SA 2003-720 Old TownTH '4,ZJ� January 9, 2007 Mr. Wells Marvin Marvin Investments, Inc. 78-015 Main Street, Suite 205 La Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT: OLD TOWN LA QUINTA SIGN PROGRAM Dear Mr. Marvin: The Community Development Department has reviewed and approved your- request to incorporate the Phase II buildings and future Phase III buildings of Old Town La Quinta into the existing sign program. The existing buildings affected are located at 78-100 Main Street and 78-075 Main Street. The signs for the new buildings will be reviewed with the same development standards as the existing buildings. Placement locations will be subject to approval by Old Town La Quinta and the Community Development Department. If you have any further questions, please contact me at (760) 777-7125. Sincerely, DOUGLA R. EVANS Community Development Director C: Greg Butler, Building & Safety Department Deby Conrad, Code Compliance Department P.O. Box 1504 • LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92247-1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO • LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 A� (760) 777-7000 -FAX (760) 777-7101 �(�' NOTE TO FILE - SA 2004-791 OLD TOWN LQ, MAIN STREET GRILLE SIGNS 5/25/04 IN CHECKING ON SOME OF THE PROVISIONS WITH STAN, HIS COMMENTS INDICATE THE FOLLOWING INTERPRETATIONS CAN BE MADE. A COPY OF THIS SHEET WILL BE PLACED IN THE SIGN PROGRAM FOLDER SO THAT OTHER INTERPRETATIONS CAN BE ADDED OR NOTED AS THEY COME UP. 1. THE BLADE SIGNS NEED NOT BE CONSIDERED IN DETERMINING NUMBER OF SIGNS, OR TOTAL AREA PERMISSIBLE. 2. THE TWO BUILDING -MOUNTED ID SIGNS HAVE A TOTAL AREA OF 79.4 S.F. THE SIGN PROGRAM, UNDER TENANT SIGN CRITERIA, CITES A 50 S.F. MAXIMUM BUT DOES NOT REFER TO AN AGGREGATE TOTAL. AS SUCH THIS USE WAS ALLOWED THE ADDITIONAL AREA AS PROPOSED. 3. Minute Motion 2003-015 Sign Application 2003-720 Old Town La Quinta Conditions of Approval — Final September 23, 2003 1 . Sign colors shall be compatible with the Spanish/Early California style of architecture. 2. Maximum size allowed by this program for Tenant storefront signs may not be allowed. Criteria for determining maximum size shall include size and shape of mounting area and building mass and bulk, as determined by the City of La Quinta. 3. Any indirect lighting of signs shall be architecturally compatible with the project and comply with the City of La Quinta outdoor lighting requirements. 4. For restaurant/main tenants where "A maximum of two (2) signs or graphic treatments are allowed per tenancy", this shall state that two signs are permitted if they have frontage on two sides, such as would be the case for corner locations. P:\stan\old town\sa 2003-720 pc coa.doc OLO'FOWII LA QUifl+.4 Marvin Investments, Inc. SIGN PROGRAM PREPARED BY: DESTSW" I N C 0 S P O R A T E D t Q • 0 � � Q � � i� iti�l♦i�i� i�iri� i��it� � A l♦ � �:. Top View Monument (M) - Monument signs to be placed at each corner of property to identify and create a boundary for "Old Town La Quinta". Signs are to be made of typ. construction methods, and finished to match building color and texture. Individual letters cut of 1 /4" plate aluminum, with eased edges and finished to be distressed bronze. Letters to be recessed flush to plaster surface to prevent vandalism. Logo to be mosaic tile background with aged brass sun beams. Base of sign to be Talavera tile detail to protect sign base and add aesthetic value to overall design. ems,40 Towrl LA Qvin to Client: MARVIN INVESTMENTS Prolecn OLD TOWN LA QUINTA A—M Repmentotlw: JIM CROSS Dare: July 30, 2003 Revirlone: Client Approval: 1550 S. Gene Autry Trail Palm Springs, CA 92264 (760)320.3042 FAX 760.320-2090 78078 Country Club Dr..ulle 106 Bermuda Dunes, Ca 92201 (760)345.9115 wry bostelgminc.co ulmDs,o8Mu4 W4:6flansux ncxs naartn or arrFuxnv n ms ourB:s ue OxRU n A. rtpFRi'I OF 16f fi,G, pIL Nq NFAF fRFAlFgllatrd M9 RYFIOPFDFOAxSFOX NIO a (0'1enI0N � rxF v: ano rmlFa. x0:¢ ax wtx aFA5,D819n, W010%In, RMS9W lRFO nOROBaVi1� 10 ARI neSOM nW e1 (d wwrrow Fnr lei PIeJOSF WNAfSOnFA NI1X011r TNF IIp1IFxttA.S9dW1lfrfIF6,IC. Drawing M-1 ell- Otx) Town -� �� ' '�•S5 Cllenl: MARVIN INVESTMENTS e � -�F ' .tom } Project: ;1� 1 OLD TOWN LA QUINTA A, o rl Re rseenlative: JIM CROSS t" July 30, 2003 r r _ - Revision: I I I Top View Monument (M) - Back side of monument sign to incorporate seating area. Seat to be formed and smooth plaster finish applied at same time as sign construction. Back View Cfent Approval: 1550 S. Gone Autry Trail Palm Spring., CA 92264 17601320.3042 FAX 760.320.2090 78078 Country Club Dr. sulle 106 Itertnuda Dunes, Co 92201 (7 60) 345.9115 —beeldgrui uE rocAs, DeIAAs, uAueEAnils um RMa epKAr®OR WRSfXIFDrrrMRgARYD.aE OAEDAqRM 11:111 OF 16rfMe, MCNIDKa �0. FfDIYFD DEME IDAED FOA OSf OA MID a [OMeApON em ra SIF (IRIa ltllh(A eDla 0 r SIC: qU5 pfSeAS,AUA'IfiYFIRApIRM5SIWIAE ur:DbrDADeaDSED ro uaRssoA Rren (ix°iE E�mmXrms�ss axmlurrEsRc T�°ur Drawing M-2 4' lik 71 9t�n:-4 ,yr r �H• u"�an HMngnx: enu.wwu rw�am � a n • o Front Elevation Scale 1/2" = 1'.0" Monument (M) - Total sign area: 32"x45" = 10 sq. ft. Total monument sign area = 46 sq. ft. t� OLO TOUMI Cli.nl: MARVIN INVESTMENTS Pn1.d: OLD TOWN LA QUINTA A;cW.1 R.pnsenlali— JIM CROSS Dal.: July 30, 2003 R.vIu. Cl It nl Apprenl: 1550 S. Gen. Aulry Trall Palm Spdngs, CA 92264 1760,320.3042 PAX 760.320.2090 78078 Counlry Club Dr..ulla 106 Bermuda Dunes, Co 92201 (7601345-9115 vn besisiglain-o u t misx PEsr�, wu w011.rs,10 nuc wlxmm or en.s0nlo n nlls auras u[ aROnller101EP1Y0i16151SAf. G%Ng9'FH oulEa DarEo wlo misam ra IISE ox uw w t a+.rnox era #11-41 l sr<clxw amar. raw a 9KN iaas,ossae,Mwassnsn nuevausr us a er 01 assumo to en wnos, IDs a Drawing M-3 rile Three layers aged brass for dimensional effect. logo element to be stud mounted. OLO 'hFO-1) J11 LA QUI \+14 1 /4" plate copper letters aged effect recessed into smooth plaster wall surface. Letters to be stud mounted. OLO TOWn ,.: ()I1trIL,: Client: MARVIN INVESTMENTS Project: OLD TOWN LA QUINTA Amount Repnsenlallve: JIM CROSS Dale: July 30, 2003 Revision: Cllent APProv01; 1550155USroi P.J. Springs, CA 92264 (760)320-3042 FAX 760.320-2090 78078 Country Club Dr. suite 106 Bermuda Dunes, Ce 92201 (760) 345.9115 -beslrlg: sin.co ALL BFAG,M AAPRMr{YIE AAP rUe reCAi[G M RRDEMRG r1116 MM11,G N AoAMnWF"04 p(A10NFH us[ ox xiG R [assGras sml>xI sP[[.:1G wMIO. sen GI v[e mru,GEsu:s,Mruelr[nsM RMSSNMLR GS[G 9101 e50p5FGroAARRSON fIlYOR cavMAnos PoRAKI n4PMI nwPdol�stmxwr ml epmx 1u�4sIGPM PBrr.n, we Drawing M-4 44" 4811 /2rlx n rectangular tubing 1 /2"x2" rectangular tubing t/" i /4ef flat bar for the and sign insert frame flat bar scroll detail Directory (D) - Directory sign frames and scroll detail to be of all aluminum construction to prevent corrosion and possible rust streaks on wall. Frames to be painted wrought iron black with eased edges and to be slightly distressed. Screen printed tiles to be used for ceramic the detail as shown. Site map to correspond with individual Tenant names and to feature a "You Are Here" icon. Site map legend also to indicate telephones and restroom locations. Sign/map insert to be solvent based digital print. Insert will be mounted for ease of changeability to accommodate tenant activity. oi_a rain n I -r, C�rritl-1'F1 Clie nl: MARVIN INVESTMENTS P.1.0: OLD TOWN LA QUINTA A... unl Rep --dative JIM CROSS Dale: July 30, 2003 7 nnlrl Mr0 Apprwmll �IISPM 1 550 S. Gene Aulry Tmil Palm Sprinp, CA 92264 (760) 320-3042 FAX 760.320.2090 70078 Counlry Club Dr..uile 106 Bermuda Dune., Ca 92201 (760) 345.9115 www be.lsi8minc. uLN 'Da1R6,r➢e.a.F.H 1A.0 NMS da m,DY eEMYYI(D./IMM+ML16.aF DeIRD Il AlOIIOrER1Y0F Ikflf,6NL WL/YDIRH aLaLarrarlD u2DLnLDrIDrD. DY.u.0 NI+:FnIdI NXN 1NF SR(.1EO RLF(r NMF p SD(X EGS, pSYXS, a.lYf YFMa DI nM6 SXALL R nnrou =R,,,MT 1w Inrtn Y un.s2oY o' ersrMo't Mc Drawing D-1 Directory (D) - Directory signs to be wall mounted, placed in areas as needed to facilitate in assisting the public in way finding. Directory signs to be placed in areas deemed as entrances wherever possible and as agreed by Owners and City of La Quinta. 1 OU) TowTj La Quinte Client: MARVIN INVESTMENTS Frol-11 OLD TOWN LA QUINTA Account Representative: JIM CROSS Dale: July 30, 2003 R.A.lom: riG i,1yn a•/w ; t CIIDn, Ap9>d'ro1- 1550 S. Gena Autry hall Palm Spring., CA 92264 (760) 320.3042 FAX 760-320.2090 78070 Country Club Dr. suite 106 Bermuda Dune., Ca 92201 )760) 345-9115 —besuignsinc.com AL IOFM, D8YI5, MUMOFMNn MD KAIe Mer.l®OA KAK1EMf FD 1Y 1NR OMDMG IR OAF.AY Mp 1A01FAlY OF 10I . /(MD KR iO A.In fRFMtp,FKKYEO MOOFHIOP®FA OAMDa (DXR[mll XIIX 1M 11F(MFD MW ff t10 XD.F Of 5 W I N1FAS, CFSIDNS,MGIHD n DA KK IISFD ROR p11GOLFUPFRSOX, 10 nIYOA f avaMro:l ra: Mr KerosF AusoDrD. tAeur IIF.aIIFD K.sKup:l of mtalc,.[ Drawing D-2 V) Q G Ot_ W CID AVENIDA Monument (M) Monument (M) J U n Y ..., . yl • I LU ' .. LLi � EIa.S7KJ � r�l 0 • aa:rYc 1 LA FONDA Monument (M) I ,distao, OLa TOW11 LFi Qvini'A Client: MARVIN INVESTMENTS 9raject: OLD TOWN LA QUINTA Account Representative: JIM CROSS Det.: July 30, 2003 Revisions: Client App, Duet: SEUSIGM 1550 S. Gene Autry hail Palm Springs, CA 92264 1760)320-3042 FAX 760.320.2090 78078 Country Club Dr. suite 106 Bermuda Dunes, Ca 92201 (760) 345.9115 —b.atsignsinc.com AlA roes, Damn, ueuwEwXn XND rEYxs xatAgO oA AFMSF NR o n mn DSAxNO urc D.AEory mXRanArrOF smssrs DFCXltO YFtt GE9F D, EVaYFD XYO DEH taRO FOA {ISE ON le D W <oxtrnoN mm I w srctn ED wnntr. Na:F D E sue DFI.S, DESIDNS, aiaXYYEMIS a1 n.Y:S 5XX1 IF USED Ir D A aSn0SF0 N AA f4nM, PRY 0A [OANPAilOYiDNINYNAPOSf XIWSOFliPX11HWL rxE.amNFOA.SSION Of WI11Xe,.NC Drawing SITE PLAN 0 juby 9 PLACE - * BSI to provide a sample bracket for each style for Owner and City of La Quinta approval. ftov 1 Y ` Blade Sign (B) - Tenant blade signs to be double -sided constructed of materials that compliment the "Old Town" theme and architecture. Signs should be made of distressed metals, hardwoods, sandblasted redwood, ceramic tile, etc. Custom fabricated Blade Signs Brackets to be fabricated of wrought iron and/or aluminum and painted or finished in colors yet to be specified. i �i OLa Town L[4 Qvirlti4 Crenl: MARVIN INVESTMENTS prolecl: OLD TOWN LA QUINTA Account Rep - 1011 -JIM CROSS Dale: July 30, 2003 Revisioru: Client Approval: 1550 S. Gelre Autry hail polm Spring., CA 92264 17601320-3042 FAX 760.320.2090 78078 Country Club Dr..ulle 106 Be—udo Dune., Ca 92201 1760) 345.9115 —be.l.lgnsinc.c Nttxu,DfW/6.4AYftYFNfS a011.1X5 iwvnnaDXevusEaronnas Duvnauc oe.f D Xr ulD Lief An a tfn Ivib, NL NIO Ra a W F D, fNDlY10IAO DEYFIOPED f Ot NF DN ww a [q11[(rIg11111X1XE51E(NFDVMWHLXDXFDf SUM US ", Oa Mb6SEDT01n YFAS01 MDA ;XFtIIItla TMIFNNP9l6 all ��SiX15TX1110 Drawing B-1 X 0/0 OW Teton I .p [juin l [1 E Cheri: MARVIN INVESTMENTS Prolecl: OLD TOWN LA QUINTA //. Account Representative: •%!//J} JIM CROSS Dale: July 30, 2003 / F Revisions: Ln Virin[ln•F I CIWM Approval: oLa Town La puimn BESTSMN S 1550 S. Gane Autry Troll , ' Palm Springs, CA 92264 (760) 320.30 FAX FAX 760-32D•2.2 090 78078 Country Club Dr, suite 106 tlarmudo Dunn, Co 92201 (760) 345.9115 —bnl,igr.1m.com LLl I0EA5.IMSrAe.M14WENFXn IXOPV.YS F 0 Lt� oR aveFSFxrFo n rers nFea c ut 00 1r01jj` OeNForiWPWE1rr OFrmSi K.U'o1RR 117 @FAFF0.FKKn0 AY0AF1ilUP®idl OX MUIY COIXe[fKKIIXrNiXF SrF(e1F0.Mek[I.NMFOf $U[X Lf+Quiryrn us oh°raawMosFoio un SrF�isnau6 Xv0 a inFr�mrrtt�ru �ox aioru�ui,w penmur Drawing B2 Blade Sign (B) Scale 3/8"=1'.0" a`rai. OLa Towrl Le Qvirita Cll.nl: MARVIN INVESTMENTS P.1.1: OLD TOWN LA QUINTA Zunt R.Fir-onl.11w: CROSS Dal.: July 30, 2003 11-1.1— C11. nl Approval: T 1550 S. Gans Autry Tm11 P.Im Spring., CA 92264 (760)320-3042 FAX 760.320.2090 711078 Country Club Dr..ull. 106 Bermuda Dun..,Ca 92201 (7 6 0) 345-9115 wwwwhnliwln.lncmm D3rYmn14D1>D:I DMm"m aw.m n.01.gFnl or rerwlc�8c u0 n0 p.1E0[.090Mn1.01FOr0A FOp MD■ (Dw<p:o..:m.w sr[awD 101Ff L wD.F OF SUM wggDF9ww.wIN.6H9nptM11lw SHALL p usmla 11n1.00N,Dew01 nw�wris ow Dr if�wc�Anr Drawing B-3 I LA JOLLA BANK N4 r Store Front Illuminated (SFI) - Illuminated sign types to be reverse channel letters, typ. pan formed of all aluminum construction. Method of illumination to be white neon glass or LED. All paints to be of a semi -gloss or satin finish. Sign size, location, and overall design shall be determined at time of Tenant sign submittal. 1. .090 Aluminum or plexiglassfaci 2. Electrode Insulating Boot 8 GTO 3. 13mm - 15mm or LED light strip: 4. Glass stand tube supports 5. Conduit lock nuts 6. Neon or LED transformer 7. 20 amp disconnect switch 8. .06 aluminum backers for front 9. 1/4" thru bolt w/ washer and nut 10. Lexan backing for reverse lighting OLO `i'own 1.11 Qt1 ql-n Client: MARVIN INVESTMENTS Project: OLD TOWN LA QUINTA Account Repnsenialive: JIM CROSS Dale: July 30, 2003 Revieiola: Client Approval: 1 550 S. Gene Autry hail Palm Springs, CA 92264 (760) 320-3042 FAX 760.320-2090 78078 Country Club Dr. suite 106 Bermuda Dunes, Co 92201 (760)345-9115 _baststgns:nc. W IOfAs, RSkNS, r0lUaNa 11D PI/XS YDIGr[D DN a1AFSENIFD ry ms awnxc AR CMIIFD IY AID P W PF IIY OF 16r1166, ML ANO XE Rf [RAiED.FMLYFDANOOMlOPFOfaIDSE CN MDIX fIgI'IIIX IHFSIF(N'FD PNLFR. XdlF cf sD(N U 0!NIFRoirol�DN21�'AwxvPxrsnaP�n cavo a in Y�mrr�Piwwmertrs�a.Yswrl Mr�ur Drawing SH -1 LA JOLLA BANK Store Front Non Illuminated (SFNI) - Non Illuminated sign types to be 1 /4" plate aluminum individual letters, stud mounted to building fascia. All paints to be of a semi -gloss or satin finish. Sign size, location, and overall design shall be determined at time of Tenant sign submittal. [1 OLo TOwrl t_t., Quirl'1-11 Client: MARVIN INVESTMENTS Praiett: OLD TOWN LA QUINTA Account RepresenNIN.: JIM CROSS Dal.: July 30, 2003 ghnl Appy It 1550 S. Gene Autry Trail Pnlm Springs, CA 92264 (760) 320.3042 FAX 760-320-2090 78078 Country Club Dr. suite 106 Bermuda Dunes, Co 92201 (760) 345-9115 www.be.tsignsinc.com u! mEes, IIf514X5, uIAApExrxa exA nANs NDI D8 pAHPtMENIE0rIM6 R1A ,Alf pr6aAIr aeP MOE OEEmSFM K.UIp MR [RlAllp.Ero!YM ANOpMLpD P rpt I2E pYINDIx IpeaEl!px NIM MFSR(FIFAVpt1FI1.11U SUEN In15. pEarhSUMeDT0 AWAGPW,F1SN1LL 11 ' lrprasrmWPUAn hUTSrlr pr McNAN110pePo NY a tisrxte, EYFAIII1Np'Jr MEsdmx vEtmseA a rrsrcB%pr. Drawing SFN-1 ee a DQZ+1N Tenant Blade Signs (B) Tenant Store Front Illuminated (SFI) Tenant Store Front Non Illuminated - Three Dimensional !lam= r�F , CHoppA C�� regi oua Tov irl I.rt Qltiryl•x Client: MARVIN INVESTMENTS prol.0; OLD TOWN LA QUINTA A—unl Reprnen1a11-: JIM CROSS Dots: July 30, 2003 Rwle1one: Ctlent App—cl, M 1550S. Gene Aulry boil palm Springs, CA 92264 (760)320.3042 FAX 760.320.2090 76078 Caurlry Club Dr. supe 106 Bermuda Dunes, Ca 92201 (760) 345.9115 —bnleig-inc — W NGS. DfSM#1'i, WRMGFAM MD RIM r MAPErR CiD DP MS DG06W D Dnuo rN .a10AcpKW— ERGiEJ,FaWDMDDE1ElDR0 FN USF DN MD N on[rna:wDnix[srs[�ro rPoxFr cart DP su<n oEu, Dasxs„uuwliuns n tturs sul� e (N EYDr0 INMTiOIIIEE—PlYa EOArOMADOM IOA/1RRNNSEkGrfOE\FPNIDgUr 1MFNelIEX EE.IFSflgl a 16,S6i5 K Drawing EXAMPLE PHOTOS OLD TOWN LA QUINTA SIGN DESIGN GUIDELINES The purpose of this sign program is to assure coordination and compatibility between all signs within Old Town La Quinta. Tenants are encouraged to be creative with the development of environmental graphics as a part of their image, and will be afforded flexibility with regard to color and logo usage. All sign types are to be designed and fabricated with the "Old Town" style of architecture with a rustic, early California, Spanish theme as a basis for all sign submittals. Natural materials are encouraged as sign substrates and letter forms such as: metals, wood, stone. ceramic tile, etc. In some cases, Hand Painted Signage by a journeyman sign painter will be considered as acceptable permanent signage. Materials such as: high density urethane and cast acrylic can be faux finished and distressed to simulate natural materials. Tenants are encouraged to develop signs with an authentic and distressed flair so as to have an aged "Old Town" appearance. Gator foam, plexiglass, high gloss paints, exposed neon or plywood signs will not be considered for sign substrates or letter forms. All sign submittals shall be accompanied by a material sample as a condition of Landlord approval. Tenant Signage shall be designed, fabricated and installed by a reputable state licensed sign contractor at tenant's own expense. The Old Town La Quinta Sign Program encompasses the following sign types: ■ Tenant Directory ■ Tenant Store Front ■ Tenant Blade ■ Hand Painting ■ Ceramic Tile ■ Monument Old Town La Quinta TENANT DIRECTORY "You Are Here" directories will be placed at strategic points throughout the center as noted on the attached map. All tenants will be featured on directories on a uniform format basis as established by developer. TENANT STORE FRONT SIGNAGE Tenant will be allowed one main sign or graphic treatment at each Tenant storefront. Tenants are allotted total 1 sq. ft. of signage per linear ft. of storefront up to a maximum 50 sq. ft per City of La Quinta code. The following construction methods are permitted; other conditions are subject to approval: ■ Non -Illuminated Letters Conforming to Sign Design Guidelines ■ Tenant Blade Signs ■ Ceramic Tile ■ Hand Painting ■ Illuminated Letters Conforming to Sign Design Guidelines The following construction methods are not permitted: ■ Box Channel Letter Forms with Acrylic Face ■ Vacuum Formed Plastic Letters ■ Paper, Cardboard, Styrofoam, Gator Foam, Cloth ■ Exposed Neon ■ Signs Employing Flashing, Flickering, Rotating or Moving Lights TENANT BLADE SIGNS Pre -established unique decorative blade bracket designs are available for tenant to display a blade sign. Tenants will be given creative liberty when designing blade sign; however blade sign must fit within a 3 sq. ft. maximum area, not to exceed 6" in depth with an overall weight of 50 lbs. Tenant Signage Criteria 1 of 4 Tenants will be provided a Blade Sign Bracket to install individual tenant blade signs. These brackets shall remain the property of the Landlord and at no time shall be moved or removed without Landlord's prior written consent. Sign panels shall be designed, fabricated and installed by each Tenant using a developer -approved bracket. When installed on Landlord's bracket, sign panel must maintain a clearance height of 84" from finished floor. HAND PAINTING In lieu of a three-dimensional store front sign, Tenant may opt to have its main sign or graphic treatment hand painted by a journeyman sign painter, so long as the design and style maintain the sign design guidelines. Scale drawings and color renderings must be submitted for approval to Landlord and Tenant must strictly adhere to approved submittals. CERAMIC TILE Ceramic Tiles may be incorporated into the design of the Tenant's store front sign or tenant blade sign, or both. Tenant may use colorful tile designs replicating the "Old Town" era, or may use Ceramic Tiles to depict an established corporate logo. MONUMENT SIGN Old Town La Quinta will feature four monument signs for project identification only. Monument signs will be located at all four points surrounding the center. The center will be built in phases; therefore, monument signs will be placed as the phases are completed. Monument signs will be controlled and maintained by the Landlord. Method of illumination to be ground lighting with fixtures to be selected by Landlord. RESTAURANT/MAIN TENANTS — MULTIPLE SIGNAGE At the discretion of Landlord and subject to approval by the City of La Quinta, Electrical Signs may be allowed if deemed necessary; e.g. Old Town La Qui, eta Reverse Lit channel Letters for financial institutions and/or restaurant establishments. It is the burden of each tenant to develop and submit a Sign design of electrical sign types that are consistent with the overall "Old Town" theme and does not detract from it. One main sign or graphic treatment is allowed at each Tenant storefront and/or exterior wall. Tenants are allotted total of 1 sq. ft. of signage per linear ft., up to a maximum of 50 sq. ft., of storefront and/or exterior wall. A maximum of two (2) signs or graphic treatments are allowed per Tenancy. LIGHTING All illuminated signs shall be fabricated, installed, and comply with national/local building and electrical codes and shall bear the U.L. label in an inconspicuous location. All conductors, transformers, cabinets, housings, and other equipment shall be concealed and/or incorporated into storefront and/or signage components. WINDOW DISPLAY SIGNAGE Such signage must be placed at least six -inches (6") from storefront glazing and/or lease line. All methods of attachment including fasteners, mounting brackets, clips and labels, disconnects, lamps and other mechanisms must be concealed from view. Exposed neon will not be permitted. GENERAL SIGN REQUIREMENTS APPLICATION FOR TENANT SIGN APPROVAL Tenant shall submit to Landlord two (2) copies of sign layout and shop drawings, including building elevations, location, for all signs, in conformance with these criteria and prepared by a reputable state licensed sign contractor using a legible scale, for Landlord's written approval prior to sign fabrication and application for City permit. Drawings shall indicate exact sign location on the elevation of the building, including size, layout, design and color of proposed signs. Tenant Signage Criteria 2 of 4 invoice the Tenant for the expense and collect same as additional rent under the terms of the Tenant's lease. Tenant or its sign contractor shall repair any damage to Landlord's or Tenant's premises caused by his/her work of sign installation, including but not limited to penetrations, leaks and/or defacement. MAINTENANCE OF SIGNS The signs shall be maintained in a first class condition. This includes all sign materials, illumination, paint, and colors. If in the future a building or fascia sign is removed, all holes and markings shall be properly repaired and patched to achieve a like new condition for the building fascia. PROHIBITED SIGNS Except for temporary grand opening banners only (per City of La Quinta sign ordinance) for new businesses, displayed a maximum of 30 days, no other type of signage will be allowed that is not part of the Master Sign Program. ABANDONMENT OF SIGN Each Tenant shall be responsible for removal of its sign within three (3) days after vacating site. Removal of the sign shall include the repair of the wail surface back to its original condition. If Tenant does not repair wall surface to Landlord's satisfaction, Landlord shall effect said maintenance or repair and Tenant shall reimburse Landlord within ten (10) days of receipt of invoice. EXCEPTIONS There shall be no exceptions to the sign program other than as already specified within this sign program. Tenant Signage Criteria 4 of All drawings submitted by Tenant and returned by Landlord, marked "Disapproved" or "Rejected" must be resubmitted to Landlord as set forth above with the required corrections. Submittals to Landlord at: Marvin Investments 78-080 Calle Estado, Suite 201 La Quinta, CA 92253 Ph: (760) 771-2567 Fax: (760) 771-5057 Following receipt of Landlord's written approval, Tenant shall promptly submit approved sign drawings to the City of La Quints for approval and issuance of the appropriate permit authorizing installation of the signs. Tenant shall pay for the cost of obtaining the required permits. All signs and their installation must comply with local building and electrical codes. Local sign ordinance should be consulted for requirements not covered in these criteria. Submittals to City at: City of La Quinta Planning Department 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Ph: (760) 777-7070 Fax: (760) 777-1233 Signs built and/or installed without Landlord's and City's approval and permit, or contrary to corrections made by Landlord or City, shall be altered to conform to these standards at the Tenant's expense. If Tenant's sign has not been brought into conformance within fifteen (15) days after written notice from Landlord, then Landlord shall have the right to correct said sign, invoice the Tenant for the expense and collect same as additional rent under the terms of the Tenant's lease. INSURANCE Sign contractor shall provide Landlord with Certificate of Insurance naming Landlord and any other designated parry as additional Old Town La Quota insured showing evidence of worker's compensation and public liability insurance against all damage suffered or done to any and all persons and/or property while engaged in the construction or erection of signs in the amount of $1,000,000.00 per occurrence, GUARANTEE Entire display shall be guaranteed by sign fabricator for one (1) year from date of installation against defects in material and workmanship. Defective parts shall be replaced without charge. INSTALLATION OF SIGNS Upon securing all necessary City permits, all signs shall be installed in accordance with the approved Sign Program. Tenant shall bear responsibility for the installation and maintenance of all signs, including necessary fastening and bracing to securely install the sign. Each Tenant shall be responsible for the performance of its sign contractor. Landlord will provide a junction box primary electrical service stubbed to the approximate signage area. It is the responsibility of the Tenant's sign company to verify all conduit, transformers and main service locations prior to the fabrication and installation of sign, Tenant is responsible for the cost of the electrical hookup of its sign. All electrical/illuminated signs shall carry the U.L. label and be installed per local building codes, All signs must be installed prior to Tenant's opening for business, unless prior written authorization is given by Landlord. All work shall be of excellent professional quality. Landlord reserves the right to reject any of the work determined by the Landlord or project architect to be improperly or inappropriately installed, or of insufficient quality, The cost of any rework or replacement shall be borne by the Tenant. If Tenant's sign has not been brought into conformance within fifteen (15) days after written notice from Landlord, then Landlord shall have the right to correct said sign, Tenant Signage Criteria 3 of 4 *Sign locations are conceptual only. All sign locations are subject to Owners and City of La Ouinta approval. 0 BUILDING B - NORTH ELEVATION BUILDING B -Ufl MSIOLIJI 6 u I L D I N 0 Each building to be identified with non -illuminated individual letters in a location to be determined by Owners and approved by City of La Quinta BUILDING B - EAST ELEVATION BUILDING B - WEST ELEVATION AM OLa TOWN LiA QuirJA Cibnl: MARVIN INVESTMENTS Prolecl: OLD TOWN LA QUINTA A—d Ibp.senlulive: JIM CROSS Del.: July 30, 2003 Auisioro. Clisnr A ppmml: 1550 S. G.- A A y Tnil Fol. Springs, CA 92264 1760) 920-9042 FAX 760.320-2090 70076 Country Club Dr. sulk 106 Se.ruda Durres, Ca 92201 (760) 945.9115 —brblgrol--. eusu,omr4s,lrrsaaPa us ns ro:.m u ralnrse n � mss wE m�om�ear�is nrnea�®�sa xw"Fw 0s0ns�nsnramrmsa:0ea wtx e06p®ee�rwesesa:sn rwawun suns roan run ras�1ps.xra �awni0rlllaa � Urawing 2 *Sign locations are conceptual only, AY sign locations are subject to Owners and City of La Quinta approval, BUILDING A Rti Oum-ut Each building to be identified with non -illuminated individual letters in a location to be determined by Owners and approved by City of La Quinta BUILDING A - NORTH ELEVATION BUILDING A - EAST ELEVATION BUILDING A - WEST ELEVATION BUILDING A - NORTH ELEVATION OLa TOw1 LA QuiritA CNN; MARVIN INVESTMENTS Pmt«i: OLD TOWN LA QUINTA Aaouri R pnantall— JIM CROSS Dob: July 30, 2003 R.1.1— BUILDING .1.1 : CEkn1 App -1: 1550 S. Gane Autry T.II PDI. Spring., CA 92264 (760) 320-3042 FAX 760.320.2090 78078 Country Club Dr. rulla 106 eannuda Du-., Ca 92201 (760) 345.9115 wD b.lrlg.hx—. ulR1A, uDDlmrswnDe .arum 14 m�su19D nne Daae wE 0®nIl lOmll n 18186 L NOIntF arumnRrmu6DflapFDfOt alaaa mDI[IDND.In Rfm®IIDRLDnEa2NN DrmAaarv�.nnleawl6 aua.�lmawaaDm anneal amm nasliu�anwrw914i DmmD Drawing I *Sign locations are conceptual only, All sign locations are subject to Owners and City of La Ouinta approval, BUILDING C - NORTH ELEVATION BUILDING C - SOUTH ELEVATION 1 r- —.. - w r BUILDING C 4qffMEL B U 11. D I H 0 Each building to be identified with non -illuminated individual letters in a location to be determined by Owners and approved by City of La Quinta iWeed LEE II ll—l" i ll IIIb' . •I fpllti 00 BUILDING C - WEST ELEVATION BUILDING C - EAST ELEVATION 40 P1110: OLa TOWN Lu Qvii)tA Clbnl: MARVIN INVESTMENTS pmikl: OLD TOWN LA QUINTA Aaoulm ftp—tal-wm: JIM CROSS Dob: July 30, 2003 RwAdonu G 6nl App: h on 9"S 1550 S. Gmnm Aulry T-11 F.I. Springs, CA 92264 (760) 320_3042 FAX 760.320.2090 70070 Counlry Club Dr. nib 106 mmrmuda Du_ Ca 92201 17601345-9115 www.hrhiglulnc.com lomatpm� mmRFimSMERY6 a SlmAmlXl®xm9m a®nmmlmranrrm LmmRm mm-nmlB6mnlRgfOlmt MMR IatOmrmm>Ramonwelwama nq: mni mlliFmmm0111169W1IF mm�gmroun lwa mm 9eW tl0�ila ffl.M n W� tumour Drawing 3