SAD 1995-069• Case Nye: 5Ao w, 6(0°( ate Rece_=� (=18-4S e `PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT T b APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS A. The following shall be submitted by the Applicant :-- the Planning & Development Depart=ent at the time of permit application. =less otherwise modified by the Planning Director: 1. Comple-ed sign application obtained from the =:ty. 2. Appropriate sign plans with number of copies ==d exhibits as required in the application. 3. Appropriate fees as established by Council =-Z:lution. 4. Letter of consent or authorization from pro-_ :y owner, or lessor, or authorized agent of the building == premises upon which the sign is to be erected. B. Plans Required -=nformation required - the folio.;= information must be shown on the sign plan: 1. Sign elevation drawing indicating :verall and letter/figure/design dimensions, colors, ma:—:als, proposed copy and i=rumination method. 2. Site clan :^dicating the location of all ma:-.. and accessory signs existing or proposed for'the site with- =::pensions, color, material, copy and method of illumina==:n indicated for each. 3. Build_ng elevations with signs depicted (fc= n:n-freestanding signs;. Applicant La Quinta Arts Foundation Mailing Address P.O. Box 777 La Quinta, Ca. 92253 Phone: (619) 564-12da Name of Business La Quinta Arts Foundation Type of Business art show oresentor Phone: (619) 564-1244 Address of Business 78-080 Ave. La Fonda, La Quinta, Ca. 92253 we do not receive mail at our physical address) rno... 1)01 //-c -1- Sign Ccm=any Name most are produced`in-house , Address n/a Phone:-.( n/a; Sign Ccrc=any Representative n/a Type o= =_gns Proposed: NL=zer Number z Free Standing MainTradeSign. " J Wall Mounted 30 Directional Sign'" Temporary Offsite Advertising ti Locaticr- of Proposed Signs see enclosed map Assessc_ s Parcel Number #173-074-002-0,.. Zone Y Overal: _mensions of sign (and,of*copy face -if less) see enclosed sheet Materia- particle board w i Colors blue and'white Type of=11umination none 4 ' Declares Value or Contract Pri a n/a• r Signat*,:.==- of Applicant Date Signatu==- of Property Owner s) * Date' Date, *(Writ Authority May be Attached) r NOTE: A=.. false or misleading information-,shall"be .grounds for denial 'of t`s application. FORM.C:- =S Q ce,t,, 4 eta I.� 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - 1(619) 777-7000 FAX (619) 777-7101 September 13, 1995 Ms. Susan Francis, Events Manager La Quinta Arts Foundation PO Box 777 La Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT: SPECIAL ADVERTISING DEVICE 95-069 Dear Susan: On September 12, the Planning Commission approved- your request to install temporary advertising for your upcoming November art show. No changes were made to the recommended conditions included in the report mailed to your attention last week. If you have any questions, please contact our office at (619) 777-7067. Thank you for your continued cooperation. Very truly yours, EVELOPMENT DIRECTOR i uo G TR SDELL Associ lanner GT. Enclosure MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - FINAL SPECIAL ADVERTISING 95-069 LA QUINTA ARTS FOUNDATION SEPTEMBER 12, 1995 FINDINGS: 1. The sign application request is exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15311 (Subsections A and C). 2. The signs are temporary and therefore will not affect normal City business or impact traffic nor subject adjacent property owners to unsightly advertising because the signs will not be installed longer than 30 days. 3. The temporary signing request,. as conditioned, will meet the provisions of Chapter 5.64 of -the Municipal Code... CONDITIONS: 1.' The applicant shall obtain an encroachment permit from the Public Works Department before placement of any advertising devices within the right-of-way. No advertising devices shall be located within three feet of the edge of pavement or six feet from the street curb. The directional signs shall not interfere with vehicle or pedestrian traffic or reduce vision clearances for motorists. 2. No additional signs or sign changes shall be allowed unless approved by the Community Development Director. 3. The applicant shall obtain written approval from all private property owners if a sign is placed on their property. 4. The off -site directional signs can be installed on November 1st but must be removed within five days after the close of the event. 5. The temporary banners, that will be installed at the park can be put in place on November 6th and removed on November 13th. 6.' Sign #9, located minimum distance curb. Signcon3 on Washington Street, shall be placed a of 50-feet from the Calle Tampico street DATE: CASE: APPLICANT: � FILI COPY PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT SEPTEMBER 12, 1995 SPECIAL ADVERTISING DEVICE 95-069 LA QUINTA ARTS FOUNDATION (MS. SUSAN FRANCES, EVENTS MANAGER) -BI#1 REQUEST: APPROVAL OF TEMPORARY ADVERTISING FOR THE . UPCOMING LA QUINTA FALL FESTIVAL OF THE ARTS TO BE HELD AT THE FRANCES HACK PARK ON NOVEMBER 10TH - 12TH, 1995. The La Quinta Arts Foundation, founded in 1983, is requesting approval to install on and off -site advertising (i.e., signs and banners) for the . La Quinta Festival in the downtown park in November. The package is attached (Attachments 1-5) and, is similar to past application requests made over the last five years. The applicant is requesting placement of small and large signs with their name and directional information depending on the placement of the sign. Approximately 30 signs are proposed within a two mile radius of the event. The signs will be located generally in the right-of-way along the major arterial streets surrounding the Village area. The applicant's outdoor event permit (MTOE 95-096) was approved by staff in August. Section 5.64.020 provides, in part, that permits are to be- issued .for special purposes, " . . . and not on a continuing basis for permanent advertising or identification purposes," and further, " ... each permit shall be issued for a specific period." This application request is the same as last year's approval by the Planning Commission. PCGT.123 0 In past years', the Foundation personnel have consistently abided by the conditions imposed by the City. This highly successful event brings both revenue to their nonprofit organization and notoriety to the City. This event, and their -four -day event in March, are the organization's main source of revenue. By Minute Motion 95- , approve Special Advertising Device 95-069 subject to the attached Findings and Conditions.of Approval. Attachments: 1. Letter from applicant 2. Sign Description 3. Sign Location Map 4. Sign Exhibit Chart 5. Additional Sign Material 6. Draft -Findings and Conditions i PCGT.123 ' June 28, 1995 Jerry Herman Planning Director CITY OF LA QUINTA P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 Attachment 1 Dear Jerry: Enclosed please find our request for permission to place directional signs and -billboards and banners within the city for La Quinta Fall Festival of the Arts 1995. We plan to place a . sign on Highway 111 at the Washington intersection near Simon Motors as we did for the 1994 event. We will be in contact with Fred Simon requesting permission to place a sign there. When we have received notification of permission, we will forward a copy to you. Yours truly, LA QUINTA ARTS FOUNDATION Susan Francis Events Manager POST OFFICE BOX 777 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 (619) 564-1244 FAX (619) 564-6884 Ll June 28, 1995 DIRECTIONAL SIGNS • Attachment 2 We request that the City of La Quinta authorize placement of signs to promote La Quinta Fall Festival of the, Arts, a community event, according to the to map and descriptions. The directional signs which are painted on MDO plywood will be set in place November 1st and will taken down by November 25th. TEMPORARY PORTA-PANEL We are requesting approval from the City of La Quinta to place a portable billboard on the southeast corner of the intersection of Highway 111 and Washington Street for approximately two weeks prior to and during the event weekend --November 10, 11, 12, 1995. The billboard will be used to advertise this special event and to direct people traveling on Highway 111 to turn south on Washington toward the City of La Quinta. Please see attached map for requested sign placement. This portable sign, to be provided by Fairway Outdoor Advertising Company, is of high quality with professional artwork and lettering similar in quality to those signs used to promote the Bob Hope Classic. The sign will show La Quinta Arts Foundation logo, will contain the words "La Quinta Fall Festival of the Arts --November 10, 11, 12--La Quinta Community Park", and will show a directional arrow. BANNERS We request permission to hang two banners (T x,15') by across the west end attached by rope from the palm tree place November 6 and removed November 13. Banners and say "Art Show -- This Weekend". Thank you. LA QUINTA ARTS FOUNDATION Susan Francis Events Manager s rope across the east end and . The banners will be set in are blue, professionally lettered POST OFFICE BOX 777 LA QUINTA, CAUFORNIA 92253 (619) 564-1244 FAX (619) 564-6884 Attachment 3 Q M�Its Avc.- 2i � FINE CRAFTS, WINE & ALL THAT JAZZ Nov. /m, La Quinta Arts Foundation O'rpnp- Post'Office Sox 777 Pvrtss- csttcL La Quinta, CA 92253. 564-1244 O Contact: Susan Francis 2q .. - . Its Duranjo wub52 S u 0 Attachment 4 SIGN PLACEMENT CHART (THIS CHART CORRESPONDS WITH MAP) SIGH 1 LOCATION SIZE CORNER FACE ARROW I Fred w3nnq & W2sitinjmn I I/T x r N.W. N so lug! 2 Miles & Washington I I/T x r N.W. N sv"M 3 Miqhway I I I& Wuhingwn I I/7 x r N.W. N saas�pt 4 Highway I I I& Washenqwn I IR x r S.W. Wa S. Higivwxv I I I& Washington I g x r N.E E lek 6 Ssenhoww► & Wuhi r x 4' N.W. N sarsnlht 7 Ave. 50 & Washin I I/T x r N.W. N f47,shc 8 Arm & Washington 11!r x r N.E E Ieft 9 Tampico & Wuhin n 4- x B' N.W. N right 10 Tampico & Washington I I/T x 2' N.E. S Iek I I Ave. 52 & washingmn 11/T x r N.E E At" 12 Ave. 54 & jefferson 1 I/2' x r S.E S svaiglsc 13 Ave. S2 & lefferson I I/T x 2 S.E S kit 14 Ave. S2 & lefferson 11/T x 27 N.E E stmot IS Ave. SO & lefferson I lfr x r S.E S Iot 16 Ave. 50 & leffo on I IR x r N.W. N n0t 17 Ave. SO & Eisenhower I ur x r N.W. N saruosc 18 Tamosco & Eisenhower r x 4' N.W. I N left i9 Bermudas & Tasnoico r x 4' N W. W n�sc 20 Bermudas & T amooco r x 4' N.W. E left 21 Desert Cub & Tamoico r x 4' I N.E E left 22 H' v I I I& Goif Shoo T x 4' S W .0 230t 23 Wuhin n between Hi hwav I I I & 6senhowr 111T x r N svnShc 24 Washin n becween H' hwav I I I& Eisenhower 1 1 1/T x r N sas�ttht 2S Ave. SO between lefferson and Eisenhower I I/T x 2' E Simon 26 Wasnongtom between Eisenhower & Ave. SO I 1 I/7 x r N straight 27 Wuhm n between asenhowr & Ave. 50 1 I/T x 2' N stra qm 28 Ave, SO between lelferson & Washingwn 29 Eisenhower between WuHngmn & Ave. Fer+rando 1 UT x r E szfa�ght 30 ITimeco between Washington & Desert Cub 11/T x r E S�+ghc ' Attachment 5 E SAC RIPT I Signs are professionally lettered by Naegele Outdoor advertising in white letters on blue background and say "Arts Festival" with foundation logo and directional arrows. Detail of description of signs 6, % 18,19, 207 21 and 22: #6 La Quinta Arts Festival Stay on Washington (2' x 4' placed on Washington zad Eisenhower) ,. #9 Festival Parking (4' z 8' placed on. Washington and Tampico) #18 Festival Parking (2' x 4' placed on Eisenhower and Tampico) #19, Free Parking Valet Parking . r (face west on Tampico and Bermudas) #20 Valet Parking (2' x 4' face east on Tampico and Bermudas) #21 Free Parking A - Valet Parking ' (2' x 4' on Desert Club and Tampico) .r _ #22 La Quinta Arts Festival _ (2' x 4' on Highway 111 by Golf Shop) • Attachment 6 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED SPECIAL ADVERTISING 95-069 LA QUINTA ARTS FOUNDATION SEPTEMBER 12, 1995 FINDINGS: 1. The sign application request is exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15311 (Subsections A and C). 2. The signs are temporary and therefore will not -.affect normal City business or .impact traffic nor subject adjacent property owners to unsightly advertising because the signs will not be installed longer than 30 days. 3. The temporary signing request, as conditioned, will meet the provisions of Chapter 5.64 of the Municipal Code. CONDITIONS: 1. The applicant shall obtain an encroachment permit from the Public Works Department before placement of any advertising devices within the right-of-way. No advertising devices shall be located within three feet of the edge of pavement or six feet from the street curb. The directional signs shall not interfere with vehicle or pedestrian traffic or reduce vision clearances for motorists. 2. No additional signs or sign changes shall be allowed unless approved by the Community Development Director. 3. The applicant shall obtain written approval from all private property owners if a sign is placed on their property. 4. The off -site directional signs can be installed on November 1st but must be removed within five days after the close of the event. 5. The temporary banners, that will be installed at the park can be put in place on November 6th and removed on November 13th. 6. Sign #9, located on Washington Street, shall be placed a minimum distance of 50-feet from the Calle Tampico street curb. Signcon3 • T4'�t44-Q�w MEMORANDUM TO: Greg Trousdell ,U�'0 3 �995 Associate Planner CwiV V LA ®U1i�TA P4AIdt��6d. FROM: Fred Bouma l Associate E gineer DATE: July, 3, 1995 SUBJECT: Special Advertising Device 95-069 - L.Q. Arts Foundation The Public Works Department requests that the following condition be placed on approval the the subject action: "The .applicant shall obtain an encroachment permit from the Public Works Department prior to placement of any advertising devices within the right of, way. Advertising devices shall be located no nearer than three feet from the edge of pavement and shall not interfere with pedestrian traffic or necessary lines of sight for motorists." fb CITY OF LA QUINTA . . _ PO Box 1504 • LA QuiNTA, CA, 92253 • 619-777-7067 • Fax: 619-777-7155 TRANSMITTAL MEMO - TO: �TY MANAGER !/PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. DARKS DEPT. ��RRY HERMAN ll�ILDING & SAFETY L- BAN SAWA iZzr--�-E)DE-ENFORCEMENT WALLY NESBIT• . SHERIFF'S DEPT., FRED BAKER FIRE MARSHAL LESLIE MOURIQUAND. CVWD SCHOOL DISTRICT (DS/CV) IID CITY OF INDIO CALTRANS r. CHAMBER < FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT (C/O GREG TROUSDELL) DATE: JUNE 28, 1995 SUBJECT: -OFF-SITE ADVERTISING ; CASE(S): SPECIAL ADVERTISING DEVICE 95-069 LA QUINTA ARTS FOUNDATION LOC: CITYWIDE PLEASE REVIEW AND PROVIDE ANY COMMENTS_ YOU MAY HAVE ON THE' ATTACHED ITEM BY JULY 13, 1995. COMMENTS: W/�� ` l ATTACHMENTS CITY OF LA OUINTA , JUN 29 RECT . - BUILDING AND SAFETY CITY OF ILA QUINTA PO Box 1504 • LA QUINTA, CA 92253.619-777-7067 % FAX: 619-777-7155 • ' - TRANSMITTAL MEMO ` TO: �TY MANAGER //PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. DARKS DEPT. �' RY HERMAN L-B61LDING & SAFETY ''BAN SAWA L-ICODE ENFORCEMENT WALLY.NESBIT r SHERIFF'S DEPT. FRED BAKER FIRE MARSHAL LESLIE MOURIQUAND. CVWD ' SCHOOL DISTRICT (DS/CV) - IID ! CITY OF INDIO " CALTRANS CHAMBER FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT (C/O GREG TROUSDELL) f ' DATE: JUNE 28, 1995 , SUBJECT: OFF -SITE ADVERTISING CASE(S): SPECIAL ADVERTISING DEVICE 95-069 LA QUINTA ARTS FOUNDATION. LOC: CITYWIDE PLEASE REVIEW AND PROVIDE ANY COMMENTS YOU MAY HAVE ON THE ATTACHED ITEM BY JULY 13, 1995. COMMENTS: ATTACHMENTS x... FILE COPY CITY OF ILA QUINTA PO Box 1504 • LA QviNTA, CA 92253 • 619-777-7067 • Fax: 619-777-7155 TRANSMITTAL MEMO TO: L--CiTY MANAGER DARKS DEPT. L__<ILDING & SAFETY MODE ENFORCEMENT SHERIFF'S DEPT. FIRE MARSHAL CVWD IID CALTRANS 1/PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. L— 'RRY H E RMAN L-STAN SAWA WALLY NESBIT FRED BAKER LESLIE MOURIQUAND SCHOOL DISTRICT (DS/CV) CITY OF INDIO CHAMBER FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT (C/O GREG TROUSDELL) DATE: JUNE 28, 1995 SUBJECT: OFF -SITE ADVERTISING CASE(S): SPECIAL ADVERTISING DEVICE 95-069 LA QUINTA ARTS FOUNDATION LOC: CITYWIDE PLEASE REVIEW AND PROVIDE ANY COMMENTS YOU MAY HAVE ON THE. ATTACHED ITEM BY IDLY 13, 1995. COMMENTS: ATTACHMENTS LI Case Nu —sr SAfO 157. 6Q1 Date Rece :-d (.n - m -q!; e ' �� • ��. G� `mil ��� PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS Fmm A. The following sha:l be submitted by the Applicant = the Planning & Development Department at the time of permit application. =-.less otherwise modified by the Plannin; Director: 1. Comple:ed s:gn application obtained from the ::ty. 2. Appropriate sign plans with number of copier =_d exhibits as required in the application. 3. Appropriate fees as established by Council ===:lution. 4. Letter of c:nsent or authorization from prc = y owner, or lessor, or authorized agent of the building == premises upon which the sign is to be erected. B. Plans Required - :nfo=mation required - the follo_== information must be shown on the si;n plan: 1. Sign elevation drawing indicating Overall and letter/figure/design dimensions, colors, ma:a=:als, proposed copy and illumination method. 2. Site clan indicating the location of all ma—*-. and accessory signs existing or proposed for the site wit: =:Tensions, color, material, copy and method of illumina =_:n indicated f- each. 3. Building elevations with signs depicted (fc= n:n-freestandin signs;. * * * * * * * * * * * . * * * * * * * * * * *.* * * * * _ . * * * * * * Applicant La Quinta Arts Foundation Mailing Address P.O. Box 777 La Quinta, Ca. 92253 Phone: (619) 564-12aa Name of Business La Quinta Arts Foundation Type of Business art show oresentor Phone: (619) 564-12d4 Address of Business 78-080 Ave. La Fonda, La Quinta, Ca. 92253 we ao-not receive mail at our physical address; rho., nng irC -1- r.� • Sign Cc=any Name most, are produced in-house Address n/a Phone: ( n/a Sign Cc=any Representative n/a Type o=•:_gns Proposed: K�.:er Free Standing Wall Mounted Temporary Number Main Trade Sign 30 Directional Sign Offsite Advertising Locaticr_ of Proposed Signs see enclosed ma Assessc= i Parcel Number #773-074-002-0, Zone Overall _mensions of sign (and of copy face if less) see enclosed sheet Materia== particle board Colors blue and white Type of =11umination none ` Declare--- Value or Contract Pride n/a Signat•.:== of Applicant ,��r/�liL•-• �`�� Date Signat�= of Property Owner(s)* *(Write_ Authority May be Attached) Date Date NOTE: A =. false or misleading information shall be grounds for denial of -`s application. FOP-M.C:- =S -2- June 28, 1995 LA QUINTA TS FOUNDATION Jerry Herman Planning Director CITY OF LA QUINTA P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Jerry: Enclosed please find our request for permission to place directional signs and billboards and banners within the city for La Quinta Fall Festival of the Arts 1995. 1 . We plan to place a sign on Highway 111 at the Washington intersection near Simon Motors as we did for the 1994 event. We will be in contact with Fred Simon requesting permission to place a sign there. When we have received notification of permission, we will. forward a copy to you. Yours truly, LA QUINTA ARTS FOUNDATION Susan Francis Events Manager POST OFFICE BOX 777 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 (619) 564-1244 FAX (619) 564-6884 ' LA QUINTA June 28, 1995 FOUNDATION DIRECTIONAL. SIGNS . _. We request that the City of La Quinta authorize placement of signs to promote La Quinta Fall Festival of the Arts,• a community event, according to the attached map sand , descriptions. The directional signs which are painted `on MDO plywood will be set 'in place November 1st and will taken down by November 25th. s" TEMPORARY PORTA-PANEL ' We are requesting approval from the City -of La Quinta to place a portable billboard on - the southeast corner of the intersection of Highway 111 and Washington Street for approximately two weeks prior to and during the event weekend --November 10, 11, 12, . 1995. `. The billboard will be used to advertise this special event and to' direct people traveling on, Highway 111 to turn south on Washington toward the City of La Quinta. Please see attached map for requested sign placement. This portable sign, to be provided by Fairway Outdoor Advertising Company, is of high quality with professional artwork and lettering similar in quality to those signs used to promote the Bob Hope Classic. The sign will show La Quinta Arts Foundation logo; will contain. the words "La Quints Fall Festival of the Arts --November 10, 11, 12--La Quinta Community Park", and will show a directional arrow. BANNERS We request permission to hang two banners (3' x 15') by rope across :the east end and across the west end attached by rope from the palm. trees. The banners will be set in place November 6 and removed November 13. Banners are blue, professionally lettered and say "Art Show -- This Weekend". Thank you. LA QUINTA ARTS FOUNDATION Susan Francis Events Manager r POST OFFICE BOX 777 LA QUINTA, CAUFORNIA 92253 (619) 564-'1244 FAX (619) 564-6884 war�n� JA • 'FINE CRAFTS, WINE & ALL THAT JAZZ Q Nov. /O, //, /l, f9r La Quinta Arts Foundation OTermp- Post Office Box 777 La Quinta, CA 92253 port per? 564-1244 a J Contact: Susan Francis �q cv, VB3Tlte So ramF-W10 Zo O � • ���sacrtu� 52 �8 Duran O S SIGN PLACEMENT CHART (THIS CHART CORRESPONDS WITH MAP) SIGH 1 LOCATION SRE CORNEA FACc AltROW I Fred W3rinj & Washington 11/7 x T N.W. N sosghc 2 Miles & Washington 11/T x 7 N.W. N strarghe 3 Highwav I I 1& Washington 11/7 x T N.W. N saas�jsc 4 H' ' v I I I& Washington 11/T x T S.W. W e S. lHilfws, I I I S Washington 11/7 x 7 ME E lek 6 Eisenhower & wash, T x 4' KW. N strarsht 7 Ave. SO & Washin i 1/T x r KW. N soargist 8 Ave. 50 & Washington 11/7 x 7 N.E E Idt 9 TamoKo & Washington 4' x B' N.W. N riot 10 Tamoico & Washinqton 11/7 x 7 KE S Idc I I Ave. S2 & 'Washington I I/7 x T N.E. E riew 12 Ave. S4 8 Jefferson 1 1/7 x 7 S.E. S svaighc 13 Ave. 52 & lefferson 1 I/T x Y S.E S kit 14 lAve. S2 & lefferson 11/T x 7 N.E. E soaighc IS Ave. SO & Jefferson I I/T x 7 S.E S W9 M Ave. 50 & lefferson 11/7 x 27 N.W. N right 17 Ave. SO &Eisenhower 11/T x 7 N.W. N stra,gl+t 18 Tamo,co & Ssenhower T x 4' N.W. N we 19 Bermudas & Tamorco 7 x 4' N.W. W rift 20 Bermudas & Tamo,eo T x 4' N.W. E Idt 21 1 Osserc Cub & Tamo,co T x 4- N.E E We 22 H' v I 1 I& Goif Shoo T x 4' S. W soall, 23 Washington between Hi hwav I I I & Eisenhower I I/T x T N straight 24 Washington between Highway I I I & Eisenhower I1/T x T N sawot 2S Ave. SO between Jefferson and Eisenhower 1 Ili x r E satiShc 26 Wasningtom between Eisenhower & Ave. SO 1 Ili x 27 N saalghc 27 Washington between asenhower & Ave. SO 1 1/7 x r N stragmc 28 Ave, SO between lefferson & Washi S�OA,, Af 29 Eisenhower between Wuhin n & Ave. Fernando 11/7 x 27 E sc a,t gh 30 Tamo,co between Washington & Oesert Club 11/7 x 27 E sawght DESCRIPTION: Signs are professionally lettered by Naegele Outdoor advertising in white letters on blue background and say "arts Festival" with foundation logo and directional arrows. Detail of description of signs 6, 9, 18,19, 20, 21 and 22: #6 La Quints Arts Festival - Stay on Washington (2' x 4' placed on Washington and Eisenhower) #9 Festival Parking (4' x 8' placed on Washington and Tampico) #18 .Festival Parking . (2' x 4' placed on Eisenhower and Tampico) #19 Free Parking Valet Parking (face west on Tampico and Bermudas) #20 Valet Parking (2' x 4' face east on Tampico and Bermudas) #21 Free Parking Valet Parking (2' x 4' on Desert Club and Tampico) #22 La Quinta Arts Festival (T x 4' on Highway 111 by Golf Shop) June 28, 1995 LA QU l NTA S JerryHerman FOUNDATION Plnning Director CITY OF LA QUINTA P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Jerry: Enclosed please find our request for permission to place directional signs and billboards and banners within the city for La Quinta Fall Festival of the Arts 1995. We plan to place a sign on Highway 111 at the Washington intersection near Simon Motors as we did for the 1994 event. We will be in contact with Fred Simon requesting permission to place a sign there.. When we have received notification of permission, we will forward a copy to you.. Yours truly, r a LA QUINTA ARTSTOUNDATION Ar r,. Susan Francis Events Manager , POST OFFICE BOX 777 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 (619) 564-1244 FAX (619) 564-6884 • LA QUINTA TS June 28, 1995 FOUNDATION DIRECTIONAL SIGNS We request that the City of La Quinta authorize placement of signs to promote La Quinta Fall Festival of the Arts, a community event, according to the attached map and descriptions. The directional signs which are painted on MDO plywood will be set in place November 1st and will taken down by November 25th. TEMPORARY PORTA-PANEL We are requesting approval from the City of La Quinta to place a portable billboard on the southeast corner of the intersection of Highway 111 and Washington Street for approximately two weeks prior to and during the event weekend --November 10, 11, 12, 1995. The billboard will be used to advertise this special event and to direct people traveling on Highway 111 to turn south on Washington toward the City of La Quinta. Please see attached map for requested sign placement. This portable sign, to be provided by Fairway Outdoor Advertising Company, is of high quality with professional artwork and lettering similar in quality to those signs used to promote the Bob Hope Classic. The sign will show La Quinta Arts Foundation logo, will contain the words "La Quinta Fall Festival of the Arts --November 10, 11, 12--La Quinta Community Park", and will show a directional arrow. BANNERS We request permission to hang two banners (T x 15') by rope across the east end and across the west end attached by rope from the palm trees. The banners will be set in place November 6 and removed November 13. Banners are blue, professionally lettered and say "Art Show -- This Weekend". Thank you. LA QUINTA ARTS FOUNDATION Susan Francis Events Manager POST OFFICE BOX 777 LA QUINTA, CAUFORNIA 92253 a (619) 564-1244 • FAX (619) 564-6884 O' wa rap oZl 'FINE CRAFTS, WINE & ALL THAT JAZZ r _ �J Nov. La Quinta Arts Foundation OTe.-mP- Post Office Box 777�r La Quinta, CA 92253 Pvr6ipK)at 564-1244 4 Contact: Susan Francis 2q �J 71e3i11 e 50 z' �gUj to HIt wnum 52 ag p �3 Duran�o 4 • SIGN PLACEMENT CHART (THIS CHART CORRESPONDS WITH MAP) SIGN LOCATION SIZE CORNEA FACE ARROW I Fred W3ring & Washington 1 117 x 2' N.W. N sawghs 2 Miles & Washington 1 1/7 x 2' N.W. N saaight 3 Highway I I I& W%shingmn 1117 x 2' N.W. N savot 4 Highway I I I & Washington 11/7 x 2' S.W. W right S Highway I I I& Washington 1 117 x 2' N.E. E left 6 Eisenhower & Washington 7 x 4' N.W. N straight 7 Ave. SO & Washington 1 1/7 x 2' N.W. N sawot 8 Ave. SO & Washington I I/r x 7 N.E. E left 9 Tampico & Washington 4' x 8' N.W. N right 10 Tamoico & Washington 11/7 x 7 N.E. S left I I Are. 52 & Washington I I/7 x 2' N.E. E right 12 Ave. S4 & Jefferson 11/7 x 2' S.E. S straight 13 Ave. 52 & Jefferson I IfT x 2' S.E. S left 14 Ave. 52 & Jefferson I I/7 x 2' N.E. E straight IS Ave. SO & Jefferson I I/7 x 2' S.E. S left 16 Ave. 50 & Jefferson I I/7 x 2' N.W. N right 17 lAve. SO & Eisenhower I I/7 x 2' N.W. N ss>aight 18 Tamoico & Eisenhower 7 x 4' N.W. N left 19 Bermudas & Tamoico 7 x 4' N.W. W right 20 Bermudas & Tamoico 7 x 4' 1 N.W. E left 21 Desert Club & Tamoico 7 x 4' N.E. E left 22 Highway I I 1& Golf Shoo 7 x 4' S. W straight 23 Washington between Highway I I I & Eisenhower I I/7 x 2' N straight 24 Washington between Highway I I I& Eisenhower I I/7 x 7 N straight 2S Ave. SO between lefferson and Eisenhower 1 117 x 2' E straight 26 Washington between Eisenhower & Ave. SO 1 1/7 x 2' N straight 27 Washington between Eisenhower & Ave. SO I I/7 x 2' N straight 28 Ave. 50 between Jefferson & Washington E S>L00-A �>< 29 Eisenhower between Washington & Ave. Fernando 1 117 x 7 E straight 30 Tamoico between Washington & Desert Club 1 1/7 x 7 E straight DESCRIPTION: Signs are professionally lettered by Naegele Outdoor advertising in white letters'on blue background and say "Arts Festival" with foundation logo and directional arrows. ` Detail of description of signs 6, 9, 18, 19, '20, 21 and 22: ; #6 La Quinta Arts Festival Stay, on Washington _ (2' x 4' placed on Washington and Eisenhower) , #9 Festival Parking (4' x 8' placed on Washington"and Tampico) #18 .Festival Parking (2' x 4' placed on Eisenhower and Tammpico) #19 Free Parking Valet Parking, ; (face west on Tampico and Bermudas] #20 Valet Parking (2' x 4' face east on Tampico,and Bermudas) r. . #21 Free Parking "r . Valet Parking . (2' x 4' on Desert Club and Tampico) ' #22 La Qui.nta Arts Festival`' s (2' x 4' on Highway 111 by Golf Shop)..,. `