SAD 1995-0914 41 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO — LA QUINTA,' CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) '777-7000 t - FAX (619) 777-7101 January 11, 1996 Ms. Maggie Hand r Tournament Coordinator Liberty Mutual - Legends of Golf 55-920 PGA Boulevard La Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT: SPECIAL ADVERTISING DEVICE 95-091 Dear Ms. Hand: On January 9, 1996, the Planning Commission approved your request to have special off -site directional signing for your March golf tournament, at the PGA West Resort. Enclosed is a copy of the final Conditions of Approval. . If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 619-777-7067. r , Very truly yours, f J Y HE C UN DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR, G SDELL s i er GT. Enclosure % c: Code Enforcement ' Public Works Department , MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA.QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253' \ CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - FINAL SPECIAL ADVERTISING DEVICE 95-091 LIBERTY MUTUAL JANUARY 9, 1996 1.. The sign application- request is exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15305 (Subsection B). 2. The signs are temporary, . relatively small and placed so as not to hinder vehicular visibility. Therefore, the impact to existing adjacent areas and/or traffic will be minimal. Additionally, the signs are well designed. 3. The temporary signing request, as conditioned, will meet the provisions of Chapter 5.64 of the Municipal Code. The advertising is needed -for this special function. CONDITIONS: 1. The applicant shall obtain an encroachment permit from the . Public Works Department before placement of any advertising device(s) within the right-of- way. No advertising device shall be located within ten (10) feet of the edge of pavement or street curbing. The directional signs shall not interfere with vehicle or pedestrian traffic or reduce vision clearances for motorists or pedestrians. Off -site signs along Jefferson Street or other public access routes shall be mounted on maximum 2" by 2" wooden posts or other break -away material approved by the City Engineer. 2. A total of sixteen (16) off -site signs adjacent to public streets and eight (8). .signs adjacent to PGA Boulevard shall be allowed unless otherwise approved by the Community Development Director. 3. The applicant shall obtain written approval from all private property owners if a sign is placed on their property.. 4. The directional signs shall be installed no earlier than March 16,. 1996, and shall be removed the day after closure of the event. 5. All on -site temporary banners shall be approved * by the Community. Development Department prior to their installation. 6. Advertising within adjacent cities or along Highway 111 shall be approved by the appropriate public agency. CONAPRVL.356/pcgt.128 s BI *2. PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DATE: JANUARY 9, 1996 CASE: SPECIAL ADVERTISING DEVICE 95-091 APPLICANT: LIBERTY MUTUAL (LEGENDS OF GOLF) REP.: MS. MAGGIE HAND REQUEST: APPROVAL OF TEMPORARY ADVERTISING FOR THE LIBERTY MUTUAL GOLF TOURNAMENT AT PGA WEST RESORT FROM MARCH 18 - 24, 1996 LOCATION: RESORT IS SOUTH OF AVENUE 54 AND WEST OF MADISON STREET On November 29, 1995, staff received a request, by the Liberty Mutual, for approval of 24 on -and off -site directional signs for a golf tournament at the PGA West Resort from March 18 - 24, 1996. (Attachments 1 and 2). Approximately 16 off -site directional signs are proposed in the right-of-way along Washington Street and Jefferson Street. The proposed signs are two feet by two feet (4 sq. ft.) and will be no higher than seven feet in overall height. The signs will be placed 10-feet from the existing street paving for traffic safety (Attachments 3 and 4). The eight remaining signs will be placed south of Avenue 54 on PGA Boulevard, a private street inside the Resort. These signs are 4 to 16 sq. ft. in size. Three additional signs will be placed along Highway 111 which requires Caltrans approval and therefore do not require Planning Commission review and approval. Section 5.64.020 provides, in part, that permits, are to be issued for special purposes, "... and not on a continuing basis for permanent advertising or identification purposes," and further, "... each permit shall be issued for a specific period." PCGT.128/conaprv1.356 Staff Comments This application request is similar in size and number to other golfing events approved by the Planning Commission in the past (i.e., Diners Matches, Lexus Challenge, Bob Hope Chrysler Classic, etc.). Staff recommends approval of the request as conditioned. RECOMMENDATION: By Minute Motion 96-_, approve Special Advertising Device 95-091, subject to the attached Findings'and Conditions of Approval: Attachments: 1. Letter from Ms. Maggie Hand 2. Location Map 3: Sign Exhibit 4. Sign Location Map PCGT.128/conaprv1.356 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED SPECIAL ADVERTISING DEVICE 95-091 LIBERTY MUTUAL JANUARY 9, 1996 1. .The sign application request is exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental. Quality Act (CEQA), pursuant to Section 15305, (Subsection B). 2. The signs are temporary, relatively small and placed so as not to hinder vehicular visibility.. Therefore, the impact to existing adjacent areas and/or traffic will be minimal.' Additionally, the signs are well designed. 3. The temporary signing request, as. conditioned, will meet the provisions of Chapter 5.64 of the Municipal Code. The advertising is needed for this special function. CONDITIONS: 1. The applicant shall obtain an encroachment permit from the Public Works Department before placement,of any advertising device(s) within the right-of- way. No advertising device shall be located within ten (10) feet of the edge of pavement or street curbing. The directional signs shall not interfere .with vehicle or pedestrian traffic or reduce vision clearances for motorists or pedestrians. Off -site signs along Jefferson Street or other public access routes shall be mounted on maximum 2" by 2" wooden posts or other break -away material approved by the City Engineer. 2. A total of sixteen (16) off -site signs adjacent to public streets and eight (8) signs adjacent to PGA Boulevard shall be allowed unless otherwise approved by the Community Development Director. 3. The applicant shall obtain written approval from all private property owners if a sign is placed on their property. 4. The directional signs shall be installed no earlier than March 16, 1996, and shall be removed the day after closure of the event. 5. All on -site temporary � banners shall be approved. by the Community Development Department prior to their installation. 6. Advertising within adjacent cities or along Highway .111 shall be approved by the appropriate public agency. CONAPRVL.3 56/pcgt.128 0 ib u e e pf' Fred Raphael Owner/Producer Tim Hey Tournament Director Maggie Hand Tournament Coordinator Volunteers Jody Meyer Sales Manager Allyson Therrell Sales Administrator 55-920 PGA Boulevard La Quinta, CA 92253 619/777-1150 619/777-1157(fax) November 28, 1995 Mr. Greg Trousdell City of La Quinta Planning and Development Department 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Mr. Trousdell, —09 r NOV 2.9 1° 'Y ' , r tirL•u+:Yisj Enclosed is a request for a sign permit for the Liberty Mutual Legends of Golf Toumament to be held March 18 - 24,. 1996. We have received permission from the city to hold the event. The signs will be put up approximately March 12 and will be taken down by March 20, 1996. I have attached a drawing of the signs and the placement. In addition we will be placing temporary cardboard "No Parking" signs along Madison Avenue on both sides of the street. In addition, the public parking lot will be the large parking area across from the permanent parking lot next to KSL's office from March 18 -. 24, 1996. Parking will not be on Jefferson and 54th this year. I have attached a drawing. If you need any additional information, please call me at 777-1150. Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, Maggie Hand Tournament Coordinator I t ti. STADIUM .COURSE JefPersoN AvE. DRIVIN[r R AN.(rrrr a 'F{eso2T cLuFS .NouSF ~kuTERNA' ENTRl 0 PGA BLVD. PGA WEST L.E GE N V5 OFFiC.E I-E s cuLa w I .lam P�a c-o-d rAJO 6o a r'aRAd 0 r (A 0 ,kl "'P4- Highway I I I \ V J ID -2 -t CD \IJ N --q� /\,)-AL ' VK'21. - ISL� 50th Ave. Avenue 52 14-V Up. Avenue 54 C r4 L'L 7M X m A 3 0 DEC- 7-95 THU 5: � s Frcd Raphael ()Inner/Producer. 'fitn Hey 7'nurrtCtntent jXrec-for Maggie llaod •fnurnttnten! Coordinator Volunteers ,lody Meyer Sales Manelger• Allyson Therrell $cries Administrator Alison Skeen A.dnttnistratire Assistant 55.9.20 PGA Boulevard La Quinta, CA 92253 619/777.1150 619/777-1157 (fax) 03 PM LEGEjb OF GOLF I FAI NO. 6LD-7771157 P, 1 [FACSIMILE TR,ANSMI'I'TAL TO: GREG TROUSEDELL COMPANY-.. CITY OF LA QUINTA DATE:DECEMBER, 7, 1995 FAX #: 777-71101 MAGGIE HAND LIBERTY MUTUAL LEGENDS OF GOLF NUMBER OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER.: COAIMENTS: AM I REQUIRED TO DO ANYTHING FURTHER? LU DEC 0 7 1995 CJTV OF LA QUINTA PLAWMNG DE,PRTME DEC- 7-95 THU 5: 04 PM i EGE.T c OF GOLF FAX NO, ' e .,771.157; P. 2 10 tf Eared Raphael owner/Prodtice.r TIM Ilcy August 2, 1995 t . Tournament Director V' Maggie Hand - Tourmmjent Coordinator r - Volunteers Mr. Greg Trousdell r Jody Meycr Associate Planner - City of La Qbinta . Sates Manager P,O, Box 1504 ;- Allyson Therrell , La Quinta, CA 92253 4 Soles Adntinistrotor , Bear Mr. 1'rousdell, r + I am writing to request a -time extension for the Liberty Mutual Legends of • Golf office trailer at 55-920 PGA Blvd, (MTOE 94-072) Our current expiration date is August 15,(1995. •, �� r. In addition, our tournament for 1996 is'being held March 18th thzough March 24th, not the 23rd as previously stated. MINOR TEMPORARY EVENT 95- 095. Please notiCy the tournament office if any additional information is needed, - Sincerely, ' . r Maggie Hand Tournament Coordinator 1 55-920 PGA Boulevard r. La Quinta, CA 92253 619/777-1150 619/177-1157 (fa) ti DEC- 7-95 THU 5.04 PM LEGE' QF GOLF FAX NO., 616771157 P. 3 w tl� Ind V11 _ Va9wo µ 78-495 .CALLE TAMPICO - LA Ol1INTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) ' 777-7000 FAX (619) 777-7101 December 1, 1995 Ms. Maggie Hand Tournament Coordinator 55-920 PGA Boulevard La Quinta, CA. 92253 SUBJECT: SPECIAL ADVERTISING .DEVICE 95-091. (.113ERTX MUTUAL) Dear Ms. (Hand: On November 29, 1995, we received your off -site advertising request for the .Liberty Mutual Lege.uds of Golf Tournament to be in March 1996. We have scheduled the directional signing request for the January 9, 1996, PIanning Commission meeting to be held at 7:00 P.M. in the City Council Chamber. Please attend the meeting to answer, any questions asked by the Commission members. However, to complete the application request, please tell me how many signs are needed for the event within our City limits excluding those within the Caltrans right-of-way. The Commission would prefer to approve no ,more than 25 to 30 signs for each temporary event. Their request does not preclude you from applying to have additional signs along fligbway III (govemed by Caltrans)•or in the City of Indio. In your letter, you say that we have approved your upcoming tournament. I find that we have granted permission to use the existing trailer for next yei'r's tournament, but I do not find that we have approved your 1996 golfing event. We require tournament operators to submit a separate application for each tournament to be held in the City. Therefore, please file a request with our department when possible. - If you have any question,,,, please feel free to contact inc at 619-777-7067. Very truly yours, JORY(HE GT- DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR MAILING ADDRESS P.O. BOX 1504 - LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 fixg DEC- 7-95 mHU 5:05 PM. LEGS' OF GOLF FAX NO, 6 771157 P. 4 78495 CALLS TAMPICO LA OU1NTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 777-7000 FAX (619) 777-7101 t July 5, 1995 Mr. Paul Levandoski Director of Operations Legends of Golf 55-920 PGA Boulevard La Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT: MINOR TEMPORARY OUTDOOR EVENT 95-095 Dear Mr. Levandoski: This is to report that your request for a golf tournament at PGA. West (TPC golf course) is hereby approved by.the-Community Development Department subject to the following conditions: 1, The golf tournament is approved to be held on March 18th through 23rd between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. The City may impose additional conditions or revoke this permit any time in the future if major complaints or problems arise. 2. Before the event (no later than seven days in advance), the organizers shall personally notify the PGA West Homeowners' Associations of the golf tournament activities during March. 3. Unobstructed fire lanes shall be provided at all times during the golf tournament as required by the Fire Marshal. 4. Permits for temporary use structures (tents, stands, stage, etc.) or any open flame devices .shall be obtained from the Riverside County Fire department prior to installation or use. 5. Fire extinguishers shall, be provided, if required by the Fire Marshal. Contact Mr. Tom Hutchison at 619-863-8886. 6. Vendors who sell or serve alcoholic beverages shall obtain a license from the Alcohol Beverage Control Board. LTRar.aos MAILING ADDRESS P.Q. 8OX 1504 - LA OVINT'A, CALIFORNIA 92253 � •, DEC 7-95 THU 5:06 PM LEGFjj OF GOLF FAX NO. 616.771157 P. 5 7. Applicant shall provide Riverside County Sheriff's Deputies on -site during the event (contact Lieutenant Denver Pittman at 863-8990). 8. Portable restrooms shall be provided for the golf tournament in a ratio satisfactory to .accommodate each day's patrons. Contact the Building Department if you have any questions. 9. All vendors or operators shall obtain a City business license. 10. Food vendors shall be reviewed and approved for operation by the Riverside County Health Department, as required. 11. Any extension cords for electricity must be heavy duty and equipped with GFI. All extension cords must be taped to the ground or buried. J 12. Before use of any private property, the applicant shall obtain written approval from the property owner.' 13. Temporary trash bins shall be placed throughout the golf course with applicant insuring that all trash and debris is cleaned up at the closing of each day's activities. 14. A Blowsand Control Plan (PM10) for parking areas shall be prepared for the event pursuant to Chapter 6.16 of the Municipal Code. A PM10 Plan will not be required if you park vehicles on paved or turfed areas. A copy of the City's requirements can be obtained from our department (Contact Mr. Wally Nesbit at 777-7069). 15. The applicant shall work with Waste Management of Palm Desert to recycle the aluminum cans disposed of in the temporary trash receptacles. 16. A building permit may be required for your temporary, accessory structures (i.e., bleachers, etc.). You can contact their office by calling 619-777-7012. 17. If temporary "No Parking" or street closure permits are required to conduct the golf tournament, please file a written request with appropriate exhibits to our attention. The traffic plan shall show the locations of proposed blockages to normal traffic flow, temporary parking areas, pedestrian routes, and any other elements affecting the normal condition. The plan shall indicate the location, nature and timing of proposed temporary signing, barricades, channelization markets, flagpersons, and other proposed traffic control measures. The plan requires approval by the City Council, 18. If ground excavation is required, please contact Underground Service Alert (USA) at.1-800- 422-4133. The service is free of charge provided USA is' given at least two days' notice. LTRGT.406 DEC- 7-95 THU 5: 06 PM LEGR OF GOLF FAX NO. 6JJ77i 157 P, 6 19. Before any cranes, forklifts, or other aerial equipment is raised, please check for existing overhead wires. . If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office at 619-777-7067. Vcry truly yours, JERRY E,IMAN 4ssociat DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR DELL nner , GT: cbw Enc. cc: Engineering Department Building Department, Sheriff's Department Eire Marshal Riverside County Health Department Code Enforcement UrRGT.aos fILEIOPT'..4 78-496 CALLE . TAMPICO - LA OUINTA, . CALIFORNIA 92253 (619) .777-7000 ` FAX • (619) 777-7101. December 1, 1995 c Ms.. Maggie Hand , Tournament Coordinator f 55-920 PGA Boulevard La Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT: SPECIAL ADVERTISING DEVICE 95-091 (LIBERTY MUTUAL) Dear Ms. Hand: On November 29, 1995, we received your off -site advertising request for the Liberty Mutual Legends of Golf Tournament to be in March 1996.' We have scheduled the directional signing request for the January 9, 1996, Planning. Commission meetingtobe held at 7:00 P.M. in the City Council Chamber. Please attend'the meeting to answer any questions asked by the Commission members. However, to -complete the application request, please' tell me - how many signs are needed for the event,within our City limits excluding those - within the Caltrans right-of-way. The Commission "would prefer to approve no more than 25 to 30 signs`for each temporary event. Their request does not preclude you from' applying to have additional signs along Highway 111 (governed by Caltrans) or in the City of Indio. In your. letter, you say that we have approved your upcoming tournament'- I find that we have granted permission to use the existing trailer for next year's tournament, but I do not find that we have approved your 1996 golfing event. We require tournament operators to submit a separate application for each tournament to be held_ in the City. Therefore, please file a request with our department when possible.. If you have any questions, please feel free to' contact me at 619-777-7067. Very truly yours, VJ Y HE O M NI DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR - G HE . P nner _ GT. - A MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504, --,LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA -92253 �� rr Fred Raphael - Owner/Producer Tim Iley ` Tournament Director Maggie Hand Tournament Coordinator Volunteers Jody Meyer Sales Manager Allyson Therrell Sales Administrator 55-920 PGA Boulevard La Quinta, CA 92253 619/777-1150 619/777-1157(fax) November 28, 1995 w �I�f �A { UINTA ti AANNING•DEPARTMENT . Mr. Greg Trousdell City of La Quinta Planning and'Development Department ' 48-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Mr. Trousdell; r Enclosed is a request for a sign -permit for the'Liberty Mutual Legends of Golf Tournament to be held March 18'- 24; 1996.- We have.received permission from the city to hold the event. The signs will be put up .approximately March 12 and will be taken down by March 20, 1996. : I have attached a drawing of the signs and the placement. In addition we_will . be placing temporary cardboard 'No Parking'•' signs along Madison Avenue on. both sides of the street. • In addition, the public.parking lot will`be the large parking area across from -the permanent parking lot next to KSL's office from March 18 - 24;,1996..Parking will not be on Jefferson and 54th this year. I have attached a drawing. If you need any addifional•informatio_n, please call me,at 777=1150. Thank you for, your assistance. 1.4 Sincerely, r Maggie Hand - ti- •� - . , Tournament Coordinator