SAD 1993-038u,!',r�ticv 78495 CALLE TAMPICO - ,LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619)- 777-7000 FAX (619) 777-7101 January 4, 1994 Mr. Chuck Strother TD Desert Development (Rancho La Quinta) 48-500 Washington Street La Quinta, .CA 92253 SUBJECT: SPECIAL ADVERTISING DEVICE 93-038 Dear Chuck: This is to report to you that the City Council at their meeting of December 21, 1993, approved your request for subdivision flagsfor your project on Washington Street south of 48th Avenue. The approval permits a total of 21 flags (18 flags adjacent to the Washington Street entry and three flags at the corner of 48th Avenue and Washington Street behind the monument sign). The location of the signs is to be as shown in the City Council staff report of December 21, 1993, with the exception that adjacent to the entry only 18 flags are permitted. This approval is for one year from December 21', 1993, prior to the end of the approval period you may apply for extension to use the flags. Should you have any questions concerning the above information, please feel free to contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR STAN B. SAWA Principal Planner SBS:bjs cc: Mr. Grady Sparks, Sparks Construction LTRSS.460 MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 ��J • � FILE COPY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: DECEMBER 21, 1993 ITEM TITLE: CONSIDERATION OF SPECIAL ADVERTISING DEVICE 93-038 FOR APPROVAL OF SUBDIVISION FLAGS FOR "RANCHO LA QUINTA" ON THE EAST SIDE OF WASHINGTON STREET AT EISENHOWER DRIVE APPLICANT: TD DESERT DEVELOPMENT (CHUCK STROTHER) SUMMARY: AGENDA CATEGORY: PUBLIC HEARING BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: The applicant has requested approval to install 24 subdivision flags adjacent to their entry on Washington Street with three additional flags at the corner. -of 48th Avenue and Washington Street. The policy is to allow a maximum 20-21 flags for a period of one year, subject to extension. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None APPROVED BY: RECON'IMENDATION: Move to adopt Minute Motion 93- approving Special Advertising Device 93-038, permitting 21 flags. Submitted by: Approved for submission to City Council: I�htru- t - -11LU-t i J/ Y HE AN, PLANNING DIRECTOR ROBERT L. HUNT, CITY MANAGER TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: APPLICANT: ISSUE: CITY OF LA Q,UINTA MEMORANDUM HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCEL PLANNING do DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DECEMBER 21, 1993 CONSIDERATION OF SPECIAL ADVERTISING DEVICE 93-038 FOR APPROVAL OF SUBDIVISION FLAGS FOR "RANCHO LA QUINTA" ON THE EAST SIDE OF WASHINGTON STREET AT EISENHOWER DRIVE TD DESERT DEVELOPMENT (CHUCK STROTHER) Municipal Code Chapter 5.64 (Special Advertising Devices) provides for a permit to be issued by the City Council for advertising devices other than - the usual and customary permanent business identification signs. This includes such items as flags as requested in this application. BACKGROUND: General TD Desert Development has requested approval to install 24 3' X 5' tri-colored flags on 24-foot high poles equally spaced along the north and south sides of their main entry on Washington Street. Additionally they are requesting three flags behind their monument sign at the corner of,48th Avenue and Washington Street. The applicants are requesting approval for one year. The flags have a white background with their "Don" logo and three multi -colored stripes of peach, rust; and brown at the top and bottom. A sample of the flag will be available at the meeting. The poles are proposed to be white. Findings Section 5.64.020 provides, in part, that permits are to be issued for special purposes, "...and not on a continuing basis for permanent advertising or identification purposes", and further, "each permit shall be issued for a specific period of time subject to renewal for good cause shown". MEMOSS.188 2 The Council's consideration for granting of this permit must find that the special ' advertising device applied for would not: 1. Constitute a traffic hazard or nuisance to adjacent or surrounding properties or to the public at large; or, ' 2. Be detrimental to the public convenience or welfare; or, 3. Be inconsistent with'the various elements and objectives of the General Plan and all'other officially adopted policies and regulations of the City. ANALYSIS/FISCAL IMPACT: On September 10, 1990, a standard operating policy was approved by the Council regarding the number of flags in residential subdivisions. The policy, states that a maximum 21 flags may be approved. The rationale is that more than 21 flags is excessive and 21 flags is sufficient to provide an advertising statement. The applicant indicates that he is requesting approval to install 24 flags adjacent to the entry and three flags behind their monument sign at the corner of 48th Avenue and Washington Street (27 total). Staff would recommend that the three flags be allowed at the corner with 18 flags being.allowed adjacent to the entry. The flags are proposed to be located between the citrus trees approximately 20 feet in front of the perimeter fence. Attachment 2 shows the location of -the proposed flags. These flags were installed originally. over the Thanksgiving weekend without approval. When told that a special permit was needed on the. Monday following Thanksgiving, the flags were removed in order to allow the proper approvals to be obtained. Flags have been used by many developers in La Quinta and have been shown not to be detrimental to the surrounding neighborhood if used properly. • Staff recommends that the flags be allowed to remain for a period of one year from the date of approval and be subject to renewal. RECOMMENDATION: Move to adopt Minute Motion 93- , approving Special Advertising Device.93-038, subject to the limitations of 21 flags for one year from the date of approval, subject to renewal. Attachments: 1. Location map 2. Map showing flag placement J 3. Conceptual flag (flag sample to be available at City Council meeting) MEMOSS.188 3 LOCATION ■ Ill'' I Iiii IS mm a ATTACHMENT 3 �n�ho L.a y2u irr� Z" rum _ ,q P � row rl G�rn �i�p q/t -kGt NOT S sext& 5A E> 113 - 03$ 0 ��r � ! � �✓06NY1 j ru t W l4mv � ��1G�1b Lam. u�u w1�i 94 � J 1r'6b� z4 !' & row v _j NOT To scktv PIP d0k, A 41 . -ot 14 A LO: LA!4 7 7-7 I im- I mil