MUP 2002-3560 0 City of La Quinta Community Development Department 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 (760) 777-7125 FAX: APPLICATION FOR MIT OFFICE USE ONLY Case No. IN UP 0 Date Rvd. Fee: 11 Related Apps.: Logged in by: JkAA APPROVAL MINOR USE PERMIT applications are reviewed and approved by the Community Development Director pursuant to Section 9.210.020, of the Zoning Code. The purpose of the review is to ensure that land uses requiring the permit do not have an adverse impact on surrounding properties, residents, or businesses. APPLICANT TOIL- LA Y 1 L i LLW (Pririntt) MAILING ADDRESS �� ` J- Phone No.�)5bA:jii) CITY, STATE, ZIP: Oi(qA cA 9 2 sl Fax No. CTS1 D PROPERTY OWNER (If different): MAILING ADDRESS: CITY, STATE, ZIP: PROJECT LOCATION: (Print) Phone No. Fax No. ►i 11 __ � � 1 (� `_ /' _ L PROPOSED USE AND/OR CONSTRUCTION (Including operational information): �sms— 'Te--r-Tcxtk'-i SiAL�'Tv-t�tUe�L AW P A(W—IA-� (=Oroc ons Lr�T� t c- Z. '30 -3�S77 , LEGAL DESCRIPTION (LOT & TRACT OR A.P.N.): �.-D� I " Z C� _ 9A 77Z - Z So -- ooh AI8\Minor Use Permit D ° Ai i� � � 2ilOt WY & LAQUINTA SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS: ❑ Plot Plan, floor plans and elevation plans (as determined by Community Development Department staff). Five (5) sets of plans on 8'/z" x 11" sheet or folded down to 8'/z" x I I". ❑ Filing fee for Minor Use Permit. If filing multiple applications, the most expensive application will be charged full fee, with remaining related applications discounted 50% for each. This discount does not apply to Environmental Information form. + + + + + + + + + + + + j + + NAME OF APPLICANT-:jLL C L-� �L�- �ao ' (Please Pript) SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT_ NAME OF PROPERTY OWNER DATE 9- S- D -L- (Please (Please Print) SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER(S) IF NOT SAME AS APPLICANT: DATE (Signature provides consent for applicant to use site for proposed activity). DATE (Separate written authority by owner to submit application may be provided) NOTE: FALSE OR MISLEADING INFORMATION GIVEN IN THIS APPLICATION SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR DENYING APPLICATION. AI Minor Use Permit r H • 0 P.O. Box 1504 M4 WM '171 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO Shlning Brighter Than Ever LA Q U I N TA , CALIFORNIA 92253 August 16, 2002 Mr. George E. Prine MDS Consulting 79-799 Old Avenue 52 La Quinta, Ca 92253 Mr. Gary Lemon Toll Bros. 50-400 Jefferson Street La Quinta, Ca 92253 0 SUBJECT: MINOR USE PERMIT 2002-356 (TEMPORARY PARKING LOT AND SALES TRAILER) Dear Mr. Prine & Mr. Lemon: (7 60) 777-7000 FAX (760) 777-7101 On June 25, 2002, the Planning Commission approved Site Development Permit 2002- 742 for the model home complex for Mountain View Country Club. Minor Use Permit 2002-353 was approved by the Community Development Department on August 14, 2002, for the permanent parking lot and sales office on Lots 149 (parking lot) and 148 (sales office) of Tract No. 30357. This Minor Use Permit is a request to establish a temporary parking lot and sales office to be located on Lots 1 and 2 of the same tract. The Community Development Department has reviewed your request for this temporary use and has approved it subject to the exhibit on file and the following conditions: 1. The temporary sales trailer shall conform to the exhibit on file with the Community Development Department. 2. Obtain the appropriate building permits. 3. Provide restroom facilities in the temporary sales office to accommodate personnel. P\Martin\MUP 02-356.wpd 4. Mounted on the exterior of the sales trailer shall be a written notice providing emergency personnel your 24-hour emergency phone number they can call in case problems arise that need your prompt attention (i.e., minimum 1 " high letters). 5. The temporary sales trailer shall meet all the requirements of the Riverside County Fire Marshal. 6. Install one 2A1OBC fire extinguisher inside the sales trailer. 7. A total of 38 parking spaces shall be provided with two being designated for handicap individuals. Parking for handicap individuals shall comply with the American with disabilities Act provisions which require hard surfacing with proper striping and signs. 8. The installation of parking lot improvements (pavement, curbs, walkways, etc.) will require review and approval by the Public Works Department. The parking lot design and improvements shall comply with adopted City standards. 9. Dust control measures shall be employed during construction of the parking lot and sales trailer. Such control measures may include paving the parking lot and adding landscaping around the parking area. 10. The model home complex shall be permitted to remain for one year, until August 16, 2003, unless a time extension is applied for and granted by this Department. The Community Development Director may extend the permit for a set time period if needed. No fee is charged to extend this permit. 11. The City may elect to add Conditions to this application request to mitigate any problems that arise not previously addressed herein. 12. The applicant/property owner agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of La Quinta (the "City"), it's agents, officers and employees from any claim, or litigation arising out of the City's approval of this project. This indemnification shall include any award toward attorney's fees. The City of La Quinta shall have the right to select its defense counsel in its sole discretion. This decision may be appealed to the Planning Commission by anyone provided they submit the necessary paperwork and filing fee of $175.00 with this office within 15 days of approval of this permit. P\Martin\MUP 02-356.wpd Should you have any questions please contact me at (760) 777-7068. Sincerely, JERRY HERMAN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR llt�% e4 MARTIN MAGANA Associate Planner c: Tom Hartung, Building & Safety Tim Jonasson, Public Works P\Martin\MUP 02-356.wpd Its — 1 4/11 1../1YO 114P07 LQ WUIFILd 48'x 60' laY1 — 117 _F4 I ---——•—ro-- + 1a'-- — --i Aug -12-02 11:09 From -MOBILE MODUL� +19093606622 • r l jAC vim- wMIL- le p-D��1�j1-�G1GG 1'p Tr* - �+Avr �T?'INl7 �lDl►�lG+ P#�-�17 t x� T. - GaN7l"'J i o Niti>✓ - _ �IC7ItJGt - T-297 P•002/004 F-577 +fieri t a PPIA2 NA tiA pay A �)lrlljl Gr►�r/E'�T8 lop tul co I N1oxrIN►>Jr� �,, r�ry� pap/PI�z I�t•J�tg2 pl.�,,�� ", -- I 1��11� f - 'Ai N►WWA 40, F. -r, t F . �� 2q'r °` �i7���'� 1-�Iv�iCJli�?i Gj'�� i�CJII�►NG� --- Oji- Zi Aug -12-02 11:09 From -MOBILE MODULAR +19093606622 T-297 P.003/004 F-577 . ��� , waw r�ll�►� -T" Ilz' 700,1r 1� (-,) 2-x 17.. GIJ r�_Awr _44015e4.01- f4vMtvlr_ I [-1 - A.I;P90r19 W mAwr 6r- - I I o PG>✓ 1-�vr'I qe GoeFr-1 GIST Orr L fP17iv>zzs = o. y off(11--) 1z )' �•� Pyr (pr t3 - Try iJGll NG► 2x Is t1Fli *Z (f:pp.r. 1 ti y �b s 12�0(1._c.Z) : l j7Z71 z .. Sic z 11,25 1;5� �. 2� fin.► 3 1°110 Imo* Pdii G f�,,10 : , o.l, 14 5 P P'd7 =SIS P� rh �� I'.: IZ .17 IN Pig - _ 2aa pyi� 7•Iy Aug -12-02 11:10 From -MOBILE MODULAR +19093606622 T-297 P.004/004 F-577 A w �/ • �vr� ��� r� 1,,Nr2 /ole Gti W l l n= ?fit L # 12 �z d •lCi, AUG -12-2002 MON 11:50 AM MOUTAINVIEWC/C 17605649510 P. 02 Au/ -12-02 10:21 From -MOBILE MODUD X10008806622 . . • T-214 P.00 . . F-111 FACT SHEET INSTALLATION of a MODULAR BMDjNrj in a "SUBTW sET DT]y�1SYON8: The "pie" Should be excavated so than *C overall IMIA spd width are,6 *et areater than that of the modular budding. 'ILS desired dq* is 28 inches. Raaeps must be provided at both ends to allow for ugh aceess• 1lfmm =slope should be 1:12. DRAINAGE: Proper drainago is cseend j m maims the bsidd set of the building. If the earth under the awdular biuldia6 bamm4es eatmmwd. satib* w01 most ady cave v The "pit" should be graded such char awr vM cOU at either end or file carbrr. $ is best to achieve 90% eon nerd m-'t&U a 6" baaae of 3/4" rode. A drainage system, gravAy or pump, waist be insmW m remove stmad * wat". Also, zoaf runoff should be amend eo that it docs not collectmtdar *9 bmlding- FZU" to la iasW1 a proper dr8jMc sy n wlll 11 rosnl'`t tin8QCTe a>PMEs p N'r OSTS" BELOW upon return of the buildm8 at leaso emod. [ S] I VE1'1 n ATION.- Adaquate cross -60w vtablaon is MWcd to ynvug mmstu:e flom colleetol under the building cause lender the building• Excessive moisturo trapped C) d wood and steel stmcmm. Mw Uni&= Ba ding Code (UB speeif= 1 square That of vein are Per 150 squfod Of Scor epBeC► evenly on all fora aides. CRAWL SPACE: An 180 x 26" maumm+n Opettutg is wed to acca93 tbo crawl space the modular bndidatg- REMPORCED moot be installed around the Pew of rim building P� to SI3tTING: Ra�orced skWdOgMU this will result in dump baa area andd *0Pynduca nage usel£ All hrmber that is used � to the axle assanblymoat be "p�um skirting the building• and which makes coMaet web bin ground. treated" or its e4uivOIGM AUC -12-2002 MON 11:50 AM MOUTAINUIEWC/C._ _. Aur12-02 10-17 F r=40 I LE MODS 1.7.6056495.10. P. .03 +10003808822 0 T-214 P,003/006 HTI page 2 PEaM1TS/for ft f =&t= of momac bm7dmgs. C1'I caw permits are rKuired IIY5pECNS: � assoaaW IMPOnsp of the custpmpt• EQ[JIPM�'rthat t>ye above MW hollowing a t typical coats that may appy m the evcot COSTS: cans procedure is sot f,.0 ed and *e `Wi!' �reP Y Axle / haogat I&S 250.00 + tax per ark rep 150.00 ♦ welding &labor Extra � 15.00 per hoar ur 50.00 per ho Downtime Any damage m the undcrc=iego or a:udular str== due to improper 186cm wM be evalb and and the cobs to repair said items wM be quotod as the time of repair. SITE s sa+ aft, MMUC cm sch,odule a UqSp$CTION: Ta hclp ea9rue that the removal proo� goes Sims aback to asst in avalnaiM9 the site caadmoms and the peepmabams t fore the timely r=wd of the b1 Wmg. I'm will be a &aW f+or tip sarvicc� or AUG -12-2002 MON 11;51 AM MOUTAINUIEWC/C Aua-12-02 10:28 From -MOBILE MODS 17605649510 P. 04 +10018808822 • T-214 P.004/005 F-671 ., ted.. Mir FACT SHEET REMOVAL of a MODULAR BUnDING from a "SUB SF -T" It is the cummer's rosp�a to excavate the "pd" so titer the overall > e EXCAVATION: Wd width are 6 fod greater than *4 of *ctnodnlar bwld wS. A �+P M= be provided at the bh* "icany *e A/C and but not alwaN, to allow for remnoval of the budding. Maw= slope should be 1:12. gyMOVAL of RMNYORCEDhis mmnal themsalvd, or having SIOIt'PIIt1Gr. The atstomer has tbo optiarl of �B t rOMC remove it. If you wish NVAMC to provide this service. *am is a cast of $6.00 per lin. ft. to reame and stack it needy at *0 site for customer disposal: or $7.00 per 6a. & w moove and haul The material away for disposaL VZNMATION: The Mdia and removal of the �tn�dsne � � mIding to �,wd an � m ntIDnbcr of days prior to Liman ad &yM =a- An ` �° number of �,it" receives ade4� Wet canditiv� vv� ie8ult in a eye.. vjM vary based on each individual sba&O . delay of w wval of the buddaag frog► the site. EQUIPbu NTn costs that may apply= the event that the above procedure COSTS: £oIIoa+inot f �'P� followed, and/or in the ===nMce that mat pro bgnvparly =uvncted upon inwtalhd= Axle /hangar let rapla S 230.00 t t=Aw a� � 110.00 + wsl�rng &labor EWA roPin� �� labor 75.00 Per hose ur $0.00 per ho Downtime Any damage to the =derMMSP or modular ==a= dee to imtuoper iaso`llWon win be mgaatcd and the cost to repair said halos will bo W"d at the amt of Mair. AUC -12-2002 MON 11 51 AM MOUTAINVIEWC/C Aug -12-02 10:28 From-WOBILE MODU69 17605649510 P. 05 +10089606622 0 T-284 P.605/008 F -6T1 Pace 2 smto notify WCAMC = &a stave of ft sb I mscriom It is the mstamer's responavi�► coneQions. Hoa►ever, to help aus� � the �na�►al process 1� mooft. =xjifiam and MlAMC cm schedule a site ch k to asp 71=0 WM be a the preparmtwm required for the timely rcmoval of the buwldiag. dme for this service. e' p' e -71 p e .. ':. a O e. p ° UNDERGROUND UTILITIES ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES OR STRUCTURES REPORTED BY THE OWNER OR OTHERS AND THOSE SHOWN ON THE RECORDS EXAMINED ARE INDICATED WITH THEIR APPROXIMATE LOCATION AND EXTENT. THE OWNER, BY ACCEPTING THESE PLANS OR PROCEEDING WITH IMPROVEMENTS PURSUANT THERETO, AGREES TO ASSUME LIABILITY AND TO HOLD UNDERSIGNED HARMLESS FOR ANY DAMAGES RESULTING FROM EXISTENCE OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES OR STRUCTURES NOT REPORTED TO THE UNDERSIGNED, NOT INDICATED OR SHOWN ON THE RECORDS EXAMINED. THE CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO TAKE DUE PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES TO PROTECT THE UTILITIES OR STRUCTURES SHOWN AND ANY OTHER UTILITIES OR STRUCTURES FOUND AT THE SITE. IT SHALL BE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO NOTIFY THE OWNERS OF THE UTILITIES OR STRUCTURES CONCERNED BEFORE STARTING WORK. 4 O J W 2 O J E F F E R S O N S T R E E T i rp' ° e O a ° ° a. I I e, I I I I I ° I I I I I I V I (37.S7i TIN I 29.66 T .2) FGF I 32 s° I I I I i e I ( C i. C EXIST. 6" MASONRY PERIMETER WALL—+ / 37.67 TW 29,66 TF s I 37.00 TW E 29.667 LOT LINE —+ 2 H 1 CC �a°•C I FG u oI 26' L A N 5. 7' a c �_<_ 38.34 TW (31.07) TF 32.6 F6 2 S=0.50% 30.6 60' S A L E S T R A I L E R F.F. = 32.20 t0 N CONSTRUCTION NOTES EXIST.IDRAIN°.P.E. & QUANTITY ESTIMATES 1 Q tO INSTALL TYPE A-6 CURB PER RIV. CO. STD. NO. 200 Ili T CURB FACE 151 LF 2O INSTALL 4" THICK CONCRETE SIDEWALK 1130 SF 3U INSTALL 6' CONCRETE WHEEL STOPS 14 EA ® APPLY "ENVIROTAC I(' OVER PARKING AREA 2 OS AT A RATE OF XX RAL / S.F. 13800 SF 5O PAINT 4" WIDE WHITE STRIPES 1054 LF,. �.-, © PAINT BLUE STRIPING & SYMBOLS PER CALDAG REQUIREMENTS — LUMP SUM i7O INSTALL- SIGNS PER CALDAG REQUIREMENTS "VAN ACCESSIBLE 2 EA M 0 R S E79-799Old Avenua 52 PARKING 36 SPACES 1 HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBLE SPACE 12" P.V.C. t �� 1 VAN ACCESSIB IRRIG. IAT. ti Qom' Fs ?0 �9 38 TOTAL SPACES l� 1 0 �G ` R-2 IR=S � TYP. —�9- ----7 PACE — --�--+ �+ —---------- — — — N — — — — — — — — — sE re 29.13 e O 5.06' TC — --85.00' L 62.79' T V.C.P. SEWER / I A X/ A l 0 A EXIST. 6" CONC. U C.B. PRIVATE ENGINEERING NOTE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR AGREES THAT IN ACCORDANCE WITH GENERALLY ACCEPTED CONSTRUCTION PRACTICES, CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR WILL BE REQUIRED TO ASSUME SOLE AND COMPLETE RESPONSIBILITY FOR JOB SITE CONDITIONS DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROJECT. INCLUDING SAFETY OF ALL PERSONS AND PROPERTY; THAT THIS REQUIREMENT SHALL BE MADE TO APPLY CONTINUOUSLY AND NOT BE LIMITED TO NORMAL WORKING HOURS, AND CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR FURTHER AGREES TO DEFEND, INDEMNIFY AND HOLD DESIGN PROFESSIONAL HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY, REAL OR ALLEGED, IN CONNECTION WITH THE PERFORMANCE OF WORK ON THIS PROJECT, EXCEPTING LIABILITY ARISING MARK FROM THE SOLE NEGLIGENCE OF DESIGN PROFESSIONAL. DESIGNED BY: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: G, -' No. 20596 " ItotExp. 9-30-05 T C/Vll IRRIG. LAT. —.. w J Apnrclved b�L Date Pesocc # CI Planning Commission F- 0 City Council 0 -Community Dev. Dept. L W Initials M.. --- —� case No, "02-31549 ExniA SCALE 1"=20' �J'With Condiduns } PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF: STANLEY C. MORSE EXP. DATE 9/30/05 R.C.E. 20596 l+ 1 Q Ili O a 2 w IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA 1�- M 0 R S E79-799Old Avenua 52 . La Quinta, CA 92253 LOTS 1 & 2 D O K I C H MOUNTAIN VIEW C.C. SHT. X 760-771-4013 S C H U t 7 Z FAX: 0.771-4073 FA: 76 TEMPORARY SALES TRAILER SITE TRACT NO. 30357 OF SHTS. Z PLANNERS ENGINEERS SURVEYORS SCALE: SEE ABOVE 18 ENCH MARK: BRASS CPA M50. 31i STAMPED & 5- NOR 7a' HEN. THE R.T. WASFIING70N SfRELT AND AVENUE 50. 315' WEST 3 A5' NORM OF Rlf. BEHND CURB. N.E. 1/4 & N.W. 1/4, SEC. 4, T. 6 S., R. 7 E., S.B.B.& M. Q DATE: AUGUST, 2002 sSECBo501�'N 3°F>�R7F SORBPOLE ' , Fs 3�,`4 & 39. LAWN, IN ,l 4 IN / A FOR: W.O. TOLL BROTHERS, INC. NO: � FILE: l:\38206\EXHIBITS\SALES 08-14-02