MUP 2000-26312/18/2000 10:23 76080 75 11 ASHBROOK Ll %,,CryOf La Quanta COrnmunity Development Department !78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 (760) 777-7125 FAX; (760) 777-1233 PAGE 02/Ud OFFICE UU ONLY Case No. OG — Z L :kaic Recvd, / Z Z Z a o Ralatcd Agm,, � APPLICATION FOR 1-1-1f�v2 � IJ,Sr PE'I2���T'I- APPROVAL ' "a'QV USE p '� @ppircationS are reviewetii and approved by the Community D®veld mens �'1�11t � SCCtiOn 9,210,050, Of Eke Zp � P Director Cade, The purpose of the review is to regulate t:ercain temporary ;and �zses and activities and ensureminimtu?t ne&ative or adverse impacts cn surrounding areas APPLICANT (Print) M iLING ADDRESS Si Ateig^:y c,*3c ,7/sp s _Phone No. Aa So -t 6868 CITY, S?'ATE,, ZI!?: CR 2 lC> OEL--Fax No, Ao 8p%i 687 -- T PROPERTY OWNER (Ifdi£'erem):C�v a L49rt►.�c` S 7 L (print) - MAIIJN G ADDRESS: Sl k, o 4 .d An a0 A C- jc a _Phone No. 76 o &,4 6 S' $ CITY, STATE, ZIP; Lj 64.0 __.c►Zop$ Fax No, 760 6 rd— LOCATION OF USFMACTTVTTY: k6 A Gp. LEGAL DESCR%PTION (LOT & TRACT OR A-P,N,): L.v T.1 7400 47 PROPOSED USE AND/OR ACTIVITY; � Ams rX -c70o I i-.' 12/18/2000 10:23 7608046875 ASHBROOK i r Temporary Use Permit Length of Activity (Dates): 3O ►fro 4 :di c , Hours of Activity: 7 : a o A d= 5'-: Equipment Set Up Date: A$AP Equipment Removal D Maximum number of people 2mrking at site during activity at any one time. Matamujn number of people expected to Mend the activity at any one time: Total per 'Day: Grand Total: ,:r, I I'm (0)2• sic . �.t�t.r ❑ Site Plan showing layout of activities, tants, parking areas, etc. 06- i�Qt. PAGE 03/04 G Filing fee for Temporary Use Permit, if filing multiple applications, the most expensive application will be charged full fee, with remaining related applications discounted SAo for each, ♦ 6► 6► + + ; NAME OF APPLICANT L (Please Print) SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT / (} ��— DATE l 106-0J NAM OF PROPERTY OWNER (Please Print) SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER( ff NOT SAbW AS APPLICANT: DATE 1"L - 1 8 -CC (Sj0at't w provides co suN for ap sar site for propawd dcrl vlry). DATE (3- aarale written authority by owner to str&nit application may be provideq NOTE: FALSE OR MISLEADING INFORMATION GIVEN IN THIS APPLICATION SHALL HE GROUNDS FOR DENYINq APPLICATION. P.O. Box 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 January 10, 2001 Mr. Tom Evans, Project Manager Ashbrook Communities 5140 Avenida Encintas Carlsbad, California 92008 SUBJECT: MINOR USE PERMIT 2000-263 Dear Mr. Evans: (7 60) 777-7000 FAX (760) 777-7101 The Community Development Department has approved your request to establish a temporary construction office trailer on Lot 94 of Tract 29147-2 pursuant to Section 9.60.210 of the Municipal Code, subject to the following conditions: 1. Mounted on the exterior of the office front door shall be a written notice providing emergency personnel your 24-hour emergency phone number they can call in case problems arise that need your prompt attention (i.e., minimum V high letters). 2. A sign permit is required for any on-site advertising. 3. Install one 2A1 OBC fire extinguisher inside the front exit door of the office. 4. All areas for parking shall be covered in gravel to prevent dust problems. 5. The trailer shall be removed by January 10, 2002, unless an extension is granted by the Community Development Director. 6. The City may elect to add Conditions to this application request to mitigate any problems that arise not previously addressed herein. This decision may be appealed to the Planning Commission provided the necessary paperwork and filing fee of $175.00 are filed with this office within 15 days. MUP251 Trailer -45 greg r'rosr' If you have any questions, please contact me at 760-777-7067. Sincerely, DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Associate Enclosures c: Community Development Director Code Compliance Department Fire Department Betty Sawyer, Executive Secretary MUP251 Trailer -45 greg • SHEET 1 OF 1 CONSTRUCT OFFICE LOCATION 51 LOT 94 - TRACT NO. 29147-2 52 53 GOLF COURSE 54 U 55 W Q 56 z f , �� z oo O d 5 Y 7 W � Wo z - Q oCL �? 58 O� jLo X~ 4 W> �0 Q 59 Ov ir SCALE 1"=100' 0- 60 �� 94 2.963 ACRES 61 LANDSCAPE LOT 62 N 63 W. V AVENUE 58 MDS MDS CONSUL T/Nd MORSE DOKN:N SCHUL7Z 70-)RO Ola Mw. Sl (760) 771-1013 L. QukAL CA 92253FAX 771-4073 E -W& 1MIb@enbOm6comWWpnM PLANNING ENGINEERING SURVEYING w 48000/EXHIBITS/CONST-OFFICE 01/04/20011 DEC 14'00 11:51 FR w P I TAL MODULAR 909 877 4r—)=; TO 1602:3448 Typical Mobile Office 8' x 20' ;lingie Offtce.MMW -160 sq. % P. 04 J1N ..OPI _ 0- x yes' afcwSUrage Van - 80 sq. ft. offieWl" sq. }t, stege • 8' x 92 Quare# size -8'x 1Taha$aw; rx Iraq mwearra - &94n doWap wpb 24mwso *. buW - Plan 98bls & overhead boob~ Ovedumd _ area for � e a 8' x28' Two Office Model • 224 ..Mi, fL 8'x 32' opwasim - (1) 8'x 10'Pivafa off= 8'x it main 0*0 - Baru-Jn dam*, 2-&~ So c`aU*ft, ovrerftead baakmN6,v ft pjw we • Nba/ for 2.8 pm** 10'X44' Thm 0 flce Mattel - 440 sq. ft -10'x 48' oe WzjW - (a IWWA* aivatma dpm - (1)1Q'x 20, Mao area • Britt-Jn duki4n 2-drsnaft ce&rait�g, bo v coaft P a at �" more �Jdoorlbr4.rp 4f 12' x W Thivo Off a N10Cal -672 sq, fL -1r x ao' ovwa Ske - (2)1r x t2' pa - 11) irx 32'rm�ia aall�e - Nast 8 a3IP0/!. andbr cert �� ha�be0� tz - lel0al forte �P,�+ 5.2 5F 32 1�1 (—nk7 Pf An'S (Y) OA) , mj7.: CA l7r4 1:1 TOTrL PAGE. 004