MUP 2007-957IFro.niorl9 Fi fOASEk1E7 FR?t To:764 9465 Page: 1'3 City Of La Quinta ftp"+ Community Development L)cpardnent 78-40S Calle Tarn La Quints, Califor (760) 777-7125 F� :(760) 777-1273 AUG 11 5 2007 . CITY OF LA QUIMTA APPLICATION FOR PLANNING DEPART MINOR . 'i p. P OPFICs usa otvi,Y CUD No. _ cy Data R dL -7 FCo: �7 1w&W Apps: t 4 0 Logged In by, I APPROVAL MINUR USE PER -A4 iT applications ate reviewed send a pursuant to Sectioe 9.210.020, of he Zoning '� �' the C;ornrnuni the perrtiit do not have as adverse impact on moo. The P'urPo9c of thq review is to en,� tthhat e�ment usft egwr t V 6d�_p D r 5, 70 "" Properties, residua, or businews. `°APPLICANT Vrin NG DD My. STAlt, ZIP. Fax No. PROPERTY OWN MMUNG ADDRE CITY, STATE, ZIP PROJECT LOCATI PROPOSED USE A - --••v• cwL;juwns operational information): . LEGAL DESCRIMON (LOOT & TRACT OR A.P.N.): -77 7— 0 70 —D Z �! — �. 7 —�--- Al61Dll uwuge Permit AUG 15 2007 CITY OF LA MIKAPT 2007 :E�-104;,5: do AUG-14-2007 14:06 From: To:7603 419465 Paee:213 —o •� cuu/ S:48PM LASERJET FRK 4 .Plot PI , {) plans and Nevatloa pl • Five S lAW y�" x.. ant {as det down P on 6 ❑. Piling far I►1. 11 ".sheet or folded Wd to � mw�try �evelvpment fall Minor U, dhse p If l l. art meat aft. to �irvnrrifen g chted gvicati ogle epplieations ibc ' ' tion foam: °m �eottnted SOgo for Bost pemive appy � 1 be ® ,®Tbis ottnt does not sly NAME OF APPLICANT -�� JQ '� ,} + A C 4 SIGNA (Please pmt) �'CiR>3 of APPI,acAu-�1 -� NAMM.OF PROPBRTY p - DATB _ . Be Prim S /� SIGNA7LOF t) � Ip PROP$RO NO, (SA M AS APPTy LICANT WNER(g) �+�ttveP mWdes_ caluentlor aPPlrceoat to eras site fir ,.ATP_ Ar?,t�a►sed t ` D (Apar to Witt, awor/ty DATE 1�TOT$: F by owner to nbatit Qpplic�/� * ALSE OR M'SLRADING iI . ay be Pride GROU)1DS FOR bENM6 APPIdC�TdQIV EAi Irq TIUS ,4ppLjGA17 ON SMALL BE A18wa ust? d, August 20, 2007 BFILE COPY Mr. Walter Eeds Greystone Clubhouse Associates, LLC 80-175 Avenue 52 La Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT: MINOR USE PERMIT 2007-957 MODEL HOME COMPLEX; CLUBHOUSE APARTMENTS Dear Mr. Eeds: The Planning Department has reviewed and approved your request for a model home complex for the Clubhouse Apartments, located southeast of the intersection of Jefferson Street and Avenue 52, subject to the exhibits on file, LQMC Section 9.60.250 Model Home Complexes, and the following Conditions of Approval: 1 . Prior to use of the model home complex, a cash deposit in the amount of $1,000.00 shall be posted with the Planning Department to insure the removal of the improvements once the permit has expired or the use terminated as required by the City Council Ordinance #361. The deposit will be refunded when all model home improvements have been removed. 2. If a building permit is required, contact the Building and Safety Department at (760) 777-7012 for permit requirements. 3. The model home complex shall be permitted to remain open for one year from the time it opens, unless a time extension is applied for and granted by this Department. The Planning Director may extend the permit for a set time period if needed. No fee is charged to extend this permit. 4. This Minor Use Permit grants one temporary banner, not to exceed 32 square feet in area, and eight (8) model home complex flags. Flags for the model home complex are limited to eighteen (18) square feet in area and eighteen (18) feet in height. The materials and placement location for the P.O. Box 1504 • LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92247-1504 78-495 CALLS TAMPICO • LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 (760) 777-7000 -FAX (760) 777-7101