SA 2004-771 SilverHawk - ApartmentsCq 92!aiuei 011 tleq CA 13-4101 TEL. Oid}eaT9410 fba6) aQ9a20 FAXpid}63]AE70 {t (��1L� �j''{� �'�/��/( SLe Quirta, IWerHawk Retall Center j/ Apartment Homes in L.a Quinta ' - 03A033 RESIDENTIAL S I G N P R O G R A M March 3, 2004 24" 18" Cast Bronze Plaque Q y, 1 Historical Plaque to be installed on exterior wail of recreation Building AL. ARPNORH d DESIGNS ARE a SCALE AMT APPROVAL ART CREATED $V: THE EXCLUSM PROPERTY OF - QQ-Q�� 1.10 56 ATDRE: NOKE O1R000R AWERINNG INC - micC00( UNAUTHORIZEDUSE OF ARTWORK Mesa S Aorva....... nt ^"^ "`J`^ DATE�M FILE NAME: OF DESIGNS WITHOIIi NR iTE P RMISSON FROM - SlverfiaM( l03-O.3-OQ ARL APPROVAL MOKF OUTDOOR AWERTtS NG IhC N v.w. DAT' REVISION MAY R_SULT IM1 LEGAL ACTION. M1 �v rva�� SALESPERSON •A t 'i S ft 6 i 8_ - Morn ent Bob hoke ReviSbn i RESIDENTIAL SIGN PROGRAM SILVERHAWK APARTMENT HOMES SECTION I - POOL & SPA REGULATION AND POOL HOURS SIGNS: 1255 N. sdw 81655: INTRODUCTION _ Refer to the design drawings contained wlthln this sign program designated as - o4.xac,ca. 22065-4101 TEL. orq 4399610 The purpose of this sign programis to ensure She design and productlon of quality 'pool & soo -regulation and pool hours signs' far fabrication standards, color, minimum reees 922.9200 signage which, reflects the integrity of the architecture and the Intent of the. property copy Site where applicable and ,required verbiage. FAX(7t4) 637-4270 management and the City at to 9mnta for this complex. - LEASING OIRECT/ONALS &FUTURE RESIDENT SIGNS RESIDENTIAL IDENTITY MONUMENT- Silve,11mc RetaR Center Refer to the design drawings contained within this sign program designated as - V Quints, Refer to the design drawings contoined within this sign program designated as 'Leasing Direellonal and Future Resident Signs.' tot labrlcotior; standards, color, minimum Caliromla 'Residential IdeniNy Monument' for fabrication standords, sign area . letter height, copy size where applicable and required verbiage. These signs ora designed to facliHate letter style, color and appearance. access for prospective tenants. 03.0433 TENANT DIRECTORY MONUMENT - Refer to the design drawings Contained within '!his sign program designated as. - - - 'Directory Monument' for fabrication, standards, sign area , letter height - leiter style, color and appearance. PARKING CODE ENTRY SIGNS SECTIONit Refer to the design drawings Contained within this sign program designated as COMMON AREA SIGNS 'Parking Code Entry Signs' for fabrication standards, color, minimum copy size - ITEM SIGN TYPE where applicable and required verbiage. -0N-SITE O/RECT/ONALS 0.0 - SITE -MAP Refer to the design drawings contained within this sign program designated as 1.0 -RESIDENTIAL IDENTITY MONUMENT 'On -Site Directlonais' for labrlcatlon standards, color minimum. copy size where 2.0 TENANT DIRECTORY MONUMENT applicable and required verbiage, mese signs are designed to facilitate access for prospective tenants. 3.0 PARKING CODE ENTRY SIGNS 4.0 ON-SITE DIRECTIONALS BUILDING ADDRESS NUMBERS 5.0 BUILDING ADDRESS NUMBERS Refer to the design drawings contained within tnls sign program designated as 'Butiding IDs lot fabrication standards, materials and color. Cabinet shown Is - - 6.0 UNIT ID- NUMBERS representative -of various numbered cabinets located throughout complex. 7.0 POOL & SPA REGULATIONS AND POOL HOURS. UNIT /D NUMBERS 9.0 LEASING DIRECTIONALS & FUTURE RESIDENT PARKING Refer to the design drawings contained within this sign program designated as - 'Unit ID Numbers' for labrlcollon standards, materials and color. Plaque shown Is representative of various numbered plaques located throughout complex. EISENHOWER DRIVE 911'26' E /y. 1 $n KZ � i n iN IT 71, . z iN"•..p RAq'y -- ,...f. 28' -- 3 4' 19' 1 14' - 19' -- N �A f� _ .91'261' E� y .. ■ �N 903'21' E -- -- 7h 81 40.00' z.. .. 7.67i�� N1 �C'a $V, y�. >$W J --- L2 ■ �b II J � I r 29 14' IV +erfe I I i.11. E'i �' --- N RO]'91' F - 111. pv o T Y K = — N 91126 E cn —II O ',ry,. 1703'21" E 85.07' 9.06' 20. rQ --- I m m rn { 1 �m _ II I 1� -4I -------------'� --r- ------_ N Pa C11 N '-- N UIV26'.E 95.OP &•'. 4 N UDY21..:E 1.00' I I I � Q _-- 00 20. N 971 I�,I I B.OS n I I I I 1 I ('•" UI N Pfl'26 E 293.59 Cn L34 0 I y (Q :, I �w G L2 I I I I I I I I I _ H-1 1 I I L2 ■■ -- ,...f. 28' -- 3 4' 19' 1 14' - 19' -- N �A f� _ .91'261' E� y .. ■ �N 903'21' E -- -- 7h 81 40.00' z.. .. 7.67i�� N1 �C'a $V, y�. >$W J --- L2 ■ �b II J � I r 29 14' IV +erfe I I i.11. E'i �' --- N RO]'91' F - 111. 1.0 RESIDENTIAL IDENTITY MONUMENT - - - Indirectly illuminated single faced monument sign manufactured using blotk& concrete materials, stucco pilasters precast: caps nn mar face TrVartpcnAde ne marble sign a painted accents and powder-orated aluminum copy.. minu ----__., -_—-_._.._._____. _— _..___- 1956 N. M.I. ar...T - o.A.6e, CA. 92863-4101 TEL. pi 4) a3T9Glo Qty. (86th - - AAA � - 1 (088) 92200 �. 5 � f—t KH A K _ _ , PAX (714) W-0270 /apartment HomesL in a C�( uinta �o Apartment Homes In La QuInts. .. P4lamut9 .. 03-0031 MEM PACE 1.0 ' - PROIECt - MO UMENT CONCEPT 03-03-D4 ..,_................._.....__.___.._.._...:.......,..._.....__.._. 151_0" ._._ ------ ..___...__......._..,._......_... _....... 2. Monument Signs. � sins 0.0 SITE MAP / SIGN LOCATIONS Reterto thispages s m for d w.1thinary spoign ding rete l l Reterto pages marked vAt11 corresponding reference numbers for individual sign details 511-Vl-:�-R.HAWK F Apartment Hames in La Quinta 3.0 - 8.0 _... PARKING CODE ON-Srrr DIRECTIONAL - - - A DIRECTORY CABINET - 1.0 RESIDENTIAL MONUMENT 6.0 LEASING DIRE 1255 N. MAIN S..[R 0.5x5[, M 9:8"4101. TEL. 17106x74510 1186122"200 FAX No 637G270 SIWe I wk Retail Center La Quintal California Meeuisu��—. 01.0432 REM 0.0 SITE MAP SIGN LOCATIONS sums CONCEPT a*E 03-03-04' AS AS PER EIEVA-f10N rns aEEauEPwNr rpaperwls 3.0 PARKING CODE ENTRY SIGN .09D° aluminum panel wlehsilkEcreened graphic Mounted to a Y x &' aGmElhum poit. - Back panel and post same colon C (j E K xpointed Colors to mach approed project colors. .V \Hyv t ass n. uwix a)ea. Apartment Harney in La Quint$TEL.-i714)(089a)-6a aRA70pA 9 37.361101 10 (9671439-9200 - FAX pp)99>-0270 - 24 IlverHavdc... . _.__ .._ 3412 Logo Apartment Homes 'KAS In to Quinm. 03-0432 REM PAGE E. 09(Y okminum - ' ''xCr poral panted I CEeamy A"eSN#244$ 3.0 '� itaYkn ;;x tt 6tFn).ti r i's EWIMi L T.0 pI,mI;I,ior. %) ennl 15 ri.. t pad, NON4LLUMINA7ED . .. onu III -C siEn diol paeti pp i AWMINUMSIGNSMOUNTED 1 Eci ceht le must care in one 5mue 7'OALUMNUMPOM "�-----�— __ T 6I4tike nE h{pAIK r14 4 EMM f . ' I .> caayi7 &^16en6a '02au'hc. 3d Yh les uId vI63 mg i 9uali Brom CONCEPT "" I As nst t,htl j�, pbrarav x)Iciw : SW32187 eor Iasi tq<re{iE }Rican! has ii apxd ( 03-03.04 v on will newer. of at ners exverisv. 48„ 1C fl aw«mr 4i'A9 �.,. l tt, ?Jii.bt w _— Blue &"# elandam AS REQUIRED Kck I.—r .htdi hantllcapped symbol symbol t SVAE . E EE !a 11 _.,--5se' andord Ike la .. YfiBe copy `'G 'l so-n. 1'inlat9 sri'il)h Etec n•etowed awov At on Quall Brown SY32187 BkOd CIP. Ct' ACC SJfCr C ("ErC2 � Ei4 � Towed 4e =ide'm qhe I P.daimcd by a\ Tei honing p el •tdl C01 SGitCitFE Ufp]lr Pqt POSTS PAINTED TO MATCH i760i 863-8990 !L-- PROJECT 2.0 TENANT DIRECTORY MONUMENT Internally Illuminated single faced monument. Sign Smumns, to he installed Incenter median at p alecds entrance. S(LVElI�±RHAWK Apartment Homes in La Quinta Intemally liftninatetl In AR See Mop to ae piintea on 3M trainiumeM'Any] - IDCCnt9a to 0lear ACIyIIC - I '.� RAS #612 Lops:. Top Paca..Iana9oK@r f fabricatent aluminum detaffs and tam finishes, �Accssrts Palmed to match appmed I y Quail &awn project colon. 5 - SW#2157 MAlumhwm ShucMe \s Rtht d$7d W#2059 1055 N. MAIN STRKET ORANo[, CA' 92B66 -<I01 TEL. PIA) 637-36 10 )808)023.9300 r _ FU (7I W 69.0270 Apartment Homes In La Qulma, P... 03.0{32 REM PACES 2.0 mNME TENANT DIRECTORY MONUMENT srATus CONCEPT ma D3 -03-d1 OVAN%T'. I. Monument Sip txs T 20" 5.0 BUILDING ADDRESSNUMBERS Internally Illuminated cabinet 20" x 3b" overall size exterior painted to match appnwed,project colors, copy to be applied Nnyl on acrylic background. 1955 N. MAIN eTReaT G.... U. 93666.1101 TEL. 0161627-5610 (99BI 923.9200 FAX 1714) 6574270 .Jn,T SlverHawk Apartment Homes In La Qulnta, 03-0432 - REM PAGE 5 Qua][ SW#2187Border 5I1_VErRHAWK Da, nF Apa.rtllment Homes in La QUIlIta INTEANALLYIW MNATED AGNCAMNEIS. mm Creamy While SW#2448 Copy CONCEPT ^ - wrt .03-03.04 PMS #412 Bkgd FAuumr - A3 REQUIRED - 20"x30" - Infernally Illuminated - Sign Cabinet Color Scheme to Match ,..�...., Approved Project Colors .. 4 i y 'It 4.0 UNIT ID AND GARAGE IDENTITY SIGNS 1/2'Sintra panel vith subsurface silkscreened graphics printed on'1/8"Acrylic Mounted to Individual units.' Colors to match approved project colors. S(LVERHAWK.. Apartment Hames in La Quinta --- 6„ Proposed Garage Identify Signs e--1/4' 1955 N. MAIN E1.9E1 OMA99r, ON. 92995-AI01 TEL (714) 037-3610 1998192&9900 FAX (714) 4370270 MOhcr. 6tuail Bra.�m gHerHav4c Apartment Horner SW#2187 Border IeAp> Pr.. 034432 ITEM PAGES 6.0 >Creamywnile SW#2446Copy EN9mE and Inset Border UNIT ID SIGNAGE Subsurface Panted an 1/4'Acrylk sn7vs CONCEPT —PMS #4t2 Bkgd DATE 03-03-04 purmn AS REQUIRED Shim Plaque Subsurface PAnfed [Creamy While SW#2445 Copy on 114^ Acrylic. PMS #412 Bkgd 7.0 POOL &SPA REGULATIONS " POOL HOUR, SIGNS .090" aluminum panel wRh.silkstreened graphics " Mounted to a wall. Colon to match approved project colors. " �i I LV Tt^ • • \lW K Apartment Homes,Homes,il(n�La QUinta 8'-0' �NARNING MreX, W i"'sacgry ii[ RT l4A" a t C4'OEM, xwqa(5tiEtit9J Sk'ON DUTY �xu6taaews a."3t�-vx ;s' �NTIME" uMER THE.W, CI7bSHOW E w �nss�aeEsti�:re: u. I0 DIVING E 1,(l ED 1 4,'O" ux r � REEKY DIAL 911 I POS L, A«D S(A HOURS p // /� h6 R rtdi:d F I IJ-QI�t��A l\ 10:00P.11 I .ewu,e:e f n asEroea�s rs � w4z PA7i�A fiE+ �}�� i I i n'Lv.a wa txx xm nrv: 5uz .: ,.c s ,. ....__ _ (1) POOL & SpA RULES SIGNS " .090" thk. Nunn. Panel r--16 /palnled PMS#412 TLogo; Inset border and 12" 6911 6 //copy are screened CAeamy While SIN#2445 \Outer border painted Quall Brown SW#2187 Bar .090` aluminum panels polrted Creamy While SW#2445 Logo Color Is PMS#412 COPY and Border are Quail Brown SW#2107 Border ►/ C'}[ 1 1 1}K 1955 N. MAIN 9T"FFT O"AMBF. CA 9296YA 101 TEL. 014) 697-3610 1969) 9299200 FAX 014) 637-0270 440 SBverHawk Apartment Homes In L3 Quints, ).1' E sR 03.0432 ITEM PAGE$ 7.0 fGNTAE REGULATION SIGNS POOL HOURS s.Ann CONCEPT 03-03.04 CtuvlTt AS REQUIRED AA �mn 3 xP l xrc gQ wa w'xl W. A 1 1111 w s`A.InJ.ss 1GN ►/ C'}[ 1 1 1}K 1955 N. MAIN 9T"FFT O"AMBF. CA 9296YA 101 TEL. 014) 697-3610 1969) 9299200 FAX 014) 637-0270 440 SBverHawk Apartment Homes In L3 Quints, ).1' E sR 03.0432 ITEM PAGE$ 7.0 fGNTAE REGULATION SIGNS POOL HOURS s.Ann CONCEPT 03-03.04 CtuvlTt AS REQUIRED 6.0 ON-SITE DIRECTIONAL SIGNS .09T aluminum panel w4th 6illu creened'graphic Mounted to two 2" z 6' aluminum pose. Colors to match approved project colors. .090 Aluminum Structure Palled 1 Shot Chromatic 191 •L Imhollori Gold SILVERHHAAWK Apartment Homes in La Quinta 36" — ----- ----- 3011 --3011 — .090 Aluminum Structure Pointed Sana I 48 T -- i I 22" f PMS #412 Logo Top Accent and Border Quail Brown BW#2187 Copy .090 Alum'num Sign Face Painted Creomy White SW#2445. Copy Quali Brown SW#21 B7 Accent 090 Aluminum Posts Daunted Sona SW#2059` 1955 N. MAte ST...I 06AM9t, CA. 9266Y4101 TEL. 1714) 637-3610 (888)928.9200 FAX(714)687-0270 :6oisR SilverHawk Apartment Homes Quin In La Qulnn h, IOB... 03.0432 REM PAGE 4.0 No" ALUMINATED ALUMNUMSIGNS SATN �� CONCEPT 03- 03-03.04 ;=W- AS =AS REQUIRED scar 8.0 LEASING DIRECTIONALS & FUTURE RESIDENT PARKING SIGNS .090" aluminum panel with slikscreened graphics Mounted Toa4" to x4"alpmlR post. tij IZ.HAWK. Colors mar<h.appro4eded prolecolors. r ass N. Mm. a..... aFaxoc, ca 92666.4101 Apartll1erlt Honie5 in La QUIr1ta - TEL. 814)637-3610 levet 923-92M 24" FAX (714)667-0270 - Apann ent _ Apartmem Homes In V Quima, '. -e.. . .090" thk. Alum. Panel paunEe. Pointed Creamy WhRe SW#2445 e3A1432 -mechanlcaM fastened to post - Mar PAaE5 36 LEASING 8.� OFFICE -- `096. ingot border and copy are screened PMS #412 r.N NORILLUMNATED AUIMINUMSIGM -- 0u7er border painted 6 -- Quail Brown SW#2187 - CONCEPT G sL re .eve. 03-03A4 —'--' 4' x 4' Glum. Post cappetl @ top P4" FVI'URE - _Quail Brown Sl4#2187 _`, RESIDENT 48„ PARKING AS REQUIRM - - 3Ah] to 6Ph4 1 ' MALE ---grade - 24" i —.18" diameter x 24' deep 2000 PSI concrete footer