SA 2008-1226 La Quinta Business CenterSign Program Sign Program: I MAR -3. --, CITY OF LA QUIOTA The purpose of the Sign Program is to ensure: design, production, implementation, consistency, quality coordination, proportion, enhancement, image and compatibility between all signs within the Sign Program area. As such, the Sign Program is intended to address placement, color, style, sign material, and their consistency on the property. This program also serves to communicate particular tenant sign parameters to compliment the project as a whole, while achieving a unified, attractive balanced appearance. Although the Sign Program exhibits establish the letter and sign dimensions, the Sign Program is not intended to substitute Chapter 9.160. Of the City of La Quinta Zoning Ordinance. Applicability: A sign program is a coordinated sign plan for an individual building or a group of buildings. For those signs requiring a program, no permit shall be issued for an individual sign unless and until a Sign Program for the lot on which the sign will be erected has been submitted and approved by the City in conformance with the City of La Quinta Sign Ordinance. General Requirements, Standards and/or Provisions: All signs shall be constructed, installed and maintained in accordance with the following standards: All sign(s) shall comply with the Sign Program, current local zoning, meet the provisions of the Uniform Building code, be maintained in good structural condition and appearance. 2. The tenant, tenant's agent and/or the tenant's sign contractor and/or general contractor shall be responsible for obtaining any and all permits required. 3. Former tenant(s) shall be responsible for the removal of the signage, including: sealing, patching, and painting. Removals to be completed within a 10 (ten) day period of lease termination at the tenant's expense. It is required that you use a sign contractor for signage removal and a painting contractor for finishing and painting work. All repair work must match the building color and texture. Working area must be left in a neat and clean condition. -1- 4. No audible, flashing, animated, moving, pulsating, electronic and/or search �_. lighting or sign (s) not specifically mentioned herein shall be permitted. 5. It is the responsibility of the tenant, tenant's agent, or tenant's representative to verify all sign locations and/or field conditions, conduit and primary electrical locations and services, prior to installation of any sign (s). 6. Sign Contractor must have the following: General Liability Insurance, Workers Compensation, Contracting and City Business License. Tenant will be responsible for its sign contractor to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Landlord and its agents from any damage or liability resulting from the contractor's work. Tenant will also provide adequate evidence of the sign contractor's insurance coverage, naming the landlord as additional insured. 7. Penetrations of the building structure required by installation(s) shall be neatly sealed in a "water tight" condition and painted to match exterior surface. 8. No live and/or simulated animals or humans may be used as a sign. 9. No sign (s) shall be permitted that pose a nuisance or hazard. 10. Roof sign (s) or projected signs) shall not be permitted. 11. Temporary identification signs such as: construction, developer, seasonal promotions and/or compliance non -illuminated advertising displays are permitted as per La Quinta City Code, if specifically approved by landlord, in writing. Some time restrictions may apply. 12. Signs) that project onto the public right-of-way shall not be permitted. 13. The tenant will be responsible for the maintenance of their sign (s). Repairs may be required within 30 (thirty) days of needed repair/servicing. If not mitigated within 30 (thirty) days, the Landlord may repair and/or service the sign at the tenant's expense. 14. Owner shall reserve the right to have architectural control. Specifications for Building Signs: 1. Signs shall be individually mounted non -illuminated Flat cut out aluminum letters. 2. Lettering to be fabricated from aluminum with an approximately 1/4" return and "pinned" of the building fascia. Color Options: Brushed Silver 3. Lettering type style shall be Helvetica. 4. Tenant signs shall include the business name only as registered on the lease agreement, unless approved in writing beforehand by the landlord. -2- 5. Lettering to be single or double line copy as noted and shown on elevation per Landlord's discretion. 6. Tenant(s) with nationally recognized lettering and/or logo(s) i.e., trademarks and/or franchises must provide the Landlord and sign contractor copies for permitting. The tenant is responsible for conformance to the type of sign signage area allocations and must be approved by the Landlord and the City of La Quinta. *SEE PROVISIONAL CLAUSE 7. Sign square footage not to exceed 50 sq. feet. 8. Signage to stay within designated area as shown on elevations. 9. See exhibits for material and location requirements. 10. All building -mounted signs on the building east elevation shall be eliminated. H. For consistency, the sign program shall add a provision that states that all building -mounted sings are to be "pinned" off the building fascia by''/z inch. Specifications for monument signs: One monument sign shall be permitted. 2. Sign (s) shall be a maximum of 50 sq. feet. 3. Sign (s) not to exceed 8 feet from finish grade. 4. Signs) shall be double sided. 5. Sign (s) to be directly lit by landscape lighting. 6. Sign (s) to blend with architecture of the building. 7. Monument signs) to have removable tenant copy. 8. Sign(s) shall be constructed out of steel and iron. Surrounding sign portions to be stone and paint. 9. Letter type style shall be as per exhibit. 10. See exhibits for material and location requirements. 11. Monument sign location and design shall comply with previously approved Sign Application 2006-1030. -3- Submittal Requirements: A sign application consistent with this program shall consist of the following: For each proposes sign application on the building, the following shall be specified or drawn to scale and dimensioned plans: A) A dimensioned location of each sign in the building and/or property. B) Sign dimensions including letter height, color, and sign length and sign projection from the building. C) Color scheme. D) Type style or graphic style. E) Material being used. F) Method of installation/attachment/cross section. G) Site plan indicating the location of the occupant space on the site. H) Fabrication and installation details. All permit(s) for sign(s) and their installation shall be obtained by the tenant and/or its representative (s). Tenant and/or its representative shall satisfy all requirements and specifications herein. Binding Effect: No sign shall be erected, constructed, installed, displayed, altered, placed or maintained except in conformance with this program. In case of any conflict between the provisions of this program and any other provisions of Chapter 9.160 of the City Zoning Ordinance, the City Zoning Ordinance shall prevail. Approvals: The design and construction of the tenant's signage must receive written approval by the Landlord/Owner or the Management Company and the City of La Quinta before fabrication and installation. The owner's or manager's written approval shall be submitted to the City, along with a completed City application, approved plans, and fees. 4- Owner's approval shall be based on the following: 1. Conformity of the Sign Program established for the center including fabrication, method of installation and impact on the property, at the landlord's sole discretion. 2. Complete information, i.e. contractor's name, company name, address, license number, and workers compensation number. To secure the owner's approval, three (3) copies of the design drawing of the signage must be submitted directly to the owner or Management Company. Final Inspection of Sign Installation: The installing sign contractor shall call the City for a final inspection after having installed the sign. 2. The Final Inspection Card must be maintained on file with the sign contractor. 3. Signs that deviate from this Sign Program will be removed at the tenant's expense. *Provisional Clause: This Sign Program is intended to address nearly all sign types while adhering to City sign codes and facilitating business operations. It is understood that a tenant could have sign needs that may no "fit" the Sign Program. With this understanding and in all fairness to applicants, landlord and the La Quinta Community Development Department will reserve the right to review proposals on a "case by case" basis. Applicants that fall into this category are stronaly encouraged to meet with landlord and the Community Development Department prior to sign design, to review and exhaust all options prior to using said provision due to legal sensitivity and extended lead times of provision: The following situations are candidates for the provisional Clause: Franchises/Business Opportunities/Operation Systems that specifically mandate certain lettering and/or logos. 2. Hardships as set forth in the City Code. A letter will be required from tenants on corporate letterhead indicating the businesses noted on # 1 above plus an approval from the owner approving provision. THIS MUST BE SUBMITTED WITH THE APPLICATION TO SATISFY PLANNING SERVICES SIGN APPLICATION -5- l Be advised: This clause is set forth to be fair and just. If it is determined that this provision has been disregarded, abused, altered or falsified in any way, the offending tenant will be cited, and the sign may be removed by the Landlord within 30 days of citation, and legal action may prevail. "Minor amendments to the sign program (i.e. sign location, letter type, sign color, etc.) may be approved administratively by the Planning Director. All other amendment to the sign program will require approval by the Planning Commission." No sign (s) shall be permitted that are prohibited by the La Quinta Municipal Codes. ;M I I i Lam.. ni IA r C sane: PraJnct Tla Oalrs Drawing No. Draw Hyl 611nvt Approvals Landlord Appreva i • _ 11 � � i i 1 CUSTOM SIGNAGE AND SERVICES ARE.- 'SPECIAL ORDERS" & SERVICES ANDiOR PRODUCTS THAT ARE MADE ESPECIALLY 70 "FIT" 1 SUIT THE NEEDS OF YOU- THE CLIENT & ARE "NON-REFUNDABLE!". IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT YOU -THE CLIENT TAME THE 11ME T0: ��'' " a o++penal onpueusn�d a ip. auua by WPEAAL 316, (1) REVIEW EVERYTHING, (2) MAKE NECESSARY CHANGE S) (3) UNDERSTAND EVERYTHING PRIOR TO SIGNING THIS DRAWING. DRAWINGS WILL BE USED TO PRODUCE YOUR CUSTOM PRODUCT. AS SUCH, ANY AND ALL SIGNAGE CHANGES AND/OR RETURN nisa Y6m4nd fo'yoW prsenlun TRIPS WILL BE THE SOLE RE ONSIBILITY OF YOU- THE CLIENT - BOTH LEGALLY AND FINANCIALLY. INCEPTION DRAWINGS AND INSTALL DRAWINGS MAY VARY DUE TO CITY/CDUNTY, LANDLORD, MGMT. CO., CONTRACTOR, SUPERVISOR AND OR CLIENT DEMANDS. ° ., b, p "r(" pf0)v°I banr p.�w ra �a �i u4E1tlFL a a F COLOR(S) WILL VARY DUE DOUCTION, COMPUTER PROCESSING, E-MAIL AND OTHER TYPES OF DUPLICATING/REPLICATING PROCESSESIDEV II IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF YOU- THE CLIENT, TO NOTE AND/OR INSURE THE ERACT COLOR(S). DAY &NIGHT ' a b# st ° 1B °^Y. - APPEARANCES DIFFER. LOBS MAY REQUIRE CONTRASTING OUTLINES. PLEASE ALLOW AT LEAST 4-6 WEEKS UPON CONTRACT, BE MI'TS AND "SIGNED" DRAWINGS. NOTE: IF THE SIZES INCREASE OR DECREASE, VALUATION WILL INCREASE r°1P IXo'^�WiORnx'sllfo duuE. oop-xe- er vxl0fbd OR DECREASE OEPEH ON DRALVINGS & "LEO-WDRK•' 70 FACILITATE BRANDE8 . ANY ORANGES SY ANY GOVERNIN BY. PROPERTY MANAGEMENT AND / OR LANDLORD WILL CGRSTiTOTE OHANSES IN PRICING. pM141 Ir,Ipr—i .9 mlii i, i` t Cliart t: Projeo! Nome Onto: Drawing No. Draw G:y 14 1 Fps �i. vnip, m Cilnwt ApwrOvnl1 Lm"diord Approval: ]lla4Ll1: 1111.1 N11_ I;11_I l 111 61 RI T;Mrf:1,1R?,7Clililriry Rrl U�l� ililan pork rtl4r r • "' - CUSfiOM 51&NAGE AND SERVICES .59INP!, MRS�� 8 SERVICES ANOIDH PRDDUCTS THAI ARE MADE ESPEC#ALLY TO �fli 1 SUIT THE HEEDS OF YOU- THE CLIENT &ARE �•,HOH_REFUNDA0LE!". IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT YOU -THE CLIENT TARE THE TIME TD: r"" "' °1 a "` °0p° r an"+nq. usa:°a yr uerERui N¢R• 111 REVIEW EVERYTHING, 121 MAKE NECESSARY CHANGEIS], iii UNDERSTAND EVERYTHING PRIOR TO SIGNING THIS DRAWING. DRAWINGS WILL BE USED TO PTIODUCE YOUR CUSTOM PSODYCT. AS SUCH, ANY AND ALL SIGNAGE CHANGES AHD.rOR RETURN +i.,rwn"eod rwr—wrutw.0 o IfilFS WILL BE THE SOLE RES PO14SIBU,TTY OF YOU- THE CLIENT • BOTH LEGALLY AND FINANCIALLY. INCEPTION DRAWINGS AHD INSTALL DRAWINGS MAY VARY 0 U E TO CITY10OUNTY, LANOLOR1), MGMT. 1A.. CONTRACTOR, SUPERVISOR AND OR CLIENT DEMANDS, '" C°""'iutl1 ' ire+ aal iw ynct °g nbvtwAl ci¢x. CD LOR(Sl VA LL VARY DUET ODUCTI011, COMPUTER PRO DES SING, EMAIL ANO OTHER TYPES OF OU PLICAYING ME PLICATING PA GOES$EVO EY IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF YOU- THE CLIENT. TO NOTE ANDIOR INSU RE THE EXA Ci COLD R(S). DAY & N€G Hi + APPEARANCES DIFFER. LOBS MAY REVUIRE CONTRASTING OUTLINES. PLEASE ALLOW AT LEAST 4-G WEEKS OPCN CBHT RACT, DEP MHS AND "SIGNED" DRAWINGS. NOTE: IF THE SIZES INCREASE CR GECR EASE, VALUATION WILL INCREASE 'mogo xw.. iwr tram uacw. wyxd. v. vmona DR DECREASE OEPE I N DRAWINGS & "LEC -WORK" TO FACILITATE CHANGEISI - ANY CHANGES BY ANY GOVERNIN CY, PROPERTY MANAGEMENT AND 1 OR LANDLORD WILL OGHST17UTE CHANGES IN PRICING, +'+"`"+'•