MUP 2003-431w of La Quinta nunity Development Department 15 Calle Tampico iinta, California 92253 777-7125 FAX: (760) 777-1233 OFFICE USE ONLY Case No. mw e 03-43 Date R cvd. - l & -03 Feer 15 Related Apps.: Logged in by: TION FOR MINOR USE PERMIT APPROVAL MINOR USE PERMIT applications are reviewed and approved by the Community Development Director pursuant to Section 9.210.020, of the Zoning Code. The purpose of the review is to ensure that land uses requiring the permit do not have an adverse impact on surrounding properties, residents, or businesses. + + + + + + + + + + + e_4 I f / Wim' r APPLICANT I b SdAf (Print) L4 LL TGc 33;3-1'73S_ MAILING ADDRESS 'erg- 9D /4llL Zvi D /a �A1 SEZ n I D Phone No. 760760'7 7 7 - 7 6,97 CITY, STATE, ZIP: ,C A c/i�V r74— Fax No.76y -7-7-1-7668 PROPERTY OWNER (If different): (Print) MAILING ADDRESS: A,,,&4 4 CITY, STATE, ZIP: Phone No. Fax No. PROJECT LOCATION: B ^ %D /- VGA_ ),ei,A- AA.) S' C L" -y O L PROPOSED USE AND/OR CONSTRUCTION (Including operational information): —(attach sheets if needed) LEGAL DESCRIPTION (LOT & TRACT OR A.P.N.): SS - 300 - Old g A18\Minor Use Permit 0 p Plot Plan, floor plans and elevation plans (as determined by Community Development Department staff). Five (5) sets of plans on 8'/2" x 11" sheet or folded down to 8'/z" x 1 I". O Filing fee for Minor Use Permit. If filing multiple applications, the most expensive application will be charged full fee, with remaining related applications discounted 50% for each. This discount does not apply to Environmental Information form. NAME OF APPLICANT '6A v t t) le-, LA kSc&) (Please Print) SIGNATURE OF APPLICAN j DATE NAME OF PROPERTY OWNER 6 - (Please (Please Print) SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER(S) IF NOT SAME AS APPLICANT: DATE (Signature provides consent for applicant to use site for proposed activity). DATE (Separate written authority by owner to submit application may be provided) NOTE: FALSE OR MISLEADING INFORMATION GIVEN IN THIS APPLICATION SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR DENYING APPLICATION. AIMinor Use Permit P.O. Box 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 . September 23, 2003 Mr. David K. Larson 48-900 Avenida Anselmo La Quinta, California 92253 SUBJECT: MINOR USE PERMIT 2003-431 (USE COVENANT) Dear Mr. Larson: (760) 777-7000 FAX (760) 777-7101 The Community Development Department has reviewed your request to construct a detached casitas building of 421 square feet at 48-900 Avenida Anselmo, pursuant to Sections 9.60.100 (Guesthouses) and 9.210.020 (Minor Use Permits) of the Zoning Code. This Department has approved the accessory unit request because it is architecturally compatible with the main residence, subject to execution and recordation of the attached Covenant. Once recorded, please send a copy of the material to our office and the Building and Safety Department. Enclosed is a letter addressed to the County Recorder stating that Covenant can be recorded. Findings in support of the request are: No impact to the City's General Plan will occur as the Land Use Element designates the site for residential purposes under the Low Density Residential category. The existing 12,196 square foot lot (Lot #81 of the La Quinta Golf Estates #1) is a legal lot of record which can support the detached facilities, provided development standards as set forth in the City's Zoning Code can be met. 2. The lot, measuring approximately 101 + feet wide by 110 feet long, currently is developed with a single family house and attached garage parking. The proposed casitas has been designed in compliance with the requirements of Section 9.60.100 of the City's Zoning Code which permits detached bedrooms, subject to final approval by the La Quinta Golf Estates Homeowner's Association. Enclosed is a copy of our Zoning Code provisions. As planned, the guest unit is compatible with the design of the main unit and the surrounding neighborhood in terms of landscaping, scale, height, bulk, lot coverage and exterior appearance, and will be constructed to meet current Uniform Building MUP431Guest Unit.wpd/g/greg MmAl Code requirements. A building permit must be issued to constructed the planned improvements. 2. The project is exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under Section 15301(e) which allows additions to existing structures. 3. Infrastructure improvements exist to service the project, subject to the rules and regulations of the affected public utility companies being complied with during any on-site construction activities. No adverse impacts should occur based on approval of this permit. Should you have any questions, please contact me at (760) 777-7067, or via e-mail at gtrousde@la-quinta.org. Sincerely, RN H DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR DELL c GT. Enclosures c: Community Development Director Ed Randall, B&S Counter Technician MUP43lGuest Unit.wpd E Tjt,v, at -cp 4" P.O. Box 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 September 23, 2003 County Recorder County of Riverside P.O. Box 751 Riverside, California 92502-0751 SUBJECT: RECORDING OF MUP 2003-431 Dear Colleague: (-760) 777-7000 FAX (760) 777-7101 The City of La Quinta has approved the above noted Minor Use Permit. Please allow its recording as presented by the applicant. Should you have any questions, please call me at (760) 777-7067. Very,u,oly you J AN, CO Y DiVELOPMENT DIRECTOR lT,',IIUSaELL Pla er GT. LtN4UP431 County.wpd-g • RECORDING REQUESTED BY: City of La Quinta Community Development Department La Quinta, CA 92253 WHEN RECORDED PLEASE MAIL TO: City of La Quinta Community Development Department c/o Greg Trousdell P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 11 COVENANT AND AGREEMENT RESTRICTING THE USE OF THE PROPOSED GUEST HOUSE AT 48-900 AVENIDA ANSELMO, LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA This covenant and agreement is made and executed on this the 23rd day of September, 2003, by David K. Larson and Donna M. Larson for property described herein. The City of La Quinta, a Municipal Corporation, is hereby made a party to this agreement for the purposes set forth below. The undersigned hereby certifies that they are the property owners of the following described real property in the City of La Quinta, County of Riverside, State of California: Lot #81 of the La Quinta Golf Estates #1 (APN: 658-300-008) in the City of La Quinta, County of Riverside. In consideration of the City of La Quinta issuing a building permit for certain improvements which will be constructed on said property, the undersigned does hereby covenant and agree to and with said City to restrict the use of said property as follows: 1. The detached guest house may not be rented nor sold independent of the main single family residence (Minor Use Permit No. 2003-431); 2. No kitchen or cooking facilities shall be constructed in the guest house per the provisions of Chapters 9.30.030 (RL Zone District) and 9.60.100 (Guest Houses) of the La Quinta Municipal Code; and, 3. All on-site facilities are intended for the sole occupancy of the property owner, nonpaying guests, and domestic employees. This covenant and agreement shall run with the land and shall be binding upon future owners, their successors, heirs, or assigns, and ourselves, and shall continue in effect while said accessory building remains on the real property or unless otherwise released by the authority of the City of La Quinta. All leases of said dwelling and/or property shall be subject to this restriction. This agreement shall be entitled to the remedy of injunctive relief in addition of any remedy in law or equity. This covenant and agreement and the provisions hereof are irrevocable and nonmodifiable except by the written consent of all parties to the agreement, including the City of La Quinta, a municipal corporation. The City shall have the right to enforce each and every provision hereof and the parties agree that the agreement shall not be rescinded, revoked, modified, or otherwise amended or changed, without the expressed written consent of the City first being obtained. In the event that the owners, their heirs, assigns or successors in interest, shall fail to perform any obligation hereunder, they hereby agree to pay all costs and expenses incurred by the City of La Quinta in securing performance of such obligation, including attorney's fees. Dated: David K. Larson Donna M. Larson Notary By: -- Osc Orci, Planning Manager City of La Quinta CO V EN42GSohn. W PD/p/greg State of California County of Riverside On 9 /PIS abo3 before me, Phyllis Manley, Notary Public, personally appeared Oscar Orci, personally known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument the person or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. (Seal) PIi(Lus MANLEY Commission A 1378909 Notary Public - coliforriia Mr, Riverside County Cornn.E)V1re50ct 16.2006 ,�UrwMERCiAL DIVISION ACCOMMODATION NO: 11-5 RECORDING REQUESTED BY: Lance C. Gibson 54-085 Avenida Herrera La Quinta, CA 92253 MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO: Lance. C. Gibson 54-085 Avenida Herrera La Quinta, CA 92253 TRA N0: 020-015 APN:774-213-017 —0 & 018-1 COPY of. DocAent Recorded NOV 14 2003 a�3 -tea/ on as No,. has not been compared with original. A � County Recorder RIVERSME COUNTY, CALIFORNIA M $ I U PAGE SIZE I DA POOR NOCOR SMF MISC. A R L COPY LONG REFUND NCNG I EXAM GRANT DEED GZMU It & G ARE �S®1F THE SAME THE UNDERSIGNED GRANTORIS) DECLARES PAS$ LSD ATE TD IUD ME SAME DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX IS $ --0- R&T 1-1923(d) PRnwmTrrve TIViF= TAT 7W PRnPFUTY i ❑ Computed on full value of property conveyed, or ❑ Computed on full value less value of liens or encumbrances remaining at time of sale. K City of La Quinta, Riverside County. FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, 17 Lance C. Gibson, a married man as his sole and separate property E C E u \4 I 1 hereby GRANT(S) to CITY OF LAOUINTA COMMUNITY DEV[LOPM[NT Lance C. Gibson, a married man as his sole and separate property QEPARTMENT the following described real property in the city of La Quinta, County of Riverside, State of California: Lots 6 and 7 of Block 283 of MB 020/050 of Santa Carmelita at Vale La Quinta #26, as per Maps on file with the County of Riverside. This deed reflects Parcel Merger No. 2003-431 as approved by the City of La Quinta- Dated: // 2003J`' v Lance C. Gibson STATE OF CA FORNIA COUNTY OF 51 On this 12 _day of 2003, before me, (= I Ili) the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State,. personally appeared La ntiz s G 1 65;6r Ili ❑ personally know to me X proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person whose name is subscribed to this instrument, and acknowledged to me that h Z executed it. L4 Signatur Notary P lic In�AnFaid State This document was filer' f^r i,ecording by STEWART TITLE OF I_AL&ORNIA, INC. INLAND EMPIRE DIVGION as an accommodation Only. It has not been exanuneo as to its P-xecuuon or as to its effect upon the tale or its recordability TERRY HERRM commission # 1370380 Z Notary Public - Callfomia Riverside County wn. Expires Aug 1 (This area for Official Seal) 7� APP VED B THE CITY OF LA QUINTA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Op f� NOVEMBER 5, 2003. a.1.,or = MET R O• C A N PROPERTY FOO F I L E_ Riverside (CA) **************************************************************************************** * * * <<< OWNERSHIP INFORMATION >>> * * * Parcel Number :658 300 008 S: T: R: Q: * Ref Parcel # :000 000 000 Pos Interest: * Owner Name :Larson David K/Donna M * CoOwner * Site Address :48900 Avenida Anselmo La Quinta 92253 * Mail Address :48900 Avenida Anselmo La Quinta Ca 92253 * Telephone :Owner: Tenant: * * * <<< SALES AND LOAN INFORMATION >>> * * Transferred :07/01/2003 Loan Amount * Document # :487934 Lender * Sale Price Loan Type * Deed Type :Grant Deed Interest Rate * % Owned :100 Vesting Type :Married Persons * * * * <<< ASSESSMENT AND TAX INFORMATION >>> * * Land :$55,000 Exempt Type * Structure :$180,000 Exempt Amount * Other Tax Rate Area :20-003 * Total :$235,000 Taxes :$2,805.76 * $ Improved :77 * * <<< PROPERTY DESCRIPTION >>> * * * Map Grid :849 F5 * Census :Tract:451.11 Block:l * Land Use :RO1 Res,Single Family Residences * Legal :LOT 81 MB 037/096 LA QUINTA GOLF * :ESTATES 1 * * * Sub/Plat :La Quinta Golf Estates 1 * Book :37 Page:96 * * * <<< PROPERTY CHARACTERISTICS >>> * * * Bedrooms :3 Stories :1 YearBuilt:1976 AgPreserve * BathFull :2 Units :1 MiscImprv:No * Bath3Qtr Bldg SgFt:2,102 Street :Paved ADDITIONAL * BathHalf Gar SgFt :676 Waterfrnt: * Fireplce :Yes Gar Type :Attached Elect Svc:Developed RmAddtns :Yes * Cntrl Ht :Yes Lot Acres:.28 Gas Svc :Developed RmAddSF * Cntr1A/C :Yes Lot SgFt :12,196 WaterSrce:Developed AddGarType *--------------------------• MetroScan / Riverside (CA) • :----------------* Owner :Larson David K/Donna M Parcel :658 300 008 Site :48900 Avenida Anselmo La Quinta 92253 Xfered :07/01/2003 Mail :48900 Avenida Anselmo La Quinta Ca 92253 Price Use :RO1 Res,Single Family Residences Phone Bedrm:3 Bath:2.00 TotRm: YB:1976 Pool:Yes B1dgSF:2,102 Ac:.28 Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of infornmtion contained in this report. & 7t, kit 8610 QE� /3 � � o 9/ I W ao ��tz 75 a Q v 3. 8/ �••Co•.ts•,y ° 8 o% �o 87 w � S Y o � „o 76 is SqQ ! 4 Z 89 q -te j W — `— yAss':�o `yd 88 4` s 77 r .��'P-zp/ /mss • 79 ` �r 36 c / @ 78 `F ` /6 �14. Off. r ��� JUNE96 L 0 C:3ADDITIO FUTUR � 1. J . •. �' CASITA 91, �z M I .� �C 3 A El (D. 0 0 o I, a PHASE I I . M11 77 @ O `'- , ' PROPOSED ADDITION AURVArS MAP 8X.f.18 Pe," RIPPSIVE CVVNrr, d4UT INDEX T-01' DRAWINGS. )F SED ADDITION ■ SITE PLAN _j Z F'LO,rNk PLAN 3n. EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS 4a EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS �■ BUIL I CTIONS , ROOF PLAN 7n ELECTRICAL PLAN 83 MECHANICAL -PLAN 9a PLUMBING PLAN. 102 S-PECIFICATIONS 11m SPECIFICATIONS 1 TITLE 24 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - --------- ................... . C-45 4:_::. ..... (; RA A; EFOJ�C� DATA,.' LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT # 109 TRACT# 28 867 M.B. 276/69 - 78 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER: 770 - 370 - 004 ZONING: R07 0 LOT AREA IN ACRES: 0.28 ZW CC LOT AREA IN SQ.FT.: 12,300 SQ.FT, 0 W PROPERTYIOWNER: MR. & MRS'. DAVID LARSON - < FROPERTY:APDRESS: 48 900 AVENIDA ANSELMO, LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92263 Cj PROJECT ARCHITECT: ANDRZEJ W. WEBER AIA LU CC W STRUCTURAL ENGINEER: SDS, Structural Design Solutions N 0 W ENERGY CONSERVATION: JOAN D. HACKER :ITW AP%AMM co GENERAL CONTRACTOR: DKL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY* INC. OZ. 0 OCCUPANCY GROUP: R - 3 1 U I Z ,�, a NUMBER' OF STORIES: 1 Q CL f\o, TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V -N APPLICABLE CODES: CBC '2001 pew cll,�ecf6_ C CPC 2001 CEC 200 200 00 BUILDING SETBACKS: FRONT: 2.0 FEET SIDES: .6 FEET REAR: 10 FEET 0 EXISTING -MAIN HOUSE: ENCLOSED LIVING AREA: 2.9070 SQ.FT. W GARAGE: 668 SQ.FT. V. z MECHANICAL ROOMS: 8 SQ.FT. Uj 2,746 SQ.FT. MAIN HOUSE FOOTPRINT: CONSTRUCTION HOURS, 0 UL. October 1st - April 30 ULI PROPOSED", MAIN HOUSE ADDITION -PHASE 1: Monday - Friday: 7:00 am. to 5.30 p.m. ENCLOSED LIVIN6AREA: Saturday; 8:00 aim to 5:00 p.m. Sunday: None ENTRY: 34 SQ.FT. Government Co&HoBdqs.- ' None May 1st - September 30th z DINING ROOM: 191 SQ.FT. X londay - Friday- 6:00 am. to 7:00 pa - Saturday; 8:00 ax& to 5.00 P. -M. MAIN HOUSE AFTER PHASEA ADDITION: • Sunday; None 2�296 SQ.FT. Government Code Holloys: None .0 ENCLOSED LIVING AREA: 0 GARAGE: 668 SQ.FT. 'ICY 'R 0 "AN ADEOUATELY SIZED DEBRIS. CONTAINE MECHANICAL ROOMS: 8 SQ.FT. IS REQUIRED ON THE JOB SITE DURING ALL h No "INS IN PHASES OF CONSTRUCTION AND MUST BE MAIN! HOUSi*WYPRINT: 2,971 SQ.FT. EMPTIED AS NECESSARY FA.111K_ TO DO SO AY CAUSETHECITYTO HAVE THE CONTAINER NAMPED AT THE EXPENSE 0 PROPOSED MAIN HOUSE FUTUfftEADDITION: I F THE OWNER/ 0 < --�NTRACTOR." ENCLOSED LIVING AREA: MASTER BEDROOM: A RE-INSPECTIONI FFE OF $30 NNJ0 j DINING ROOM: 191 XT. 4k1ILBE L CHARGED I , F A I im I— ON D D ' I PLANS AN jO B CAI - i U � ZF, Uj LIVING ROOM: 118 SQ. 7. - THE SITE FOR U L E 0 NIF 11110T, I N SP E(I'dT 10 N. W 0 'Z MECHANICAL KUU WE 27 0%4817 a io MAIN HOUSE AFTER FUTURE ADDITION : ENCLOSED LIVING, AREA: 3,010 SQ.FT. CITY OF LA QUINTA GARAGE: 668 SQ.FT. 1" BUILDING SAFETY DEPT. Z APPROVED - MECHANICAL ROOMS: 35 SQ.FT. FO Z NNN 06 W N. DATE 7 3,713 SQ.FT. > M MAIN HOUSE FOOTPRINT: Or i FUTUREcAsiTA: o J tf a. ENCLOSED LIVING AREA: 394 bwor I ilk A MECHANICAL ROOMS: 27 SQ.FT. Ra� foc ! LZ M 0 oz SGNA STRUCTURAL GENERAL NOTES S -i ■ NEW & XI TI ........... ............... --------- C CASI`TA FOOTPRINT:' 421 SQ.FT. TOTAL- FUTURE FOOTPRINT: 4,134 SQ.FT. h TOTAL ENO, LOBED LIVING AREA: 3,404 SQ.FT. N, _3 MAXIMUM ROOF HEIGHT: MOO FEET ABOVE PAD ELE ATION 'OVERED PATIO: 2,306 SQ.FT. Mi FOUNDATION 1UN MAN. S=2—.O ROOF FRAMING PLAN STRUCTURAL DETAILS SD=2 STRUCTURAL DETAILS. SDm3, STRUCTURAL DETAILS j 777— -7/5-3 b V -5V / t �� 87 7 L 0 C:3ADDITIO FUTUR � 1. J . •. �' CASITA 91, �z M I .� �C 3 A El (D. 0 0 o I, a PHASE I I . M11 77 @ O `'- , ' PROPOSED ADDITION AURVArS MAP 8X.f.18 Pe," RIPPSIVE CVVNrr, d4UT INDEX T-01' DRAWINGS. )F SED ADDITION ■ SITE PLAN _j Z F'LO,rNk PLAN 3n. EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS 4a EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS �■ BUIL I CTIONS , ROOF PLAN 7n ELECTRICAL PLAN 83 MECHANICAL -PLAN 9a PLUMBING PLAN. 102 S-PECIFICATIONS 11m SPECIFICATIONS 1 TITLE 24 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - --------- ................... . C-45 4:_::. ..... (; RA A; EFOJ�C� DATA,.' LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT # 109 TRACT# 28 867 M.B. 276/69 - 78 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER: 770 - 370 - 004 ZONING: R07 0 LOT AREA IN ACRES: 0.28 ZW CC LOT AREA IN SQ.FT.: 12,300 SQ.FT, 0 W PROPERTYIOWNER: MR. & MRS'. DAVID LARSON - < FROPERTY:APDRESS: 48 900 AVENIDA ANSELMO, LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92263 Cj PROJECT ARCHITECT: ANDRZEJ W. WEBER AIA LU CC W STRUCTURAL ENGINEER: SDS, Structural Design Solutions N 0 W ENERGY CONSERVATION: JOAN D. HACKER :ITW AP%AMM co GENERAL CONTRACTOR: DKL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY* INC. OZ. 0 OCCUPANCY GROUP: R - 3 1 U I Z ,�, a NUMBER' OF STORIES: 1 Q CL f\o, TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V -N APPLICABLE CODES: CBC '2001 pew cll,�ecf6_ C CPC 2001 CEC 200 200 00 BUILDING SETBACKS: FRONT: 2.0 FEET SIDES: .6 FEET REAR: 10 FEET 0 EXISTING -MAIN HOUSE: ENCLOSED LIVING AREA: 2.9070 SQ.FT. W GARAGE: 668 SQ.FT. V. z MECHANICAL ROOMS: 8 SQ.FT. Uj 2,746 SQ.FT. MAIN HOUSE FOOTPRINT: CONSTRUCTION HOURS, 0 UL. October 1st - April 30 ULI PROPOSED", MAIN HOUSE ADDITION -PHASE 1: Monday - Friday: 7:00 am. to 5.30 p.m. ENCLOSED LIVIN6AREA: Saturday; 8:00 aim to 5:00 p.m. Sunday: None ENTRY: 34 SQ.FT. Government Co&HoBdqs.- ' None May 1st - September 30th z DINING ROOM: 191 SQ.FT. X londay - Friday- 6:00 am. to 7:00 pa - Saturday; 8:00 ax& to 5.00 P. -M. MAIN HOUSE AFTER PHASEA ADDITION: • Sunday; None 2�296 SQ.FT. Government Code Holloys: None .0 ENCLOSED LIVING AREA: 0 GARAGE: 668 SQ.FT. 'ICY 'R 0 "AN ADEOUATELY SIZED DEBRIS. CONTAINE MECHANICAL ROOMS: 8 SQ.FT. IS REQUIRED ON THE JOB SITE DURING ALL h No "INS IN PHASES OF CONSTRUCTION AND MUST BE MAIN! HOUSi*WYPRINT: 2,971 SQ.FT. EMPTIED AS NECESSARY FA.111K_ TO DO SO AY CAUSETHECITYTO HAVE THE CONTAINER NAMPED AT THE EXPENSE 0 PROPOSED MAIN HOUSE FUTUfftEADDITION: I F THE OWNER/ 0 < --�NTRACTOR." ENCLOSED LIVING AREA: MASTER BEDROOM: A RE-INSPECTIONI FFE OF $30 NNJ0 j DINING ROOM: 191 XT. 4k1ILBE L CHARGED I , F A I im I— ON D D ' I PLANS AN jO B CAI - i U � ZF, Uj LIVING ROOM: 118 SQ. 7. - THE SITE FOR U L E 0 NIF 11110T, I N SP E(I'dT 10 N. W 0 'Z MECHANICAL KUU WE 27 0%4817 a io MAIN HOUSE AFTER FUTURE ADDITION : ENCLOSED LIVING, AREA: 3,010 SQ.FT. CITY OF LA QUINTA GARAGE: 668 SQ.FT. 1" BUILDING SAFETY DEPT. Z APPROVED - MECHANICAL ROOMS: 35 SQ.FT. FO Z NNN 06 W N. DATE 7 3,713 SQ.FT. > M MAIN HOUSE FOOTPRINT: Or i FUTUREcAsiTA: o J tf a. ENCLOSED LIVING AREA: 394 bwor I ilk A MECHANICAL ROOMS: 27 SQ.FT. Ra� foc ! LZ M 0 oz SGNA STRUCTURAL GENERAL NOTES S -i ■ NEW & XI TI ........... ............... --------- C CASI`TA FOOTPRINT:' 421 SQ.FT. TOTAL- FUTURE FOOTPRINT: 4,134 SQ.FT. h TOTAL ENO, LOBED LIVING AREA: 3,404 SQ.FT. N, _3 MAXIMUM ROOF HEIGHT: MOO FEET ABOVE PAD ELE ATION 'OVERED PATIO: 2,306 SQ.FT. Mi FOUNDATION 1UN MAN. S=2—.O ROOF FRAMING PLAN STRUCTURAL DETAILS SD=2 STRUCTURAL DETAILS. SDm3, STRUCTURAL DETAILS j 777— -7/5-3 b