1985-1986 ACFR (July 1 - June 30 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report)CITY OF LA QUINTA FINANCIAL STATEMENTS WITH REPORT ON EXAMINATION BY CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1986 CITY OF Id QUINTA FINANCIAL STATEMENTS June 30, 1986 TA3LE CW CONTENTS Page Number Accountants' Report 1 Combined Balance Sheet - All Fund Types and Account Groups 2 - 3 Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - All Governmental Fund Types 4 - 5 Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - Budget (GAAP Basis) and Actual - General and Special Revenue Fund Types 6 - 7 Notes to Financial Statements 8 - 16 Financial Statements of Individual Funds: General Fund: Comparative Balance Sheet 1 17 Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - Budget (GAAP Basis) and Actual 18 - 19 Special Revenue Funds: Combining Balance Sheet 20 Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances 21 Federal Revenue Sharing Special Revenue Fund: Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - Budget (GAAP Basis) and Actual 22 State Gas Tax Special Revenue Fund: Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - Budget (GAAP Basis) and Actual 23 Traffic Safety Special Revenue Fund: Statement of Revenues, Expenditures -and Changes in Fund Balances - Budget (GAAP Basis) and Actual 24 Local Transportation Special Revenue Fund: Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - Budget (GAAP Basis) and Actual 25 Capital Projects Funds: Combining Balance Sheet 26 - 27 Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances 28 - 29 _— -ETERS, C.PAL -----Z • PETERSON. C P.A. `OO'•Aa.O E. CALLAHAN. C.P.A. �� • SCHERER CPA. ■ •KDANIEL. C.PA. titer .. WEINTRAUB. C.P.A. --OLTKAYP C P.A. . PERLOWSKI- C P.A. '—" Z;AOOSK♦, C.PA. C 1. C ,'IEHL. C PA (RETIRED) GO— 9 CVANS. C.P.A. (RETIRED) A-000-ESSIONAL CORPORATION City Council City of La Quinta La Quints, California DIEHL. EVANS AND COMPANY A PARTNERSr P INCLUDING ACCOVNTANC� CORPORAT,ONS CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 1910 NORTH BUSH STREET SANTA Ah A. CALIFORNIA 92706-2e9a 1714D 542-4453 September 11, 1986 ACCOUNTANTS' REPORT OTNE• OFF CES AT; 2965 ROOSE.C'.T STRCET =AKSSAO. C&LIFCII wA 9200 8-23 8 9 46191 729-2343 ZO -ES' .000-0 A.EN,C ESCONDIDO- CAIIFCQ.." 9,20z"990 X6.91 7A•. ).A1 ONE C•v C PLAZA SUITE 265 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 92660 17141 644-6156 We have examined the combined financial statements of the City of La Quinta as of, and for the year ended June 30, 1986, as listed in the table of contents. Our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and, accordingly, included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. In our opinion, the combined financial statements referred to above present fairly the financial position of the City of La Quints at June 30, 1986 and the results of its operations for the year then ended, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year. Our examination was made for the purpose of forming an opinion on the combined financial statements taken as a whole. The combining and individual fund financial statements listed in the table of contents are presented for purposes of additional analysis and are not a required part of the combined financial statements of the City of La Quinta. The information has been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the examination of the combined financial statements and, in our opinion, is fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the combined financial statements taken as a whole. Mc r CITY OF LA QUINTA COMBINED BALANCE SHEET - ALL FUND TYPES AND ACCOUNT GROUPS June 30, 1986 ASSETS Cash and investments (Notes 2e and 4) Accrued property taxes receivable Accrued interest receivable Accounts receivable Deposita Restricted assets (Note 11): Cash Accrued interest receivable General fixed assets (Notes 2f and 3) Amount to be provided for payment of long-term debt Amount available in debt service fund TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY LIABILITIES: Accounts payable and accrued expenses Compensated absences payable (Notes 2g and 5) Contracts payable (Note 5) Bonds payable (Note 5) Notes payable (Note 5) Due to other governments (Note 5) TOTAL LIABILITIES FUND EQUITY: Investments in general fixed assets Fund balances (Note 10): Reserved Unreserved: Designated Undesignated TOTAL FUND EQUITY TOTAL LIABILITIES ANu FUND EQUITY See accountants' report and notes to financial statements. -2- Governmdnta Special General Revenue $ 2,977,745 $ 407,71 26,527 - 74,792 - 132,892 75,62 13,541 - $ 3,225,497 $ 483,34, $ 345,622 $ - 345,622 - 26,147 - .853,728 _ 483.134, .1-9,875 483,341 $ 483,34L Acct-_ "rou s Fund T es General ;eneral Totals (June 30, Onl ) .lune 30 Debt Capital Fixed Tong -Term 1986 1985 Service Projects_ Assets Debt $ 409,321 $ 458,740 $ - S _ $ 4,253,524 $ 2,418,455 7,826 - - 34,353 30,045- - - 104,837 41,866 208,518 182,339 13,541 - 3,107,652 - - - 3,107,652 104,508 - - - 104,508 458,252 - 458,252 73,173 _ - 17,738,304 17,738,304 31,005 - 3 659 352 3,659,352 - $ 3,659,352 $ 458740 $ 458,252 $ 21397 656 $ 29,682,841 $=2 746 838 $ 345,622 $ 280,513 82,328 82,328 31,005 243,572 243,572 - _ - 20,000,000 20,000,000 778,000 778,000 293 756 293,756 21,397,656 21 743 278 311 518 458,252 - 458,252 73,173 26,147 - 3,659,352 458,740 - - 4,118,092 194,928 3 337 072 2,167,219 3,659,352 _ 458,740 458,252 - 7,939,563 2,435,320 $ 3,659,352 $ 45S,740 $ 458,252 $ 21,397,656 $ 29,682,841. $ 2,746,838 -3- CITY OF LA QUINTA COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES - ALL GOVERNMENTAL FUND TYPES For the year ended June 30, 1986 With comparative totals for the year ended June 30, 1985 REVENUES: Taxes Licenses and permits Intergovernmental revenues Revenues from use of money or property Other revenues Contributions TOTAL REVENUES EXPENDITURES: Current expenditures: General government Public safety Street maintenance Capital projects Debt Service: Interest Bond issue costs TOTAL EXPENDITURES EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES): Proceeds from long-term debt Operating transfers in Operating transfers out TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) EXCESS OF REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES OVER EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES FUND BALANCES - JULY 1 FUND BALANCES - JUNE 30 See accountants' report and notes to financial statements. -4- $ 1,275,522 1,557,655 268,864 176,421 34,912 3,313,374 401,972 1,557,160 140,798 2,099,930 1,213,444 51,864 (94,401) (42,537) 1,170,907 1,70B,968 $ 2,879,875 -5- Totals (Memorandum Only) Special Debt Capital _ June 1986 30, 1985 Revenue Service Projects $ - $ 1,003,237 $ 250,809 $ 2,529,568 $ 1,680,642 _ - 1,557,655 869,490 - 575,914 368,747 307,050 - - 198,995 163,277 22,574 - - 213,162 25,402 273,476 14,747 - 237,734 2371734 - 329,624 1,!16,399 513 945 5,373,342 3,096,903 77,533 479,505 571,304 - 1,557,160 1,232,554 _ _ - 140,798 299,102 _ - 17,458,000 17,458,000 - - 847,529 - 847,529 " - 549_2186 _ - 549 186 - 1,396,71 5 17,535,533 21,032,178 _ 2,102,960 329,624 _ (1802316) _(17,021,588) _(15,658,836) 993,943 - 3,492,600 17,285,400 20,778,000 ' 406,054 94,401 - 4,250,809 49397,074 (4,390 (405,054) (51 864) - (4,250 809) _ 42,537 3,492 600 17,285;400 20,778,000 - 372,161 3,312,284 263,812 5,119,164 993,943 _ 111,183 _068 194,928 2,362,147 1,360.204 $ 4,83 344 _L3 L659 352 $ 458,740 $ 7,481,311 $ 2,3541147 -5- CITY OF LA QUINTA COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES - BUDGET (GAAP BASIS) AND ACTUAL - GENERAL AND SPECIAL REVENUE FUND TYPES For the year ended June 30, 1986 General Variance Favorabla Budget Actual (Unfavorable) REVENUES: Taxes $ 1,096,750 $ 1,275,522 $ 178,772 Licenses and permits 833,000 1,557,655 724,655 Intergovernmental revenues 186,650 268,864 82,214 Revenues from use of money or property 150,000 176,421 26,421 Other revenues _ 23,000 34,912 11,912 TOTAL REVENUES 2,289,400 3,313,374 1,023,974 EXPENDITURES: Current expenditures: General government 516,896 401,972 114,924 Public safety 2,669,454 1,557,160 1,112,294 J Street maintenance 288,000 140,798 147,202 j Capital projects 560,000 560,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 42034,350 2,099,930 _1,934,420 EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES (1,744.950) 1,213,444 2,958,394 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES): Operating transfers in 51,864 51,864 - Operating transfers out (94,401) _ (94,401) - TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) (42,537) (422537) - EXCESS OF REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES (1,787,487) 1,170,907 2,958,394 FUND BALANCES - JULY 1, 1985 1,708,968 1,708,968 - FUND BALANCES - JUNE 3C, 1986 $ (78 519) $_2,879,875 $ 2,958z3�i- See accountants' report and notes to financial statements. -6- } -7- Special Revenue Totals (Memorandum Only) Variance Variance Favorable Favorable �Bu�et Actual (Unfavorable) Bud et Actual (Unfavorable) 1,096,750 $ 1,275,522 $ 178,772 _ _ a 833,000 1,557,655 724,655 187,813 307,050 119,237 374,463 575,914 201,451 3,000 22,574 19,574 153,000 198,995 45,995 - 23000 34,912 11,912 190,813 329,624 138,811 2,480,213 3,642.998 1,162,785 _ _ - 516,896 401,972 114,924 _ - - 2,669,454 1,557,160 1,112,294 - 288,000 140,798 147,202 _ _ - 560 000 - 560,000 - 4 034 350 2 099 930 1,934,420 190,813 329,624 1� 3� (1,554,137) _ 1,543,068 3,097_1205 94,401 94,401 - 146,265 146,265 - (51,864) {51,864) - (146,265) _ (1461265) - 42,537 42,537 233,350 372,161 138,811 (1,554,137) 1,543,068 3,097,205 111,183 111,183 - 1,820,151 1,820,151 - _ $ 344L533 $ 483,344 $ 1381811 $ 266,014 $ 3,363,219 $ 3,097_1205 } -7- r I a CITY OF LA QUINTA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS June 30, 1986 1. REPORTING ENTITY: The reporting entity "City of La Quints" includes the accounts of the City and the La Quints Redevelopment Agency (Agency). Although the City and the Agency are legally separate entities, the La Quints City Council exercises oversight responsibility ager the Agency. The members of the City Council also act as the governing body of the Agency, and the City provides loans and management assistance to the Agency. The City of La Quinta was incorporated May 1, 1982 and has established a Council/Manager form of government. The La Quints Redevelopser: Agency was established in November, 1983, pursuant to the State of California Health and Safety Code, Section 33000. The primary purpose of the Agency is to encourage private redevelopment of property and to rehabilitate areas suffering from economic disuse. The Agency has established one redevelopment project for the purpose of developing flood control improvements and facilities. The area of the redevelopment project comprises approximately 17.5 square miles. The City's comparative financial statements as of, and for the year ended, June 30, 1985 have been presented herein, including both the City and the Agency. However, prior year comparisons for each individual fund, other than the general fund, are not presented, since their inclusion would make the statements unduly complex and difficult to read. 2. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES: a. Description of funds and account groups: The accounts of the City are organized on the basis of fund types and account groups, each of which is considered a separate accounting entity with a self -balancing set of accounts. The following are the types of funds and account groups used: GOVERNMENTAL FUND TYPES 1. General Fund - accounts for all unrestricted resources except those required to be accounted for in another fund. 2. Special Revenue Funds - account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources that are restricted by law or administrative action to expenditures for sir_:`_:ed purposes. See accountants' report. -6- C CITY OF LA QUINTA NOTYS TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) June 30, 1986 2. SICXIF:CANT ACCOUNT:SG PCLICIES (CONTINUED): a. Description of funds and account groups (Continued): 3. Debt Service Funds - accounts for Agency tax increment revenue restricted for use to pay debts of the Agency. 4. Capital Projects Funds - account for financial resources used for acquisition or construction of major capital facilities and equipment. ACCOUNT GROUPS Account Groups are used to establish accounting control and accountability for the City's general fixed assets and general long-term debt. b. Basis of accounting: Governmental fund types are accounted for using the modified accrual basis of accounting. Revenues are recognized when they become "susceptible to accrual", that is, measurable and available to finance expenditures of the current period. Accrued revenues include property taxes received within 60 days after year end (see Note 8), sales taxes, revenue sharing entitlements and earnings on investments. Expenditures are recorded when the liability is incurred, except that principal and interest payments on long-term debt are recorded as expenditures when due. c. Measurement focus: All governmental funds are accounted for on a spenlins or "financial flow" measurement focus. This means that generally only current assets and current liabilities are included on their balance sheets, with the exception that the noncurrent portion of long-term receivables due to governmental funds are reported on their balance sheets, offset by fund balance reserve accounts. Statements of revenue, expenditures and changes in fund balances for governmental funds generally present increases (revenues and other financing sources) and decreases (expenditures and other financing uses) in net current assets. d. Budgetary accounting: Budgetary process: The annual budget, which includes estimated revenue and appropriations, is adopted by the City Council and presented in the financial statement as follows: See accountants' report. -9- CITY OF LA QUINTA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) June 30, 1986 2. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (CONTINUED): d. Budgetary accounting (Continued): 1. Budgets for the General, Special Revenue and Capital Projects Funds are adopted on a basis consistent with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). 2. Budgetary data is presented for the General and Special Revenue funds. Budgetary information is not presented for the Capital Projects funds since these funds are budgeted on a long-term project by project basis. Budgetary information is not presented for the Debt Service Fund because no budget exists. 3. Estimated revenue is the original estimate with modifications for new programs which are anticipated to be received during the fiscal year. 4. Original appropriations are modified by supplemental appropriations. 5. Budgetary control is maintained over all accounts and expenditures are not allowed to exceed appropriations except in those specific projects and programs approved in advance by the City Council. 6. The City Council approves all significant changes. 7. Article XIIIB of the California Constitution allows the City to designate a portion of fund balance for general contingencies, to be used for any purpose. The unreserved general fund balance of $2,868,095 at June 30, 1986 has been so designated. e. Investments: Investments are stated at cost, which approximates market value. f. General fixed assets: General fixed assets are recorded as expenditures of the various governmental fund types at the time of purchase. Such assets include leasehold improvements, furniture, fixtures and equipment and are capitalized in the general fixed asset group of accounts at cost, or if contributed, at fair market value. No depreciation is provided on 9 general fixed assets. See accounta=ts' report. CITY OF LA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STAiE%fENTS (Continued) .:une 30, :'----6 2. SIGNi.:.�ANT AC.'7JUNTINC PCL -CIES (CON'._x--_Z:) g. Compensated absences: In governmental funds, compensated absences (unpaid vacation and sick leave) are recorded as expenditures in the year paid, as it is the City's policy to liquidate any unpaid vacation or sick leave existing at June 30 from future resources rather than currently available expendable resources. Accordingly, the entire unpaid liability for the governmental funds is recorded in the General Long -Term Debt Account Group. There is no fixed payment schedule for compensated absences. h. Claims and judgements: When it is probable that a claim liability has been incurred at year end, and the amount of the loss can be reasonably estimated, the City records the estimated loss, in the general long-term debt account group. No amount is accrued at June 30, 1986. Small dollar claims and judgements are recorded as expenditures when paid. i. Total columns on the Combined Financial Statements are captioned "Memorandum Only" to indicate that they are presented only to facilitate financial analysis and such data is not comparable to a consolidation. Interfund eliminations have not been made in the aggregation of this data. 3. CHANGES IN GENERAL FIXED ASSETS: A summary of changes in general fixed assets at June 30, 1986 is as follows: Balance Balance June 30 1985 Additions Deletions June 30 1986 Equipment and furniture $ 24,383 $ 140,581 $ - $ 164,964 Vehicles 46,303 240,588 - 286,891 Leasehold improvements 2,487 6,491 - 8,978 TOTAL GENERAL FIXED ASSETS 73,173 $ 387,660 $ - � 460,833 See accountants' report. -11- CITY OF LA QUINTA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) June 30, 1986 4. CASH AND INVESTMENTS: Cash and investments at June 30, 1986 consisted of the following: Deposits: Bank demand accounts $ 122,093 Investments: U.S. Treasury Bond 1,968,539 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. (FHLMC) 1,075,544 California Local Agency Investment Fund 4,195,000 Total Cash and Investments $ 7.361.176 Cash and investments are recorded in the accompanying combined balance sbeet as follows: Cash and Investments - unrestricted $ 4,253,524 Cash and Investments - restricted 3,107,652 Q 9 O L 1 l Y L 5. GENERAL LONG-TERM DEBT: A summary of changes in long-term debt for the year ended June 30, 1986 is as follows: See accountants' report. -12- Balance at Balance at June 30 1985 Additions Deletions June 30, 1986 Compensated absences $ 31,005 $ 51,323 $ - $ 82,328 Contract payable - fire truck - 188,671 37,734 150,937 Contract payable - computer - 109,297 16,662 92,635 Bonds payable - 20,000,000 - 20,000,000 Notes payable - 778,000 - 778,000 Due to Countv of Riverside - 293,756 - 293,756 TOTAL GENERAL LONG-TERM, DEB? $ 31,005 $ 21,421,047 $ 54,396 $ 21 397,656 See accountants' report. -12- ::TY OF LA QUINTA TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) June 30, 1986 5. GENERAL LONG-TERM :!--7 �'_:NUE D): a. Contracts Payable: The City purchased an IBM computer on a lease -purchase contract. Five semi-annual payments of $21,680 and a final payment of $19,099 including interest at 7.5% ver annum, beginning March 30, 1986 are due on the contract. Equipment cost of $109,297 has been capitalized and included in general fixed assets. The City purchased a new fire truck on a lease -purchase contract. Eight annual payments of $21,562 including interest at 7%, are due beginning December 1, 1986. In exchange for improved fire protection in an area of the City which is under development, a developer has agreed to reimburse the City for the annual payments as they are paid. The City has additional collateral for this agreement in the form of a secured lien against all property owned by the developer and located within city limits. The cost of the fire truck of $188,671 has been capitalized and included in general fixed assets. The scheduled future payments on these contracts are as follows: Year Ended June 30, 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 All subsequent years Less interest Total b. Bonds Payable: Computer Fire Truck Contract C:nntrart $ 43,360 43,360 19,099 105,819 (13,184) $ 92,635 $ 32,128 30,618 29,109 27,599 26,090 47.652 193,196 (42,259) $ 150,937 La Quinta Redevelopment Project Tax Allocation Bonds, Series 1985 were issued during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1986. The bonds were issued in the amount of $20,000,000 and have an average interest rate of 9.404% per annum. Principal payments were paid annually on September 1, beginning in 1989. Interest payments are payable semi-annually on March 1 and September 1, beginning in 1986. Bonds maturing on or before September 1, 1995 are not subject to call and redemption prior to maturity. Bonds maturing on or after September 1, 1996 are subject to redemption on any interest payment date at par plus a premium together with accrued interest to the date of redemption. See accountants' report. -13- CITY OF LA QUINTA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) June 30, 1986 5. GENERAL LONG-TERM DEBT (CONTINUED): b. Bonds Pavable (Continued): The scheduled future debt service payments on the bonds is as follows: Year Ended _June 30, Principal Interest Total 1987 $ - $ 1,900,000 $ 1,900,000 1988 - 1,900,000 1,900,000 r 1989 - 1,900,000 1,900,000 1990 245,000 1,888,363 2,133,363 i 1991 265,000 1,864,138 2,129,138 All subsequent years 19,490,000 27,658,774 47,148,774 Total $ 20 000 000 $ 37,111,275 $ 57,111,275 c. Notes Payable: r The Coachella Valley Water District advanced $778,000 to the Agency for � engineering costs incurred for a flood control project. This amount accrues interest at the rate of interest being earned by funds deposited with the State of California Local Agency Investment Fund. The Agency must begin repaying principal and accrued interest by August 15, 1990. No payment schedule has been determined. d. Due to Countv of Riverside: Based on an agreement with the County of Riverside, the Agency shall repay to the County 50 percent of tax increment received which would have been retained by the County if the Agency did not exist. There repayments are subordinate to certain debt service of the Agency and exclude amounts allocated to the low-income housing fund. The { repayments will begin when certain conditions of the bond indenture agreement have been met. Unpaid balances accrue interest at 10% per annum. The total anourt pa7rable to the County under this agreement at { June 30, 1986 is $293,756, including $8,453 of accrued interest. 6. RETIREMENT PLAN: The City is a participant is :mac Public Employees Retirement System .(PERS) of the State of California cever:ng all the City's permanent ev-aloyees. Contributions to the system acv "sec on rates set by PERS based c= certaic actuarial assumptions, sem_ aw _:-_t_c of employse_—t, estimarss sa-A-, rates, mortality rates, projected rr--- ment benefits and other factors. Pension See accountants' report. _:4_ a. Y OF LA QCI NTA SES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) June 30, 1986 ,ZET: r PLAN (CCW—_ -V-,--1 costs are recorded as Expenditures wben paid by moatb:■ _z_:::butions to PERS. The total pension expense for the year ended :;:ae 30, 1986 was $30,775, of which approximately $500 was for prior service costs. Actuarial information related to the plan was not available from PERS at June 30, 1986. However, at June 30, 1985 the plan net assets available for benefits totaled $78,442, and the present value of the City's unf,.�_=dcd obligation for prior service costs totaled $281,721, which amount will be funded through the year 2000 from established contribution rates. The actuarial present value of vested and non -vested accumulated plan benefits' is not determined under the PERS system of accounting. 7. LEASE COMMITMENTS: The City is operating out of leased facilities. The lease commenced on August 1, 1982 and terminates on November 30, 1987, with a two-year renewal option. Lease payments are approximately $25,000 per year. 8. PROPERTY TAXES: Under California law, property taxes are assessed and collected by the counties up to 1% of assessed value, plus other increases approved by the voters. The property taxes go into a pool, and are then allocated to the cities based on complex formulas. Accordingly, the City of La Quinta accrues only those taxes which are received from the county within sixty days after year end. Lien date March 1 Levy date June 30 Due dates November 1 and February 1 Collection dates December 10 and April 10 The Agency's primary source of revenue comes from property taxes, referred to in the accompanying financial statements as "tax increment revenue". Property taxes allocated to the Agency are computed in the following manner: a. The assessed valuation of all property within the project area is determined on the date of adoption of the Redevelopment Plan. b. Property taxes related to the incremental after the adoption of the Redevelopment Agency; all taxes on the "frozen" assessed allocated to the City and other districts. See accountants' report. -15- increase in assessed values Plan are allocated to the valuation of the property are CITY OF LA QUINTA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) June 30, 1986 8. PROPERTY TARES (CONTINUED): The Agency has no power to levy and collect taxes and any legislative property tax de -emphasis might necessarily reduce the amount of tax revenues that would otherwise be available to pay the principal of, and interest on bonds payable. Broadened property tax exemptions could have a similar effect. Conversely, any increase in the tax rate or assessed valuation, or any reduction of elimination of present exemptions would necessarily increase the amount of tax revenues that would be available to pay principal and interest on bonds payable. 9. LITIGATION, COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENT LIABILITIES: Litigation: Certain claims have been filed against the City in the normal course of business. Based upon information received from the City Attorney, the estimated liability under such claims would not be significant. 10. FUND BALANCES: Fund balances may either be reserved or designated by actions of the City Council, or -designated by law. a. Unreserved fund balances: Unreserved fund balances are those fund balances which have not been reserved by the City. b. Reserved fund balances: General fund reserves are for amounts encumbered but not yet spent. c. Designated fund balances: Designated fund balances in the Capital Projects Fund are for amounts that will be re -appropriated in fiscal 1986-87 for continuing projects. Designated fund balances in the Debt Service Fund are for amounts that will be used to pay future principal and interest on outstanding indebtedness. 11. RESTRICTED ASSETS: Certain assets held by a fis= _ age=t are restricte_ _= t�t=:r use to the retirement of principal and imterest on bonds and notes payaole (see Note S), and are not avai:a::e =:r use by :=e City or Ageac% for any other purpose. See accountants' report. -116- FINANCIAL STATSENTS OF INDIVIDUAL FUNDS C;:T nr LA WINTA COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEET - GENERAL YUN June 30, 1986 and 1985 Cash and temporary investments Accrued property taxes receivable Accrued interest receivable Accounts receivable Deposits TOTAL ASSETS ASSETS LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY LIABILITIES: Accounts payable and accrued expenses FUND EQUITY: Fund balance: Reserved Unreserved: Undesignated TOTAL FUND EQUITY TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY -17- $ 2,977,745 $ 1,783,073 26,527 - 74,792 41,866 132,892 164,542 13 541 $ 3,225,497 $ 1,989,481 $ 345,622 $ 280,513 26,147 _2L.853 728 _ 1,708,968 2,879,875 1,708,968 5 3.225,497 $ 1,989,481 5 CITY OF LA QUINTA STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET (GAAP BASIS) AND ACTUAL - GENERAL FUND For the year ended June 30, 1986 With comparative totals for the year ended June 30, 1985 REVENUES: Taxes Licenses and permits Intergovernmental revenues Revenues from use of money or property Other revenues TOTAL REVENUES EXPENDITURES: Current expenditures: General government Public safety Street maintenance Capital projects TOTAL EXPENDITURES EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES): Operating transfers in Operating transfers out TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) EXCESS OF REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES FUND BALANCES - JULY 1 FUND BALANCES - JUNE 30 1986 -18- 22289,400 3,313,374 1,023 Q74 516,896 401,972 114,924 2,669,454 1,557,160 1,112,294 288,000 140,798 147,202 560,000 560,000 4,034,350 2,099,930 1,9341420 (12744,950) 1,213,444 22958,394 51,864 51,864 - (94,401) (94,401) - (42,537) (42,537) - (1,787,487) 1,170,907 2,958,394 1,708,968 1,708,968 - S 2,8792875 $ 2;958,394 Variance Favorable Budget- Actual (Unfavorable) $ 1,096,750 $ 1,275,522 $ 178,772 833,000 1,557,655 724,655 l&.65C 268,864 82,214 150,000 176,421 26,421 23,000 34,912 11,912 -18- 22289,400 3,313,374 1,023 Q74 516,896 401,972 114,924 2,669,454 1,557,160 1,112,294 288,000 140,798 147,202 560,000 560,000 4,034,350 2,099,930 1,9341420 (12744,950) 1,213,444 22958,394 51,864 51,864 - (94,401) (94,401) - (42,537) (42,537) - (1,787,487) 1,170,907 2,958,394 1,708,968 1,708,968 - S 2,8792875 $ 2;958,394 1985 2,314,876 1 981655 333,221 (383,505) 338,219 721,724 399,590 399,590 (6,464) (6,464) 393,126 393,126 9,621 731,345 721,724 977,623 977,623 $ 987 244 $ 1,708,968 L12117 24 -19- Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) $ 877,106 $ 1,191,566 $ 314,460 654,200 790,290 136,090 170,677 177,107 6,430 80,000 151,631 71,631 149,388 9,280 (140,108) 1,931,371 2,319,874 388,503 451,692 449,999 1,693 1,309,371 1,232,554 76,817 553,813 299,102 254,711 2,314,876 1 981655 333,221 (383,505) 338,219 721,724 399,590 399,590 (6,464) (6,464) 393,126 393,126 9,621 731,345 721,724 977,623 977,623 $ 987 244 $ 1,708,968 L12117 24 -19- CITY OF LA QUINTA COMBINING BALANCE SHEET - ALL SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS June 30, 1986 and 1985 ASSETS Cash and temporary investments Due from other gove rmsrr-ts TOTAL ASSM FUND EQUITY Unreserved fund balances r Federal Local Revenue State Traffic Transpor- Sharing Gas Tax Safety tation Totals June 30 1986 1985 $ 18,746 $ 256,354 $ 23,677 $ 108,941 S 407,718 $ 93,386 14,184 9,464 4,106 47,872 75,626 -.7,79- 32,930 $ 265,818 $ 27,783 $ 1562813 $ 4831344 $ 111,183 32,930 $ 2551818 $ 27,783 $ 156,813483 344 $ 111,183 -20- CIS OF Ld QIIZT& COMEINING STATEMENT OF YE:ENUES, FST-IMITLKES AND CHANGES Iii FUND BALANCES - ALL SPECIAL REVUE FUNDS For the year ended June 30, 1986 Wi __ _m?asative rotas for the .rear er�de-d June 30, 1985 EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES 57,381 178,200 27,438 6605 329,624 203,286 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES): Operating transfers in Operating transfers out TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES AXD OTHER USES FUND BALANCE - JULY 1 FUND BALANCE - JUNE 30 4,633 89,768 94,401 954 (33,308) (14,268)_(4_L288)----:---- --(-51--?-864) (286,651) (33,308), (14268) 345 __891768 42,537 (28_ 5.,697) 24,073 163,932 27,783 156,373 372,161 (82,411) 8,857 101,886 - 440 111,183 193,594 $ 32,930 $ 265_L818 $ 27,783 $15��813 $ 483,344 $ 111,183 -21- Federal !-o al Totals Revenue State Traffic Transpor- June 30, Stearin Gas Tax Safety cation 1986 1985 REVENUES: Intergovernmental $ 56,349 $ 163,996 $ 26,136 $ 60,569 $ 307,050 $ 191,640 revenues Revenue from use of money and 1,032 14,204 1,302 X036 22,574 11,646 property TOTAL REVENUES 57,381 178,200 27,438 66,605 329,624 203,286 EXPENDITURES EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES 57,381 178,200 27,438 6605 329,624 203,286 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES): Operating transfers in Operating transfers out TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES AXD OTHER USES FUND BALANCE - JULY 1 FUND BALANCE - JUNE 30 4,633 89,768 94,401 954 (33,308) (14,268)_(4_L288)----:---- --(-51--?-864) (286,651) (33,308), (14268) 345 __891768 42,537 (28_ 5.,697) 24,073 163,932 27,783 156,373 372,161 (82,411) 8,857 101,886 - 440 111,183 193,594 $ 32,930 $ 265_L818 $ 27,783 $15��813 $ 483,344 $ 111,183 -21- CITY OF LA QUINTA FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING SPECIAL REVENUE FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES - BUDGET (GAAP BASIS) AND ACTUAL For the year ended June 30, 1986 REVENUES: Intergovernmental revenues Revenue from use of money and property TOTAL REVENUES EXPENDITURES EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER EXPMITURES OTHER FINANCING (USES): Operating transfers out EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES FUND BALANCE - JULY 1, 1985 FUND BALANCE - JUNE 30, 1986 -22- Bind etActual $ 36,264 $ 56,349 - 1,032 36,264 57.381 36,264 57,38 Variance Favorable Unfavorable) $ 20,085 1,032 21,117 21,117 (33,308) _ (33,308) 36,264 24,073 8,857 8,857 $$ 45,121 $ 32,930 (12,191) $ (12,191) CITY (I' :A : UINTA STATE GAS TAX SPECIAL REVENUE FUND : .-7M.w YT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND 3ALA..QCES BUDGET (GAAP BASIS) AND ACTUAL For the year ended June 30, 1986 REVENUES: Intergcve.nmental revenues Revenue from use of money and property TOTAL REVENUES EXPENDITURES EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES): Operating transfers in Operating transfers out TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCES EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES FUND BALANCE - JULY 1, 1985 FUND BALANCE - JUNE 30, 1986 -23- Variance Favorable Budget _ Actual (Unfavorable) $ 110,419 $ 163,996 $ 53,577 3,000 X04 11,204 113,419 178_,200 64,781 113,419 178,200 64,781 - (1�) (14,268) - (14,268) (14,268) 113,419 163,932 50,513 101,886 101,886 - $ 215,305 $ 265,818 $ 50,513 '- CITY OF LA QUINTA TRAFFIC SAFETY SPECIAL REVENUE FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES - BUDGET (GAAP BASIS) AND ACTUAL For the year ended June 30, 1986 REVENUES: Intergovernmental revenues Revenue from use of money or property TOTAL REVENUES EXPENDITURES EXCESS OF REVENMS OVER EXPENDITURES OTHER FINANCING (USES): Operating transfers in Operating transfers out TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES FUND BALANCE - JULY 1, 1985 FUND BALANCE - JUNE 30, 1986 -24- Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) $ 20,000 $ 26,136 $ 6,136 - 1,302 1,302 20,000 27,438 7,438 20,000 27,438 7,438 4,977 4,977 (4,632) _ (4,632) 345 345 20,000 27,783 7,783 $ 20,000 $ 27,783 $ 7,783 C:7Y OF LA LOCAL TRANSPORTATION SPECIE. RE-.-INUE FUND BALANCES - STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES &XD CHAS6ES IN FUND BUDGET (GAAP BASIS) A31D ACC"UAL For _he year ended :=e 3C. 1986 Variance ` i Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) ; $ 21 ,130 $ 6 ,569 439 $ 36 ,036 overnmental revenues - 6 036 6 e from use of money and property �— 21,130 66,605 r 45.475 TOTAL REVENUES 'URES r )F REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES 21,130 66,605 __45,475 LNANCING SOURCES: _ 89768 _89,._768 =ing transfers in OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES 21,130 156,373 135,243 THER SOURCES 440 440 — LANCE - JULY 1, 1985 , $ 21,500 $ 1562813 $ 135,243 LANCE - JUNE 30, 1986 -25- U CITY OF LA QUINTA COMBINING BALANCE SHEET - ALL CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS Cash and temporary investments Unreserved fund balances: Designated for capital projects June 30, 1986 ASSETS FUND EQUITY -26- Redevelopment Pro'ect $ 616 $ 676 Police Totals fic and Fire June 30, zation. Facilities PGA West 1986 1985 } ,976 $ 178,396 $ 251.,692 $ 458,740 194,928 ' a L ,976 $ 178,396 $ 251,692 $ 458,740 $ 194,928 f 1: i ! F i 4 f yt 1 r } 1 -27- i { I ti CITY OF LA QUINTA COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES - ALL CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS For year ended June 30, 1986 With comparative totals for the year ended June 30, 1985 REVENUES: Taxes Licenses and permits Revenues from use of money or property Contributions TOTAL REVENUES EXPENDITURES: Current expenditures: General government Capital projects TOTAL EXPENDITURES EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES): Proceeds from note Bond proceeds Operating transfers in Operating transfers out TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) EXCESS OF REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES OVER EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES FUND BALANCES - JULY 1 FUND BALANCES - JUNE 30 -28- Redevelopment Project $ 250,809 250.809 77,533 17,458,000 17,535,533 (17,284,724) 778,000 16,507,400 4,250,089 (4,250,089) 17,285,400 676 $ 676