MUP 2005-606. D e FEB 012005 CITY OF LA QUINTA 7ntDep City Of LQ QuintaCommunity Develo,,��wtom. N os - 78-495 Calle Tamp160-- La Quinta, California 92253 � °r ttbi11r1 JIAr.: (760) 777-7125 FAX: (760) 777-1233 ----- APPLICATION FOR MINOR USE PERMT MINOR USE PERMIT applications art reviewed gad approved by t}o pursuant to Section 9.210.020, of the Zoning Code. The purpooe oft}ta roviwv it the permit do not have an adverse impact on surrounding properties. reawook ".j M APPLICANT (Print) -776, Iv1Au uvc ADDRESS1wilkPbom Mm.'R"�iu��, CITY, STATt, ZIP: LM Itax N4.., ' 776— 9F PROPERTY OWNER (If different): JA#J -7-AAL (print) MAILING ADDRESS: 1ism% CITY, STATE, ZIP: tAW1 W rA pox PROJECT LOCATIO�....,7�all PROPOSED USE AND/OR CONSTRUCTION (Including operational ice` LEGAL DESCRIPTION (LOT & TRACT OR Ay AISNieor Use Permit ZO 39vd NOSNdH 'M IISIA 86009LL09L VE:60 6002/LZ/i0 SUBMIS.RlQN REQUIREMENTS- O Plot Plan, floor plans and elevation plans •(As determined by sikPwAw D*6NMw @bM Five (S) sets of plans on,8%" x• 11".ahcgt or folded d0jwn m IW.x llp ; O Filing fee.for Minor Use Permit, if filing multiple applicatioma, the wortsypiip�i� be charged full fee, with rcm$iuing related applications diw"uted Yo Sar axe ddo i to 10 apply to Environmental lriformatioa form: ♦ + ♦ d► ♦ -♦ NAME OF APPLICANT (Please Print) VrT SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT' NAME OF PROPERTY O SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER(S) IF NOT SAME AS APPLICANT. DATA 07 . (Signature provides consent fo p1' (Separate written author owner to ,errb gPPEcWta� mw bt pwW" NOTE: FALSE OR LEADING INFORMATION OMM IN 1W AIVLWAIM j, 8g GROUNDS -FOR DENYING APPLICATION.. Al Minor Uso Pe mit £0 39Vd NOSNVH 'M IlSIA 86009LL09L h£:60 S00Z/LZ/t0 Ti4 " P.O. Box 1504 78-495 CALLe TAN1PICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 February 7, 2005 FILE w�Y Kristi Hanson Architects Inc. 72-185 Painters Path Palm Desert, CA 92211 SUBJECT: Approval for Minor Use Permit 2005-606 Dear Applicant: (760) 777-7000 FAX (760) 777-7101 Your request for Minor Use Permit 2005-606 to allow the construction for a new custom guest casita at 78-215 Master's Circle for Mr. and Mrs. John and Jan Zar is hereby approved. Enclosed is the approved original Deed Restriction for this Minor Use Permit. It must be signed by Mr. and Mrs. John and Jan Zar in front of a Notary Public. The original approved documents are then to be recorded with the County Recorder with a recorded copy given to us for our files. Until the recorded copy is received, your Minor Use Permit is not complete. After we review our copy, we will provide our clearance to the Building Department to issue the building permit. Should you have any questions, please call me at (760) 777-7070. Very truly yours, TIM NGUYE Assistant Planner Attachment c: Building and Safety Department p:\mup LA 2005-606.doc ' . t I C, RECORDING REQUESTED BY: Kristi Hanson 72-185 Painters Path Palm Desert, CA 92111 WHEN RECORDED PLEASE MAIL TO: Kristi Hanson 72-185 Painters Path Palm Desert, CA 92111 .• S DOC a 2®®P5-0176697 PAGE 03/07/2005 08:00A Fee:NC DA n Page 1 of B NOCOR Recorded in official Records MISC. County of Riverside I Larry W. Ward Assessor, County Clerk a R3corder 11118111111 II I� IIIIII IIII IIIIIII VIII'III VIII IIII III I a M S U PAGE SIZE DA PCOR NOCOR SMF MISC. I A R L COPY LONG REFUND NCHG EXAM <J COVENANT AND AGREEMENT RESTRICTING THE USE OF THE RESIDENCE AT TP 78-215 MASTER'S CIRCJ.E, LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA AA This Covenant and Agreement are made and executed this 7'h day of February, 2005 by John and Jan Zar, as the recorded owner(s) of the property described herein. The City of La Quinta, a Municipal Corporation, is hereby made a party to this Agreement for the purposes set forth below. The undersigned hereby certifies that he/she is the property owner of the following described real property in the City of La Quinta, County of Riverside, State of California: LOT 83, BK. 770 PG. 36, TR 28867, in the City of La Quinta, County of Riverside, State of California In consideration of the City of La Quinta issuing a building permit for certain improvements which will be constructed on said property, the undersigned does hereby covenant and agree to, and with said City, to restrict the use of said property as follows: 1. The guest house may not be rented nor sold independent of the main single- family residence (Minor Use Permit No. 2005-606); 2. No kitchen or cooking facilities shall be constructed in the guest house per the provisions of Chapter 9.30.030 (RL Zone District) and 9.60.110 (Guest Houses) of the La Quinta Municipal Code; 3. All on-site facilities are intended for the sole occupancy of the property owner(s), guests, and caretakers (i.e., a maid and/or housekeeper, etc.); and, 4. The guest house shall be used primarily as a sleeping facility, and shall be maintained in accordance with all zoning and other codes as set forth in the t c La Quinta Municipal Code, as may be amended from time to time. This Covenant and Agreement shall run: With :the land and shall be binding upon future owners, their successors, heirs, ;or. assigns, and ourselves, and shall continue in effect while said accessory building . remains on the real property or unless otherwise released by the authority of'Ahe City of La Quinta. All leases of said dwelling and/or property shall be subject to this restriction. This Agreement shall be entitled to the remedy of injunctive relief in addition of any remedy in law or equity. This Covenant and Agreement and the provisions hereof are irrevocable, except by the written consent of all parties to the agreement, including the City of La Quinta, a Municipal Corporation. The City shall have the right to enforce each and every provision hereof and the parties agree that the Agreement shall not be rescinded, revoked, modified, or otherwise amended or changed, without the expressed written consent of the City first being obtained. In the event that the owners,: their heirs, assigns or successors in interest, shall fail to perform any obligation hereunder, they hereby agree to pay all costs and expenses incurred by the City of La Quinta in securing performance of such obligation, including attorney's fees. By: 1. 2. 3, X Signature(s) Dated: Printed Name of all owner(s) Community Development Director City of La Quinta ALL PURPOSE NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGMENT(S) MUST BE ATTACHED IN 8 1/2 X 11 " FORMAT, FOR EACH SIGNATURE. - 2111:)1 zviri3 04. 11 i UU i i uYuJu 0 La Quints Municipal Code, as may be amended from time to time. This Covenant and Agreement shall run 'with.,'the land and shall be binding upon future owners, their successors, heirs, or, assigns, and ourselves, and shall continue in effect while said accessory building remains on the real property or unless otherwise released by the authority vf'the City of La Quints. All leases of said dwelling and/or property shall be subject. to this restriction. This Agreement shall be entitled to the remedy of injunctive relief in addition of any remedy in law or equity. This Covenant and Agreement and the provisions hereof are irrevocable, except by the written consent of all parties to the agreement, including the City of La Quints, a Municipal Corporation. The City shall have the right to enforce each and every provision hereof and the parties agree that the Agreement shall not be rescinded, revoked, modified, or otherwise amended or changed, without the expressed written consent of the City first being obtained. In the event that the owners, their heirs, assigns or successors in interest, shall fail to perform any obligation hereunder, they hereby agree to pay all costs and expenses incurred by the City of La Quints in securing performance of such obligation, including attorney's fees. D Signature(s) Dated: Printed Name of all owner(s) Community Development Director City of La Quinta ALL PURPOSE NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGMENT(S) MUST BE ATTACHED IN 8 1/2 X 11 " FORMAT, FOR EACH SIGNATURE. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss. CITY OF LA QUINTA ) On February 7, 2005 , before me, Regenia Hensley, Notary Public, personally appeared DOUGLAS R. EVANS personally known to me to be the person whosq name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument the person or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. (Seal) REGEMA HENSLEY Notary Public Commission # 1521423 Expiration: October 23, 2008 REGENIA HENMY Q, 1 # 15214M. . 11O.NotOYPOW 600"40 WeNde. County AAyComm,E9"oct23.2008 �wwWEA■ ■ ®faYO®ACC AP_KrunwLEnQMEHT VAR.1M err•-. —.. —__ --- ' k. i State of California ss. /� County of f" 04LSZA=� On I XUAj'+P -LS 2CO-5 before me, ate personally appeared MUM L CAM, Nolmy FUM - Cambwao fJot Aepelee Cou�1V . . I�yCpas�.lOc119. Name and Tide of Officer (e.g., -Jane Doa! Notary Publ10 Names) of Signer(s) impersonally known to me DIroved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person whose name is/a* subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/#Xy executed the same in his/h)r/their authorized capacity(i6AL and that by his/hV/tt*r signature(gon the instrument the personal), or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. agcy L- ����- Signature of Notary Public OPTIONAL Though the information below is not required bylaw, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent - fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document. Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: Document Date: Number of Pages: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer Signer's Name: alp ❑ Individual Top of thumb here ❑ Corporate Officer — Title(s): ❑ Partner — ❑ Limited El ❑ Attorney -in -Fact ❑ Trustee ❑ Guardian or Conservator ❑ Other: Signer Is Representing: 0 1999 National Notary Association • 9350 De Soto Ave., P.O. Boz 2402 • Chatsworth, CA 91313-2402 • www.nauonainotary.org I— -1 CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT 41 State of California — ss. County of On /CJJr - �%�� before me, SAO �C- Cate Name and Title of Officer (e.g.,'Jan Doe, Notary Publ personally appeared !Y:4� ARMs L CMft E*-- bflMll�offf Us �f► S _01101119224_.:� 19: Names) of Signers) )(Personally known to me ❑ proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person whose name(, is/ate subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me thaoe/she/toy executed the same in Xs/her/ttWir authorized capacity(Wss), and that by tWher/#Wr signature(9 on the instrument the person%q, or the<entity=upon behalf of which the persons) acted, -executed the instrument. WITNESS my Mand and,official seal. Signature of Notary Public. OPTIONAL Though the information below is not required by law,-lt,may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document. Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: Document Date: Number of Pages: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: Capacity(les) Claimed by Signer Signer's Name: ARM Hiii" ❑ Individual Top of thumb here ❑ Corporate Officer — Title(s): ❑ Partner — ❑ Limited ❑ General ❑ Attomey-in-Fact ❑ Trustee ❑ Guardian or Conservator ❑ Other: Signer Is Representing: 0 1999 National Notary Assoclation • 9350 De Soto Ave., P.O. Box 2402 • Chatswonh. CA 91313-2402 • www.nalionainotary.org Prod. No. 5907 Reorder. Cell Toll -Free 1.800-876-6827 • 0 This must be in red to be a "CERTIFIED COPY" Each document to which this certificate is attaches rrcorrectcertified h a foil, 4C, �F r,0 true and correct ccpy of of the aTisinat QF' L on file and of record in m' office s. AS -T' COUNTY RECORDER J County of Riverside, State of Cellfomla MM Q 2 2005 �AtrFo��'�� Dated Certification mist be in red to ba a "CERTIFIED COPY" JOBTH I /.rs. n` If Legend ko� T1PEntf �V CAPD 5/� bols Legend r{/P•-� BTgaE IXJIY ORAg� iia cDNoeTE 0.VW000 �V�/�/�/�e_ 9ATT N9u_ATIIX+ ® WOOD_ ® WDDD A MND eLDDKac -/—I—I- at'TAL LATff I Notes 1. a BMA eubm ertlPoat. of w 'e owrp.neelbn o tlry Iv v J • BUIIWg Pwmll pw Glttvmla labor CaW'v9evtlon I6W rc 2 NI <onatr�ctlan mall cwrply W In 1M 2OD1 CBC. CPC. CMC aM (FC all b Inaae aM wdn rcn wMMw w rmt pelilwlly Mwwn I ewlrg• entl••P.olflcatlen•. 3. AA -11 bo completed .n a wer4man Ike menro. 4. bee nl epedlloJicw Ivr m,lwaale are Nantlaraa. 5 All eub�onbaolvre atoll VaMlMrize <hemwNea Wln its plana ue ofd <Any dl dee A .n:n a e�,r�l.t I�n. aii.��ia IMen ,�:ieJ. eP 6 A vh ergea req.Aretl b M mea. to fMw p4na w apeolllm ^ugM1 c Ina altenlbn el 1M rt An ehan_ gw .DwlMaul IM wrlrisn oorwnl cl IM A1cWlee1 aMl no! M fro ..pe,.nlnry el B,. A.aNt.at. T. Orew4pa eM apwlPwtivna are papal- vl 1M MWtec! aM ere op 1y prod M M1w ora uaWe ,ufMriutlen la gluon b fM Qvrer B. A mntraclon .MY M.e . a.nanl wPd bdy al V Odnle b...lr.v.. nronw pler t< pnnM 4auenve pw L.CMC. IRB E B Cenlra<lar ane/w vwror doll prvNtle ♦ fraah do to Inwxe prow dwrrup vl all wldng matw4la. � A dXlba ta. chwdc,l ToI41e .MII b �vn tM vonvvrt uctlo~NN pb• tv regw•t for 1NJ Impactbn Meats. 6 9ebly Cvae, 9avtivn sale. n. sro,e mol bwdl Mmmwl.m ar d- e [ De <onnrea tP me bt Adjao v � Nnl p,vp,nl.. meywn e puirpoee�nleea ortolan - Ibn f its v r 'm Prl, anlaa TM pcbla r�nlal-w.y .na Da a mnntalrwa n , a4ar aonanipn ,< all nm«. 12TM lesuanve of bu g P.- d... npl sulMaa the In•lallaticn of mecMN . Me ling w rJagw.tlan -h requtre• eepe,a4 plumbLg�Nsatrlcal. Metlrg or rel,lgarafbn pwmll. 13 Al work I- Pempy wIth Ne Title 24. Part 2 AdrNnlatr•Bve Gad.. M iLrrdvap CwrpYarra. PcpYa<Ivm. Ana IM Eneegy Gne,rvatbn Rogialbn•. H (a.rurel Gntr,<fw• ere/vr cwrorbWaer, vnall mmp4U aM aupnll • v vudlel b bte Bu•Ineae S1ppvH Gntw prior b 1p y Iw Prwl Inlep.elbn pw Ls OUNh Ordbwrroc Ne. BO BSOLVTELY INF RMAT T6 WILL BE ACCEPTED UNLESS ALL REOUTAEO INFOPMATroN 5 PROVDEU W9 THE APPROPRATE FOPM IBof 5- nigh ler nab•ntlel —d7" Ngn for comrtwrclall on • wnitlr tlrp backgrwma. IB Lanavrapkp mall De IrwtJw w4r to requ,el iw Ibel Inepectivn. IT epw la vYlew, appr •I eM p.rmll, a requlra.6 g,e... -y Dulldngv MVeYacbway. peolar�pne, . work Gnlact CNIrtRy balprccaarnRl lwnlwmetbnn& ane mmolltivn IB „pen �eep4Mn ar IM In.<.n.uen a1 Irwd.tlen . <.,a <.,Ixy4g 1 a I •da Uvn hes been Inatalbd In cW wmanve wllh the MUIJalven rappflwlvr ane Dy4tM eullaw. TMslsn Watbn caro eM1,ll M pvlad a{ . eonepi<uvae loeetlen wi(Mn fM awelllrp 10 AY "vr pual' Itutlww maul M wAMllwf Ic, dna -—d D u. Bulax,g aulda P,4r to w1JJ4n al 1M If.m 20 E.aer'mr well. to a tae denNr.mtlw Win R-21 4vWelbn 21 Peal _ly entl Mva a cls•• "A' fl,. -V. IL.OINC 8D2.OB01 22 AY d9trq anall Nue • N •ry leb.l Pn tiv prdduvi wl6 b» �41. bWwlw 2s .adMn w tM ,.ga4r b•P•<ben.. In. ldlpwl,y<h it".wIN Nw ragW, Spacbl Iryr.ctlon In saoerNrca _h 9w. nal er IM wlwm Bwlarg cad.. eTEM REOUfEDp REMAR1t5 Gmpnenve Prlvr lc Fwueafbn Impecibw Ovw 2ral Conarala 500 Ps Fob Wabbp 9tnwNJ Mawwy 0.Ngrrr-SpeclMa DtM, 24 TMabiNVD 1 a:Jw /. ! :N^B �I�rorawb Ic bbl .willwt4n bo.Ban t°em IM prrowlYl a1 I Fl Ina Publle work. Oaperimsaf. 25 Mr1 lMn>3 eMWat�a-da.abpeu lr�PnPad rabrq el nal g vl rw1 mora IMn 450. 2B All HVAC allpmvrif a1uP M apprwea prbr tc Irol Ibn by aM ase cl .;VZ' .vldencea br fM II.IN 21 NI wood in ac 1 wnh vanusla Ic p vara 1,— breviations ALF6P M � I I awfAH 0 �. -t Information Sr 8,12,04 nstruction Info. f R tz LOT BS i 8.04 q q p TRACT 28887 1,22.05 J 35691 k§r A.P.N. 770-380-001 H16i CONSTRUCTION HOLM CONTRACTOR TELEPHONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION TYPE V NIR ANo ATGLE A�N'1T,FLUOR OCCUPANCY RESIDENTIAL a FZDo— — FA AEDH MEpMNG1 orae �. Iqi0p0�M NP9G aF VERZON 0313 0 Y i Q�TTRR CENTEP F.Qfl ECA CLRB FACE OF SRA AIR _ALA MAta.IFACTLIERCA 9 t�DW�O 6pUTH ue. -AVN a° 92901 BI1.. Ava. m CENTEIYJNE DIAAfTEP�DR BJtID W CTPC. DBL. OST. CCYINTERAIKK DUO gBLE RTMEM FPPF F.S. FT. FIREPROf6 RN&1 SLAB FffT A gaG�0 - 950"LHFDI�yN�RE _ ym _ ye FM 1800 483-5000 ml ;Ap E-_ A�OMN AD,�-- DET dA DET'NL DIX—TEP�Tµ pFyTRQR F T. FODT OP OOTNG Ml. 14BCdLNtQS MOLWTM S0. i T gp,ap y O Pem - sP,r Nor eu "' 1eila'y' "OT "1O'"® APPgOM P OX GATif GALLMP2E0 N DATta gf�� `R STRUCTURAL CABLE T.V. g"QATEMgTE AAG-ITECTIIRAL W pR DOPw°N DOOP at-, fmiB OOL.AU IAAI BEAM M. oB. B1DI,P. wiMee40N1Xa`� oMNAI �E Ar STEEL v - spwvMr m 77-80 Wnr tleat D va Ti . W. 91725 Cook St Ate, • �g DND� Dor OFA_ UT OPD. OOhTI C�flOIND NTS. r T TO BCAtt 9i�T. STAN-— ST=ARD S.K. C. Palm Dagen, CA 82211 Pekn Daesrt, CA &OT OWR giAW61 HH GYPD'Lfl !'D8E BBB P B.TRD� 6T _ y� e'a' - �'" 17601 360-5770 17801 340-2225 p_pp SBILF�QLK. BULp O 0L E, A EAST tlG IbD_OW CAPE D OFF. OFFICE gSiT'gpLR. £ L ELECTRIC ING E.A IXPM9ON JgNT ryy pWAR' OPP OPPO61 SLAP. gYS O gp EL. ELEVATNJN r BTAnA TDwM.� SAL KW1-ATE .. y. IaT N10wID CA6 ET BA4N ELEV ENOL_ ElEVATOP ETOL—I FIA4T,ow ��lpry2 Pµ NeTnSi. Hpg1, L P M RA6 PLASTER TB.. T O TELEADIE TW �M�E»HCA2N�CAL D�i� 92335 WaeNngim Sl. YIgr41 YrlpRibn pytrbi ®A. CATCH EMENT CTPPICAL PA— ID. IHOl1R NSDE OIAh£TEP ILYRD. PLYNWTOOD l TFK. P tYi I TfpapCK $alfa F x330 B 600 Ava 5R La Ouinla, CA 82253 0.K6 V kNG Epp EFT E�F1p EIIPANSON �� T PTH. PA1PTiT10N XF W�TAI-L k. d4ur Pa17.01 395-465Bn1a (7601 388-5811 CLO SET EEXXP6 I EXISTNG UAµ JT. UONT 0. RS6 TA W. TR TDP OF W TPEAD Nrww. ,•Bar CIVIL WEN RO. ROOFF �R,PW TV T�LEVAON T FIXNE ALS KIT. KIP, M.. CLE , LAI.TTTE —IENCE TW CN_ P0. OR IN Le 0.e.i. w,kp 1 COPri CONIC. CONFECTION CONCRETE FEJ. tT[M AL V FP€E%TNC�.A61-PJi Lp�R LAVATGR' pC�ER R REFRt�RATOR UTANy �nFMP6f£0 I1R�OT.MCE MD GAS COPAT. OJ IS TRUCTILN FL FLR&i FWISH LT. µC �KY1T U T 1E0. REB .NFA FEpUfE pE.—T VERT. VERT. VEPTICAL VESTIBULE MPEiw BvwylnB Ino. 78-301 Country CIUD Dr S. C.I. Goa Co. 211 N. S-11- Wy. RGST. fEGP:TEa Wj WEST Sulfa 102 Bermuda Dune', Ca111 Pets 9prIN., CA W.0 . WQ W/O WA R O_OSET 000 WITH OUT m1. 17801395-3828 1800 427-2200 LANDSCAPE WATER /SEWER WpG1fTEF Jahn G Kd g C.V.W,D. P.O. BDa 390375 P.O. Boa 1058 A— CA 19081 763-2060 C... 1,. CA (7601398-2651 eet Index Ti.l TITLE SHEET 11 SITE PLAN A22 NOTE FLOOR PLAN ASI EXTERIOR EL E VATIONS A62 E%TERIOP ELEVATIONS ? 1J NN SIN nP S �n0 �U _o oi0C 2 50 s ALF6P M � awfAH 0 �. -t Information Sr 8,12,04 DESIGN DEV R tz LOT BS i 8.04 q q p TRACT 28887 1,22.05 J 35691 k§r A.P.N. 770-380-001 H16i 1.28.05 C TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION TYPE V NIR OCCUPANCY RESIDENTIAL W�W 3 Wq ZONING R-1 Z aF 0313 0 Y AREA TABULATIONS raoscVE Title Sheet LIVING AREA 4882 SO. FT. GARAGE AND CART HISS 50. FT. MECHANICAL 145 SO, FT. BUILDING TOTAL8185 SO. FT. OUTDOOR ROOM 895 SO. FT. GUEST LIVING 835 SO, FT. (. GUEST MECHANICAL O SO. FT. n GLEET TOTAL 835 SO. FT. TOTAL LOT AREA 20.802 30. FT BUILDING COVERAGE 7695 SO. FT. DA 37.4% O. T. O STAY. a 0 0 0 0 � � j \ ] e; a)) (z $\ q� f$ 2o // \ /|\ SGIEWrIc }�\ ||| § !|,( (|�| 0313 Site Plan | Mow a0» Aw Nm r� wN w rry mcro �mn mv�..ron•w�q �. wrKs- ,mi>oev:�:rr� ' I � I I I I I I ^^I I I ------------ I I i I I I I I OI I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I OI f I I I I I I I I I I I Is RO'�R� N KE/ NDTE,S: • 4EYEkAL NDi ES: j I I OI I � I I I O I I II A^ v u V �M N� N N n 0• TO K,ZJ (S) U i Cti �0� �`w�MCy� r S,1i 1yffi5� � � � 0 SCHEAMTIC 6.12.04 M�GN DEV ✓1 �ffiz �CH 14T, 118.05 i Y�scr+c F 0313 lir=Iv Note Floor Plan s e ®e a a� S • 0 ! • UA �) l._C'r I CL.GV^ I IUISI vj f 4 f C, Kt;^ . >uLEVAT1ON U FRONT ELIEVATION 0 0 V O ELEVATION KEY ELEVATION KEY NOTES: FIXwrt�me � FA our. S.wln-..arae Fn4h. - ear awl cam- v�t6w. nob. ism. woe. f na. cl M a. ro R,el w«, e,. W U rwtw�r. N t 3 mwytiyemey.m„aml cm ana+cv j Ln NN N� N N nP Oe Uto0 d W �u rttuc wo,pn vr. ° a0 1 0 Ar o �+ IO 5 t rv..p zcr.aa at F.nmour oe BAlwrg r 1C srnimpvx v xAsi u,se new. PQ..e AA a Ve :cec ELEVATION KEY Itl 2 Q $�6 RAIN 9TU000 COLLA RALPN LIUREN -POPLAR 19LAND - NAT.3 0.^OR/111NDOn TRIH GOLOR DESIGN DEV0 BROIVSE ROOF TILE: DBEO G TILE CO. - V v ST - STONE- ELDORADO STOIE - FIELOLEO6E MESETA BLEND L GONiFiALiOR tO Fl3OJIDE H041G W OF ALL EXTERIOR MATER.AJS TO BE REVAND APPROV® BY ALG PRKR TO INaTALLAT— TION f g1TF W U u N t C� C Ln NN N� N N nP N � � Uto0 d W �u T7 E +z7 ° a0 1 0 Ar o �+ r 1C C Thr Itl 2 Q $�6 SCHEMATIC 8.12.04 DESIGN DEV0 1.28.05 v 0313 wuE I r ra Exterior Elevations P� tyb S U COI.tRTYARD ELEVATION GATE TO COI.,RTYAR.D L J { t CCMRITYARD ELEVATION LODICING TDWAR.DS DEEICE ,� CIARACIE OFRONT ELEVATION U C%ULtx7 YARD ULEVATION LOOK I NCj TOWARDS NOOK ,� C1R.EATROOM I LOO I, I N CI TOWARDS (1I- I EST�--tO IAS E ,E;L5V.4T1ON K6 ( 6L6VvRT70xN KOTES 1 p.r xa cec a.wo�. aoa ao+. xe V U1 sr.,reaw.. 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