SAD 1995-071NO -APPROVAL LETTER > f. interoffice M E M O R A N D U M to: Christi di Iorio, Planning Manger from: Greg Trousdell, Associate Planner r. subject: Subdivision Flags - Century Homes r date: December 22, 1995 , I have knowledge that Century Homes has illegally installed more flags at their Spinnaker Cove project than approved: Stan allowed eight flags for the Lake La Quinta project (i.e., four for Century). Based on their noncompliance, I recommend that we deny their request and state in writing T that they can appeal our decision to the Commission. PS - I have asked Code Enforcement to verify the status of their. flags at this time. They have stated that they will call me back today. Enclosure # c: Stan Sawa, Principal Planner - i� - _ - • . h f fit. - 12-21-1995 5:38PM FROM CENTURY_CROWELL 909381261.7 P.1 CENTURY Hom:7s Century -Crowell Communitie iVVVlylt December 21, 1995 VI" IQ 1 a I It I- l 1 U9 Mr. Greg Trousdell Planning Department 'I CITY OF LA QUINTA 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quints, CA 92253 RE: La Quinta Norte and Spinnaker Cove Flag Permit 6-Month Extensions ' Dear Mr. Trousdell, Please accept this letter as our request for a month extension on the flag permits for the above mentioned developments. Both`lsales offices are still open for sales. 11 Please contact either Dennis or myself sh information. I truly appreciate all of your assistance. seasons. Sincerely, Marilyn Rainwater I Marketing Administrator /mr i cc Dennis Cunningham 'Attachment ldec%ft9Pm4.1d= 1535 South "D" Street, Suite 200 - San Bem (909) 381-6007 - FAX (909) 381 Ad you need any additional ish you the happiest of holiday '1' J V I D DEC 2 ^ 1995 OTY Of LA OUIMTA Pulillu fMS EoABTmuff o, CA 92408 1 0 December 15, 1995 Dennis Cunningham Century Homes Project Director 1535 South "D" Street, Ste. 200 San Bernardino, CA 92408 Mr. Cunningham: "" OEF22 �95 ARTNI EM Of OEPEN� pl jpI % NRT Certified Mail It has come to the attention of the Code Compliance Division that the flag permit has expired at the La Quinta Norte Project. You may renew that permit with our Community Development Department by contacting Greg Trousdell within ten (10) calendar days of receipt of this notice. It has also come to our attention that the Spinnaker Cove Project has approximately eighteen (18) flags displayed. The permit which expires on January 15, 1996, only allows for a total of four (4) flags at Spinnaker and four (4) flags at the Marquessa Project..Please remove all flags except the four (4), as permitted within ten (10) calendar days. In addition, it has been noted that banners have been placed at Century Home Projects without benefit of the proper permits. Please correct this apparent oversight within the same ten (10) day time period. If you fail to comply with this request within the specified time, the City will have no choice but to remove all non -permitted signage and flags on all Century Projects pursuant to the. requirements of the City Sign Code, Chapter 9, Section 212, and the cost of that removal will be billed directly to your company. I thank you, in advance, for your timely cooperation in this matter. In the event that you have any questions in regards to the specifics of this letter, please contact Grey Trousdell or the undersigned. Respectfully, Don Whelchel Code Compliance Officer II Roger Hirdler Community Safety Manager f° � �Quwuw MEMORANDUM CASE: SAS D q5 Your sign permit application is hereby approved, subject to the following provisions or conditions: The sign shall be installed pursuant to the attached exhibits. 2. The permit shall expire on .Sgyl ( 5 , 1 1QLo 3. The maximum number of signs/>il'/banners permitted shall be Pe- 4. If the sign permit involves permanent electric facilities, a building permit shall be obtained. 5. If the sign is a temporary sign, please contact Mr. Don Whelchel in the Code Enforcement Department once the sign(s) has been installed so that he can inspect the sign (or signs) and verify compliance with the attached requirements. Mr. Whelchel will need to see this memorandum so that he can attach a City decal to your paperwork in the field. He can be reached by calling 777-7050. If the sign is permanent, please contact Mr. Whelchel prior to installing the sign at the site so that he can be present while the sign (or signs) is being installed. 6. Additional Conditions:; Rempvy. all sxt ,vim, atc -� vx.oe, 0� V�C 1 J Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, Community Development Department Attachments c: Code Enforcement Department Building Department 2G•112C i) il1�l I T�D�, 7 JUL 05 '95 02;11PM 0 .3/4- .......-- ATTACHMENT 1 ' CASE MAP CASE No. NORTH PLOT PLAN 95-549 SCALE: NTS APPROVED BY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DATE 1 BY EXHIBIT s CASE NO. ' 15 4 --Ik- - hAA x "to. A16A" Orl V LA APPROVED BY PLANTING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BY DATE 1 --t� EXHIBIT CASE NO. SAD -7 r July 5, 1995 Stan Sawa Planning Department CITY OF LA QUINTA La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Stan, I have enclosed the Lake La Quinta plo Spinnaker Cove and four (4) flags at Marquesa. fee for the aforementioned flag permit. map showing the location of four (4) flags at I am also enclosing the eighty dollars ($80.00) I will be following up with a letter asking you to preview the flag ordinance per the City Council as it could be applied to a multi product development. Project Director DC:mr cc Tony Scimia J U L 13 1995 ¢Y are op u., F'LA- "X',,r C`F/,%MENT