MUP 2000-1950 City of La Quinta Community Development Department 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 (760) 777-7125 FAX: (760) 777-7155 OFFICE USE ONLY Case No. ru,UP-'vyV HCl Date Recvd.'/2S12N0 Fee: !;� 7 Related Apps.: V pa1OdO --A/(/ APPLICATION FOR MINOR USE PERMIT APPROVAL MINOR USE PERMIT applications are reviewed and approved by the Community Development Director pursuant to Section 9.210.020, of the Zoning Code. The purpose of the review is to ensure that land uses requiring the permit do not have an adverse impact on surrounding properties, residents, or businesses. APPLICANT ��,. �`� 5 C \ a ,v (Print) MAILING ADDRESS c.- Phone No.3- CITY, STATE, ZIP: Fax No. PROPERTY OWNER (If different): (Print) MAILING ADDRESS: CITY, STATE, ZIP: Phone No. Fax No. PROJECT LOCATION:k�-- PROPOSED USE AND/OR CONSTRUCTION (Including operational information): Q- - O�-, o- Gv"SR Cl� ��i w.1i:� C-0 L SS "L . S� 'L -c N- C',, r� e '>r�,- 4- \4e'-� �O C- "� - 1` �-� ``- ' �` �S ' attach sheets if needed) LEGAL DESCRIPTION (LOT & TRACT OR A.P.N.): A18\Minor Use Permit SaNUSSION REQUIRE ❑ Plot Plan, floor plans and elevation plans (as determined by Community Development Department staff. Five (5) sets of plans on 8'/z" x 11" sheet or folded down to 8'/2" x 11". ❑ Filing fee for Nliinor Use Permit. If filing multiple applications, the most expensive application will be charged full fee, with remaining related applications discounted 50% for each. This discount does not apply to Environmental Information form. � i i i i � ♦ � i i � � � NAME OF APPLICANT�-�— SIGNATURE OF APPLI NAME OF PROPERTY OWNER (Please Print) SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER(S) IF NOT SAME AS APPLICANT: DATE (Signature provides consent for applicant to use site for proposed activity). DATE (Separate written authority by owner to submit application may be provided) NOTE: FALSE OR MISLEADING INFORMATION GIVEN IN THIS APPLICATION SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR DENYING APPLICATION. A I Winor Use Permit RECEIPT City of La Quinta, 78-495 Calle Tampico, P.O. Box 1504, La Q�u)inta CA92253 D E 20 4 109-( RECEIVED FROM /L _ ADDRESS I,� ZIIJT DOLLARS S FOR l KO , i, , � slsI /%� ACCOUNT HOW PAID AMT. OF CASH ACCOUNT _ �. AMT. PAID CHECKJZ� 44T, - BALANCE MONEY BY DUE ORDER WA)? zow - ms- owas 02/25/2000 15:45 7607"750 . . 4� 7-- r KINER / GO- .DSELL A D V E !if -t-Y S I N G MMAWO ha 760.773.1750 13.101 Hwy. 1113" 4 Pdm DoML Cohi 92260 COMPANY: U KINER GOODSELL• PAGE 01 DATE -2 FAX NUMBER: PROM: o\ " r a � r NO. OF PAGES: ffiCLt71 = COVER ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: aw �' c.&-- CL LL tel r dA S. W, 02-25-00 16:40 RECEIVED FROM:7607731750 P•01 021125/2000 15:45 7607750 vzo-24-00 19=30 FROM -WA MCMT ADMIN L QttixU MID Coma KINER GOODSELL PAGE 02 I P . 780 02732 PHa:t �, •, Was% 1"nagwveAt of the Dmart SERVICE /4C EW wm FAX -760-340= NON4MARAMS WASTE ..� aR .� zmmwwtn4w�r — r..cowsa+f 79005 1t1 2312M COw*► �aa�MOVa1Cl �aa00� p�� V Cs 9$OS3 Yaa e�mmer 7OW7MI730 Aod'aCAW mmarMEN*= � acv Ys �yC C O Ub WAM 7'Yr9 Numm nuaaa fighow W= v ORVKSDAYS m R u m 7 %r K Y s It N i A i T K x Ham.Mosc�aP TM2Atsqar-- CMWVAvr.AMPrKs �ea na .xD Arclr�RO wND ails�wieF nor suaasR?0�'Qfo6F+lGaDa�DrrfDN osca�. aw LA hoAMONSW ledre Sao. 17J0 .asim oe.ucT 79043 111 a,amCMW An or. �w,.►�000mir . my own 92M x TOW K L T T t ca x 119900 1 Conn Soolon x M.00 ADA #MdIM Unit X 110.00 so I An Hawes with lunars X mgm 7 Swv= fix GM94 MfC009M SWJOL ADA X 860.00 2720.00 ADMMKAY.W=trC1o011 "MU, ^RXFArrCWn= AM=HWf Obotarlar bm m tMN papcwl ie omffd@MW emd p opWty of W=tw lrtavammm of St Dc3at 02-25-00 16:41 RECEIVED FROM:7607731750 P-02 02/25/2000 15:45 76077 750 KINER GOODSELL PAGE 03 FEB -24-00 18,37 FROM:WA8 MGMT ADMIN 11).768 2732 PAGE Service Ap'cameat TW $ rA= AM.mnm, *" lnofP eldotka =Mbad W fl, is M& u of %t drbo rbnam Wum bw-w tb" Quina Aua MA mord Wtms blattapmeaa ol.bt Darurt i. Hca lltcfflnEp We vitt provide yat wkb ec 4uwdow saiid writ& MBs6bM mo o. = amd wridm j s mom as dwWOnd bedA. We vrlil lssts�a tid<t topsevido � se:�iore daatabad]arelet Yoa �w riot YOW have r.adriM Cat�aaur's I2alfeifiea aCBpacitl Wafst smdtd hent& Il'we httadfa Wold vraslr for Ya4 7� v>tn pegaJde ns with a Citooeaoas Wes& PMMv SbrM Clnage 8bN0 &mx%iett all tptoW wuk ted p o*& anoprsseoa d- —we ct*c apsoial w— mtvgaaat Ym amno mzm mtfd vaetar Sou ddiw* w w is a �d waw or a eraraetw mutt if w of yaw Wads comimweawsk &a% a. , It to tho dasaiWaoa m eb AVWMDM or in r h9fib flits Chtrt-9da0t M .vaua', we a.t a awrr apooq taaosa! to yea a n+@v�s you to ramow,ad e4po&r attlw eoa►oowlbe� naso ar 7^an Co me: +led naooia•ru tr At any wo b" bteafwe. s. Irt OArAwIa0m Wew eewmA%msdf, 10 'andsmym Rm xW gpbm wymW Ah&bWtyvb Ayarmtom'benW=&Wvlrorpay am � a resit dbedt'�y iggitw ( do>tE1)1�P'a9 dstm�, ar soy violsriow a alls�eti viiofsldap df Iles. ID $�S dooeot omwd by toy ash am nomw attQW" er wm wbomdw of m or ow adwyaak v w* oomp (1) dniogdw ooiaettio0 Q d yourwtaee, arf� s • milt alBw dtspord elyonr vrasle asierlhe duffs of ttrb Agi»e.uoni: in s aw�sdby a asnttidlary of Wows Mtmsp000tmt. bte; providd tan cot atdsm�a�a at>tipQac wiri aatapD►y is aoom1t0:rt irwishot »mcodbmow WNW Yaa mm to mdna dy, do"& aad leve w bat> m Am and &plant say me dl btdtQJtiy wbiail M eoq bs Ifo!be at pay act n a taatk of boaiiy {te (txhuft 4m*), PmpatY —K a 7 i* vW&Iim or tdlt0ad vkiaion dlsww me ummeatmaodby yow bruit dtbi x A&am mA ar by ata oeopmt aim, negUgmg ombnisq a wi7lbt ebomdos dyew &* y mei �. �+�. a aoattactaa to ms parltwn soot erlhos Apmewd Nodw pwetydon bebww imidttaLte&=New ariiY"ctowplrlamsao►afft � t+77G60F�tTpl�rst Mm aaa;mmt -&&M dt to yao WW =MIR au prepRty. Yoo vpa be tagaterbM &r ally ices ar dmv rftmw& &em )vw imang efths sqYou wf0 act a m%w w wew ar vobmw nova a aria rir WOipo=* fad nal utra t4wo - p m awbm %pavwtatbes figs 4a>oi drs tome You will less Q& eqm mesas m!y fbr its imeeadsd yorfoae: Oa ttoA�ea day yat hili provide tmobsaaamd ttes.rs ro ri■ �Ipmaa.lffbe u}�wreea k aocaeM�bls or ooatleodod by vr�� vrva�as. i'� aevfae vitt b to m adt$tioed oho. Wa tnll pOr ba raspausibic 1vr domags W yatw Mv 9 5omm wai0a of aw vd" a ar cgobo m 4. !Ess Y«t tsycc ar pay oa for Acs apt lbrsb hotafa m a000rdspw wiA tha Ds7or� sstms &[oar mvdas we rettrvr the to chary a lm loo tto prrter tM &M shoat by bw. Wi way itiorttM yeoa faaf &am rima to �m nrieet abtr:t�st m Taty &DOW tants, riteCM disponi Rok rind AW p iaM yius a wsmansbie morin %a4wt to you appmvL the fim tray be atymtd fat othor rescan flarh 100 of swum or tate e*wmmts; amd, muy bK &wa d to %vb.$y. m wr f, or by aw aaioa ua* w yarptymaot dam kmix& If "&* Nor Is bated m w atDaiwot ompaae>r &ilia tba. an appoprbtb is may brr wddn! b the dTiepeatl ticilib 'a S Timm ibe tnta oft& Agstamom mm Da fir tAts troy vt br.v&nz fsitber aPos asst' matlntd+tbe A�y� by n{via8lba abet wtftota aatdoe a[srre�allea by etsotisd are amuttijht taa4 not Itmtsros 7 dt�a bJdas tba swat. !f yaa bemtbaale thou AMw.mets at sett' olbor oov5 ar vw oaa�tas duo m emq�rsaroR yeo vrlQ per as a ligmdssoa dw=pm ft amma of yaw lass t�otd mo.rbdy ahs& mfoldlri;&d by aR or tba r ma(aisj ssdwr oftt mft is to omm" lain whic� is Las. his w�atastd win fM �''rm"d b?'the 1a� afma stall o which strvbea ap prdbrmMd, aDd[+ bipdioj ort list t�e■rrora std atbom ol+oa 'lie iairae mad& try &alb e('w w� omviva itemi•Itiaa of *bis A6aemagt We vaiA bt �4od ov Hoover aro rstaraey°s Hatt sad oast coats itt go AV -ME& ibis 4SM-- tw m odes my vdw Swdm AS►em.ne Gatarea m for 1ooRioos erd sttvioel by rids AarvaaN� A fix ni�prmaftsa[tiay party &batt be aoanderes ro have thesaasl b� Itpal tdToat n m ottaiaat � At vViiPIF83 Wi�OF, Ods A� hts bsw si�tsd by ffio ag1{baraad rOpt+otdadws &trite partiac on F.Ewary 24 2000. La Romm.4>sao Mau Wemte c oCthe DCKV (c mdmw 1l mwoo -� A,*f (?M— Deborah o. ,w ,OM EVMi C90rd6nator sails sUptetyistx D 40 in tbia propofW is WrIldooW rod property of <<pLfaiesv, 02-25-00 16:41 RECEIVED FROM:7607731750 P.03 0 . 0 T4ht 4 w*P Q" REQUEST FOR COMMENT Community Development Department P. O. Box 1504, La Quinta, CA 92253 * (760) 777-7125 - FAX (760) 777-1233 PROJECT PLANNER: Christine di Iorio, Planning Manager The City of La Quinta Development Review Committee is conducting an initial environmental study pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) for the referenced project(s). Attached is the information submitted by the project proponent. Your comments are requested with respect to: 1.) Physical impacts the project presents on public resources, facilities, and/or services, and 2.) Recommended conditions that your agency believe would mitigate any potential adverse effects. If you find that the identified impacts will have significant adverse effects on the environment which cannot be avoided through conditions, please recommend the scope and focus of additional study(ies) which may be helpful. CASE(S): TUP 2000-745 and MUP 2000-195 LOCATION: Located at the Auto Centre at La Quinta on the southeast corner of Highway 111 and Adams Street DESCRIPTION: Grand opening celebration including amusement rides and games, concession, Interoffice Administration & Department Directors: �C City Manager Assistant City Manager Community Development Public Works C Building and Safety Community Services Department Staff: _ Planning Manager _ Community Safety Manager Principal Planners Associate Planners Your response is requested prior to March 3. 2000. If you have any questions, please contact the noted project planner. Comments made by: Date: Phone #: Title: Agency/Division: etc. AGENCIES REQUESTED TO RESPOND: Imperial Irrigation District Desert Sands Unified School District Southern California Gas Company Coachella Valley Unified School District Coachella Valley Water District Caltrans Waste Management of the Desert Building Industry - Desert Council General Telephone La Quinta Chamber of Commerce _ Sunline Transit C.V. Recreation & Parks District U. S. Postal Service C.V. Mountain Conservancy Riverside County Fire Marshal U.S. Fish & Wildlife �C Riverside County Sheriffs Dept. Department of Fish & Game Media One Cable Other Interoffice Administration & Department Directors: �C City Manager Assistant City Manager Community Development Public Works C Building and Safety Community Services Department Staff: _ Planning Manager _ Community Safety Manager Principal Planners Associate Planners Your response is requested prior to March 3. 2000. If you have any questions, please contact the noted project planner. Comments made by: Date: Phone #: Title: Agency/Division: KINER / G SELL A D V E EXS I N G EVENT NARRATIVE GRAND OPENING: AUTO CENTRE AT LA QUINTA Submitted to the City of La Quinta February 23, 2000 What: Grand Opening Carnival for the Auto Centre at La Quinta ccWhen: Friday; March 24; 5:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. (5 hours)Saturday; March 25; 10: 00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. (12 hours) Sunday; March 26; 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. (8 hours)Where: The Auto Centre at La Quinta Organized By: Scott Kiner & Andrea Carter; Kiner Goodsell Advertising Chris Clarke; Stanko Development Co. Dave Stark; Auto Centre at La Quinta Expected Attendance: 10,000 - 15,000 Parking: Parking for the event will be set up in the vacant parcel behind the Auto Centre (owned by Chris Clarke, developer of the Auto Centre project). The parcel has been graded. Dan Jacobsson will operate the water truck for the event to keep the land compacted and control dust (see attached memo) in accordance with the PM10 Plan for the Auto Centre's grading permit. Also attached, you'll find a parking diagram illustrating how the lot will be configured for parking. Dan Jacobsson's crew will provide the equipment and services necessary to set up the parking lot according to the attached diagram. The lot will park roughly 500 cars at any one given time -- which is ample per our estimation of 1,000 guests during any one given time (most will arrive at least two per vehicle, if not more). The lot will be lit for safety by four portable light towers (rentals from Tops N Barricades, see attached contract and diagram illustrating where lights will be positioned in parking area). 73-101 Hwy. 111, Suite 4 Palm Desert, California 92260 760-773-0290 fox 760-773-1750 0 Parking Attendants:. The Riverside County Explorers have been secured to assist with parking during event. There will be -roughly 10 Explorers directing traffic and assisting with security under the direction and supervision of a deputy sheriff. The Explorers will bei strategically placed at each entrance and throughout the parking area to ensure -a steady flow of traffic. Rides: The carnival will include eight large adult rides and six kiddie rides -- as well as 10 carnival games -and two concession areas. One of the concessions will be run by the carnival operator, and the other will be a fundraiser for the Boys and Girls Club. The Boys and Girls Club will only serve,prepackaged goods (such as cans of soda, candy, pre -packed ice-cream treats, etc.) so as to comply with the Health Department code. The carnival games will be operated by La Quinta High' School students as a fundraiser for .the La Quinta High School Foundation. There will be no rides that require stakes to be driven into the - pavement, therefore there will be no damage to the road where the rides will be positioned. See the attached document detailing the electrical (generator) specifications that,will be used to operate the rides. The generators will all be supplied by, the carnival operator. Also attached; you will find a diagram illustrating exactly where the rides, ' games: and concession stands will be- positioned. Insurance: The event will be covered under developer Chris Clarke's insurance; United Capital Insurance Co.; Policy # GLA1253408: The carnival operator also has insurance that will cover his equipment and services. Lighting: During the evening hours;'the carnival area will be brightly" lit by the ride lights, and as mentioned previously, four parking light towers will light the parcel sectioned for,parking. - The lights are self-contained and use generators provided by Tops N Barricades: We will also, be using Skytrackers on Friday and Saturday nights from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 P.M. After conducting research; we've learned we 'do not' need to contact the FAA regarding the use of these search lights. Signage: We will have ten signs throughout the event -- five 4' x 5' signs, and five 2' x 3' signs. The 4' x 5' signs will read: "Auto Centre at La Qdinta Grand Opening Celebration"; and the 2' x 3' signs will read "Parking". All signs will have large arrows directing people into the event and directly to the parking area. See attached diagram displaying sign locations. Security: Four deputy sheriffs have -been contracted for the'evening.hours of the event, from 6:00-10:00 -p:m. on both Friday and Saturday nights, March 24th & 25th. In addition, a.deputy sheriff will be supervising the Explorers at all times during the event's duration (see attached _ paperwork confirming security contract). Waste ,Mngmnt.: Botha Crowd Plea'ser (10-flushable womens stalls & 5 urinals, sinks and lighting). a Comfort Station (3 flushable women stalls & 2 urinals, sinks and lighting) and -an ADA Handicap Unit have been - reserved through Waste Management for this event (see attached, contract): The contract includes having the units serviced twice during- uringthe theevent. In addition, Waste Management is providing 50 307gallont, litter boxes, will be .placed,•throughout the event to collect trash. The Auto Centre is ordering extra trash removal service to accommodate the extra trash flow from the carnival: - Post -event Clean Up: I The carnival operator will' be responsible for cleaning up the entire . carnival area. The Boys & Girls Club and the La Quinta High School Foundation will split clean-up duties of _the -p aiking lot. HOA: We will notify the Lake La Quinta HOA of the event so the, community surrounding the event area -is informed. 1 / r, r �, f 0 i A' 'i •1. y� r OM -. 6F_y 999 SS __i i "lr.-ti-�t ' �.•.'. 111111 jI .�•R� _ t7t mail i 0416 V Till "'"r `F'`'CE= .. _ ire •� I�} 1 -.�,. LL�`1 .41 _ 1 w POE; A XTMk .............. i7 7. L log � Y �i •,' `� "-��'T, wh�1� -�•��. '�s ,�,' �, I ill -__ - I�I 11_I j ij q�EWAY� � d'EWAY � ... • t '�"•;`.. ' �� q d�•-r 'z ' �iR fir: a 41 ddb fly;. Vi .�• �''.� : �:�. A P: 2'21"Ww PARM 2 PM 28525-1 PW 193185-87 PARCEZ 3 SAJ- PM 28525-1 PM8 193185-87 ' 1 )g• ["76'44'I. -LLAMA w 740 .jo WsEkA Se R=1044.00 -- �2A,� L=231.74' T=116.35' eo N DO 1 YOUR ENTERTAINAT CONNECTION... 0 rn , snment 11A � � ► 11 101.1,11111 FAX #: 760-773-1760 P.O. Box 1563 Palm Springs, CA 92263 Tel: 760-320-9054 Fax: 760-327-4584 e-mail: byway•nt@soi.com 12 • i,�• � T - it -a. REF: La Quinta Auto Mall Carnival _MESSAGE: 1. The generators are 325KW and silent. (about 78 decibels) The carnival will distribute the wire and junction boxes to the rides with UL approved boxes. ,m Generators are marked on the map. 00 Ye�a� 2-Therides do not need anchoring to the pavement. They are completely self- contained, 3. About 6ft between rides works well but they will deal with any city ordinance 4. Fencing is provided with each attraction 5. Volume of music will not be a problem. Thanksl Richard Byford Byway Entertainment WHEN ONLY THE BEST WILL DO... Also in: Vancouver, Canada 904-266-7145 9 Boca Raton, FWrWa 407.338.7156 ENTERTAINMENT CONFIRMATION P.O. 130X 1563 • PALM SPRINGS. CALWORNIA, 92263 (760 ) 320-9054 • Fax 1760 1327-456e1. TO: Kiner-Goodsell Advertising c% La Quinta Auto Dealers Marketing Association 73-101 Hwy 111, Suite 4 Palm Desert, CA 92260 Tel: 760-773-0290 Fax: ' 760-773-1750 Attn : ' S ott Kiner REFERENCE: Carnival for La Quinta Auto Center Confirmation Is hereby given 12/14/99 for the following entertalnment/services to be supplied by Byway Entertainment(Producer) for The La Quints Auto Center$ Marketing Association (client) and both Parties hereto agree as follows: PRODUCER: 1. To provide 8 adult & spectacular rides 2. To provide 6 Kiddie Rides 3. To provide advance sale Family Bonus Books of 30/10.00, in any amount needed to be sold before opening of said celebratlon. The client Will be held responsible for either the money or the tickets left In their possession. 4. Sale -of these advance coupons will cease at noon on the opening day of the celebration. All tickets sold will be turned into B & B AMUSEMENTS OR BYWAY ENTERTAINMENT on the second day of the celebration. Any advance coupons not turned into B & B.AMUSEMENTS OR BYWAY ENTERTAINMENT by the last night of the celebration will be considered sold. 5. Prices charged for ride tickets sold on the ground during the celebration shall be $1.00 per coupon with rides requiring 1 to 3 coupons. 6. Pay -One -Price unlimited ride wristband will sell on the grounds for $12.00. Wristband is good for any day of the event. (With a $2.00 discount coupon distributed in the community this wristband can sell for $10.00) 7. B & B Amusements shall have the right to operate a food concession and have exclusive rights tc a Candy Floss Concession 8. B & B Amusements shall have exclusive rights to all carnival game and ride concessions. AD ITIONAL EgUiPMENT• 1. B & B Amusements will supply all electrical power for rides & games 2. A cleanup crew to clean Midway every night & at close of celebration 3. All personnel will be clean & in uniform P 3 E�'�1�7'AINMINT CONIs1i0eMATiON �.p. Sax i* W2 ftx 1760 ? SK7.4=4 .l* x110 cull"T TO PROVIDE: . ,. A elutftprepjM it w" for ms op.ratlon of Sw oslebratior► 2• Ai► purmib ana #our*" for as oaebrwon 3. TO r+srV !1NWren" for WON properly 0 tpr the twisoratttor+ aep m A To Ar�0N0t rrelr�eCrn fa ftft at #Or in IF 5.'-TQ.Pr0'NOe ti , end Pow On P. To oys � � �t'�w�' d lruh mitts LOCATION! Thv La Qubft Aub M u. "wy,111. LA adrft Loaadon: vent • CaUtorr�a �pund bN'Und the am mab DATES: Friday, aaturfty A aunday: MorOh 24th. ?ath, i lath. G-% 10.'00 pm (9ft) tom) 10:.00 -100 pm (12 Ars) Surly (llfth) 10=- 9:'00 pm (0 fss) GUARANTiiE: E110whowtwe 9twqwftv the ow" els thdr share at the rt0s SCK of Swa vvn 10% Of tilt CaM VWS Ohio Ii tht oph sates W7 ft grourxb am OMAN hck4o adwat o00ons sat".) PAYMENT: am ! a1MENT wrrot CLIENT WjLL 9a Monday . allow for ally ohmlk olune raa am on aAdail 10th, pr*uta, (Cln en will bf retpimMbie for a, Choolm wrMIM With Amos) CANCELLATlcp4.- +sra, dd. "Atom w"Wbr whalsw reaw VAVM log „dy ct dal! adINM aleq�y br MIpMr $now wamh �o�ea� Ibr whd rw► �p� �nQ ;� �� L � b Aatonn at �0�+ � mow' � �� . e OR Ott tl� tranM. w0 pw dw a1q pepgpy :/Z /2800 16.55 760773317 KINER GOOD50 l — P P. 4 s -?2-1986 a 63�M Wmvm1OTA1NMmNT acriisiRIMATION PO O.Oax 1 � • WALM SPRWWM CALMORNA QRRS3 17601 3004MM4 • Am 170019Q7.,oW& •i• t . tt b un dp t Mr a00110MJ01a➢pyr wCelbr ihi� $p o p MO M M f�stl. irtfo0M10�rM OOp10r a11Q rot u rn '"WW". iwd VIO 3tipMr MrY tasty fAs ssdla�bs mntta owr tAfa tttMlw,tttlOao0 i dlRb� d t�fRO grlllh oolptior trdu 0111 oortaJd. st00lOt tlor ppfOn�p �, am" yMb d rd. s• '�M t�M d ter Mtl r M � M �IOf�lfYhl COr�c'mr at�0u art N10 �M bw6, �n � Mbf ONro.ie� tp p N1�p>i1� r1�sp� ��� (Itl< nef b1�A0 W. $M� $�y�r (411b. � klflrritif� OiY 1�� 16116 � � aRN6tt06, v111t. e0tt�l�tb� AAft UdMV LWWnOf WW M Won i ' 0�M b trot d hOu111bd ehi p�t1wK 1WO0 Um PM, s1as to now. i un0�r ih otsetlso a parvhNrti �hIMr00t�sOtamo ms w d�1s.1r�►op Md CVs. fto"I PwbnnanM for otilratpy lor't+bsas moms «io.i s ~00 RIO~ br f ftW &Amt s%ww4. i•to"wbM a 4WkrqW a.ocok d loft sq ft. or 0 rpwisaw. rMid�w0s"vsoi a brSOW .a of *CC MWNKOM claw WAft atdl"Y. a aw MONY!TW - 100 IN p W" N p poalos► d to Wanuoo me fIM1e tatiss a av CIMtn aM�ss by 1M tawt M tnr ttlNllt of non�prlorr11s1W Move cam U dwawat ts14, but fWPIW fi �I►, Mtr+O sno 6016 m fiMrsnn Wro►wM arty Per ttlo IYa oelRlflp�R aosprwebw fi.p ppbmwlti yQipo tsld fs asrdM�d YappNby ort+rds 011e tp k �V1t ttatlw v4sma is atter aro "ie m psaonlc w+cniw tutau w esOnlse rsaatteos p,►«N aoaassalsd tUh1A t to boomAtbll�s thssnt4r �fPsu 01 tiMlloa boar psruw seo w st/wtls�at Otbtsiss a tnagtla>Ne arae. by W, - aa+iMrs01101M11 ta11aR fis fAa/r� a taatl0. . MOTE! flraw "Notsirnl0a�lt t.ip algit� a itE00 tiwv�edsall■1�k16nlr fitltre+.ddlalulc wi+s+� � of flltt lfl1►, YIN a Ot+tat� Af+to frlsll.sipr+� 1D aO►. �N oout+ofgr t«s anebr aattorrlay tep �unoo by sy"f a tti/I"111ma dW to #I* OM fp af► lO tta 1116 fellrle d tlas �t�f1�11t, �� tall for r rum sed a f alga esssssed in IM atlaellrlt of flirt! oM1 tilt) s1 ars taw bftMo data on tete ee�►aag%t* ..0 • Aeslloa q».� as �.� A► nowal oQ Mr �O 408son, Mom Auto am MAIGN and 161– Into an so 1110M.I svfW# "way Enteral )LIC:c:)i.)ti ,Qll �fIcjIf'I PIlfl(:.i TO. ArKlreer Carter From Dan Jaoobs®on CQ Chris Clime Daft 22=000 Rw Grand Opening. i he Auto Centre at !.a Omnia Andrea: We am proposing the R*owtng sdwm%Ae for dust cones during the grand cpening• � Cwrhrs We witi Provide a water truck and arnler fOr 5 hours an Friday, a= ?►, hour Own on Saturday arta Sunday_ We will perform more watering if needed. The Cost for this service will be $ 188.00 Add(tlonally, we will run '/-- line to the porto4ets for an additlonal $,275 7 he cost for providing the traffic contra equipment rogtar- tc celineate the at=ea pan ing pran is as Yet undetermned. I wtrl forward that Information to you as soon as possible. Please feel ftee to contact me if you nave any questions or comments. very I ruty Yours, A_-., .7067.7-2 1 flan pL11,1— PAGES 50 P 8�01K 1 PARCEL MA of THAI LANU ZINUINVA nQ M PAGES 85 THROUGH '87, STATE OF THE KOH COMPANIES, INC. - PALM I I " I I I HIGHW AY 111 I I Lor i 55' 55' I — ts I 29 PRM 11 e ` IPARCEL 2 QyierS�'�$ 7J I IPA141^EZ .i I a 6581 I I I �-a5 I �I � I ,► w � � I �� E T7- PARCEL 1 cn Q C� �a I I I I PARCEL 2 N N a 3� M 10" q� r LILLOT 3.30 AC Co��:Ya� mill hw rows o� twrll�i w� TzL, STAN AI[LG STAL#- V^$ 7' 1-7- Z S Y 6 17 1 1 17 �-A L; %U* -Toutr C4 o+^+i vaCA4t 1_ i EML9,(.j6 �1� .1' " ' `-- _ N ,1- ." APP)epx JGd I HEET 3 •02/17/2000 15:26 7603473680 TOPS N BARRICADES PAGE 02 TOPS N PLEASE REMIT TO: IR ICAD ES INC. TOPS N BARRICADES 44.631 JACKSON ST., INDIO, CA 92201 (800) 852 -TOPS C O N T R A C T BILL TOt LA QUINTA AUTO MALL HWY 111 b LQ CENTER DRIVE LA QUINTA SHIP TO: HWY 111 Ai LA QUINTA CENTER DR LA QUINTA R DELIVER FRIDAY 3/24 MORNIN PICK UP SUNDAY 3/26/00 AM J CUSTOMER .RESPONSIBLE --FOR -�- YDAMAGE N& 0 ,•—`^F�-,,; ; - -IA. EA 1 PRODICT 1 DESCRIPTION ..� DAIIT VIE .....---`111 lI1NT TOYER 1/ �.. _.---------,= 1e- - 'r LT15 LI60T TOYER I5 •1601.00 411. LT16 LIBNT TOYER l6 10,68 411.0 120.011 LT13 LIBNT 10YE1 13 t0.10 401.10 1211.11 MAIN OFFICE: 44-631 JACKSON ST. INDIO, CALIFORNIA 92201 (760) 347-2111 FAX (760)347-3680 BRANCH OFFICES: EL CENTRO (760) 353.6628 VIC T ORVILLE (760) 949-5991 CONTRACT *: 693 DATE PRINTEDt 02/17/2000 16:28 REF: PER ANDREA CARTER POd: VERBAL CUSTOMERt TEL: 760-773-0290 TERMS: DUE IMMEDIATELY PAGE: 1 MEA DATE DUE 03/26/2000 LOSS -------- --------------------------------------------------- 'T-------------- CLOSDBE E CLOSUR DATEITINE OUT QTY AADUKT ............................................................ 111 NAB 24111 1 206.11 fRI NAB 14198 1 206.0 FRI NAB 24110 1 209.06 FBI NAR 2410 1 210.00 DELIVERY - DELIVER-1111DAY AN PICKUP - OVERTIME PICK IP SDNOAV 3126 AN FUEL - 40 6ALLONS E 11.15 PER 01ALtON TOT MENIALS: 899.19 TOT SALES: .01 TOT SEIVICEs: 169.0 SUITITAL: NO TAX TOTAL: DEPOSIT: Rental agreement and conditions on the reverse side are accepted by customer 4 E6.0 4 129.99 le." 1050.04 lose.@@ .84 CV970MER siONATURF DATE DRiVEq DAiE T,MQ_ FEB -23-00 WED 04:23 PM RIVERSIDE- CO SHERIFF FAX:760 863 8955 PAGE 2 0 4P Extra buty Sign Up Auto Center Grand Opening Carnival Hwy 111 & Adams St. Four Deputy 5heriff"S Friday, March 24'h, 1800-2200 4 deputies GaPN6uc- Saturday, March 25th, 1800-2200 4 deputies Vin,, ji, 4n4� <�RiNflL-c � . M{�,.i loe:Z (1) Solar Unit including delivery, one sernce, an remo ntaining, Solar . Powered, with Sink and Lighting. 1 Solar Unit (2 Stalls)............................................... $350.00 per day Extra Service......................................................... $50.00 per service (1) ADA Handicap Units including delivery, one service, and removal. 1 ADA Handicap Units ............................................. $110.00 f-U`Q-c• Extra Service........................................................... $30.00 -pe— e CA 7i) , (1) Single Portable Sanitation Unit including delivery, one service and removal. One Single Units ................................................... $65.78 per day Extra Service ......................................................... $15.00 per service Please use the above rates for your up coming March Event. If you decide to order a second Crowd Pleaser, we will reduce the rates as follows: (2) Crowd Pleaser including delivery, one service, and removal. Executive Unit with 7 Women Stall's, 3 Men Stall's, Flushable, Sinks and Lighting. Requires Electrical and water hook-up. Z�,eCrowd Pleases (10 Stalls and 5 Urinals).................$2,200.00 per event Extra Service......................................................... $250.00 per service per unit Total For Event__.. $ 2950.00 TOTAL • FIE COPY BI iiA PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DATE: MARCH 14, 2000 CASE NO.: TEMPORARY USE PERMIT 2000-244 AND MINOR USE PERMIT 2000-195 APPLICANT: CHRIS CLARK FOR THE AUTO CENTRE AT LA QUINTA REQUEST: APPROVAL TO HOLD A GRAND OPENING CELEBRATION ON MARCH 24-26, 20000 LOCATION: WITHIN THE AUTO CENTRE AT LA QUINTA, ON AND SOUTH OF AUTO CENTRE DRIVE, BETWEEN AUTO CENTRE WAY SOUTH AND LA QUINTA DRIVE ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATION: THE LA QUINTA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT HAS DETERMINED THIS APPLICATION IS CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT PURSUANT TO SECTION 15304, CLASS 4, OF THE GUIDELINES FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT IN THAT IT IS A TEMPORARY EVENT CONSISTING PRIMARILY OF A CARNIVAL. THEREFORE, NO FURTHER DOCUMENTATION IS NECESSARY. GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: M/RC (MIXED REGIONAL COMMERCIAL WITH A NOW RESIDENTIAL OVERLAY) ZONING: CR (REGIONAL COMMERCIAL WITH A NON-RESIDENTIAL OVERLAY) BACKGROUND: The Auto Centre at La Quinta is having their grand opening celebration between March 24 and 26, 2000, on a portion of the auto center project south of Auto Centre Drive, between Auto Centre Way South and La Quinta Centre Drive (Attachment 1). The event will run 5-10 p.m. on the 241h, 10 a.m.-10 p.m. on the 25th, and 10 a.m.-6 p.m. on the 26th , and is anticipated to attract a total of 10,000 to 15,000 people. Because over 300 people are expected to attend, this application has been forwarded to the Planning Commission for approval. pAstan\pc rpt tup 2000-244 mup 2000-195.wpd REQUEST: The celebration will include eight large adult amusement rides and six kiddie rides, as well as 10 carnival games and two concession areas. One of the concession areas will be operated by and benefit the Boys and Girls Club, with the carnival games operated by and benefitting the La Quinta High School Foundation. The area is vacant and has been graded for future Auto Centre development. A letter has been submitted describing the grant opening celebration (Attachment 2). A temporary parking lot with portable light towers will be provided on the south part of the .site, with parking . for approximately 500 cars. Ingress and egress will . be provided to Auto Centre Way South and La Quinta Centre Drive. Riverside County Explorers will .provide parking supervision in the lot. The carnival area will be north of the parking lot with the large rides placed on the paved portion of Auto Centre Drive. The generator for the rides will be placed on the north side of the street. The balance of the amusement rides, games, concessions, and restrooms will be on the dirt area to the south. Waste Management will provide portable restrooms and trash receptacles for use during the event. Riverside County Sheriffs Deputies will provide security during .the evening hours and supervise the Explorers. Water trucks will be on-site six hours on Friday and 10 hours each on Friday and Saturday to ensure dust control in the parking lot area. Proposed are five 4'x5' signs and five 2'x3' signs. The 4'x5' signs will read "Auto Centre at La Quinta Grand Opening Celebration" while the 2'x3' signs will: read "Parking". All signs will have arrows directing traffic -:to the event and parking area. The larger signs will be adjacent to Highway 111, La Quinta Centre Drive, and Adams Street, will the smaller parking signs adjacent to the carnival area and parking area. u trir-TWITTMu The applicants propose to use Skytrackers searchlights on Friday and Saturday nights from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. adjacent to the event area. STATEMENT OF MANDATORY FINDINGS: The findings to approve the Temporary Use Permit can be made and require that the event is in compliance with Zoning Code Section 9.210.050 (Temporary Use Permits) requirements. The findings and compliance are as follows: pAstan\pc rpt tup 2000-244 mup 2000-195.wpd 002 1. The event will not be detrimental. to the health, safety, and welfare of the City . in that all necessary permits are being obtained,_ and safety and security provisions are to be implemented. 2. The site is sufficient in size for the carnival, parking, associated uses, and the number of people anticipated at any one time,. 3. Approximately 500 parking spaces are being provided, which will be sufficient to handle the anticipated number of people present at any one time. 4. Food service operations, including permits from the Riverside County Health Department, medical facilities, solid waste disposal methods, and potable water service are being provided from the appropriate agencies. 5. The event will comply with all requirements of the Riverside County Fire Marshal. 6. The applicant has contracted with the Riverside County Sheriffs Department to provide security.. 7. The public streets surrounding the 'event are adequate to accommodate anticipated traffic without disrupting local traffic inthe area. The necessary findings to approve the Minor Use Permit can be made and are that it is in compliance with Zoning Code Section 9.210.030 (Minor Use Permits) requirements. The findings and compliance are as follows: 1. The use of searchlights for this event is consistent with the General Plan in that it is a use permitted in commercially, zoned areas with the requested permits. 2. The use of searchlights for this event is consistent with the provisions of the Zoning Code with the approval*of this Minor Use Permit. 3. This use of searchlights for this event is categorically exempt pursuant to Section 15304, Class 4, of the Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act in that it is a temporary event consisting primarily of a carnival, and therefore, no further documentation is necessary. 4. The use of searchlights for this event will not be detrimental to the health, safety, and welfare of the City in that all necessary permits are being obtained, and safety and security provisions are to be implemented. 003 www- .^I ____J RECOMMENDATION: 1.) Adopt Minute Motion 2000- , approving Temporary Use Permit 2000-244, subject to the attached findings and' conditions. 2.) Adopt Minute Motion 2000- , approving Minor Use Permit 2000-195, subject to the attached findings and conditions. 1. Location Map 2. Letter describing grand opening celebration 3. Event exhibits Prepared by: Stan 13. Sawa, Principal Planner pAstan\pc rpt tup 2000-244 mup 2000-195.wpd Submitted by: 1.4 Chri tine di lorio, Fhanning Manager. MINUTE MOTION 2000 - FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED TEMPORARY USE PERMIT 2000-244 CHRIS CLARK FOR THE CENTRE AT LA QUINTA MARCH 14, 2000 FINDINGS: 1. The event will not be detrimental to the health, safety, and welfare of the City in that all necessary permits are being obtained, and- safety and security provisions are to be implemented with the revision to comply with sign limits. 2. The site is sufficient in size for the number of people anticipated at any one time, carnival, parking, and associated uses. 3. Approximately 500 parking spaces are being provided, which will be sufficient to handle the anticipated number of people present at any one, time. 4. Food service operations, including permits from the Riverside County Health Department, medical facilities, solid waste disposal methods, and potable water service are being provided from the appropriate agencies. 5. The event will comply with. all requirements of the Riverside County Fire Marshal. 6. The applicant has contracted with the Riverside County Sheriffs Department to provide security. 7. The public. streets surrounding the event are adequate to accommodate anticipated traffic without disrupting local traffic in the area. GENERAL CONDITIONS: 1. This approval is for a Grand Opening Celebration to be held March 24-26, 2000, south of Auto Centre Drive, between Auto Centre Way South and La Quinta Centre Drive, within The Centre at La Quinta. 2. This permit includes set-up on March 22 and clean-up by March 28, 2000. 3. The City reserves the right to attach additional conditions of approval to this permit prior to or during the event should they be warranted for public safety, health, or welfare. pAstan\pc coa tup 2000-244.wpd 005 MINUTE MOTION 2000 - CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL -'RECOMMENDED TEMPORARY USE PERMIT 2000-244 CHRIS CLARK FOR THE AUTO CENTRE AT LA QUINTA MARCH 14, 2000 4. By holding the' above noted Grand Opening Celebration, the applicant agrees to .indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City of La Quinta in the event of any legal claim or litigation arising out of the City's approval of this event. The City of La Quinta shall have the right to selectits defense counsel in its sole discretion. 5. All outdoor lighting shall shielded and directed away from residences and the surrounding streets. 6. Music and other amplified noise shall be kept at a level in conformance with Zoning Code Section 9.100.210 (Noise Control), which does not disturb the surrounding residents. 7. Trash receptacles shall be provided as needed. All trash and other debris shall be cleared off the site upon conclusion of the event. 8. Parking attendants. shall be provided in all parking lots to insure that their use is organized in a fashion that provide maximum use and safety. 9.. Security .during all hours of operation, including Sheriff's deputies during evening hours shall be provided on-site. 10. Applicant shall comply with all applicable control measures as set forth in the approved FDCP 2000-81 (for the Auto Centre at La Quinta), which shall include the following additional measures: A. Track -out and other accumulations of soil material(s) shall not be permitted to accumulate onto any pavement adjacent to the areas proposed to accommodate event traffic/parking: Any track -out or other accumulation of soil material(s) onto paved areas shall be wet -swept or water flushed (no dry -sweep methods permitted), and roadways shall be kept damp until all event traffic clears the site area. B. Previously graded but inactive areas surrounding the event site shall be watered or otherwise stabilized prior to starting times and during the event. This is intended to reduce dust immediately around the site during event hours. C. All unimproved' (unpaved) roadways and parking areas to be used in conjunction with this event shall be adequately prepared (stabilized and/or compacted) and maintained so as to create a hardened travel surface p:\stan\pc coa tup 2000-244.wpd 006 MINUTE MOTION 2000 - CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED TEMPORARY USE PERMIT 2000-244 CHRIS CLARK FOR THE AUTO CENTRE AT LA OUINTA MARCH 14, 2000 which will minimize dust during use by vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Preparatory work shall be completed and ready for use in time for. pre - inspection of the event premises. 11. Generators Shall have fuel tanks with adequate capacity to permit uninterrupted operation during normal operating hours.; Refueling shall be conducted only when the equipment it powers is not in use. 12. Generators shall be isolated from contact with the public by either physical guards, fencing, or an enclosure. 13. Generators shall be provided with a minimum of one fire extinguisher with a rating of not less than 2-A:10-B:C. 14. ' Fire extinguishers shall be located with a maximum travel distance not exceeding 75 feet from rides and concessions. 15. Concession stands utilized for cooking- shall have a minimum of 10 feet of clearance on two sides and shall not be located within 10 feet of amusement rides or devices. A 40-B:C rated fire extinguisher shall be provided where deep fryers are used. The Following Conditions Shall Be Complied with by March 20, 2000: 16. A notice shall be given to the existing property owners in Lake La Quinta informing them of the upcoming Grand Opening Celebration. A copy of the written notice shall be given to the Community Development Department. 17. The applicant shall provide a Certificate of Liability Insurance in the minimum amount of $1,000,000 with the City of La Quinta named as co-insured for the duration of the event and this permit. 18. Commercial food and beverage vendors shall obtain a permit from the Riverside County Health Department and City Business License Department. 19. The applicant shall apply to the Building and Safety Department for a special inspection to be conducted on the day of the event, prior to the opening and pay the required license fee of $780.00. 20. The applicant shall obtain approval of a .circulation plan from the Public Works Department. p:\stan\pc coa tup 2000-244.wpd 007 MINUTE MOTION 2000 - FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED MINOR USE PERMIT 2000-195 CHRIS CLARK FOR THE CENTRE AT LA QUINTA MARCH 14, 2000 FINDINGS: 1. The use of searchlights for this.event is consistent with. the General Plan in that it is a use permitted -in commercially zoned areas with the requested permits. 2. The use of searchlights for this event is consistent with the provisions of the Zoning Code with the approval of this Minor Use Permit. 3. This use of searchlights for this event is categorically exempt pursuant to Section 15304, Class 4, of the Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act in that it is a temporary event consisting primarily of a carnival, and therefore, no further documentation is necessary. 4. The use of searchlights for this event will not be detrimental to the health, safety, and welfare of the City in that all necessary permits -are being obtained, and safety and security provisions are to be implemented. GENERAL CONDITIONS: 1. This approval is for a Grand Opening Celebration to be held March 24-26, 2000, south of Auto Centre Drive, between Auto Centre Way South and La Quinta Centre Drive, .within The Centre at La Quinta. 2. This permit includes set-up on March 22 and clean-up by March 28, 2000. 3. The City reserves the right to attach additional conditions of approval to this permit prior to or during the event should they be warranted for public safety, health, or welfare. 4. By holding the above noted Grand Opening Celebration, the applicant agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City of La Quinta in the event of any legal claim or litigation arising out of the City's approval of this event. The City of La Quinta shall have the right to select its defense counsel in its sole discretion. 5. All outdoor lighting shall shielded and directed away from residences and the surrounding streets. pAstan\pc coa mup 2000-195.Wpd MINUTE MOTION 2000 - CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED MINOR USE PERMIT 2000-195 CHRIS CLARK FOR THE AUTO CENTRE AT LA QUINTA MARCH 14, 2000 6. Music and other amplified noise shall be kept at a level in conformance with Zoning Code Section 9.100.210 (Noise Control), which does not disturb the surrounding residents. 7. Trash receptacles shall be provided as needed. All trash and other debris shall be cleared off the site upon conclusion of the event. 8. Parking attendants shall be provided in all parking lots to insure that their use is organized in a fashion that provide maximum use and safety. 9. Security during all hours of operation, including Sheriff's deputies during . evening hours shall be provided on-site. 10. Applicant shall comply with all applicable control measures as set forth in the approved. FDCP 2000-81 (for the Auto Centre at La Quinta), whichshall include the following additional measures: A. Track -out and other .accumulations of soil material(s) shall not be permitted to accumulate onto any pavement adjacent to the areas proposed to accommodate event traffic/parking. Any track -out or. other accumulation of soil material(t) onto paved areas shall be wet -swept or water flushed (no.dry-sweep methods permitted), and roadways shall be kept damp until all event traffic clears the site area. B. Previously graded but inactive areas surrounding the event site shall be watered or otherwise stabilized prior to starting times and during the event. This is intended to reduce dust immediately around the site during event hours. C. All unimproved (unpaved) roadways and parking areas to be used in conjunction with this event shall be adequately prepared (stabilized and/or compacted) and maintained so as to create a hardened travel surface which will minimize dust during use by vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Preparatory work shall be completed and ready for use in time for pre - inspection of the event premises. 11. Generators Shall have fuel tanks with adequate capacity to permit uninterrupted operation during normal operating hours. . Refueling shall be it only when the equipment it powers is not in use. 12. Generators shall be isolated 'from contact with the public by either physical guards, fencing, or an enclosure. MINUTE MOTION 2000 - CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED MINOR USE PERMIT 2000-195 CHRIS CLARK FOR THE AUTO CENTRE AT LA. QUINTA MARCH 14, 2000 13. Generators shall be provided with- a minimum of one fire extinguisher with a rating of not less than 2-A:10=B:C. 14. Fire extinguishers shall be located with a - maximum travel distance not exceeding 75 feet from rides and concessions. 15. Concession stands .utilized for cooking shall have a minimum of 10 feet of clearance on two sides and shall not be located within 10 feet of amusement rides or devices. A 40-B:C rated fire extinguisher shall be provided where deep fryers are used. The Following Conditions Shall Be Complied with by March 20 2000 16. A notice shall be given to the existing property owners in Lake La Quinta informing them of the upcoming Grand Opening Celebration. A copy of the written notice shall be given to the'Community Development Department. 17. The applicant shall provide a Certificate of Liability Insurance in the minimum amount of $1,000,000 with the City of La Quinta named as co-insured for the duration of the event and this permit. 18. Commercial food and beverage vendors shall obtain a permit from the Riverside County Health Department and City Business License Department. 19. - The applicant shall apply to the Building and Safety Department fora special inspection to be conducted on the day of the event, prior to the opening and pay the required license fee of $780.00. 20. The applicant shall obtain approval of a circulation plan from the Public Works 'Department. 21. Skytrackers searchlights may be used on Friday and Saturday nights from 7:00 - - 9:00 P.M. p:\stan\pc coa mup 2000-195.wpd 010 CASE No. • CASE MAP TUP 2000-244 MUP 2000-195. ,TTACHMEIVT 1 r� SCALE: NTS ni -. •. :� ; - ATTAGH:M E NT 2 KrNER / G .SELL A D V E" S-1 N G. I ARRATIVE -EVENT NARRATIVE- GRAND OPENING: AUTO CENTRE AT LA QUINTA 'GRAND Submitted l4 the . City of La Quinta February 23, 2000} -' What: Grand Opening Carnival for' the Auto Centre atLa Quints 1NI When: Friday; March 24; 5:00•,p.m. -10:00 p:m. (5 hours). Saturday; March 25;" 10: 00 a.m. -10 00 p.m. (12 hours)' ' CV - Sunday; March 26;.10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. (8; hors) COMM Where: The Auto Centre at,La Quints , l 1 Organized By; , - `Scott Kiner.. & Andrea Carter, Kiner Goodsell Advertising Chris Clarke; Stanko. Development Co. Dave Stark;'Auto .Centre at ha Quints Expected Attendance: 10,000 -151000" Parking. Parking for the event will be set up in the vacant parcel behind the Auto. Centre (owned by Chris Clarke, developer of .the Auto - Centre project). The parcel has been graded. Dan jacobsson will I operate the' water truck for, the event to keep, the land compacted and ..control dust (see attached memo) in accordance: with the PM10:T1anf6r the Auto..Centre's grading permit. Also attached, you'll finda parking :diagram illustrating how -the lot. will be configured for parking., Dan . jacobsson's crew will provide the equipment and services necessary to ' _.set up the parking lot'according to tie attached diagram.. The lot will park roughly "500 cars at any one given time -- which is ample per our. estimation of'1,000 guests during any or4e given time (most will arrive at least "two per ,vehicle; if not more). The lot will be lit for safety by. four portable light towers (rentals from Tops N Barricades, see attached , contract and�diagram illustrating where lights will be positioned in ` parking area). - 73.101 Hwy. 111; Suite 4 Palm Desert, California 92260 160+773-0290 fax 760.773-1750 Q 12 Parking, Attendants.-. The Riverside County Explorers have been secured to assist with 'There will be roughly 10 Explorers directing - parking during event. traffic 'and, assisting with security under the direction and supervision of a deputy sheriff: The Explorers will be, strategically placed at each. entrance and throughout the parking area to ensure a steady flow of traffic. Rides: The carnival will include eight large adult rides and Six kiddie rides -- as wellas-10 carnival games -and. tworconcession areas, One of the concessions will be run by the`carnival operator, and the other will be a fundraiser for the Boys. and Girls Club. IThe Boys, and Girls Club will only serve.prepackaged goods (such as cans of -soda, candy;;pre-packed ice-cream treats, etc.) so as to comply with the Health Department' code. The carnival games will be operated by La Quinta High School students - as a fundraiser for .the "La Quinta High School Foundation. There will be no rides that require stakes to be driven into the` .. ,pavement; therefore there will be no, damage -to the road where the rides will -be positioned. See the attached document detailing -the.. electrical (generator) specifications that.will be used to .operate the rides.. The generators will all be supplied by.- the carnival operator. Also attached; you .will find, a diagram illustrating exactly where the rides, games` and concession stands will. be positioned. Insurance: The. event will be covered under developer Chris Clarke's. insurance; United Capital Insurance Co.; Policy #.GLA1253408: The carnival operator also has insurance that will cover his equipment and services. Lighting: During the evening hours; the carnival area will be brightly lit by. the ride lights, and as mentioned previously, four parking light towers will light the parcel sectioned for parking.. The lights are self-contained and use generators provided by 'Tops N Barricades.' -We will also. be using Skytrackers on Friday and Saturday nights from 7:00 p.m: to 9:00 p.m. After conducting research; we learned we do riot need to contact the FAA regarding the use of these search lights. Signage: We will have 'ten signs throughout the event — five 4' x 5' signs, and five .2' x 3' signs. The 4' k 5' signs will read: "Auto Centre at La Quinta Grand Opening Celebration"; and the 2' x 3' signs will read "Parking All signs will have large arrows directing people into the event and directly to the parking area. See attached diagram displaying sign locations. Security: Four deputy sheriffs have been contracted .for the evening hours of the event, from 6:00-10:00 p.m. on both Friday and Saturday nights, March 113 24th & 25th. In' :addition, a deputy sheriff will be supervising the during the event's duration (see attached Explorefs at all times paperwork confirming security contract). Waste, ' Botha Crowd Ple"er (10-flushable wonmens stalls &, 5 urinals; sinks Mngmnt.: and lighting}. a. Comfort. Station (3 flushable' women stalls & 2 . urinals, sinks -and lighting) and -An ADA Handicap Unit havebeen reserved through Waste. Management for, this event (see attached ,coniract incltides having. ring . contract): The the units serviced twice du 'the event. In addition; Waste Management is providing 50 30 gallon., _ . _ litter boxes, will be-, laced throughout the event to collect trash. The Auto Centre is orderin extra trash removal service to accommodate g , the extra trash flow from the carnival:` Post -event. Clean Up: The carnival :operator wiU%be responsible for cleaning up the entire - carnival area. The Boys & Girls Club and the L. a . Quinta High School Foundation will split lean-' duties of.the parking lot. HOA: We will notify the bake La Quinta HOA- of the, event so.. the cormnunity, _ surrounding the event:-area.is informed. 014- w '' VIII 1liz I D vv . F C44441 ✓A L Aoz o IMf.RG@.i�icY JBq�G1�t ON1.Y� SP CE STALI- AICLC ST/�I.L S=9: RIAMRIX I 17� , IT � 23� 1 17'1 li 1 A -A 1%7 30AS_ s � 13 i PA eo 0 c _ F W'2)'porw PM 28525-1 � m WK QA1b s R=1044.00'..._.:.. 'S'AX =231.%4.' i6 41. 116 1 � • �—� SSPE; �,�R ���� � � T=116.35' K� U�y �p u �� / S?s► o -� ?s,; • • PAGES 5'1. ANU 11'1P►� u�rvv ��v..� ... 50 AND MAP 800K 1 g, PAGES 85 THROUGH 879 PARCELSTOF THE K= COMPANIES, INC. - PALMl ` HIGHWAY NJ pea.\z�5�•- 5 EMC /77-85 #A Ca 2 OQalerS4,i � ° I IPA NM J I (77-85 42 W I � � IE I � I PARCEL 1 1 ' �1V < r PARCEL 2 I� � 017 L; eh AUTD CE C�t�� o� fit, F �'� �:� t�•.� ASA r� Cr►rM�t EM�.RGE.i�cY +1�w�ct�s ONLY\ Wb SPACES � 9► �y STA1J- AICLG w S 2S' X I 17 I 17 I t � �A s • � o c ugh • A P P,eox Twot�r SHEET 3 018 • BEING A SUBDD� 5 �v r -LAND SHOWN ` AS REI PAGES 50 AN OK AN �9#THAT. PAGES 85 THROUGH '87. PARCEL MAP 80 STATE OF THE KEITH COMPANIES, INC. — PALM D] _ HIGHWAY 151 �I y _ SEC 29 PAR= � 'tS I P 2. S _ ..PAAMJ Aas �Z I x 3. ► QI IE 47 I I It: PARCEL 1 PARCEL 2 Lgi fi N fi t q March 14, 2000 IV V MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA CALL TO ORDER 7:00 P.M. A. This meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:03 P.M. by Chairman Kirk who asked Commissioner Butler to lead the flag salute. B. Present: Commissioners Jacques Abels, Richard Butler, Steve Robbins, Robert Tyler, and Chairman Tom Kirk. C. Staff present: Community Development Director Jerry Herman, City Attorney Dawn Honeywell, Planning Manager Christine di lorio, Senior Engineer Steve Speer, Principal Planner Stan Sawa, Associate Planner Leslie Mouriquand, and Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA: A. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Abels/Tyler to reorganize the agenda to take Business Item A first. Unanimously approved. CONSENT ITEMS: A. Chairman Kirk asked if there were any corrections to the Minutes of February 22, 2000. There being no further changes, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Tyler/Butler to approve the minutes as presented. Unanimously approved. B. Department Report: None. BUSINESS ITEMS: A. Temporary Use Permit 2000-244 and Minor Use Permit 2000-195; a request of Chris Clarke for the Auto Centre at La Quinta for approval to hold a Grand Opening Celebration on March 24-26, 2000 within the Auto Centre at La Quinta, on and south of Auto Centre Drive, between Auto Centre Way South and La Quinta Drive. C:\My Documents\WPDOCS\PC3-14-20.wpd Planning Commission Meeting March 14, 2000 Chairman Kirk asked for the staff report. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. Staff noted corrections in the staff report and conditions: Condition #18 modified to read "Commercial food and beverage vendors that are not selling prepacked food items, shall obtain a permit from the Riverside County Health Department and all commercial vendors will be required to obtain a City business license." Condition #19 modified to delete the last part of the sentence, "Prior to the opening, the applicant would be required to pay a license fee of $780." 2. Chairman Kirk asked if there were any questions of staff. Commissioner Tyler asked if this is the same event the Chamber of Commerce has been working on. Staff stated it was. Commissioner Tyler stated he objected to the search lights, but they are allowed per the City's Zoning Ordinance and in light of the Tennis Stadium lights, these are minimal. He further noted the nonstandard signs in the back of pickup trucks parking along the curb for one of the auto dealers. 3. Chairman Kirk asked if the applicant would like to address the Commission. Ms. Christine Clarke, Stamko Development, stated this was the grand opening for the Auto Mall and she has been working with staff and the Chamber to hold this event. She went on to explain the event. 4. Chairman Kirk asked if the anyone would like to speak regarding this project. There being no public comment, Chairman Kirk closed the public participation and opened the issue for Commission discussion. 5. There being no discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Abels/Butler to adopt Minute Motion 2000-005, approving Temporary Use Permit 2000-244, subject to the attached Findings and Conditions of Approval, with the modifications to Conditions #18 and #19. a. Condition #18: Add, "Commercial food and beverage vendors that are not selling prepacked food items, shall obtain a permit from the Riverside County Health Department and all commercial vendors will be required to obtain a City business license." CAM), Documents\WPDOCS\PC3-14-20.wpd 2 10 Planning Commission Meeting March 14, 2000 b. Condition #19: Delete the last part of the sentence: "Prior to the opening, the applicant would be required to pay a license fee of $780." Unanimously approved. 6. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Abels/Butler to adopt Minute Motion 2000-006, approving Minor Use Permit 2000-195, subject to the Findings and Conditions of Approval as amended. ' a. Condition #18: Add,. "Commercial food and beverage vendors that are not selling prepacked food items, shall obtain a permit from the Riverside County Health Department and all commercial vendors will be required to obtain a City business license." b. Condition #19: Delete the last part of the sentence: "Prior to the opening, the applicant would be required to pay a license fee of $780." Unanimously approved. VI. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Site Development Permit 2000-667; a request of M & H Realty Partners for approval of development plans for a 6,600 square foot commercial pad building located at the southwest corner of Washington Street and Highway 1 1 1, within Plaza La Quinta. 1. Principal Planner Stan Sawa presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Chairman Kirk asked if there were any questions of staff. Commissioner Abels stated the site plan on display was not the same as what had been submitted to the Commission. The parking stalls on the east side are not indicated on their site. Staff stated parking stalls will be added to the east elevation. Commissioner Abels asked if the total number of stalls noted in the staff report was correct. Staff pointed out the additional stalls on the site plan. CAMy Documents\WPDOCS\PC3-14-20.wpd 3 P.O. Box 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 March 17, 2000 Mr. Scott Kiner Kiner/Goodsell Advertising 73-101 Highway 111, Suite 4 Palm Desert, California 92260 �lif COPY (7 60) 777-7000 (TDD) (760) 777-1227 SUBJECT: PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION ON TEMPORARY USE PERMIT 2000- 244 AND MINOR USE PERMIT 2000-195 Dear Mr. Kiner: The Planning Commission at its meeting of March 1.4, 2000, adopted Miinute Motion 2000-005 and 2000-006, approving your request for a grand opening celebration at the Auto Centre at La Quinta, subject to the attached conditions. This action is final unless appealed within 15 calendar days. If you have any questions, please contact me at (760) 777-7064. Sincerely, JERRY HERMAN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR STAN B. SAWA Principal Planner enclosures c: City Manager Community Development Director Building and Safety Director Code Enforcement Department . Public Works Department Riverside County Sheriff's Department City Fire Marshal Chris Clark pAstan\Itr app tup 2000-244 mup 2000-195.wpd 0 MINUTE MOTION 2000-005 FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - FINAL TEMPORARY USE PERMIT 2000-244 CHRIS CLARK FOR THE CENTRE AT LA QUINTA MARCH 14, 2000 FINDINGS: n 1. The event will not be detrimental to the health, safety, and welfare of the City in that all necessary permits are being obtained, and safety' and security provisions are to be implemented with the revision to comply with sign limits. 2. The site is sufficient in size for the number of people anticipated at any one time, carnival, parking, and associated uses. 3. Approximately 500 parking spaces are being provided, which will be sufficient to handle the anticipated number of people present at any one time. 4. Food service operations,.. including permits from the Riverside County Health Department, medical facilities, solid waste disposal methods, and potable water service are being provided from the appropriate agencies. 5. The event will comply with all requirements of the Riverside County Fire Marshal. 6. The applicant has contracted with the Riverside .County Sheriffs Department to provide security. 7. The public streets surrounding the event are adequate to accommodate anticipated traffic without disrupting local traffic in the area. GENERAL CONDITIONS: 1. This approval is for a Grand Opening Celebration to be held March 24-26, 2000, south of Auto Centre Drive, between Auto Centre Way South and La Quinta Centre Drive, within The Centre at La Quinta. 2. This permit includes set-up on March 22 and clean-up by March 28, 2000. 3. The City reserves the right to attach additional conditions of approval to this permit prior to or during the event should they be warranted for public safety, health, or welfare. pAstan\pc coa tup 2000-244.wpd - MINUTE MOTION 2000-005 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - FINAL TEMPORARY USE PERMIT 2000-244 CHRIS CLARK FOR THE AUTO CENTRE -AT LA QUINTA MARCH 14, 2000 4. By holding the above noted Grand Opening Celebration, the applicant agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City of La Quinta in the event of any legal claim or litigation arising out of the City's approval of this event. The City of La Quinta shall have the right to select its defense counsel in its sole discretion. 5. All outdoor, lighting shall.shielded and directed away from residences and the surrounding streets. 6. Music and other amplified noise shall be kept at a level in conformance with Zoning Code Section. 9.100.210 (Noise Control), which does not disturb the surrounding residents. 7. Trash receptacles shall be provided as needed. All trash and other debris shall be cleared off the site upon conclusion of the event. 8. Parking attendants shall be provided in all parking lots to insure that their use is organized in a fashion that provide maximum use and safety. 9. Security during all hours of operation, including Sheriff's deputies during evening hours shall be provided on-site. 10. Applicant. shall comply with all applicable control measures as set forth in the approved FDCP 2000-81 (for the Auto Centre at La Quinta), which shall include the following additional measures: A. Track -out and other accumulations of soil material(s) shall not be permitted to accumulate onto any pavement adjacent to the areas proposed to accommodate event traffic/parking. Any track -out or other accumulation of soil material(s) onto paved areas shall be wet -swept or water flushed (no dry -sweep methods permitted), and roadways shall be kept damp until all event traffic clears the site area. B. Previously graded but inactive areas surrounding the event site shall be watered or otherwise stabilized prior to starting times and during the event. This is intended to reduce dust immediately around the site during event hours. C. All unimproved (unpaved) roadways and parking areas to be used in conjunction with this. event shall be adequately prepared (stabilized and/or compacted) and maintained so as to create a hardened travel surface p:\stan\pc coa tup 2000-244.wpd 0 MINUTE MOTION 2000 - CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED TEMPORARY USE PERMIT 2000-244 CHRIS CLARK FOR THE AUTO CENTRE AT LA QUINTA . MARCH 14, 2000 which will minimize dust during use by vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Preparatory work shall be completed and ready for use in time for pre - inspection of the event premises. 11. Generators Shall have fuel tanks with adequate capacity to permit uninterrupted operation during normal operating hours. Refueling shall be conducted only when the equipment it powers is not in use. 12. Generators shall be isolated from contact with the public by either physical guards, fencing, or an enclosure. 13. Generators shall be provided with a minimum of one fire extinguisher with a rating of not less than 2-A:10-B:C. 14. Fire extinguishers shall be located with a maximum travel distance not exceeding 75 feet from rides and concessions. 15. Concession stands utilized for cooking shall have a minimum of 10 feet of clearance on two sides and shall not be located within 10 feet of amusement rides or devices. A 40-B:C rated fire extinguisher shall be provided where deep fryers are used. The Following_ Conditions Shall Be Complied with by March 20. 2000: 16. A notice shall be given to the existing property owners in Lake La Quinta informing them of the upcoming Grand Opening Celebration. A copy of the written notice shall be given to the Community Development Department. 17. The applicant shall provide a Certificate of Liability Insurance in the minimum amount of $1,000,000 with the City of La Quinta named as co-insured for the duration of the event and this permit. 18. Commercial food and beverage vendors not selling prepackaged food items -shall obtain a permit from the Riverside County Health Department and all vendors shall obtain a City Business License. 19. The applicant shall apply to the Building. and Safety Department for a special inspection to be conducted on the day of the event. 20. The applicant shall obtain approval of a circulation plan from the Public Works Department. p:\stan\pc coa tup 2000-244.wpd • MINUTE MOTION 2000-006 FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - FINAL MINOR USE PERMIT 2000-195 CHRIS CLARK FOR THE CENTRE AT LA QUINTA MARCH 14, 2000 FINDINGS: • 1. The use of searchlights for this event is consistent with the General Plan in that it is a use permitted in commercially zoned areas with the requested permits. 2. The use of searchlights for this event is consistent with the provisions of. the Zoning Code with the approval of this Minor Use Permit. 3. This use of searchlights for this event is categorically exempt pursuant to Section 15304, Class 4, of the Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act in that it is a temporary event consisting primarily of a carnival, and therefore, no further documentation is necessary. . 4. The use of searchlights for this event will not be detrimental to the health, safety, and welfare of the City in that all necessary permits are being obtained, and safety and security provisions are to be implemented. GENERAL CONDITIONS: 1. This approval is for a Grand Opening Celebration to be held March 24-26, 2000, south of Auto Centre Drive; between Auto Centre Way South and La Quinta Centre Drive, within The Centre at La Quinta. 2. This permit includes set-up on March 22 and clean-up by March 28, 2000. 3. The City reserves the right to attach additional conditions of approval to this permit prior to or during the event should they be warranted for public safety, health, or welfare. 4. By holding the above noted Grand Opening Celebration, the applicant agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City of La Quinta in the event of any legal claim or litigation arising out of the City's approval of this event. The City of La Quinta shall have the right, to select its defense counsel in its sole discretion. 5. All outdoor lighting shall shielded and directed away from residences and the surrounding streets. pAstan\pc coa mup 2000-195.wpd 0 0. MINUTE MOTION 2000 - CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED MINOR USE PERMIT 2000-195 CHRIS CLARK FOR THE AUTO CENTRE AT LA QUINTA MARCH 14, 2000 6. Music and other amplified noise shall be kept at a level in conformance with Zoning Code Section 9.100.210 (Noise Control), which does not disturb the surrounding residents. 7. Trash receptacles shall be provided as needed.. All trash and other debris shall be cleared off the site upon conclusion of the event. 8. Parking attendants. shall be provided in all parking lots to insure that their use is organized in a fashion that provide maximum use and safety. 9. Security during all hours of operation, including Sheriff's deputies during evening hours shall be provided on-site. 10. Applicant shall comply with all applicable control measures as set forth in the approved FDCP 2000-81 (for the Auto Centre at La Quinta), which shall include the following additional measures: A. Track -out and other accumulations of soil material(s) shall not be permitted to accumulate onto any pavement adjacent to the areas proposed to accommodate event traffic/parking. Any track -out or other accumulation of soil material(s) onto paved areas shall be. wet -swept or water flushed (no dry -sweep methods permitted), and roadways shall be kept damp until all event traffic clears the site area. B. Previously graded- but inactive areas surrounding the event site shall be watered or otherwise stabilized prior to starting times and during the event. This is intended to reduce dust immediately around the site during event hours. C. All _unimproved (unpaved) roadways and parking areas to be used in conjunction with this event shall be adequately prepared (stabilized and/or compacted) and maintained so as to create a hardened travel surface which will minimize dust during use by vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Preparatory work shall be completed and ready for use in time for pre - inspection of the event premises. 11. Generators Shall have fuel tanks with adequate capacity to permit uninterrupted operation during normal operating hours. Refueling shall be conducted only when the equipment it powers is not in use. 12. Generators shall be isolated from contact with the public by either physical guards, fencing, or an enclosure. p:\stan\pc coa mup 2000-195.wpd MINUTE MOTION 2000-006 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - FINAL MINOR USE PERMIT 2000-195 CHRIS CLARK FOR THE AUTO CENTRE AT LA QUINTA MARCH 14, 2000 13. Generators shall be provided with a minimum of one fire extinguisher with a rating of not less than 2-A:10-B:C. 14. Fire extinguishers shall be located with a maximum travel distance not exceeding 75 feet from rides and concessions. 15. Concession stands utilized for cooking shall have a minimum of 10 feet of clearance on two sides and shall not be located within 10 feet of amusement rides or devices. A 40-B:C rated fire extinguisher shall -be provided where deep fryers are used. The Following Conditions Shall Be Complied with by March 20, 2000 16. A notice shall be given to the existing property owners in Lake La Quinta informing them of the upcoming Grand Opening Celebration. A copy of the written notice shall be given to the Community Development Department. 17. The applicant shall provide a Certificate of Liability Insurance in the minimum amount of $1,000,000 with the City of La Quinta named as co-insured for the duration of the event and this permit. 18. Commercial food and beverage vendors not selling prepackaged food items shall obtain a permit from the Riverside County Health Department and all vendors shall obtain City Business License. 19. The applicant shall apply to the Building and Safety Department for a special inspection to be conducted on the day of the event. 20. The applicant shall obtain approval of a circulation plan from the Public Works Department. 21. Skytrackers searchlights may be used on Friday. and Saturday nights from 7:00. - . 9:00 P.M. p:\stan\pc coa mup 2000-195.wpd