MUP 2006-763FKM= 0 RSA Code/ 2� of La Quinta nunity Development Department )5 Calle Tampico ainta, California 92253 777-7125 FAX: (760) 777-1233 OFFICE USE ONLY Case No.dL - -1 Date Recvd. 2_r--7 Fee,_-I�t !3"- --- Related Apps.: Logged in by: An Event of More Than 2,000 People, include Waste Reduction Info TION FOR MINOR USE PERMIT APPROVAL a_4 81� MINOR USE PERMIT applications are reviewed and approved by the Community Development Director pursuant to Section 9.210.020, of the Zoning Code. The purpose of the review is to ensure that land uses requiring the permit do not have an adverse impact on surrounding properties, residents, or businesses. APPLICANT (Print) Com& --,7/ MAILING ADDRESS 3 u q S.5 r Phone No. %C o 57 i6• s Lf i t CITY, STATE, ZIP: x <..' u U 92 1 Fax No. 9 4 9 t19 'i • 7 3 Ss - PROPERTY OWNER (If different): Nil k (Print) MAILING ADDRESS: /3 $ y 5 S L tea, „� _�,. _ Phone No. $ 7:5 -3 #{ S t CITY, STATE, ZIP: o Fax No. PROJECT LOCATION: S6 0 7 5 Ko a r nV.— SAI"C_"F" PROPOSED USE AND/OR CONSTRUCTION (Including operational information): +'' 4-j .r kYo h 0 (attach sheets if needed) LEGAL DESCRIPTION (LOT & TRACT OR A.P.N.): 767- SW -6 13 ' jt 'o _1(05 A 18Ninor Use Permit ❑ Plot Plan, floor plans and elevation plans (as determined by Community Development Department staff). Five (5) sets of plans on 8'/z" x 11" sheet or folded down to 8'/z" x 11 ". ❑ Filing fee for Minor Use Permit. If filing multiple applications, the most expensive application will be charged full fee, with remaining related applications discounted 50% for each. This discount does not apply to Environmental Information form. NAME OF APPLICANT (Please Print) SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT DATE 2. NAME OF PROPERTY OWNER hiq�— (Please Print) SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER(S) IF NOT SAME AS APPLICANT: DATE 1 1 (Signature provides consent for applicant to use site for proposed activity). DATE (Separate written authority by owner to submit application may be provided) NOTE: FALSE OR MISLEADING INFORMATION GIVEN IN THIS APPLICATION SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR DENYING APPLICATION. A18WIinor Use Permit a r • City of La Quinta Planning Commission Agendas are now r available on the City's Web Page @ www.la-guinta.org PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA A Regular Meeting to be Held at the La Quinta City Hall Council Chamber 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California MARCH 28, 2006 7:00 P.M. **NOTE** ALL ITEMS NOT CONSIDERED BY 11:00 P.M. WILL BE CONTINUED TO THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING Beginning Resolution 2006-011 Beginning Minute Motion 2006-003 4 I. CALL TO ORDER A. Pledge of Allegiance B. Roll Call II. PUBLIC COMMENT This is the time set aside for public comment on any matter not scheduled for public hearing. Please complete a "Request to Speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. III. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA IV. CONSENT CALENDAR P:\CAROLYN\Planning Com\PC AGENDA.doc PUBLIC HEARINGS: For all Public Hearings on the Agenda, a completed "Request to Speak" form must be filed with the Executive Secretary prior to the start of the Planning Commission consideration of that item. The Chairman will invite individuals who have requested the opportunity to speak, to come forward at the appropriate time. Any .person may submit written comments to the Planning Commission before a public hearing, may appear and be heard in support. of,. or in opposition to, the approval of the project(s) at the time of the hearing. If you challenge any project(s) in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the City at, or prior to the public hearing. A. Item ................... CONTINUED - .ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2005- 550, GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2005-106, ZONE CHANGE 2005-126, SPECIFIC PLAN 83-002, AMEND- MENT #5, AND TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP -32752. Applicant ............. Ray Shaffer Location ............... Between Weiskopf and Jack Nicklaus Golf Courses, immediately south of PGA Boulevard, within PGA West Request .............. Consideration of: 1) A Negative Declaration 'of environ- mental impact; 2) A Specific Plan amendment; and 3) Review of a Parcel Map to subdivide 2.3+ acres into three single-family lots_ Action .......... :...... Resolution 2006- Resolution 2006- and Resolution 2006- B. Item .................... SPECIFIC PLAN 2006-078 AND SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2006-857 Applicant............. Coachella Valley Housing Coalition Location .............. 14.8 acre parcel, north of Avenue 48, west of Dune Palms Road Request ............... 1) Review of "Dune Palms Neighborhood" Specific Plan Design Guidelines and Development Standards for a 250 unit apartment complex and, 2) Accessory buildings; and review of the Dune Palms Neighborhood 218 unit apartment complex elevations and landscaping plans. Action ................ Resolution 2006- and Resolution 2006- P:\CAR0LYN\P1anning Com\PC AGENDA.doc t -O C. Item ................... SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2005-845 Applicant............. KB Home Coastal Location.............. Northeast corner of Monroe Street and Avenue 61 Request .............:. Consideration of three prototypical floor plans, common areas, clubhouse, walls, entry gates, and landscaping plans for a 125 lot single-family home subdivision on 38.3 ± acres. Action ................. Minute Motion 2006- D. Item .................... SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2005-842 Applicant ............. KB Home Coastal - Location ............. Southeast corner of Monroe Street and Avenue 60 Request .............. Consideration of common areas, clubhouse, walls, entry gates, and landscaping plans for a 197 lot single-family home subdivision on 39.7 ± acres. Action ................. Minute Motion 2006- E. Item .................... SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2006-855 Applicant ............. Desert Elite, Inc. Location.............. Southwest corner of Monroe Street and Avenue 52 Request .............. Consideration of architectural and landscaping plans for two prototypical residential plans for use in Tract 31202 (Rancho Santana) Action ................ Minute Motion 2006- F. Item ................... ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2005-546 AND TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 33801 Applicant ............ Blake Jumper Location ............. West side of Madison Street, 500 feet north of Avenue 60 Request .............. Consideration of the subdivision of. ±2.58 acres into eight single-family lots and associated lettered lots. Action ................ Resolution 2006- and Resolution 2006- G. Item ...... :............ ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT '2005-.557 AND TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 34243 Applicant............. Innovative Communities (for Masque Development) Location ............. North side of Avenue 58, 1,000 ± feet west of Madison Street Request .............. Consideration of subdivision of 20 ± acres into 70 single- family and miscellaneous lots. Action ................ Resolution 2006- and Resolution 2006- P:\CAR0LYN\P1anning Com\PC AGENDA.doc 0 VI. BUSINESS ITEM: FA A. Item .................... MINOR USE PERMIT 2006-763. Applicant ............ Mark Ladeda Location ............. 55-075 Monroe Street Request ............. Consideration of the placement of a manufactured home on a residentially -zoned 4.19 acre parcel. Action ................ Minute Motion 2006- V11. CORRESPONDENCE, AND WRITTEN MATERIAL: None VIII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS: A. Consideration of final landscaping plans being reviewed by the Architecture and Landscape. Review Committee. . B. Review of City Council meeting of March 21, 2006. IX. ADJOURNMENT: This meeting of the Planning Commission will be adjourned to a Regular Meeting to be held on April 11, 2006, at 7:00 p.m. DECLARATION OF POSTING I, Betty J. Sawyer, Executive Secretary of the City of La Quinta, do hereby declare that the. foregoing Agenda for the La Quinta Planning Commission meeting of Tuesday, March 28, .2006, was posted on the outside entry to the - Council Chamber, - 78-495 Calle Tampico and the bulletin board at the La Quinta Cove Post Office, on Friday, March 24, 2006. DATED: March 24, 2006 BETTY J. SAWYER, Executive Secretary. City of La Quinta, California P:\CAROLYN\Planning Com\PC AGENDA.doc • Public Notices 0 The La Quinta City council Chamber is handicapped accessible. If special equipment is needed for the hearing impaired, please call the City Clerk's -office at 777-7123, twenty-four (24 hours in advance of the meeting and accommodations will be made. -If special electronic equipment is needed to make presentations to the Planning Commission, arrangements should be made in advance by contacting the City Clerk's office at 777-7123. A one 11) week notice is required. If background materials is to be presented to the Planning Commission during a Planning Commission meeting, please be advised that eight (8). copies of all documents, exhibits, etc., must be supplied to the Executive Secretary 'for distribution. It is requested that this take place prior to the beginning of the 7:00 p.m. meeting. P:\CAROLYN\Planning Com\PC AGENDA.doc i i FILE Copyg Commission Minutes Planning March 28, 2006 In VIII IX b. Condition added: The applicant shall provide an opportunity for the Lion's Gate Homeowners' Association to meet with the design staff of Innovative Communities. C. Add to Condition 76: The revised landscaping plans shall be brought back to the Planning Commission for review and approval before issuance of grading permits. d. Condition added: The applicant shall remit Quimby Park Fees prior to recordation of the Final Tract Map. BUSINESS ITEMS: A. Minor Use Permit 2006-763; a request of Mark Ladeda for consideration of the placement of a manufactured home on a residentially -zoned 4.19 acre parcel located at 55-075 Monroe Street. 1 . Assistant Planner Jay Wuu presented the staff report on file with the Community Development Department. 2. Vice Chairman Quill asked where the access to the driveway was discussed. Commissioner Alderson replied it is straight down the dirt road from Monroe. 3 Commissioner Alderson asked for an explanation of Condition number 27 regarding a 24 -inch roof overhang on all sides of the home and solar control overhang on the ends. Staff replied this condition referred to the need to have a specific type of overhang that is not a clip design. Staff explained solar control means they need to put some type of overhang on the end of the building to assist with solar control. 4. Commissioner Alderson made an observation that the applicant is doing a wonderful job of cleaning up and removing debris. In his accessway there has been a security problem and his residence will bring security back there. He has no problem with the application. 8. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Alderson/Barrows to adopt Minute Motion 2006-007 accepting Minor Use Permit 2006-763 as submitted. Unanimously approved. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL: COMMISSIONER ITEMS: P:\CAROLYN\Planning Com\PC MinuteSQ-28-06PC.doc 47 Ir r iLL BI #A PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DATE: MARCH 28, 2006 CASE NO.: MINOR USE PERMIT 2006-763 APPLICANT: MARK LADEDA REQUEST: CONSIDERATION OF THE PLACEMENT OF A MANUFACTURED HOME ON A RESIDENTIALLY -ZONED PROPERTY LOCATION: 55-075 MONROE STREET APN: 767-580-014 GENERAL PLAN: LDR: LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ZONING: RL: LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (EQUESTRIAN OVERLAY) ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: THE LA QUINTA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT HAS DETERMINED THAT THIS PROJECT IS CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT FROM ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW PURSUANT TO PROVISIONS OF SECTION 15303. SURROUNDING LAND USES: NORTH: EXISTING SINGLE-FAMILY HOMES (THE ESTATES) APPROVED SINGLE-FAMILY HOMES (GRIFFIN RANCH) SOUTH: EXISTING SINGLE-FAMILY HOMES (NORMAN ESTATES) EAST: VACANT LAND (VILLAGE BUILDERS) WEST: EXISTING GOLF COURSE (NORMAN ESTATES) BACKGROUND: The manufactured home site is located on a 4.19 -acre parcel west of Monroe Street, approximately halfway between Avenue 54 and Airport Boulevard (Attachment 1). Access to the site is through a 40 -foot access easement, with the driveway spanning approximately 1,300 feet, connected to Monroe Street. Currently, the driveway is unpaved, with initial landscaping on both sides of the path. The northwest corner of the property is the proposed location of the manufactured home (Attachment 2). Currently, the land is vacant, but the foundation area for the home has been excavated. The remainder of the property consists of three fully landscaped and fenced pastures, and vacant land which the applicant states will be the future sites of a parking area, a multi -car garage, and an indoor horse -riding arena. The property is currently connected to water and power utilities, and utilizes a septic tank. They are the same utility lines that were connected to the now -demolished single- family house that used to be on the property. The applicant is currently in contact with the developers of Griffin Ranch to the north in negotiating another water connection. PROPOSAL: The applicant requests a Minor Use Permit to install an approximately 2,000 square foot manufactured home on the 4.19 -acre property. The home is 68 x 30 feet, 12.16 feet in height, and will be placed on the northwest corner of the property. The applicant intends on adding stucco treatments and tile roofing to the home (Attachment 3). The driveway leading to the property wil The parking area inside of the property There is no garage on the property at multi -car garage at a later time. ANALYSIS: I be covered with colored decomposed granite. gate will be covered with interlocking pavers. this time, as the applicant plans on building a Section 9.60.180 of the La Quinta Municipal Code states that individual manufactured homes may be permitted as a permanent or temporary dwelling on single-family lots within the RVL, RL, RC, RM, and RMH zoning districts. 2. Section 9.60.180 of the La Quinta Municipal Code requires Planning Commission review and approval of any application to place a manufactured home on any individual parcel of land through the Minor Use Permit process. The unit must meet the development standards of the underlying zoning district (Attachment 5). 3. In accordance with Section 65852.3 of the California State Government Code, except with respect to architectural requirements such as roof overhang, roofing material, and siding material, a city shall only subject a manufactured home and the lot on which it is placed to the same development standards to which a conventional single-family residential dwelling on the same lot would be subject (Attachment 6). 4. Based on the development standards of the RL zoning district, the proposed manufactured home can be placed on the subject property in accordance with the provisions of the RL zone. 5. The proposed decomposed granite covering for the driveway does not comply with City standards. A paved driveway shall be provided. 0 6. To comply with the RL zoning district standards, a two -car garage shall be provided. There is no garage on the property at this time. FINDINGS: Findings as required under Section 9.60.180 of the La Quinta Municipal Code can be made as set forth below: 1. Minor Use Permit 2006-763 is consistent with the La Quinta General Plan, as the home would be developed in a manner consistent with the General Plan Land Use designation of Low Density Residential. 2. Minor Use Permit 2006-763 is consistent with the La Quinta Zoning Code, as the land use of the home are substantially equivalent to those permitted under existing Low Density Residential zoning. 3. Minor Use Permit 2006-763 is architecturally compatible with and visually related to the surrounding developments. Adjacent properties are either vacant or have single-family homes, and approval of this manufactured home would be consistent with the existing conditions in the area. 4. Minor Use Permit 2006-763 is appropriate with and visually related to the surrounding developments, as it would not adversely affect the surrounding land uses or be out of character with the surrounding area. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Minute Motion 2006- , approving Minor Use Permit 2006-763, subject to the attached Conditions of Approval: Prepa � 1 d b : rl !. � I JAY WUQ, Assistan`t'Planner Attachments: 1. Location Map 2. Site Map 3. Building Elevations 4. Site Photos 5. LQMC Section 9.60.180 6. State Government Code 65852.3 0 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2006 - CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED MINOR USE PERMIT 2006-763 MARK LADEDA MARCH 28, 2006 GENERAL 10 1. The applicant agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of La Quinta (the "City"), its agents, officers and employees from any claim, action or proceeding to attack, set aside, void, or annul the approval of this site development plan. The City shall have sole discretion in selecting its defense counsel. The City shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action or proceeding and shall 1cooperate fully in the defense. 2. Prior to the issuance of any permit, the, applicant shall obtain applicable permits and/or clearances from the following public agencies: • Fire Marshal • Public Works Department (Grading Permit, Green Sheet (Public Works Clearance) for Building Permits, Improvement Permit) • Community Development Department • Desert Sands Unified School District • Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) • Imperial Irrigation District (IID) The applicant is responsible for any requirements of the permits or clearances from those jurisdictions. If the requirements include approval of improvement plans, applicant shall furnish proof of said approvals prior to obtaining City approval of the plans. 3. The applicant shall comply with applicable provisions of the City's NPDES stormwater discharge- permit, Sections 8.70.010 et seq. (Stormwater Management and Discharge Controls), and 13.24.170 (Clean Air/Clean . Water), LQMC; Riverside County Ordinance No. 457; and the State Water Resources Control Board's Order No.. 99-08- DWQ. A. For construction activities including clearing, grading or excavation of land that disturbs one (1) acre or more of land, or that disturbs less than one (1) acre of land, but which is a part of a construction project that encompasses more than one (1) acre of land, the Permitee shall be required to submit a Storm Water Pollution Protection Plan ("SWPPP"). The applicant or design professional can obtain the California Stormwater Quality Association SWPPP template at www.cabmphandbooks.com for use in their SWPPP preparation. B. The applicant's SWPPP shall be approved by the City Engineer prior to any on PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2006 - CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED MINOR USE PERMIT 2006-763 MARK LADEDA MARCH 28, 2006 PAGE 2 or off-site grading being done in relation to this project. C. The applicant shall ensure that the required SWPPP is available for inspection at the project site at all times through and including acceptance of all improvements by the City. D. The applicant's SWPPP shalt include provisions for all of the following Best - Management Practices ("BMPs") (8.70.020 (Definitions), LQMC): 1) Temporary Soil Stabilization (erosion control). 2) Temporary Sediment Control. 3) Wind Erosion Control. 4) Tracking Control. 5) Non -Storm Water Management. 6) Waste Management and Materials Pollution Control. E. All erosion and sediment control BMPs proposed by the applicant shall be approved by the City Engineer prior to any onsite or offsite grading, pursuant to this project. F. The approved SWPPP and BMPs shall remain in effect for the entire duration of project construction until all improvements are completed ' and accepted by the City. 4. Permits issued under this approval shall be subject to the provisions of the Infrastructure Fee Program and Development Impact Fee program in effect at the time of issuance of building permit(s). PROPERTY RIGHTS 5. Prior to issuance of any permit(s), the applicant shall acquire or confer easements and other property rights necessary for the construction or proper functioning of the proposed development. Conferred rights shall include irrevocable offers to dedicate or grant access easements to the City for emergency services and for maintenance, construction and reconstruction of essential improvements. Additionally, the applicant shall have recorded reciprocal access agreements and easements for its connection to Monroe Street. CL'1� PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2006 - CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED MINOR USE PERMIT 2006-763 MARK LADEDA MARCH 28, 2006 PAGE 3 IMPROVEMENT PLANS As used throughout these Conditions of Approval, professional titles such as "engineer," "surveyor," and "architect" refer to persons currently certified or licensed to practice their respective professions in the State of California. 6. Improvement plans shall be prepared by or under the direct supervision of qualified engineers and/or architects, as appropriate, and shall comply with the provisions of Section 13.24.040 (Improvement Plans), LQMC. 7. The following plans shall be submitted to the Building and Safety Department and Public Works Department for review and approval. The plans shall -utilize the minimum scale- specified, unless otherwise ,authorized by the Building and Safety Director in writing. Plans may be prepared at a larger scale if additional detail or plan clarity is desired. Note, the applicant may be required to prepare other improvement plans not listed here pursuant to improvements required by'other agencies and utility purveyors. A. On -Site Residential Precise Grading Plan 1" = 30' Horizontal Note: Pursuant to the above condition, the applicant shall include egress and ingress driveways for connection to Monroe Street for approval by the City Engineer. GRADING 8. Within 5 days after the approval of this Minor Use Permit, the applicant shall pay all fines associated with the unpermitted grading of the site. Additionally, the applicant shall submit and receive approval of a Fugitive Dust Control Plan prepared in accordance with Chapter 6.16, LQMC for any future precise grading work as applicable for issuance of a building permit. The applicant shall furnish security, in a form acceptable to the City, in an amount sufficient to guarantee compliance with the provisions of the permit. 9. The applicant shall maintain graded, undeveloped land to prevent wind and water erosion of soils. The land shall be planted with interim landscaping or provided with other erosion control measures approved by the Community Development and Public Works Departments. DRAINAGE 10. Stormwater handling for the site shall be as approved with the precise grading plan check application. Nuisance water shall be retained onsite and disposed of via an underground percolation improvement approved by the City Engineer. 11. The applicant shall meet the individual -lot retention provisions of Chapter 13.24.120 (Drainage), sub -section "K.", LQMC. Individual lot basins or other retention concepts 0 0 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2006 - CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED MINOR USE PERMIT 2006-763 MARK LADEDA MARCH 28, 2006 PAGE 4 may be approved by the City Engineer for lots 2'/z acres in size or larger or where the use of common retention is determined by the City Engineer to be impracticable. If individual lot retention is approved, the applicant shall meet all individual lot retention provisions of Chapter 13.24, LQMC. UTILITIES 12. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of Section 13.24.110 (Utilities), LQMC. 13. The applicant shall obtain the approval of the City Engineer for the location of all utility lines within any right-of-way, and all above -ground utility structures including, but not limited to, traffic signal cabinets, electric vaults, water valves, and telephone stands, to ensure optimum placement for practical and aesthetic purposes. 14. Underground utilities shall be installed as approved by the perspective utility purveyors such as IID and CVWD. For installation of utilities in existing improved streets, the applicant shall comply with trench restoration requirements maintained, or required by the City Engineer. 15. As required by all applicable agencies listed in Condition 2, the applicant is required to provide all required. new facility or connection to existing utilities to include but not limited to water, sewer, and electrical. The applicant shall provide certified reports of all utility trench compaction for approval by the City Engineer. STREET AND TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENTS 16._ _The_ applicant shall comply with the provisions of Sections 13.24.060 (Street Improvements), 13.24.079- (StFeet Design - Generally) & 1-3.24.100 (Access For Individual Properties And Development), LQMC for public streets; and Section 13.24.080 (Street Design - Private Streets), where private streets are proposed. 17. The applicant shall be allowed a single access point to Monroe Street at the north east corner of APN 767-580-014 as proposed on the Site Plan. If required by the Fire Marshal, the applicant shall construct a secondary, emergency access to be a minimum of 20 feet in width as approved by the Fire Marshal and the City Engineer. The applicant shall place a paved driveway from the .subject property surface to Monroe Street as approved by the City Engineer. LANDSCAPING 18. The applicant shall provide landscaping as required by the Community Development Department and the LQMC. 0 0 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2006 - CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED MINOR USE PERMIT 2006-763 MARK LADEDA .MARCH 28, 2006 PAGE 5 QUALITY ASSURANCE 19. The applicant shall employ construction quality -assurance measures which meet the . approval of the City Engineer. 20. The applicant shall employ or retain qualified civil engineers, geotechnical engineers, surveyors, or other appropriate professionals to provide sufficient construction supervision to be able to furnish and sign accurate record drawings. 21. The applicant shall arrange and bear the cost of measurement, sampling and testing procedures not included in the City's inspection program but required by the City as evidence that construction materials and methods comply with plans, specifications and applicable regulations. MAINTENANCE 22. The applicant shall make provisionsfor continuous, perpetual maintenance of all on- site improvements, perimeter landscaping, and access drives. The applicant shall maintain required public improvements until expressly released from this responsibility by the appropriate public agency. FEES AND DEPOSITS 23. The applicant shall pay the City's established fees for plan checking and construction inspection. Fee amounts shall be those in effect when the applicant makes application for plan checking and permits. MISCELLANEOUS 24. This approval is for the location of a manufactured home only. It does not allow the establishment of any fencing, equipment storage/staging areas, additional trailers, etc. 25. The applicant shall meet the same development standards as provided for single- family homes in the RL: Low Density Residential zone, including setbacks, structure height, etc. 26. The applicant shall provide a minimum two -car garage per LQMC 9.150.060. 27. The applicant shall add a minimum 24 -inch roof overhang on all sides of the home, and solar control/overhang on the ends. 28. The applicant shall only use the following exterior colors and materials: C L. 9 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2006 - CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED MINOR USE PERMIT 2006-763 MARK LADEDA MARCH 28, 2006 PAGE 6 A. Roof Material: Redlands Clay Tile Company Red #2210 Brown #2218 B. Stucco Material: La Habra Stucco Company Santa Barbara Smooth Finish — Alamo C. Wood Trim/Beams: Dunn Edwards Chestnut Brown Douglas Fir Roughsawn E. Windows White Vinyl F. Stone: Eldorado Stone Field Ledge/Veneto Meseta Milano Mix G. Entry Doors: Southwest Door Company Alder Medium Distress — Chestnut Brown H. Gates: Cedar House Doors Clear Cedar with Rod Iron 0 C7 VlA-,PESSARO 0 ATTACHMENT - -------------- 0 17' > -7 54TH AVE 'IL ---GAM TREE --SI91,*T+IERN-HIL-C-S�—..-----------.------- . v. z Project Location 0 0 rn Z1, z OUNTAIN .VIEW LN LU ­ z Lu" —. KINGSTON HEATH 7-- z. BROWN DEER PARK LU n. ,z O T� M /.7 T TBURON OR - 74, 0V LG - _JIL 4L 77 ID 7' E 7 -LEG 4; x,;*, S Q, VQS A ic "4,/ J- tp�-l'UMBIN jj A. 21Z li2; _bQJ AN _w I V zy :5 A _yz z N ~HERMITAGE, m itAbF 0 : . I - z 0 0 I m 1_ N 71 uj- 0,, N NET 701 V-1 low—t � � �� `1. r V�/��.R "_�R}AI 7if'%�,.� �yb , .A�k... 6(� 1 �. .� • 66%}r✓T .� F -1 _ M1S; D t �,• ��. `. �6r f j � _.J . �s d� �- ' S f � .:� , I' "l " �; ,I, �....J7 M 7��1i� � �y.' .-� ,. J� y 't�='.} •�•�v � ' / a.'.;�, p •t Ham, • t � �l = µ�"�_ �,:� rPu 4w�'....: :�n}lr�.._ 3a� �c16� ,'T.°•..� e1 •iI I .� �'9r,,�-'x: _ - � : 3- l « Ay r J+� D Q RDI .✓' � r} ,. _, r:q� L• i . cc :i 1. � s .r �¢ �'r� „�; a-.,��•► 7?J�, r �5.t :F � t t� w.�r t-''� , � �Fi '� � t •� c AST. •�, ,��.,�' .f y• ` ��t? T� m`P ,1�:� Tf �t� � � t''�_ - I � r � - d � i� h �; �� y x7. '.a �•n' AM 47,ii r� da•d ►: 1 til r [[F�C- _ u, r ' 6 � orf u = r�x T.� ' }.1"''t A',t rr• S, + i t _L � T S: ,'` } -.� , t s •t T _ •, rA� -`... 'z'7��' r — fit. NCO}e �.•; •+rrit.. 1 -r,S t { 47r _ 11 f. I�i t��; •.3..�:. ., �.�1�.. .� r• p-`:w.:-..::.T.:la+i"RCTM ..'x... � ,::c3 y - •. _ ° � "•Yi'at�....iur�+- .. h.. ..M..0-.+:. ..e..•elw+.�-�:✓ a. .Lu.' >C C tl.! ' ��•+ w}��7�� 114 _ _Y �t y '.5f SITE PLAN SCALE: WW -0' Taffy ranch ELk QUGH7& - i '01 10'077 7.J7' 169 4710 f 15.01' FROM DOOR SIDE ELEVATIONS) 19TCIam SCALE: 3/16 1' -0 - PARTIAL SITE PLAN SCALE: V16"=1'-0" PROJECT LOCATION OWNER / BUILDER 05 M N OE G3QaC�Gtl 55075 NI/%Rm L&l z© LA OUINTA, CA. 24 LAGUNITA LAGUNA BEACH, CA. 92651 TEL 1 (7601 578-3491 ATTAC H M E N T# E p L Ga H JOB xxx B O lI DATE 00-00-00 LAST REv: 00-00-00 SFfET N_ V .��,L . r<�� 'a �� . Aw 9.60.180 Manufactured housing and mobilehomes. La Quinta Municipal Code Up Previous Next Main Title 9 ZONING* Chapter 9.60 SUPPLEMENTAL RESIDENTIAL REGULATIONS 9.60.180 Manufactured housing and mobilehomes. http://www.gcoae.usicoaes/iaquintwview.pnptiopic=y-y ou-y_ov_jou ATTACHMENT 1.1 Search Print A. Purpose. This section is intended to provide standards and criteria for the placement, design, and construction of manufactured, modular and mobilehomes in residential districts consistent with Section 65852.3 et seq. of the State Government Code. B. Definition. For the purposes of this zoning code, the terms "manufactured home" "modular home" and "mobilehome" shall mean the same thing, that is: a residential building transportable in one or more sections which has been certified under the National Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974. For purposes of simplicity, the term manufactured home is used in this section. C. Mobilehome Parks. In accordance with Section 65852.7 of the State Government Code, mobilehome parks are permitted in all residential districts if a conditional use permit is approved. Development standards for such parks shall be as follows: minimum thirty percent common open area and minimum perimeter setbacks of twenty feet at any point and twenty-five feet average over the entire perimeter. D. Individual Manufactured Homes. In accordance with Section 65852.3 et seq. of the State Government Code, individual mobilehomes may be permitted as permanent or temporary dwellings on single-family lots within the RVL, RL, RC, RM, and RMH districts. E. Minor Use Permit Required. Approval of a minor use permit by the planning commission shall be required prior to the placement of a manufactured home on a single-family lot subject to the provisions of Section 9.210.020. The permit shall not be approved unless the community development director finds that the dwelling meets the same development standards as provided for single-family homes for each district as set forth in Chapter 9.50 and elsewhere in this code in addition to the standard findings for approval of a site development permit per Section 9.210.010. (Ord. 325 § I (Exh. A) (part), 1998; Ord. 299 § 1 (part), 1997; Ord. 284 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 1996) r r 1 of 1 3/21/2006 9:17 Ah ATTACHMENT untitled 65852.3. (a) A city, including a charter city, county, or city and county, shall allow the installation of manufactured homes certified under the National Manufactured Housing construction and Safety standards Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. Secs. 5401 et seq.) on a foundation system, pursuant to Section 18551 of the Health and Safety Code, on lots zoned for conventional single-family residential dwellings. Except with respect to architectural requirements, a city, including a charter city, county, or city and county, shall only subject the manufactured home and the lot on which it is placed to the same development standards to which a conventional single-family residential dwelling on the same lot would be subject, including, but not limited to, building setback standards, side and rear yard requirements, standards for enclosures, access, and vehicle parking, aesthetic requirements, and minimum square footage requirements. Any architectural requirements imposed on the manufactured home structure itself, exclusive of any requirement for any and all additional enclosures, shall be limited to its roof overhang, roofing material, and siding material. These architectural requirements may be imposed on manufactured homes even if similar requirements are not imposed on conventional single-family residential dwellings. However, any architectural requirements for roofing and siding material shall not exceed those which would be required of conventional single-family dwellings constructed on the same lot. At the discretion of the local legislative body, the city or county may preclude installation of a manufactured home in zones specified in this section if more than 10 years have elapsed between the date of manufacture of the manufactured home and the date of the application for the issuance of a permit to install the manufactured home in the affected zone. In no case may a city, including a charter city, county, or city and county, apply any development standards that will have the effect of precluding manufactured homes from being installed as permanent residences. Page 1 •CV P.O. Box 1504 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92247-1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 March 29, 2006 Mr. Mark Ladeda 38-455 Plumosa Drive Palm Desert, CA 92260 SUBJECT: PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION MINOR USE PERMIT 2006-763 Dear Mr. Ladeda: (760) 7 7 7-7000 FAX ( 760) 77 7-71 01 The purpose of this letter is to formally notify you that on March 28, 2006, the La Quinta Planning Commission did, by a 5-0 decision, adopt Minute Motion 2006-007, granting approval of Minor Use Permit 2006-763. The action was taken subject to the staff -recommended Conditions of Approval, a copy of which is attached. The decision may be appealed to the City Council, provided that the written appeal and filing fee of $175.00 are submitted to the Community Development Department within 15 calendar days from the date of Planning Commission approval. Should you have any questions or comments regarding this information, please contact me at 760-777-7067. Ve truly yours, JAY WUU Assistant Planner C: Planning Manager Brian Ching, Public Works Department Greg Butler, Building & Safety Department Deby Conrad, Code Compliance Department Cis CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - ADOPTED MINOR USE PERMIT 2006-763 MARK LADEDA MARCH 28, 2006 GENERAL The applicant agrees to, defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of La Quinta (the "City"), its agents, officers and employees from any claim, action or proceeding to attack, set aside, void, or annul the approval of this site development plan. The City shall have sole discretion in selecting its defense counsel. The City shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action or proceeding and shall cooperate fully in the defense. 2. �. Prior to the issuance of any permit, the' applicant shall obtain applicable permits and/or clearances from the following public -agencies: • Fire Marshal • Public Works Department (Grading Permit, Green Sheet (Public Works Clearance) for Building Permits, Improvement Permit) • Community Development Department • Desert Sands Unified School District • Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) Imperial Irrigation District (IID) The applicant is responsible for any requirements of the permits or clearances from those jurisdictions. If the requirements include approval of improvement plans, applicant shall furnish proof of said approvals prior to obtaining. City approval of the plans. 3. The applicant shall comply with applicable provisions of the City's NPDES stormwater discharge permit, Sections 8.70.010 et seq. (Stormwater Management and Discharge Controls), and 13.24.170 (Clean Air/Clean Water), - LQMC; Riverside County Ordinance No. 457; and the State Water Resources Control Board's Order No. 99-08- DWQ. A. For construction activities including clearing, grading or excavation of land that disturbs one (1) acre or more of land, or.that disturbs less than one (1) acre of land, but which is a part of a construction project that encompasses. more than one (1) acre of land, the Permitee shall be required to submit a Storm Water Pollution Protection Plan ("SWPPP"). The applicant or design. professional can obtain the California Stormwater Quality Association SWPPP template at www.cabmphandbooks.com for use in their SWPPP preparation. B. The applicant's SWPPP shall be approved by the City Engineer prior to any on or off-site grading being done in relation to this project. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - ADOPTED MINOR USE PERMIT 2006-763 MARK LADEDA MARCH 28, 2006 PAGE 2 C. The applicant shall ensure that the required SWPPP is available for inspection at the project site at all times through and including acceptance of all improvements by the City. D. The applicant's SWPPP shall include provisions for all of the following Best Management Practices ("BMPs") (8.70.020 (Definitions), LQMC): 1) Temporary Soil Stabilization (erosion control). 2) Temporary Sediment Control. 3) Wind Erosion Control. 4) Tracking Control. 5) Non=Storm Water Management. 6) Waste Management and Materials Pollution Control. E. All erosion and sediment control BMPs proposed by the applicant shall be approved by the City Engineer prior to any onsite or offsite grading, pursuant to this project. F. The approved SWPPP and BMPs shall remain in effect for the entire duration of project construction until all improvements are completed and accepted by the City. 4. Permits issued under this approval shall be subject to the provisions of the Infrastructure Fee Program and Development Impact Fee program in effect at the time of issuance of building permit(s). PROPERTY RIGHTS 5. Prior to issuance of any permit(s), the applicant shall acquire or confer easements and other property rights necessary for the construction or proper functioning : of the proposed development. Conferred rights shall include irrevocable offers to dedicate or grant access easements to the City for emergency services and for maintenance, construction and reconstruction of essential improvements. Additionally, the applicant shall have recorded reciprocal access agreements and easements for its connection to Monroe Street. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - ADOPTED MINOR USE PERMIT 2006-763 MARK LADEDA MARCH 28, 2006 PAGE 3 IMPROVEMENT PLANS As used throughout these Conditions of Approval, professional titles such as "engineer," "surveyor," and "architect" refer to persons currently certified or licensed to practice their respective professions in the State of California. 6. Improvement plans shall be prepared by or under the direct supervision of qualified engineers -and/or architects, as appropriate, and shall comply with the provisions of .Section 13.24.040 (Improvement Plans), LQMC. 7. The following plans shall be submitted to the Building and Safety Department and. 1 Public Works Department for review and approval. The plans shall utilize the minimum scale specified, unless otherwise authorized by the Building and Safety Director in writing. Plans may be prepared at a -larger scale if additional detail or plan clarity is desired. Note, the applicant may be required to prepare other improvement plans not listed here pursuant to improvements required by other agencies and utility purveyors. A.. On -Site Residential Precise Grading Plan 1" = 30' Horizontal Note: Pursuant to the above condition, the applicant shall include egress and ingress driveways for connection to Monroe Street for approval by the City Engineer. GRADING 8. Within 5 days, after the approval of this Minor Use Permit, the applicant shall pay all fines associated with the unpermitted grading of the site. Additionally, the applicant shall submit and receive approval of a Fugitive Dust Control Plan prepared in accordance with Chapter 6.16, LQMC for any future precise grading work as applicable for issuance of a building permit. The applicant shall furnish security, in a form acceptable to the City, in an amount sufficient to guarantee compliance with the provisions of the permit. 9. The applicant shall maintain graded, undeveloped land to prevent wind and water erosion of soils. The land shall be planted with interim landscaping or provided with other erosion control measures approved by the Community Development and Public Works Departments. DRAINAGE 10. Stormwater handling for the site shall be as approved with the precise grading plan check application. Nuisance water shall be retained onsite and disposed of via an underground percolation improvement approved by the City Engineer. 11. The applicant shall meet the individual -lot retention provisions of Chapter 13.24.120 (Drainage), sub -section "K.", LQMC. Individual lot basins or other retention concepts may be approved by the City Engineer for lots 2 '/z acres in size or larger or where the CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - ADOPTED. MINOR USE PERMIT 2006-763 MARK LADEDA MARCH 28, 2006 PAGE 4 use of common retention is determined by the City Engineer to be impracticable. If individual lot retention is approved, the applicant shall meet all individual lot retention provisions of Chapter 13.24, LQMC. UTILITIES 12. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of Section 13.24.110 (Utilities), LQMC. 13. The applicant shall obtain ,the approval of the City Engineer for the location of all utility lines within any right-of-way, and all above -ground utility. structures including, but not limited to, traffic signal cabinets, electric vaults, water valves, and telephone stands, to ensure optimum placement for practical and aesthetic purposes. 14. Underground utilities shall be installed as approved by the perspective utility purveyors such as IID and CVWD. For installation of utilities in existing improved streets, the applicant shall comply with trench restoration requirements maintained, or required by the City Engineer. 15. As required by all applicable agencies. listed in Condition 2, the applicant is required to provide all required new facility or connection to existing utilities to include but not limited to water, sewer, and electrical. The applicant shall provide certified reports of all utility trench compaction for approval by the City Engineer. STREET AND TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENTS 16. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of .Sections 13.24.060 (Street Improvements), 13.24.070 (Street Design - Generally) & 13.24.100 (Access For Individual Properties And Development), LQMC for public streets;. and Section 13.24.080 (Street Design - Private Streets), where private streets are proposed. 17. The applicant shall be allowed a single access point to Monroe Street at the north east corner of APN 767-580-014 as proposed on the Site Plan. If required by the Fire Marshal, the applicant shall construct a secondary emergency � access to be 'a minimum of 20 feet in width, as approved by the Fire Marshal and the City Engineer. The applicant shall place a paved. driveway from, the subject' property surface to Monroe Street as approved by the City Engineer. LANDSCAPING 18. The applicant shall provide landscaping as required by the Community Development Department and the LQMC. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - ADOPTED MINOR USE PERMIT 2006-763 MARKLADEDA MARCH 28, 2006 PAGE 5 QUALITY ASSURANCE 19. The applicant shall employ construction quality -assurance measures which meet the approval of the City Engineer. 20. The applicant shall employ or retain qualified civil engineers, geotechnical engineers, surveyors, or other appropriate professionals to provide sufficient construction supervision to be able to furnish and sign accurate record drawings. 21. The applicant shall arrange and bear the cost, of measurement, sampling and testing. procedures not included in the City's inspection program but required by the City as 1 evidence that construction materials and methods comply with plans, specifications and applicable regulations. MAINTENANCE 22. The applicant shall make provisions for continuous, perpetual. maintenance of all .on- site improvements, perimeter landscaping, and access drives. The applicant shall maintain required public improvements until expressly released from this responsibility by the appropriate public agency. FEES AND DEPOSITS 23. The applicant shall pay the City's established fees for plan checking and construction inspection. Fee amounts shall be those in effect when the.applicant makes application for plan checking and permits. MISCELLANEOUS 24. This approval is for the location of a manufactured home only. It does not allow the establishment of any fencing, equipment storage/staging areas, additional trailers, etc. 25. The applicant shall meet the same development standards as provided for single- family homes in the RL: Low Density Residential zone, including setbacks, structure height, etc. 26. The applicant shall provide a minimum two -car garage per LQMC 9.150.060. 27. The applicant shall add a minimum 24 -inch roof overhang on all sides of the home, and solar control/overhang on the ends. 28. The applicant shall only use the following exterior colors and materials: CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - ADOPTED MINOR USE PERMIT 2006-763 MARK LADEDA MARCH 28, 2006 PAGE 6 A. Roof Material: Redlands Clay Tile Company Red #2210 Brown #2218 B. Stucco Material: La Habra Stucco. Company Santa Barbara Smooth Finish —Alamo C. Wood Trim/Beams: Dunn Edwards Chestnut Brown Douglas Fir Roughsawn E. Windows White Vinyl F. Stone: Eldorado Stone Field Ledge/Veneto Meseta. Milano Mix G. Entry Doors: Southwest Door Company Alder Medium Distress — Chestnut Brown H. Gates: Cedar House Doors Clear Cedar with Rod Iron 3 `ad• r,. D - Z at 1 t t a i .- Paoject Location t :7, N. 3 `ad• r,. D - Z at 1 *---------------------------- MetroScan / Riverside Parcel :767 580 013 Pc, int R. APN :000 000 000 Owner :Desert Cmnty Developers Inc Land :$306,000 Struct :$255,000 CoOwner Site :55075 Monroe St Thermal 92274 Other Mail :600 Anton Blvd #1400 Costa Mesa Ca 92626 Total :$561,000 Xfered :07/28/2005 Doc # :603075 Exempt Price Deed :Grant Deed Type LoanAmt Loan % Imprvd :45 Lender IntTyp: % Owned :100 VestTyp :Corporation Tax Area :20-059 Use :RO1 Res,Single Family Residences 05-06Tax :$6,424.94 Plat Map Grid Census :Tract: Block: OwnerPh 5:15 T:06S R:07E Q:SE TenantPh Bedrms Stories Acres :4.19 Year Built BthFull Fireplace:No LotSgFt :182,516 Street Type Bth3Qtr Pool :No Bldg SF Waterfront BthHalf RmAddtns :No AddOnSF Gas Service Cnt1Ht :No AddPkgTyp: GarSgFt Water Source Cnt1A/C :No Roof Type: GarType Sewer Type AgriPreserve Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. MAR -21-2006 04:13 AM Mer 25 04 10:59a Nov. 5. 2003 101DAM Kurt :b_,<on D•C-D, INC. LEGAL DMCRIMON P. 02 949 1 j280 p.5 No -0704 P. 4 501244506 The land referred to herein is situated in the State of California, County of RIVF-RSr03, City of LA QUINTA, described as follows: PARCEL l: (767-580-013) THR EASTERLY RECTANGULAR 285 FEET OF 'THE NORTHERLY 640 FSET OF THAT,' PORTION OF THE WEST HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 6 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID WEST HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 6 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST; THENCE WEST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID WEST HALF, 660 FEET; THENCE SOUTH, PARALLRL TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID WEST HALF, 660.38 FEET; THENCE EAST, PARALLEL TO THE NORTE LINE OF SAI❑ WEST HALF, 660 FEET TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID WEST HALF, THENCE NORTH, ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID WEST HALF, 660.38 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL, 2: (767-5B0-014) AN EASEMENT FOR INGRESS AND EGRESS OVER AND ACROSS THA NORTHERLY 40 FEET OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRYSED PROPERTY: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF vis SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 6 SOUTH, RANGE 7 LAST; THENCE SOUTH 2 DEGREES 10' EAST ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF THE SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER, 165 FEET; THENCE 89 DEGREES 47' ZO" WEST, PARALLEL WITH THE NORTHERLY LINE OF THE SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER, 1272.98 FEET; THENCE NORTH 2 DEGREES 9' WEST, PARALLEL WITH TH9 WESTERLY LINE OP THS NORTHEAST QUARTER OF TFjE SOUTHEAST QUARTER, 165 FLET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE NORTHERLY LINE OF THE SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER; THENCE NORTH 89 DEGREES 47' 20" BAST ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF THE SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER, 1272.93 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL 3: (767-560-015) AN EASEMENT FOR ROAD PURPOSES ONLY, OVER AND ACROSS THE NORTHERLY 40 FEET OF TER FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION IS, TOWNSHIP 6 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST; THENCE SOUTH 89 DEGREES 47' 20" WEST, .ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF THE SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER, 1.272,93 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, THENCE SOUTH 2 DEGREES 9' EAST, PARALLEL WITH THR WESTERLY LINE Continued on next page -2- MAR -21-2006 04:13 AM P.03 Mar 25 04 10:59a Kurt S,. -an 949 3L 280 p.6 Nov. 5. 2003 101 DAM VC -0. INC. No.07.04 P. 5 501244506 OF THE SAIL] NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER, 165 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89 DEGREES 47' 21" WEST, 45 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE WESTERLY LINE OF THE SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER; THENCE NORTH 2 DEGREES 9' WEST ALONG THE WESTERN LINE OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER TO THE NORTHERLY LINE OF THE SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER; THENCE NORTH 89 D9GREBS 47' 20" EAST ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF THE SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER, 45 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE 'TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. End of Legal Description Continued on next page -3� .H15 MAP WAS PR PARED FOR ASSESSMENT PURPOSES OILY. NO LIABILIIY 32 SEC.15 4. 6S. R. H iS ASSUMED FOR HE ACCURACY OF THE DATd SHOWN ASSESSOR'S PARCEL I- , MAT NOT COMPLY ITH LOCAL LOT -SPLIT OR BUILDING SITE ORDINANCES. CITY Or LA QUINTA 775 11 I I 14 I T.R.A. 020459 i 767-58 I I 767-33 II II I 48 I I I 14 µse TA.=at30 8 =20— — — — — — — T — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ,r,• III I 4.,enc In :, I••- E 4BD� 1 e )),w, .1 'fea, 1 GOLF COURSE Pa Lot 21 III I ,nzfe 39 I O 26 5 or 4 36 �Lq= 3 I 43.87 AC I II I • 4,f AC Mi 15 y, 6 9 2 II 1 "� I DEER PARK 49 � 15=.5e 23 zr � POR 107 Ai 775 e 8 4 ��I ! , — - J _j POeu 18 I I �O I m ,l, 32 POR LOf A 3d. 19 • $ 51a.w T0. 1-7_ t I ,mA<ea coif COURSE roan __5L 60 —� 52 775 l .,r K T 1 3 e s 52 I I I I 29 i ) I I 53 57 53 car F I 50�• I LOT a z: LOT A4 III eee )e I 4 775 y 20 III I 23 s 22 ants a 50 I .ee9' 11 III I I POR 33 36 21 Qae arose I �1�L I n ! III I 25 GOLF COURSE 3R z,aaT 32 `i I I I I 66 "d 40 I GOLF COURSE I 17 34 I n III I aase Nc I 26 POR IOfa d'~ zz.ezAcw I ! 35 ,gyp I tae a ,3e Ac fa 28 8 :3z 3, p u.w 232.31 g., a 14 222sf Al p«rwAIRPOof ~ I14 1 22� 715 762 762 I 30 I I 40 DATA: LEA 91-11t 29 PM 33fjI I W 960//8]-85 I ! 60 111 '2PER INST. 02592 - 4/59 ASSE�SOR S MA BK761 PG.58 J I I Rive sid C. ty, Calif, ant x.c.a LOIa a Tn tfne 14 -------------- 22 23 764 764 03 04 AY 1 Z 70103 N8 285/4-16 TRACT NAP N0. 29136 )/of r6 sa,11 NB 285/61-64 TRACT NAP N0. 29347 IB 292/60-65 TRACT NAP N0. 296572ro, A las: Apr 2003 NW42;rrF1wEE7W000 Wind Zone I MULTI SECTION Revised June 30, 2004 A COPY OF THIS MANUAL MUST REMAIN WITH THE HOME FOR REFERENCE BY OCCUPANT © Copyright 2004 by Fleetwood Enterprises, Inc. ATTENTION Homes manufactured with optional 2 x 6 exterior walls shall be 4" longer and 4" wider than homes manufactured with standard 2 x 4 exterior walls. Foundation lengths and widths must be adjusted to accommodate homes with optional 2 x 6 exterior w. -,!Is. NOTE CONSUMER INFORMATION CARDS Keep this manual with your manufactured home. Title VI of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 provides you with protection against certain construction and safety hazards in your manufactured home. To help assure your protection, the manufacturer of your manufactured home needs the information which these cards, when completed and mailed, will supply. If you bought your home from a retailer, please by sure that your retailer has completed and mailed a card for you. If you acquired your home from someone who is not a retailer, you should promptly fill out and send a card to the manufacturer. It is important that you keep this manual and give it to any person who buys the manufactured home from you. TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword Chapter 1 - Introduction Introduction, Before You Begin, Zone Maps, Material Specifications Chapter 2 - Definitions Chapter 3 - Site Preparation Zones, Site Grading, Vegetation Control, Soil Bearing Capacity Chapter 4 - Foundation Footing Pads & Piers, Concrete & Metal Piers, Perimeter Piers, Pier & Tiedown Spacing, Pre -Poured Footings, Mating Line Piers, Piering for Porches & Decks Chapter 5 - Installation Procedure Positioning & Leveling Home, Floor & Roof Connections, Ground Anchors & Straps, Crossover Connections (plumbing, drain, gas, heat duct, electrical), Bottom Board Repair, Unfinished Gypsum, Multi -Wide Close Up APPROVED PFS Corporation Madison WI - 9 6/8/04 HUD Manufactured Home Construction & Safety Standard Chapter 6 - Installation of Optional Features Interior & Exterior Lights, Ceiling Fans, Telephones, Awnings -Deck -Carport -Patio Covers, Skirting, Pipe Heating Cable, Windows & Door, Axles Chapter 7 - Preparation of Appliances Dryer Vent, Air Conditioning, Furnace, Fireplace, Range/Cook Top/Oven, Water Heater, Kitchen Sink, Bath Tub, Shower Chapter 8 - Utility System Connection and Testing Electrical Connection, Grounding, Water Connection, Utility Service Test, Gas Test, Water Test, Electrical Test, Drain Test The division of topics shown above conforms to NCSBCS/ANSI A225.1 - 94 1 7 R 11 39 59 63 65 FOREWORD TO THE HOMEOWNER: Thank you for purchasing a Fleetwood manufactured home. This installation manual contains instructions that must be followed for the proper installation of your home. We strongly recommend you review the entire manual. WARNING INSTALLATION OF YOUR MANUFACTURED HOME SHOULD BE PERFORMED BY PROFESSIONAL CONTRACTORS WHO HAVE BEEN TRAINED IN SETUP AND INSTALLATION SKILLS. LAYPERSONS UNFAMILIAR WITH THESE SKILLS WHO ATTEMPT INSTALLATION COULD CAUSE PERSONAL INJURY TO THEMSELVES AND OTHERS, AND/OR DAMAGE TO THE HOME. FAILURE TO FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS IN THIS MANUAL MAY AFFECT YOUR WARRANTY COVERAGE. Fleetwood manufactures and warrants this home to be in compliance with the Federal Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards in effect at the time of production. For warranty information see the Fleetwood Home Owner's Guide. To maintain an effective warranty, the home must be installed in accordance with the instructions in this manual. This home is specifically designed to withstand certain structural, wind, and climate zones. When properly installed and prepared for the prevailing weather conditions at the chosen site, the home will provide a satisfactory and comfortable residence. The home manufacturer is not responsible for the integrity of the home in conditions more rigorous than those for which it is designed. Nor is the home manufacturer responsible for damage caused by failure to adequately prepare the home for extreme temperatures or other climate conditions that may be encountered. ITEMS REQUIRING YOUR SPECIFIC ATTENTION: Carefully review the information provided on the following pages prior to installing your home. SITE PREPARATION - Page 9. Provides specific information necessary to prepare the site where your home will be located. Please note the information regarding water drainage and ground barrier. FOOTING PADS - Page 13 & 14. In areas where the ground is subject to freezing, footing pads must extend below the frost line established by local jurisdictions. INSTALLATION OF OPTIONAL FEATURES - Page 59. Review this information prior to the installation of items such as carport, deck, skirting, telephone wiring or television cable. CLOTHES DRYER VENTING - Page 63. Access for a dryer vent has been provided in the utility area or room. To aid in preventing condensation problems, the dryer vent duct must terminate outside the perimeter of the home. MAIN PANEL BOX ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS - Page 65. Carefully review this entire page to insure that the electrical service is properly connected. WARNING: A 4 -wire feeder system is mandatory. You must have a ground wire connection from the service entrance to the ground bar in the panel box. FOREWORD (Cont'd.) This home is designed to be moved by a specially -equipped truckhractor. The home may be damaged and the warranty voided if the home is moved, supported or lifted with equipment other than that specifically designed for this purpose. The drawings and data contained in these instructions are intended to be representative of the product. Design and specifications are subject to change without prior notice. Should you or the installer have any questions or desire further clarification, please contact your retailer. If the retailer is unable to provide the necessary information, contact the service center. Marginal Markings Vertical lines in the margin indicate and addition or a revision from the previous edition of this manual. Arrows in the margin indicate a portion that has been deleted since the previous edition of this manual. CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION AS YOU ARE READING THIS MANUAL, TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE OF ITEMS THAT ARE WRITTEN IN A BOLD TEXT, OR SECTIONS THAT ARE PRECEDED BY THE FOLLOWING WORDS: WARNING - MEANS THAT THERE IS THE POSSIBILITY OF PERSONAL INJURY TO YOURSELF AND OTHERS. CAUTION - MEANS THAT THERE IS THE POSSIBILITY OF PHYSICAL DAMAGE TO THE HOME OR ITS COMPONENTS. NOTE - INDICATES TOPICS OF PARTICULAR INTEREST. WARNING THIS MANUAL GIVES INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE SAFE INSTALLATION OF A MANUFACTURED HOME. UNIQUE CONDITIONS AT A SPECIFIC INSTALLATION SITE CAN CAUSE SPECIAL PROBLEMS AND REQUIRE PARTICULAR SAFETY PRECAUTIONS. THE INDIVIDUAL SUPERVISING THE INSTALLATION MUST BE EXPERIENCED IN HOME INSTALLATION PROCEDURES IN ORDER TO EVALUATE THE SAFETY IMPLICATIONS OF SUCH MATTERS AS: SOILS, SLOPE, MOISTURE CONDITIONS, INSTALLATION EQUIPMENT, SIZE AND WEIGHT OF THE HOME, ETC. IT IS ESSENTIAL TO PERFORM THE INSTALLATION CORRECTLY AND TO MAINTAIN SAFE WORKING CONDITIONS. WARNING THIS HOME WEIGHS SEVERAL TONS! ADEQUATE SUPPORT BLOCKING MUST BE USED TO SAFEGUARD PERSONNEL AND THE STRUCTURE DURING ALL INSTALLATION PROCEDURES. PERSONNEL SHOULD NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK UNDER THE HOME WHERE INJURY MIGHT RESULT SHOULD THE HOME ACCIDENTALLY SLIP DURING THE INSTALLATION PROCESS. Before beginning to install the home, check with local regulatory agencies for codes or regulations which may affect procedures in this manual and entries on the Compliance Certificate. Only qualified service personnel should be allowed to test the various utility systems and the connection of these systems to the on-site services. The laws of some jurisdictions may require that the service personnel possess a license. This manual depicts the most widely used method of supporting manufactured homes. Other methods which provide equal support at the same locations may be acceptable provided they do not stress the structure or cause distortion to the structure during installation. Also, other products and/or material equal to or better than those indicated may be used. The home is designed to be supported by individual piers and anchored with tiedown straps. These are collectively referred to as the support and anchoring systems. Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 � FLEEIW410iD Page 1 CopyrightcC 2004 by Fleetwood Enterprises Inc. INTRODUCTION (Cont'd.) Consult the service center before using a support system which does not directly support the main beams and mating line as this may result in damage to the home. The support system must resist vertical loads from the weight of the home plus temporary extra roof loading (i.e. snow), as well as resisting side loads imposed by wind forces. Consult the Compliance Certificate for design data describing the roof and wind load resistance Determine the appropriate support system for local site and wind exposure conditions. On certain pages of this manual, you will see the seal of a professional engineer. Federal guidelines only require the seal from one state to be displayed, but the details herein apply to all of the United States. Should you have any questions or desire further clarification, please contact the retailer or the regional service center. (See Chapter 2) Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 'WZ; "FLAElWOlO1D, Page 2 Copyright 0 2004 by Fleetwood Enterprises Inc. BEFORE YOU BEGIN...... Carefully review the documents behind the flap in the back of this manual prior to installation of this home. COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATE: The Compliance Certificate can be found either on a wall in the master bedroom closet or on a door under the kitchen sink. A copy of the Certificate is included in this manual so you can reference the structural, roof load, thermal, and wind designs. 2. FLOOR PLAN: This document is the approved floor plan of the home and includes information regarding minimum pier capacities for mating line piers, pertinent electrical information, and detailed structural requirements required by the Federal Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards. 3. UTILITY SCHEMATICS: These documents are the approved utility schematics and show the configuration of the different utility systems in the home --water, drain, and gas. The drain schematic will indicate any portions of the drain system that require site installation for final assembly. Field assembly is necessary for any "shipped loose" system parts that are indicated by an asterisk (" ). 4. INSTALLATION MANUAL SUPPLEMENTS: Supplemental pages may be included with this manual outlining special features in the home that are not covered in the manual or that differ from details in the manual. 5. DESIGN ZONE MAPS: The Design Zone Maps for roof loads, heat and cooling, and structural wind zones are shown on page 4 of the manual. Review these maps and the information on the Compliance Certificate to determine if the home site location is within the acceptable boundaries. The boundaries for structural Wind Zones II and III have been listed by state and county to further clarify Wind Zone boundries. 6. WIND ZONES: Wind zone listings are also found on page 4 of the manual. 7. ROOF LOAD a) The roof load for which a home is labeled is a maximum. For example: A home labeled for 40 psf live load (L.L.) may be installed at any roof load not exceeding 40 psf. / b) Homes labeled for roof L.L. over 20 psf that are installed in the 20 psf zone may omit the perimeter piering requirement. Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1FLEETWOIOlD Page 3 Copyright 0 20134 by Fleetwood Enterprises Inc. ZONE MAPS OF THE UNITED STATES NORTH MIDDLE NH VT MT4ND ... i MA OR ID WY NV UT CO CA rA SD NE ;K:SMO OK no CT NJ DE MD TX L�F P .o O,p D HI DESIGN ROOF LOADS SOUTH NORTH � SOUTH 20 PSf MIDDLE 30 PSF NOTE: Hawaii, Puerto Rico and Virgin NORTH 40 PSF Islands are South Zone STRUCTURAL ROOF DESIGN MAP ZONEI TX LA NH L AK -4 VT WA ND HI MT M, (TYPICAL) MN WIND ZONE II (100 MPH) The following local governments listed by state (counties / parishes, unless wl Alabama OR ID Baldwin SD Beaufort New Hanover NY Brunswick Onslow All counties except those identified as Camden Pamlico MI Chowan Columbus Columbus RI Georgia WY Perquimans Bryan Glynn PA CT Camden Liberty Jones NE IA Chatham OH NJ South Carolina IL IN Beaufort Georgetown NV Livingston Pointe Berkeley Horry Coupee Charleston DE Ascension UT CO KS MO Assumption St. James VA MD CA St. John the Baptist Cameron KY Texas East Baton Rouge St. Martin Arkansas Kleberg East Feliciana TN Brazoria Matagorda Evangeline Tangipahoa Calhoun OK Iberia Vermillion SC Orange Iberville AZ NM AR Jefferson Davis West Baton Rouge Galveston San Patricio LaFayette West Feliciana Jefferson Willacy MS AL GA Kenedy ZONEI TX LA L AK -4 ZONE II Q 44 HI ZONE III (TYPICAL) ZONE III WIND ZONE II (100 MPH) The following local governments listed by state (counties / parishes, unless specified otherwise) are within Wind Zone II: Alabama North Carolina Baldwin Mobile Beaufort New Hanover Florida Brunswick Onslow All counties except those identified as Camden Pamlico being within Wind Zone III Chowan Columbus Columbus Pas Pender Georgia Craven Perquimans Bryan Glynn Cunituck Tyrrell Camden Liberty Jones Washington Chatham McIntosh South Carolina Lousiana Beaufort Georgetown Acadia Allen Livingston Pointe Berkeley Horry Coupee Charleston Jasper Ascension St. Helena Colleton Williamsburg Assumption St. James Dorchester Calcasieu St. John the Baptist Cameron St. Landry Texas East Baton Rouge St. Martin Arkansas Kleberg East Feliciana St. Tammany Brazoria Matagorda Evangeline Tangipahoa Calhoun Nueces Iberia Vermillion Cameron Orange Iberville Washington Chambers Refugio Jefferson Davis West Baton Rouge Galveston San Patricio LaFayette West Feliciana Jefferson Willacy Maine Kenedy Hancock Washington Massachusetts Virginia - The cities of: Barnstable Nantucket Chesapeake Princess Anne Bristol Plymouth Norfolk Virginia Beach Dukes Portsmouth Mississippi George Jackson Hancock Pearl River Harrison Stone ZONE 3 ZONE II ZONE 3 CT NJ DE MD ZONE t S rT E] ZONE 1 �J ZONE 2 ❑ ZONE 3 HEATING & COOLING DESIGN MAP (Uo VALUE ZONES) Wind Zone I consists of those areas of the United States and its territories that are not identified as being in Wind Zone II or III. (Wind Zone I has no equivalent MPH rating) ZONE I ZONE II ZONE III STRUCTURAL WIND ZONE DESIGN MAP WIND ZONE III (110 MPH) The following local governments listed by State (counties / parishes, unless specified otherwise) are within Wind Zone III: Florida Broward Lee Charlotte Martin Collier Manatee Dade Monroe Franklin Palm Beach Gulf Pinellas Hendry Sarasota Louisiana Jefferson St. Bernard La Fourche St Charles Orleans St. Mary Plaquemines Terrebonne North Carolina Carteret Dare Hyde The following states and territories are within Wind Zone III: State of Hawaii Alaska, coastal regions between the 90 mph isotach on ASCE 7-88 wind map and the coast U.S. Territories: America Samoa Guam Northern Mariana Islands Puerto Rico Trust Territory of Pacific Islands U.S. Virgin Islands Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 We FLEETIN000. Page 4 Copyright 02004 by Fleetwood Enterprises Inc. SPECIFICATIONS FOR INSTALLER SUPPLIED MATERIALS MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS PIERS: COMMERCIAL METAL PIER .................. Available in various heights and base widths listed and stamped with maximum load capacity. CONCRETE BLOCK ........................ Hollow load bearing concrete masonry blocks conforming to ASTM Designation C90, Grade N. Nominal 8" x 8" x 16". Minimum 8,000 lbs. capacity (Not considering footings). FOOTING PADS AND RUNNER: CONCRETE ............................... Nominal 4" pre -cast concrete without reinforcement with a 28 day compressive strength at least 3,000 PSI. PLYWOOD ............................... 2 pieces nominal 3/4" (23/32" actual) plywood (APA Rated Sheathing, Exposure 1, PS 1) pressure treated for soil contact in accordance with AWPB-FDN or AWPA C-9. WOOD ................................... Nominal 2 x 12 x 24" minimum pressure treated lumber #2 grade any wood specie. (AWPA C2 treatment or equivalent) A single wood pad with 3,000 or higher PSF soil capacity must be minimum #2 Doug -Fir Larch or #2 Southern Pine with minimum 12" base metal pier or 8" x 8" x 16" concrete blocks. PLASTIC ................................. Available in various base sizes — listed with maximum load capacity. OPTIONAL CONCRETE RUNNERS ........... Nominal 6" reinforced concrete. CAPS AND WEDGES: WOOD WEDGES .......................... 3 1/2" min. width x 8" min. length x 1 1/2" max. thickness (may be untreated) PLASTIC ................................ CONCRETE CAP BLOCK ................. WOOD CAP BLOCK ...................... TIEDOWN STRAPS AND GROUND ANCHORS: Available in various sizes -- listed with maximum load capacity. Nominal 2", 3", or 4" x 8" x 16" pre -cast concrete without reinforcement. Nominal 2 x 8 x 16" lumber (may be untreated). a• Main beam diagonal straps. Min. 1 1/4" x 0.035" zinc coated (0.30 oz. per sq. ft.) steel strapping b. Supplemental straps. conforming to ASTM D3953, Type 1, Grade 1, Finish B with a minimum working load capacity of 3150 lbs and a minimum total load capacity of 4725 lbs. Slit or cut edges of zinc coated strapping do not need to be zinc coated. C. Ground anchors for all tiedown 1). Ground anchors should be capable of resisting a minimum total straps. May be fabricated from load capacity of 4725 lbs. and a working load capacity of 3150 lbs. steel rod, cable or other similar minimum. material. 2). The resistance capability of anchors and anchoring equipment should be certified by a professional engineer, architect or a nationally recognized testing laboratory. This is based on the maximum angle of diagonal tie and/or vertical tie loading the angle of anchor installation, and the type of soil in which the anchor is to be installed. The tiedown straps should be certified in accordance with testing procedures in ASTM Standard Specification D3953-91, Standard Specification for Strapping, Flat Steel and Seals. Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 We FLEB57WOIOI. Page 5 Copyright 0 2004 by Fleetwood Enterprises Inc. Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 FLEEMOW. Page 6 Copyright ®2004 by Fleetwood Enterprises Inc. CHAPTER 2 DEFINITIONS ANCHORS - Part of the anchoring system installed in the ground around the perimeter of the home. ANCHORING SYSTEM - A combination of ground anchors and tiedown straps designed to resist wind forces. See Chapter 5. BOTTOM BOARD - Fastened to the underside of the home is a special covering designed to protect against the entry of rodents and moisture as well as to isolate the floor cavity from outside air. This covering was inspected before the home left the manufacturing facility. Any areas damaged or torn during transportation or installation must be resealed. CROSSOVERS - Multi -section homes have utility connections that are located under the home where the two halves are joined. Crossover connections include heat ducting, electrical circuits, water pipes, drain plumbing and gas lines. Note: Not all homes have water, drain or gas crossovers. FOOTING PADS - Part of the support system located at or below ground level. Piers are placed on footing pads, which are made from concrete, treated lumber, or plastic. PIERS - Part of the support system installed on footing pads under the main beams or perimeter of the home. Piers are completed with cap blocks and wood wedges. Piers are made from concrete blocks, steel or concrete stands. SUPPORT POSTS - Structurally designed posts at each end and at various locations down the mating line of a multi section home. Footing pads and piers are required at these locations. SUPPORT SYSTEM - A combination of footings, piers, caps and wedges placed beneath the home to provide support. See Chapter 4. TIEDOWN STRAP - Part of the anchoring system consisting of steel straps that connect the home to the anchors. Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 `wz;-FLEEYWOOID, Page 7 Copyright 02004 by Fteetwootl Enterprises Inc. If you have any questions concerning definitions, terminology or other related installation issues, please contact the Regional Service Center located nearest you. Regional Service Centers: Western Region 877-322-2412 Central Region 877-538-8576 Eastern Region 866-231-9586 Riverside, CA Waco, TX Douglas, GA Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 �c FLMWOO 0. Page 8 Copyright 02004 by Fleetwood Enterprises Inc. CHAPTER 3 SITE PREPARATION CAUTION WHERE YOU LOCATE YOUR HOME IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. CAREFULLY REVIEW THE FOLLOWING ITEMS BEFORE CHOOSING A LOCATION. STRUCTURAL, WIND AND CLIMATIC ZONES Refer to a copy of the Compliance Certificate for this home and zone maps to determine that the home's location is within the specified zones and boundries. WATER DRAINAGE AND SITE GRADING Make sure the home site is properly graded and sloped to prevent water and moisture from collecting under the home. Rain and irrigation water must not be allowed to flow under the home. If the home is set over a crawl space or a basement provide water drainage away from the underside of the home. Locate the home an adequate distance from streams and rivers. If the home is placed on any fill material, such material should be clean and properly compacted before any pads or footings are located. Controlling the water and moisture under your home will greatly improve the stability of the footings and piers that support the home. CAUTION CONTINUOUS STANDING WATER UNDER THE HOME CAN RESULT IN CONDENSATION PROBLEMS AND AFFECT THE HOME'S WARRANTY, EXCESSIVE WATER IN THE SOIL UNDER THE HOME WILL ALSO AFFECT THE COMFORT LEVEL IN YOUR HOME AND CAUSE DETERIORATION. DO crown and grade site to slope away from the home. DO NOT grade site or set the home so that water collects beneath the home. GROUND MOISTURE BARRIER Ground moisture -vapor retarder is not required for this home and should not be used to correct poor drainage from under the home. Retarder, if used, should only be used in addition to proper grading and drainage described above. MIN. SLOPE: 1/2" PER FOOT Home sites shall be prepared so that there will be no depressions in which surface water shall accumulate beneath the home. The area of the site covered by the manufactured home shall be graded, sloped or mechanically designed so as to provide drainage from beneath the home. ELEVATION Natural drainage should be diverted around the home. PLAN VIEW Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 W V FLEETWOIDD, Page 9 Copyright ® 2004 by Fleetw d Enterprises Inc. SITE PREPARATION (cont'd.) VEGETATION CONTROL Cut back low hanging tree branches, bushes and other vegetation and debris which could scrape walls and roof when the home is installed. Consider future growth and possible swaying movement of branches in projected wind, snow or ice conditions. Remove all thick, lawn -type vegetation, tall grasses and brush from under the home site. This will make it easier to place footings and piers. Any debris that could become termite infested should be removed completely from the home site and surrounding area. UTILITY LOCATIONS Review the location of utility inlets for water, gas and electricity and the outlet for the sewer connection. Evaluate the site location for any provided utility connections and determine there are no obstructions to making these connections to the home. SOIL BEARING VALUES Many local building jurisdictions have soil -bearing values available in pounds per square foot (psf). To ensure the home footing sizes and piers are adequate to support the home, you must obtain the following information: (1) soils investigation and analysis of the site, (2) compliance with the local building code, or (3) competent opinion by a local registered professional engineer or building official. If none of this information is available, use the procedure shown below to determine the soil -bearing capacity. If the procedure below is not used, all footing sizes and piers shall be determined by the 1000 pounds per square foot soil capacity columns as indicated in Chapter 4. PROCEDURE TO DETERMINE THE SOIL BEARING CAPACITY The following method is suggested for determining the allowable soil bearing capacity to be used in the sizing of footings. Such a method is only an approximation, and the results should be properly interpreted. 1. Obtain a pocket penetrometer. May be obtained by contacting Manufactured Housing Resources, PO Box 9 Nassau, DE 19969, 1-302-645-5552. 2. Test an area adjacent to, or within 10 feet of, the perimeter of the home. 3. Dig down to undisturbed soil a minimum of 4 inches. Uncover an area of at least one square foot. 4. Using the pocket penetrometer, take at least seven readings. 5. Take an average of the middle five readings, disregarding the highest and the lowest readings. Round this average down to the nearest soil bearing value. Use this value for determining minimum footing sizes. 6. Drive a wooden stake beside the test area in the event an inspector desires to verify the results. CAUTION MOST SOIL PENETROMETERS READ IN TSF (TONS PER FOOT) NOT PSF (POUNDS PER FOOT). 1 TSF = 2000 PSF CAUTION IF THERE IS ANY EVIDENCE THAT THE SOILS UNDER THE HOME ARE OF THE EXPANSIVE TYPE (SUCH AS A DRY CLAY THAT SWELLS WHEN WATER IS APPLIED), SPECIAL ANALYSIS WILL BE REQUIRED. CONTACT A LOCAL ENGINEER FOR ADDITIONAL GUIDANCE. NOTE DEPENDING ON THE SITE LOCATION, YOU MAY WANT TO APPROXIMATELY LOCATE FOOTING PADS, PIER BLOCKS OR STANDS, ANCHORS AND TIEDOWN STRAPS THAT MIGHT BE DIFFICULT TO PLACE AFTER THE SECTIONS OF THE HOME ARE IN THEIR FINAL POSITION. Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 'W,;; FLEETW000. Page 10 Copyright ©2004 by Fleetwood Enterprises Inc. CHAPTER 4 FOUNDATION FOOTING PADS AND PIERS FOOTING PADS Footings are required under each pier to distribute the home load to the ground. The size of the footing is determined by the allowable soil bearing pressure and load each pier has to carry. The details in this section provide the available configurations for concrete block and metal piers. Footing sizes and materials other than those shown in this manual (including plywood or plastic) may be used as long as the area of the footing is appropriate for the pier load and allowable soil bearing value at the site. Plywood pads must be two pieces each 3/4" min. thickness and used in similar configurations to 2 x 12 x 24" wood pads. (i.e., 2 pieces of 3/4" x 12 x 24 equals one piece of 2 x 12 x 24). ABS Plastic pads of equivalent bearing area are acceptable substitutions when used according to the pad manufacturers instructions. Check with local building authorities for home installation requirements due to ground conditions. In areas where the ground is subject to freezing, the footing pads must extend below the frost line established by local jurisdiction. See pages 13 and 14 for frost line information. PIERS The piers used must be strong enough to transmit the vertical load (including the weight of the home, its furnishings, and temporary roof loading) to the foundation surface below. Pier spacings other than those shown in this manual may also be used as long as spacing does not exceed the maximum pier spacing shown. Pier designs and heights shown in this manual can be used on flat or sloping ground. OPTIONAL POURED CONCRETE RUNNERS Concrete runners full-length or transverse of the home may be considered as an alternate pier support system to individual concrete or wood footings. Common full-length concrete runners are shown below. When using transverse runners, they should extend from sidewall to sidewall at the spacing shown in the diagram. Provide additional poured runners at the mating line for piers at the ridge beam support post locations. Before these methods are used, be sure they are adequate for the site location and permitted by the applicable local code. The size and spacing of reinforcing bar must be designed by others. To determine pier spacing for concrete runner use the pages for "Pre -Poured Concrete Footings" elsewhere in this manual. Example: for 20" wide concrete runners, use pier spacing for 20" x 20" footings. ----1 I~ `­ RUNNER OR 20" MIN. INDIVIDUAL PADS TYPICAL EACH MIN. 6" THICK RUNNER REINFORCED POURED (TYPICAL) CONCRETE (TYPICAL) 4 POUR RUNNERS WIDTH DETERMINED BY REINFORCED POURED SECTION WIDTH AND MAIN CONCRETE (TYPICAL) BEAM SPACING (TYPICAL) 3 POUR RUNNERS NOTE: INSTALLATIONS PROPOSING DIFFERENT DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS (SUCH AS BLOCK SIZE OR LOADS) SHOULD BE JUSTIFIED BY ENGINEERING DATA, DETAILS, PLANS AND/OR TEST DATA MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE LOCAL ENFORCEMENT AGENCY FOR APROVAL. ALTERNATE FOUNDATION DESIGNS WHICH ARE PREPARED BY A REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER OR ARCHITECT MAY BE USED INSTEAD OF DETAILS SHOWN HEREIN WHEN APPROVED BY LOCAL AGENCIES. Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 qwV FLEEMOW. Page 11 Copyright 02txW M Fleetwood Enterprses Inc. PIER LOCATION ELEVATIONS RECESSED ENTRY POST a I OVER 42" TO 72" MAX. A) See pages 15 and 16 for minimum footing requirements for labeled perimeter piers and labeled G-2 shearwall strap. 13) The perimeter piers shown above are not required if full perimeter piering is part of the home support and the location of the perimeter piers are within 1 foot of the indicated locations. Exception: A perimeter pier must be installed at a labeled G-2 strap location. Perimeter piering charts may also be used for permanent foundations. C) Sidewall windows, 30" or greater in width, in combinations of three or more require piers under each jamb and center stud. Sidewall windows, 60" or greater in width, in combinations of two or more require piers under each jamb and center stud. Sidewall windows, 72" or greater in width, used singly or in combination, require piers under each jamb (and center stud, if applicable). As an alternate to these requirements, a 4 x 4 beam may be used with perimeter pier spans not exceeding 8'-0". m — BOTTOM OF MAIN BEAM B FLOOR LINE LPIERSIRED UNDER EACH MAIN BE VARIOUSUMAXIMUM ON CENTER SPACIA GAT —11 V -011I" IMAX.* V-0" MAX.' MAIN BEAM PIERS • SEE EXCEPTION ON PAGES 18-21 RIDGE BEAM RIDGE BEAM SUPPORT POSTS TYPICAL NOTE See floor plan for minimum pier loads required for each support post. A pier tag is located at each support post location. MULTI WIDE SECTION MATING LINE RIDGE BEAM SUPPORT POST PIERS Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 '"VFLEETWOIOD, Page 12 Copyright 02004 by FIe9lwootl Enterprises Inc. m HIHI� 8 RECESSED ENTRY 8 AREA MAY AT F— RANDOM LOCATIONS ===-ALONG SIDEWALL PIER UNDER POST AT ALL SIDEWALL DOORS JPORCH OR RECESSED REQUIRE PERIMETER ENTRY PIERS UNDER EACH JAMB SEE PIER UNDER FACTORY INSTALLED LABELED G-2 SHEARWALL NOTE C FIREPLACE IN STRAP. NUMBER OF STRAPS ON HOME WILL FLOOR OVERHANG VARY. HOME MAY NOT HAVE ANY SUCH NOTEsa PERIMETER PIERS STRAPS ON THE EXTERIOR WALL. A) See pages 15 and 16 for minimum footing requirements for labeled perimeter piers and labeled G-2 shearwall strap. 13) The perimeter piers shown above are not required if full perimeter piering is part of the home support and the location of the perimeter piers are within 1 foot of the indicated locations. Exception: A perimeter pier must be installed at a labeled G-2 strap location. Perimeter piering charts may also be used for permanent foundations. C) Sidewall windows, 30" or greater in width, in combinations of three or more require piers under each jamb and center stud. Sidewall windows, 60" or greater in width, in combinations of two or more require piers under each jamb and center stud. Sidewall windows, 72" or greater in width, used singly or in combination, require piers under each jamb (and center stud, if applicable). As an alternate to these requirements, a 4 x 4 beam may be used with perimeter pier spans not exceeding 8'-0". m — BOTTOM OF MAIN BEAM B FLOOR LINE LPIERSIRED UNDER EACH MAIN BE VARIOUSUMAXIMUM ON CENTER SPACIA GAT —11 V -011I" IMAX.* V-0" MAX.' MAIN BEAM PIERS • SEE EXCEPTION ON PAGES 18-21 RIDGE BEAM RIDGE BEAM SUPPORT POSTS TYPICAL NOTE See floor plan for minimum pier loads required for each support post. A pier tag is located at each support post location. MULTI WIDE SECTION MATING LINE RIDGE BEAM SUPPORT POST PIERS Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 '"VFLEETWOIOD, Page 12 Copyright 02004 by FIe9lwootl Enterprises Inc. FOUNDATION FOOTINGS WITH CONCRETE BLOCK PIERS TRIPLE DOUBLE PAD FOOTINGS ("DOUBLE PAD" CAPACITY MULTIPLIED BY 3) Double concrete block piers may be used on any pad that covers at least 16" x 16". All piers shall be placed in the center of the footing configuration. 1 l a Y ^, rc TWO DOUBLE 1 ,6" F< PAD FOOTINGS SINGLE PAD FOOTING 1 J , y . 1 J QUAD PAD LOAD DOUBLE PAD FOOTINGS DISTRIBUTING PAD FOR FOOTING SUPPORT 16" X 16" X 4" CONCRETE PAD FOOTINGS 24"` SINGLE PAD 11 1/4" FOOTING FROST LINE DEPTH AS ESTABLISHED BY LOCAL JURISDICTION 8x16x4" concrete pads may not be used alone. They must be used in configurations of at least two pads. DOUBLE PAD FOOTING?, Y J J ? , 4, 4STWO DOUBLE TRIPLE PAD FOOTINGS ("TRIPLE PAD" CAPACITY MULTIPLIED BY 2. DOUBLE PAD FOOTINGS DOUBLE PAD , 1 FOOTING LOAD +, DISTRIBUTIN '? , PAD FOR Y SUPPORT TRIPLE PAD FOOTING 8" X 16" X 4" CONCRETE PAD FOOTINGS DOUBLE TRIPLE PAD FOOTING ("TRIPLE PAD" CAPACITY MULTIPLIED BY 2) 2 X 12 X 24" WOOD PAD FOOTINGS FOOTINGS AND FROST LINES In areas where the ground is subject to freezing, frost heaving can lead to unleveling and potential damage to the home. Follow these details in areas where the ground is subject to freezing. TYPICAL PIER BOTTOM OF FOOTING PAC LOCATED AT FROST LINE 6" MIN. TYPICAL PIER JG PAD WHEN FROST LINE IS NOT OR CANNOT BE ESTABLISHED, BACK FILL WITH ANY CLEAN GRANULAR SAND AND COMPACT FOR FIRM SUPPORT OF FOOTING. Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 'WV-FLEETWOW. Page 13 Copyright 0 2004 by Fleetwood Enterprises Inc. CA 't y,J �-,s 8�" TRIPLE PAD FOOTINGS DOUBLE PAD FOOTING?, Y J J ? , 4, 4STWO DOUBLE TRIPLE PAD FOOTINGS ("TRIPLE PAD" CAPACITY MULTIPLIED BY 2. DOUBLE PAD FOOTINGS DOUBLE PAD , 1 FOOTING LOAD +, DISTRIBUTIN '? , PAD FOR Y SUPPORT TRIPLE PAD FOOTING 8" X 16" X 4" CONCRETE PAD FOOTINGS DOUBLE TRIPLE PAD FOOTING ("TRIPLE PAD" CAPACITY MULTIPLIED BY 2) 2 X 12 X 24" WOOD PAD FOOTINGS FOOTINGS AND FROST LINES In areas where the ground is subject to freezing, frost heaving can lead to unleveling and potential damage to the home. Follow these details in areas where the ground is subject to freezing. TYPICAL PIER BOTTOM OF FOOTING PAC LOCATED AT FROST LINE 6" MIN. TYPICAL PIER JG PAD WHEN FROST LINE IS NOT OR CANNOT BE ESTABLISHED, BACK FILL WITH ANY CLEAN GRANULAR SAND AND COMPACT FOR FIRM SUPPORT OF FOOTING. Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 'WV-FLEETWOW. Page 13 Copyright 0 2004 by Fleetwood Enterprises Inc. CA FOUNDATION FOOTINGS WITH COMMERCIAL METAL PIERS All piers shall be placed in the center of the footing configuration. ;= SINGLE PAD �'��✓ TWO DOUBLE FOOTING DOUBLE PAD FOOTINGS PAD FOOTING 4 LOAD DISTRIBUTING�� PAD FOR SUPPORT y 16" X 16" X 4" CONCRETE 16" 16" PAD FOOTINGS F;INGLE PAD IOTING /4" DOUBLE TRIPLE R FOOTINGS ("TRIPLE I CAPACITY MULTIPLIEC FROST LINE DEPTH AS ESTABLISHED BY LOCAL JURISDICTION 2X12X24"WOOD PAD FOOTINGS FOOTINGS AND FROST LINES In areas where the ground is subject to freezing, frost heaving can lead to unleveling and potential damage to the home. Follow these details in areas where the ground is subject to freezing. TYPICAL PIER 'FOOTING PAD r FROST LINE 6° MIN. TYPICAL PIER FOOTING PAD LE PAD (TING RIBUTING JPPORT WHEN FROST LINE IS NOT OR CANNOT BE ESTABLISHED, BACK FILL WITH ANY CLEAN GRANULAR SAND AND COMPACT FOR FIRM SUPPORT OF FOOTING. Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 VV FLEEMOIOD, Page 14 Copyright 02004 by Fleetwood Enterprises Inc. CONCRETE BLOCK PIERS 8" X 16" HOLLOW CONCRETE MASONRY BLOCKS (NO MORTAR OR GROUT REQUIRED) 36" MAX. HEIGHT (SEE NOTES 2 & 3) / Y may/ WOOD WEDGES MUST BE USED IN PAIRS TO FORM LEVEL SURFACE. — CAP BLOCK(S) — CAP BLOCKS OF VARIABLE THICKNESS MAY BE USED IN COMBINATION WITH EACH OTHER ALONG WITH MINIMUM 1" WOOD WEDGES UP TO A MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF 8". SINGLE BLOCK PIER 8,000 LBS MAXIMUM CAPACITY NOTES: 1. PIER CAPACITY MUST BE THE SAME AS OR GREATER THAN THE FOOTING CAPACITIES ON PAGE 32. 2. MIN. PIER HEIGHT IS 8" FROM GROUND TO BOTTOM OF MAIN BEAM PROVIDED ALL OTHER CLEARANCES ARE MET. (HEATING DUCTS AND DRAIN PLUMBING). MAIN fBEAM WOOD WEDGES CAP BLOCK 80" MAX. HEIGHT / �\ a DOUBLE BLOCK PIER 16,000 LBS MAXIMUM CAPACITY 3. SINGLE STACK BLOCKS MAYBE 48" MAX. HEIGHT WHEN USED FOR EITHER PERIMETER PIERS OR MATING LINE PIERS. 4. CONCRETE BLOCK MAY BE USED IN COMBINATION WITH COMMERCIAL METAL PIERS. MAIN BEAM PIERS MAIN BEAM i$m, SINGLE BLOCK PIER PERPENDICULAR TO MAIN BEAM CAP BLOCK PERIMETER PIERS WOOD WEDGES DOUBLE BLOCK PIER NOTES: 1. PIER MAYBE OFFSET UP TO 6" MAX. EACH SIDE OF STRAP TO MISS 2. NO STABILIZER PLATE IS REQUIRED FOR GROUND ANCHOR AT FRAME OBSTRUCTIONS AS LONG AS THE PIER STILL SUPPORTS LABELED G -STRAP ALONG PERIMETER. THE FLOOR RIM PLATE. 3. A LABELED G-2 STRAP NEED ONLY ATTACH TO A SINGLE GROUND ANCHOR. 4X4OR2-2X4'SONEDGE - EXTERIOR(NAILED TOGETHER) SPANNING WALL I r / MINIMUM 2 FLOOR JOISTS / i FLOOR RIM PLATE / WOOD WEDGES CAP BLOCK JOISTS UNDER SHEARWALL TYPICAL FLOOR JOIST WOOD WEDGES CAP BLOCK may/10" MAX. SETBACK FROM ` ��,� / EDGE OF FLOOR BLOCKS PARALLEL WITH BLOCKS PARALLEL AND RECESSED EDGE OF FLOOR BACK FROM EDGE OF FLOOR LABELED G-2 STRAP WOOD WEDGES CAP BLOCK :. "� / 6" MAX. SETBACK AT LABELED G-2 STRAP LOCATION (SEE NOTE 1) Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 '91 F—FLEE7WOOD. Page 15 Copyright ®2004 by Fleetwood Enterprises Inc. CA - -COMMERCIAL-METAL-PIERS-- Commercial metal piers may be used along with concrete piers. UIV I AU I I -Au ADJUSTABLE RISER WITH ADJUSTABLE NUT AND WASHER (IF REQUIRED) PIER FRAME NOTE Pier capacity is listed and labeled by pier manufacturer on each pier. Pier capacity must be the same as or greater than the footing capacities on page 32. ALTERNATE CONTACT PAD DIRECTION EVERY OTHER PIER MAIN BEAM `\ . > MAIN BEAM PIERS PERIMETER PIERS 4X4 OR2-2X4'SONEDGE (NAILS TOGETHER) SPANNING 2 FLOOR JOISTS EXTERIOR WALLr' i i FLOOR RIM PLATE AT EDGE OF FLOOR 10' MAX. SETBACK FROM EDGE OF FLOOR 10' MAX. SETBACK J `\\;� V FROM EDGE OF FLOOR LABELED RECESSED BACK FROM EDGE G-2 STRAP OF FLOOR AT LABELED G-2 STRAP LOCATION (SEE NOTE 1) NOTES: 1. PIER MAY BE OFFSET UP TO 6" MAX. EACH SIDE OF STRAP TO MISS FRAME OBSTRUCTIONS AS LONG AS THE PIER STILL SUPPORTS THE FLOOR RIM PLATE. 2. NO STABILIZER PLATE IS REQUIRED FOR GROUND ANCHOR AT LABELED GSTRAP ALONG PERIMETER. 3. A LABELED G-2 STRAP NEED ONLY ATTACH TO A SINGLE GROUND ANCHOR. MINIMUM FOOTING REQUIREMENTS FOR LABELED PERIMETER PIERS AND LABELED G-2 SHEARWALL STRAP PIERS LABELED PERIMETER PIERS JOISTS UNDER 4 X 4 OR 2- 2 X 4'S SHEARWALL ON EDGE (NAILS 8"x16" TOGETHER) \ TYPICAL Concrete FLOOR °Pad JOIST Pad TYPICAL FLOOR JOIST 10' MAX. SETBACK FROM EDGE OF FLOOR 10' MAX. SETBACK J `\\;� V FROM EDGE OF FLOOR LABELED RECESSED BACK FROM EDGE G-2 STRAP OF FLOOR AT LABELED G-2 STRAP LOCATION (SEE NOTE 1) NOTES: 1. PIER MAY BE OFFSET UP TO 6" MAX. EACH SIDE OF STRAP TO MISS FRAME OBSTRUCTIONS AS LONG AS THE PIER STILL SUPPORTS THE FLOOR RIM PLATE. 2. NO STABILIZER PLATE IS REQUIRED FOR GROUND ANCHOR AT LABELED GSTRAP ALONG PERIMETER. 3. A LABELED G-2 STRAP NEED ONLY ATTACH TO A SINGLE GROUND ANCHOR. MINIMUM FOOTING REQUIREMENTS FOR LABELED PERIMETER PIERS AND LABELED G-2 SHEARWALL STRAP PIERS LABELED PERIMETER PIERS ? U FOOTING CONFIGURATIONS CL a n 16"x16" 8"x16" 2x 12x24" O Concrete Concrete 2x 12x24" °Pad Pad Wood Pad 1000 SINGLE DOUBLE SINGLE 2000 SINGLE DOUBLE SINGLE 2000 TO SINGLE DOUBLE SINGLE 1 40001 LABELED G-2 SHEARWALL STRAP Z FOOTING CONFIGURATIONS U CL N 16"x16"8"x16" v s Concrete Concrete 2x 12x24" 0Pad Pad wood Pad 1000 DOUBLE 2 DBL PADS DOUBLE 2000 DOUBLE TRIPLE DOUBLE 2000 TO SINGLE DOUBLE SINGLE 4000 Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 N 02;! -FLEElW40M Page 16 Copyright 02004 by Fleetwood Enterprises Inc. MAIN BEAM FOOTING CONFIGURATION AND SPACING PROCEDURES The footing configuration and spacing tables on the following pages determine the footing configuration and spacing by section width. Eave size is 12" maximum for 10 to 15 wide, and 6" maximum for 16 wide 1 sections. The range in inches of various width homes is provided to assist in referencing the proper page. NOTE: Homes requiring perimeter footings will have the copy of the floor plan stamped PERIMETER PIERING REQUIRED. SECTION WIDTHS Range (in inches) Of Section Floor Widths 10 Wide 118" SECTION "A"' > 12 Wide 132" to 143" 13 Wide 148" to 157" SECTION "B" 14 Wide 158" to 168" 15 Wide 178" to 180" 16 Wide 182" to 190" SECTION "C„ MAY ALSO BE LOCATED ADJACENT TO Measured across section at floor excluding SECTION "A" AND AT VARIABLE exterior siding. LOCATIONS ALONG SECTION SIDEWALL. PROCEDURE FOR FOOTING CONFIGURATION AND A. If you are installing a multi -section home where both SPACING TABLES: or all sections are the same width, go to the 1. See approved floor plan to see if perimeter piering is appropriate section width page. required. B. If you are installing a multi -section home where one 2. Determine the soil bearing capacity. or more of the sections are different in width, follow 3. Determine the design roof live load of the home. the example below, then go to the appropriate section width pages. 4. Following that line across the table, and based on the C. For third section with transverse roof design, see main beam size, determine the footing spacing and page 30 for footing and pier requirements at support configuration. posts and ends of main beam. 5. Footing placement to start at no more than one foot (1'-0" to edge of pier) from the ends of both main beams. 6. The spacing for any individual footing may exceed the spacing shown up to 10% as long as the average spacing does not exceed the spacing shown. 7. Perimeter piering details may be used as an alternative for anv model at the installer's discretion. C/V11VIr-LC V0II4l7- 16" X 16" X 4" CONCRETE FOOTINGS, (Double Pad Footing, 1000 psf soil capacity. A psf roof live load, supporting 10" main beam. 14 WIDE SECTION 12 WIDE SECTION 10 WIDE SECTION FOOTING SPACING PER 14 WIDE PAGE - FOOTING SPACING PER 12 WIDE PAGE FOOTING SPACING PER 10 WIDE PAGE CONCLUSION: 14 wide section main beam footing spacing would be 6-0" o.c. max. 12 wide section main beam footing spacing would be T-0" o.c. max. 10 wide section main beam footing spacing would be 8'-0" o.c. max. ALTERNATE CONCLUSION: Each section's footings may be spaced on the most restrictive spacing; therefore, the maximum footing spacing for all three sections can be at 6-0" o.c. 116" X 16" X 4" CONCRETE FOOTINGS j Root MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM FOOTING SPACING (In Feet) $ c Live Sgl. Pad Footing Dbl. Pad Footing wo Dbl Pad Ftnc g LoadMain Beam Size Main Beam Size I Main Beam Size rR (Psfl 9" 1 10• 1 19• 9" I 110 12• 1 a" 1 10^ 1 12^ L20_I 3' 3' 36" 5' 6 1 5' 1 8' 1 10 10' 11 12' .1 Roof IMAXIMUM MAIN BEAM FOOTING SPACING (In Feet) $c Live Sgl. Pad Footing'.Dbl. Pad Fooling) wo Dbl Pad Ftnc g Load Main Beam Size Main Beam Size I Main Beam Size 33612 1336" 133'" 6' 7 1 6' 1 8' 1 10' 1 12' 4' 6" 456• 8' 19 I 90 I 8' 110' 1 10 2 12' 116" X 16" X 4" CONCRETE FOOTINGS I Roof MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM FOOTING SPACING (In Feet) 8c L I. Pad Footing Dbl. Pad Footin wo Dbl Pad Ftns ci g Load Main Size I Main Beam Sae I Main Beam Sae 05 (P""Q a• 1n• 1 a• I i m 19' a" 10• 19• Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 WZ: FLEE7W000. Page 17 Copyright 0 2004 by Fleetwood Enterprises Inc. 20 4' 4' 4' 8' IPI 8' 8' 10' 12' 1000 3'-6• 3'-6• 3'-6' 7' 7' 8' 10' 12' 40 3' 3' 3' 6' 6' 6' 8' 10' 11' 20 6' 6' 6' 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' -1501 30 1 5' S' 5' 8' 10 10'6' 8' 10' 12' - '-6• 9'-6" 8' 10' 12' Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 WZ: FLEE7W000. Page 17 Copyright 0 2004 by Fleetwood Enterprises Inc. MAIN BEAM FOOTING CONFIGURATIONS AND SPACING 10 WIDE - MULTIPLE SECTIONS I 1 I I 1 1 I SECTION "A"; -V-- 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I :SECTION "B" I I 1 • fi' f I 1 1 1 1 SPACING ------T--+---�-M VARIES SEE TABLE SECTION "C" , ■ MAIN BEAM FOOTINGS These tables determine the footing pad configuration and footing spacing along the main beams of the section(s). Refer to pages 13 and 14 for footing pad configuration details. Review the table that indicates the footing type you are going to use. Refer to page 17 for the procedure on using the tables. 2 X 12 X 24" WOOD FOOTINGS Roof Live Load (PSS u c U n in MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM FOOTING SPACING (In Feet) Sgl. Pad Footing Dbl. Pad Footing Triple Pad Footing Main Beam Size Main Beam Size Main Beam Size 8' 10" 12" 8" 10" 12" 8" 10" 12" 20 1000 4' 4' 4' 8' 8'-6" 8'-6" 8' 10' 12' 20 1500 6'-6" 6'-6" 6'-6" 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 20 2000 8' 8'-6" 8'-6" 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 20 3000 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 20 4000 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 11 12' Main Beam Piers - Footing placement to start at no more than one foot (1'-0" to edge of pier) from comer of the home. Exception - Footings may start at no more than two feet (2'-0" to the edge of pier) from each corner of the home PROVIDED that the next o.c. footing is moved three feet (3'-0") closer to it. (See sketch below.) 1 1 1 I . 1 I `tel Z�' O.C. ' `-` SPA SPACING � SPACING MINUS 3'-0'--�---- I -- I 8" X 16" X 4" CONCRETE FOOTINGS Roof ., MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM FOOTING SPACING (In Feet) Live Load (Psf) 0 0 a in Dbl. Pad Footing Triple Pad Footing Two Dbl Pad Ftng. Main Beam Size Main Beam Size Main Beam Size 87-107-12- 10" 12" 8" 10" 12" 8" 1 10" 12" 20 1000 4' 4' 4' 8' 8' 8' 8' 10' 12' 20 1500 6' 6' 6' 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 20 2000 8tO'l 8' 8' 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 20 3000 8 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 20 4000 8 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 16" X 16" X 4" CONCRETE FOOTINGS Roof Livem Load Z U a MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM FOOTING SPACING (In Feet) Sgl. Pad Footing Dbl. Pad Footing Two Dbl Pad Ftng. Main Beam Size Main Beam Size Main Beam Size (PSS tD 8" 10" 12" 8" 10" 12" 8" 10" 12" 20 1000 4' 4' 4' 8' 8' 8' 8' 10' 12' 20 1500 6' 6' 6' 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 20 2000 8' 8' 8' 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 20 3000 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 20 4000 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' FOR HOMES IN 30 PSF OR HIGHER ROOF ZONES, USE PERIMETER PIERING AS SHOWN ON FOLLOWING PAGE. Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 " W�F, EE7FVOW. Page 18 Copyright 02004 by Fleetwood Enterprises Inc. MAIN BEAM WITH PERIMETER FOOTING CONFIGURATIONS AND SPACING 10 WIDE - MULTIPLE SECTIONS i❑ 10 ❑ 1 ❑ ❑ 1 O ❑ 1 ❑ ❑, ❑ 01 ❑ ❑ ❑i PERIMETER FOOTING U o c m N a Dbl. Pad Footing SECTION "A"; I L"" I 1 I 1 I i I I I I I I" --I I I 8" 10" 12" 8" 10" 12" I I � � :SECTION I "B" _ m � 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 2000 I 1 ❑ I ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑I ❑ ❑' 3000 SPACING coU VARIES SEE T' LE SECTION "C"r 8' 1 10' 12' 1 8' 10' 1 12' 8' 10' 12' 1 MAIN BEAM FOOTINGS ' ' ❑PERIMETER FOOTINGS o❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑' ❑. 2X 12 X24"I PERIMETER FOOTING CONFIGURATION AND SPACING o PROCEDURE 1. Determine the design roof live load of the home. 2. Determine the soil bearing capacity. 3. Follow that line across the table to determine the type of footing configuration and spacing. 4. Perimeter Piers - Footing placement to start at no more than one foot (1'-0" to edge of pier) from each corner of the home. 5. Main Beam Piers - Footing placement to start at no more than one foot (1'-0" to edge of pier) from corner of the home. Exception - Footings may start at no more than two feet (2'-0" to the edge of pier) from each corner of the home PROVIDED that the next o.c. footing is moved three feet (3'-0") closer to it. (See sketch below.) 6. The spacing for any footing may exceed the spacing shown up to 10% as long as the average spacing does not exceed the spacing shown. ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑� O.C. ; 2'-0. TVP. O.C. SPACING I - SPACING MINUS T-0" -�f-- These tables determine the footing pad configuration and footing spacing along the main beams and perimeter of the section(s). Refer to pages 13 and 14 for footing pad configuration details. Review the tables that indicate the footing type you are going to use for main beams and perimeter piers. Refer to page 17 for the procedure on using the tables. Main beam footing spacing table acceptable for roof live load 40 psf maximum. MAIN BEAM FOOTING CONFIGURATION AND SPACING 8" X 16" X 4" CONCRETE FOOTINGS T PERIMETER FOOTING U o c m N a Dbl. Pad Footing CONFIGURATION AND SPACING C0 8" 1 10" 1 12" 8" 10" 12" 8" 10" 12" FOOTING CONFIGURATION 8' 10' 11'-6" 8' 10' 12' m � 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 2000 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 3000 Q coU 4000 8' 10' 12' 1 8' 1 10' 12' 1 8' 10' 1 12' 8' 10' 12' 1 > J x M N Og 16" X 16" 8" X 16"0' 2X 12 X24"I $._ o o CoPardete Concrete wood Pad ` m J) X 20 1000 SINGLE DOUBLE SINGLE 6'-0" 1000 DOUBLE TRIPLE DOUBLE 20 1500 SINGLE DOUBLE SINGLE 2000 to SINGLE DOUBLE SINGL E 4000 1000 DOUBLE TRIPLE DOUBLE 30 8'-0" 1500 SINGLE DOUBLE SINGLE 2000 to SINGLE DOUBLE SINGLE 4000 1000 DOUBLE N/A DOUBLE 40 1500 DOUBLE TRIPLE DOUBLE 81-0.. 2000 to SINGLE DOUBLE SINGLE 4000 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑� O.C. ; 2'-0. TVP. O.C. SPACING I - SPACING MINUS T-0" -�f-- These tables determine the footing pad configuration and footing spacing along the main beams and perimeter of the section(s). Refer to pages 13 and 14 for footing pad configuration details. Review the tables that indicate the footing type you are going to use for main beams and perimeter piers. Refer to page 17 for the procedure on using the tables. Main beam footing spacing table acceptable for roof live load 40 psf maximum. MAIN BEAM FOOTING CONFIGURATION AND SPACING 8" X 16" X 4" CONCRETE FOOTINGS T MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM FOOTING SPACING (In Feet) U o c m N a Dbl. Pad Footing Triple Pad Footing Two Dbl Pad Ftng. Main Beam Size Main Beam Size Main Beam Size C0 8" 1 10" 1 12" 8" 10" 12" 8" 10" 12" 1000 T-6" 7'-6" T-6" 8' 10' 11'-6" 8' 10' 12' 1500 8' 10' 11'-6" 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 2000 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 3000 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 4000 8' 10' 12' 1 8' 1 10' 12' 1 8' 10' 1 12' 16" X 16" X 4" CONCRETE FOOTINGS T MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM FOOTING SPACING (In Feet) U n w Sgl. Pad Footing Dbl. Pad Footing Two Dbl Pad Ftng. MN O Main Beam Size Main Beam Size Main Beam Size U) 8" 10" 1 12" 8" 10" 12" 8" 10" 12" 1000 T-6" 7'-6" T-6" 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 1500 8' 10' 11'-6" 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 8' 8' 8' 8' � 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' S' 10' E 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 1 Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 'c FLEE1UVOM. Page 19 Copyright ©2004 by Fleetwood Enterprises Inc. CA 2 X 12 X 24" WOOD FOOTINGS MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM FOOTING SPACING (In Feet) a Sgl. Pad Footing Dbl. Pad Footing Triple Pad Ftng. n Main Beam Size Main Beam Size Main Beam Size W 8" 10" 12" 8" 10" 12" 8" 10" 12" 1000 8' 8' 8' 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 1500 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 2000 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 3000 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 4000 8' 10' 12' 1 8' 10' 1 12' 8' 10' 12' Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 'c FLEE1UVOM. Page 19 Copyright ©2004 by Fleetwood Enterprises Inc. CA MAIN BEAM FOOTING CONFIGURATIONS AND SPACING 12 WIDE - MULTIPLE SECTIONS I These tables determine the footing pad configuration and footing spacing along the main beams of the section(s). Refer to pages 13 and 14 for footing pad configuration details. Review the table that indicates the footing type you are going to use. Refer to page 17 for the procedure on using the tables. 2 X 12 X 24" WOOD FOOTINGS SECTION "A"; R,;::- In U a in I I I r I I I r ,,-- I I I I I 1 r 1 r I Main Beam Size 8" SECTION "B" 12" 8" 10" 12" 1 10" I I I I I H__r__♦__t__i__y;_� SPACING vAa�s 1000 SECTION "C" SEETA&E T-6" 7' MAIN BEAM FOOTINGS 7' 8' 10' 2 X 12 X 24" WOOD FOOTINGS Roof Live Load (PSS R,;::- In U a in MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM FOOTING SPACING (In Feet) Sgt. Pad Footing Dbl. Pad Footing Triple Pad Footing Main Beam Size Main Beam Size Main Beam Size 8" 10" 12" 8" 10" 12" 8" 10" 12" 20 1000 T-6" T-6" T-6" 7' 7' 7' 8' 10' 11' 20 1500 5'-6" 5'-6" 5'-6" 8' 10' 11' 8' 10' 12' 20 2000 7' 7' 7' 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 20 3000 8' 10' 10' 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 20 4000 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' Main Beam Piers - Footing placement to start at no more than one foot (1'-0" to edge of pier) from comer of the home. Exception - Footings may start at no more than two feet (2'-0" to the edge of pier) from each corner of the home PROVIDED that the next o.c. footing is moved three feet (3'-0") closer to it. (See sketch below.) r I 1 r r 2'� SPA O.C. SPACING SPACING MINUS 3'-0'--�---- r -- 1 8" X 16" X 4" CONCRETE FOOTINGS Roof Live Load (Psi � 0 c In U n in MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM FOOTING SPACING (In Feet) Dbl. Pad Footing Triple Pad Footing Two Dbl Pad Ftng. Main Beam Size Main Beam Size Main Beam Size 8" 10" 12" 8" 10" 12" 8" 10" 12" 20 1000 T-6" T-6" 3'-6" 5' 5' 5' 7' 7' 7' 20 1500 5' 5' 5' 7'-6" T-6" T-6" 8' 10' 10' 20 2000 7' 7' 7' 8' 10' 10' 8' 10' 12' 20 3000 8' 10' 10' 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 20 4000 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 16" X 16" X 4" CONCRETE FOOTINGS Roof Live Load (PSf) y u N U a in MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM FOOTING SPACING (In Feet) Sgl. Pad Footing Dbl. Pad Footing Two Dbl Pad Ftng. Main Beam Size Main Beam Size Main Beam Size 8" 10" 12" 8" 10" 12" 8" 10" 12- 20 1000 T-6" T-6" T-6" 7' 7' 7' 8' 10' 12' 20 1500 5' 5' 5' 8' 10' 10' 8' 10' 12' 20 2000 T 7' 7' 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 20 3000 8' 10' 10' 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 20 4000 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' FOR HOMES IN 30 PSF OR HIGHER ROOF ZONES, USE PERIMETER PIERING AS SHOWN ON FOLLOWING PAGE. Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 'g"FLEEIWa101D, Page 20 Copyright 0 2034 by Fleetwood Enterprises Inc. MAIN BEAM WITH PERIMETER FOOTING CONFIGURATIONS AND SPACING 12 WIDE - MULTIPLE SECTIONS i❑ 10 ❑ 1 ❑ ❑ 1 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑, ❑ 01 ❑ ❑ ❑; PERIMETER FOOTING I n N SECTION "A"; I I I I I 1 t I I I I I I I 1 • ' I _y________♦__T__i__y___♦__r__;__y___�___„_�y I I I I I r I I " I SECTION "B '> 6'-6" 6'-6" 6'-6" a i I ❑' y ❑ ❑' ❑ ❑' ❑ ❑� I �__r.__♦__t__.�__ _M SPACING r VARIES SECTION "C" .- SEEiAa`E °o MAIN BEAM FOOTINGS Concrete Concrete o❑ ' ❑ o ' ❑ ❑ Cl!❑ PERIMETER FOOTINGS PERIMETER FOOTING CONFIGURATION AND SPACING Pad PROCEDURE: 1. Determine the design roof live load of the home. 2. Determine the soil bearing capacity. 3. Follow that line across the table to determine the type of footing configuration and spacing. 4. Perimeter Piers - Footing placement to start at no more than one foot (1'-0" to edge of pier) from each corner of the home. 5. Main Beam Piers - Footing placement to start at no more than one foot (1'-0" to edge of pier) from corner of the home. Exception - Footings may start at no more than two feet (2'-0" to the edge of pier) from each corner of the home PROVIDED that the next o.c. footing is moved three feet (3'-0") closer to it. (See sketch below.) 6. The spacing for any footing may exceed the spacing shown up to 10% as long as the average spacing does not exceed the spacing shown. ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑: I O.C. 2'-0" TVP.O.C. SPACING 1 SPACING MINUS T-0" L / I i These tables determine the footing pad configuration and footing spacing along the main beams and perimeter of the section(s). Refer to pages 13 and 14 for footing pad configuration details. Review the tables that indicate the footing type you are going to use for main beams and perimeter piers. Refer to page 17 for the procedure on using the tables. Main beam footing spacing table acceptable for roof live load 40 psf maximum. MAIN BEAM FOOTING CONFIGURATION AND SPACING 8" X 16" X 4" CONCRETE FOOTINGS T U PERIMETER FOOTING BEAM FOOTING SPACING (In Feet) n N CONFIGURATION AND SPACING Main Beam Size a , FOOTING CONFIGURATION 1000 6'-6" 6'-6" 6'-6" a C c �^ > J m N U a 16" X 16" 8" X 16" 2 x 12 x 24" m $ °o o Concrete Concrete Wood Pad .0 8' 10' 12' m Pad Pad 1 8' 1 10' 1 12' a U) 20 1000 SINGLE DOUBLE SINGLE 6-0" 1000 DOUBLE TRIPLE DOUBLE 20 1500 SINGLE DOUBLE SINGLE 2000 to SINGLE DOUBLE SINGLE 4000 1000 DOUBLE TRIPLE DOUBLE 30 1500 SINGLE DOUBLE SINGLE 8'-0" 2000 to SINGLE DOUBLE SINGLE 4000 1000 DOUBLE N/A DOUBLE 40 1500 DOUBLE TRIPLE DOUBLE 8'-0" 2000 to SINGLE DOUBLE SINGLE 4000 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑: I O.C. 2'-0" TVP.O.C. SPACING 1 SPACING MINUS T-0" L / I i These tables determine the footing pad configuration and footing spacing along the main beams and perimeter of the section(s). Refer to pages 13 and 14 for footing pad configuration details. Review the tables that indicate the footing type you are going to use for main beams and perimeter piers. Refer to page 17 for the procedure on using the tables. Main beam footing spacing table acceptable for roof live load 40 psf maximum. MAIN BEAM FOOTING CONFIGURATION AND SPACING 8" X 16" X 4" CONCRETE FOOTINGS T U MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM FOOTING SPACING (In Feet) n N Dbl Pad Footing Triple Pad Footing Two Dbl Pad Ftng. U Main Beam Size Main Beam Size Main Beam Size cn 8" 10" 12" 8" 10" 12" 8" 10" 12" 1000 6'-6" 6'-6" 6'-6" 8' 9'-6" 9'-6" 8' 10' 12' 1500 8' 9'-6" 9'-6" 8' 10' 10' 8' 10' 12' 2000 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 10' 8' 10' 12' 3000 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 4000 8' 10' 12' 1 8' 1 10' 1 12' 1 16" X 16" X 4" CONCRETE FOOTINGS a MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM FOOTING SPACING (In Feet) U o. c Sgl. Pad Footing Dbl. Pad Footing Two Dbl Pad Ftng. MN V ° Main Beam Size Main Beam Size Main Beam Size 0 U) 8" 1 10" 12" 8" 10" 12" 8" 10" 12" 1000 6'-6" 6'-6" 6'-6" 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 1500 8' 9'-6" 9'-6" 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12- 2000 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 3000 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 4000 8' 10' 12' 8' 1 10' 12' 1 8' 1 10' 12' Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 'W FLE E 7 W000. Page 21 Copyright ®2004 by Fleetwood Enterprises Inc. [A 2 X 12 X 24" WOOD FOOTINGS MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM FOOTING SPACING (In Feet) n w m Sgl. Pad Footing Dbl. Pad Footing Triple Pad Ftng. cc 0 a Main Beam Size Main Beam Size Main Beam Size 0 U) 8" 10" 12" 8" 10" 12" 8" 10" 12" 1000 6'-6" 6'-6" 6'-6" 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 1500 8' 10' 10' 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 2000 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 3000 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 4000 8' 10' 12' 1 8' 1 10' 1 12' 1 8' 1 10' 12' Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 'W FLE E 7 W000. Page 21 Copyright ®2004 by Fleetwood Enterprises Inc. [A MAIN BEAM FOOTING CONFIGURATIONS AND SPACING 13 WIDE - MULTIPLE SECTIONS 1 1 1 1 I I I SECTION "A": r I I I I I I I V -- I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I :SECTION "B" ;;> I 1 � ; 1 • I 1 --1 I I I I I SPACING �__�__+--r--♦---� VARIES I I I I SEE TABLE SECTION "C' �_ ♦ Y_M ■ MAIN BEAM FOOTINGS These tables determine the footing pad configuration and footing spacing along the main beams of the section(s). Refer to pages 13 and 14 for footing pad configuration details. Review the table that indicates the footing type you are going to use. Refer to page 17 for the procedure on using the tables. 2 X 12 X 24" WOOD FOOTINGS Roof Live Load (Psi y u n c In U a to MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM FOOTING SPACING (In Feet) Sgl. Pad Footing Dbl. Pad Footing Triple Pad Footing Main Beam Size Main Beam Size Main Beam Size 8" 10" 12" 8" 10" 12" 8" 10" 12" 20 1000 3' 3' 3' 6'-6" 6'-6" 6'-6" 8' 10' 10- 20 1500 5' 5' 5' 8' 10' 10' 8' 10' 12' 20 2000 6'-6" 6'-6" 6'-6" 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 20 3000 8' 10' 10' 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 20 4000 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 8" X 16" X 4" CONCRETE FOOTINGS Roof Liveenc Load (PsU) In 'U n MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM FOOTING SPACING (In Feet) Dbl. Pad Footing Triple Pad Footing Two Dbl Pad Ftng. Main Beam Size Main Beam Size Main Beam Size 8" 10" 12" 8" 10" 12" 8" 10" 12" 20 1000 3' 3' 3' 4'-6" 4'-6" 4'-6" 6'-6" 6'-6" 6'-6- 20 1500 4'-6" 4'-6" 4'-6" 7' 7' 7' 8' 9'-6" 9'-6" 20 2000 6'-6" 6'-6" 6'-6" 8' 9'-6" 9'-6" 8' 10' 12' 20 3000 8' 9'-6" 9'-6" 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 20 4000 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 16" X 16" X 4" CONCRETE FOOTINGS Roof Live Load (Ps9 y- ' .0 10,=, Un in MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM FOOTING SPACING (In Feet) Sgl. Pad Footing Dbl. Pad Footing Two Dbl Pad Ftng. Main Beam Size Main Beam Size Main Beam Size -FT10" 12" 8" 10" 12" 8" 10" 12" 20 1000 3' 3' 3' 6'-6" 6'-6" 6'-6" 8' 10' 12' 20 1500 4'-6" 4'-6" 4'-6" 8' 9'-6" 9'-6" 8' 10' 12' 20 2000 6'-6" 6'-6" 6'-6" 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 20 3000 8' 9'-6" 9'-6" 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 20 4000 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' FOR HOMES IN 30 PSF OR HIGHER ROOF ZONES, USE PERIMETER PIERING AS SHOWN ON FOLLOWING PAGE. Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 'WV - FLA *7WOW.. Page 22 Copyright 0 2054 by Fleetwood Enterprises Inc. MAIN BEAM WITH PERIMETER FOOTING CONFIGURATIONS AND SPACING 13 WIDE - MULTIPLE SECTIONS i❑ 10 ❑ 1 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 1 ❑ ❑, ❑ 01 ❑ ❑ ❑i SECTION "A"1; I I I I I t 1 1 I I :SECTION "B" r '> 1 1 I I {�-- i - I ❑ 1 ❑ ❑❑ O ❑ ❑' SECTION "C" EE TABLE 1 I ' --, ■ MAIN BEAM FOOTINGS T__ f__Y-�} ;❑❑ ❑ ❑ ' ❑ ❑' ❑; ❑ PERIMETER FOOTINGS PERIMETER FOOTING CONFIGURATION AND SPACING PROCEDURE: 1. Determine the design roof live load of the home. 2. Determine the soil bearing capacity. 3. Follow that line across the table to determine the type of footing configuration and spacing. 4. Footing placement to start at no more than one foot (1'-0" to edge of pier) from each corner of the home. 5. The spacing for any footing may exceed the spacing shown up to 10% as long as the average spacing does not exceed the spacing shown. These tables determine the footing pad configuration and footing spacing along the main beams and perimeter of the section(s). Refer to pages 13 and 14 for footing pad configuration details. Review the tables that indicate the footing type you are going to use for main beams and perimeter piers. Refer to page 17 for the procedure on using the tables. Main beam footing spacing table acceptable for roof live load 40 psf maximum. MAIN BEAM FOOTING CONFIGURATION AND SPACING 8" X 16" X 4" CONCRETE FOOTINGS PERIMETER FOOTING MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM FOOTING SPACING (In Feet) CONFIGURATION AND SPACING O a N T FOOTING CONFIGURATION 1000 J NV T 1500 > a m N 16" X 16" 8" X 16" 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' c m J U a Concrete Concrete 2 x 12 x 24" . °o ° 4000 8' 10' 12' Wood Pad i° U) Pad Pad rn 20 1000 SINGLE DOUBLE SINGLE 6'-0" 1000 DOUBLE TRIPLE DOUBLE 20 1500 SINGLE DOUBLE SINGLE 8'-0" 2000 to SINGLE DOUBLE SINGLE 4000 1000 DOUBLE TRIPLE DOUBLE 30 1500 SINGLE DOUBLE SINGLE 2000 to SINGLE DOUBLE SINGLE 4000 1000 DOUBLE N/A DOUBLE 40 1500 DOUBLE TRIPLE DOUBLE 8' 0. 2000 to SINGLE DOUBLE SINGLE 4000 PROCEDURE: 1. Determine the design roof live load of the home. 2. Determine the soil bearing capacity. 3. Follow that line across the table to determine the type of footing configuration and spacing. 4. Footing placement to start at no more than one foot (1'-0" to edge of pier) from each corner of the home. 5. The spacing for any footing may exceed the spacing shown up to 10% as long as the average spacing does not exceed the spacing shown. These tables determine the footing pad configuration and footing spacing along the main beams and perimeter of the section(s). Refer to pages 13 and 14 for footing pad configuration details. Review the tables that indicate the footing type you are going to use for main beams and perimeter piers. Refer to page 17 for the procedure on using the tables. Main beam footing spacing table acceptable for roof live load 40 psf maximum. MAIN BEAM FOOTING CONFIGURATION AND SPACING 16" X 16" X 4" CONCRETE FOOTINGS 8" X 16" X 4" CONCRETE FOOTINGS MAXIMUM MAIN MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM FOOTING SPACING (In Feet) U M c Dbl. Pad Footing Triple Pad Footing Two Dbl Pad Ftng. O a Main Beam Size Main Beam Size Main Beam Size c°n 8" 10.712" 8" 10" 12" 8" 10" 12" 1000 6' 6' 6' 8' 9' 9' 8' 10' 12' 1500 8' 9' 9' 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 2000 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 3000 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 4000 8' 10' 12' 1 8' 1 10' 1 12' 1 8' 1 10' 1 12' 16" X 16" X 4" CONCRETE FOOTINGS a MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM FOOTING SPACING (In Feet) V a N Sgl. Pad Footing Dbl. Pad Footing Two Dbl Pad Ftng. Ip O Main Beam Size Main Beam Size Main Beam Size U) 8"10" 12" 8" 10" 12" 8" 10" 12" 1000 6' 6' 6' 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 1500 8' 9' 9' 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 2000 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 3000 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 4000 8' 10' 12' 1 8' 1 10' 1 12' 1 8' 1 10' 1 12' Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 WIF FLEETWOOD. Page 23 Copyright ©2004 by Fleetwood Enterprises Inc. 2 X 12 X 24" WOOD FOOTINGS MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM FOOTING SPACING (In Feet) M Sgl. Pad Footing Dbl. Pad Footing Triple Pad Ftng. O Main Beam Size Main Beam Size Main Beam Size cn 81710" 12" 8" 10" 12" 8" 10" 12" 1000 6' 6' 6' 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 1500 8' 9'-6" 9'-6" 8' 10' 12' 8' 2000 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 8' 3000 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 8' 4000 8' 10' 12' 8' 1 10' 1 12' 8' Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 WIF FLEETWOOD. Page 23 Copyright ©2004 by Fleetwood Enterprises Inc. MAIN BEAM FOOTING CONFIGURATIONS AND SPACING 14 WIDE - MULTIPLE SECTIONS SECTION "A"; :SECTION "B" I 1 I STAGING �--� -'t-----i--�-M VARIES ��}. SEE TABLE SECTION "C" ■ MAIN BEAM FOOTINGS These tables determine the footing pad configuration and footing spacing along the main beams of the section(s). Refer to pages 13 and 14 for footing pad configuration details. Review the table that indicates the footing type you are going to use. Refer to page 17 for the procedure on using the tables. 2 X 12 X 24" WOOD FOOTINGS Roof Live Load (psf) z a `$ a U n .5U) )8" MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM FOOTING SPACING (In Feet) Sgl. Pad Footing Dbl. Pad Footing Triple Pad Footing Main Beam Size Main Beam Size Main Beam Size — 10" 12" 8" 10" 12" 8" 10" 12" 20 1000 3' 3' 3' 6'-6" 6'-6" 6'-6" 8' 9'-6" 9'-6" 20 1500 4'-6" 4'-6" 4'-6" 8' 9'-6" 9'-6" 8' 10' 12' 20 2000 6'-6" 6'-6" 6'-6" 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' E 3000 8' 9'-6" 9'-6" 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 20 4000 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 8" X 16" X 4" CONCRETE FOOTINGS Roof Live Load (Psi u N U a U) MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM FOOTING SPACING (In Feet) Dbl. Pad Footing Triple Pad Footing Two Dbl Pad Ftng. Main Beam Size Main Beam Size Main Beam Size 8" 10" 12" 8" 10" 12" 8" 10" 12- 20 1000 3' 3' 3' 4'-6" 4'-6" 4'-6" 6'-6" 6'-6" 6'-6- 20 1500 4'-6" 4'-6" 4'-6" 6'-6" 6'-6" 6'-6" 8' 9'-6" 9'-6" 20 2000 6' 6' 6' 8' 9' 9' 8' 10' 12' 20 3000 8' 9' 9' 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 20 4000 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 18' 8' 10' 12' 16" X 16" X 4" CONCRETE FOOTINGS Roof Live Load (Ps ,-. 5 m ,=- U a in MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM FOOTING SPACING (In Feet) Sgl. Pad Footing Dbl. Pad Footing Two Dbl Pad Ftng. Main Beam Size Main Beam Size Main Beam Size 8" 10" T 12" 8" 10" 12" 8" 10" 12" 20 1000 3' 3' 3' 6' 6' 6' 8' 10' 12' 20 1500 4'-6" 4'-6" 4'-6" 8' 9' 9' 8' 10' 12' 20 2000 6' 6' 6' 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 20 3000 8' 9' 9' 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 20 4000 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' FOR HOMES IN 30 PSF OR HIGHER ROOF ZONES, USE PERIMETER PIERING AS SHOWN ON FOLLOWING PAGE. Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 "c—FLEETW NW. Page 24 Copyright 0 2004 by Fleetxootl Enterprises Inc. MAIN BEAM WITH PERIMETER FOOTING CONFIGURATIONS AND SPACING 14 WIDE - MULTIPLE SECTIONS i❑ ❑ 1 ❑ ❑ 1 ❑ ❑ 1 ❑ ❑, ❑ 01 ❑ ❑ ❑i to I I I 1 I 1 I I SECTION "A"; AND I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 :SECTION "B" 4,;> y J ip a m U lU ' ❑' 13 0, ❑ 0 ❑ ❑! 16" X 16" SPADING 2x12 x24- RIES SEE TABS EE TAB SECTION "C" : o - ■ MAIN BEAM FOOTINGS Wood Pad ''L- 'o❑ ❑ ❑ ' ❑ ❑' o; ❑ PERIMETER FOOTINGS PERIMETER FOOTING CONFIGURATION AND SPACING 8' 1 10' 12' PROCEDURE: 1. Determine the design roof live load of the home. 2. Determine the soil bearing capacity. 3. Follow that line across the table to determine the type of footing configuration and spacing. 4. Footing placement to start at no more than one foot (1'-0" to edge of pier) from each corner of the home. 5. The spacing for any footing may exceed the spacing shown up to 10% as long as the average spacing does not exceed the spacing shown. These tables determine the footing pad configuration and footing spacing along the main beams and perimeter of the section(s). Refer to pages 13 and 14 for footing pad configuration details. Review the tables that indicate the footing type you are going to use for main beams and perimeter piers. Refer to page 17 for the procedure on using the tables. Main beam footing spacing table acceptable for roof live load 40 psf maximum. MAIN BEAM FOOTING CONFIGURATION AND SPACING 8" X 16" X 4" CONCRETE FOOTINGS T PERIMETER FOOTING U M N Dbl. Pad Footing CONFIGURATION AND SPACING Main Beam Size Main Beam Size (0 8" 10" 12" FOOTING CONFIGURATION 5'-6" 5'-6" 5'-6" y J ip a m U lU > X m m U a 16" X 16" 8" X 16"S 2x12 x24- O $_� o o Concrete Concrete Wood Pad ''L- 8' 10' 12' m Pad Pad 8' 1 10' 12' 1 8' 10' 12' �o 20 1000 SINGLE DOUBLE SINGLE 6-0" 1000 DOUBLE TRIPLE DOUBLE 20 1500 SINGLE DOUBLE SINGLE 2000 to SINGLE DOUBLE SINGLE 4000 1000 DOUBLE TRIPLE DOUBLE 30 1500 SINGLE DOUBLE SINGLE 8'-0" 2000 to SINGLE DOUBLE SINGLE 4000 1000 DOUBLE N/A DOUBLE 40 1500 DOUBLE TRIPLE DOUBLE8'-0" j 2000 to SINGLE DOUBLE SINGLE 4000 1 1 PROCEDURE: 1. Determine the design roof live load of the home. 2. Determine the soil bearing capacity. 3. Follow that line across the table to determine the type of footing configuration and spacing. 4. Footing placement to start at no more than one foot (1'-0" to edge of pier) from each corner of the home. 5. The spacing for any footing may exceed the spacing shown up to 10% as long as the average spacing does not exceed the spacing shown. These tables determine the footing pad configuration and footing spacing along the main beams and perimeter of the section(s). Refer to pages 13 and 14 for footing pad configuration details. Review the tables that indicate the footing type you are going to use for main beams and perimeter piers. Refer to page 17 for the procedure on using the tables. Main beam footing spacing table acceptable for roof live load 40 psf maximum. MAIN BEAM FOOTING CONFIGURATION AND SPACING 8" X 16" X 4" CONCRETE FOOTINGS T MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM FOOTING SPACING (In Feet) U M N Dbl. Pad Footing Triple Pad Footing Two Dbl Pad Ftng. O a Main Beam Size Main Beam Size Main Beam Size (n 8" 10" 12" 8" 10" 10" 12"1000 8" 10" 1 12" 8" 10" 12" 5'-6" 5'-6" 5'-6" 8' 8'-6" 8' 10' 11'1500 8' 10' 11' 8' 10' 12' 8' 8'-6" 8'-6" q12"8" 8' 10' 8' 10' 12' 2000 8' 10' 11' 8' 10' 8' 10' 12' 3000 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 8' 10' 12' 4000 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12 8' 10' 12' 16" X 16" X 4" CONCRETE FOOTINGS 2 X 12 X 24" WOOD FOOTINGS MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM FOOTING SPACING (In Feet) U M c w Sgl. Pad Footing Dbl. Pad Fooling Two Dbl Pad Ftng. m O a Main Beam Size Main Beam Size Main Beam Size U) 8" 10" 12" 8" 10" 1 12" 8" 10" 12" 1000 5'-6" 15'-6" 5'-6" 8' 10' 11' 8' 10' 12' 1500 8' 8'-6" 8'-6" 8' 10' 12' F 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 8' 1 10' 11' 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' E 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 8' 1 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 8' 1 10' 1 12' Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 VV FLEETW000 Page 25 Copyright ©2004 by Fleetwood Enterprises Inc [A 2 X 12 X 24" WOOD FOOTINGS T MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM FOOTING SPACING (In Feet) U o c Sgl. Pad Footing Dbl. Pad Footing Triple Pad Ftng O a Main Beam Size Main Beam Size Main Beam Size U) 8" 10" 12" 8" 10" 12" 8" 10" 12" 1000 6' 6' 6' 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 1500 8' 9' 9' 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 2000 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 3000 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 4000 8' 10' 12' 1 8' 1 10' 12' 1 8' 10' 12' Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 VV FLEETW000 Page 25 Copyright ©2004 by Fleetwood Enterprises Inc [A MAIN BEAM FOOTING CONFIGURATIONS AND SPACING 15/16 WIDE - MULTIPLE SECTIONS I I I I 1 I I SECTION "A"; I I I 1 -.6' I 1 I I 1 I 1 1 1 1 SECTION "B" 1 I I 1 1 I --- I 1 I I 1 I SPACINO VARES I I I 1 ` I I ( SECTION "C" �-;� 9EE TABLE ■ MAIN BEAM FOOTINGS These tables determine the footing pad configuration and footing spacing along the main beams of the section(s). Refer to pages 13 and 14 for footing pad configuration details. Review the table that indicates the footing type you are going to use. Refer to page 17 for the procedure on using the tables. 2 X 12 X 24" WOOD FOOTINGS Roof Live Load (Psf) •� MAXIMUM `�$ H L) g Cn MAIN BEAM FOOTING SPACING (In Feet) Sgl. Pad Footing Dbl. Pad Footing Triple Pad Footing Main Beam Size Main Beam Size Main Beam Size 8" 10" 12" 8" 10" 12" 8" 10" 12- 20 1000 3' 3' 3' 5'-6" 5'-6" 5'-6" 8' 8'-6" 8'-6" 20 1500 4' 4' 4' 8' 8'-6" 8'-6" 8' 10' 12' 20 2000 5'-6" 5'-6" 5-6" 8' 10' 1 V-6" 8' 10' 12' 20 3000 8' 8'-6" 8'-6" 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 20 4000 8' 10' 11' 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 8'I X 16" X 4" CONCRETE FOOTINGS Roof Live Load (Psf) `ri c U a rn MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM FOOTING SPACING (In Feet) Dbl. Pad Footing Triple Pad Footing Two Dbl Pad Ftng. Main Beam Size Main Beam Size Main Beam Size 8" 10" T 12" 8" 10" 12" 8" 10" 12" 20 1000 2'-6" 2'-6" 2'-6" 4' 4' 4' 5'-6" 5'-6" 5'-6" 20 1500 4' 4' 4' 6' 6' 6' 8' 8' 8' 20 2000 5'-6" 5'-6" 5'-6" 8' 8' 8' 8' 10' 11' 20 3000 8' 8' 8' 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 20 4000 8' 10' 10'-6" 8' 10' 12' 8' 1 10' 1 12' 16" X 16" X 4" CONCRETE FOOTINGS Roof Live Load (Psfl v y 0 a U) MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM FOOTING SPACING (In Feet) Sgl. Pad Footing Dbl. Pad Footing Two Dbl Pad Ftng. Main Beam Size Main Beam Size Main Beam Size 8" 10" 12" 8" 10" 12" 8" 10" 12" 20 1000 2'-6" 2'-6" 2'-6" 5'-6" 5'-6" 5'-6" 8' 10' 11' 20 1500 4' 4' 4' 8' 8' 8' 8' 10' 12' 20 2000 5'-6" 5'-6" 5'-6" 8' 10' 11' 8' 10' 12' 20 3000 8' 8' 8' 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 20 4000 8' 10' 10'-6" 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' FOR HOMES IN 30 PSF OR HIGHER ROOF ZONES, USE PERIMETER PIERING AS SHOWN ON FOLLOWING PAGE. Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 'q40vF-FLEETW000. Page 26 Copyright 02004 by Fleetwood Enterprises Inc. MAIN BEAM WITH PERIMETER FOOTING CONFIGURATIONS AND SPACING 15/16 WIDE - MULTIPLE SECTIONS ;❑ ,❑ ❑ , ❑ ❑ , ❑ ❑ , o ❑, ❑ or o ❑ ❑; PERIMETER FOOTING MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM FOOTING SPACING (In Feet) U ❑a SECTION "A"I AND I I I I I I I I I I ,f_y___�___�_-♦-_t I ------- __y___111111 ---may ;SECTION "B" 1000 13 V5 SPACING T-6" T-6" 7'-6" VARIES seerAele SECTION "C" ; 16" X 16" . - ■ MAIN BEAM FOOTINGS T__;__Y_�y ro °o !0 1,' ❑ ❑ • ❑ ❑' ❑ ❑ PERIMETER FOOTINGS PERIMETER FOOTING CONFIGURATION AND SPACING t° PROCEDURE: 1. Determine the design roof live load of the home. 2. Determine the soil bearing capacity. 3. Follow that line across the table to determine the type of footing configuration and spacing. 4. Footing placement to start at no more than one foot (1'-0" to edge of pier) from each corner of the home. 5. The spacing for any footing may exceed the spacing shown up to 10% as long as the average spacing does not exceed the spacing shown. These tables determine the footing pad configuration and footing spacing along the main beams and perimeter of the section(s). Refer to pages 13 and 14 for footing pad configuration details. Review the tables that indicate the footing type you are going to use for main beams and perimeter piers. Refer to page 17 for the procedure on using the tables. Main beam footing spacing table acceptable for roof live load 40 psf maximum. MAIN BEAM FOOTING CONFIGURATION AND SPACING 8" X 16" X 4" CONCRETE FOOTINGS PERIMETER FOOTING MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM FOOTING SPACING (In Feet) U ❑a CONFIGURATION AND SPACING Main Beam Size a D FOOTING CONFIGURATION 1000 ^ V5 m T-6" T-6" 7'-6" > a w m n 16" X 16" 8" X 16"❑ 2 x 12 x 24 8' 10' 12' ro °o U_ ° Concrete Concrete Wood Pad t° Cr 8' 10' 12' Pad Pad 8' 10' 12' 1 a to 20 1000 SINGLE DOUBLE SINGLE 6'-0" 1000 DOUBLE TRIPLE DOUBLE 20 1500 SINGLE DOUBLE SINGLE 2000 to SINGLE DOUBLE SINGLE a000 1000 DOUBLE TRIPLE DOUBLE 30 1500 SINGLE DOUBLE SINGLE 8'-0" 2000 to SINGLE DOUBLE SINGLE 4000 1000 DOUBLE N/A DOUBLE 40 8'-0" 1500 DOUBLE TRIPLE DOUBLE 2000 to SINGLE DOUBLE SINGLE 4000 PROCEDURE: 1. Determine the design roof live load of the home. 2. Determine the soil bearing capacity. 3. Follow that line across the table to determine the type of footing configuration and spacing. 4. Footing placement to start at no more than one foot (1'-0" to edge of pier) from each corner of the home. 5. The spacing for any footing may exceed the spacing shown up to 10% as long as the average spacing does not exceed the spacing shown. These tables determine the footing pad configuration and footing spacing along the main beams and perimeter of the section(s). Refer to pages 13 and 14 for footing pad configuration details. Review the tables that indicate the footing type you are going to use for main beams and perimeter piers. Refer to page 17 for the procedure on using the tables. Main beam footing spacing table acceptable for roof live load 40 psf maximum. MAIN BEAM FOOTING CONFIGURATION AND SPACING 16" X 16" X 4" CONCRETE FOOTINGS 8" X 16" X 4" CONCRETE FOOTINGS T MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM FOOTING SPACING (In Feet) U ❑a Dbl. Pad Footing Triple Pad Footing Two Dbl Pad Ftng. O a Main Beam Size Main Beam Size Main Beam Size rn 8" 10" 12" 8" 10" 12" 8" 10" 12" 1000 5' 5' 5' 7'-6" 7'-6" 7'-6" 8' 10' 10' 1500 T-6" T-6" 7'-6" 8' 10' 11' 8' 10' 12' 2000 8' 10' 10' 8' 10' 12' 3000 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 4000 8' 10' 12' j 8' 1 10' 1 12' 1 8' 1 10' 12' 16" X 16" X 4" CONCRETE FOOTINGS T MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM FOOTING SPACING (In Feet) U a w 0 Sgl. Pad Footing Dbl. Pad Footing Two Dbl Pad Ftng. (o O Main Beam Size Main Beam Size Main Beam Size cn —T710-712" 8" 10" 12" 81, 110" 12" 1000 5' 5' 5' 8' 10' 10' 8' 10' 12' 1500 7'-6" 7'-6' 711',, 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 2000 8' 10' 10 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 3000 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 4000 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 FLEETWOOD. Page 27 Copyright ©2004 by Fleetwood Enterprises Inc. 2 X 12 X 24" WOOD FOOTINGS MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM FOOTING SPACING (In Feet) U a c N Sgl. Pad Footing Dbl. Pad Footing Triple Pad Ftng. O a Main Beam Size Main Beam Size Main Beam Size 0 J)8" 10" 12" 8" 10" 12" 8" 10" 12" 1000 5' 5' 5' 8' 10' 10' 8' 10' 12' 1500 7'-6" 7'-6" T-6" 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 2000 8' 10' 10'-6" 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 3000 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 8' 10' 12' 4000 8' 10' 12' 1 8' 1 10' 1 12' 1 8' 1 10' 1 12' Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 FLEETWOOD. Page 27 Copyright ©2004 by Fleetwood Enterprises Inc. MAIN BEAM FOOTING SPACING USING PRE -POURED (UNREINFORCED) CONCRETE FOOTINGS MULTIPLE SECTIONS - 20 PSF ROOF These tables determine the footing spacing along the main beams of the section. 10/12/13 WIDE 14 WIDE 15/16 WIDE PRE -POURED UNREINFORCED PRE -POURED UNREINFORCED PRE -POURED UNREINFORCED 20" X 20" X 6" CONCRETE FOOTINGS 20" X 20" X 6" CONCRETE FOOTINGS 20" X 20" X 6" CONCRETE FOOTINGS > MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM > MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM > MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM '� FOOTING SPACING (In Feet) FOOTING SPACING (In Feet) FOOTING SPACING (In Feet) o � y FOOTING SPACING (In Feet) o y to C a Main Beam Size o Co to a Main Beam Sae N C a Main Beam Sae U 8" 1 10" 12" U 8" 10" 12" U 8" 10" 12" 1000 4'-6" 4'-6" 4'-6" 1000 4'-6" 4'-6" 4'-6" 1000 4'-0" 4'-0" 4'-0" 1500 7'-0" 7'-0" 7'-0" 1500 6'-6" 6'-6" 6'-6" 1500 5'-6" 5'-6" 5'-6" 2000 8'-0" 9'-6" 9'-6" 2000 8'-0" 9'-0" 9'-0" 2000 7'-6" 7'-6" 7'-6" 3000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 3000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 3000 8'-0" 10'-0" 11'-0" 4000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 4000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 4000 8'-0" 10'-0" 11'-0" PRE -POURED UNREINFORCED PRE -POURED UNREINFORCED PRE -POURED UNREINFORCED 24" X 24" X 6" CONCRETE FOOTINGS 24" X 24" X 6" CONCRETE FOOTINGS 24" X 24" X 6" CONCRETE FOOTINGS >, MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM >, MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM >, MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM .o FOOTING SPACING (In Feet) .5 w FOOTING SPACING (In Feet) o '� c;:, FOOTING SPACING (In Feet) N C/) 0 a Main Beam Sae o to m a Main Beam Sae Cl) c a Main Beam Size U 8" 10" 12" U 8" 10" 12" U 8" 10" 12" 1000 T-0" 7'-0" 7'-0" 1000 6'-6" 6'-6" 6'-6" 1000 5'-6" 5'-6" 5'-6" 1500 8'-0" 10'-0" 10'-6' 1500 8'-0" 10'-0" 10'-0" 1500 8'-0" 8'-0" 8'-0" 2000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 2000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 2000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 3000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 3000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 3000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 4000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 4000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 4000 8'-0" 1 10'-0" 12' -0 - PRE -POURED UNREINFORCED PRE -POURED UNREINFORCED PRE -POURED UNREINFORCED 28" X 28" X 8" CONCRETE FOOTINGS 28" X 28" X 8" CONCRETE FOOTINGS 28" X 28" X 8" CONCRETE FOOTINGS >, MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM >, MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM >, MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM '� w FOOTING SPACING (In Feet) '� C FOOTING SPACING (In Feet) o 'F w FOOTING SPACING (In Feet) o <n m a Main Beam Size o U C a Main Beam Sae U C a Main Beam Size U 8" 10" 12" U 8" 10" 12" U 8" 10" 12" 1000 8'-0" 9'-6" 9'-6" 1000 8'-0" 9'-0" 9'-0" 1000 7'-6" 7'-6" 7'-6- 1500 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 1500 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 1500 8'-0" 10'-0" 11'-0" 2000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 2000 1 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 2000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 3000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 3000 1 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 3000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 4000 1 8'-0" 10'-0" 1 12'-0" 4000 1 8'-0" 1 10'-0" 12'-0" 4000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" PRE -POURED UNREINFORCED PRE -POURED UNREINFORCED PRE -POURED UNREINFORCED 32" X 32" X 8" CONCRETE FOOTINGS 32" X 32" X 8" CONCRETE FOOTINGS 32" X 32" X 8" CONCRETE FOOTINGS MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM '� MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM '� N FOOTING SPACING (In Feet) m y FOOTING SPACING (In Feet) o y FOOTING SPACING (In Feet) o U c a Main Beam Sae o N m a Main Beam Size m a Main Beam Sae U 8" 10" 12" U 8" 10" 12" U 8" 10" 12" 1000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 1000 8'-0" 10'-0" 10'-6" 1000 8'-0" 9'-6" 9'-6" 1500 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 1500 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 1500 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 2000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 2000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 2000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 3000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 3000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 3000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 4000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 4000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 4000 8'-0" 10'-0" 1 12'-0" PRE -POURED UNREINFORCED PRE -POURED UNREINFORCED PRE -POURED UNREINFORCED 36" X 36" X 8" CONCRETE FOOTINGS 36" X 36" X 8" CONCRETE FOOTINGS 36" X 36" X 8" CONCRETE FOOTINGS >, MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM >, MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM >, MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM .o '� w FOOTING SPACING (In Feet) '� y FOOTING SPACING (In Feel) o '� w FOOTING SPACING (In Feel) U) Ca Main Beam Sae a to m a Main Beam Sae N CL a Main eam Sae U 8" 10" 12" U 8" 10" 12" U 8" 10" 12" 1000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 1000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 1000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 1500 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 1500 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 1500 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 2000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 2000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 2000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 3000 -0 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'" 3000 1 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 3000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 4000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 4000 8'-0" 1 10'-0" 12'-0" 4000 8'-0" 1 10'-0" 12'-0" Equivalent round pad size: for 20" round pad, use charts for 16" x 16" pads for 24" round pad, use 20" x 20" charts for 28" round pad, use 24" x 24" charts for 32" round pad, use 28" x 28" charts for 36" round pad, use 32" x 32" charts Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 '4%—;!-F1.EE7W00Q. Page 28 Copyright 02004 by Fleetwood Enterprises Inc. MAIN BEAM FOOTING SPACING USING PRE -POURED (UNREINFORCED) CONCRETE FOOTINGS MULTIPLE SECTIONS - 30 PSF ROOF These tables determine the footing spacing along the main beams of the section. 10/12/13 WIDE 14 WIDE 15/16 WIDE PRE -POURED UNREINFORCED PRE -POURED UNREINFORCED PRE -POURED UNREINFORCED 20"X 20" X 6" CONCRETE FOOTINGS 20" X 20" X 6" CONCRETE FOOTINGS 20" X 20" X 6" CONCRETE FOOTINGS > MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM > MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM >, MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM w FOOTING SPACING (In Feet) = ' N FOOTING SPACING (In Feet) a 'M y FOOTING SPACING (In Feet) o U) C a Main Beam Size U) C a Main Beam Size N 0. a Main Beam Siz U 8" 10" 12" V 8" 10" 12" V 8" 1 10" 12" 1000 4'-0" 4'-0" 4'-0" 1000 4'-0" 4'-0" 4'-0" 1000 T-0" T-0" T-0" 1500 6'-0" 6'-0" 6'-0" 1500 6'-0" 6-0" 6'-0" 1500 5'-0" 5'-0" 5'-0" 2000 8'-0" 8'-6" 8'-6" 2000 8'-0" 8'-0" 8'-0" 2000 It 6'-6" 6'-6" 6'-6" 3000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 3000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 3000 8'-0" 10'-0" 10'-0" 4000 1 8'-0" ! 10'-0" 1 12'-0" 4000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 4000 1 8'-0" 10'-0" 1 10'-6" PRE -POURED UNREINFORCED PRE -POURED UNREINFORCED PRE -POURED UNREINFORCED 24" X 24" X 6" CONCRETE FOOTINGS 24" X 24" X 6" CONCRETE FOOTINGS 24" X 24" X 6" CONCRETE FOOTINGS >, MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM 2_, MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM 'L w FOOTING, SPACING (In Feet) N FOOTING SPACING (In Feet) o a FOOTING SPACING (In Feet) o U) m a Main Beam Size o m m a Main Beam Size U) m a Main Beam Size L) 8" 10" 12" U 8" 10" 12" V 8" 10" 12" 1000 6'-0" 6'-0" 6'-0" 1000 5-6" 5'-6" 5'-6" 1000 4'-6" 4'-6" 4'-6" 1500 8'-0" 9'-0" 9'-0" 1500 8'-0" 8'-6" 8'-6" 1500 7'-0" 7'-0" 7'-0" 2000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 2000 8'-0" 10'-0" 11'-6" 2000 8'-0" 9'-6" 9'-6" 3000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 3000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 3000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 4000 1 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 4000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 4000 8'-0" 10'-0" 127-0" PRE -POURED UNREINFORCED 28" X 28" X 8" CONCRETE FOOTINGS PRE -POURED UNREINFORCED - 28" X 28" X 8" CONCRETE FOOTINGS PRE -POURED UNREINFORCED 28" X 28" X 8" CONCRETE FOOTINGS >, o m U) m a U MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM FOOTING SPACING (In Feel) Main Beam Size 8" 10" 12" > o '� w (n m a 0 MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM FOOTING SPACING (In Feet) Main Beam Size 8" 10" 12" >, o 'G a <n @ a MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM FOOTING SPACING (In Feet) Main Beam Size U 8" 1 10" 12" 1000 8'-0" 8'-0" 8'-0" 1000 7'-6" 7'-6" 7'-6" 1000 6'-6" 6'-6" 6'-6" 1500 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 1500 8'-0" 10'-0" 11'-6" 1500 8'-0" 10'-0" 10'-0" 2000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 2000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 2000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 3000 8'-0" 110'-0" 12'-0" 3000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 3000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 4000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 4000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" L4000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" PRE -POURED UNREINFORCED PRE -POURED UNREINFORCED PRE -POURED UNREINFORCED 32" X 32" X 8" CONCRETE FOOTINGS 32" X 32" X 8" CONCRETE FOOTINGS 32" X 32" X 8" CONCRETE FOOTINGS > MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM > MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM>, MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM a FOOTING SPACING (In Feel) w FOOTING SPACING (In Feet) 4=1 o FOOTING SPACING (In Feet) o U) CL's Main Beam Size o U) c a Main Beam Size to U) m a U Main Beam Size 8" 1 10" 12" U 8" 10" 12" U 8" 10" 12" 1000 8'-0" 10'-0" 10'-6" 1000 8'-0" 10'-0" 10'-0" 1000 8'-0" 8'-6" 8'-6- 1500 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 1500 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 1500 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 2000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 2000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 2000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 3000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 3000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 3000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 4000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 4000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 4000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" PRE -POURED UNREINFORCED PRE -POURED UNREINFORCED PRE -POURED UNREINFORCED 36" X 36" X 8" CONCRETE FOOTINGS 36" X 36" X 8" CONCRETE FOOTINGS 36" X 36" X 8" CONCRETE FOOTINGS > MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM > MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM > MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM '� y FOOTING SPACING (In Feet) o N FOOTING SPACING (In Feet) o N FOOTING SPACING (In Feet) o U) m a Main Beam Size cc U) a Main Beam Size U) C a Main Beam Size v 8" 1 10" 12" m U 8" 10" 12" U 8"1 10" 12" 1000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 1000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 1000 8'-0" 10'-0" 11%0" 1500 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 1500 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 1500 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 2000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 2000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 2000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 3000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 3000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 3000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 4000 8'-0" 10'-0" 1 12'-0" 4000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 4000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" Equivalent round pad size: for 20" round pad, use charts for 16" x 16" pads for 24" round pad, use 20" x 20" charts for 28" round pad, use 24" x 24" charts for 32" round pad, use 28" x 28" charts for 36" round pad, use 32" x 32" charts Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 'WZ_;_FLEE7W0OID, Page 29 Copyright 02004 by Fleetwood Enterprises Inc. CA MAIN BEAM FOOTING SPACING USING PRE -POURED (UNREINFORCED) CONCRETE FOOTINGS MULTIPLE SECTIONS - 40 PSF ROOF These tables determine the footing spacing along the main beams of the section. 10/12/13 WIDE 14 WIDE 15/16 WIDE PRE -POURED UNREINFORCED PRE -POURED UNREINFORCED PRE -POURED UNREINFORCED 20" X 20" X 6" CONCRETE FOOTINGS 20" X 20" X 6" CONCRETE FOOTINGS 20" X 20" X 6" CONCRETE FOOTINGS >, MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM >, MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM > MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM Z - FOOTING SPACING (In Feel)o Z y FOOTING SPACING (In Feet) o '� H FOOTING SPACING (In Feel) o a Main Beam Size 8'-0" 9'-0" 9'-0" Main Beam Size a Main Beam Size U 8" 110" 12" 0 8" 10" 12" 0 8" 10" 12" 1000 3'-6" 3'-6" 3'-6" 1000 3'-0" T-0" T-0" 1000 3'-0" 3'-0" T-0" 1500 5'-6" 5'-6" 5-6" 1500 5'-0" 5'-0" 5'-0" 1500 4'-6" 4'-6" 4'-6" 1500 7'-6" 7'-6" 7'-6" 2000 6'-6" 6'-6" 6'-6" 2000 6'-0" 6'-0" 6'-0" 3000 E8'2000 8'-0" 10'-0" 11'-0" 3000 8'-0" 10'-0" 10'-6" 3000 8'-0" 9'-0" 9'-0" 4000 -0" 10'-0" 11'-6" 4000 8'-0" 10'-0" 11'-0" 4000 8'-0" 9'-0" 9'-0" PRE -POURED UNREINFORCED PRE -POURED UNREINFORCED PRE -POURED UNREINFORCED 24" X 24" X 6" CONCRETE FOOTINGS 24" X 24" X 6" CONCRETE FOOTINGS 24" X 24" X 6" CONCRETE FOOTINGS MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM > MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM >, MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM :1 ES ai FOOTING SPACING (In Feet) y FOOTING SPACING (In Feet) o '� y FOOTING SPACING (In Feet) o m c a Main Beam Size o U) c a Main Beam Size (n c a Main Beam Size U 8" 110" 12" v 8" 10" 12" V 8" 1 10" 12" 1000 5'-6" 5-6" 5'-6" 1000 5'-0" 5-0" 5'-0" 1000 4'-0" 4'-0" 4'-0" 1500 8'-0" 8'-0" 8'-0" 1500 7'-6" 7'-6" 7'-6" 1500 6'-6" 6'-6" 8'-0" 10'-0" 11'-6" 8'-0" 10'-0" 11'-0" 2000 8'-0" 10'-0" 10'-0" 2000 8'-0" 8'-6" 8'-6" E0004 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 3000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 3000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0"2000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0 " "4000 8'-0" 10'-0" 11'-6" 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 4000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" PRE -POURED UNREINFORCED 28"X 28" X 8" CONCRETE FOOTINGS PRE -POURED UNREINFORCED 28" X 28" X 8" CONCRETE FOOTINGS PRE -POURED UNREINFORCED 28" X 28" X 8" CONCRETE FOOTINGS > o 'a y m a MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM FOOTING SPACING (In Feet) Main Beam Size > o N � c a U MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM FOOTING SPACING (In Feet) Main Beam Size 8" 10" 12" >, o Z y to m a U MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM FOOTING SPACING (In Feet) Main Beam Size 8" 10" 12" U 8" 110" 12" 1000 7'-6" 7'-6" 7'-6" 1000 7'-0" 7'-0" 7'-0" 1000 6'-0" 6'-0" 6-0" 1500 8'-0" 10'-0" 11'-0" 1500 8'-0" 10'-0" 10'-6" 1500 8'-0" 9'-0" 9'-0" 2000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 2000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 2000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 3000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 3000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 3000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 4000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 4000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 4000 8'-0" 10'-0" 1 12'-0" PRE -POURED UNREINFORCED PRE -POURED UNREINFORCED PRE -POURED UNREINFORCED 32" X 32" X 8" CONCRETE FOOTINGS 32" X 32" X 8" CONCRETE FOOTINGS 32" X 32" X 8" CONCRETE FOOTINGS > MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM > MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM > MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM 'M y FOOTING SPACING (In Feet) o '5 w FOOTING SPACING (In Feet) o '� y FOOTING SPACING (In Feet) o U) m a Main Beam Si Size LI) C a Main Beam Size to a cc Main Beam S¢e U 8" 110" 12" V 8" 10" 12" U 8" 10" 12" 1000 8'-0" 9'-6" 9'-6" 1000 8'-0" 9'-0" 9'-0" 1000 7'-6" 7'-6" 7'-6- 1500 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 1500 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 1500 8'-0" 10'-0" 11'-6" 2000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 2000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 2000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 3000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 3000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 3000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 4000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 4000 8'-0" 10'-0" 1 12'-0" 4000 8'-0" 110'-0" 12'-0" PRE -POURED UNREINFORCED PRE -POURED UNREINFORCED PRE -POURED UNREINFORCED 36" X 36" X 8" CONCRETE FOOTINGS 36" X 36" X 8" CONCRETE FOOTINGS 36" X 36" X 8" CONCRETE FOOTINGS >, MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM > MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM > MAXIMUM MAIN BEAM Z N FOOTING SPACING (In Feet) o '� y FOOTING SPACING (In Feet) o 'M w FOOTING SPACING (In Feel) o � Ca Main Beam Size to m a Main Beam Size U) m a Main Beam Size V 8" 10" 12" V 8" 10" 12" U 8" 10" 12" 1000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 1000 8'-0" 10'-0" 11'-6" 1000 8'-0" 10'-0" 9'-6- 1500 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 1500 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 1500 8'-0" 10'-0" 11'-6" 2000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 2000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0"2000 8'-0" 10'-0" 11'-6" 3000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 3000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 3000 8'-0" 10'-0" 11'-6" 4000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 4000 8'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 4000 8'-0" 1 10'-0" 11'-6" Equivalent round pad size: for 20" round pad, use charts for 16" x 16" pads for 24" round pad, use 20" x 20" charts for 28" round pad, use 24" x 24" charts for 32" round pad, use 28" x 28" charts for 36" round pad, use 32" x 32" charts Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 NOV-FLEETWOW Page 30 Copyright 02004 by Fleetwood Enterprises Inc. TRIPLE SECTION WITH TRANSVERSE ROOF SEE FLOOR PLAN FOR MIN. SECTION "C" ' PIER LOAD CAPACITY UNDER ' SUPPORT POSTS. ROOF -LESS PROCEDURE DECK(OPT.) Main beam footing configurations and piers can be the same type, configuration and spacing as determined for the main beams for the main sections of the home. For footing configurations under the piers at each end of the main beams see the tables below. Use the same soil capacity column as used for the main unit beam footings. If roof -less deck is on the end of the tag unit, only the main beam footings need be under the deck. The "footings at each end of main beams" will terminate under tag walls. ® For the minimum loads for the support posts, review the first column in the table on the floor plan entitled "Minimum Pier Loads (lbs.)". Using the same soil capacity column chosen for the main unit beam footings, select a footing and footing configuration that meets or exceeds the minimum loads from the table on the floor plan for each support post. See pages 13 and 14 for footing configuration selection. MINIMUM FOOTING CONFIGURATIONS UNDER PIERS AT EACH END OF MAIN BEAMS FOOTING CONFIGURATIONS 16" x 16" x 4" Concrete Footings AT MAIN BEAM AND SUPPORT POSTS r------•--i------------r----------- ----------- t ---------- t ----------- ® SUPPORT POST Roof Live Load F' SECTION "A" ; r LOCATIONS ' I I MAIN BEAM , Capacity FOOTINGS Max. (psf) SECTION "B" I FOOTING AT Max. (psi = F EACH END OF - -------------------•--- ----------------------- --------- ------------•--- , MAIN BEAMS SEE FLOOR PLAN FOR MIN. SECTION "C" ' PIER LOAD CAPACITY UNDER ' SUPPORT POSTS. ROOF -LESS PROCEDURE DECK(OPT.) Main beam footing configurations and piers can be the same type, configuration and spacing as determined for the main beams for the main sections of the home. For footing configurations under the piers at each end of the main beams see the tables below. Use the same soil capacity column as used for the main unit beam footings. If roof -less deck is on the end of the tag unit, only the main beam footings need be under the deck. The "footings at each end of main beams" will terminate under tag walls. ® For the minimum loads for the support posts, review the first column in the table on the floor plan entitled "Minimum Pier Loads (lbs.)". Using the same soil capacity column chosen for the main unit beam footings, select a footing and footing configuration that meets or exceeds the minimum loads from the table on the floor plan for each support post. See pages 13 and 14 for footing configuration selection. MINIMUM FOOTING CONFIGURATIONS UNDER PIERS AT EACH END OF MAIN BEAMS 12 WIDE TRIPLE SECTION 16" x 16" x 4" Concrete Footings 8" x 16" x 4" Concrete Footings 2 x 12 x 24" Wood Footings Soil Section Roof Live Load Soil Section Roof Live Load Soil Section Roof Live Load Capacity Length Max. (psf) Capacity Length Max. (psi Capacity Length Max. (psf) (psf) I(ft.) (psf) (psi ^( 20 30 40 (ft) 20 30 40 ft.) 20 30 40 1000 36 Quad Quad Quad 30 2 Triple 2 Triple 2 Triple 22 Double Triple Triple 30 Double Double Double 1000 36 2 Triple 2 Triple. N/A 1000 36 Triple Triple Triple 1500 36 Double Double Quad 22 Triple 2 Double 2 Double 1500 36 Double Double Double 2000 36 Double Double Double 1500 30 2 Double 2 Double 2 Double 22 Single Double Double 30 Single Single Single 36 2 Double 2 Double 2 Triple 2000 36 Double Double Double 3000 36 Single Single Double 30 Triple Triple Triple 3000 36 Single Single Single 2000 36 Triple Triple 2 Double 4000 36 Single Single Single 4000 36 Single Single Single 30 Double Double Double 3000 36 Double Double Triple 4000 36 Double Double Double 13 OR 14 WIDE TRIPLE SECTION 16" x 16" x 4" Concrete Footings 8" x 16" x 4" Concrete Footings 2 x 12 x 24" Wood Footings Soil Section Roof Live Load Soil Section Roof Live Load Soil Section Roof Live Load Capacity Length Max (p s Capacity Length Max (P s Capacity Length Max. s (p (pso Max. (pso Max (pso Max. (ft.) 20 30 40 (ft.) 20 E30 40 (ft.) 20 30 40 1000 36 Quad Quad Quad 26 2 Triple 2 Triple N/A 26 Triple Triple Triple 1000 36 2 Triple N/A N/A 1000 36 Triple Triple N/A 26 Double Double Quad 1500 36 Double Quad Quad 26 2 Double 2 Double 2 Triple 26 Double Double Double 1500 36 2 Double 2 Triple 2 Triple 1500 36 Double Double Triple 2000 36 Double Double Double 26 Single Single Double 26 Triple Triple 2 Double 2000 36 Double Double Double 3000 36 Single Double Double 2000 36 Triple 2 Double 2 Double 3000 26 36 Single Single Single Single Single Double 4000 36 Single Double Double 3000 26 36 Double Double Double Triple Triple Triple 4000 36 Single Single Double 4000 36 Double Double Double Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 lwz_;-FZEETW000. Page 31 Copyright 02004 by Fleew.00a Enterprises In. [A MULTI WIDE SECTIONS RIDGE BEAM SUPPORT POST MATING LINE FOOTING CONFIGURATIONS F------t------1-------;-------h------ ;- --- NOTE: THE FOOTING CAPACITY TABLE ON THIS SECTION "A" PAGE INDICATES THE MAXIMUM LOAD THAT CAN BE PLACED ON THE VARIOUS FOOTING -4 --- ' --- F--------------- L - r CONFIGURATIONS. THE MINIMUM LOADS FOR THE ®' RIDGE BEAM SUPPORT POSTS HAVE BEEN SECTIbN "B"ESTABLISHED FOR EACH POST ON THE MODEL -'' FLOOR PLAN ATTACHED TO THE FLAP IN THE BACK a ------- ;------- F__ ___4 ------ r"c-_i OF THIS MANUAL. SEE FLOOR PIAN -i------- ------F:; FOR MIN. PIER LOAD SECTION "C" ; CAPACITY UNDER RIDGE BEAM SUPPORT POSTS = a -- -- -- M= SEE FLOOR PLAN FOR MIN. PIER LOAD CAPACITY UNDER ® SUPPORT POST SIDEWALLS FOR TRIPLE SECTION UNITS IF REQUIRED LOCATIONS PROCEDURE 1. The location of the ridge beam support posts are designated by yellow labels along the floor mating line of the home, and on the floor plan by a square symbol containing a letter, for example © Post A)s always the first support post at the front or tow bar end of the section. 2. Review the first column in the table on the floor plan entitled 'POST DATA', for the minimum loads for each pair of support posts. 3. Using the same soil capacity column chosen for the main beam piers, select a footing and footing configuration that meets or exceeds the minimum loads from the table on the floor plan for each mating line pier. 4. The type of pier and footing selected under the support posts are to meet or exceed the minimum loads established for each mating line pier. NOTE: FOR A THIRD SECTION WITH TRANSVERSE ROOF DESIGN SEE PAGE 31 FOR MAIN BEAM AND SUPPORT POST PIERING REQUIREMENTS. NOTES 1. Due to the various loads required by each pair of support posts, footing configurations will most likely be different from post to post. See Example 1. 2. Single -stack concrete blocks supporting mating line footings may be oriented in either direction, either perpendicular to floor rim plate (as shown below) or parallel to rim. EXAMPLE Post QE has a minimum pier load of 3,200 lbs. Using 1000 lbs. soil capacity and 16" x 16" x 4" concrete pads, a double 16" x 16" x 4" footing is required under a single block pier at post location rE . SUPPORT POST DESIGNATED SINGLE BLOCK PIER CONCLUSION: This footing comiigurauun uan carry a maximum of 3500 lbs. VLY ONE HOME :CTION SHOWN )R CLARITY DOUBLE 16" X 16" X 4" PAD FOOTING LIVE LOAD: 30 LBS. Soil Capacity DOUBLE (PSF) PAD LABEL LOCATION UNIT POST PIER LOAD' A 5,200 A 32 3,200 A 8,000 B 32 5,300 B 14'-1 1/4" A 7 9,100 B 14'-1 1/4" B 7 10,600 1 C 30'-41/4" A 7 8,900 C 30'41/4" B 7 Soil Capacity SINGLE (PSF) PAD D 44'-0" A 32 3,100 D 44'-0" B 32 5,300 EXAMPLE OF MINIMUM SUPPORT I t POST LOADS FOUND ON FLOOR PLAN - FOOTING CAPACITIES MAX. 8" x 16" x 4" CONCRETE PAD Soil Capacity DOUBLE (PSF) PAD TRIPLE 2 DOUBLE 2 TRIPLE PAD PADS PADS 1000 1,700 2,600 3,500 5,200 1500 2,600 4,000 5,300 8,000 2000 3,500 5,300 7,100 10,600 3000 5,200 8,000 1 10,600 16,000 4000 7,000 10,600 1 14,200 21,200 16".x 16" x 4" CONCRETE PAD Soil Capacity SINGLE (PSF) PAD DOUBLE 2 DOUBLE PAD PADS QUAD PADS 1000 1,700 3,500 7,000 7,000 1500 2,600 5,300 10,600 10,600 2000 3,500 7,100 14,200 14,200 3000 5,200 10,600 21,200 21,200 4000 7,000 14,200 28,400 28,400 2x12x247WOOD Soil Capacity SINGLE (PSF) PAD DOUBLE PADS TRIPLE PADS 1000 2,000 4,000 6,000 1500 3,000 6,000 9,000 2000 4,000 8,000 12,000 3000 6,000 12,000 1 18,000 4000 8,000 16,000 1 24,000 Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 1Wz;1_FLEETW000 Page 32 Copyright 0 2004 by Fleetwood Enterprises Inc. MATING LINE SUPPORT POST PIERS USING CONCRETE BLOCK MATING LINE Y -�p�CAP ,�-L 9 BLOCK WOOD DOUBLE WEDGES BLOCK PIER IF REQUIRED Y' Center of pier may be set back a maximum of 12" from end of home. PIER AT END WALL ONLY ONE HOME SECTION SHOWN SUPPORT SUPPORT FOR CLARITY POSTS POSTS CO - PIER(S) AT SUPPORT POSTS (WITHOUT LABELED G -STRAP) WEDGES I BLOCK 'OST OR MATING NALL ONLY ONE HOME SECTION SHOWN FOR CLARITY "—SECOND PIER IF REQUIRED For multiple piers at G -strap each pier need only support half of the total support post load. PIER(S) AT SUPPORT POSTS (WITH LABELED G -STRAP) MATING LINE SUPPORT POST PIERS USING COMMERCIAL METAL PIERS 9" 9" 4>i ; MAXI MAXI PIER •,� '• . . CENTERLINE .• MATING ,,� LINE 12 END OF FLOOR Centerline of pier may be set back a maximum of 12" from end of home. PIER AT END WALL SUPPORT POST ONLY ONE HOME WOOD �'xi;; SUPPORT WEDGES ; I' Lt'; ' $i MATING 'lt SECOND PIER IF REQUIRED =se5 MAX CAP BLOCK SINGLE BLOCK DOUBLE BLOCK PIER(S) AT SUPPORT POSTS (WITHOUT LABELED G -STRAP) WEDGES I BLOCK 'OST OR MATING NALL ONLY ONE HOME SECTION SHOWN FOR CLARITY "—SECOND PIER IF REQUIRED For multiple piers at G -strap each pier need only support half of the total support post load. PIER(S) AT SUPPORT POSTS (WITH LABELED G -STRAP) MATING LINE SUPPORT POST PIERS USING COMMERCIAL METAL PIERS 9" 9" 4>i ; MAXI MAXI PIER •,� '• . . CENTERLINE .• MATING ,,� LINE 12 END OF FLOOR Centerline of pier may be set back a maximum of 12" from end of home. PIER AT END WALL SUPPORT POST ONLY ONE HOME SECTION SHOWN SUPPORT FOR CLARITY POST OR $i MATING WALL SECOND PIER IF REQUIRED =se5 MAX PIER(S) AT SUPPORT POSTS (WITHOUT LABELED G -STRAP) ONLY ONE HOME SECTION SHOWN FOR CLARITY LABELED GSTRAP • SECOND PIER IF REQUIRED '18" MAX PIER(S) AT SUPPORT POSTS (WITH LABELED G -STRAP) TIEDOWN OF LABELED G -STRAPS AT SUPPORT POST ,. _ LOCATIONS A . LABELED G-1 SINGLE ANCHOR NEED STRAPS ONLY DEVELOP 3150 LBS ALLOWABLE LOAD. BOTH STRAPS MAY BE FASTENED TO A SINGLE ANCHOR HEAD. LABELED G-1 STRAPS - LABELED G-2 STRAPS STRAPS MUST BE FASTENED TO INDIVIDUAL ANCHORS LABELED G-2 STRAPS Each anchor must develop 3150 lbs. allowable load. No stabilizer plate is required for ground anchor at labeled G -strap along mating line. Multiple Section Installation] Manual for WZ-1 �FLEkMOIIi7 . 7 Page Copyright 02004 by Fleetwood Enterprises Inc. Twin Concrete Block Piers At Mating Line Support Post 8" x 16" x 4" CONCRETE PADS SUPPORT 2 EACH TRIPLE PADS 8"X 16"X 4" TRIPLE PAD POST ; + ' :�i 4 X 10 BEAM SPF #2 `ya 2 X 12 X 24" DOUBLE PAD 11,700 LBS. MAX. LOAD SUPPORT ra _+ *7; i, ,yz' 4 X 12 BEAM (SPF #2) POST ','.: 15,500 LBS. MAX. LOAD 1500 12,000 2000 14,200 15,500' WOOD WEDGES 10,600 3000 15,500' 15,500' WOOD , 4000 }h 15,500' 4000 WEDGES AP BLOCK CAP BLOCK l$ 0 7 `16 TO BE USED WITH SEE TABLES FOR CAPACITIES SEE TABLES FOR TO BE USED WITH: 8" X 16" X 4" TRIPLE PAD CAPACITIES 8"X 16"X 4" TRIPLE PAD 16"X 16"X 4" DOUBLE PAD Twin Concrete Block Piers At Mating Line Support Post 16„ X 16" X 4" DOUBLE PAD 2 X 12 X 24" DOUBLE PAD SUPPORT SUPPORT;� 4 X 14 BEAM POST :a� : ;i,: `' SPF #2) � I .::�`'� I 13,500 LBS. MAX. LOAD .A; 4 X 14 BEAM 13,500 LBS. MAX. LOAD;='' WOOD WEDGES `�, z6 A 40, \`I• `L= AP BLOCK Twin Concrete Block Piers At Mating Line Support Post 8" x 16" x 4" CONCRETE PADS TO BE USED WITH: 2 EACH TRIPLE PADS 8"X 16"X 4" TRIPLE PAD 16"X 16"X 4" DOUBLE D 16"X 16"X 4" QUAD PAD `ya 2 X 12 X 24" DOUBLE PAD EE TABLES FOR CAPACITIES 3000 Twin Concrete Block Piers At Mating Line Support Post 8" x 16" x 4" CONCRETE PADS SOIL CAPACITY (PSF) 2 EACH TRIPLE PADS 1000 5200 1500 8000 2000 10,600 3000 15,500' 4000 15,500' TO BE USED WITH: - 8" X 16" X 4" TRIPLE PAD rSEEBLES FOR 16"X 16"X 4" DOUBLE PAD CAPACITIES 2 X 12 X 24" DOUBLE PAD Twin Metal Piers At Mating Line Support Post 16" x 16" x 4" CONCRETE PADS 2 x 12 x 24" WOOD PADS SOIL CAPACITY (PSF) 2 EACH DOUBLE PADS 2 EACH QUAD PADS SOIL CAPACITY (PSF) 2 EACH DOUBLE PADS 1000 7000 14,000 1000 8000 1500 10,600 15,500' 1500 12,000 2000 14,200 15,500' 2000 10,600 3000 15,500' 15,500' 3000 13,500' 4000 15,500' 15,500' 4000 13,500' - Pad capacity limited by beam capacity. Note: 1. All capacities shown are based on the footing capacity. Individual piers must also be capable of the capacity shown or the configuration must be reduced to match the pier capacity. Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 141F—FLEEIW1010 . Page 34 Copyright 0 2004 by Fleetwood Enterprises Inc. SUPPORT POST 2 - 4 X 10 BEAMS (SPF #2) (NOTE 1) 11,700 LBS. MAX. LOAD 2 - 4 X 12 BEAM (SPF #2) (NOTE 1) 15,500 LBS. MAX. LOAD D WEDGES BLOCK EE TABLES FOR CAPACITIES SUPPORT TO BE USED WITH: 8" X 16" X 4" TRIPLE PAD 16" X 16" X 4" DOUBLE PAD 2" X 12" X 24" DOUBLE PAD 2 - 4 X 14 BEAMS (SPF #2) 13,500 LBS. MAX. LOAD (NOTE 1) WEDGES EE TABLES FOR CAPACITIES TO BE USED WITH: 8"X 16" X 4" TRIPLE PAD 16"X 16" X 4" DOUBLE PAD 16"X 16"X 4" QUAD PAD 2" X 12"X 24" DOUBLE PAD Twin Concrete Block Piers At Mating Line Support Post With G -Strap NOTE: Double beam must be size shown due to Engineering calculation (shear critical). Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 NOV'FLEEMOODD Page 35 Copyright 02004 by Fleetwood Enterprises Inc. CA PORCHES PO4LH •- VARIOUS LOCATIONS.PORCH• • ON ONE OR MORE SECTIONSOF • I VIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII m FOOTING CONFIGURATIONS MAX. 14 WIDE SECTION O d l o J x m FOOTING CONFIGURATIONS J N �a a� O w a Pad Concrete Pad Wood Pad m C) a 16"x16"x4" 8"x16"x4" 2x12x24" oo DOUBLE TRIPLE 00 a Concrete Pad Concrete Pad Wood Pad SINGLE DOUBLE U) In MF SEC' FOOTING AND PIERS UNDER THE MAIN BEAMS PERIMETER FOOTING AND Pl" . OF THE PORCH SHOULD BE THE SAME TYPE, BE LOCATED AT EACH PORCH POST CONFIGURATION, AND SPACING AS LOCATION. SEE PROCEDURE (BELOW) DETERMINED FOR THE MAIN BEAMS OF THE TO DETERMINE FOOTING MAIN SECTION(S) OF THE HOME. CONFIGURATION. FRONT VIEW SIDE VIEW CAUTION: AREA UNDER PORCH SHOULD NOT BE GRADED OR ENCLOSED BY A FOUNDATION THAT PREVENTS WATER FROM DRAINING AWAY FROM THE HOME. FOUNDATION OR SKIRTING SHALL FOLLOW THE EXTERIOR WALL OF THE MAIN SECTION(S). NOTE: WHEN A SECTION OF A MULTI SECTION HOME IS ONLY A PORCH, MAIN BEAM AND PERIMETER FOOTINGS AND PIERS ARE DETERMINED AS OUTLINED ON THIS PAGE. PORCH POSTS SUPPORTED BY FRONT OR REAR FULL WIDTH METAL FRAME CROSSMEMBER DO NOT REQUIRE PIERS. PERIMETER FOOTINGS UNDER PORCH POSTS PROCEDURE: 1. Determine the design roof live load of the home. 2. Determine the soil bearing capacity. 3. Determine the spacing of the porch posts. 4. Follow that line across the table to determine the type of footing configuration. NOTES: 1. Length of porch can be subtracted from length of main section when determining longitudinal tiedown strap requirements. 2. See page 49 to see if longitudinal strap requirements apply. PERIMETER FOOTING CONFIGURATION PERIMETER FOOTING CONFIGURATION MAX. 14 WIDE SECTION (cont'd) BASED ON PORCH POST SPACING - m FOOTING CONFIGURATIONS MAX. 14 WIDE SECTION O d l o J x m FOOTING CONFIGURATIONS J N �a a� O w a Pad Concrete Pad Wood Pad m C) a 16"x16"x4" 8"x16"x4" 2x12x24" oo DOUBLE TRIPLE 00 a Concrete Pad Concrete Pad Wood Pad SINGLE DOUBLE U) In SINGLE DOUBLE SINGLE 1000 4000 SINGLE DOUBLE SINGLE 1000 1500 SINGLE DOUBLE SINGLE 20, 30UP TO 8 40 4'-0" 2000 to 2000 to 8'-0" SINGLE DOUBLE SINGLE SINGLE 4000 4000 MAX 1000 DOUBLE N/A SINGLE DOUBLE SINGLE 20 1500 DOUBLE SINGLE DOUBLE SINGLE 2000 to 4000 SINGLE DOUBLE SINGLE 4000 OVER 1000 DOUBLE TRIPLE SINGLE 4'-0" 1500 SINGLE DOUBLE SINGLE 30 TO 6'-0" 2000 to SINGLE DOUBLE SINGLE 4000 MAX 1000 DOUBLE TRIPLE DOUBLE 1500 SINGLE DOUBLE SINGLE 40 2000 to SINGLE DOUBLE SINGLE 4000 NOTES: 1. Length of porch can be subtracted from length of main section when determining longitudinal tiedown strap requirements. 2. See page 49 to see if longitudinal strap requirements apply. PERIMETER FOOTING CONFIGURATION BASED ON PORCH POST SPACING - MAX. 14 WIDE SECTION (cont'd) M cN m FOOTING CONFIGURATIONS J y d a V aw O d l J x Ua u 16"x16"x4" 8"x16"x4" 2x12x24" 5Concrete Pad Concrete Pad Wood Pad 1000 DOUBLE TRIPLE DOUBLE 20 1500 SINGLE DOUBLE SINGLE 2000 to SINGLE DOUBLE SINGLE 4000 OVER 1000 DOUBLE TRIPLE DOUBLE 6-0" 1500 SINGLE DOUBLE SINGLE 30 TO 2000 to 8'-0" SINGLE DOUBLE SINGLE 4000 MAX 1000 DOUBLE N/A DOUBLE 40 1500 DOUBLE TRIPLE DOUBLE 2000 to SINGLE DOUBLE SINGLE 4000 Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 14V'FLEE7W000. Page 36 Copyright 02004 by Fleetwwd Enterprises Inc. DECKS DECK OPENING(S) MAY BE AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS. DECK LOCATION MAY BE ON ONE OR MORE SECTIONS OF HOME. FRONT VIEW MAIN SECTI( MAIN BEAMS OF THE DECK SHOULD BE THE SAME TYPE, CONFIGURATION AND SPACING AS DETERMINED FOR THE MAIN BEAMS OF THE MAIN SECTION(S) OF THE HOME. SIDE VIEW CAUTION: DECK AREA SHOULD NOT BE ENCLOSED BY A FOUNDATION OR SKIRTING THAT PREVENTS WATER FROM DRAINING AWAY FROM THE HOME. (SEE BELOW). FOUNDATION OR SKIRTING SHOULD FOLLOW THE EXTERIOR WALL OF THE MAIN SECTION(S). 1. Length of deck can be subtracted from length of main 3. Decorative skirting or underpinning may be used around section when determining longitudinal tiedown strap the deck area as long as holes or gaps are provided to requirements allow sufficient drainage of rain runoff from under the 2. See page 49 to see if Longitudinal Strap requirements deck. Ground under porch should be graded to prevent apply. water runoff from collecting under rest of the home. Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 VV FLEETWOW. Page 37 Copyright ©20D4 by Fleetwood Enterprises Inc. Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 'WZ;!-FLEETWOW. Page 38 Copyright 02004 by Fleetwood Enterprises Inc. CHAPTER 5 INSTALLATION PROCEDURE POSITIONING AND LEVELING OF THE SECTION(S) WHEN SITE PREPARTATION IS COMPLETE AND YOU HAVE SELECTED FOOTING AND PIER TYPES, YOU MAY NOW BEGIN INITIAL INSTALLATION OF THE HOME. WARNING: THE HOME'S STRUCTURE WEIGHS SEVERAL TONS! ADEQUATE SUPPORT BLOCKING MUST BE USED TO SAFEGUARD PERSONNEL AND THE STRUCTURE DURING ALL INSTALLATION PROCEDURES. PERSONNEL SHOULD NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK UNDER THE HOME WHERE THEY MIGHT BE INJURED IF THE HOME ACCIDENTALLY SLIPS DURING THE INSTALLATION PROCESS. DURING LEVELING, TAKE CARE TO AVOID STRESSING THE HOME. EXCESSIVE AND/OR NON-UNIFORM JACKING DURING THE LEVELING PROCESS WILL CAUSE THE HOME TO BE RACKED AND TWISTED AND MAY RESULT IN DAMAGE TO THE HOME. ezJACKINGHEAD,) ING PLATE MADE FROM X 4" X 12"-18" LONG NNEL. (SUGGESTED C4 X 5.4 LBS/FT) WARNING: TO PREVENT THE HOME FROM SLIPPING OFF THE JACK, USE JACKING PLATES OR OTHER EQUIVALENT MEANS WHEN JACKING/2" X 12" MIN. THE FRAME MAIN BEAM. BE SURE TO ADEQUATELY DISTRIBUTE THE CONCENTRATED LOAD OF THE JACK HEAD TO THE FRAME MEMBERS. THIS WILL AVOID DAMAGE TO THEBEAM AND PRESERVE THE WARRANTY. SEE DETAIL FOR RECOMMENDED JACKING IPE (WITH 1/8" MAX. PLATE ASSEMBLY. CE FOR JACKING HEAD) 1/8" X 1" APPROXIMATE DEPTH. MAIN BEAM JACKING PLATE ASSEMBLY THIS ASSEMBLY IS NOT PROVIDED BY HOME MANUFACTURER On multi -section homes, remove all the plastic covering and all shipping braces from the open side of the first section. (You may elect at this time to remove all the plastic covering and braces from the other section or sections.) MOVE THE SINGLE SECTION OR THE FIRST SECTION OF THE HOME INTO ITS DESIRED FINAL POSITION. RAISE TOW BAR LEVELING WITH JACK TOW BARS Using the tow bar jack, raise the tow bar to a height slightly higher than the intended height of the footings and piers. Block under the tow bar with 2 x 4's, 2 x 6's or 2 x 12 cribbing SUPPORT WITH 2 X 4, 2 X 6 or attach tow bar to truck/tractor to prevent the section from BLOCKS OR 2 X 12 CRIBBING falling if the jack fails. (Raise higher with hydraulic jack if ACROSS TOW BAR FRAME OR additional height is required.) SUPPORT WITH TRUCK/TRACTOR CONNECTED TO TOW BAR Place minimum 12 ton rated hydraulic jacks in front of and MAIN behind the axle assembly under both main beams. Make sure these jacks have jacking plates under the bottom main beam flanges and have a firm base under the jacks before raising the remainder of the section slightly higher than the intended height of the footings and piers. Operate all jacks simultaneously to prevent excessive stress on the main beams. NOTE AXLE ASSEMBLY JACK SUPPORT BLOCK JACKING PLATE FIRM BASE FOR JACK In order to level the section, it is recommended that a water level method be used to ensure all pier supports are at the same height before lowering the section to its final supported position. SEE THE FOLLOWING PAGE FOR THE PROCEDURE ON USING A WATER LEVEL. Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 NGV� FLEETWOOQ. Page 39 Copyrght, 2004 by Fleetwood Enterprs Inc_ .03 POSITIONING AND LEVELING OF THE SECTIONS (cont'd.) PROCEDURE ON USING A WATER LEVEL 1. Position water container adjacent to the section that permits length of plastic tubing and valve to reach all pier locations. 2. Lay out plastic tubing, away from traffic areas, checking to make sure it is not compressed or kinked. Make sure installation materials are not placed on tubing. 3. Fill container with colored water. 4. Hold the valve below the level of the water container, open the valve to bleed out any air. Close valve. 5. Locate the tubing adjacent to a pier that is set to the desired final height of the home. Position the valve above the pier and open the valve. Move the water container up or down to where the water level in the tubing is at the desired final height of the pier. Maintain the water container at that position. Close valve. 6. Move tubing to the next pier. Locate the valve above the pier and open the valve. Set the pier height to the level of the water in the tubing. Close the valve. Repeat this step until all piers are at the same level. 7. Lower section onto piers. ECTION INTERIOR LEVELING PROCEDURE: 1 Check level of floor from front to rear direction. (With water level) 2 Check level of floor across the section width. ORaise section and adjust pier wedges in all areas not level or plumb. OAfter leveling is complete check all windows, interior and exterior doors to make sure they operate freely without binding. WIRE OR STRAP TO HOLD VALVE ABOVE WATER LINE. WATER VALVE LEVEL. WATER WATER CONTAINERLINE MAIN BEAM PIER. CONCRETE BLOC SHOWN (TYPICAL) PLASTIC TUBING l WATER LEVEL APPLICATION FOLD OVER TO DOUBLE THICKNESS ON ONE SECTION ONLY. FASTEN TO MATING LINE SURFACE WITH NAILS OR STAPLES TO HOLD IN PLACE MATING LINE SURFACE SILL SEALER INSTALLATION (NOTE 5) AS AN ALTERNATE TO SILL SEALER, A MATING LINE GASKET MAY BE INSTALLED IN FACTORY OR AT HOME SITE. MATING LINE GASKET INSTALLATION (NOTE 5) OOn multi -sections, install strips of sill sealer around the ceiling (at the ceiling panel location), endwalls and floor mating line. Fasten sill sealer with staples or nails to secure in place. Aerosol dispensed polyurethane foams, such as Enerfoam, or mating line gasket may be substituted for sill sealer. Do not use carpet pad or fiberglass insulation for this application. CAUTION: SPECIAL CARE MUST BE TAKEN TO ENSURE THAT THIS MATING LINE JOINT IS TIGHT TO RESIST AIR INFILTRATION AND MINIMIZE CONDENSATION. Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 VV FLEETWOOD. Page 40 Copyright ©2004 by Fleetwood Enterprises Inc. POSITIONING AND LEVELING OF THE SECTIONS (cont'd.) CONTINUE AS FOLLOWS FOR POSITIONING AND LEVELING THE NEXT SECTION. NOTE: BEFORE MOVING THE SECOND SECTION INTO POSITION, BE SURE THE GROUND IS LEVEL WHERE THE INSIDE WHEELS (NEXT TO THE MATING LINE) WILL REST. THIS WILL HELP IN SLIDING THE SECTIONS TOGETHER. PROCEDURE 1. Draw the two sections together using chain binder "come -a -longs", rollers or skid boards. 2. With the two sections together, but with no fasteners installed, check the alignment of the end walls, interior walls, ceiling and floor. 3. Position the second section to bring the floor seams flush, keeping the roof slightly apart and the end walls aligned at the floor. At this time, place piers only under the inside main beam. Fasten the floor together with lag screws per the details on page 43. 4. Close the gap in the ceiling by raising the outside main beam. Use three hydraulic jacks, one placed behind the axles, one in front of the axles, and the third approximately half -way between the front of the axles and front tow bar. Additional jacks may be required along the sidewall to aid in closing up the ceiling gap. 5. Complete the, piering under the outside main beam, if roof alignment is needed, see details below. 6. Fasten the roofs together per the details on page 44 or 45. Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 �FLEETWalO1D, Page 41 Copyright 0 2004 by Fleetwood Enterprises Inc. TO ALIGN THE ROOF VERTICALLY: PAD ON CEILING SECTION TO BE RAISED NOTE: BE SURE THE CEILING PANELS FROM EACH SECTION ARE FLUSH AT THE MATING LINE BEFORE THE ROOF IS TOTALLY FASTENED. IF THEY ARE NOT FLUSH, ONE PERSON SHOULD WORK INSIDE TO ' RAISE THE LOW SIDE AS NEEDED BY USING A WOOD OR METAL PAD AT THE TOP AND JACKING UNDER A WOOD POST OR SECTION OF STEEL PIPE. PLACE THE BASE OF THE JACK ACROSS THE FLOOR MATING LINE TO DISTRIBUTE THE LOADS TO BOTH SECTIONS. JACK AGAINST THE CEILING ONLY IN BASE OVER BOTH AREAS TO BE COVERED LATER WITH TRIM FLOORS AT MATING MOLDING. SEE DETAIL. LINE Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 �FLEETWalO1D, Page 41 Copyright 0 2004 by Fleetwood Enterprises Inc. .03 POSITIONING AND LEVELING OF THE SECTIONS (cont'd.) TO ALIGN THE ROOF HORIZONTAL: NOTE: IF THE ROOF OR END WALLS OF THE HOME ARE NOT PROPERLY ALIGNED DURING THE POSITIONING AND LEVELING PROCESS IT IS RECOMMENDED TO USE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING METHODS TO CORRECT THE SITUATION: 1. Roof Racking Plates - To reduce stress cracks that could develop during alignment in drywall homes, use racking plates to move each roof section equally. Position the two plates approximately 6' to 8' apart and securely fasten each to separate ridgebeams. Connect a chain binder "come -a -long" to each racking plate and carefully pull the roof section together until properly aligned. Note: For safety, chain binders should be oversized but take care not to overstress the roof section. (Cont. on next page) HOLES FOR LAGS HOLES FOR SCREWS 24" LONG ANGLE (APPROX. 3/8" X 4" X 4") CHAIN BINDER Roof Racking Plate CHAIN RACKING PLATE (SEE BELOW) 2. Floor Jacking - A. IF THE ROOF MUST BE MOVED FORWARD .... With the main beams evenly supported, carefully raise the outside rear comer and lower the outside front comer. The roof should move forward until the end walls become even at the top. When the walls and ceiling joints are even, raise the outside main beam evenly at the front and rear to close the ceiling gap. Fasten the roofs together. Return section to level position. B. IF THE ROOF MUST BE MOVED BACKWARD .... With the main beams evenly supported, carefully raise the outside front corner and lower the outside rear comer. The roof should move back until the end walls become even at the top. When the walls and ceiling joints are even, raise the outside main beam evenly at the front and rear to close the ceiling gap. Fasten the roofs together. Return section to level position. C. As an alternate, a jack head may be placed at the end of the crossmember on or near the bolts that secure the endwall to the crossmember. Jacking at this location distributes the loads more equally throughout the structure. 3. If nails and staples are not removed from the centerline of the home, movement of the two sections is substantially prohibited. Properly placing a wooden rod, such as a clothes pole or broom handle, can make movement of the two sections easier. IF THE HOME IS COMPRISED OF MORE THAN TWO SECTIONS, REPEAT THE PROCEDURE OUTLINED ON THIS PAGE AND THE PREVIOUS PAGE. Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 44!2;; FLEEM4011 . Page 42 Copyright 02004 by Fleetwood Enterprises Inc. DETAIL 'A' MATING LINE GASKET q DETAIL V FLOOR CONNECTIONS INE GASKET FO rcG - 6PDECKING O 1/2 THE DISTANCE OF MAXIMUM SPACING IN TABLE DECKING METHOD 1 LAG SCREW MAXIMUM SPACING WIND IMAX .O.C.rSTAGGERED ZONE SPACING' I 1 36" t 18' RIM PLATES ALONG TING LINE 318"X 6" MIN. LAG SCREWS. (MAX. SPACING PER TABLE) Note: 1. Bottom board not shown for clarity. 2. Holes in bottom board created by lag screws must be patched with a vinyl tape designed for repairing tears or holes. METHOD 2 WHEN THE TWO SECTIONS ARE IN PLACE (ALIGNED AND LEVELED), CLOSE UP THE GAPS BETWEEN FLOORS (1 -WIDE MAXIMUM) WHICH DO NOT EXTEND THE FULL LENGTH OF THE HOME WITH LUMBER OR PLYWOOD SHIMS. THE LAG SCREWS IN THE SHIMMED PORTION MAY NEED TO BE LONGER BY THE THICKNESS OF THE SHIM TO ENSURE THAT THEY ENGAGE BOTH OF THE FLOOR RIM PLATES. MATING LINE GAP FILLER 1/2 THE DISTANCE OF MAXIMUM SPACING IN TABLE MATING LINE GAS"�� FLOOR DECKINI 3/8"X 6"M IN. LAG SCREWS. HEADS SHOULD BE RECESSED INTO FLOOR DECKING. FILL RECESS WITH WOOD PUTTY OR WATER BASED PUTTY. TING LINE FLOOR DECKING SEE TABLE FOR MAXIMUM SPACING RIM PLATES ALONG 'ING LINE X 3" MIN. LAG SCREWS. Note: (SEE TABLE FOR SPACING) 1. Bottom board not shown for clarity. 2. Holes in bottom board created by lag screws must be patched with a vinyl tape designed for repairing tears or holes. INTERIOR SUPPORT POST FASTENING METHOD 3 All interior ridge beam support posts are required to be screwed together.' #8 X 4" WOOD SCREWS AT 16"ON CENTER. EITHER FASTENING LOCATION SHOWN IS ACCEPTABLE. IF POST IS CONSTRUCTED FROM 2 X 4'S OR k7 2 X 6'S USE TOE -SCREW LOCATION. When either or both support posts have gypsum between7 MATING LINE them use longer screws to connect posts. - Ridgebeam support posts which are not at the end of a wall or which do not align with a support post on the opposite half need not be fastened together. -INTERIOR SUPPORT POST CONFIGURATIONS (TYPICAL) Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 WZ:—FLEEM0101D Page 43 Copyright 02004 by Fleetwood Enterprises Inc. SHINGLE ROOF CONNECTION CAUTION A PROTECTIVE COVERING MATERIAL (PLYWOOD, POLYETHYLENE, OR SIMILAR MATERIAL) MAY HAVE BEEN INSTALLED ON TOP OF THE SHINGLE ROOF AT THE FRONT OF THE HOME AND ALONG FORWARD FACES OF ANY DORMER. THIS MATERIAL WAS INSTALLED TO PREVENT SHINGLES FROM BLOWING OFF DURING TRANSIT. SEAL HOLES RESULTING FROM ANY FASTENERS USED TO SECURE THIS MATERIAL TO THE ROOF WITH A SILICONE OR ASPHALT -BASED SEALANT. LIFT THE TOP LAYER OF SHINGLES AND APPLY SEALANT TO THE HOLES IN THE SECOND LAYER OF SHINGLES ALSO. NOTES: 1. In addition to the lag screws required along the roof mating line, install a minimum 8" wide by 32 ga. minimum thick flashing along the roof ridge and fasten to the roof sheathing with minimum 1" crown x 1" length 16 ga. staples along each edge at 3" o.c. maximum (14 Wide max.) or 2 staples along each edge at 2 112" o.c. maximum (16 Wide max.). Fasteners may be staggered. 8" x 30 ga. Ironwood metal flashing must be fastened to the roof deck using 1" x 1" x 16 ga. staples. 2. This method may be used on homes whose sections are 16 feet maximum wide with rafters spaced 24" o.c. maximum. 3. Any manufacturing facility installed labeled G -straps found along the mating line are intended for shear wall tiedown only and shall be secured to a ground anchor. 4. Metal flashing may be located either directly below (as shown) or directly above "ply -dry" strip. WHEN THE TWO SECTIONS ARE IN PLACE (ALIGNED AND LEVELED), \ CLOSE UP GAPS BETWEEN RIDGE BEAMS (1" WIDE MAXIMUM) WHICH DO NOT EXTEND THE FULL LENGTH OF THE HOME WITH LUMBER OR PLYWOOD SHIMS AND FASTEN TO� HOLD IN PLACE. (FOR GAP AT ROOF PEAK SEE DETAIL A) MATING LINE GASKET 32 GA. MIN (SEE NO 3" MA 10" STRIP OF Detail - B (14 wide max.) RIDGE BEAM TOP CHORDSOR FILLER CHORDS RIDGE BEAM WEB -- WHEN THE TWO SECTIONS ARE IN PLACE (ALIGNED AND LEVELED), CLOSE UP GAPS BETWEEN RIDGE BEAMS (1-1/2" WIDE MAXIMUM) WHICH DO NOT EXTEND THE FULL LENGTH OF THE HOME WITH LUMBER OR PLYWOOD SHIMS. THE LAG SCREWS IN THE SHIMMED PORTION MAY NEED TO BE LONGER BY THE THICKNESS OF THE SHIM TO ENSURE THAT THEY ENGAGE BOTH TOP CHORDS OF THE RIDGE BEAMS OR BOTH FILLER CHORDS. Detail - A 8"X 32 GA. MIN, GALV. METAL FLASHING. (OVERLAPS ARE PERMITTED BUT NO GAPS ARE PERMITTED) FASTEN WITH 1" X 1" X 16 GA. STAPLES; .123" DIA. X 1/2" HEAD X 1 1/4" LONG ROOFING NAILS, OR #8 X 1 1/4" SHEETMETAL SCREWS AT 3" O.C. ALONG EACH EDGE OF FLASHING. SEE NOTE 1 FOR 32 GA, MATERIAL FASTENING AND INFORMATION ON 16 WIDE FASTENERS R F� 5�E `'P�4 P\L P P RIDGE BEAM RAFTER 1/2 THE DISTANCE OF MAX. CEILING SPACING IN TABLE BOARD 10" STRIP OF PLY -DRY" 32 GA. MIN. FLASHING (SEE NOTE 1 AND 4) 2FASTENERS AT 2 1/2" MAX. �1/2" MIN. MATING LINE Detail - C (16 wide max.) END WALL CONNECTION MATING LINE GASKET G\NG EXTERIOR SIDING 5l�E 5PP it i OR EXTERIOR SIDING BEAMS, LAG SCREW MUST 36" 18" i UNDERLAYMENT BOTH RIDGE BEAMS AND WEB OF OPPOSITE RIDGE \ BEAM (SEE DETAIL "A"). 24" MAX. #8 x 4" WOOD SCREWS TOE -SCREWED AT 24" O.C. STAGGERED FO" 3/6" X 6" MIN. LAG SCREWS G\NG WITH WASHER THROUGH 5l�E 5PP TOP CHORD OF BOTH RIDGE SPACING, BEAMS, LAG SCREW MUST 36" 18" ENGAGE TOP CHORD OF BOTH RIDGE BEAMS AND WEB OF OPPOSITE RIDGE \ BEAM (SEE DETAIL "A"). LAG SCREW MAXIMUM SPACING WIND MAX. O.C. STAGGERED ZONE SPACING, I 36" 18" TAR TABS OF LAST FULL RIDGE CAP FINAL RIDGE CAP fi (COVER TYPICAL WTHROOFINEACH SIDE K G J CE �\0G�COP. CEMENT.) F\N P\" Final Ridge Cap Installation Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 We FLEETW000. Page 44 Copyright 2 2004 by rlgei.vocd LnlerpnsPs Inr ALTERNATE ROOF CONNECTION REQUIRED FOR TJI RIDGEBEAM ALT. UNDERLAYMENT LOCATION UNDERLAYMENT RAFTER KING POST 3 PART RIDGE CAP AS SHOWN ON PAGE 44. / 1 1/2"x 18"x 26 GA STRAP AT 4'-0" O.C. FASTEN WITH 12 -.082 X 1 1/2" NAILS OR 12 - 7/16"X 1 1/2"X 16 GA STAPLES OR 12 - 1"X MIN. 1 1/2" X 16 GA. STAPLES OR 5 - #8 X 1 1/2" WOOD SCREWS EACH SIDE INTO RAFTER TOP CHORD. I � � BEND UP FLAPS. (ONE END OF STRAP APPLIED BY MANUFACTURING CENTER) I Peak Connection RIDGE BEAM WEB Notes: 1. Lag screw connections shown on page 44 are not required with this detail. 2. Special eave tiedown connections have been installed at the factory that allow the manufacturing facility to omit mating line labeled G -straps located at support posts that are typically required for uplift resistance. (See Note 3) 3. Any home factory -installed labeled G -straps found along the mating line are intended for shearwall tiedown and should be secured to a ground anchor. Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 142;`-FLEETW000. Page 45 Copyright 0 20134 by Fleetwood Enterprises Inc. GROUND ANCHORS Ground anchors and tiedown straps, in addition to the piers, are installed to resist lifting, sliding and overturning forces resulting from high winds. On multi -section homes, sections must be fastened together and level before tiedown straps are installed. WARNING: A SUPPORT SYSTEM MUST BE INSTALLED WITH TIEDOWNS TO MEET FEDERAL INSTALLATION GUIDELINES. BEFORE GROUND ANCHOR INSTALLATION, DETERMINE THAT THE ANCHOR LOCATIONS AROUND THE HOME WILL NOT BE CLOSE TO ANY UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL CABLES, WATER LINES OR SEWER PIPING. FAILURE TO DETERMINE THE LOCATION OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES, ESPECIALLY ELECTRICAL CABLES, MAY RESULT IN SERIOUS PERSONAL INJURY OR DEATH. NOTE: THE TYPE OF GROUND ANCHORS SHOWN ARE TYPICAL. OTHER TYPES OF ANCHORS MAY BE USED PROVIDED THE MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS MEET THE SPECIFICATIONS AS OUTLINED ON PAGE 5. GROUND ANCHOR INSTALLATION a) Install end of anchors below the frost line. b) Install end of anchors 12 inches above the water table. c) Install anchors to their full depth. d) Install stabilizer plates to provide added resistance to anchor head movement. The use of stabilizer plates are required when anchor straps are loaded in any direction other than vertically. Consult anchor manufacturer's installation instructions for additional guidance. e) Install ground anchors according to the manufacturer's instructions. 1. Install anchor at a slight back -angle away from home to a depth of approximately 18 inches. 2. Postion stabilizer plate vertically approximately 2" to 3" from anchor shaft. 3. Drive stabilizer plate into the ground until it is at or slightly below ground level. 4. Continue to screw anchor into ground until head is level with top of stabilizer plate. 5. After anchor strap is installed in anchor head, tighten strap until head has moved flush with the stabilizer plate. GROUND ANCHOR MAY BE INSTALLED VERTICALLY WITHOUT STABILIZER PLATE AT LABELED G -STRAPS ALONG MATING WALL OR SIDEWALL. Proprietary Foundation Systems Any commercial, proprietary foundation system may be used for support of the home for gravity and/or wind loads as long as it complies with all of the following: • Listed by a nationally recognized third -party • Evaluated and approved by a professional engineer (any state) • Installed in complete accordance with the foundation manufacturer's instructions ;NOTE I Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 WV FLEEIWOOiD, Page 46 Copyright ©2004 by Pleetvrood Enterprises Inr. TIEDOWN STRAP SPACING MAXIMUM TIEDOWN STRAP SPACING MULTI -SECTION WZ I Nominal Height from Near Second Floor ground to Beam Beam Width (ft.) bottom of main Method Method beam (inches) 10 8" to 80" N/A 11'-8" 12 8" to 18" 12'-0" — 19" to 80" N/A 11'-8" 13 8" to 18" 12'-0" — 19" to 24" 9'-0" — 25" to 80" N/A 11'-8" 14 8" to 18" 14'-0" — 19" to 36" 10'-6" — 37" to 80" N/A 11'-8" 16 8" to 18" 13'-0" 19" to 36" 10'-8" — 37" to 48" 9'-6" 49" to 80" N/A 11'-8" By following the methods in the charts above the strap angle for the near beam method will not exceed 55 degrees from the horizontal. PROCEDURE: 1. Over the length of the home, find the furthest distance the bottom of the main: beam is from the ground. 2. Measure that distance land locate that height in the table. Do not measure at limited localized depressions under the home. 3. Follow that line across to the appropriate wind zone to determine the strap spacing. 4. The initial strap location from front or rear of home may be no more than two feet (2'-0") maximum. 5. The spacing for any strap may exceed the spacing shown up to 10% as long as the average spacing does not exceed the spacing shown. TIE STI 6" MAX IN EDGE OF TYPICAL STRAP INSTALLATION REQUIRED ONIBOTH SIDES OF HOME BEAM PIER 6. Approximately half of the length of the home may be at one anchor spacing and the other half may be at a different anchor spacing, based on the highest ground to main beam distance in each portion. 7. Heights are measured from ground to bottom of main beam but anchor strap must connect to the top of main beam. B The strap spacings shown apply to homes with maximum 90 in. high sidewalls and maximum 4:12 roof slopes. See supplemental information if these values are exceeded. Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 1111111110VrFLEEMOW. Page 47 Copyright 0 2004 by Fleetwood Enterprises Inc. TIEDOWN STRAPS NEAR BEAM METHOD Triple Section Marriage line piers and mnchnrc nmittatt fnr rinrity SECOND BEAM STRAPPING METHOD Triple Section NEAR BEAM METHOD Double Section ti.. MAX. I rr. SECOND BEAM STRAPPING METHOD Double Section TAG UNITS - NEAR BEAM METHOD Double Section With Tag TAG UNITS - SECOND BEAM METHOD Double Section With Tag Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 '417FLEEM0010, Page 48 Copyright 0 2004 by Fleetwood Enterprises Inc. LONGITUDINAL TIEDOWN STRAPS AT FRONT AND REAR OF THE HOME MATING LINE OR SIDEWALL GROUND — — — — — — A -- — — — — —— — ANCHOR I FLOOR MAIN BEAM l' --PERIMETER SEE NOTE 4 NUMBER OF STRAPS REQUIRED AT EACH END OF HOME z Z NUMBER OF MAX. SECTION WIDTH 0 SECTIONS 12' 14' 16' Where 3, 4, or 5 Longitudinal Ties & Anchors are DOUBLE 3 3 4 required, install on both ends of inner main beams. TRIPLE 4 5 6 I TAG 2 2 Notes: 'Design not available a±6"(TYP.)1. Always install Longitudinal Tie and Anchor Assembly on 3 3 both ends of the outer most main beams of home. CONNECTOR Where 3, 4, or 5 Longitudinal Ties & Anchors are SEE NOTE 3 AND 5 required, install on both ends of inner main beams. APPROX. 60"GROUND 2. Always install Longitudinal Tie & Anchor Assembly on (TYP. EACH STRAP) I ANCHOR both ends of outer most main beam of the Tag Section. (NOTES 3 & 4) Treat main section separately as a Double or Triple in a accordance with the table. 3. Ground anchor should be a min. of 48" from any mating 4(MAY line anchor and a min. 24" from any sidewall anchor. FRONT OR REAR Connectors may be located along main beam far enough MAIN BEAM CROSSMEMBER. back to allow clearance. BE OTHER "D" CONFIGURATION 4. Anchorage strap and accessories should be rated for (SEE NOTE 6) THAN SHOWN). min. 4725 lbs. capacity at a 45° angle to the ground. (SEE NOTE 6) 5. Attach strap to slot of min. 3150 Ib. rated capacity GROUND TIEDOWN connector (min. 1.5 factor of safety) welded to the bottom LEVEL STRAP flange of the main beam. 6. Distance ("D") from anchor head to connector slot should be greater than height ("H") of main beam to ground GROUND ANCHOR level. AND STABILIZER PLATE 7. The strap spacings shown apply to homes with maximum 90" high sidewalls and maximum 4:12 roof slopes. See supplemental information if these values are exceeded. DOUBLE 3 OR 4 TIES PER END TRI PILE 4, 5 OR 6 TIES PER END (Interior tie locations may vary) II II sII %III IIIIt II II IIS V��III III II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II a II n II II II II II II I� u TAG 2 TIES PER END (Anchors for main unit not shown for clarity) II II • II II II II II II II I�' II II II II II II it II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II I I II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 FLEETWOOD, Page 49 Copyright 0 2004 by Fleetwood Enterprises Inc. TYPICAL MAIN BEAM TIEDOWN STRAP INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS OTHER METHODS CONNECTING STRAP TO TOP OF MAIN BEAM MAY BE USED OWrap Strap Around Main Beam NOTE: Regardless of supplier's recommendations, the strap must be connected to the top of the main beam to prevent damage to the structure. OInsert the tension bolt into the anchor head and loosely attach the hex nut. Tp SNC OR NF o qo OConnect hook to top of main beam and connect other end of strap to anchor head. OPlace the strap through the slotted shank of the tension bolt and bend up to 90°. OOnce tensioned to the point that counter -clockwise resistance appears, a 5/8" open end wrench should be used to hold the square neck while repositioning the 15/16" tensioning wrench which will enable continued and final tensioning. Repeat as required. OOnce fully tensioned, align the square neck of the bolt with the square recess in the anchor head and tighten the hex nut. This will draw the two together and lock the system into it's final position. CAUTION OWith the use of a 15/16" socket or open end wrench, rotate in a clockwise manner wrapping the strap around the tension bolt. If approved by the manufacturer, double head anchors may be used for both diagonal and vertical tiedown strap tensioning. It is recommended that the diagonal tiedown strap be tensioned first. Follow Steps 4 through 8 to install straps to anchor head. DO NOT TENSION TIEDOWN STRAPS ON ONE SIDE OF HOME ONLY. IF TENSIONING IS NOT PERFORMED EQUALLY ON ALTERNATE SIDES, THE HOME MAY BE PULLED OFF ITS SUPPORTS. Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 7 FLEE7WOOD. Page 50 Copyright ©2004 by Fleetwood Enterprises Inc CPVC Water Distribution System Crossover Connections PROCEDURE 1. Each access panel is labeled 'REMOVE ACCESS FOR PLUMBING'. 2. Remove access panels from each section. 3. Remove caps and plugs on ends of crossover fittings. 4. Verify that each swivel fitting has a rubber washer inside. 5. Connect the hot and cold water pipes using the connectors installed on the ends of the pipe. The connector fittings are designed to be used without any lubricants or sealants. 6. Reposition the insulation around the pipes and replace the access panels. MATING LINE RIM PLATES ACCESS PANELS MATING LINE RIM PLATES ACCESS PANEL ACCESS FRAME FRAME Connection Under Mating Line Rim Plates (1/2" CROSSOVER FITTINGS SHOWN) RUN THE PIPES THROUGH THE HOLES IN THE RIM PLATES TO THE NEXT SECTION AND / CONNECT PER STEP 5. ACCESS PANELS Connection Through Mating Line Rim Plates (1/2" CROSSOVER FITTINGS SHOWN) WRAP WITH TEFLON TAPE (TYPICAL BOTH HOT AND COLD CROSSOVERS) 3/4" FEMALE TRANSITION FITTING 3/4" TRANSITION UNION O00CCD l Y 1 3/4" TRANSITION UNION 3/4" FEMALE TRANSITION FITTING 3/4" Crossover Connection Fittings Note: As an alternate crossover connection a 3/4" water heater flex connector with 3/4" male transition adapters at each end may be used (typical for both hot and cold). DRAIN PIPE CROSSOVER CONNECTIONS See information and diagram of site installed drain piping on page 56. DRAIN PIPE C11 COUPLING PROVIDED. FASTEN TO PIPING WITH CLAMPS DRAIN PIPE C5� COUPLING PROVIDED. CEMENT COUPLING TO END OF PIPES. CAUTION: SPECIAL ADHESIVES ARE REQUIRED FOR CONNECTING PVC AND ABS DRAIN PIPE. Mlultiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 'WZ;-FLEE71NQI1 . Page 51 Copyright 02004 by Fleetwood Enterprises Inc. GAS CROSSOVER CONNECTION USING QUICK DISCONNECT If a quick disconnect is used to connect the gas crossover it will be located below the floor structure at the mating line of the home. PROCEDURE: 1 Remove any dust caps in place. 0 With one hand, pull back on quick disconnect device, snap over quick disconnect adapter and release to complete crossover connection. The quick disconnect fitting is designed to be used without any lubricants or sealants. NOTE: DO NOT USE TOOLS TO CONNECT OR DISCONNECT THE QUICK DISCONNECT DEVICE FLEX CONNECTOR LISTED QUICK DISCONNECT FITTING TO MATCH PIPE METAL FLEX DEVICE INSTALLED TO SEAL SIZE CONNECTOR LISTE SUPPLY SIDE QUICK DISCONNECT PIPE FROM SUPPLY FOR EXTERIOR USE ADAPTER TO MATCH CONNECTION 2 PIPE SIZE — DIRECTION OF FLOW —� GAS CROSSOVER CONNECTION USING MANUAL SHUTOFF VALVE BOTTOM NON -DISPLACEABLE FLARE TO MALE PIPE BOARD ROTOR (NDR) VALVE ttBTUH PTER DIRECTION OF FLOW— BLACKEX CONNECTOR BLACK NIPPLEIZED TO MEET PIPE BLACK CAP REQUIREMENTS) PROTECTIVE) LpROTECTIVE COVERING (PLUG) COVERING (CAP) Notes: 1. If fuel gas piping is required in more than one section of a home, the crossover assembly items necessary to complete the connection shall be factory installed. 2. Gas valve and flexible connection must be listed and approved for exterior use. Procedure: 1. Remove the installed black cap and nipple (or any other plug, such as a black iron plug) to provide a positive seal on the supply side. 2. Make the necessary connections and check for leaks. FLARE TO FEMALE PIPE THREAD ADAPTER FITTING PIPE Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 � ALEETWOW. Page 52 Copyright 02004 by Fleetvood Enterprises Inc. HEAT DUCT CROSSOVER CONNECTION NOTE: CROSSOVER DUCTS TO BE INSULATED WITH MATERIAL HAVING A MINIMUM R-4 VALUE. V -BOX ADAPTERS i PROCEDURE: OLocate duct collars that extend below the bottom board material on each section. Remove shipping close-up material from collars. OPull vinyl jacket and insulation back from core. Slide at least 1" of core over collar and up against bottom board material. OSeal core to collar with at least 2 wraps of listed duct tape. Secure core to collar with galvanized metal strap and sheet metal screws or plastic tie strap. 4O Pull vinyl jacket and insulation up over collar and flush to the bottomboard material. OWrap duct tape around the vinyl jacket at least 2 times at the collar. (A mechanical clamp or plastic tie strap may also be used in place of, or in combination with, tape.) Make sure the bottomboard is sealed around the crossover duct vinyl jacket. 6 Arrange duct so that it reaches the other section of the home without any kinks or bends in the duct. Cut off and discard excess duct material to improve airflow. 7 Repeat steps 1 thru 5 at collar on other section or sections of home. Some homes may require the connection of a metal V -box adapter or vinyl flex Y -branch at the collar under the furnace. Y -BRANCH —/ CONNECTION TO FLEX DUCT i VINYL FLEX Y -BRANCH Follow steps 1 thru 6 for connection of flex duct to these type of connectors. ARRANGF - - I I-- n - ori IT IS NOT IN ANY L( CAUTION DO NOT PERMIT DUCT TO REST ON THE GROUND. SUPPORT OFF THE GROUND WITH TREATED WOOD, CONCRETE BLOCK MATERIAL OR OTHER ALTERNATE MATERIALS OFF THE GROUND Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 'VV FLEEMOOD, Page 53 Copynghl © 2004 by FlWmcd Enterpnses Inc. ELECTRICAL CROSSOVER CONNECTION WITH WIRE CONNECTORS BOXES LOCATED ON SAME SECTION AS MAIN PANEL BOX NUMBER OF CROSSOVER BOXES MAY VARY ATING LINE RIM LATE ESS PANEL NOTE: SOME HOMES MAY HAVE MORE THAN ONE CROSSOVER. CHECK ALONG MATING LINE FOR OTHER LABELED ACCESS PANELS. APPROVED /-CONNECTORS WHT 1-k t` • BLK tel/\ WHT BLK GRD GRD LUG (METAL BOXES ONLY) SINGLE 15 OR 20 AMP CIRCUIT 14-2 OR 12-2 WITH GROUND APPROVED CONNECTORS APPROVED PLASTIC R METAL BOX LF (TYPICAL) RED / WHT BLK RED CLAMPS PER TYPE \ BOX USED (TYPICAL) WHT GRD LK GRD m -GROUND LUG (METAL BOXES ONLY) 240V APPLIANCE CIRCUIT PROCEDURE: PROCEDURE: 1. Each access panel is labeled: REMOVE ACCESS FOR ELECTRICAL 2. Remove access panels exposing boxes on one section and coiled wire from opposite section. 3. Remove blank covers from boxes exposing wiring with approved connectors attached. 4. Wiring on both sections are identified by like colors (see code below) for correct connection of circuits. 5. Remove the wire connectors from the wiring in the boxes and connect the same colored circuits together. (Use knock outs and approved clamps to enter boxes and secure wires). Secure wiring entering the boxes within 8" of the box with Romex staple. 6. When all connections have been made, replace the blank covers on all boxes, reposition floor insulation and replace the access panels. CAUTION VERIFY THAT ALL CROSSOVER CIRCUITS PROTECTED BY A GFCI (GROUND FAULT CIRCUIT INTERRUPTER) ARE CONNECTED TO THE PROPER CIRCUIT CONTINUATION BY IDENTIFING THE CORRECTLY MARKED CIRCUIT WIRES. WIRE CODE BLK = Black WHT = White RED = Red GRD = Ground APPROVED CONNECTORS WHT% `. WHT 7K /r(/` gLK 1 GRD -41 GRD 1,2 " GRD GRD WH`. WHT BLK BLK AGROUND LUG (METAL BOXES ONLY) DOUBLE 15 OR 20 AMP CIRCUITS 14-2 OR 12-2 WITH GROUND CONTINUOUS ELECTRICAL GROUND CONNECTION REAR MOST OUTRIGGER OR CROSSMEMBER AT MATING LINE I - Uncoil and secure loose end of ground wire to solderless lug on adjoining section or sections. 2. Make sure screw in solderless lug is tight against ground wire. 3. Be sure wire is snug against structure for protection. 4. Repeat procedure for triple section homes. MATING LINE SOLDERLESS LUG Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 WV FLEEMOW Page 54 Copyright ©2004 by Fieetvrood Enterpnses Inc. APPROVEDi ACCESS ELECTRICAL CROSSOVER WITH NM CONNECTION FLOOR JOIST NOTES: 1 • Electrical crossover to be used with NM cable only, 14-2 with ground and 12-2 with ground. 2. Crossover connector to be listed as re-mateable. NM CROSSOVER CONNECTORS SECURELY TAPED IN PLACE FOR -FLOOR DECKING SHIPPING \ ACCESS COILED NM CABLE FOR ON SITE HOOK-UP BOARD Connector Before Installation Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 '4V!FLEE7W000 Page 55 Copyright 0 2004 by Fleetwood Enterprises Inc. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR SITE INSTALLED DRAIN WASTE SYSTEMS Due to possible damage during transit, portions of the drain waste system that are below the floor may not have been installed at the home manufacturing facility. All materials required to complete the system have been shipped as loose items in the home. To ensure the drain waste system is installed correctly, please read the following instructions before starting work to familiarize yourself with the proper sequence of steps. BEFORE YOU BEGIN 1. Locate the drain waste plumbing schematic attached to the flap at the back of this manual and carefully review the layout. All drain piping and fittings marked with an astdrisk (') on the schematic drawing are to be installed. 2. Lay out all loose plumbing parts on the ground under the home in correct relationship to the drain waste schematic drawing. To insure the correct flow of waste in the assembled drain system, use all piping and fittings exactly as indicated. PROCEDURE: O1 Remove shipping covers from all exposed piping or fittings that extend below the bottomboard. O2 Inspect piping and fittings to be sure they are clean and free of burrs. O3 Be sure to connect all pipe and fittings according to the cement manufacturer's instructions that are provided. O4 Start the drain assembly at the most remote exposed piping dropout from the outlet and work towards the outlet location. 5 Use temporary blocking or support for the assembled drain piping to achieve a slope towards the outlet of at least 1/4 inch per foot. O6 If a crossover connection is required use one of the methods shown on page 51. When all connections have been completed, relocate the temporary slope blocking to no more than 4 feet apart for permanent drain piping support. (See diagram on page 57 for recommended method of support). BOTTOM BOARD OF HOME (TYPICAL) O� 7 6\d F� IQ, 1 FINISH HERE a OUTLET CROSSOVER CONNECTION BOTTOM BOARD OF HOME (TYPICAL) START HERE OUT EXAMPLE OF SITE INSTALLED UKAIN FJLUMIJINU Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 Page 56 'WZ;!-FLEE7W40D, Copyright 0 2004 by Fleetwood Enterprises Inc. DRAIN PIPING SUPPORTS PLASTIC STRAPPING OR OTHER SUITABLE MATERIAL (TYPICAL) DRAIN PIPE WITH MINIMUM 1/4" SLOPE TOWARDS OUTLET DRAIN PIPING SUPPORTS INSIDE OF MAIN BEAM OAdd minimum 1 x 3 lumber between frame angle crossmembers directly above drain piping by pushing up on the bottomboard and resting the lumber on the top or inside of the angle leg as shown. OWrap support strapping around piping and fasten strapping to wide face of framing material with screws. 3 Other methods to provide support may be used to maintain minimum pipe slope requirements. There is no maximum drain slope. 4 Protect lumber material from moisture. OFor drain configuration shown above, the fitting must be Long Turn Elbow only. PLUMBERS TAPE. PLASTIC - STRAPPING OR OTHER SUITABLE MATERIAL FASTENED TO FLOOR JOIST THROUGH BOTTOM BOARD (TYPICAL) 4y MSM x ANGLE J/ --CROSSMEMBER (TYPICAL) —BOTTOM BOARD 1 X 3 LUMBER RIM PLATE LOOR JOIST (TYPICAL) OTTOMBOARD DRAIN PIPE WITH MINIMUM 1/4" SLOPE TOWARDS OUTLET N BEAM DRAIN PIPING SUPPORTS OUTSIDE OF MAIN BEAM CAUTION ELECTRICAL WIRING MAY BE SECURED TO WIDE FACE OF FLOOR JOISTS THAT ARE OUTSIDE OF THE MAIN BEAM. MAKE SURE SCREWS FASTENING STRAPPING PENETRATE BOTTOM EDGE OF JOISTS TO ELIMINATE POSSIBLE ELECTRICAL SHORTS. Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 VV FLEE7LVOII . Page 57 Copyrght V 2004 by Heels od Enterpnses Inc. BOTTOMBOARD REPAIR Fastened to the underside of the floor of the home is a special covering designed to protect against rodents and moisture, as well as to isolate the floor cavity from outside air. Entry of outside air into the home's floor cavity is one of the most frequent causes of water piping freeze-up. Be sure to closely inspect this bottom covering for any loosening or for areas that might have been damaged or torn during transportation or installation. Reseal with tape any splits or tears and any openings around the perimeter of the floor covering or around pipes or pipehangers. Check also to be sure that plumbing p -traps are well insulated and covered. Necessary repairs should be completed whether skirting is to be installed around the perimeter of the home or not. Use vinyl tape specially designed to repair tears or holes to repair bottom covering. Pull torn edges together and cover with tape, or apply a patch of the same material and tape all four sides. UNFINISHED GYPSUM BOARD Homes shipped with unfinished gypsum board walls and/or ceilings shall be finished on site. The interior finishes shall have the following maximum flamespread ratings measured in accordance with ASTM E 84-91a: Ceilings: ........................................................... 75 Walls: General....................................................... 200 Adjacent to cooking range .......................... 50 Adjacent to or enclosing a furnace or water heater .............................. 25 MULTI WIDE SECTIONS EXTERIOR CLOSE UP The exterior siding on the front and rear end walls and exposed mating line walls may have been shipped loose by the manufacturing facility with the home. The insulation and vapor retarder have been installed at the manufacturing facility. Exterior siding must be installed according to manufacturer's installation instructions. When the rear wall exterior siding is site installed, the H.U.D. tag has been relocated on the sidewall at the manufacturing facility. CAUTION: PRIOR TO INSTALLING THE SIDING, THE POLYETHYLENE SHEATHING COVERING EXTERIOR WALLS MUST BE COMPLETELY REMOVED. FAILURE TO DO SO CAN CAUSE CONDENSATION TO BUILD UP IN THE WALLS AND DAMAGE THE HOME. If the exterior siding is installed on the front and rear walls, make sure the close up strips of exterior siding material are fastened securely and both edges of the strips are sealed with a waterproof sealant. When roof close up material is removed from the roof, seal any holes made by the fasteners with roofing tar. MULTI WIDE SECTIONS INTERIOR CLOSE UP This section outlines special features that are not included in the supplemental pages attached to the back flap of this manual. Remove all shipping blocking, strapping, or bracing from appliances, windows, and doors. Install all loose items packaged or attached for shipping. Install all interior ship loose wall paneling that was omitted at the home manufacturing facility using a 1/4" bead of PVA adhesive on all framing members. Fasten with minimum 1" long staples or nails at 6" on center along all panel edges, and at 12" on center on field framing members. For tape and texture homes, fasten interior wall paneling to wall framing members with drywall screws or nails. Additional molding has been provided to finish the close up at ceilings, mating line walls, front and rear end walls and, in some cases, molding around passageway doors. Instructions for moldings and trim work that require special attention are provided elsewhere in this manual. All moldings and trim work should be installed with fine gauge wire staples or pin nails. Pay attention to any mitered corners and seam work to assure a tight fit. Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 We FLEETWOOD. Page 5$ Copyright ©2004 by Fleetvrood Enterprises Inc. CHAPTER 6 INSTALLATION OF OPTIONAL FEATURES ELECTRICAL ITEMS For protection from damage in transit some electrical fixtures may have been shipped loose for installation on site. These items may include exterior lights, chandeliers, ceiling fans and other similar fixtures. Follow the procedure for light fixture installation along with the manufacturer's instructions. Refer to the manufacturer's instructions for similar fixtures not shown. INTERIOR OR EXTERIOR LIGHT FIXTURE PROCEDURE: 1. Remove blank cover from junction box. 2. Make the wiring connections with the wire nuts provided, black to black wire, white to white wire and ground to ground wire. 3. Push connected wires into junction box. Add non combustible ring between fixture canopy and junction box. (See CAUTION). 4. Secure canopy to junction box. Install light bulb and attach globe or shade if necessary. 5. Apply sealant around top and sides of canopy on exterior light installations. 6. Follow wiring diagram for multiple light connections. WIRE FROM WIRE FROM SWITCH SWITCH WIRE NUT (TYPCIAL) WIRE NUT NON-COMBUSTIBLE GROUND BLACK (TYPICAL) RING (IF REQUIRE WHITE WHITE JUNCTION FIXTURE JUNCTION �O BOX CANOPY BOX _ 3 � r, WHITE GLOBE PIGTAIL FOR JGROUND, WIRE TO GROUND OTHER CONTINUITY FIXTURES CONNECTION FOR SINGLE LIGHT FIXTURE CONNECTION FOR MULTIPLE (EXTERIOR LIGHT SHOWN) LIGHT FIXTURES CAUTION NON COMBUSTIBLE RING REQUIRED WHEN COMBUSTIBLE INTERIOR WALL, EXTERIOR WALL OR CEILING FINISH MATERIAL IS EXPOSED BETWEEN THE FIXTURE CANOPY AND JUNCTION BOX. HARDBOARD, CLADWOOD AND VINYL SIDING ARE CONSIDERED COMBUSTIBLE EXTERIOR SURFACES. CEILING FAN Due to the various types of ceiling fans available for on site installation, fans shipped loose with the home contain their specific manufacturer's installation instructions. Follow these instructions to ensure proper installation and operation. A metal electrical box with cover plate and wiring has been provided for fan installation. CAUTION BEFORE ATTEMPTING TO INSTALL THE CEILING FAN MAKE SURE THE POWER TO THE FAN WIRING IS OFF. TELEPHONE WIRE Some homes have telephone wire installed at the manufacturing facility. The connection of this wiring to the telephone system is to be done by qualified service personnel only. WARNING: ONLY QUALIFIED SERVICE PERSONNEL SHOULD BE PERMITTED TO INSTALL TELEPHONE WIRING AND/OR TELEVISION CABLE. EXTREME CARE MUST BE TAKEN. FAILURE TO FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS MAY RESULT IN SERIOUS PERSONAL INJURY AND EVEN DEATH. THE WALLS AND FLOOR OF THE HOME CONTAIN ELECTRICAL WIRING, PLUMBING AND DUCT MATERIALS. AVOID THESE ITEMS WHEN DRILLING THROUGH AND PLACING WIRE OR CABLES IN THESE CAVITIES. Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 VV FLEETW000. Page 59 Copyright © 2004 by Fleet-,od Enterpnses Inc. INSTALLATION OF OPTIONAL FEATURES (cont'd.) AWNINGS, DECKS, PATIO COVERS OR CARPORTS Observe the following procedures if accessories such as awnings, decks, patio covers or carports, are to be attached to the home. 1. Use the proper awning support railing provided with the awning or railing available through your awning retailer. Choose a freestanding design structure that has columns to support the additional weight. The awning or cover must not add additional gravity or wind load to the manufactured home. 2. Follow the recommendations of the manufacturer and applicable building codes when installing any accessories. 3. Always use the proper size fasteners to ensure mating parts are attached snugly. Make sure there is no strain to the home or damage to the home structure. Attachments should be made only to the upper wall or roof and there must be solid material behind the exterior siding to securely hold the connections. The only connections to the home should be for appearance or water drainage and must not transmit any loads to the home. 4. Use a sealant on all seams or openings that result from installing accessories. The best way is to place weather sealing tape or sealing compound under railing joints or fasteners during assembly, and then seal the seams. CAUTION REMEMBER THAT ACCESSORIES WHICH ARE IMPROPERLY INSTALLED MAY DAMAGE THE NEW HOME OR MAR ITS APPEARANCE AND COULD AFFECT THE WARRANTY COVERAGE. SKIRTING AND CRAWL SPACE VENTILATION Quite often skirting is used to close up the lower exterior of the home but should not be relied upon to prevent freezing of the plumbing beneath the home. Neither should skirting be relied upon to reduce the need for frost protection of the footings as described earlier in this manual. Even insulated skirting may not prevent freezing if the proper amount of crawl space ventilation is also provided as required below. When skirting is attached to the lower sidewall or trim of the home's perimeter, be sure to install the skirting so that moist air from under the home is not forced up into the wall cavities. When exterior siding is hardboard or cladwood, the skirting trim must be sealed to the siding trim to keep water from getting between the skirting trim and the siding. CAUTION THE AREA UNDER THE HOME MUST BE ADEQUATELY VENTILATED TO MINIMIZE THE ACCUMULATION OF MOISTURE. FAILURE TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE VENTILATION WHEN INSTALLING SKIRTING OR PERIMETER FOUNDATIONS MAY ALLOW MOISTURE TO BUILD UP UNDER THE HOME AND TRANSFER THAT MOISTURE, VIA DIFFUSION OR AIR MOVEMENT, INTO THE HOME ITSELF. THIS MOISTURE CAN RESULT IN THE HIGH HUMIDITY IN THE HOME AND ALSO IN THE FORMATION OF CONDENSATION, FROST OR ICE ON COLD SURFACES. PROVIDE VENTILATION THROUGH OPENINGS UNDER THE HOME THAT HAVE A NET AREA OF AT LEAST ONE SQUARE FOOT FOR EACH 150 SQUARE FEET UNDER HOME. DISTRIBUTE THE OPENING LOCATIONS EQUALLY ALONG THE LENGTH OF THE HOME ON OPPOSITE SIDES, WITH OPENINGS LOCATED CLOSE TO THE CORNERS TO PROVIDE CROSS VENTILATION. OPENINGS SHALL HAVE INTEGRAL WIRE MESH OR OTHER MEANS WITH MAXIMUM OPENINGS OF 114 INCH. MANUALLY OPERATED VENTS SHALL NOT BE USED. HOMES WITH A MINIMUM 6 MIL. THICK GROUND VAPOR RETARDER WITHIN A CRAWL SPACE` MAY USE ONE SQUARE FOOT VENTING FOR EVERY 1,500 SQUARE FEET UNDER HOME. AT LEAST ONE VENT IS TO BE LOCATED WITHIN THREE FEET OF EACH OF THE FOUR MAIN CORNERS OF THE FOUNDATION (IGNORING OFFSETS). HOMES WITH OPEN SLATTED DECKING AT RECESSED ENTRIES, OPEN PORCHES OR OPEN DECKS MUST HAVE SKIRTING OR FOUNDATION BEHIND THESE AREAS TO PREVENT WATER FROM DRAINING BACK UNDER THE HOME. When the ground vapor retarder option is used, the material may be placed either a) under footings, or b) between footings and base of pier, or c) over footings and around piers. Any holes or tears in the vapor retarder must be patched by appropriate tape or other means and splices in the material must be lapped a minimum of 12 inches. Material need not be stretched tight. Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 WIF FLEEI 000 Page 60 Copyrght Q 2004 by Fleetwood Enterprises Inc. INSTALLATION OF OPTIONAL FEATURES (cont'd.) PIPE HEATING CABLE Pipe Heating Cable shall be listed for use with manufactured homes and certified by UL, CSA or FMRC. It is designed to be installed where fresh water supply inlet pipes are subjected to prolonged exposure to below -freezing temperatures. An electrical outlet is located adjacent to the water supply inlet for the pipe heating cable connection. Do not attach heating cable to any receptacle on a GFI circuit. CAUTION CAUTION: ALWAYS INSTALL PIPE HEATING CABLE IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH THE CABLE MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS TO ACHIEVE THE HIGHEST POSSIBLE SAFE HEATING EFFICIENCY. Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 �FLEETWOOD. Page 61 Copyright © 2004 by Fleets od Enterprises Inc. Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 '%,PcF"FLEETWOW. Page 62 Copyright 0 2004 by Fleetwood Enterprises Inc. CHAPTER 7 PREPARATION OF APPLIANCES Some homes may have various fixtures and appliances shipped loose, provided by others or built without certain fixtures or appliances. Review and follow the instructions if any apply to the home being installed. DRYER VENT INSTALLATION If provisions are in the home for dryer installation, a dryer vent roughed -in opening has been provided in the utility area/room with access through the floor or exterior wall. To install, remove the material closing off the roughed -in opening and follow these directions given below along with the dryer manufacturer's installation instructions. INSTALL DUCT THROUGH FLOOR ACCESS INTO THE HOME. PULL ELBOW WITH RIGID OR FLEX DUCT DUCT UP INTO HOME UNTIL RIGID DUCT CLAMP TO VENT CAP PER APPLIANCE SLACK IS REMOVED FROM CLAMP TO DRYER ANUFACTURER'S UNDER THE FLOOR. CONNECTION I STALLATION DRYER VENT CAP. INSTRUCTIONS APPLY BEAD OF SEALANT TO BACK OF EXTERIOR DRYER EXHAUST VENT WALL CAP (AROUND OPENING) AND SECURE EXHAUST VENT CAP WITH SHEET CLAMP TO _ METAL SCREW TO VENT CAP SEAL BOTTOM BOARD SIDING (METAL, AROUND DUCT WITH HARDBOARD. AND FIBER VINYL TAPE. CEMENT) AND WITH SCREWS TO MOUNT \_�LBOW WITH RIGID DUCT BLOCK (VINYL SIDING). CLAMP TO DRYER SUPPORT DUCT TO FLOOR JOIST WITH CONNECTION METAL STRAP OR PLUMBERS TAPE TO WOOD FRAME SECURED TO KEEP DUCT OFF THE GROUND AND BOTTOM OF RIM PLATE OR PREVENT EXCESSIVE SAGGING, INSTALL THROUGH SKIRTING RIGID OR FLEX DUCT PER APPLIANCE VENT THROUGH EXTERIOR WALL VENT BELOW FLOOR MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS DRYER VENT CAP. SECURE VENT CAP TO FRAMING OR SKIRTING WITH SHEETMETAL SCREWS. SEAL AROUND EDGES WITH CAULKING OR SEALANT CAUTION UNDER FLOOR DRYER DUCT MUST BE CONTINUOUS AND TERMINATE OUTSIDE THE PERIMETER OF THE HOME, OUTSIDE OF ANY SKIRTING OR FOUNDATION INSTALLED AROUND THE HOME. AIR CONDITIONING INSTALLATION Air conditioning may be installed on homes that are designated "suitable for air conditioning" on the home Compliance Certificate. Information to assist in calculating the size of air conditioner needed is included on the certificate. CAUTION OVERSIZED AIR CONDITIONING EQUIPMENT CAN LEAD TO POOR OVERALL PERFORMANCE OF THE HOME'S COOLING SYSTEM. OVERSIZED EQUIPMENT CYCLES ON AND OFF FREQUENTLY, WHICH SHORTENS EQUIPMENT LIFE, LOWERING EFFICIENCY, AND INCREASES POWER BILLS. OVERSIZED EQUIPMENT CAN ALSO CAUSE MOISTURE PROBLEMS WITHIN THE HOME. BE SURE TO CONSULT COOLING EQUIPMENT SIZING CHARTS DESIGNED SPECIFICALLY FOR MANUFACTURED HOUSING IN YOUR LOCALITY (SUCH AS THOSE PUBLISHED BY THE MANUFACTURED HOUSING RESEARCH ALLIANCE.) On homes with furnaces listed for modification, the air conditioning evaporator may either be installed inside the furnace cabinet, or exterior to the home and ducted into the home air supply duct system. In either case a heat/cooling thermostat must be installed to control both heat and cooling with a single device. When a cooling or heat pump coil and/or air conditioning blower are installed on a furnace, they must be listed for installation on the specific model of furnace already in the home. When the air conditioning evaporator is installed exterior to the home, install return air grill(s) in the floor in a central area of the home so that return air is received from the separate rooms and ducted back to the evaporator. CAUTION DO NOT CUT ANY FLOOR FRAMING WHEN INSTALLING RETURN AIR GRILL(S). Supply air duct connections from the exterior evaporator to the home air supply duct system must be made at a central location on each duct for best performance in each section of the home. Federal regulations require that automatic damper(s) be installed to prevent the discharge air from the exterior air conditioning evaporator from passing back through the furnace, and that automatic damper(s) be installed to prevent the discharge air from the furnace from passing backwards through the exterior air conditioning evaporator duct(s). Install required electrical connections according to the air conditioner's manufacturer's installation instructions and local codes. Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 �FLEE7WQIOID, Page 63 Copyright © 2004 by Fleetwood Enterprises Inc. PREPARATION OF APPLIANCES (cont'd.) FURNACE This home may have been built without a furnace. Install the remote heat/cooling appliance and the supplied thermostat according to the manufacturer's installation instructions. The home manufacturing facility has installed the thermostat wiring or provided a raceway for the thermostat wiring at the location for the thermostat. CAUTION: FLEETWOOD ENTERPRISES INC. AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES WILL NOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR THE EFFICIENCY OF THE SYSTEM CONNECTED TO THE IN -FLOOR DUCT SYSTEM NOR ANY DAMAGE INCURRED TO THE HOME BY THIS INSTALLATION. HEATING OIL SYSTEM Homes equipped with oil burning furnaces must have their oil supply tank and piping installed on site. These items are not provided by the manufacturer. Review the oil furnace manufacturer's installation instructions for proper piping sizes and installation procedures. CAUTION: ALL OIL STORAGE TANK AND PIPING INSTALLATIONS MUST MEET ALL APPLICABLE LOCAL CODES AND REGULATIONS AND SHOULD BE MADE ONLY BY EXPERIENCED QUALIFIED SERVICE PERSONNEL. FIREPLACE, GAS OR OIL APPLIANCE FLUES If any accessory gas or oil appliance flue assembly has been partially installed at the manufacturing facility, the assembly and installation must be completed according to the manufacturer's installation instructions provided with the appliance. RANGE AND/OR COOK TOP OVEN If a range and/or cook top and oven is not supplied by the home manufacturing facility, please note the following: a). Install the appliance to provide the required clearances per Federal Standards, which may be more restrictive than appliance manufacturers normal installation instructions. b). Do not install an appliance which requires a heavier connected energy capacity than the home's system provides (see capacity label on appliance). c). Follow appliance manufacturer's installation instructions except as outlined in a) above. RANGE VENT DUCT INSTALLATION This home may be equipped with a ducted "no hood" ventilation system for the kitchen range. The duct is below the floor and must terminate outside the perimeter of the home. Install the duct and surface wall cap, which are provided, according to the range manufacturers installation instructions. IR E horizontal duct Support A from floor aps as A plumbing fixture, such as a sink or tub may have been intentionally omitted from this home. If so, the fixure that is installed at the home site by others must be a listed fixture and must be installed and the water and drain plumbing connections completed and tested according to the fixture manufacturers instructions. Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 40V FLEEi 000 Page 64 Copynghl ©2004 by Fleetwood Enlerpmes Inc CHAPTER 8 UTILITY SERVICE CONNECTIONS AND TESTING WARNING: THIS PANEL BOX IS WIRED WITH THE GROUNDING SYSTEM INSULATED FROM THE NEUTRAL SYSTEM. CONNECT THE GROUNDING BUS IN THIS PANEL THROUGH A PROPERLY SIZED GREEN COLORED INSULATED CONDUCTOR TO THE SERVICE ENTRANCE EQUIPMENT (METER BASE) LOCATED ON OR ADJACENT TO THE HOME. DO NOT USE A 3 WIRE FEEDER SYSTEM THAT DOES NOT CONNECT TO THE GROUND BAR. IT IS ILLEGAL AND UNSAFE. Use a 4 wire feeder system to connect this panel to the service entrance equipment (meter base). SEE TABLE BELOW FOR WIRE SIZES MAIN PANEL BOX Main E U T R A L B A WHITE - NEUTRAL TO SERVICE BLACK - POWER ENTRANCE BLACK (METER BASE) OR RED - POWER GREEN -GROUND GROUND TO METALFRAME All conductors with outer sheathing labeled THHN nylon jacket or equivalent unless otherwise noted. ELECTRICAL FEEDER AND EQUIPMENT SIZES MAIN COPPER CONDUCTORS ALUMINUM CONDUCTORS BREAKER MAX. CALCULATED MIN. SIZE RACEWAY FEEDER CONDUCTOR / SIZES MIN. SIZE RACEWAY FEEDER CONDUCTOR / SIZES SIZE IN CONDUIT CONDUIT NEUTRAL RED & BLACK WHITE GREEN RED & BLACK WHITE GREEN PANEL BOX DIAMETER DIAMETER FEEDER (AMPS) (IN.) (POWER) (NEUTRAL) (GROUNDING) (IN.) (POWER) (NEUTRAL) (GROUNDING) LOAD (AMPS) 50 1 #6 #6 #8 1 #6 #6 #6 50 100 1 1/4 #4 #4 #8 1 1/4 1 #2 #2 #6 100 150 11/2 #1 #2 #6 2 #2/0 #1/0 #2 115 200 11/2 #2/0 #1/0 #4 2 #4/0 1 #2/0 #1/0 115 ACCESS FOR– METER PULL BOX—\ SERVICE ENTRANCE EMT OR CONDUIT FOR UTILITY CONNECTIONS GROUND LEVEL GROUNDING CONDUCTOR INSTALLATION NOTE: IF THE HOME HAS A METER BASE INSTALLED AT THE MANUFACTURING FACILITY, A GROUND WIRE AND GROUND ELECTRODE MUST BE INSTALLED. REVIEW THIS DIAGRAM FOR PROPER INSTALLATION INFORMATION. #6 MIN BARE COPPER GROUNDING WIRE PROVIDED BY MANUFACTURER. IF MANUFACTURER PROVIDES A MINIMUM 1/2 INCH EMT OR CONDUIT RACEWAY THE #6 MINIMUM BARE COPPER WIRE IS PROVIDED BY THE RETAILER FOR INSTALLATION. CLAMP SUITABLE FOR DIRECT BURIAL. LOCATE FLUSH WITH OR BELOW GROUND LEVEL = 5/8" DIAMETER x 8'-0" LONG IRON ELECTRODE. DRIVE ELECTRODE TO A DEPTH OF NOT LESS THAN 8 FEET SO THAT AT LEAST 8 FEET OF THE ELECTRODE IS IN CONTACT WITH THE SOIL. WHEN ROCK BOTTOM IS ENCOUNTERED, THE ELECTRODE CAN BE DRIVEN NOT TO EXCEED 45 DEGREES FROM VERTICAL OR BURIED IN A TRENCH THAT IS AT LEAST 2 1/2 FEET DEEP. NOT PROVIDED BY HOME MANUFACTURER Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 'z7_ FLEEMOOID. Page 65 Copynght © 2004 by Fleetwood Enterprises Inc, WATER SYSTEM CONNECTION The hot and cold water system is designed for a maximum inlet water pressure of 80 pounds per square inch (psi). If the home is being connected to local water supply pressure that exceeds 80 pounds per square inch (psi), a pressure reducing valve must be installed to limit the supply pressure. Be sure to install a master cold water shutoff full flow valve in the water supply line adjacent to the home. UTILITY SERVICE TEST PROCEDURES SYSTEMS TEST All utility systems are given a quality assurance test at the manufacturing facility. After home installation is complete, all utility service connections should be tested to ensure no damage occurred in transit and that the final connections are correct. CAUTION ALL UTILITY CONNECTIONS MUST BE MADE BY QUALIFIED SERVICE PERSONNEL WHO ARE FAMILIAR WITH LOCAL REGULATIONS. GAS SYSTEM TEST PROCEDURES The gas piping supply system is designed for a pressure not exceeding 14 inch water column (1/2 psi) and not less than 10 inch water column (3/8 psi). WARNING: GAS APPLIANCES IN THIS HOME ARE EQUIPPED FOR NATURAL GAS, IF THE GAS SUPPLY IS LIQUIFIED PETROLEUM GAS (LPG), APPLIANCES MUST BE CONVERTED TO LPG ACCORDING TO INSTRUCTIONS PROVIDED BY THE MANUFACTURER OF EACH APPLIANCE. APPLIANCE ORIFICES: SPECIAL ORIFICES AND REGULATORS ARE REQUIRED FOR EACH TYPE OF GAS AT ALTITUDES ABOVE 3000 FEET. SEE THE MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR ANY MODIFICATIONS PER THE GAS TYPE USED BY THE APPLIANCE. DO NOT LIGHT APPLIANCE PILOT LIGHT(S) UNTIL EACH APPLIANCE HAS BEEN CHECKED, THE ROOF JACK (VENT) HAS BEEN INSTALLED (IF APPLICABLE), AND ALL GAS UTILITY CONNECTIONS HAVE BEEN MADE AND TESTED. 1. To check the gas system for leaks, first close all appliance controls and all appliance pilot light valves (see appliance instructions included in the home or posted on the appliance). 2. Open the gas shutoff valve on the supply line to each appliance. 3. Attach an ounce gauge on the main gas inlet to the home. 4. Carefully pressurize the system to not more than 8 ounces of pressure. CAUTION DO NOT PRESSURIZE THE GAS LINE IN EXCESS OF 8 OUNCES MAXIMUM TO AVOID POSSIBLE DAMAGE TO GAS VALVES AND REGULATORS. 5. Apply an ammonia -free soapy water or bubble solution to the joints at both ends of the appliance connector bubbles form, tighten connection until there are no more bubbles. CAUTION DO NOT USE SOLUTION CONTAINING AMMONIA TO BUBBLE CHECK COPPER OR BRASS FITTINGS. After completion of test, connect home gas inlet to gas supply line. Use a listed gas connection and make sure the capacity is the same as indicated on the label by the gas inlet. Check the inlet connection for leaks per step 5 above. WATER SYSTEM TEST PROCEDURES The water system test must be made after any water crossovers are connected. Fill the water distribution system with water and bleed all air from the highest and farthest points of the system. Use a hydrostatic pump, valve, and gauge to pressurize the water lines to 100 pounds per square inch (psi). Verify that the pressure remains for a period of 15 minutes without loss. This test is recommended to be conducted after power and / or water are connected to the home. First complete the Water System Connection and / or Electrical System Test Procedures. WARNING: IT IS NOT SAFE TO FILL THE WATER HEATER TANK WITH HIGH PRESSURE AIR ONLY. DISCONNECT WATER HEATER FROM WATER SYSTEM BY CONNECTING THE HOT AND COLD WATER LINES TOGETHER, OR FILL WATER HEATER TANK WITH WATER BEFORE PRESSURIZING THE WATER LINES WITH AIR. THIS PROCEDURE WILL PROTECT THE APPLIANCE FROM DAMAGE AND PROTECT THOSE INVOLVED IN THE TEST FROM POSSIBLE INJURY. Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 WZ: FLEETWOOD Page 66 Copyrghl ©2004 by Fleetwood Enterprises Inc. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM TEST PROCEDURES Perform the following tests after electrical connections to the home are complete. Perform the ground continuity test before turning on the electrical power to the home, and perform the polarity and operation tests after the electrical power is turned on. 1) Before turning "ON" the main circuit breaker, proceed as follows: A Connect one clip of a flashlight continuity tester to a convenient ground and touch the other clip to each light fixture canopy. The continuity light should come on if each fixture is properly grounded. B Using the continuity tester, check every direct -connected appliance or fan. Be sure the tester is hooked to a convenient ground and to the metal frame of the appliance. C Using the continuity tester, check the continuity between the chassis frame and a. Metal gas piping. b. Metal water piping. c. Metal raceway below main electrical panel box. d. Between one riser of heat duct and convenient ground. D Investigate and correct any loss of grounding continuity. NOTE: CONTINUITY TO GROUND IS NOT REQUIRED ON METAL INLET OF PLASTIC PIPED WATER SYSTEM. WHEN PLUMBING FIXTURES SUCH AS METALLIC SINKS, TUBS, FAUCETS AND SHOWER RISERS ARE CONNECTED ONLY TO PLASTIC WATER PIPING AND PLASTIC DRAIN PIPING, CONTINUITY TO GROUND IS NOT REQUIRED. 2. Turn "ON" the main circuit breaker and each individual circuit breaker. CAUTION A LABEL HAS BEEN PLACED ON OR OVER THE ELECTRICAL WATER HEATER BREAKER IN THE MAIN PANEL BOX. MAKE SURE THE WATER HEATER TANK IS FILLED WITH WATER BEFORE TURNING THE BREAKER TO THE "ON" POSITION. FAILURE TO DO SO WILL CAUSE THE WATER HEATING ELEMENT TO OVERHEAT AND FAIL. THIS ITEM IS NOT COVERED BY THE HOME WARRANTY. Proceed as follows: A Plug an AC receptacle wiring tester into each receptacle in the home to check for reversed polarity, open grounds and shorts. B Investigate and repair any reverse polarity, open grounds, or shorts that are found. C Install light bulbs and fluorescent tubes if not already installed. Make sure each light fixture is operable by turning the appropriate switch to "ON" position. D Repair or replace any defective items. DRAIN SYSTEM TEST PROCEDURES The completed drain waste system should be subjected to a flood level test as follows: 1. Be sure the home is level, all fixtures are connected, and the plug or cap is installed at the outlet. Fill entire system with water to the rim of the water closet (toilet). Make sure tub and shower drains are plugged. 2. After all trapped air has been released, maintain the test for not less than 15 minutes to be certain there are no leaks. If leaks are found, make necessary repairs and test again for not less than 15 minutes. If no leaks are found, unplug the system at the outlet and drain the water from the system. 3. Test items higher than the water closet (toilet), such as kitchen sink and lavatory, by filling with water and then emptying. As water drains, check to be sure there are no leaks in drain piping. Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 qwZ: FLEETW000. Page 67 Copyright O 2004 by Fleetwood Enterprises Inc. SMOKE ALARM CIRCUIT CROSSOVER CONNECTION 1. All smoke alarm circuit crossover connections will be found in one of the labeled electrical crossover accesses. 2. The crossover connectors are a 4 -wire non-metallic sheathed cable splice device. 3. Identify the two connectors and plug them together. 4. After all crossover wiring connections have been completed and the access cover replaced, the smoke alarm system must be tested to confirm power supply to it and continuity of the signal circuit. A green light illuminated on the cover of each smoke alarm will indicate 120v power supply to it. Depress the test button of any smoke alarm in the system and verify that that particular alarm will sound and will trigger all other alarms in the home. Repeat the operational test from each alarm station in the home. SEE ALTERNATE CROSSOVER BELOW ALTERNATE SMOKE ALARM CROSSOVER CONNECTION APPROVED CONNECTORS G GROUND LUG (METAL BOXES ONLY) 1. Each access panel is labeled: REMOVE ACCESS FOR ELECTRICAL 2. Remove access panels exposing boxes on one section and coiled wire from opposite section. 3. Remove blank covers from boxes exposing wiring with approved connectors attached. 4. Wiring on both sections are identified by like colors for correct connection of circuits. 5. Remove the wire connectors from the wiring in the boxes and connect the same colored circuits together. (Use knock outs and approved clamps to enter boxes and secure wires). Secure wiring entering the boxes within 8" of the box with Romex staple. 6. When all connections have been made, replace the blank covers on all boxes, reposition floor insulation and replace the access panels. APPROVED PLASTIC 4R METAL BOX (TYPICAL) CLAMPS PER TYPE BOX USED (TYPICAL) Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 'W27FLEETW41i0 . Page 68 copyright 0 2004 by Fleetwood Enterprises Inc. NOTES Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 Nv21rrFLEE7K40W Page 69 Copyright 0 2004 by Reeh ood Enlerprtse Inc. NOTES Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 'WZ'r rFLEE7WOW. Page 70 Copyright 02004 by Fleetvmd Enterprises Inc NOTES Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 �-FLEETW41O1D, Page 71 Copyright 0 2004 by Fleetnood Enterprises Inc. Home Installation Manual Calculation Index This is a partial list of approved calculations used in preparation of this manual Calc. No. Description 0022066 Multi -Wide Close -Up, WZ-1 0022117 Multi -Wide Anchoring, WZ-1 0022123 Main Beam Footings, over 16" 0022123 Main Beam Bending Check (pages 3-5) 0022127 Main Beam Footings, Standard Sizes 0022130 Perimeter Footings 0022134 Marriage Footings 0022135 Footing Strength Check 0022169 Opposite (Second) Beam Anchoring 0022170 TJI Ridgebeam Close-up Multiple Section Installation Manual for WZ-1 144V:rFLEE7W00Q. Page 72 Copyright 0 2004 by Fleetwood Enterprises Inc. FLEETWOOD ENTERPRISES, INC., RIVERSIDE, CA 92513-7638 100.7.078 Printed in USA 6/04 SITE PLAN SCALE 1100-1' Taffy ranch L& (MUR nI I! A c�a�a�©�aoa W2 10"00't .13T W 477o"e 2501' FRONT DOOR SDE ELEVATION(S) HITCH SIDE - SCALE: 3/16"= 1"-0" PARTIAL SITE PLAN PROJECT LOCATION OWNER / BUILDER pLQaCa MLR L LaDC DLa LA QUINTI, CA 24 LAGUNITA LAGUNA BEACH, CA. 92651 TEL s (760) 578-3491 J R 0 U E [P L& H JOBMFLE. 285.00' 1317.98' ITE PLAN SCALE: 1:100=1'-0' A UI TA CALIFOR IA PROJECT LOCATION Ir LArA%3LLY H&HCH 55075 MONROE ST. LA QUINTA, CA. S02 10'00"E 63.37' N89 47'20"E 25. 01 ' FRONT SIDE HITCH SIDE ELEVATION(S) am w I SCALE: 1/16'=1'-0' OWNER / BUILDER H&,D-),/,7 L&[oM[o& 24 LAGUNITA LAGUNA BEACH, CA, 92651 ------------------------------- TEL # (760) 578-3491 SCALE: 3/16"= 1'-0" JOB NO: XXX FILE: DATE: 00-00-00 LAST REV: 00-00-00 SHEET NO, INTRODUCTION (WITHIN 5'-0" OF INSIDE EDGE OF ALL ❑._ SIDEWALL FASTENER O.C. SPACING These drawings show foundation details which are 12. Concrete blocks shall conform to ASTM C-90 special 24. Gravel base at footing areas within the zone of load .. applicable to homes produced by subsidiaries of IIB inspection not required. Blocks shall be 6" x L x height influence to be graduated 3/8" to 3/4" gravel, or coarse Fleetwood Enterprises, Inc. The foundation plan shown is LOCATION OF ENTRY DOOR A- `------ desired for site conditions. 8" slump stone may be sand not smaller then 1/16" grains, or crushed stone general and is to be adjusted to meet the specific home J ------- used in lieu of concrete blocks having a maximum size of 1 1/2" so constituted and being installed. The floor plan for the home is included in I B� m A. placed to provide and allowable bearing capacity of the Installation Manual provided with each home. The 13. Mortar mix shall be Type S, Table 21-A of 2001 C.B.C. 3000 pounds per square foot. manual, floor plan and these details must be used - 23' 4' h r 1 rt Portland Cement 1/2 R hydrated lime and 0 � • Pa y r Over together to establish dimensions and Toads forthe PIER (SEE TABLE-4) PIER (SEE TABLE -4) 4 parts sand by volume: do not use lime with plastic or 25. Each piece of lumber and plywood less than 6" from foundation. Where the word "MAX." is used with a 23'-4" waterproof cement. the surrounding soil shall be cut from material that has dimension, any distance up to but not exceeding the 14. Masonry grout shall be 1 part Portland Cement, 3 the following information permanently affixed: dimension may be used. Several alternate construction 26-8" Parts sand, and 2 parts 318" gravel be volume, mixed Maximum: methods are shown. Any combination of attemates may be used from within those for the design loads applicable Maximum. 26'-8' to pouring consistency. a. Trademark of inspection agency approved by to the construction site. Foundation system details used 15. In concrete block stem walls, place a minimum of 2 - American Lumber Standards Committee (Al shall be compatible with local soil conditions. Footing #4 reinforcing bars in block with mudsill anchors, fully b. Applicable American Wood Preservers' Footing Footing grout each cell containing rebars. In poured in place Association (AWPA) standard: These design drawings are supplemental to the Footin concrete stem walls, the minimum vertical reinforcing Lumber...... Standard C-2 Installation Manual. Details and dimensions of other Live shall be #4 bars at 24" o.c. .... ........ . . types of foundations in the manual are not applicable to Spacing Spacing Sacro Plywood .......................Standard C-9 this design. 16. Reinforcing bars for concrete or concrete block Spacing Spacing Spacing foundation shall be deformed bars meeting ASTM c. Year of treatment. GENERAL NOTES: LoadSimpson A-615, Grade 40. Lap all bars 24" minimum. d. Exposure Conditions.......Ground Contact. 1. Contractor shall verify site conditions and all 17. All lumber in contact with concrete shall be pressure e. Type of treatment....._. _ACQ or equivalent dimensions prior to starting work. Notify owner of any 8d preservative treated or a specie approved for use Simpson discrepancies. Simpson directly in contact with concrete. Individual concrete f. Moisture Limitation.. Dry or KDAT 2. All work shall conform to the requirements of this (ft.) or masonry piers shall project at least 8" above g Treatment company and location. design and of the building code adopted by the Nails exposed ground unless the columns or posts they Screws agency having jurisdiction. MAS or support are treated wood. h. Lumber grade markings by an approved grading 3. Design loads followed shall be consistent with the roof 18. Any compaction material under the home must be agency to identify species and grade for live load, wind zone and seismic zone as establishedstructural MAS or clean fill, and must be compacted per local purposes. for permanent buildings within a specific local area, 5/8' bolt requirements before pads or footings are 26. Where lumber is out aftertreatment, the cut surface Depth Width 5/8" boll places/poured. shall be brush -coated with no less than 3 percent 4. The ground surface adjacent to the home shall be 19. Contractor shall verify soil type prior to starting work solution of the same preservative used in the original sloped away from the structure with a gradient of at 12" 1 12' Expansive soil conditions may require additional treatment, or shall be field treated in conformance with least 1/2" perfoot for a distance of 6' or more. 12' engineering. AWPA standard M4-96 using a solution of copper Provisions shall be made for drainage to prevent 20. Obtain from local building authorities the exposure and naphthenate containing a minimum of 2 percent copper metal. accumulation of surface water 12' wind speed (70 mph or 80 mph) applicable to the 70' 5. Provide an 18" x 30" access crawl hole to under -floor 30 foundation site. 27. All fasteners and structural metal connectors in area. Provide under -floor area ventilation of a net a 72" 12' contact with treated lumber, shall be stainless steel or area of not less than 1 square foot for each 150 12" 1 ' 2 as recommended by the fastener or connector square feet of under -floor area. Cover vent openings 70' 12' manufacturer with corrosion resistant 1/4" x 1/4" openings wire 21. These foundation drawings comply with the 12" 12" mesh. 12' 12" requirements of HUD Handbook 4930.3 (Permanent 12" 12' 60' Foundation Guide For Manufactured Housing) -- California Building Code 6. Mating line piers shall be located directly below 12" 12" foundation Type C2. 2001 Edition, Volume 2 ridge beam support columns. Support post column 60" to 60 locations are shown on the floor plan of the house 22. Fasteners shall be stainless steel or hot -dipped -- 70 and 80 MPH Wind Speeds by �� 12' galvanized. Hot -dipped zinc -coated nails shall be Exposure C 12" 63" coated after manufacture to their final form, including 57' 7. Refer to the Installation Manual for ridge beam pier 12' pointing, heading, threading or twisting, as applicable. --20, 30, 40, 60, 80 and and main rail pier locations and loads. When spacing 12' 12" Electrogalvanized or mechanically plated nails or 12C PSF Roof Live Loads shown in the manual is less than shown here, the 12" staples, and hot -dipped zinc -coated staples, shall not -- Seismic Zone 3 oro manual shall be followed. 12" be permitted. Staples and nails installed below grade 12' 12' 49' 12" shall be stainless steel types 304 and 316 as defined 43' 8. Mudsill anchors shall be installed within 12" of each 120 by the ANSI classification. 43' end of sill and at a spacing shown on the foundation 38' 12' 18" plan. Mudsill anchors may be 5/8" dia. bolts with 23. The gravel base sihall be not less than 6 inches thick 43" 3/16"x2"x2" plate washer or Simpson Strong Tie MAS. 38' and shall extend not less than 4 inches beyond all the 18" - Anchor bofts shall be set 7" into concrete. 16' edges of the wood pads. 12' 12' -Anchor boll shall be set 15" into concrete stem wall. 12' 12' 72" -MAS Anchors shall be set into concrete per 12' ATTENTION 12" manufacturer's specifications. 70' 12' 12' 70' - Seismic Zone 3 may use 1/2" anchor bolts at spacing indicated on drawing. 12" Homes manufactured with optional 2 x 6 exterior walls Over 30 shall be 4" longer and 4" wider than homes manufactured 9. Stem wall may be built after house is in place. 12" 12' with standard 2 x 4 exterior walls. Foundation lengths and 10. Wall stems may be concrete or concrete blocks. 12' widths mu a adjusted to accommodate homes witI, 11. Concrete shall be 2000 psi 'm at 28 days. 12' 70' 12" 12" TIGHT MAX. Notes: Li A. Offset may occur at either or both ends of house. UNIT WIDTH B. Length of offset varies. C. See tables for specific information based on actual unit F- SEE END WALL FOUNDATION DETAILS width, length and height. WELD, BOL, CLAMP PIER TO MAIN BEAM L 20' MIN, 36' MAX. 4' MIN. 6'MIN. Table - 1 Sidewall Footing and Anchor Specifications (WITHIN 5'-0" OF INSIDE EDGE OF ALL ❑._ SIDEWALL FASTENER O.C. SPACING END WALLS, TYPICAL) Wind Speed 70 mph l+--1 SEE FLOOR PLAN FOR LENGTH OF HOUSE - _I IIB -- - SEE FLOOR PLAN FOR - SEE TYPICAL SIDEWALL I TABLE Wind Speed 80 mph LOCATION OF ENTRY DOOR A- `------ FOUNDATION -1 F Maximum 15'-7 J ------- --- --- Maximum I I B� m A. Maximum 17'-8' (I4'-0"' I MAX. j- STEELFRAMERAILS(VERIFY SPACING ON HOUSE) -SEE TABLE -4- TYPIOR ' - 23' 4' 23'-4' r Over 2 6'-8" PIER (SEE TABLE-4) PIER (SEE TABLE -4) . q- ' t . 8 I(TYP) 23'-4" Over: Over: 26-8' -�}--�-- B --- ❑--- 8 Maximum: WELD, BOL, CLAMP PIER TO MAIN BEAM L 20' MIN, 36' MAX. 4' MIN. 6'MIN. Table - 1 Sidewall Footing and Anchor Specifications 2' 1 Tahla - 7 Fl Footing and Anchor Specifications 20' MIN, SPACED PER ❑._ SIDEWALL FASTENER O.C. SPACING Wind Speed 70 mph Wind Speed 70 mph ENDWALL FASTENER O.C. SPACING UnitHeight Maximum 15'-2" Maximum 16-2" Wind Speed 80 mph Wind Speed 80 mph 1 Maximum 16-2" UnitHeight Maximum 15'-7 Maximum 16-2' Maximum 1p-8" Maximum 15'-2' Maximum 16-2" Maximum 16'-2' Maximum 17'-8' I BIB Minimum: Minimum: 19-8' Over - 23' 4' 23'-4' r Over 2 6'-8" Minimum . q- ' t . 8 Over 23'-4" Over: Over: 26-8' Unit Width Maximum: 234" Maximum: 26-8" Maximum: 31'-0' Maximum: 234" Maximum. 26'-8' Maximum: 31'-0' Unit Roof Footing Anchor footing Anchor Footing Footing Anchor Footing Footing Anchor Footing 9 Anchor Footin g Anchor Length Live 22' X 20' Spacing S acro P 9 Spacing Spacing Sacro 32' X 36" Spacing Spacing Sacro Load Spacing Spacing Spacing SpacingFooting Spacing Spacing P 9 LoadSimpson Load 8d 16d Simpson 8d Simpson Simpson 8d Simpson Simpson (ft.) Simpson Nails Simpson Simpson (ft.) (psf) (psf) MAS or Nails MAS or Screws MAS or MAS or Screws MAS or MAS or Screws Nails MAS or 20 MAS o r MAS or MAS or 9' Depth Width 5/8' bolt Depth Width 5/8' bolt Depth Width 5/8" boll Depth Width 5/8-1 Depth Width 5/8" bolt Depth Width 5/8' bolt 5/8" bolt 20 12" 1 12' 72' 12' 12' 72° 1 12' IT 72" 12" 12' 70' 12" 12' 70" 12' 12" 70' Min. 30 12" 12' 72' 12' 12" 72" 12' 12' 67" 12" 1 ' 2 70' 2" 12" 70' 12' 12' 62" 40 ft. 40 12" 12" 72' 12' 12" 68" 12" 12' 60' 12' 12' 70' 12" 12" 68' 12' 12' 60" to 60 12" 12" 63' 12' 12" 57" 12' 12' 50' 12' 12" 63" 12' 12" 57' 12" 12' 50' Max. 80 12' 12" 55' 12" 12" 49" 12" 14" 43' 12' 12" 55' 12' 12' 49' 12" 14" 43' 66 ft. 120 12' 16' 43' 12" 16' 38' 12' 18" 34" 12' 16" 43" 12' 16" 38' 12' 18" 34' 16' 20 12' 12' 72" 12' 12' 72" 12' 12' 72' 12" IT 70' 12' 12' 70' 12' 12" 70' Over 30 12" 12' 72' 12" 12' 72" 12' 12' 69' 12" 12' 70' 12" 12" 70" 12' 12' 69" 6t R. 40 12' 17 72' 12" 12' 71" 12' 12' 62' 12" 12" 70' 12" 12' 70" 12' 12' 62' to 60 12" 12' 66' 12' 12" 59" 12' 12' 52' 12' 12" 65` 2" 12" 59" 12' 12' 52" Max 80 12' 12" 56' 12' IT 51" 12" 14" 45" 12" IT 56" 2" 12' 51' 12" 14' 45' 76 ft 120 I T 16' 44" 12' 16" 39" 12" 18" 18' 40' 14' 18" 40" 14' 39' 12° 18' 35' 2' 1 Tahla - 7 Fl Footing and Anchor Specifications Table - 3 Exterior Wall Fastener Spacing 20' MIN, SPACED PER ❑._ SIDEWALL FASTENER O.C. SPACING SHIM, WEDGE TIGHTLY Wind Speed 70 mph ENDWALL FASTENER O.C. SPACING UnitHeight Maximum 15'-2" Maximum 16-2" Maximum 17'-8" Wind Speed 80 mph 1 Maximum 16-2" UnitHeight Maximum 15'-2' Maximum 16-2" Maximum 1T-8" Over: 23'-4' Maximum 15'-7 Maximum 16'-2' Maximum 17-8" I BIB Minimum: Minimum: Over: 19'-8' Over: 23'-4' Over: 26'-8' Maximum: 26-8" Minimum: 19-8' Over: 23'-4' Over: 26'-8" Unit Width Maximum: 14' X 14' 23'-4" Maximum: 26-8" Maximum: 31'-0' 15'-6" MAX. SECTION WIDTH FOOTING SIZE Maximum: 23'-4' Maximum: 26-8" Maximum: 31'-0' Unit Roof - Footing Anchor Footing Anchor Footing Live Anchor Footing , Anch Footing Anchor 18" Anchor Length Live 22' X 20' 20' X 18" S acro P 9 ALTERNATE METHOD - 3 Spacing Sacro 32' X 36" 30' X 26' Spacing Sacro Load 16d Spacing SpacingFooting Spacing P 9 16d Load 8d 16d Simpson 8d Simpson #12 8d Simpson #12 8d (ft.) Simpson Nails Simpson Nails Simpson (ft) (psf) Screws Nails MAS or Screws MAS or Nails Screws MAS or Nails Screws Nails MP. or 20 MAS o r 12' MAS or 9' 12" Depth Width 5/8' bolt Depth Width 5/8' bolt Depth Width 5/8" bolt Depth Width 5/8' bolt I Depth Width 5/8" bolt Depth Width 5/8' bolt 30 2012' 12" 16' 35' 12' 16' 35" IT 18' 37' 12' 2T 27' 12' 22' 27" 12' 24" 28' Min. 30 2" 18' 31" 12' 18" 32' 12" 20" 33" IT 22" 27' 12" 22' 27" 12' 24' 28' 40 ft. 40 1 12' 1 20" 28' 12' 22' 29" 12' 22" 30" 12' 22" 27" 12' 22' 27" 12' 24" 28" to 60 12" 26" 23" 12' 26' 24' 12' 28' 25' 12" 26' 23' 12" 26' 24" 12' 28" 25" Max. 80 16' 24" 20' 6" 26' 21" 16' 28" 21" 16" 24' 20' 16" 26" 21" 16' 28" 21' 66ft, 20 18" 30" 16' 18' 32' 16' 18" 34' 16" 18" 30" 10 18" 32" 16' 18' 34' 16" 8' 20 12' 1 20' 31' 12' 20' 31" 12' 20" 32' 12' 26" 23' 12' 26' 23' 12" 28' 24" Over 30 12" 20' 28" 12" 22' 29" 12' 24" 29" 12" 26' 23' 12' 26° 23' 12" 28' 24" 66 ft. 7" 12' 24' 25' 12" 24' 26' 12" 26' 26" 12' 26' 3' 12° 26' 23' 12' 28'q12406012"30' 60 7' 12" 5" 6' 21' 12' 32' 21" IT 34" 22' 12' 30' 21" 12" 32' 21" 12' 34'Max.8016' ^'.5" Max. 76 R. 30" 18' 16' 30' 18" 16' 32"6' 1 12" 30" 18' 16' 30' 18" 16' 32"76 3- ft.120 NIA 18' 36' 14' 18' 40' 14' 18" 40" 14' 18" 36" 14' 18' 38' 14' 18' 40" Table - 3 Exterior Wall Fastener Spacing FLOOR JOIST MAIN BEAM APPROVED PIER CAPACITY AND SPACING PER TABLE 4. (SEE NOTE A BELOW) - BASE - NOMINAL 2X _ TREATED WOOD OR OTHER APPROVED MATERIAL (SIZE PER TABLE 4) MIN. 1 1r'-' ' 112' X 1/8"X LENGTH OF WEDGE, ANGLE I IED TO POST WITH 8d NAILS. j- FLOOR JOIST (ONE I aOE OF RAIL) BEAM 4x,4MIN.POST •. _WOOD WEDGE OR 20' MIN, SPACED PER ❑._ SIDEWALL FASTENER O.C. SPACING SHIM, WEDGE TIGHTLY 2 X 6 X 12' MIN. -� ENDWALL FASTENER O.C. SPACING UnitHeight Maximum 15'-2" Maximum 16-2" Maximum 17'-8" Maximum 15'-2" 1 Maximum 16-2" Maximum 1T-8" B I B Minimum: 19'-8' Over: 23'-4' 20' X 18' Over: 26'-8' I BIB Minimum: 19-4" Over: 23'-4" Over: 26-8" Unit Width Maximum: 234 Maximum: 26-8" Maximum: 31'-0" Maximum: 234 Maximum: 26'-8' Maximum: 31'-0' Unit Roof 16' X 16 14' X 14' LLL SEE FLOOR PLAN FOR 22' X 20" 'A' END WALL FOUNDATION DETAILS 15'-6" MAX. SECTION WIDTH FOOTING SIZE LOCATION OF ENTRY DOOR PIER SPACING (0 C.) FSEE (WITHIN T-0' OF INSIDE EDGE OF ALL 20' X 18" 16' X 16' 16' X IT � END WALLS, TYPICAL) _ SEE FLOOR PLAN FOR LENGTH OF HOUSE - 8'-0' Length Live SEE TYPICAL SIDEWALL 16'X16 (B A 20' X 20' FOUNDATION SEE TABLE -1 18" 12'-0" ---- --- ------------------------- 22' X 20' 20' X 18" 3" ALTERNATE METHOD - 3 IB-nLI 32' X 36" 30' X 26' 24' X 24' Load 16d #12 8d 16d #12 8d 16d #12 8d 16d #12 8d 16d #12 8d 16d #12 8d (ft.) (psf) Nails Screws Nails Nails Screws Nails Nails Screws Nails Nails Screws Nails Nails Screws Nails Nails Screws Nails 20 10' 12' 7' 9' 12" 6" 8- 12' 6" 2.5" 7' 2' 4" 12" 2' 3' 7" 2" Min. 30 9' 12" 6' 8' 12' 6' 7" IT 5" 2.5" 7" 2' 4" 12" T 3' 7' 2' 40 40 8" 12" 6' 7' 12' 5' 6' 12' 4" 2.5" 7" 2 4' 12' 2' 3" 7" 2' to 60 6" 12" 5' 6' 12' 4" 5' 12' 4" 25' 6- 1.5' 4' IT 2' 1 2.5' 7" 2' Max. 66 80 5' 12' 4' 5' 12' 4' 4" 12' 3.5' 2" 5' 15" 3.5' 9" 1.5' 2' 5" 1.5" R. 120 4' 11' 3.5' 4' 11' 3' 3.5" 9' 2.5' N/A 4" 1' 2.5' 7' 1" N/A 4" 1' 20 10" 12" 8' 9' 12' 6' 8' 12' 6" 2.5' 6' 2' 2.5" 7' 2' 2.5' 6' 2' Over 30 9' 12' 7' 8' 12' 6' 7' 12" 1 5" 2.5' 6' 2' 2.5" 7" 2' 2.5' 6" 2- 66 a 8' 12" 6" 7" 12' 5" 6" 12" 5" 2.5' 6' 2' 2.5" 7' 2' to40 60 7' 12" 5" 6' 12' 4'v 5' 12' 4" 2" T 1.5' 2.5' 6" �11 ^'.5" Max. 76 R. 80 6' 12" 4' 5' 12" 4 14' 12' 3.5' NIA 5' 1' 2' 5" 120 1 12" 3' 3.5' 9" 25- N/A 3- P NIA 4'I- FLOOR JOIST MAIN BEAM APPROVED PIER CAPACITY AND SPACING PER TABLE 4. (SEE NOTE A BELOW) - BASE - NOMINAL 2X _ TREATED WOOD OR OTHER APPROVED MATERIAL (SIZE PER TABLE 4) MIN. 1 1r'-' ' 112' X 1/8"X LENGTH OF WEDGE, ANGLE I IED TO POST WITH 8d NAILS. j- FLOOR JOIST (ONE I aOE OF RAIL) BEAM 4x,4MIN.POST •. _WOOD WEDGE OR 20' MIN, SPACED PER ❑._ 36" MAX. TABLE 4. SHIM, WEDGE TIGHTLY 2 X 6 X 12' MIN. -� - FASTEN WITH 2-16d NAILS, (TREATED} TOE NAILED, AT EACH END OF POST. 6'MIN.\, '� f''.. 77 :::::•.....: r:. :::r ::o::•:::: \�\. TOP OF - \� \� �� ✓�\. / i\\"a\\�\y/\\ SORROUNDING\CONCRETE SEETYPICALENDWALL GRAVEL BASE. (SEE NOTE 24) SEE TABLE4FOR FOOTING CONCRETE FOOTING MAYBE USED FOUNDATION TABLE -2 AS AN ALTERNATE WIDTH AND LENGTH Double Wide METHOD -1 METHOD -2 Metal Pier on Gravel Base Wood Support Pier MATING I I- ❑._ ,E] I I--] I I 31'-0' MAX. ( 19'-8' MIN, LINE 1 I {E - �- © --❑ I - - ❑ I I 1 1 TYPICAL MATING LINE J 22" X 20' B I B 14" X 17 124' PIER (SEE TABLE -5) 20' X 18' 18' X 16' I I BIB 12'X17 PIER SPACING (0C.) ALLOWABLE SOIL BEARING PRESSURE 1000 PSF 1500 PSF 2000 PSF 3000 PSF II 18'X18" 16'X14' 14'X12' 12'X12' 8'-0' 22' X 20" 18' X 16' 16' X14" 12' X 12" A � 20' X 18' 16' X 16 14' X 14' LLL SEE FLOOR PLAN FOR 22' X 20" 'A' END WALL FOUNDATION DETAILS 15'-6" MAX. SECTION WIDTH FOOTING SIZE LOCATION OF ENTRY DOOR PIER SPACING (0 C.) FSEE (WITHIN T-0' OF INSIDE EDGE OF ALL 20' X 18" 16' X 16' 16' X IT � END WALLS, TYPICAL) _ SEE FLOOR PLAN FOR LENGTH OF HOUSE - 8'-0' f� _ -- SEE FLOOR PLAN FOR -I - LOCATION OF ENTRY DOOR SEE TYPICAL SIDEWALL 16'X16 (B A 20' X 20' FOUNDATION SEE TABLE -1 18" 12'-0" ---- --- ------------------------- 22' X 20' 20' X 18" 3" ALTERNATE METHOD - 3 IB-nLI 32' X 36" 30' X 26' 24' X 24' I 1 I q.p IMAX. STEEL FRAME RAILS (VERIFY i" SPACING ON HOUSE) B -SEE TABLE -4- � I Y11 11L INTERIOR - 1 it I 24' X 18" I(TYP.) i WIDTH AND LENGTH PIER (SEE TABLE -4) I 30" X 24" APPROVED �} --E] --- -----�- - --El A 1J Concrete Blocks Without Cell Grout MATING MATIN - - -- - -� F ❑ LINE --- --El -Z, A DB 1I8 1 TYPICAL MATING UNE I PIER (SEE TABLE -5) B 1 18-0-----E-------❑------❑------LJ I OFFSET I ( NOTES - A ------------_--_-- I Al A J _ SEE FLOOR PLAN FOR L - - LOCATION OF ENTRY DOOR SEE FLOOR PLAN FOR LENGTH OF HOUSE --- 00.4.062 2105 Printed in USA FLOOR JO'ST _ WOOD WEDGE OR SHIM, WEDGE TIGHTLY MAIN BEAM - I 20" MIN. 2 X TREATED WOOD 36" MAX. PAD (OPTIONAL) L 6" X 8' X 16' MIN. CONCRETE BLOCKS (SEE NOTE A) 6" MIN. -��//,•.. %�� CONCRETE SEETYPICALENDWALL FOOTING FOUNDATION TABLE -2 �- SEE TABLE 4FOR WIDTH AND LENGTH METHOD -3 Concrete; Block Without Cell Grout 31'-0' MAX. 19'-8' MIN. Double Wide Notes: With Offset A Footing dimensions must allow full bearing of block and Table - 4 MAIN BEAM FOOTING SPECIFICATIONS 11'-8" MAX. SECTION WIDTH FOOTING SIZE Poured Concrete PIER SPACING (O.C,) ALLOWABLE SOIL BEARING PRESSURE 1000 PSF 1500 PSF 2000 PSF 3000 PSF 6'-0' 18' X 16' 14" X 14' 12' X 12" IT X 17 8'-0" 21'X18' 18'X14' 16'X14' 12'X12' 10'-0" 22" X 20' 20" X 16" 16" X 14' 14" X 17 124' 24" X 22" 20' X 18' 18' X 16' 14" X 14" 13'4' MAX SECTION WIDTH FOOTING SIZE 12'X17 PIER SPACING (0C.) ALLOWABLE SOIL BEARING PRESSURE 1000 PSF 1500 PSF 2000 PSF 3000 PSF 6-0" 18'X18" 16'X14' 14'X12' 12'X12' 8'-0' 22' X 20" 18' X 16' 16' X14" 12' X 12" 10'-0" 24' X 22" 20' X 18' 16' X 16 14' X 14' 12'-0' 26' X 24" 22' X 20" 'A' SEE TABLE -1 15'-6" MAX. SECTION WIDTH FOOTING SIZE 12" X 12- 74500 PIER SPACING (0 C.) ALLOWABLE SOIL BEARING PRESSURE 1000 PSF 1500 PSF 2000 PSF 3000 PSF 6'-0' 20' X 18" 16' X 16' 16' X IT 14' X 14' 8'-0' 22"X22' 18'X18' 18'X16 16'X16 10'-0' 24" X 24' 20' X 20' 20' X 18' 18" 12'-0" 28'X26' 22"X27 22' X 20' 20' X 18" (optional) pad. -L B Check maximum pier capacity with metal pier manufacturer. INTERIOR PIER DETAILS CONTINUOUS #4REBAR OVERLAP MIN. 24' AT SPLICES (SEE NOTE B) RECESSEDCROSSMEMBER 12" f 20' MIN. MAX. STEM WALL 36" MAX. HEIGHT I 12 /i • T - / 6• j Mll MAX. MAIN BEAM 12' 2 X TREATED SILL PLATE -TOE-FASTEN RIM PLATE TO SILL j PLATE WITH 16d NAILS AT 8'O.C. 3/8" PLYWOOD X T WIDE STRIP OR 3' X 30 GA STRAP. FASTEN TO RIM AND SILL PLATES 6" WITH 8d NAILS PER TABLE -3. MIN. �- 5/8' DIA. ANCHOR BOLT WITH 3116' X 2' X 2' PLATE WASHER \� \� SPACING PER TABLE 2 / i-- #41REBARAT24'O.C. •'�•^ FOOTING DEPTH SEE TABLE -2 7" MIN. REBAR "�� 4; `, 3'MIIIN. t 7' MIN. REBAR _ •; ; , TMIN. PENETRATION PENETRATION INTO CONCRETE TMIN.-� -`�:>, INTO CONCRETE 3-MIN.-� �•�- #4REBAR(CONTIN000S) "L=#4REBAR(CONTIN000S) FOOTINGWIDTH �•-i�---� FOOTING WIDTH--���---�1 SEE TABLE -1 SEE TABLE -2 SECTION A. -Ai, SECTION B -B Sidewall Footing land Endwall Footing and Floor to Stem Wall Coinnection Floor to Stem Wall Connection - 2 X 4 BASE PLATE. FASTEN TO RIM TOE -FASTE=N RIM PLATE TO PLATE WITH #12 X 3' WOOD SCREWS. SILL PLATE: WITH 16d NAILS AT RIM PLATE 1 I/2" X 1 112' X 12 GA X LENGTH STEEL SPACING PER TABLE -3 RIM PLATE - 12" O.C. (SI6IUEWALL) ANGLE. FASTEN TO RIM PLATE WITH RIM PLATE - j� � 8' O.C. (ENNDWALL) #12 X 1 1/2" WOOD SCREWS OR 8d NAILS. - TOE -FASTEN RIM PLATE TO SPACING PER TABLE -3 BASE PLATE WITH 16d NAILS AT: o v TocnTon cu i of oro / 2 X TREATED SILL PLATE - NOTCH BASE PLATE 12' O.C. (SIDEWALL) FOR ANCHOR BOLT 8' O.C. (ENDWALL) WHERE REQUIRED. -TOE-FASTEN BASE PLATE TO MIN. 2 X 4. FFASTEN TO RIM PLATE SILL PLATE WITH 16d NAILS AT: WA 12' O.C. (SIDEWALL) AN SILL T F T P WITH D FASTEN ANGLE 0 SILL LATE ( 1 OR #12 X 3" WOOD SCREWS #12 X 1 1/2" WOOD SCREWS. 8' O.C. (ENDWALL) SPACING PEED TABLE -3 SPACING PER TA13LE-3 ALTERNATE #1 Sidewall or Endwall Floor to Stem Wall Connection �I MIN. 318' PLYWOOD X 3' WIDE i STRIP OR 3' X 30 GA STEEL STRAP. FASTEN TO BASE PLATE AND SILL ALTERNATE #2 ALTERNATE #3 PER TE WITH ABLE -38d NAILS. SPACING Sidewall or Endwall Sidewall or Endwall Floor to Stem Wall Connection Floor to Stem Wall Connection RIM PLATE -�� RIM PLATE 7" MIN. REBAR - - 6' MIN. PENETRATION INTO J i 3/8" PLYWOOD (LAP RIM PLATE AND % SILL PLATE 11/2' MIN.) FASTEN TO CONCRETE fi' MAX. i, RIM PLATE AND SILL PLATE WITH 8d j 3"MIN. NAILS AT2"0.C. FOOTING DEPTH DRILL END CROSS -MEMBER -� DRILL END �\ SIDEWALL SEE TABLE -1) L ' TO RECEIVE ANCHOR BOLT TO RECEIVE ANCHOR BOLT (ENDWALL SEE TABLE -2) . •� � f �---Nil I FOOTING WIDTH --�-I !�- 3" MIN (SIDEWALL SEETABLE-1) -, (TrYPICAL) (ENDWALL SEE TABLE -2) ALTERNATE FOOTI NIG ALTERNATE #4 ALTERNATE #5 (Sidewall or Endwall)) Without Recessed Crossmember Notes: (End Wall Only) A. Footing is typical with all alternates B. Required for stem walls over 30" high. 1 II A 1A L AN D E r-- 7 MATING UNE - SUPPORT POST 2-2X6NAILED TOGETHER ANDTO FLOOR WITH 16d NAILS 4' MIN, 6' MIN. l> DC:1 NDWALL UNDATION DETAILS MATING UNE 2 X 6 X 8" BLOCKWITH SUPPORT POST , SHIMS FOR TIGHT FIT. n APPROVED PIER. (SEE NOTE A AND B BELOW, SEE DETAIL A FO DOUBLE PAIR OF PIERS) #4REBAR ----. 4-104REBARX6'LESSTHAN -� 20' MIN. FOOTING DIMENSION / 36" MAX (2 EACH DIRECTION) 36" MAX. I -PIER BASE - NOMINAL 2X '� '•. a j .,-- 8'DIA.ORS'SQUARE, POURED TREATED WOOD OR OTHER APPROVED MATERIAL (SIZE PER TOP OF �\ `•J;, - CONCRETE 30LUMNORB'X16' SURROUNDINGSOIL - BLOCK STACK, FULLY GROUTED TABLE 5BELOW) AND REINFORCED. 12" MIN. + ;�,�/� y� y/•i:•ii: :•:�•/� `,,_ TOP OF SURROUNDINGSOIL METHOD -1 L GRAVELBASE n4i- Metal Pier on Gravel Base SEE TABLE 5FOR WIDTH AND LENGTH MATING LINE -2X6X8'BLOCK WITH SUPPORT POST SHIMS FOR TIGHT FIT. METHOD - 2 Detail - A Double Pair of Piers (SEE NOTE B) MATING LINE i ter Poured Concrete 22X TREATED SILL PLATE CONTINUOUS #4REBAR OVERLAP -, COLUMN % - TOE -FASTEN RIM PLATE TO SILL MIN. 24" AT SPLICES (SEE NOTE B) Qt�pFESSIpti PLATE WITH 16d NAILS AT 12"O.C. \ 1500 PSF 2000 PSF 3000 PSF 4000 PSF _ - 3/8' PLYWOOD X 3' WIDE STRIP OR 3" X 30 GA 16"X14' 12'X17 STRAP. FASTEN TO RIM AND SILL PLATES 12" MAX. 12'X12' 6' WITH Eld NAILS PER TABLE -3. 20' MIN. 12".X16" MINI. STEM WALL 36" MAX.;` 12'X17 5/8" DIA ANCHOR BOLT WITH HEIGHT CONCRETE BLOCKS (SEE NOTE 3) 3116' X 2' X 2' PLATE WASHER 6' 1 2° MIN r 8'MIN.2'MIN. �, SPACING PER TABLE I. MAX. 16'X18' / - 12'X12" �#4REEiARAT24'0.C. ' MIN. 16"X21' 16'X 16' 12' MIN. Y SIDES FOOTING DEPTH i - - SEE TABLE -1 CONTINUOUS #4REBAR OVERLAP MIN. 24' AT SPLICES (SEE NOTE B) RECESSEDCROSSMEMBER 12" f 20' MIN. MAX. STEM WALL 36" MAX. HEIGHT I 12 /i • T - / 6• j Mll MAX. MAIN BEAM 12' 2 X TREATED SILL PLATE -TOE-FASTEN RIM PLATE TO SILL j PLATE WITH 16d NAILS AT 8'O.C. 3/8" PLYWOOD X T WIDE STRIP OR 3' X 30 GA STRAP. FASTEN TO RIM AND SILL PLATES 6" WITH 8d NAILS PER TABLE -3. MIN. �- 5/8' DIA. ANCHOR BOLT WITH 3116' X 2' X 2' PLATE WASHER \� \� SPACING PER TABLE 2 / i-- #41REBARAT24'O.C. •'�•^ FOOTING DEPTH SEE TABLE -2 7" MIN. REBAR "�� 4; `, 3'MIIIN. t 7' MIN. REBAR _ •; ; , TMIN. PENETRATION PENETRATION INTO CONCRETE TMIN.-� -`�:>, INTO CONCRETE 3-MIN.-� �•�- #4REBAR(CONTIN000S) "L=#4REBAR(CONTIN000S) FOOTINGWIDTH �•-i�---� FOOTING WIDTH--���---�1 SEE TABLE -1 SEE TABLE -2 SECTION A. -Ai, SECTION B -B Sidewall Footing land Endwall Footing and Floor to Stem Wall Coinnection Floor to Stem Wall Connection - 2 X 4 BASE PLATE. FASTEN TO RIM TOE -FASTE=N RIM PLATE TO PLATE WITH #12 X 3' WOOD SCREWS. SILL PLATE: WITH 16d NAILS AT RIM PLATE 1 I/2" X 1 112' X 12 GA X LENGTH STEEL SPACING PER TABLE -3 RIM PLATE - 12" O.C. (SI6IUEWALL) ANGLE. FASTEN TO RIM PLATE WITH RIM PLATE - j� � 8' O.C. (ENNDWALL) #12 X 1 1/2" WOOD SCREWS OR 8d NAILS. - TOE -FASTEN RIM PLATE TO SPACING PER TABLE -3 BASE PLATE WITH 16d NAILS AT: o v TocnTon cu i of oro / 2 X TREATED SILL PLATE - NOTCH BASE PLATE 12' O.C. (SIDEWALL) FOR ANCHOR BOLT 8' O.C. (ENDWALL) WHERE REQUIRED. -TOE-FASTEN BASE PLATE TO MIN. 2 X 4. FFASTEN TO RIM PLATE SILL PLATE WITH 16d NAILS AT: WA 12' O.C. (SIDEWALL) AN SILL T F T P WITH D FASTEN ANGLE 0 SILL LATE ( 1 OR #12 X 3" WOOD SCREWS #12 X 1 1/2" WOOD SCREWS. 8' O.C. (ENDWALL) SPACING PEED TABLE -3 SPACING PER TA13LE-3 ALTERNATE #1 Sidewall or Endwall Floor to Stem Wall Connection �I MIN. 318' PLYWOOD X 3' WIDE i STRIP OR 3' X 30 GA STEEL STRAP. FASTEN TO BASE PLATE AND SILL ALTERNATE #2 ALTERNATE #3 PER TE WITH ABLE -38d NAILS. SPACING Sidewall or Endwall Sidewall or Endwall Floor to Stem Wall Connection Floor to Stem Wall Connection RIM PLATE -�� RIM PLATE 7" MIN. REBAR - - 6' MIN. PENETRATION INTO J i 3/8" PLYWOOD (LAP RIM PLATE AND % SILL PLATE 11/2' MIN.) FASTEN TO CONCRETE fi' MAX. i, RIM PLATE AND SILL PLATE WITH 8d j 3"MIN. NAILS AT2"0.C. FOOTING DEPTH DRILL END CROSS -MEMBER -� DRILL END �\ SIDEWALL SEE TABLE -1) L ' TO RECEIVE ANCHOR BOLT TO RECEIVE ANCHOR BOLT (ENDWALL SEE TABLE -2) . •� � f �---Nil I FOOTING WIDTH --�-I !�- 3" MIN (SIDEWALL SEETABLE-1) -, (TrYPICAL) (ENDWALL SEE TABLE -2) ALTERNATE FOOTI NIG ALTERNATE #4 ALTERNATE #5 (Sidewall or Endwall)) Without Recessed Crossmember Notes: (End Wall Only) A. Footing is typical with all alternates B. Required for stem walls over 30" high. 1 II A 1A L AN D E r-- 7 MATING UNE - SUPPORT POST 2-2X6NAILED TOGETHER ANDTO FLOOR WITH 16d NAILS 4' MIN, 6' MIN. l> DC:1 NDWALL UNDATION DETAILS MATING UNE 2 X 6 X 8" BLOCKWITH SUPPORT POST , SHIMS FOR TIGHT FIT. n APPROVED PIER. (SEE NOTE A AND B BELOW, SEE DETAIL A FO DOUBLE PAIR OF PIERS) #4REBAR ----. 4-104REBARX6'LESSTHAN -� 20' MIN. FOOTING DIMENSION / 36" MAX (2 EACH DIRECTION) 36" MAX. I -PIER BASE - NOMINAL 2X '� '•. a j .,-- 8'DIA.ORS'SQUARE, POURED TREATED WOOD OR OTHER APPROVED MATERIAL (SIZE PER TOP OF �\ `•J;, - CONCRETE 30LUMNORB'X16' SURROUNDINGSOIL - BLOCK STACK, FULLY GROUTED TABLE 5BELOW) AND REINFORCED. 12" MIN. + ;�,�/� y� y/•i:•ii: :•:�•/� `,,_ TOP OF SURROUNDINGSOIL METHOD -1 L GRAVELBASE n4i- Metal Pier on Gravel Base SEE TABLE 5FOR WIDTH AND LENGTH MATING LINE -2X6X8'BLOCK WITH SUPPORT POST SHIMS FOR TIGHT FIT. METHOD - 2 Detail - A Double Pair of Piers (SEE NOTE B) MATING LINE i ter Notes: A. See floor plan for minimum pier capacity under ridge beam support posts. B. Large support post loads may require double pair application (see Detail - A). Check maximum pier capacity with metal pier manufacturer. C. Footing dimensions must allow full bearing of block and (optional) pad. Poured Concrete SUPPORT POST FOOTING SIZES COLUMN SOIL BEARING CAPACITY Qt�pFESSIpti LOAD (Ib) 1000 PSF 1500 PSF 2000 PSF 3000 PSF 4000 PSF 1500 16"X14' 12'X17 12'X12" 12'X17 12'X12' 6"X 8'X16'MIN, 16'X18' 12".X16" 12'X12" ITX12' 12'X17 2500 16"X23" CONCRETE BLOCKS (SEE NOTE 3) 12'X15' 20" MIN. 36' MAX. 2 X TREATED WOOD PAD (OPTIONAL) 1 2° MIN r 8'MIN.2'MIN. r f _ C, u EIIrpALL Me 16'X18' -. �- 12'X12" CONCRETE FOOTING.4-#4 ' MIN. 16"X21' 16'X 16' 12'X14' SIDES 4000 24' X 24" REBAR, LENGTH OF REBARt3" 1 16' X 18" IT X 16 12" X 12- 74500 12' 24' X 27' ...,; ? TO BE6"LESS THAN FOOTING DIMENSION '� - MIN. 12' X 14' 5000 MIN. 24' X 20" 16' X 23' 16" X IT SEE TABLE 5FOR 6000 O 24' X 24' 24' X 18" 16' X 18" 3' MIN, WIDTH AND LENGTH 30' X 34' 24' X 28' 24' X 21" 3" ALTERNATE METHOD - 3 800C 32' X 36" 30' X 26' 24' X 24' 24' X 16" 16"_X 18' Fully Grouted Concrete Blocks 36" X 36' FOUNDATION SYSTEM SEE TABLE 5FOR 24' X 18" 16" X 21' HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE, SECTION 18551 WIDTH AND LENGTH 32" X 30' 30" X 24" APPROVED METHOD -3 Table - 5 36"X44' 32' X 33" Concrete Blocks Without Cell Grout MATING LINE SUPPORT POST FOOTING SPECIFICATIONS 1 24' X IP SUBJECT TO CORRECTIONS NOTED Notes: A. See floor plan for minimum pier capacity under ridge beam support posts. B. Large support post loads may require double pair application (see Detail - A). Check maximum pier capacity with metal pier manufacturer. C. Footing dimensions must allow full bearing of block and (optional) pad. MATING LINE DETAILS APPROVAL DOES NOT AUTHORIZE OR APPROVE ANY OMISSIONS OR DEVIATION FROM REQUIREMENTS OF APPLICABLE STATE LAWS AND REGULATIONS A State of California PD eeaf�f Housing and Community De"lopmest P / / AND STANDARDS R �'+ DATE ' S (' s. ` 0 - I - (signaturo) V SPA NO. C' A This Plan Approval Expires �= I S FLEETWOOD ENTERPRISES INC. TITLE: SHEET PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL MANUFACTURED HOME 1OF These drawings and specifications are FOUNDATION SYSTEM original, proprietary, confidential materials of By: Jack W. NO. REV Fleetwood Enterprises Inc Copyright© 2005 by Fleetwood Interprises Inc. Date: 2-10-05 MHC401 SUPPORT POST FOOTING SIZES COLUMN SOIL BEARING CAPACITY LOAD (Ib) 1000 PSF 1500 PSF 2000 PSF 3000 PSF 4000 PSF 1500 16"X14' 12'X17 12'X12" 12'X17 12'X12' 2000 16'X18' 12".X16" 12'X12" ITX12' 12'X17 2500 16"X23" 16'X15" 12'X15' 12"X12" 12'X12" 3000 16"X27' 16'X18' 12'X18' 12"X12" 12'X12" 3500' 24'X24' 16"X21' 16'X 16' 12'X14' 12"X12" 4000 24' X 24" 24" X 16' 1 16' X 18" IT X 16 12" X 12- 74500 4500 24' X 27' 24" X 18" 16' X 21' 16" X 14' 12' X 14' 5000 24'X30' 24' X 20" 16' X 23' 16" X IT 12" X 15' 6000 30' X 29' 24' X 24' 24' X 18" 16' X 18" 16" X 14" 7000 30' X 34' 24' X 28' 24' X 21" 16" X 21" 16" X 16' 800C 32' X 36" 30' X 26' 24' X 24' 24' X 16" 16"_X 18' 9000 36" X 36' 30' X 29' :30' X 27 24' X 18" 16" X 21' 1000036' X40' 32" X 30' 30" X 24" 24' X 20' 16" X 23' 1000 36"X44' 32' X 33" 1 30' X 27 24' X 27 1 24' X IP MATING LINE DETAILS APPROVAL DOES NOT AUTHORIZE OR APPROVE ANY OMISSIONS OR DEVIATION FROM REQUIREMENTS OF APPLICABLE STATE LAWS AND REGULATIONS A State of California PD eeaf�f Housing and Community De"lopmest P / / AND STANDARDS R �'+ DATE ' S (' s. ` 0 - I - (signaturo) V SPA NO. C' A This Plan Approval Expires �= I S FLEETWOOD ENTERPRISES INC. TITLE: SHEET PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL MANUFACTURED HOME 1OF These drawings and specifications are FOUNDATION SYSTEM original, proprietary, confidential materials of By: Jack W. NO. REV Fleetwood Enterprises Inc Copyright© 2005 by Fleetwood Interprises Inc. Date: 2-10-05 MHC401