MUP 2002-364• City of La Quinta Community Development Department 78-495 Calle Tampico at ina, California 92253 777-7125 FAX: (760) 777-1233 SEp 1 � 2002 OFFICE USE ONLY Case No. tit36 Datevd. Q (� d2 Fee: � '�, Related Apps.: Logged in by: ATION FOR MINOR USE PERMIT APPROVAL MINOR USE PERMIT applications are reviewed and approved by the Community Development Director pursuant to Section 9.210.020, of the Zoning Code. The purpose of the review is to ensure that land uses requiring the permit do not have an adverse impact on surrounding properties, residents, or businesses. APPLICANT La Quinta Dunes 350, Inc. (Print) MAILING ADDRESS 5005 Calle San Raphael, Suite B-1 Phone No.(760) 325-4289 CITY, STATE, ZIP: Palm Springs, CA 92264 Fax No. (760) 325-3791 PROPERTY OWNER (If different): MAILING ADDRESS: CITY, STATE, ZIP: PROJECT LOCATION: (Print) Phone No. Fax No. Northwest Corner of Jefferson and Fred Waring PROPOSED USE AND/OR CONSTRUCTION (Including operational information): Temporary Fencing and Site Pre -Water (attach sheets if needed) LEGAL DESCRIPTION (LOT & TRACT OR A.P.N.): Tract 429323 AI8\Minor Use Permit SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS* ❑ Plot Plan, floor plans and elevation plans (as determined by Community Development Department staff). Five (5) sets of plans on -8'/z" x 11" sheet or folded down to 8'/�" x 1 I". ❑ Filing fee for Minor Use Permit. If filing multiple applications, the most expensive application will be charged full fee, with remaining related applications discounted 50% for each. This discount does not apply to Environmental Information form. NAME OF APPLICANT La Quinta Dunes 350, Inc. (Please Print) SIGNATURE OF APPLICAN DATE NAME OF PROPERTY O R La qui a Dunes 350, Inc. (Pleas Print) SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER(S) IF NOT SAME AS APPLICANT: DATE (Signature provides consent for applicant to use site for proposed activity). DATE (Separate written authority by owner to submit application may be provided) NOTE: FALSE OR MISLEADING INFORMATION GIVEN IN THIS APPLICATION SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR DENYING APPLICATION. A18\Minor Use Permit � FILE COPY P.O. Box 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO (760) 777-7000 Shy^�^g Brighter Than Ever LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 FAX (760) 777-7101 October 11, 2002 La Quinta Dunes 350, Inc. 5005 Calle San Raphael, Suite B-1 Palm Springs, CA 92264 RE: Minor Use Permit 2002-364 (Construction fencing at The Esplanade) - TT 29323 Gentlemen: The Community Development Department has reviewed your application for the above referenced Use Permit. Your request for temporary construction security fencing is approved, provided the following conditions are met: General Conditions 1 . The applicant/developer agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City of La Quinta from any legal claim or litigation arising out of the City's approval of this project. The City of La Quinta shall have the right to select its defense counsel at its sole discretion. 2. Approval of this Minor Use Permit does not preempt or preclude compliance with any conditions of approval for Tentative Tract 29323. No fencing may be installed unless those conditions applicable to its installation have been complied with. This approval is for temporary perimeter fencing only; no signs, site trailers, or other structures, beyond any which may have been approved prior to this application, are permitted under this approval. Site Fencing: 3. Height of the security fencing shall not exceed 6 feet in height, from relative grade, with no razor wire or similar material to be permitted. At a minimum, the lower 4 vertical feet of the fence shall be fitted with a heavy mesh material to reduce visibility into the site and to minimize blowing sand from on-site soil. The City may impose additional conditions to this application to mitigate any problems that arise not previniisly addressed herein. This decision may he appealed tc the Plannine Commission provided the necessary paperwork and filing fee of $175.00 are filed with this office within 15 days of the date of approval. C:\Wrkgrp\Letters\MUP\mup02364fence.wpd �( �/ If you have any questions on this matter, please contact me at 760-777-7069. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Wallace H. Nesbit Associate Planner c: Code Compliance Counter Technician, Building/Safety File: TT 29323 C:\Wrkgrp\Letters\MUP\mup02364fence. wpd • • i A A G Archaeological Advisory Group _ P.O. Boz 491 Pioneertown, CA 92268-0491 Tel: (760) 228-1142 Fax: (760) 3694002 E-mail: archadvgrp@aol.com May 30, 2002 Cornerstone Developers, Inc. Attn: Joseph A. Swain 5005 Calle San Raphael, Suite B-1 Palm Springs, CA 92264 Interim Report on Archaeological Excavation of Site CA-RIV-6349, Tentative Tract 29323, Northwest Corner of Fred Waring Drive and Jefferson Street, City of La Quinta Dear Mr. Swain: Here are the preliminary results of our investigation. Please provide three copies of this letter report to Stan Sawa at the City of La Quinta so this information can go before the Historic Preservation Commission at their next meeting and your project can be cleared. Introduction Archaeological Advisory Group (AAG) was hired by Cornerstone Developers, Inc. to conduct an excavation of an archaeological site, CA-RIV-6349, which comprised a bone scatter located on Tentative Tract 29323, at the northwest corner of Fred Waring Drive and Jefferson Street (Figure 1). This research was recommended by Archaeological Associates in their Phase I report on the property (White and White 1999). The Whites hypothesized that CA-RIV-6349 was a prehistoric cooking feature possibly associated with nearby sites CA-RIV-1303 or CA-RIV- 1638. While no further work was recommended for CA-RIV-1303 and CA-RIV-1638, the Whites recommended the 100% excavation of the bone scatter that comprised CA-RIV-6349, as well as shovel test pits (STPs) and a faunal analysis, in order to evaluate the nature and extent of the deposit. Fieldwork As per the Whites' recommendations, AAG conducted the complete excavation. of CA-RIV-6349 on April 19 and 20 of 2002. A total of 26 1 x 1 meter units, which we have more appropriately referred to as "quadrats," were excavated. The extent of the scatter with the quadrats indicated is shown in Figure 2. A view of the excavated area is shown in Figure 3. The units indicated that the deposit was a deflated surface scatter with no depth. After the first 6 quadrats were dug to 10 centimeters, the rest were dug to 5 centimeters. A series of nine 50 cubic centimeter STPs was dug after the excavation of the quadrats in order to ensure that the site did not contain any buried or outlying components. This was completely negative. Findings The excavation program recovered a large amount of very fragmentary faunal material (i.e. bone) from the excavated quadrats. This numbers in the thousands of pieces however the weight is only 897.3 grams (just under 2 lbs.). Some pieces of bone are burned however no recoverable charcoal was found (minor flecks only). The faunal material has been sent to Dr. Thomas Wake at the Zooarchaeology Laboratory at UCLA Due to the heavy workload at the lab the faunal report is not expected to be completed for about 3 months, consequently this interim report has been written. Two possible quartz flakes were recovered from the excavation—these comprise the only possible prehistoric artifacts from the deposit. A number of historic or modern artifacts came from the deposit. These consist of 4 spent (used) bullets, 1 .22 bullet shell, 1 shot shell, 34 fragments of colorless glass, 6 fragments of amber glass, 2 small pieces of concrete, and a paper staple. The colorless glass mostly represents small vials (minimum count = 3). At this point the artifactual evidence seems to argue for the bone representing a 20'b century deposit, rather than precontact (prehistoric). Recommendations Because site CA -RN -6349 has been fully recovered and no further Phase II archaeological work has been required, the applicant should be permitted at this point to proceed with grading. Because of the high sensitivity of the area all grading should be subject to archaeological monitoring. The full technical report on the investigation of CA-RIV-6349 will be forthcoming in approximately three months. Cornerstone Developers, Inc. has already contracted with AAG to provide for the complete analysis of the site material. Whatever the results of the faunal analysis at UCLA, impacts to the site will have been totally mitigated. 2 • Please feel free to contact me should you have any questions. Regards, Jim Brock Director Reference Cited: • White, Robert S., and Laurie S. White 1999 An Archaeological Assessment of Tentative Tract 29323, a 117±Acre Parcel Located Immediately Northwest of the Intersection of Jefferson Street and Fred Waring Drive, La Quinta, Riverside County. Ms. on file, City of La Quinta. 3 Figure 1. Location of Tentative Tract 29323 and site CA-RIV-6349 plotted on a portion of the USGS 7.5' La Quinta (1959, photorevised 1980) topographic quadrangle. 4 • CA-RIV-6349 Plan of Excavated Quadrats NlS E12 NME13 N16/E14 N1W16 i NUX12 N14IE13 N14/E14 N141E15 N14/E16 1 � N13IE12 N13IE13 N13104 N131E15 N13/E16 1 � l � i N12102 MVE13 N12104 N12YE15 N12IE16 1 � 1 � t N11IE12 N11/E13 N11/E14 N11/E15 Extent of Bone Dep I Oe N10YE13 N10104 N10/E15 DSit Datum 0 CeMmeters 100 TN Figure 2. Extent of bone scatter (i.e. CA-RIV-6349) with excavated quadrats shown. E „ma.yy. t ,. ""�” * �,.� , � '� ynrr'' 4►qr•� ` ''f i v� ' P�. -. �,• may, J �f/rrr `i`, 1. " `S .� f•J � Para _ : 1 f 9#�„w'v . _� �:lC 4` h Ilk Ak tb�i:[ it Jcr_ yR'}.. n'-: JrYE�4!1�a'! `q ✓--•„. e _ . _ .0 ri