MUP 2006-76710 FINANCE Revenue Code /`oZ z Quinta Development Department e Tampico .alifornia 92253 125 FAX: (760) 777-1233 OFFICE USE ONLY Case No. 06 �- 6 Date Recvd. * 3 --7 -o6 Fee: -� 3 S , c>* Related Apps.: Logged in by: AAn FOR MINOR USE PERMIT APPROVAL A-,�' PL, MINOR USE PERMIT applications are reviewed and approved by the Community Development Director pursuant to Section 9.210.020, of the Zoning Code. The purpose of the review is to ensure that land uses requiring the permit do not have an adverse impact on surrounding properties, residents, or businesses. APPLICANT�— (Print) MAILING ADDRESS Phone No. CITY, STATE, ZIP: �� S Z �-¢! Fax No._ PROPERTY OWNER (If different): (Print) MAILING ADDRESS: CITY, STATE, ZIP: Phone No. Fax No. PROJECT LOCATION: -1 � 015- C11-0 Le'- PI) I A-� L'I�r 10 le - --n ( -- ( q 4 PROPOSED USE AND/OR CONSTRUCTION (Including operational information): Dc l,e h -e EL r i'� (attach sheets if needed) LEGAL DESCRIPTION (LOT & TRACT OR A.P.N.): 7►Z Z't 84o C.o-r So /+j0ti/5- AI8\Minor Use Permit SA 113 AISSION REQUIREMENTS• 08' Plot Plan, floor plans and elevation plans (as determined by Community Development Department staff). Five (5) sets of plans on 8'/z" x 11" sheet or folded down to 8'/z" x I I". ❑ Filing fee for Minor Use Permit. If filing multiple applications, the most expensive application will be charged full fee, with remaining related applications discounted 50% for each. This discount does not apply to Environmental Information form. NAME OF.APPLICANT (Please Print) SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT DATE NAME OF PROPERTY OWNER (Please Print) SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER(S) IF NOT SAME AS APPLICANT: DATE (Signature provides consent for applicant to use site for proposed activity). DATE (Separate written authority by owner to submit application may be provided) NOTE: FALSE OR MISLEADING INFORMATION GIVEN IN THIS APPLICATION SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR DENYING APPLICATION. A I Minor Use Permit • Titt'p 4 04W 4W(V P.O. Box 1504 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92247-1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 March 28, 2006 Mr. Nolan Sparks TD Desert Development PO Box 1716 La Quinta, CA 92247 SUBJECT: MINOR USE PERMIT 2006-767 79-075 RANCHO LA QUINTA DRIVE Dear Mr. Sparks: (760) 777-7000 FAX (760) 777-7101 "/I, COPy Your request for approval of Minor Use Permit 2006-767, allowing the construction of a casita/guesthouse at 79-075 Rancho La Quinta Drive in La Quinta, is hereby approved. You may now contact the Building & Safety Department for your building permit. Enclosed is the approved original Deed Restriction for this Minor Use Permit. It must be signed by the owner in front of a Notary Public. The original approved documents are then to be recorded with the County Recorder, with a recorded copy given to the City for our files. The Community Development Department will sign the job card when the recorded copy is received, which would provide our clearance to the Building & Safety Department to issue the building final inspection. Until the recorded copy is received by the Community Development Department, your Minor Use Permit is not complete and a final inspection will not be conducted by the Building & Safety Department. Should you have any questions, please call me at (760) 777-7125. Very truly yours, JAY Assistant Planner Attachments c. Building and Safety Department Mar 24 U6,1U:16-a d W Design Development 760-771-6238 p.2 �,�, C ��uJ - • Mit i� D� -767 2 7 2006 of ADNnpppENT YbE �. COMMUOET PARTME ......ter' WU 44'1 (R) I 20i, N89' 16 06'W 11'26'D` I , 57. ?=,375:00 98 Fc % 50.72" I 580j ' I FL FG 52 L .. v,=z 5 L=74.84 &I � .J co - � of � -/ . �% =.� -`'• � ,--i (57FL .26 r �P 64..3anv 58.4 _ Bon- E-57 9� 16 66 64.30TW f 2 b b` OS �I h �o ���5788.07F 4FG (5760 1 e � � ~, 2 / � � '58.36 t,. • r FS r�� 601 ► �50 FF = (5 8,4.Oa A� EXISTING,12 I =o ff r (SB., is �'. STRUCTURE' �o -GB I �• �S� �` I I f • 1 APPROVED BY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTAAI BY DATE EXHIBIT CASE N0. ® 0 RECORDING REQUESTED BY: TD Desert Development WHEN RECORDED PLEASE MAIL TO: Mr. Nolan Sparks TD Desert Development PO Box 1716 La Quinta, CA 92247 COVENANT AND AGREEMENT RESTRICTING THE USE OF.THE RESIDENCE AT 79-075 RANCHO LA QUINTA DRIVE, LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA This Covenant and Agreement are made and executed this 28th day of March by �D Desert Development, as the recorded owner(s) of the property described herein. The City of La Quinta, a Municipal Corporation, is hereby made a party to this Agreement for the purposes set forth below. The undersigned hereby certifies that he/she is the property owner of the following described real property in the City of La Quinta, County of Riverside, State of California: LOT 50: TR 27840: APN: 649-370-022, in the City of La Quinta, County of Riverside,, State of California In consideration of the City of La Quinta issuing a building permit for certain improvements which =will be constructed on said property, the undersigned does hereby covenant and agree to, and with said City, to restrict the use of said property as follows: 1. The guest house may not be rented nor sold independent of the main single-, family residence (Minor Use Permit No. 2006-767); 2. No kitchen or cooking facilities shall -be coristructed in the guest house per the provisions of Chapter 9. 30.030 (RL Zone District) and 9.60.110 (Guest. Houses) .of the La Quinta Municipal Code; 3. All on-site facilities are intended for the sole occupancy of the property owner(s), guests, and caretakers (i.e., a maid and/or housekeeper, etc.); and, 4. The guest house shall be used primarily as a sleeping facility, and shall be maintained in accordance with all zoning and other codes as set forth in the La Quinta Municipal Code, as may be amended from time to time. This Covenant and Agreement shall run with the land and shall be binding upon future owners, their successors, heirs, or assigns, and ourselves, and. shall continue in effect while said accessory building remains on the real property or. unless otherwise released by the authority of the City of La Quinta.. All leases of said dwelling and/or property ' shall be subject to this restriction. This Agreement shall be entitled to the remedy of injunctive relief in addition of any remedy in law or equity. This Covenant and Agreement and the provisions hereof are irrevocable, except by the written consent of all parties to the agreement, including the City of La Quinta, a Municipal Corporation. The City shall have the right to enforce each and every provision hereof and the parties agree that the Agreement shall not be rescinded, revoked, modified, or otherwise, amended or changed, without the expressed written consent of the City first being obtained. In the event that the owners, their heirs, assigns or successors in interest, shall fail to perform any obligation hereunder, they hereby agree to pay all costs and expenses incurred by the City of La Quinta in securing performance of such obligation, including attorney's fees. By: 1. 2. 3. Signature(s) Dated: Do as R. Eva Hs Community Development Director City of La Quinta n Printed Name of all owner(s) W I STATE -OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss. CITY OF LA QUINTA I On April -3,-2006 , before me, Regenia Hensley, Notary -Public; -persona IIy-appeared LES JOHNSON personally known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument the person or the enti�y upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. (Seal) REW'fNIA HENSLEY / Notary Public Commission # 1521423 Expiration: October 23, 2008 Commisslort: 152' Notary Pub*c Gt J' r�, . Rlverslde'CotJnty ., . ' p/1y Comm. E, esOo 23; 200 RESIDENTIAL SPECIFIC PLAN (RSP) USES AND STANDARDS The following section delineates the permitted land use and development standards for property designated as Residential Specific Plan (RSP) on the Land Use Plan, within Planning Area I. A. Purpose To provide for the continuing development of low density neighborhoods (two -to -four units per acre) with single family detached dwellings on large and medium size lots also permitting clustered smaller dwellings, such as one and two-story single family attached units, townhomes, or condominiums, with open space. B. Permitted Uses. Permitted uses for lands designated as Low Density Residential and/or Residential Specific Plan (RSP) include single family detached dwellings, single family attached dwellings, town homes, condominiums, and including residential and golf supporting maintenance and office uses. Guest houses and "Granny Units" shall be allowed in both attached and detatched residential tracts. Any determination on a proposed use whether listed or unlisted herein may be either internally reviewed by the Community Development Director or Planning Manager or referred to the Planning Commission as a non -hearing item if the Community Development Director or Planning Manager determines on a case-by-case basis that the public interest would be better served by such referral. Building height shall be limited to one story and 22 feet for all residential structure within 150 feet of specific plan perimeter. Residential building height shall be limited to 28 feet. C. Temporary & Interim Uses. Temporary outdoor event staging facilities and on-site Construction and site guard offices including Relocatable buildings. D. Development Standards. The following development standards apply to property designated as Low Density Residential and/or Residential Specific Plan (RSP) on the Land Use Plan. SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS ITEM QUANTITY Min. Lot Size 6,500 sq/ft Min. Golf Course Lot Frontage 50 ft. Min. Off -Golf Lot Frontage 50 ft. Max. Structure Height 28 ft' Max. No. of Stories 21 Min. Front Yard Setback 15 ft. *2 Min. Garage Setback J".2 - Min. Interior/Exterior Side Yard Setbacks5/10 Min. Rear Yard Setback ft.3 **4 Min. Livable Floor Area Excluding Garage 1,400 sq/ft * Projects with ten or more dwelling units shall incorporate front setbacks varying between 15 ft and 25 ft+ in order to avoid streetscape monotony. **Swimming pools are allowed to be constructed to rear yard property lines subject to approval by golf course owner or operator. ' Building height shall be limited to one story and 22 ft. for all residential structures within 150 ft. of specific plan perimeter. 2 25 ft. if -tilt-up" type garage door is used facing street. 20 ft. if "roll -up" type garage door is used facing street. Units with side entry garages shall have a minimum setback of 15 ft. 'Residential unit supporting mechanical equipment shall be allowed within side yard setback area including eave overhang. Units with Golf / Open Space frontage shall allow architectural projections no closer to the rear yard line than the 10' min. rear yard in any case subject to approval by golf course owner or operator. 3.4 T-24 LUMINAIRE SPECIFICATIONS RerofnfllevtGatkl°s for Sp�uom ( S. tjme on OPrad 30/D-2 for Section 150 (k) ) tfonnse ryRe: Re111 Br N— Rlill Brr, mlMexm[ hrryF• rluXt IN cm6dk'A h • avluaFm aaupvl mea pr Sedan 1.50 (k) 4y°W fi>mae (Le., b tu° • 6•treaan applWm) Nlaetat[ hvha+torR u+L101vmm•ve..wpl ae FII -TB ft— hnq •b ekmodc pNeG Ilmynp the rseWtetlelEs d— LTD (k) Fkluemt Rcc®1 fAn t, b • °6Ten WP—) Nuves¢Iv Itc�A OR vEll aN M P•te (4) pmh•vC w Fa Ilw WM. InsOlq Ole dedaic hd1°L amlkarn dlkx . IS •m —9- 9-M(k) M (k) GXmOescmt Rem°ed fit 0.r_, b • lcmlat •odkmm) 6ranOSOn reasal weh • IlEdmun alvrpkq •aR•Ve d h rTm41�V Ito I•btlNa IC>"a •ka�dlt h d semen Isa p0 VR-wleemrt RcmM fil (L<., far • Ol'n R ppfia ) InonCexa4 Iraaea nwehlp Ore IC, arq tiuylt nyukenah d Sacral 150 (k) •b ca°dkb q • fta P.ILm n INC Oe feyWerl�nh d sKm 550 (k) Olatr�a Umrddk:r, convdkE W • ekrac wmtll —Z Zrepolenenh d Se 150 pp DalgE S rem oQllparlt >a0a rrlxtlry Ota reaulenXrlb d5c6on LSO (k) m I6R rLeie Lk- k ha4v ]0 Faoe-oMb b be PwieN b eeebp hLu n the pCdlau x rmmr MpM hamlt•1 Mvk erl•m h nqQ acrd fsb TNryv — fda terrge . m 4 MT. iA1k - ]Lmlt ren. P5X® PAllt3 O' TOE l T VERT -11ML1M A 2S T BATH 3 GOf.OLA 1l.EGTFOGAL >401X PAtM yRINe/!t GA 41]OT fTeo) 66+6299 i1D01 °64.8]!! PAX EAN 0LA gw—LOTm ARCH INTO BATH —a9. FEET AT a—T—EMS 14.1 -LT -Ar p[Rts Na RLOAD R <ONOrt10XER ,ge vOLT- AA4ERE9 To-- LOAD •N1—T-.UPEREE uolva-u•vOLTE- an6vs (1h� IwC a lavµ •aeee N Helyµ Lf Nop W u PmL Ne kuJ aJrulNou �.puud W r.••a Wad:®1 FLOOR PLAN SECTION A LEFT ELEVATION - V4- • 1'� RICHT ELEVATION lLA . V4' ARCH'L SLAB LAYOUT Sk:IJi V.' . I'O• SECTION B afy P 1/4' • I'-0' FRONT ELEVATION REAR ELEVATION NOTE, ALL DIPtp610N! AFM TO ROU611 PR.Y , U". b.l. MIN wvErLree 4'-0' LONG ROOF PLAN 1^ \ GONG. ARCH'L SLAB LAYOUT Sk:IJi V.' . I'O• SECTION B afy P 1/4' • I'-0' FRONT ELEVATION REAR ELEVATION NOTE, ALL DIPtp610N! AFM TO ROU611 PR.Y , U". b.l. MIN wvErLree 4'-0' LONG ROOF PLAN 20 — ---- 29u S GAR GE T T 9D Fera azri ---------- --- --- --- — -- ------ 7 q SECTION A Caos,T�r•Aa6 ramwm a5sa6a I M4M f .- x 16m f IEI}IRKYIS a YP.UIFD iRY n 1 • aerm .-- (sa s>t SmrtQ 6lmYea6t �L1D COr1rl.T OO1Kfc OQtgeO[ aTmna �m �°alwoC �� MndrW fAMai�.-rvi( f/mao oMo. Q (SQ SQ a0 -,ti xL6) Qr'.a•s....a .�—mourn .mma SLAB LAYOUT NOTES Ctwt2 Y SUe fin, 4f Rall fw dmt9 I --'' num emus GENERAL N1rbrOTES YRYr 10fA011 MrrROClAta),ETr eMfull UaTrin aaaYcmr �� z ae7.me�3�omrf • ,r rtlw canoe Nm }•' of u w< aorarr stas5 atw z can ro Dears slwmax moms purees •r Dana,eltor sd u srwrnar eouarNs am ql ffaepr6x aM anrn/aa6ms mlara Daams tmmr. LEFT ELEVATION 5L/V.C. IN' . P-0• .is FRONT ELEVATION 3CJalE. W' . I'-0• n e ■v■• SLAP. 1/4• • I'd GARAGE 573 S.F. eLK.lRIc 91A ►AIQ.VS}aY WCwrlpr M i LLO . _ Irtlw NA Cb. alrl.el IPl 74 e.m.4e aw. OTR ,a Garage 0'-1' 4e. O leh 14 q ---------------r�r7----- _ L'1 FLOOR PLAN & UTILITY PLAN REAR ELEVATION 1 . ALL 0r•n9O9 442 M Rara•I rfiANnar. VNO. -ULE. V4• . I'b' o+v+w.s jr. WIND AREA NOTE: �r vwz ec oc,.um om nr xerranpans SVfIDGrnra rw •1T . ,iaID M6 '. M V 1 CJ: t. rn ealiem m rep RElef• Bl}a6. L xL Natnc M9eG at6 rrllRmaK W B[ mS® ale sa6lD laafflLT10>5 wmv,ms LLeL ro ,GC aaEi wmFr SVOn®6 M OMBR I7 ROOF NOTES p" ,ire roc : nr � err. vm,m fornc Yw! .elA W nvYbR•Y Y.� • we, w• -.e. rY r.e W � .,e.i .� e lees weer aYa n.vu a .mw lent .w •meq t rot• r w a. axe :_aura � •.� .m/sr � r..r 1. r w,.lY t/•• ne.'r gxrq b berae: er.r e.e t .sb+ 4 a OL t ®rr/r eras s. sxle.a Ow.uw• rr./a,er t rer •ex,vq. r �s tr Ire•leaw b r4fr eftmbrY r �5r r �y� ld,eq er tm�eAr�d. f—u .r rat e.e lm� FIRE BLOCKING NOTE: fowl rr waaa u M iaawec 16TA 92TIOx rm y Y OaQNID arOZS 6 Stlm weaS Rm � Raab 5ara6 u M ttzs •,m naw teras wm u w m a0rlw ww et u u rW6wsoa rtrrn olrmam laa®,rtx sa•m vnl u azra u mons oro ma6 m mr mtrs Q w O1Oe6 tl4M vont rrQ ass ttrari rwwm um Ssae ao•rs we}t Ytoeo . rassaa rtv re u mac s Roar lnas..nrl tbma®ewlz r1Oba5 m wm Dr ofea r6• rentrraar OYl'IS ATTIC SPACE lura ran emlrmrxe let Sal d d Pe.Ve yAUa� � dib` W La JL -r lr et . g rex m lw}000t Iaalltm) rm qw pf•eY too LLeta YMeney atm.® t q�a00, fDarml r•fa d...asa � n :. Arnc vEwr a A rorAU D - er aaao O t a rmn a.Vs +N rum oev �f cart ,ro Q * am M aeon a 5aai manic Rw M soma a 41 moa, amts T 9f 914E Ilam 6 coon 9lrO[ R — la Q R Slat 6 GSLbrr R ,WD® W SiIDI/wa0/9® arss 4� ROOF LEGEND r N rs rs4 s.e.r r ,vr r r t! rr b•a taexa VENT MFGR'S oalrR Nm 9mlE a}6 vons SePIDII STealfrlF CaMxi, s. ra lmtems a. w u }art aau® vans v ftlYe t F oawaQaltr err. soma emaroraL 4 nra f•t eatmr Y r :rr• px ra: I}ma RAIN _____________ DIVERI"R I ♦ 4' IONb I I 1 / Arnc m.,s 9Ge --- I — ROOF PLAN SGaLEV4'. r -O• ARCHITECTURAL SLAB LAYOUT axe. w• . rc• ABBR UTILITY SYMBOLS _/� Caa6 1Lil rprlaa - Cizrm 1mIMfD IGf IBlilaa w Y naarz toms van mry .M D: veal •ma ("� eaam �m IGrt fl[Ilwc .(�1Y��y au lcallm lnrt amm rl lanm eon aorta: w ROm ml O rat rflllm W allmc tl Rmrms M aR SIW a N lai eFR OB[ SD:IeM 1x61! SeGL RlL 9fWl OYO $wlDl Ira asw myoma conte �. .es -rut YlfSwwm - ttw alsRxl 2.rroorx pmt , Iw lour ran Dante 36f t mr rwu enmer n ar n aunn � 6alwva br xm .roes Nm swl-0rr lauma ,e s¢ r6 fart, ImlOtl m fxa•Iotn mxfwclw Q{�l soosnRma aaao-nxar .nm.aalm Osla coon ®-r im CrmR ®Hell qt nL W1POQ5p1 (,OwY abib9 Y' ru tour® mem r mC � Smrn}6D was oma Oa RSe[/ rW Cv� p-{ te. (BOR ale) 0 s6a am w lnm .tin mo Rs,vAa twM rtmn rain M and 51rL SNR r wNr Mbar Y rat 918bG sAs O• Rel eurm+ I>az Om(S +I— re ®fnn vert oar m win-sr,w aw Q ms t® naaa®n ton m,le Ov raw oma lnn aurae ,fm r lu nsrR.m QQ ruraol em ra weornto .swan¢ (root w .fl xm) NOTE: 9E,=Lj FLOOR PLAN NOTES M nMl/ia®6 9IIi 4f9�F Rf ID6td O<.0 YIGp MIIrj unprvs Na nu razatas n a tzarear M nmor® ro awe, uatmrc ro sulmm,laT M raT•1Lamx a u rwnnes ND Nwrm as l.rs Iran vmaros cur. am � •r wz oma t. Y aG waE riwQ. z w ra wfmrum Ops ram. seer rw utlrpl soot rTQ k, mG4 'war IPm m ONmE a peNrG z s,a7 m ani nioC DI Y•- 0.i® rlARafl awrr¢ mta6tmx W •rm axm[xsar[ a la[ (< Wlpla!) ro anSQ w IDaepm Oaw T ter/ DC 5}G )A ripII fflYd Yrffir9 •r 9r4G fr slpa SQ r-}• tnN.alella M NmOr wRaYtpl nr 9lllli eD rWYO R,fa illi 10[ Ipl s W.3r nm - ren lmRa a e Y r/Dmfa. Rmr6[ Dow Sum aAs moat taui .V of a rant rear t. mtwal agNr - � wloer Dzrma • sour n4a tz ,/Y m. ea•Im SaE nr Ne ,away ,� r®rQ 5/e' mf r a19Y nw w tw5 eo ma¢ I . xa¢ Le' me r aryl m sa R+rIA nee la laauae n ®fmwCs m wez to las a rm ,aw4 a.t¢ R. ler a ms lwn pvff. ,a err xr . a 4rtc rtrm w4a wRrasi rm �� ,SAI e. on oav/r6n m Olaf sol am acmt u Rerret tt®an aNrmx rzax co,oriz sw - � 4rr M fdd l Td 56,O1a OL -•i ,lax Dreri arta m If -r a Td SSTIdpL e6u-Iv lFpl alea6C an W. m tr x r u 9>m® ora tnwrsr rola n. r r af[ allara moms rum. •r .v aeot ora Dem xr m r,< m aaalrem ewi w anRa a. oars mean 9i - Sea[ t/Y 0.n rt. ra WINDOW LEGEND— er aaao O Y1 .ms m a —AW a rmn a.Vs +N rum oev a Tq/Ir •mrRe rw}ot 000t.,oram a,as cart ,ro Q 0 am M aeon a 5aai manic Rw M soma a 41 moa, amts - 9f 914E Ilam 6 coon 9lrO[ R — la Q R Slat 6 GSLbrr R ,WD® W SiIDI/wa0/9® arss r Iref aas Q ODOR NOTES t. u term Dom ro a raw I K rNL wen er aaao O L w5 alma oma m a me6 are t yr 6.- ora 17m/,r rlGo@ 9ms aA4 Oml 101a® NII °"''°" °A SHEET DESCRIPTION GARAGE a Tq/Ir •mrRe rw}ot 000t.,oram a,as w 01rLL 0 am M aeon a 5aai manic Rw M soma a 41 moa, amts ND tlew MSwISB n 6 F�16far M LLrfl6amS 1600tQallr ro an, ,� OS -26 NRM •,6 9NwR f6RllAlal a uL 0006 eD nom av lwfrrrlrWs stsema WaOM ewaC mo[ •lD urn euro SECTION NOTES Ms ca .wascrinn s¢l6ra ou. o vlp Mr ur .nocm m ®,aIDn M 6004 mlG.Mir a M woos, yE wlml/ums SwrNlx Dbd$ Omwa6 rw xl ®1•em SwCI1Ml OQOIe Mm MR apniraumis t. mea,[ sun a .ma¢nRR awe aeon ows wf mmu mart prmu s¢ warns slaLTuwa t}omrs aae.cs r6f samc raacuaY asol arm BttermdlS ase u folamuar ememmre r amrt vws emom. z ue•¢ 9.m 90R Y ,e. w Rara 1 Ca063E 9.r ., f®a Slat m Rea L iY rl F,i�a raArtn mpAi A SLL a Y t r Suns Sa S,wLTIMI OOms nrrWS tm 94sr eDUYOrmS. 1. r a r i,lna vi smnur oomz aew.es ru seat etxawmors a aut6w reNm eNi m slwnlepl prams aw.cs ra vme etxeamors a uemm 16 •PrrD.ID r94 xems � srwiswa Rams mrery im sofas �OfS tt. a arms (vi stwcnwx oomz alrwresl ti 1/r � Rr{m Imo Slfalli erM Yatllll arwlRL 9I mBLllll•L OOmS arcs rw SVB1r eml®rrs ,1 2* rL 9wm aQ ,/}• 0.1eam Dema. ,L u 2*: r neat a lr na. } e crew rxsE w,m Des a N• oe wnt } . • mnw ,waves et000 ,a z . e carer twez mum. tl. Im r I to 0.u¢ 9I 51wL IAn 9rJ[WS OrrRLS ice Sa4im Il }' I waRw4' n r e leo vex wame vtwm[ Rl elms ilmle®m M >mt ae m Y a arc eulmc aagwf ares 6 �lr®. SQ lura oaf raters. xt. o® ar sa srwrnxx Dams awwrs wx vrrsc l�rs. a peer err vE 51mlCnapL 6Om3 OYasS wa 9+Rli waaQOlR II If/001. � S1R.C'111R�1 DPmfS Oaef6 N SPFao ADeaDrlli X ,/}• RPaY Baum m t/Y a951nr e0um Olm o/e• 0.rNw' a SR t>ff r mgr mum u lora[ •ld, u ora •r mac n. 5/e• ME Y mgr Brae Q Gni¢ 5¢ a els Ym Ns t6rrl W anti aux rOYlraa W aml me a cure 514110[ wOl na0.t/alE m OIRr YIS m Im.Q eerrrOx Pm Or,aZS r -It f}ra[m5 ors nee Oh a,w SaR }t. fnTml snn4 vrm to seem arta sepal er6we Ym a,�maee QB UHG .fe M IaIN Ym 14alTR ee6Mc safOpt06 a Y e ruLsy9u¢ a l• a ala ri v aus u as enoml emisaac wB15 l� soca, oRu54 X foe Affi SfE awlar5 amIR1eN. Dams aaam em twaS aYrrs res �L OFAwalD1R 8 CI�R �B a Iw6S �... rinse IrT1wr LL)fr1a6 H int eeh� a Ir OL a tem txYfr[nw}n. n. aumw ,was m n tour rrpanasa a rrartaw 1mr rirlwa (9= S1w.60M1 Rams apafsl a s1uMe u,en uu>mrr +fume m a mmsns 0 ales¢ eIL grapram ee aper Sraffe B[pl®w M >m, � MM o}o®e M M e4cx enure uxn ELEVATION NOTES M wlu/wanm a vane amasmt ru Rl trW® lrmaLLs Nm Ra .aputRl n a fmxeai M wrR/aaams Isvalsam W �, rR,mBt Yin armVex ranD,nat a u moos r,OwaS ow 1prr,n,amrs svmeamts uac em LL1Da mm t maalE IrII aL z aI0® 5,116[0 Oat uM nr erwc arca aaall T ueL. >meM wi »m ate ffi leap �ia0 taQ 1 atfrtOe SnlaO O® 1e-® YM a0 rads a•PP, fetNl Om LLet SR.Tae t•W. ISw r!m ffi alp QaleR lelsl 4 a 4 Oxrf® lalll alA9s Ir0 S.mL s a4roux®rva�mm a } . e rYv: wlm trs 4r a 6t. sure x . • to yr as®c 6. amw,uC tnlr races. We4,lm .meSS a mom[ a000t/slm/rutn ,n ,• a r a u cola® rex area als rt. rd • >d ,DR malyi firtT RVI - ase vmlcu a,a aaonc lz ted a rd ,rvl Rol1r arra ooae - aav vmvz +Deal arum u e}wi ala A smm. . cepa. ew aura n ®wrmf/Door to slam soy® SLL (t/Y/rt ww} R. arta ma4 a se[ralm oat - ,Icor laww ant vlmcrC wap¢ u vaaao snr® su (t/}•/rt. ra} }r. t ,/r : t t l/}• .Doo INIFL 4.4/6 rOlOaH4 -oar 1641aa m InY ,ot w,x s1m4m mom coos mr cam ltup Dant ,aaE r. a nil+ rturc u van. - _ —�— T.D. DESERT DEVELOPMENT 79285 Rancho La Quints Drive La Quinta, CA 92253_ ) 170D)TT7•%747 ax.. 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