MUP 2006-863City of La Quinta Community Development Department 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 k60) 777-7125 FAX: (760) 777-1233 /All - /_/ For An Event of More Than 2,000 People, include Waste Reduction Info OFFICE USE ONLY Q Case No. - p Date Recvd. 1520 Fee: S Related Apps.: Logged in by: APPLICATION FOR MINOR USE PERMIT APPROVAL MINOR USE PERMIT applications are reviewed and approved by the Community Development Director pursuant to Section 9.210.020, of the Zoning Code. The purpose of the review is to ensure that land uses requiring the permit do not have an adverse impact on surrounding properties, residents, or businesses. APPLICANT tJ e e r v L • �f �o „��. f r �a _ /- . 7~ T r.�,. '� (Print) / MAILING ADDRESS 2 / ���e_Phone No -24r? -,� CITY, STATE, ZIP: f�/� �,e S P �T 6 '92 26Q Fax No. &0 PROPERTY OWNER (If different): (Print) MAILING ADDRESS: Phone No. CITY, STATE, ZIP: Fax No. PROJECT LOCATION: �� -� �% ,,,+.P �DN / e �d'M �r PROPOSED USE AND/OR CONSTRUCTION (Including operational information): LEGAL DESCRIPTION (LOT & TRACT OR A.P.N.) bad a Paa -z, A I Minor Use Permit SUBMISSION REQUI FML*IQTS 0 Plot Plan, floor plans and elevation plans (as determined by Community Development Department staff). Five (5) sets of plans on 8'/z" x I I" sheet or folded down to 8%z" x 1 I". O Filing fee for Minor Use Permit. If filing multiple applications, the most expensive application will be charged full fee, with remaining related applications discounted 50% for each. This discount does not apply to Environmental Information form. NAME OF APPLICANT et- V' Y SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT DATE ,7, - NAME OF PROPERTY OW1�R / _ � 471,7•P (( (Please Print) SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER(S) IF NOT SAME AS APPLICANT: DATE (Signature provides consent for applicant to use site for proposed activity). DATE (Separate written authority by owner to submit application may be provided) NOTE: FALSE OR MISLEADING INFORMATION GIVEN IN THIS APPLICATION SHALL. BE GROUNDS FOR DENYING APPLICATION. AI8\Minor Use Permit PLEASE NOTE: If there will be any tents, trailers, or electrical connections, please have the client go to the Building Department FIRST to determine if a Building Permit is required before accepting a Temporary/Minor Use Permit. Client: Please be advised the Community Development Department will contact you to let you know if your approval letter is to be picked up in the Community Development or Building Departments. For Building Department Use Only: Permit required: Yeso No 0 By: Recycling 8M Waste Reduction at large venues a events inthe'' City of la Quinta Recently California passed Assembly Bill 2176 which requires recycling at large venues and events. This bill defines large venues and events as: • An event which serves an average of more than 2,000 individuals per day of operation (both people attending the event and those working at the event [including volunteers) are included in this number); and • Charges an admission price or is run by a local agency. Prior to the Event Effective July 1, 2005, AB 2176 requires that all large venues and events prepare a waste reduction plan. As part of this plan, the law requires large venue and event operators to meet with recyclers and solid waste handlers to select appropriate waste diversion programs. Contact Valerie Ward, Recycling/Community Outreach Coordinator at Waste Management of Desert (760) 6741032 to complete the attached Waste Management Plan. At Conclusion of Event AB 2176 also requires that operators of large venues and events submit to the city written documentation of the progress of the waste reduction, reuse, recycling, and diversion specified in their plan, including the type and weight of materials diverted and disposed (waste characterization report). The city has included a waste diversion form with your permit information. The completed form, with the final waste characterization reporl prepared by Waste Management of the Desert, is due to the city within 30 days after the close of the event. For more information on large venue and event recycling, please visit the California Integrated Waste Management Board's website at www.ciwmb.ca.gov. Thank you for helping to keep La Quinta beautifull (9 Prepared by Hilton Famkopf & Hobson, LLC C • City of La Quinta Large Venue & Event Waste Management Plan CONTACT DESCRIPTION TIMELINE Operations • Quantity and size of containers: Contact Name: • Delivery and pickup dates Contact Phone: • Service schedule Event Maintenance • _ maintenance staff members to pickup recyclables and trash Contact Name: from containers and transport to roll -off box or main receptacle Contact Phone: every hours, throughout event area. • All recyclable items will be separated from trash by maintenance staff daily. Vendor #1 • Set-up schedule Contact Name: • Description of vendor services Contact Phone: . Discussion of recycling opportunities • Vendor #2 • Set-up schedule Contact Name: • Description of vendor services Contact Phone: . Discussion of recycling opportunities City of La Quinta Education, Monitoring and Final Report Education/Monitoring • Initial meeting with Waste Management of the Desert to discuss event recycling program. • Prepare recycling education materials to be delivered to vendors, maintenance and other operations staff prior to event. • Waste Management onsite monitoring schedule Waste Characterization • Prepare and submit to City staff a waste characterization report Report to City Staff which includes all recyclables tonnage separated by material type • P.O. Box 1504 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92247-1504 78-495 CALLS TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 December 27, 2006 Mr. Jerry L. Ellenz Pacific Habitat, Inc. 72-990 Homestead Rd Pam Desert, CA 92260 SUBJECT: MINOR USE PERMIT 2006-863 TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION FENCE; 54-050 AVENIDA MONTEZUMA Dear Mr. Ellenz: (760) 777-7000 FAX (760) 777-7101 ,still coer Your request for approval of Minor Use Permit 2006-863 allowing the installation of a chain link construction fence on the front and rear of the property located on 54-050 Avenida Montezuma, La Quinta, is hereby approved with the following conditions: 1. The chain link construction fence shall be removed six months from the date of this approval. 2. The fence shall not exceed 6 feet in height. You may now contact the Building & Safety Department for your building permit if necessary. Should you have any questions, please call me at (760) 777-7125. Sincer YVC. I NE FRANCO Assistant Planner Attachments c. Building and Safety Department ler •.w u�rr M�iv �w�w � larrr Awa r rr • 1w�r r �� ISO. AtO lM rrr� A wMr.I�w.T /r• .!O'YI •1p1 OR O' U YIIA Win....__ eh,tw SITE -PLAN! Page 1 of 1 0 Yvonne Franco From: Ed Randall Sent: Thursday, December 21, 2006 12:21 PM To: Yvonne Franco Subject: RE: 54-050 Avenida Montezuma Good Morning Yvonne, The original owners of this property divorced during construction(thus the lengthy delay). The general contractor has purchased the property from them & is now moving forward with construction. His name is Jerry Ellenz & his previous dealings with our Department have been favorable. He applied for & was granted an extension of his building permit. Let me know if you need more info. Ed -----Original Message ----- From: Yvonne Franco Sent: Thursday, December 21, 2006 11:10 AM To: Ed Randall Subject: 54-050 Avenida Montezuma Good morning Ed, Can you please help me with this or forward it to someone who can. I need to know if the owner/contractor for this address is continuously requesting building inspections and making moderate progress with the construction/remodel or is he asking for inspections right before his building permit expires. Thank you. Yvonne Franco City of La Quinta Community Development Dept. (760) 777-7131 (760) 777-1233 fax yfranco@la-quinta.org 12/21/2006 9.60.030 Fences and walls. Page 1 of 1 G. Prohibited Fence Materials and C�'Rstruction Fences. The use of barbed wire, 10or wire, chain link, or similar materials in or on fences is prohibited in all residential districts. Chain link fencing is permitted for temporary construction fences when authorized by a minor use permit issued in accordance with Section 9.210.020. Said minor use permit shall not be approved until a permit for grading, or construction, has been filed for, whichever comes first. http://gcode.us/codes/laquinta/view.php?topic=9-9 60-9 60 _,030&highlightWords=temporary+i.. 12/15/2006 Q) 774-/9 25-61 /f�= 100, DATE OLD — NEW A'o. 2?7 yj-/1. 24 1/815 /94/6,/ 2! /1/69 6, r /9s -1J 6-96 191- 6 T 10-99191- 3 8.5 2,B 191-10 T R. A. 0-2'0-015 020-050 020-062 020-069 020-076 020-089 020-116 N M TRA FH oza 4 Z 069 ` d5 O� RJ r Qa 020. 050 6725 O 6 FOR. N- //2 SEC. /3 T65. R. 6E. W W- � Q /4 /5 16 ©J 90 CALLEsr 261 SEC LINE- �_ CH/LLO 26.5-14 ba 240/ se 3 TRA CIO -069 ' a. 3. 0 00 0 020 - 062 , 24 ©M !3 / 8O ozo-1'6� .00 23 Dy2 TRA 020.010 232 lQ. 2 MOZO N 22 03 !®3 22 O 3 22 l0 3 h 2/ ®(@ 4 p 21 ® lG 4 ¢ tV TRA 020 - 050 2/ ® 20 4 Q TRA 020-069 � rRA u2o-ors 023 Ac= � p v, 20 DS 1®5 20 O 5 20 O 5 V rRA 020-050 h m /9 © 6 /9 ® ® 6 vi v 19 !o ® 6 RA - / 92 o23a / 93 N m /94 N W 18 07 r0 7 /8 /9 7 /8 0 ® 7 h 20 30 3e TRA '10-0r6 v 17 ® © B /7 ® ®8 /7 ® ®8 °n JULY 1967 L _J 16 ©J 90 16 oy o a 2 FRA 020- 089 01U'ff6 /5 2/0 /5 ©lO Q 15o Hc Q3 r /4 /4 TRA 010-62 4 o e/ 30 rRA 020-062 30 3e ®///O /2O© 30 a 3q ' Bo 695 ^zao CALLS 0 MADRID zGOM 6eOsv• N m 23 DATA PM 69-/9B SANTA CARMEL/TA AT VALELAOU/NTA UNI7-NO-24 MB19144-45 lAN 0 % 2000 ASSESSOR'S MAP 8K.774 PG.19 RIVERS/DE COUNTY, CALIF. SK JULY 1967 L _J 4 Page 1 of 1 Yvonne Franco From: Yvonne Franco Sent: Friday, December 08, 2006 154 PM To: Elizabeth Escatel Cc: Tony Colarossi Subject: 54-050 Avenida Montezuma Elizabeth, Mr. Ellenz, the homeowner at the above mentioned residence applied for a Minor Use Permit to allow a temporary chain link fence during construction. He said he received a letter from you advising him to install some type of fencing at the curb to discourage dumping on the property. Tony C. mentioned that fencing is not allowed on the right-of-way. And these are his concerns: 1) Sight distance. Adjacent residents (or visitors) will be unable to see incoming vehicles from a distance 2) Access to utilities 3) Safe pedestrian access. Mr. Ellenz did not offer to install the fence even three feet from the curb and he's unwilling to install it away from the right- of-way (which is probably about 10-12 feet from the curb). He believes that to solve the problem installation will have to be at curb. Can I get a copy of the letter that was sent to the resident? We may need approval (if possible) from the higher-ups to allow installation at the curb. I understand from the case history report that this constructions site has been a public nuisance for some time now. Yvonne Franco City of La Quinta Community Development Dept. (760) 777-7131 (760) 777-1233 fax yfranco@la-quinta.org 12/12/2006 9.Y.C3(Vences and walls. http://gcode.us/codes/1� inta/view.php?topic=9-9_60-9_60_030&f.. G. Prohibited Fence Materials and Construction Fences. The use of barbed wire, razor wire, chain link, or similar materials in or on fences is prohibited in all residential districts. Chain link fencing is permitted for temporary construction fences when authorized by a minor use permit issued in accordance with Section 9.210.020. Said minor use permit shall not be approved until a permit for grading, or construction, has been filed for, whichever comes first. 1 of 1 12/7/2006 3:22 PM