MUP 2003-420i 0 City of La Quinta Community Development Department 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 (760) 777-7125 FAX: (7M§)_7_7__ 23 APPLICATION FOR MIN 0 JUN 18 2003 OFFICE USE ONLY Case No. 206 3 -`1a() Date Recvd. L 1/ 1163 Fee: Related Apps.: A I Logged in by: PROVAL MINOR USE PERMIT applications are reviewed and approved by the Community Development Director pursuant to Section 9.210.020, of the Zoning Code. The purpose of the review is to ensure that land uses requiring the permit do not have an adverse impact on surrounding properties, residents, or businesses. APPLICANT MAILING ADDRESS — Phone No. —77--) - 1 CITY, STATE, ZIP: G • qzz S Fax No. __j --I") • 1 SG L PROPERTY OWNER (If different): Q C, (Print) MAILING ADDRESS:_ o� Phone No. CITY, STATE, ZIP: PROJECT LOCATION: `e) 1 — 9 PROPOSED USE AND/OR CONSTRUCTION (Inc Fax No. information); — r _ (attach sheets if needed) LEGAL DF9CRIPTION (LOT & TRACT OR A.P.N.)\ LSM -2— S KC c t -Z�g�95 — V1 A18\Minor Use Permit l :u •► ::• :sur► 0 ❑ Plot Plan, floor plans and elevation plans (as determined by Community Development Department staff). Five (5) sets of plans on 8'/z" x 11" sheet or folded down to 81/2" x 11". ❑ Filing fee for Minor Use Permit. If filing multiple applications, the most expensive application will be charged full fee, with remaining related applications discounted 50% for each. This discount does not apply to Environmental Information form. NAME OF APPLICANT tA(1 (Pleas nt) SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT DATE NAME OF PROPERTY OWNER_^ 'no t') L (Please Print) SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER(S) IF NOT SAME AS APPLICANT:J",DATE (Signature provides consent for applicant to use site for proposed activity). DATE (Separate written authority by owner to submit application may be provided) NOTE: FALSE OR MISLEADING INFORMATION GIVEN IN THIS APPLICATION SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR DENYING APPLICATION. A1Minor Use Permit INVOICE NO INVOICE DATE COMMENT GROSS DEDUCTIONS AMUNT PAWN m' E MOUNTAIN VIEW AD -SUITE 200 cwon cBrm, inc SCOTTSDALE, AZ 85258 050503 minor use permit for sale ARIZONA DIVISION 4M951-0782 Check No. - 2329467 Check Date 05/09/03 Stub I of I INVOICE NO INVOICE DATE COMMENT GROSS DEDUCTIONS AMUNT PAWN 030505 050503 minor use permit for sale 75.00 75.00 �roS, Inc HEC .'�K NO. -.02329467 N DIVISION Bank of America VIEWAD - SUITE200 domrm 0$4u JCK LE, AZ '6U5P'.-" iaa.i rsamen,t, YIEN50KNO. C�E NorVibiOdt IL;. I ...... ------- ....... ....... *See Reverse Side For Easy Opening Instructions* `Toll `Bros., Inc 3103 PHILMONT AVENUE HUNTINGDON VALLEY, PA 19006 City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta CA 92253 V July 18, 2003 P.O. Box 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 Mr. Andy Fraser Toll Brothers, Inc. 81380 Legends Way La Quinta, CA 92253 (760) 777-7000 FAX (760) 777-7101 FILE COPY SUBJECT: MINOR USE PERMIT 2003-420 - TRACT 28838-4 - 81225 LEGENDS WAY TEMPORARY SALES TRAILER FOR TOLL BROTHERS AT PGA WEST Dear Mr. Fraser: The Community Development Department has approved your application to establish a temporary sales office trailer on an existing parking area, pursuant to Section 9.60.250 of the Zoning Code. The following findings are applicable to the approval of this minor use permit: A. The land use proposed is consistent with the General Plan, which designates the property for Low Density Residential Development. B. The use as proposed is consistent with the provisions of the Zoning Code, in that the proposed use shall facilitate the development of the property as designated in the Code. C. Processing and approval of this minor use permit is in compliance with the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). This proposal represents a temporary sales office use for an approved residential use, which ultimately implements TR 28838 as previously approved. D. Approval of this minor use permit will not create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare or injurious to or incompatible with other properties or land uses in the vicinity. All surrounding properties are or will be developed as Low Density Residential, consistent with the subject property's ultimate use. E. The access, parking and circulation as proposed with this minor use permit will not result in excess traffic congestion or safety hazards. Enclosed is a copy of approved Exhibit A (site plan). In addition, development of this use is subject to the following conditions: C:\Wrkgrp\Letters\MUP\mup03420st. wpd 1. The parking area shall be complete prior to the sales trailer being used for sales. Wheel stops shall be retained and/or provided for all parking stalls, and shall allow for a 2 -foot forward overhang. A building permit shall be obtained for the trailer installation. 2. Install one 2A1OBC fire extinguisher inside the front exit door of the sales office. 3. One 2' x 3' sign shall be placed close to or on the sales office front door, displaying a 24-hour emergency phone number (minimum 1 " high letters) which emergency personnel may call if problems arise that need prompt attention. The sign shall include any temporary address, and may include the company name for the purpose of identification. 4. The model home/sales office complex use shall be abandoned by July 18, 2004, unless an extension is granted by the Community Development Director pursuant to Section 9.60.250.F of the Zoning Code. 5. The applicant/developer agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City of La Quinta from any legal claim or litigation arising out of the City's approval of this project. The City of La Quinta shall have the right to select its defense counsel at its sole discretion. The City may impose additional conditions to this application to mitigate any problems that arise not previously addressed herein. This decision may be appealed to the Planning Commission pursuant to Section 9.200.120, provided the application requirements of said Section are met within 15 days from the date of this letter. If you have any questions, please contact me at 760-777-7069. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Wallace H. Nesbit Associate Planner Enclosure c: Planning Manager Code Compliance Fire Marshal Building & Safety Counter Technician C:\Wrkgrp\Letters\MUPkmup03420st.wpd uo-1u-cuuo uu;10 rKUM-!w.) VMULIlRb lbUlI14UIJ I -*Is F.UuMuz F-uju W d 0.40% EXSTING A.0 I co 00 00 N O z F- V Q I— ;Ll MH 01. 461.60 12.46' 66 u .. TC ,LEGEND"z s A6, � 26.00' ~� I .... ......- C nbqt `♦ ENO A.C. PAVING 463.39 463.24 462.98 FS - _ FS -GB 4622 - FL--GB1- FS-4GB `��Q� 1A•� rn 0 C! ao ao � I ��> in o u� W Ya C-' 26 C!i - a m a 'o P=463.5 25 Ea� oUZ Zi P=463.3�, a m i s I 10.00' 18.00' 26.00' m e U° E o U 2.9:= 0 H Z L I aUU°vit3 TRACm ►��' u- 1 X 46350 c U W� � —� F5 g o �+ ' ® 463.76 462.7 FS FL i 464.22 00 FS 00 00 SALES N OFFICE 121 A X 6v TRAILERFS 27 o co p FF=464.28 z U Q CC I— Al 5.00' FU" PAVED WALK TO SALES OFFICE 3" A.C. OVER NATURAL 0 DESIGN CALCULATIONS - FOR: 12' WIDE COMMERCIAL COACH PAC) PIER / ANCHOR SYSTEM (70 MPH EXP 'C'WIND, TYPE 4 SOIL) ADDRESS OF INSTALLATION: PREPARED FOR: MOBILE MODULAR MANAGEMENT CORP. 5700 LAS POSITAS ROAD LIVERMORE, CALIFORNIA 94550 11450 MISSION BLVD. MIRA LOMA. CALIFORNIA 91752 PREPARED BY: ACUMEN ENGINEERING, INC 12808 SOUTH, 600 EAST DRAPER, UTAH 84020 (801) 571-9877 The information in these calculations is proprietary. They may not be reprinted, distributed or used for any purpose without the expressed written permission of Mobile Mod -u -lar Management Corporation. • • TABLE OF CONTENTS 12' Wide Commercial Coach (70'C' Wind. Type 4 Soil) ITEM DESIGN LOADS PAD/PIER DESIGN Wood Pad Analysis Pad/Pier Spacing GROUND ANCHOR DESIGN SHEET 3 4 5 L DESIGN LOADS A.) Dead Loads 1.)Roof 2.)Floor 3.)Exterior Walls 4.)Partition Load B.) Live Loads 1.)Roof 2.)Floor 3.)Wind: 70 mph. Exp'C' Primary Frame: Uplift: 4.)Seismic Zone: 4' (Allowable Stress Design) 6 psf 8 psf 6 psf 10 psf 20 psf 50 psf / 2000# Concentrated Load Design Pressure (psf) Ce Cq qs I P=(Ce)(Cq)(gs)(1) 1.06 1.3 12.6 1.0 17.4 1.06 0.8 12.6 1.0 10.7 Design Base Shear Ca R" V=((3.0)(Ca)/(R)(1.4))(W) 0.44 5.6 0.168 Does not include 'Near Source Factor as required by the 1997 UBC for buildings located within 10km of a known seismic source. Ordinary Braced Frame System W 111fi i �ctv FBF • T%G V �i5 (= 1050 Irl C -f u P. = 1` , Cl IQ -L- .2,7 L- tl .2S Z .Z G/�QP�1 Tl 41F CAc++ Irml. 1 S 2250 ` 71 PAD/PIER SPACING Input Data: Roof Live Load: (RI) 20 psf Roof Dead Load: (Rd) 6 psf Exterior Wall Dead Load: (Wd) 6 psf Floor Live Load: (FI) 50 psf Floor Partition Load: (Fp) 10 psf Floor Dead Load: (Fd) 8 psf Module Width: (W) 11.83 feet Sidewall Height: (H) 8 feet Pad/Pier Capacity: (P) 4000 lbs Calculations: Weight of Exterior Wall: We=(WdxH) 48 plf Load Acting on Outside Chassis Main Rails: Wo=((RI+Rd+FI+Fp+Fd)(W/2))+We 604.0 pif Maximum Spacing of Piers on Outside Main Rails: S=P/Wo 6.62 feet (12' Wide, 70C Wind, Type 4 Soil) GROUND ANCHOR DESIGN (17 Wide, 70C Wind, Type 4 soil) Input Data: Design Wind Pressure: (P) 17.4 psf Seismic Load Factor: (SI) 0.168 W Roof Dead Load: (Rd) 6 Psf Floor Dead Load: (Fd) 8 psf Exterior Wall Dead Load: (Wd) 6 psf Roof Live Load used in Seismic Calculation: (RI) 0 psf Partition Load used in Seismic Calculation: (Pd) 10 psf Floor Live Load used in Seismic Calculation: (FI) 0 psf Building Depth: (D) 11.83 feet Exterior Wall Height: (H) 8 feet Roof Depth: (R) 1 feet Floor Depth: (F) 0.67 feet Skirting/Foundation Height: (S) 3.33 feet Pull -Out Capacity of Anchor. (Pu) 7125 lbs Angle of Anchor Installation: (A) 45 degrees Strap Design Capacity: (Sd) 6300 lbs Safety Factor. (Fs) 1.5 Calculations: Ground Anchor Capacity: Design Capacity of Anchor. Pc = Pu/Fs 4750 lbs Strap Design Capacity: (Sd) 6300 lbs Governing Capacity: (Gc) 4750 lbs Lateral Load Resistance of Anchor/Strap Assembly: VL = Gc x cos(A) 3359 lbs GROUND ANCHOR DESIGN (cont.) (17 Wim. 70C Wind. Type 4 Shc) Building Length: (L) (feet) 32 44 50 60 66 Calculations: Transverse Load: Base Shear Due to Wind: Vw = P x ( R + F + H + S/2) x L (Ibs) 6311 8678 9861 11834 13017 Base Shear Due to Seismic: Vs = (SI)((LxD)(Rd+Fd+RI+Pd+Fn+ ((L+D)x:2XFixWd)) Obs) 2233 2999 3382 4020 4403 Governing Transverse Base Shear. (V) Obs) 6311 8678 9861 11834 13017 Longitudinal Load: Base Shear Due to Wind: Vw = P x (R + F + H + S/2) x D (Ibs) 2333 2333 2333 2333 2333 Base Shear Due to Seismic Loading: (Ibs) 2233 2999 3382 4020 4403 Governing Long. Base Shear. (VI) (Ibs) 2333 2999 3382 4020 4403 Ground Anchor Quantity: In Each Transverse Direction: Nt = V/VL 2 4 4 4 4 In Each Longitudinal Direction: NI=VWL 1 1 2 2 2 Total Quantity of Anchors Required: 6 10 12 12 12 Required Anchor Pullout Capacity (Ultimate Capacity): In Each Transverse Direction: Lt=((V/Nt)/cos(A))Fs Obs) 6674 4589 5214 6257 6883 In Each Longitudinal Direction: LI=((VVNl)/cos(A))Fs Obs) 4935 6343 3577 4252 4657 ALTERNATE GROUND ANCHOR DESIGN Input Data: Design Wind Pressure: (P) 17.4 psf Seismic Load Factor: (SI) 0.168 W Roof Dead Load: (Rd) 6 psf Floor Dead Load: (Fd) 8 psf Exterior Wall Dead Load: (Wd) 6 psf Roof Live Load used in Seismic Calculation: (RI) 0 psf Partition Load used in Seismic Calculation: (Pd) 10 psf Floor Live Load used in Seismic 3359 lbs Calculation: (FI) 0 psf Building Depth: (D) 11.83 feet Exterior Wall Height: (H) 8 feet Roof Depth: (R) 1 feet Floor Depth: (F) 0.67 feet Skirting/Foundation Height: (S) 3.33 feet Pull -Out Capacity of Anchor. (Pu) 7125 lbs Angle of Anchor Installation: (A) 45, degrees Strap Design Capacity: (Sd) 6300 lbs Safety Factor. (Fs) 1.5 Calculations:. Ground Anchor Capacity: Design Capacity of Anchor. Pc = Pu/Fs 4750 lbs Strap Design Capacity: (Sd) 6300 lbs Governing Capacity: (Gc) 4750 lbs Lateral Load Resistance of Anchor/Strap Assembly in Longitudinal Direction: VL = Gc x cos(A) 3359 lbs Lateral Load Resistance of Anchor/Strap Assembly in Transverse Direction: VT = Gc x cos(A) 3359 lbs Lateral Load Resistance of Anchor/Strap Assembly in Transverse Direction: (30 Degree Maximum Variance From Principal Axis) VTT = Gc x cos(A) x cos(30) 2909 lbs (17 Wide. 70C Wind. Type 4 Still ALTERNATE GROUND ANCHOR DESIGN (cont.) (iz wide. 70c wind. Type 4 soil) Building Length: (L) (feet) 32 44 50 60 66 Calculations: Transverse Load: Base Shear Due to Wind: Vw = P x ( R + F + H + S/2) x L (Ibs) 6311 8678 9861 11834 13017 Base Shear Due to Seismic: Vs = (SI)((LxD)(Rd+Fd+RI+Pd+Fo+ .. ((L+D)x2xHxWd)) (lbs) 2233 2999 3382 4020 4403 Governing Transverse Base Shear. (V) (Ibs) 6311 8678 9861 11834 13017 Longitudinal Load: Base Shear Due to Wind: Vw = P x (R + F + H + S/2) x D (Ibs) 2333 2333 .2333 2333 2333 Base Shear Due to Seismic Loading: (Ibs) 2233 2999 3382 4020 4403 Governing Long.. Base. Shear. (VI) (Ibs) 2333 2999 3382 4020 4403 Ground Anchor Quantity: . In Each Transverse Direction: Nt = V/VT 2 2 2 2 2 (Maximum of 2 Anchors) In Each Transverse Direction at 30 Degrees: Ntt = (V-2(VT))/VTT 0 2 2 2 4 In Each Longitudinal Direction: NI=VI/VL 1 1 2 2 2 Total Quantity of Anchors Required: 6 10 12 12 16 Ground Anchor Loads: . In Each Transverse Direction: . Lt=((V/(Nt+Ntt)/cos(A))Fs obs) 8674 4589 5214 6257 4589 In Each Transverse Direction: (30 Degrees) Lt=(V/(Nt+Ntt)/cos(A))/oos(30)Fs obs) 0 5299 6021 7225 5299 In Each Longitudinal Direction: LI=((VVND/cos(A))Fs obs) 4935 8343 3577 4252 4857 G, - � v 7 -i2;! •"PTLotj, vjl1 c> I+j -rv,v� A2p��1cnJ Is J-)- �r Po�►� ��� ro � pS7+d�tl+�"m G.�ol1N� ,o�rbfL 1 �'—r17•x' C �e ,4 -1.5), r-- 10�gio fi -� MoiA) L)e Gn Cm. 6�� 11 &171 1_ u P T , s (r,-m6v 1-d 7 �¢UGTVi' J _ (a•o t- 6,.o) (11,4�3 x (o(v �t' ; �•G6>�2� 06+1�.P��j�s �SI�i1'1 NGi M q-�1z1`� •' -I- IP N ¢1011V 1— a Ne- �z D.� uo-iu-Luua uy:io rrcum-mua UUM,)ULIMU M111404 1 -fly Y.M/M F-u3u o a 6� � LJ — d 0.40% MH 461.5 461.60 12.46' ,� 66 Tc Tc LEGEt 4 D ,291 �6 26.00' C9 � N � L; END AC. PAVING 463.39 463.24 462.98 FS F5 -GB FS -GB EXISTING A.C. 462.2 i 462.4 FL -GB 1_ x FS -GB 0 O ,p ao E— � � Z UQ Q � O Lo X O W" 26S< d a P=463.5 25 0 ..� �t foo O UZ P=463.3 n, a > 18 U E o 0 10.00 .00 26.00 c c E y Z I `aUU� N-o� TRAC— ,X1 X 463 50 ❑ 0� c t i� � — FS .r g C=) a; 463.76 462.9 FU" 462.7 FS FL FL I� 464.22 00 463.66 rl-) rl-) FS FS cc 00 � N SALES OFFICE 464.27 a 0 12' XF6 ' TRAILER FS PAVED WALK TO SALES OFFICE 3" A.C. OVER NATURAL ~ ~ 1 5.00' V C.� k 3OU i H 600. EAS 6S G./j�Y M,kPER, UTAH 84020rn X301-57143,7? a! \ I c..;, rl f � � i � Ihtl ! 33 yt \IL-14--rr wf .�- �� V. � 1 �/t 1�I paG� GGA -moi -ro t "11A �►M�r--�I��-I�� � i gam" u 2�,N M S N, !I�/Taw 2to G+/� • I%�� 1•It�17 �lDl� PSD 1)((,a f7T. efA� r.•�PyV. Nr�t � V�sNT p�N I N GDN'(1 NUOU�� � O Mll, nx_ APR � 6 2003 r� 1�jzcqAj" coPt5+-h I l/lTZ www IK4 OpithOb �Ii71NGt De, Pvy1"� �8"pG 1`d Pv�r� w/ Ca�lOd _- �•PI�I I --- � JaiUL' "A.4 fjv Vim' lop ��- er'&+teev gra Maxi►-Ium a" 1,1 &A11\j) �'MNIol �" v\//1V1.7 � 2x12 P r�T7���• FI -OIL -In PA l�lat�"► �� I`'l �v��.►�i r'l�AGrcM �N�" ��� i�lobvl,A� �FI� 13u1VpIN(i► I i �X•�d� Piz I%, ?iJ4 9''1.0��'l.�• t�'llJI7U(i/afL t-��,�t r'1� �,,r�' cC�� (�Id17Uli� G�FI !.� �il>I ISI NGi �P" �iJl �fii� � G�vll�ofLN 1 P� ?Oeywje �1 nam/op fo= Iq64 APR�� m cz to cm IMI MLUICK LAj !1JCS on r Nom. �.al st..+.ny n V 1 bl ® t � j__' Lf'� ® � ®4 ILa0H1, •Id � � _ .:.::.':: OFi�. ' .- . '. H - - - r•.:' ��'��tt•��"'��='.��Y.'.'.,.:.'QQH-:',91Jrl�S:�PFi"[tN,(�p{.{b/�S+�P p �. - ..'>:.. `Mt.• i!f y••,•!C�"::•. - i•;':�Y'�/"'y: • .IND..;: • L'6gBN r a _ )- �t p Y ' A y 0 r' L - '..• mss.=.:,., t ,'t. 3 ! UOT rb ... 1 • !• sad Tt.. d _ � M J :7�- ..�• . r••' :�e� �(��'/'�j '''tie. i•�•= ry!� r.bllT=ai 4'i . 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