 10F -LA 4. LATERAL LINE FITTING. C Bub. 3' 6. PVC SCH. 80 NIPPLE - 12" LONG. 1O O `y9 a IOH-LA - - 5' 7' 5. PVC LATERAL LINE PIPE. SIZE NOTED - TRAJECTORY 7. LATERAL LINE PIPE AND FITTING. �� 3„ 3 ON DRAWING. - _ - 8. FINISH GRADE.��IIII r 5' 5' +10' =1111-,= 4 6. MARLEX TxT 90 DECREE STREET ELL NOTE: USE TEFLON TAPE ON ALL MALE I=�I� - I ry ` �3 I - - IIIII�I 7. PVC SCH. 80 RISER NIPPLE. 3 PIPE THREADS. SPRAY 30' 12TQ - - - - - 8' \\\ /VIII TRAJECTORY I - - - 3' 8. DATE PALM TREE ROOTBALL. 6 ----4 + 6" IN PLANTING BEDS. II� _ +12' - - - 111 III - 9. PVC TxS MALE ADAPTER. 5 -IIII=III-j11 a -IIII III � 10, EARTHEN BERM AROUND PALM TREE. 12" POP-UP SPRAY HEAD N.T.S LEGEND 1. SHRUB SPRAY / BUBBLE HEAD. 2. FINISH GRADE. 3. PVC SCH. 80 NIPPLE. 4. PVC TYT 90 DEG. ELL. 5. MARLEX TxT 90 DEG. STREET ELL. 6. LATERAL LINE FITTING. 7. WALL OR FENCE. * 12" ABOVE F.G. FOR SHRUB SPRAY HEADS, 3" ABOVE F.G. FOR BUBBLER HEADS AND 6" ABOVE F.G. FOR STREAM BUBBLERS. PALM TREE BUBBLER N. T. S. LEGEND 1. AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER (SEE PLAN). 2, 120 -VOLT POWER SUPPLY WIRES IN CONDUIT. 3. PVC CONDUIT -2 1/2" 4. FINISH GRADE 5. SWEEP ELL -2 1/2" 4 6. DIRECT BURIAL CONTROL WIRES TO CONTROL VALVES. 1 I 7. 4" THICK CONCRETE FOOTING. o 1111= o � � IIII=IIII=IIII IIII-IIII=IIII_ I) j=IIII^IIII NOTE: INSTALL ALL WIRING PER LOCAL CODE. =(IIS 7 IIII-I II 2 � IIII GENERAL IRRIGATION NOTES 1. ALL POP-UP TYPE SPRINKLER HEADS INSTALLED IN SHRUB OR GROUNDCOVER AREAS SHALL BE INSTALLED SO THAT THE TOP OF THE SPRINKLER HEAD IS 1" ABOVE FINISH GRADE. 2. ALL POP-UP TYPE SPRINKLER HEADS INSTALLED IN LAWN AREAS SHALL BE INSTALLED SO THAT THE TOP OF THE SPRINKLER HEAD IS FLUSH WITH ADJACENT SIDEWALK OR CURB. 3, 1N OPEN SEEDED LAWN AREAS SET TOP OF POP-UP TYPE SPRINKLER HEADS 3" ABOVE FINISH GRADE UNTIL LAWN IS ESTABUSHED. LOWERING OF ALL LAWN HEADS BY THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR SO THAT THE TOP OF THE SPRINKLER HEAD IS 1/4" ABOVE FINISH GRADE, SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED WITHIN TEN (10) DAYS AFTER NOTIFICATION BY THE OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. 4. ALL SPRINKLER HEADS SHALL BE SET PERPENDICULAR TO FINISH GRADE OF THE AREA TO BE IRRIGATED UNLESS OTHERWISE DESIGNATED ON THE PIANS. 5. THE SPRINKLER SYSTEM DESIGN IS BASED ON THE MINIMUM OPERATING PRESSURE AND THE MAXIMUM FLOW DEMAND SHOWN ON THE IRRIGATION DRAWINGS AT THE METER OR POINT OF CONNECTION. THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY WATER PRESSURE PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION, REPORT ANY DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE WATER PRESSURE INDICATED ON THE DRAWINGS AND THE ACTUAL PRESSURE READING AT THE IRRIGATION POINT OF CONNECTION TO THE OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. IN THE EVENT PRESSURE DIFFERENCES ARE NOT REPORTED PRIOR TO START OF CONSTRUCTION, THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR SHALL ASSUME _ FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY REVISIONS NECESSARY. 6. 120 VOLT ELECTRICAL POWER OUTLET AT THE AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER LOCATION SHALL BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS. IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR TO MAKE THE FINAL HOOK-UP FROM THE ELECTRICAL OULTLET TO THE AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER. 7. THIS DESIGN IS DIAGRAMMATIC. ALL PIPING. VALVES, ETC. SHOWN WITHIN PAVED AREAS IS FOR DESIGN CLARIFICATION ONLY AND SHALL BE INSTALLED IN PLANTING AREAS. AVOID ANY CONFLICTS BETWEEN THE SPRINKLER SYSTEM, PLANTING AND ARCHITECTURAL FEATURES. 8. THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR SHALL FLUSH AND ADJUST ALL SPRINKLER HEADS FOR OPTIMUM PERFORMANCE AND TO ALLOW FOR NO OVERSPRAY ONTO WALKS, ROADWAYS AND/OR BUILDINGS. THIS SHALL INCLUDE SELECTING THE BEST DEGREE OF ARC TO FIT THE EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS AND TO THROTTLE THE FLOW CONTROL AT EACH VALVE TO OBTAIN THE OPTIMUM OPERATING PRESSURE FOR EACH SYSTEM. 9. DO NOT WILLFULLY INSTALL THE SPRINKLER SYSTEM AS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS WHEN IT IS OBVIOUS IN THE FIELD THAT OBSTRUCTIONS, GRADE DIFFERENCES OR DIFFERENCES IN THE AREA DIMENSIONS EXIST THAT MIGHT NOT HAVE BEEN CONSIDERED IN THE ENGINEERING. SUCH OBSTRUCTIONS OR DIFFERENCES SHOULD BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. IN THE EVENT THIS NOTIFICATION IS NOT PERFORMED, THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR SHALL ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY REVISIONS NECESSARY. 10, INSTALL ALL PIPE MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT AS SHOWN IN DETAILS. USE TEFLON TAPE OR TEFLON PIPE DOPE ON ALL PVC MALE PIPE THREADS ON ALL SPRINKLER SWING JOINT AND VALVE ASSEMBLIES. it. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR TO FAMILIARIZE HIMSELF WITH ALL GRADE DIFFERENCES, LOCATION OF WALLS, RETAINING WALLS, ETC. HE SHALL COORDINATE HIS WORK WITH THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND OTHER SUB -CONTRACTORS FOR THE LOCATION AND THE INSTALLATION OF PIPE SLEEVES THROUGH WALLS, UNDER ROADWAYS, PAVING, STRUCTURES, ETC. 12. IN ADDITION TO THE CONTROL WIRE SLEEVES SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS, THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE INSTALLATION OF CONTROL WIRE SLEEVES OF SUFFICIENT SIZE UNDER ALL OTHER PAVED AREAS. PCS SELECTION CHART DESCRIPTION MODEL PCS -020 PCS -030 PCS -040 PCS -060 PCS -090 PCS -125 PCS -175 29 FT, 4.0 GPM 35 FULL CIRCLE GPM 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.9 1.25 1.75 CENTER STRIP SPRAY 15' CST COLOR Brown Silver Orange Black White Green Yellow FLAT SPRAY 8F -FLT - - 6' Bub. 2' Bub. 3' 5' +8' RAINBIRD 8H -FLT - 3' (160') 4'-6' 7' +8' - - 0 ' • BT -FLT 3' 4' 5' +8' - - - 10 FT. 1.5 GPM 30 FULL 8Q -FLT 4'-5' 4'-5' +8. - - - - LOW ANGLE 10F -LA - - C Bub. 3' 4' 5 +10' SPRAY 15' IOH-LA - - 5' 7' +10' Cool Season Turf & Warm Season Turf - TRAJECTORY 10T -LA 3' 5' 7' +10' - _ - KC Cool 80 .52 .65 Spring 100 -LA 5' 5' +10' - - FSP -8 - STD. ANGLE 12F - - - 1' Bub. 2' Bub., 6' 7' SPRAY 30' 12TQ - - - - - 8' +12' TRAJECTORY 12TT 12H 12T 12Q - - - 3' - - - 4' - 8' 8' 8' 4' 8' 10' + 12' 6' 10' +12' - 8' + 12' - - +12' - - - STREAM BUBBLER F-82" 5"6"+18" 4" +18' +18" 7" 412" 14' 12 412" +18" 30" SIZE AS NOTED. WHEN RADIUS OF SPRINKLER HEADS, REQUIRED FOR PROPER COVERAGE, IS LESS THAN RADIUS SHQW,N, 0t{.LEGEND, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL EQUIP SPRINKLER HEAD WITH A RAIN BIRD "PCS" PRESSU�E COMPENSATING SCREEN FOR LOW FLOW AND RADIUS CONTROL. SELECT SCREEN ON CHART ABOVE FOR PROPER RADIUS. R ' S 3 SHRUB SPRAY HEAD AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER - - N.T.S. N.T.S. IRRIGATION LEGEND _ SYMBOL MANUFACTURER MODEL NO. DESCRPT10N NOZZLE RADIIJ8 FLOW PSI PATTERN o RAINBIRD 2045 -PJ MAXI -BIRD IMPACT SPRINKLER 10 LA (YELLOW) 29 FT. 4.0 GPM 35 PART CIRCLE 0( RAINBIRD 2045 -PJ MAXI -BIRD IMPACT SPRINKLER 10 LA (YELLOW) 29 FT, 4.0 GPM 35 FULL CIRCLE 0 RAINBIRD 1806 POP-UP FLOOD BUBBLER FB 5 FT. 2.0 GPM 25 .. RAINBIRD 1806 CENTER STRIP SPRAY 15' CST 4 x 30 FT. 1.25 GPM 30 CENTER .. RAINBIRD 1806 6' POP-UP SPRAY (SHRUB) IOF-LA 10 FT. 1.5 GPM 30 FULL 0 ,. RAINBIRD 1806 6' POP-UP SPRAY (SHRUB) LOT -LA 10 FT. .6 GPM 30 THIRD 0 .. RAINBIRD 1806 6" POP-UP SPRAY (SHRUB) IOH-LA 10 FT. .8 GPM 30 HALF .• RAINBIRD 1806 6' POP-UP SPRAY (SHRUB) 8Q -FLT 8 F7. .36 GPM 30 QUARTER •• RAINBIRD 1804 4" POP-UP SPRAY HEAD 12F -LA 12 FT. 2.6 GPM 30 FULL 0 ' • RAINBIRO 1804 4' POP-UP SPRAY HEAD 12H -LA 12 FT. 1.25 GPM 30 HALF •' RAINBIRD 1804 4' POP-UP SPRAY HEAD tOF-LA 10 FT. 1.5 GPM 30 FULL • • RAINBIRD 1804 4" POP-UP SPRAY HEAD IDH -LA 10 FT, 0.8 CPM 30 HALF 19.00 Spring Feb., March, & April RAINBIRD 1804 4" POP-UP SPRAY HEAD iOQ-LA 10 FT. .6 GPM 30 QUARTER V '• RAINBIRD PA -SERIES SHRUB RISER 1OH-LA 8 FT. 0.8 GPM 30 QUARTER RAINBIRD PA -SERIES SHRUB RISER BH -FLT 8 FT. 0.5 GPM 30 HALF MANUAL RAINBIRD ESP -4 ESP -SERIES 4 STATION CONTROLLER Cool Season Turf & Warm Season Turf KC Cool 80 .62 .78 Spring FOR CONTROLLERS A ' and ' Z ' .611_72,11.00 1.00 RAINBIRD ESP -6 ESP -6 SERIES 6 STATION CONTROLLER .76_68_68_68_60 .68, .68, .60 KC Cool 80 .52 .65 Spring Oct, Nov., Dec., & Jan. FOR CONTROLLERS: 'B' , 'C'. 'D', 'E'. 'F' .75.39_58_59 .58, .59 STANDARD IRRIGATION COEFFIENCY RAINBIRD FSP -8 ESP -MC SERIES 8 STATION CONTROLLER Drip - Shrub & Trees .90 Crop Coeffiency for Shrubs .60 FOR CONTROLLER: ' T ' Spray - Shrub, Ground Cover & Trees .75 RAINBIRD ASVF SERIES ASVF SERIES ELECTRIC REMOTE CONTROL VALVE 3/4' & 1" SIZES SEE PLAN FOR SIZES USAGE CALCULATIONS 1111-4 NIBCO T-113 GATE VALVE (LINE SIZE) ETO ET Adj, ---- PRESSURE MAINLINE PIPING USE SCHEDULE 40 - SIZE AS NOTED M.A.W.B. Drip - Shrgb, Trees & Ground Cover Areas NON -PRESSURE ,LATERAL LINE PIPING - PVC CLASS 200 (SIZE AS NOTED) Spring 19.00 x .60/.90 x =- PIPE SLEEVE FOR IRRIGATION PIPING INSTALLED UNDER PAVING. USE PVC SCHEDULE 40 SIZE AS NOTED. aIRRIGATION x 0.62 I POINT OF CONNECTION - 1" IRRIGATION WATER SERVICE LINE. 3/4' -WATER METER. p�E INDICATES CONTROLLER NUMBER INDICATES ELECTRIC CONTROL VALVE SIZE x 0.52 / 748 INDICATES FLOW IN GALLONS PER MINUTE `• WHEN RADIUS OF SPRINKLER HEADS REQUIRED FOR PROPER COVERAGE 15 LESS THAN RADIUS SHOWN ON LEGEND, THE CCNTRACTOR SHALL EQUIP SPRINKLER HEAD HATH A 'RAIN BIRD" - 'PGS' PRESSURE COMPENSATED SCREEN FOR FLOW AND RADIUS CONTROL. SELECT SCREEN FROM PCS NOZZLE SCREEN SELECTION GUIDE THIS SHEET FOR APPROPRIATE RADIUS. I DRAINAGE NOTE DRAINAGE OF IRRIGATION WATER THROUGH SPRINKLER HEAD WILL NOT BE ALLOWED. SOME PORTIONS OF THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM WILL REQUIRE THE INSTALLATION OF RAINBIRD 1804 -SAM, 1806 -SAM, AND 1812 -.SAM IN LIEU OF RAINBlRD 1804, 1806, AND 1812 SPRINKLER HEADS TO PREVENT DRAINAGE. DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL RAINBIRD POP-UP SPRAY HEADS WITH "SAM' FEATURE AS REQUIRED AT ANY SPRINKLER HEAD SHOWING SIGNS OF DRAINAGE AFTER THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM HAS OPERATED FROM AN ON TO OFF POSITION. INSTALLATION OF 'SAM' FEATURE SHALL BE INCLUDED IN THE BID PRICE WITHOUT ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER. SPRAY HEAD NOZZLE INFORMATION WHEN INSTALLING SPRINKLER HEADS USING 1800 SERIES NOZZLES THAT REQUIRE ARC PATTERNS OTHER THAN THE STANDARD ARC PATTERNS (360', 180', 90', ETC.) THE CONTRACTOR SHALL USE RAINBIRD VARIABLE ARC NOZZLES. RADIUS OF VAN NOZZLES SHALL BE SELECTED TO MATCH SITE CONDITIONS. EXAMPLE: USE 8 -VAN WHEN 8 FOOT RADIUS IS REQUIRED OR A 12 -VAN WHEN A 12 FOOT RADIUS IS REQUIRED. MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE WATER BUDGET PIPE SIZING CHART PIPE SIZE MAX. ALLOWABLE FLOtN Conversion Conversion 5/4' EfO ET Adj. Sq. Ft Gal. to Sq. Ft Gal. to Cu. Ft M.A.W.B. M.A.W.B. 88.00 x 0.8 x 48,146 x 0.62 / 748 = 2,809 CCF ESTIMATED `NATER REQUIREMENTS w <N n 61 Ln = R Total Drip - Shrub, Tree & Ground Cover Areas 80% 38,595 Sq. Ft Total Spray - Shrub, Tree & Ground Covet Areas 0% Sq- Ft Total Spray - Turf 20% 9,551 Sq. Ft Total Planted Area 100% 48,146 Sq. Ft Total Stone, Cobble, & Mulch 10% Sq. Ft Total Landscape Area (100%) 100% 48,146 Sq. Ft MONTHLY ET Inches Season Months ET in Inches 19.00 Spring Feb., March, & April 4.40, 6.20, 6.40 53.70 Summer May, June, July, Aug., & Sept 10.50, 11.90, 12.30, 10.10, 8.90 15.30 Fall Oct, Nov., Dec., & Jan. 6.20, 3.80, 2.40, 2.90 CROP COEFFIENCY FOR TURF APPENDIX "B" CVWD MANUAL Adjusted Average Coetfiency Cool Season Turf & Warm Season Turf KC Cool 80 .62 .78 Spring Feb., March, & April .611_72,11.00 1.00 KC Cool 60 .41 .68 Spring May, June, July, Aug., & Sep. .76_68_68_68_60 .68, .68, .60 KC Cool 80 .52 .65 Spring Oct, Nov., Dec., & Jan. .75.39_58_59 .58, .59 STANDARD IRRIGATION COEFFIENCY Drip - Shrub & Trees .90 Crop Coeffiency for Shrubs .60 Spray - Shrub, Ground Cover & Trees .75 Spray Turf .75 USAGE CALCULATIONS ETO ET Adj, Sq. Ft Gal. to Sq. Ft Gal. to Cu. FL M.A.W.B. Drip - Shrgb, Trees & Ground Cover Areas Spring 19.00 x .60/.90 x 38,595 x 0.62 / 748 = 405 Summer 53.70 x .60/.90 x 38,595 x 0.62 I 748 = 1,145 Fall/Winter 15.30 x .60/.90 x 38,595 x 0.52 / 748 = 326 Spray - Shrub, Trees & Ground Cover Areas Spring 19.00 x .60/.75 x 0 x 0.62 / 748 = 0 Summer 53.70 x .60/.75 x 0 x 0.62 / 748 = 0 Fall Winter 15.30 x .60(.75 x 0 x 0.62 1 748 = 0 Spray - Turf Spring 19,00 x .62/.75 x 9,551 x 0.62 / 748 = 124 Summer 53.70 x .41/.75 x 9,551 x 0.62 / 748 = 232 FaIVWinter 15,30 x .52/.75 x 9,551 x 0.62 / 748 = 84 TOTAL ESTIMATED ANNUAL WATER REQUIRED 2,317 CCF EWU PIPE SIZING CHART PIPE SIZE MAX. ALLOWABLE FLOtN 1/2' 5 GPM 5/4' 10 GPM I' 16 6PM 1-1/4" 26 GPM 1-1/2" 40 GPM 2" 60 GPM tl°1�Si' (�1 �7 .n if VA. 10 A h Z L W N JCL. W W O Z O O V _. U ~J_ 0 _Q O wt :E 25 .. Ln z N OC O U. F'CCc < Zm W �ad J oc W ��W Gia � oar: Scale: QTS Date: North: Sheet No. L-2 n 0 VU ce L V 4 VI H � V UJ OG w <N n 61 Ln = R O !V O Z 0 W U_ ZQ a h Z L W N JCL. W W O Z O O V _. U ~J_ 0 _Q O wt :E 25 .. Ln z N OC O U. F'CCc < Zm W �ad J oc W ��W Gia � oar: Scale: QTS Date: North: Sheet No. L-2 n E&END 1-006EPOLE DRIVEN INTO NATIVE 9,5RAF,'t (MIN. -G I", --t 4a5� RUBBER H05E ArTAc;-iF0 TO LOVCEPOLE W GALVENIZED NAIL TREE TRLA4< 2. ORGANIC MLLCH TREE ROOTBALL FIN15H GRADE GO"'Ar-TEC) NATIVE 501L BACKFILL PLANT PIT W (1) PART NATIVE SOIL AND (1) PART BANDINI PLANTING MIX. BLEND EVENLY AND BACKFILL IN (b- I-IFT5, AND WATERING BETWEEN LIFT'i. APPLY E31 ROOT S,TI?-V-ATQR PER DIRECTION5 ON PACKA,,E- TREE PIT TO BE (2) TIMES THE DIAMETER OF THE TREE ROOTBALL CA) TREE FLANTIN6 5'(M. N.T.5. 5 layers of redwood benderbood (typircil) 0 0i BOULDER NOTES: PLANT LEGEND 5'(M. Boulders are to be smooth gray granite varying in size from 2x3l TREES BMJ Buxus, microphylla japonica to 3'x5'. Boulders are identified on landscape plan by letter, IN GOMMENT5 Japanese Boxwood GOMMENT5 being the largest and V being the smallest. Landscape contractor 5YM. NAME 51ZE r-OHMENT5 to vary the sizes and heights when placing boulders in clusters. t ASM Acacia ,mollil 24' box Boulders to be buried no less than 1/3 of their height upon final W a - Sweet Acacla Z 0 LU C? > grading. * GPX Cercidium proecox 24" box Variegated Euon9mv5 30" O.G. Golden Yeiloh 5onoron Palo Verde Gardenia ja5minolde5 ',,\ugv5t Beauty' 5 gal. * 5M Schinus molle 24" box MOUNDING NOTES: Li(?)5trvm japonicum 'Texonum' California Pepper Viox Leaf Privet PF Pithe6elloblum Flexiccule 24" box Mounding to be done at Landscape Architects direction w/ * PG Texas Ebony Pro5opi5 chilen515 24" box mounds varying in size from 6" to 12' in height above Nandina dornestica 'CornpoGto' Thornle55 Mesquite surrounding sidewalks and PAD elevations. PALMS NUN LAy ,� " I t� 64� L , SYM. NAME SIZE GOMMENT5 To AR Areacastrum romonol'I'zicrum See plan Variegated Mock Orange Queen Palm PTH P1,0Cj4 To �JATof4 r oje.oj ; 59al. C, iamoerop5 vmIIi5 24' box MvItf-Trunk 5YM. Mediterranean Fan Palm 51ZE GOMMENT5 PR Phoenix robellinli 24" box 6 to 12" trunk Bougainvillea Lo Jolla' 5901. Pigmy Date Palm f DENOTED TREE5 WITHIN 10 FEET OF HARD56-APE, WALLS OR BUILDIN65 TO REGIEVE 2E Uj P7 :2411 —PG :2411 5HRL)B5 5'(M. NAME 51ZE BMJ Buxus, microphylla japonica 1901. GOMMENT5 Japanese Boxwood GOMMENT5 66T Cor;55a gronclifloro 'Tuttle[' I gal. C z Tuttle Natal Plum 50d CN Gas,5ia nernophila 59ol. W a - Green Ga55ia Z 0 LU C? > EJA Euorymus, joponfca 'Aureo-vorleqoLo' I gal. CU_ LLJ Variegated Euon9mv5 30" O.G. Golden Yeiloh GAB Gardenia ja5minolde5 ',,\ugv5t Beauty' 5 gal. August Beouty Gardenia LJT Li(?)5trvm japonicum 'Texonum' 5gal Viox Leaf Privet 101, O.G. LM Liriope muecori I gal. Big Blue Lily Turf NOG Nandina dornestica 'CornpoGto' 5 gal. Compact Heavenly Bamboo NUN Nandina domestIca'Nana' 1 (301. Pviorf Heavenly Bamboo PTV PItto5porum tobIra Vorlegato' 15 gal Variegated Mock Orange 2" PEEP Over Heed Barrier PTH Pitto5porum tobira 'l,*eelerl' 59al. Dwarf Mock Orange SHRUE35 jz GROUND 6OVER5 CL. GOMMENT5 5YM. NAME SIZE GOMMENT5 5YM. NAME 51ZE GOMMENT5 RIS Rophlolepis Indica Springtime' 5 gal. C z LAWN Gynodon doctylon 'Til'green 528' 50d India Ho"Llnorne W a - Hybrid Bermuda 6,ros,5 Z 0 LU C? > 56 501vio greggil 5 Cpl. CU_ LLJ LMC, Lon t fa monteviden515 'Gold Mound' 1 gal. 30" O.G. Golden Yeiloh Red Sage Yelloyq Trading Lantana TJ Trrichelos,permffn josHninoia6-,5 I gal. A6 Annual Color flats 101, O.G. Star Jasmine To be selected by Owner Xr-r- Xylo5ma conge5,tum 'compacta' 5901 W Wildflower Mix Compact Shiny Xylo5rno All serum, Gozonio, California Poppy ACC,ENT5Peorotive Gravel E7 6R\/ DecorativePALM 2" PEEP Over Heed Barrier SPRIN65 GOLD 1/2" 5YM. NAME 51ZE GOMMENT5 P56 Palm Springs Gold Fines 2" PEEP Over Weed Barrier BTF Bougainvillea Lo Jolla' 5901. f DENOTED TREE5 WITHIN 10 FEET OF HARD56-APE, WALLS OR BUILDIN65 TO REGIEVE Bougainvillea 'DEEPROOT' ROOT BARRIERS PER MANUFACTURER'S 5PEGI�IGATION5 GP Coesolpinia pulcherrima 5 gal. yp B<irbado5 Pride Yucca pendvIa 5 gal./INE SHRUB GALLOUT 9\ GALLOUT TREE GALLOUT Soft -tipped YuccaYuccae ESPALIER5 5YM. NAME SIZE COMMENTS LAN05CAPE CONTRAGTOR 15 to provide the Follcmirq plants to be Field spotted by LAND5GAPE ARCHITECT: E3E3K Bougainvillea 'Barbara Karst' 15 gal. Vine (50) TJ I gallon Bougainvillea (3-'?) NDN I gallon GI Grilliondra lnequllatera 15 gal. Espalier (25) LM I Gallon Pink Powder Puff (10) BLJ 5 gallon xrlrl 3 layers of redje,400d (2) GH 24' box (3) PR 24" box off §�ia Eva Do au MW limit of work no mffl- SEA, -Mo 3= �m zu-S ow emif,,g�ta �M�- ;go ,a .d. no -mm =g as i= fifo M1 ME@ ffis Ma M5 zm- am �--j M 0�� 190 SAB 920 ad izo wo Is am A0 No no as M go ffi�� am Ma �m i�ffl, MM AM ��a 501 W X 101 1 104 03 102 .1. LAllo* LAHK L4*. LAM x LAP+( LAM LAM 1100 J L 13 4 6 NOOK MASTER PAD=110.30 MASTER I IVIN6 rn �4 N MASTER Z, 74 - \LA I -------- :2411 FA ATH FAMIL Tr L J� 105 Tube Steel gate N1 pir-ket5 NOr, T) PR XGG PAD= 112.90 PLAN 14 -T LJT AMILY BE • L I PAD=1 F PINING @ 69" Fyp,) L'I 11.90 FTI) 20 Spaces �7 LIVING MASTER PTV AR FA-5M-� 2-1 b PLAN 6 51 0 2411 F—A R7 P5 1 2 (L MA5TER MORNING CH NC)G F(n, �, —q) PAD= --110.80 BATH -e MA5TER 4 PLAN 3 PINING PIAN 5 %4 - BEDROOM DAr)=11') An F L/ T ING E3E3K BE ROOM BE M PTH LJT PAD=1 XGG 11.30 --1:2411- X, I FA5H -, Uj 71 NILIH DINING rp 1 -11, X PR L�j I t�) AR 2 ND 9FN PR E3! F PF 3 P :2411 4 Z LIVING E3BK 'LESGH P-1 �N Uj> BLJCENTER I ' DESIGN GH x GAB 40H 7—FFIGE 11 2 10 LAM F NDG '47 PR 3LUMQf- 4C -J 7/ 4-� N� \\ . ............. 7 � ENHANCED PAV I N6 A-1 (TYPICAL) 3 .-A PR LAM F -n LAM 4* L V LA IN LAM • A 'GH A BHJ 5PR 2 R15 RL 2411 3 - XCC r —Pr- 2 4 PTH XG6 LM6 f3mj 5 2 5 N DUG 55 PR C 111 E3R R15) (15 �Mj 24" i 5 AR 5 NDG -PR r R15 BMJ 2 E3HJ 1 M6 EIMP) /BE3K\ vines, on trop Fence (C] T 11 Z-- Enhanced Poving (TypiCol) 24IE4 CH A BENCH (TY'PIGAL) NAPLES DRIVE de &RI M 04 11.ag TZ)f ffs a" 1-- 2" E -W wa A.�a mo ow ap, ISO- t" Eau W, GPX 24" NDG \ : • \�\ 6— LAM E3H V CH & RAGE Z LIVING M A1`0 Ira no M= 9M i3v E T6 BEDROOM PLAN 5 , 5 xcc -PAD=1 15.50 MASTER FAMILY BEDROOM MASTER BATH rMINER-01 wa\�M am ma am Nzi M ffi� ea M au fim NA M 2W �lirriit work -7 1 —F—T—T—T— F 7T 0 T I z X jw X 4 A X X A w I I 1 F. 1 A I 1 11 I X v X A Y A X S X X X .1 -X X A I v I X 4 X4 W . 'A X j A I See Perimeter Landscape Plans for this area ;e. x Ar X X X X K e A X X C 12, - ,4 3 ,,4- x 15 - PAD =�'i 1140 PAD='1 12.40 iC 'PAD 1'1 11'70 I X X 4 9 ae I A X 1 9 A W 1.E 1� K w. Y. I X 4 Z A 1 • X X -1­­­`'<,X­ A A A X X X X A X X I I I I X X A I I X X A 1 K X 41, Y I I X X X X A 1- I X K �t A A X .1 1. X X A I k X X X X r X A X X xk X 1: 1 1 J I T. X A X X k 1: t n X, I X 1 X I X :4I n v- X X X 1. X I 1 1. h X I X I X X, X y X K X X X X 11 1 X I X X A x x X X x 1 1 1 Y x x )d X I X >C I c A A 4 X X I X 1 )t if N X A I —9= Raa na M ---zu on ga-3 an Ea ME ON M B0 ma Mai ME M sm Em EM am am RE -1 Em LEN Im 2a m mm au 5M ME M33 -TA L�2- im �9� W an ffa 0z no Big &M fto BEa 3M M1 im SM M9 903 FRED WARING DRIVE 6 7 PAD=111.30 PAD=110.80 91 X jz CL. 0 1- U Ce Uj - C z cue CL W a - Z 0 LU C? > 4-J Lo C CU_ LLJ gaa<�a 91 X jz CL. 0 1- U Ce Uj - C z cue CL W a - Z 0 LU C? > 4-J Lo C CU_ LLJ 91 X jz CL. . 0 U .j z Uj - C z 0 CL N Ln < N z U. U. fad< CW6 z J D j UJI z Ln Cyce Uj M . Ce Scale: T-7--7 Date: 9,C North: Sheet No. L-3