MUP 1997-032I 7 'rrr �� .Meer��VI'� 1p�li�t�e�s if pvfte 6 secticswh 0.210.0Z6 d the Zeno Code (,A OV is , Urn requiring a MVP have a Icm or moderate potential for adverse impacts on sucroundi Re%4aw and approva; :)y the Community Dcvvclofxnant Ditecler-for "application is J� �. residen[s, or bu tt s, AP l�^1ty71�lVPLrat�.c� PWvWe of Rc quest- r 7 C Assessors Parser No.: 9 — % IQ 77f e0 2 7 Generalt _ 0 5 Acreage; 1 57 g� Additi*roal kfbcmAzioa: L075 25 off- Z�8 (Additional written metedal can be subntitssd ceparat*) - Mwe copies of tltt achicroccural aad 1andacfiFfJJ44adon plans shall be subirdited wlitt tltls APPHOdon imless otherwise determined by Department staff. Colored rcitdenngfr may be rcgttlrad dexn + .t _ • application being submiucd. - �rrir�irs■wrrrrlr�rrrr■■r•■s■•�rrrr•r�r�■ir�rrr�r■rrrrarrrr■r■r�rW■••rryrr+•r■res•■•rWr■s•■fir■■•■.r■�r■rrrr•■■■t Applicant.• SOW �1gnt+tc�rer.;i Capital Pacific Holdings, In��. (714) 6228400 (Print Name) (Phone) -"�•� Address 4l nn MarArrhtrr Blvd 4�20b Newport Beath, CA 92660 Capital Pacific Holdings, Inc. (NAt Narrne} � e Addrtss: 4106 =at u Blvd. 4200 Newport Beach, CA 92660 AuthoritY for this Dale Dowers _ of oA prop V arrrrvr At --tad by Nils applilM>swak Publl bC indw atrbn�ivar� - •vii Date:— /D -- J/- Q 7 VMWS m dorsa► this appWcappa. Skxgwres NW adalews" Rn tAio swi►�t4t4 Sepal►rte lettsr�r of aplbarrrrEiow �t ars Co. D3 Z v j'3mes M. Wrrjlit Fire Chief gid cities of: 6eaurnoni S Cai!mese 1' Cjryon fare 4 Goache?la Desert H+>r ,:•i,;�s s �nillan 4,a!;S Inero 4 :9 C'ur�t9 �a'm Ccse~ v Aerr,s P. s 0 RIV1 RSIDE COUNTY F'IIT f" !"J'A RT N/1 EN T jl) L-iii:(?i,'1'C11lUr: -- 213 Wn-a 94��if` • r,-?' c L , 9_1l--;a1C - Oci,Ab:r 16, 1997 Citrus it La R-= T1w. Citrus, ,mcirg As pa our corweasation at 1 ne Citrus on October 15, 1991. }our current ience can r'e cmendco the 1 hfax:murt dl_tr.nce extended from curU shah ba 7 feet 2 f=ence height shalt be a iwournurtl ol'46 inches As per Unieom) Building Code, section 1205.2. exit gales shalt be un!oclred f .: , •, nen n-.cdeis are opera ani er occul)led. minimum roma \,�idth shali be no less than 28 feet in front of m,,)del homes c.stions repardinP the m vino? of these conditions should be referred to the Fire Departmmi ;'•..Ing �: 1~ngln,:el"1n1, aalt at. t:%+�.,0} 8b� -8886. I 906 Ouster, )• j, D;w;cr . �t John Ta,agl,o^c. D,stric't 2 f p/nG Jim Venabla, 061114 3 Roy l*ison. D+sl,io 4 J Torn Mvller+. DiauiCt 5 S;nt;rely' R. -%Y REGIS C:hlcf i'ire Dkeparm ni 1 LA—ntr rig G**.m i. Nt;k C'adem Fire Caption Special:si l�.l��r•t-Ii�l J3•: �a Gas•a �t , i^7 F1, Ir•C � ti as27G