SA 2003-682 Washington Park, Amendment 1April 17, 2009 R E A L I T Y LA QUINTA PLANNING C0MMISSICN APPROVED C� DATE 1 (q ~ Z0G 2 APPROVED BY PLANNING COMMISSION ON►>�, BY S -o Votc- DATE -15�-� 9 RESO # UA6,ac•� VASE NO. 5-6 o3- 6 �z D # 1 Washington Park LAQUINTA, CA SIGN CRITERIA B E G I N S W I T H V I S 1 0 N DESIGN & SIGNS 7 1 1 1 i FILE DEVELOPER Jack Tarr Development 78-365 Highway 111 No. 351 La Quinta, CA 92253 Tel. 760.342.2674 Fax. 760.342.4046 SIGN CONSULTANT ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN &SIGNS Architectural Design & Signs 2950 Palisades Drive, Corona, California 92880 Tel. 951.278.0680 Fax. 951.270.2005 T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S Objective Page 1 Sign Size Parameters 2 Typical Channel Letter Details 3 Sign Styles 4 Type Styles & Logos 5 Prohibited Signs 6 Approval Process 7 Fabrication and Installation 8 Maintenance of Sign / Window Graphics 9 Blade Signs / Under Canopy Signs 10 Site Plan 11 Monument Sign (A.1) 12 Monument Sign (A.2) 13 Monument Sign (B.1) 14 Monument Sign (C.1) 15 Monument Sign (C.2 - C.4) 16 Stop and Handicap Signs 17 Parking Code Entry Signs 18 Building Address Numbers 19 O B J E C T I V E The objective of the following sign criteria is to provide standards and specifications that assure consistent quality, size, variety and placement for Tenant signs throughout this project. This criteria is also intended to stimulate creative invention and achieve the highest standard of excellence in environmental graphic communication. Such excellence is best achieved through open and frequent dialogue between Tenant, Developer, and the project's graphic design consultant. Signing at Washington Park, City of La Quinta, California is an integral part of the center's image and appeal, so signs must be thoughtfully designed, placed and proportioned to the individual architectural facade on which they are placed. Care in the design and installation of store signs will enhance customer's appreciation. OVERVIEW The overview of this criteria is to assist the Developer / Tenant and city relationship. The Developer will be responsible to: a. Provide base building design and construction information requested by Tenant's sign design consultant. b. Review, comment and approve tenant sign submission. In return, the Tenant will be responsible for: Design, fabrication, permitting and installation of signs, including any structural support and electrical service and any special installation requiring addition or modification to the shell building approved by the Developer. LADS SIGN SIZE PARAMETERS (A) WALL SIGNS • Tenant is allowed one (1) primary identification sign located above the store entrance in a specific area within the confines of tenants storefront. • Tenants with building elevations facing multiple exposures such as a parking lot or street may incorporate only one (1) sign per face or elevation that is exposed. Additional signage per exposure subject to Developer's approval. • Sign may identify the business name and a minimum generic word description of the service. No product identity or specific service descriptions may be displayed. • Sign size is based upon the Tenants leased frontage, as measured in a straight line from lease line to lease line for each elevation. Tenants are allowed the following signable area: (Al) Major Tenants (Greater than or equal to 10,000 sq. ft.) • Excluding Target, individual sign size allowance is limited to one (1) square foot of sign area per lineal foot of primary building frontage up to a maximum of one -hundred and fifty (150) square feet of total sign area per Tenant. No single tenant's aggregate sign areas shall exceed a maximum of two -hundred (200) square feet of total sign area, if multiple signs are allowed. • Target shall be allowed a total aggregate sign area of no greater that two -hundred and seventy-five (275) square feet. (A2) Minor and Pad Tenants (Less than 10,000 sq. ft.) • Signs shall be sized to appropriately match the scale of secondary tenant's building wall/ fascia Sign size allowance is one (1) square foot of sign area per lineal foot of primary building frontage. The letter height shall be limited to 24" letters. • Tenant's with building elevations facing multiple exposures such as a parking lot or street may petition Landlord to incorporate one (1) additional sign per face or elevation that is exposed. (B) FREESTANDING SIGNS Exhibits A.1 & A.2 • Maximum height 10' - 0", total of five (5) Tenant panels and one (1) Tenant name/logo on column on each freestanding sign. Exhibit B.1 • Maximum height 9' - 0", Corner Monument sign with a total of five (5) Tenant panels on each side. • One side faces Highway 1 1 1 the other side faces Adams Street Exhibits C.1 - C.4 • Maximum height 7'- 2", total of six (b) Tenant panels and one (1) Tenant name/logo on column on each freestanding sign. E K" Min. PREFORMED ALUMINUM CHANNEL 3/4" TRIMCAP TRANSFORMER ACRYLIC FACES 102' DEEP X 1" DIA, STAINLESS STEEL SPACERS 15MM NEON ILLUMINATION ELECTROBITS PYROLENE ELECTRODE INSULATORS HI -FLEX MAX INTEGRAL SLEEVE GTO THRU FLEXIBLE SEALTITE CONDUIT TO REMOTE TRANSFORMER IN GALV. BOX BEHIND FASCIA CONNECTIONS BETWEEN LETTERS MADB INSIDE "POWERBOX" HIGH-VOLTAGE SPLICE BOX BEHIND WALL MOUNT FLUSH TO FASCIA WITH NON - CORROSIVE FASTENERS AS REQUIRED GLASS NEON TUBE SUPPORTS 1/4" DIA WEEP HOLES IN LOW POINTS L- OF LETTERS U.L.. LABELS REQUIRED INSTALLIN ACCORDANCE W/ NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODES CHANNEL LETTER SECTION DETAIL (NEON) SCALE: NTS 2" AA) .063 ALUMINUM RETURNS ALUMINUM CLIP .080 ALUMINUM FACES ELECTROBITS PYROLENE ELECTRODE INSULATORS w Min. AED ALUMINUM CHANNEL 3/4" TRIMCAP ACRYLIC FACES " DEEP X 1" DIA. STAINLESS STEEL SPACERS LED's MOUNTED TO BACK OF CHANNEL BZCMCAL'THRU 1/2" SEALTITE SUPPLY ______ FLEXIBLE CONDUIT TO REMOTE POWER SUPPLY BEHIND FASCIA POWER SUPPLY MOUNTFLUSH TO FASCIA WITH NON - CORROSIVE FASTENERS AS REQUIRED 1/4" DIA. WEEP HOLES IN LOW POINTS OF LETTERS U.L LABELS REQUIRED INSTALL IN ACCORDANCE W/ NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODES CHANNEL LETTER SECTION DETAIL (LED's) SCALE: NTS 2" Min. ALUMINUM RETURNS PAINTED ALUMINUM CLIP .080 ALUMINUM FACES LED's MOUNTED TO BACK OF CHANNEL — ELECTRICAL THRU 1/2- SEALTITE FLEXIBLE CONDUITTO REMOTE POWER SUPPLY BEHIND FASCIA /8" CLEAR POLYCARBONATE BACKS L— I/4" DIA. RIVNUT AND METAL MOUNTING STUD ' U.L. LABELS REQUIRED INSTALL IN ACCORDANCE W/ NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODES REVERSE CHANNEL LETTER SECTION DETAIL (LED's) SCALE: NTS TYPICAL CHANNEL LETTER DETAILS Channel Letters Reverse Channel Letters ADS 6500 NEON ILLUMINATION 9Gm 1/B" CLEAR POLYCARBONATE BACKS ELECTRICAL THRU 1/2" SEALTITE GROUNDED FLEXIBLE CONDUIT TO REMOTE TRANSFORMER IN GALV. O BOX BEHIND FASCIA CONNECTIONS BETWEEN LETTERS MADE INSIDE "POWERBOX" HIGH-VOLTAGE SPLICE BOX BEHIND WALL POLYCARBONATE TUBE SUPPORTS 70 14' DIA, RIVNUT AND METAL MOUNTING STUD U.L. LABELS REQUIRED INSTALL IN ACCORDANCE W/ NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODES REVERSE CHANNEL LETTER SECTION DETAIL (NEON) SCALE: NTS w Min. AED ALUMINUM CHANNEL 3/4" TRIMCAP ACRYLIC FACES " DEEP X 1" DIA. STAINLESS STEEL SPACERS LED's MOUNTED TO BACK OF CHANNEL BZCMCAL'THRU 1/2" SEALTITE SUPPLY ______ FLEXIBLE CONDUIT TO REMOTE POWER SUPPLY BEHIND FASCIA POWER SUPPLY MOUNTFLUSH TO FASCIA WITH NON - CORROSIVE FASTENERS AS REQUIRED 1/4" DIA. WEEP HOLES IN LOW POINTS OF LETTERS U.L LABELS REQUIRED INSTALL IN ACCORDANCE W/ NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODES CHANNEL LETTER SECTION DETAIL (LED's) SCALE: NTS 2" Min. ALUMINUM RETURNS PAINTED ALUMINUM CLIP .080 ALUMINUM FACES LED's MOUNTED TO BACK OF CHANNEL — ELECTRICAL THRU 1/2- SEALTITE FLEXIBLE CONDUITTO REMOTE POWER SUPPLY BEHIND FASCIA /8" CLEAR POLYCARBONATE BACKS L— I/4" DIA. RIVNUT AND METAL MOUNTING STUD ' U.L. LABELS REQUIRED INSTALL IN ACCORDANCE W/ NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODES REVERSE CHANNEL LETTER SECTION DETAIL (LED's) SCALE: NTS TYPICAL CHANNEL LETTER DETAILS Channel Letters Reverse Channel Letters ADS Mixed Media: Halo illuminated channel letters with an aluminum panel and routed copy. Mixed Media: Halo illuminated dimensional "M" logo w/perforate aluminum face and open-faced channel letters on decorative ledge. SIGN STYLES There are many acceptable sign treatments, however a Mixed Media * three-dimensional approach combining several different fabrication and lighting techniques is preferred. Tenants are strongly encouraged to consider the specific architectural style of their facade, the overall concept of the project, the scale of the proposed sign and the critical viewing angles and sight lines when designing appropriate graphics and signs for the storefront. Note that specific locations and surrounding architectural treatments can limit the maximum sign height and length, which may differ from the general guidelines proposed above. Developer approval is required prior to City approval and issuance of permits Acceptable sign styles may include: It is the intention of this Criteria, subject to review, to permit: 1. Standard channel letters. 2. Reverse channel letters. * Mixed Media signs are signs employing two or more illumination and fabrication methods. For example: Reverse channel letters with standard channel letters. Also, although simple rectangular cabinet signs are not allowed, mixed media signs may be composed of elements, one of which may be a panel or pan panel. However, the panel / pan panel sign should not exceed 50% of the total a sign area. With the Developer approval, complex shaped (i.e Polyhedron) sign pan panels which is part of a national logo, may be used alone if they incorporate dimensional elements such as push -through letters. ADS TYPE STYLES & LOGOS The use of logos and distinctive type styles is encouraged for all Tenant's signs. Sign lettering may be combined with other graphics and or dimensional elements denoting the type of business. The Tenant may adapt established styles, logos and/or images that are in use on similar buildings operated by the Tenant in California, provided that these images are architecturally compatible and approved by the Developer. The typeface may be arranged in one (1) or two (2) lines of copy and may consist of upper and/or lower case letters. The Tenant should identify trademark protected type and marks in their sign submission to assist the Developer in the review process. No script will be permitted in the sign unless it is part of an established trademark of the Tenant used in other locations or consistent with a professionally coordinated image package and subject to prior approval by Developer at Developer's discretion. Tenants shall display only display their established trade name or their generic product name, or combination thereof. LIGHTING Tenant signs should be creatively illuminated using a variety of lighting techniques. One or more of the following are allowed: 1. Standard interior lighting for channel letters and reverse channel letters If it is determined by Developer at any time that the primary lighting of Tenant's wall sign or blade sign is too intense, the Developer may require at Tenant's expense to install a dimmer switch. COLORS The following guidelines are for selecting colors of Tenant's signing. The project and the individual building facade will consist of a variety of colors and materials. Signs may incorporate regionally and nationally recognized logo colors. Sign colors should be selected to provide sufficient contrast against building background colors. Sign colors should be compatible with and complement building background colors. Sign colors should provide variety, sophistication and excitement. Color of letter returns shall be a contrasting color to the face of the letter. Neon accent colors should complement related signing elements. Bright colors such as " Hot Pink " will not be allowed. No two adjacent signs shall use the same color, unless such color is part of a trademark of both tenants. Approval shall be granted on a "first come - first approved" basis. ADS THE FOLLOWING SIGNS AND ELEMENTS ARE PROHIBITED. 1. A sign that consists of only an unadorned rectangular cabinet signs with translucent or opaque faces. 2. Temporary wall signs, pennants, banners, inflatable displays or sandwich boards, wind -activated and balloon signs, unless with specific prior approval from the City prior to placement. 3. Window signs or signs blocking doors or fire escapes. (Note: Box signs hanging in display windows are not allowed). 4. Gold leaf treatments on windows, box signs and exposed neon window displays without Landlords written approval. (Note: Approval is at Developer's discretion). Off the shelf signs are discouraged. 5. Exposed junction boxes, wires, plug in wires on window signs, transformers, lamps, tubing, conduits, raceways or neon crossovers of any type. 6. Signs using trim -cap retainers that do not match the color of the letter and logo returns (polished gold, silver or bronze trim caps are NOT permitted). 7. Pre -manufactured signs, such as franchise signs that have not been modified to meet these criteria. 8. Paper, cardboard, or Styrofoam signs, stickers, or decals hung around or behind storefronts. (Except those required by governmental agencies) 9. Exposed fasteners, unless decorative fasteners are essential to the sign design concept. 10. Simulated materials such as wood grained plastic laminates or wall coverings. 11. Any rotating, laser, flashing, reflecting by solar foil or mirror, revolving, producing glare, blinking, or snipe sign, sing placed on vehicles or trailers, or sign portraying obscene, indecent or immoral matter. 12. Any sign located on public property or in the public right-of-way or projecting therein, unless encroachment permit has been obtained, or other provisions permit such a sign. 13. Any sign which interferes with vehicular and/or pedestrian safety. 14. Any sign that is illuminated by reflector, floodlight or spotlight when any portion of such illumination spills off the sign, thereby creating a menace to traffic or a nuisance to adjacent properties 15. Any light bulb string, exposed wire or wire housing, except when utilized in association with a city recognized holiday, and is used with 30 days of said holiday. 16. Rooftop signs or signs projecting above roof lines or parapets. 17. Signs on mansard roofs or equipment screens. 18. Sign company decals in full view (limit to one placement only). 19. Painted signs. 20. Portable and A -frame signs. 22. Outdoor advertising structures (billboards). 23. Wording of signs shall not include the product sold except as part of the Tenant's established trade name or insignia, or if the main product and generic name are one in the same. A aR.�.. 6 S41* APPROVAL PROCESS At least thirty (30) days prior to the Developer's scheduled delivery of the premises, Tenant shall provide the following information to the Developer for review. Note: This information is separate from sign approval submission and store design and drawing submissions, and will be used to begin the sign design process. Store Name Store Logo (in color with colors identified); Store interior materials, colors and finishes. Allowing reasonable time for Developer's review and Tenant's revision of submission in advance of sign fabrication, tenant shall submit for Developer's approval, four (4) sets of complete and fully dimensioned shop drawings of the Tenant's sign to the Developer's Tenant coordinator. Shop drawings shall include at least the following: Tenant's entire building facade elevation, showing the proposed sign, in color drawing to scale of 1/4" - P-0". Storefront (partial building) elevation showing the location, size, color, construction and installation details of the Tenant's proposed sign. Typical "section -though" letter and/or sign panel showing the dimensioned projection of the letter or panel face and the illumination method. Color and material samples together with a photograph (if possible) of a similar installation. Within thirty (30) days of receipt of the sign submission, the Developer will approve, as noted, or disapprove with comments the Tenant's sign design. Tenant must respond to the Developers comments and re -submit within fourteen calendar days, and repeat this process until all sign design, fabrication and installation issues are resolved to the Developer's satisfaction. Upon receipt of final sign approval from the Developer, Tenant shall submit three (3) sets of colored drawings of the proposed sign to the City of La Quinta, CA (Community Development Director) for fabrication and installation permits. Tenants are required to provide one (1) set of the city approved drawings to the Developer prior to commencing any installation. 7 FABRICATION The Tenant must insure that his sign fabricator and installer understand their responsibilities before they begin the sign fabrication. The Tenant's sign contractor is responsible for the following: 1. Signs must be fabricated of durable appropriate weather resistant materials complementary to the base building materials. 2. Dissimilar metals used in sign fabrication shall be separated with non-conductive gaskets to avoid electrolysis. Additionally stainless steel fasteners shall be used to attach dissimilar metals. 3. Threaded rods or anchor bolts shall be used to mount sign letters which are held off the background panel. Angle clips attached to letter sides will NOT be permitted. 4. Colors, materials, finishes shall exactly match those submitted to and approved by the Developer. 5. Visible welds and seams shall be ground smooth and filled with auto body compound before painting. 6. No fasteners, rivets, screws or other attachment devise shall be visible from any public vantage point. 7. Finished metal surfaces shall be free from canning and warping. All sign finishes shall be free of dust, orange peel, drips and runs and shall have a uniform surface conforming to the highest industry standards. 8. Reverse channel letters shall be pinned two (2") inches from the wall. The letter return depth shall be minimum three (3") inches and letters shall have a clear acrylic backing. 9. All Signs to be pegged a minimum of 1/2" from wall or facade onto which the letters are attached with stainless steel spacers. 10. All penetrations of the building structure required for sign installation shall be sealed in a watertight condition and shall be carefully patched to match adjacent finish. 11. Primary electric service to all Tenant signs shall be placed on Tenant's electric service. Tenant will provide time clocks and photocells for use in conjunction with the electric service. 12. All fabrication and installation shall comply with Underwriter's Laboratories requirements and specific state and local codes. All components shall bear the U.L. label indication approval and be manufactured and installed by a U.L. certified shop. INSTALLATION The Tenant's sign installer will provide the following: 1. Provide the Developer with an original certificate of insurance naming the Developer as an additional insured for liability coverage in an amount required by Developer. 2. Obtain all required sign permits from the City of La Quinta, California and deliver copies to the Developer before installing the sign(s). 3. Keep a Developer approved set of sign drawings on site when install the sign. 4. Warrant the sign against latent defects in materials and workmanship for a minimum of one (1) year. 5. NOTE: No ladder installs only boom trucks and scissor lifts are allowed. MAINTENANCE OF SIGN The Tenant shall employ professional sign fabricators and installers approved by the Developer who are well qualified in the techniques and procedures required to implement the sign design concept. The Tenant will abide by all provisions, guidelines and criteria contained within this Washington Park Sign Criteria. Only those sign types provided for and specifically approved by the Developer in Tenant's sign submission documents will be allowed. The Developer may, at his discretion and at the Tenant's expense and after proper notice to Tenant, replace or remove any sign that is installed without Developer's written consent, or that is not executed in conformance with the approved submission. Tenant shall furnish the Developer with a copy of all sign fabrication and installation permits prior to installation. All signs shall be kept in a "like new" condition. Cracked, damaged, faded, or discolored sign faces shall be replaced by Tenant as required by Developer or the applicable government agencies. Upon notice by the Developer, a Tenant will be required to refurbish any signing which does not qualify as an acceptable standard or which has deteriorated unacceptably. Upon the removal of the sign letters for any reason, the Tenant shall contract for the patching of drill holes, resurfacing the stucco to match the facade texture, repainting of the sign area from screed line to screed line to the end that there is a "like new" condition. No security deposit shall be returned to Tenant until the satisfactory completion of this work. If Tenant fails to complete this work within 15 days from the date of expiration or early termination of the Lease, Developer shall cause the work to be completed at Tenant's expense. WINDOW GRAPHICS It is intended that the window graphics assist the shopper in an informative and readable manner, but not clutter the doors and /or windows on which they are displayed. • Tenant may display on either the entry door or adjoining window, but not on both, the following: - Honored Credit Card Decals (maximum of three (3)) - Company Name and/or Logo (limited to 6" x 10" area) - Three (3) Lines of Copy (limited to product or service description, business hours and address). • Neon window signs shall comply with U.L. standards and will be permitted only with Developer's approval. • Rear entry signs shall be upper case Helvetica Medium type -style numerals and/or letters. Materials will be Scotchcal vinyl or equal, color to be black. Letter height shall be three (3") inches and centered horizontally. Copy will be limited to Tenant name and address. Top of sign will be six (6') feet. 3'•6' The blade sign may be three dimensional Blade Signs / Under Canopy signs Each Tenant is permitted one (1) either projecting blade or hanging under canopy sign per customer entrance. The blade sign program requires that each Tenant's graphic identity be transformed into a 3-dimensional double-faced sign. The Developer encourages the Tenant to propose blade / under canopy sign design, which enrich the pedestrian environment with a creative use of color and material combined with a strong store name identification. Additionally: Blade / under canopy signs may be illuminated or non -illuminated. Illuminated signs must have an external light source. Blade / under canopy signs shall project no more than 3'-9" from the building face, and shall be Z-0" in height and 3'-6" in length for each face. Clearance from the underside of the blade sign to be finished common area paving shall be a minimum of 7'-6". Note: The standard attachment bracket onto which the blade sign is attached will be manufactured by the Developer's sign contractor. Proposals for blade / under canopy sign designs will be reviewed at the time of the Tenant's overall sign design submission. It is the responsibility of the Tenant to ensure that his fabrication and installation contractor includes adequate support for the blade sign and all required electrical services and connections. The blade sign may not be the primary store identification sign and will not be included in the calculation for the overall area permitted. Note: Developer is not responsible for structural backing or the dedicated primary electrical power that may be required to support the blade sign. This must be coordinated with Tenant's Improvement Contractor prior to installation. i SIGN A.4 i ®® err`•' �® SIGN A.1 — _ I _ .-:. :ask: — _, �• �.. R' ti... Ne 3t H_ I ipnr.,�u s rs�r as ,�.y.-�" -. may'• � - -. - 4 - L:. ry_ :n..:_ - SIGN C.1 TEYAYi TENANT L TEYAHr TENANT TEIIAIIT TENANT SIGN CA iEll Al[E fEIlAN7 rcuenl TERAIu tIMAM rEYAMr TENAIIi HANE R.— HAYF T EMA!Ir IIAY{ I rEW1N MANE IERAIPT NAM SIGN B1 SITE PLAN Note: Tenant sign locations used for exhibit purpose only. r Internolly illuminated chonnek lago/letters. Internally illuminated. �\ Fabricated aluminum column with durock substrate. Stone veneer to match project and applied by others. r KALE: 1 /4" =1' - 0" MONUMENT SIGN (A.1) mor HIl1E Oi~ TENANT kv +~ Blltif tiltiE 1BIWf tiAiE � ' Bum M= ti ARTIST RENDITION Top Tenant Panel (One) -1'-6" x 11'-6" Bottom Tenant Panels (Four) -1'-6" x 54" Washington Park - 5 square feet Tenant Panels Total - 50 square feet Total Square Feet - 55 square feet Fabricated aluminum ledge with routed -out / push-thru copy (internally illuminated). Ledge to match that of building. Fabricated aluminum cabinet, with aluminum pan panel Tenant panels. Aluminum pan anels to have routed -out / backed -up acrylic copy internally illuminated) Fabricated aluminum column NOTE: THE NAMES OF TENANTS USED AND THEIR LOCATIONS ARE FOR EXHIBIT PURPOSES ONLY. TENANT'S TO BE PLATED ON MONUMENT SIGN WILL BE DETERMINED BY THE LANDLORD AT A FUTURE DATE. MONUMENT SIGN (A.2) SCALE: 1/4" =1' - 0" NOTE: THE NAMES OF TENANTS USED AND THEIR LOCATIONS ARE FOR EXHIBIT PURPOSES ONLY. TENANT'S TO BE PLACED ON MONUMENT SIGN WILL BE DETERMINED BY THE LANDLORD AT A FUTURE DATE. 13 ONNNN W's� CORNER MONUMENT SITE PLAN SCALE: 1/32" = 1'- 0" \ qD i \ \ BUILDING `\ Fabricated aluminum ledge with routed -out / push-thru coppy (internally iiluminated).— 4'-0" ledge to match that of building. J 8'-1" Tenant panel CORNER MONUMENT SIGN (13.1) RSA �. 161 it B'-1" Tenant panel Off1Ce DEPOT `_�Vertm.f ,f,,I Stift= I JAKE'S PIMA Top Tenant Panels (Two) -1'-9" x 8'-1" Bottom Tenant Panels (Three) -1'-6" x 5'-4" Washington Park - 8 square feet Tenant Panels Total - 56 square feet Total Square Feet - 64 square feet Fabricated aluminum cabinet with routed -out / backed -up copy (internally illuminated) Fabricated aluminum cabinet, with aluminum pan panel Tenant panels. Aluminum pan panels to have routed -out / backed -up acrylic copy (internally illuminated) SCALE:1l4" = P- 0" NOTE: THE NAMES OF TENANTS USED AND THEIR LOCATIONS ARE FOR EXHIBIT PURPOSES ONLY. TENANT'S TO BE PLACED ON MONUMENT SIGN WILL BE DETERMINED BY THE LANDLORD AT A FUTURE DATE. j =� 161 it B'-1" Tenant panel Off1Ce DEPOT `_�Vertm.f ,f,,I Stift= I JAKE'S PIMA Top Tenant Panels (Two) -1'-9" x 8'-1" Bottom Tenant Panels (Three) -1'-6" x 5'-4" Washington Park - 8 square feet Tenant Panels Total - 56 square feet Total Square Feet - 64 square feet Fabricated aluminum cabinet with routed -out / backed -up copy (internally illuminated) Fabricated aluminum cabinet, with aluminum pan panel Tenant panels. Aluminum pan panels to have routed -out / backed -up acrylic copy (internally illuminated) SCALE:1l4" = P- 0" NOTE: THE NAMES OF TENANTS USED AND THEIR LOCATIONS ARE FOR EXHIBIT PURPOSES ONLY. TENANT'S TO BE PLACED ON MONUMENT SIGN WILL BE DETERMINED BY THE LANDLORD AT A FUTURE DATE. j =� Internally illuminated channel logo/letters. Internally illuminated. Fabricated aluminum column with durock substrate. Stone veneer to matchproject and applied by others. SCALE: 1/2" = 1' - 0" 31-411 TARGET M 5'-0" I 14' - 2" stmit. ffL_V_& MONUMENT SIGN (C.1) 51-0" Office WOR T TRADER JOE'S NOTE: THE NAMES OF TENANTS USED AND THEIR LOCATIONS ARE FOR EXHIBIT PURPOSES ONLY. TENANT'S TO BE PLACED ON MONUMENT SIGN WILL BE DETERMINED BY THE LANDLORD AT A FUTURE DATE. – Fabricated aluminum ledge with routed -out / push-thru copy (internally illuminated). Ledge to match that of building. — Fabricated aluminum cabinet, with aluminum pan panel Tenant panels. Aluminum pan panels to have routed -out / backed -up acrylic copy (internally illuminated) —Fuhricalad aluminum column 15 Washington Rai* DRY CLEANERS LUM PT'S NAILS COFFEE rL HAIR SALON RESTAURANT MONUMENT SIGN (C.3) Internally illuminated channel logo/letters. Internally illuminated. Fabricated aluminum column with durock substrate. Stone veneer to match project and applied by others. it y. IL SCALE: 1/2" =1' - 0" 3'-4" 2R=g 4421 MONUMENT SIGN (C.2 - CA) RESTAURANT RESTAURANT RETAIL STORE (TOFFEE I SHOES 5PA MONUMENT SIGN (C.4) 14'-2" 51-0"66 51-011 MONUMENT SIGN (C.2) TRADER JOE LUMPTS I RESTAURANT o� HAIR SALON COFFEE NOTE: THE NAMES OF TENANTS USED AND THEIR LOCATIONS ARE FOR EXHIBIT PURPOSES ONLY. TENANT'S TO BE PLACED ON MONUMENT SIGN WILL BE DETERMINED BY THE LANDLORD AT A FUTURE DATE. Fabricated aluminum ledge with routed -out / push-thru copy (internally illuminated). Ledge to match that of budding. Fabricated aluminum cabinet, with aluminum pan panel Tenant panels. Aluminum pan panels to have routed -out / backed -up acrylic copy (internally illuminated) Fabricated aluminum column 16 SPECIFICATIONS (STOP SIGN): 2%" SQ. POST PAINT COLOR TO BE DETERMINED. FACE TO BE 1/8" ALUMINUM PAINTED WHITE WITH RED REFLECTIVE (280-72) VINYL OVERLAY AND WHITE REFLECTIVE (280-10) VINYL COPY. STOP and HANDICAP SIGNS SPECIFICATIONS (HANDICAP): 2%s" SQ. POST PAINT COLOR TO BE DETERMINED. FACE TO BE 1/8" ALUMINUM PAINTED WHITE WITH LIGHT BLUE REFLECTIVE (280-76) VINYL BACKGROUND WITH WHITE REFLECTIVE (280-10) VINYL COPY/GRAPHIC & BORDER. ■ m 21z" 2�'� � 12 2'�z 12.1 SCALE: 1 /2" =1'-O" . U - , _ I - ---. L7D N 17 SCALE: 1/2"=1'-0" SPECIFICATIONS: 2%2" SQ. POST PAINT COLOR TO BE DETERMINED. FACE TO BE 1/8" ALUMINUM PAINTED WHITE. COPY TO BE BLACK (220-12) VINYL. "HANDICAP" LOGO TO BE REFLECTIVE LIGHT BLUE (280-76) WITH WHITE SHOW THRU. "FIRE LANE" TO BE REFLECTIVE RED (280-72) VINYL WITH WHITE SHOW THRU COPY. 24" 4 ,1.pgilt—,i-� er .- yatrsnt.0 .glmcL tknitfpt. a! wed prt •iA p.c. YC1i3. a. tx Yi .+�r.•t irp. n.. CJ PA3MTE PROPERTY Xv SnIkR�XOM1 n-s"r a<n uadn -n etrt ety .A p><.YwtloAaA3 a. osn+v. E•a .n p,n. . pow. r r..:� w��•p w. r,µ ee vt Y:I�d�wup.etmy wA,elA A.I ".t . ,0 tj3t A r..Ye rencl. n.tk kuwimre q iekpi.++3 INYIME OFI P.O. 555.565.5556 O 21/2" H PARKING CODE ENTRY SIGNS SPECIFICATIONS: 1/4" THICK ALUMINUM NUMBERS PAINT COLOR TO MATCH PROJECT (CONTRASTING TO BUILDING FASCIA COLOR). NUMBERS TO BE STUD MOUNTED 1/2" OFF OF BUILDING FASCIA. BUILDING ADDRESS NUMBERS