SAD 1995-080.e T4ht. 4 4 Q" MEMORANDUM CASE: SAD 95-080 (INCO Homes) Your sign permit application is hereby approved, subject to the following provisions or conditions: The sign shall be installed pursuant to the.attached exhibits. 2. The permit shall expire on March 20, 1996 3. The maximum number of sigmas ags �s permitted shall be 8 4. If the sign permit involves permanent electric facilities, a building permit shall be obtained. 5. If the sign is a temporary sign, please contact Mr. Don Whelchel in the Code Enforcement Department once the sign(s) has been installed so that he can inspect the sign (or signs) and verify compliance with the attached requirements. Mr. Whelchel will need to see this memorandum so that he can attach a City decal to your paperwork in the field. He can be reached by calling 777-7050. If the sign is permanent, please contact Mr. Whelchel prior to installing the sign at the site so that he can be present while the sign (or signs.) is being installed. 6. Additional Conditions: 1. The existing 21 flags are allowed to remain until 9-20; thereafter, 8 flags will be permitted. Thank you for your cooperation. c: Code Enforcement Department Building Department September 8, 1995 Mr. Greg Trousdell Assistant Planner City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 RE: Tract 23995-flags Dear Greg: re nn F S E P 1 1 1995 R0ME PlANNSN02 DF- i `:-26 .4.•V: In September of 1994 the City Council approved our request for a total of 21 flags. Our model ID flags were considered as one flag per lot, which gave us a balance of 17 flags to be placed along Miles Avenue and/or Cold Creek Lane. We have since learned that the new regulations enacted at the request of the City Council only permit a total of 8 flags. We have enclosed for your review a revised copy of the model homes site plan for your files. We have revised this plan to reflect the fact that the temporary sales trailer and parking lot have been removed, and have deleted all of the flags except eight along Miles Avenue west of Cold Creek Lane. The model ID banners have also been deleted on this plan. These will be replaced with small wall mounted signs indicating the plan number. Please contact us if you need additional information. Sincerely, INC HO S CORPORATION Frederick W. Farr Land Development Manager cc: Wendy Moore SEP z , 7 !I n 5 j� 23q�5 Southern California Division 250 E. Rincon Avenue Suite 202 Corona, CA 91719.1341 (909)736.0700 FAX (909) 736-0400 Corporate Office 1282 W. Arrow Highway P.O. Box 970 Upland, CA 91785 (909)981-8989 FAX (909) 982-9784 No SUBDIVISION FLAG POLICY - 1. Eight flags shall be considered the maximum number of flags permitted. 2. The pole heights shall be a maximum of 20-feet in height for the perimeter of the project and 16-feet for the interior. 3. The size of each flag shall be a maximum of 18 square feet for the perimeter and 12 square feet for the interior. 4. Rigid flags, secured on more than one side, are not permitted. 5. The flags may vary in color or have multiple colors, but fluorescent colors are not allowed. 6. Any wording on the flags shall be limited to the name of the subdivision and/or name of the developer. Flags which have a phrase or part of a phrase which is read on multiple or subsequent flags shall not be allowed. 7. The flags shall be approved for a six month period then reviewed by the Community Development Department and if in acceptable condition, granted an extension for up to six months. 8. There shall be no more than one .flag per pole. 9. The height of the flag pole shall be measured from finish grade at the property line. 10. The flag pole size shall be determined by the lateral load and size of the flag. Stacy shall supply applicants with the acceptable standards. FORM.042 October 18, 1994 (Minute Motion.94-229) -.City Council - will- C7 �Z7 - �Qycu _ - 1 - ( _l •y~ cn J) A> r N r, } ;n mot;: L w _� f , y _._......... �a.�._ - _ K. �. "; �`►` k- w -LOY 34 'OF 2 2' -P AN-1- BL 51 -- -.LOT PLAN FOUR LOT 32 10 PLAN ONE., LOT SALE S-.(-)FFIC;L f-;o C4 r�r 0 <1 .. J. a Tf D 1;2 E0711 6ALr--6 I Nfo M PV ON Sf Gt4 rT7r- -A11V erot. mk^-rv4-;;e SUNBROOK COURT I IT) f W.V-a r�'�`T _ _�aa-oiw111j V co bIAN L)fZ1Vti0Ay I 4r y;?oW-k1 Uc rec'c- IN J-1 10 30' 7' 5' I PP Fzy /643 PH #10T TH.C. I bvf .0 -46A1(0 0 op fACJ�-D F124C-k4 eC-T 1�u NOR WOO n. TH SCALE 1/160=1'-0m \ k MILES AN F .2 -S-. -stall -Sv -6 a lilt A t t z 0 0 > 0 6 w cr. uj 0 0 w (a z z z 0 0 —i z cc 0 z 0 w n LL z D w o 0 Z 0 1cc 0 .j a. w cn 0 X. .j III 10 0 2 IShe*(: