SAD 1996-09503/21/1996 13:16 PAGE 04 E. 6197770, 5 CITY OF LA QU16A Case Number Date Received � n o APR 0 8 1996 1 d" 1 PLANNING &-DEVELOPMENT=DEPARTMENT SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION KCL.-yC .'APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS A. The following shall be submitted by the Applicant to the Planning & Development Department at the time of permit application unless otherwise modified by the Planning Director: 1. Completed sign application obtained from the City. 2. Appropriate sign plans with number of copies and exhibits as required in the application. 3. Appropriate fees as established by Council resolution. 4. Letter of consent or authorization from property owner, or lessor, or authorized agent of the building or premises upon which the sign is to be erected. B. Plans Required - Information required - the. following information - must be shown on the sign plan: 1. Sign elevation •drawing indicating overall and letter/figure/design dimensions, colors, materials, proposed copy and illumination method. 2. Site plan indicating the location of all main and accessory signs existing or proposed for the site with dimensions', color, material, copy and method 'of illumination indicated for each. 3. Building elevations with signs depicted (for non -freestanding signs. Applicant ��LC?C Qd t O ` e_a_r1 R kern earl n Mailing Address �`�7 , 6-Un-�rr_G1Wo Hc_YL Phone: �L] 77� --7/7i Name of Business r 0 Type of Business ejctD ID cS`71q-Tj bl� Phone-: VatV 772 — % (7 Address of Businessrn o a rnQ cU n q acc& ry SS FQRM.004/CS -, 03/21/1996 13:16 e Stj1dii a_ _g 7;ai,,�lM_ou_ nted4d ' Temporary 6197777' CITY OF LA QUI*, Number Main Trade Sign Directional Sign affsite Advertising :oposed Signs ("alb lal :cel Number Zone lions of sign (and of copy face if less) nation or Contract Price applicant Date "'AMP Date Yority May be Attached) 3e or misleading information shall be grounds for denial of )lication. -2� EMERGENCY AGENDA ITEM PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DATE: APRIL 9, 1996 CASE: t SPECIAL ADVERTISING DEVICE 96-095 ,.. REQUEST: APPROVAL OF A 32-FOOT HIGH COLD AIR BALLOON FOR A ONE -DAY OUTOOR EVENT IN THE ONE ELEVEN - LA QUINTA SHOPPING CENTER PARKINGLOT. LOCATION: PARKING LOT OF THE ONE ELEVEN -LA QUINTA SHOPPING CENTER (I.E., WEST OF .WAL-MART) ON HIGHWAY 111 APPLICANT: MS. LEANNA HOFMANN, PROMOTIONS DIRECTOR OF KLCX FM RADIO STATION New Application On April 8, 1996, an application was received from Ms. Leanna Hofmann, Promotions Director with the. KLCX Radio Station, requesting permission to install a 32-foot high cold air balloon in the parking lot of the One Eleven -La Quinta Shopping Center (Attachments 1 and 2). The balloon will be located 300-feet north of Highway 111 and west of the existing Wal-Mart store: The applicant would like to use the balloon for a three hour period (11:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M.) during their "family fair" on April 13th. Ms. Hofinann estimates approximately 200-300 people will attend this promotional function. The applicant has also applied for approval of the outdoor event permit under Minor Temporary Outdoor Event 96-117 requiring the Director's approval. Staff is presently working on the Conditions of Approval for the event. Commission approval is required for the KLCX balloon. Municipal Code Provisions The Commission shall review all special advertising requests pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 5.64 of the Municipal Code. The existing Code allows the Planning Commission to approve temporary advertising devices other than customary permanent identification signs. This includes banners greater in size than 2-feet by 8-feet and other types of special advertising. Section 5.64.020 provides, in part, that permits may be issued for special purposes, such as grand openings and other special occasions, but not on a continuing basis for permanent advertising or identification purposes. Each permit shall be issued for a specific period of time. PCGT.117-p Staff Comments This cold air balloon was used during the one-year anniversary of the La Quinta Village Center on November 11, 1996 (i.e., MTOE 95=107 and SAD 95-086). The placement of the balloon over 300- feet north of Highway 111 will not create any problems for the community because the balloon will be on -site for a limited period reducing the potential to contribute to visual clutter. Staff supports the request provided the recommended Conditions of Approval are imposed. RECOMMENDATION: By Minute Motion 96- approve Special Advertising Device 96-095 to allow a 327foot high cold air balloon 300-feet from Highway 111 between the hours of 11:00 A.M. and 2:00 P.M., subject to the attached Findings and Conditions of Approval. Attachments: 1. Letter from KLCX 2. Location Map 3. Conditions of Approval A -1 A r ti RE SDELL, Associate Planner Submitted by: CFIRISTINE DI IORIO, Plii<fnning Manager PCGT.117-p • Attention: Greg Trousdell Associate Planner City of La Quinta From: Leanna Hofmann Promotions Director KLCX Radio • 102.3 KLCX.FM Classic Rock r Lull p 8 1y> PI.M"46 I), PART110ENT April 4th,1996 Dear Grey As I mentioned on the phone last we spoke, KLCX is staging a remote broadcast and family fun event at the Wal Mart / Albertson's Center on HWY 111 in La Quinta on Saturday, April 13th from 11am to 2pm. Special events like this one are important to La Quinta business because it draws attention to the shopping/retail opprtunities and it brings folks to the location. J This "family fun" event . is similar to the one. KLCX hosted at the La Quinta Village Center for Ralph's last fall, though it will be a bit smaller in scope. The staging on April 13th includes the KLCX 32ft cold air balloon (tethered and secured in the parking lot), the KLCX 10' X 15' EZ-UP tent, a standard -size children's 'bounce house", booths from Center merchants, and a few classic cars on display. KLCX will hold free prize drawings every half-hour 11am- 2pm at our booth. • The shopping center is supporting the event by having sales and buying advertising and Albertson's is planning a BBQ for the event, as well. KLCX will set up the staging of all activities on one secured and contained row of parking in the parking lot (that will not interfere with consumers parking needs). Well have banners. and placards around the center as the additional signage, nothing unusual. Enclosed, please find the necessary permit applications. , Greg, thank you for your assistance.. KLCX endeavors to stage this event in a legal and organized fashion: a WIN -WIN for all parties involved. Leanna MARK .BRIAN 77622 Country Club Drive, Suite K • Palm Desert, CA 92211 - (619) 772-7171 (619) 772-7177 03/21/1996 13:16 6197777155 CITY OF LA QUINTA PAGE 06 LA VUIN' B-2 0 � � ul G� 'I,1 ONO W;0 d,o . k: p W.100% - 1-2 0, ATTACHMENT 3 , CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED SAD 96-095 n KLCX FM RADIO STATION APRIL 99 1996 FINDINGS: 1. The proposed temporary cold air balloon for the Family Fair has been determined to be exempt, Class 4, Section 15304(e), from the provisions of California Environmental Quality Act because it is minor temporaryuse of the land having negligible, or no permanent effects on the environment (i.e., carnivals, etc.). ' 2. The conditions stated below are deemed necessary to protect the health, safety, and' welfare of the community. _ CONDITIONS• 1. The cold air balloon shall be allowed, April 13, 1996 only, between the hours of 11:00. A.M. to 2:00 P.M. pursuant to the information and exhibition file with the:Community,: Development Department. Y _ 2. All requirements of Minor Temporary Outdoor Event Permit 96-117 shall be 'met including providing liability insurance which 'will provide insurance coverage for employees and patrons attending the outdoor event: Conap1.328 ' • • CITY OF ILA QUINTA PO Box 1504 • LA QUINTA, CA 92253 • 619-777-7067 • FAX: 619-777-7155 TRANSMITTAL MEMO TO: IOe'CITY MANAGER ✓PARKS DEPT. i-- UILDING & SAFETY +/CODE ENFORCEMENT WIHERIFF'S DEPT. //F`IRE MARSHAL CVWD III) CO. OF RIVERSIDE i/C"HRISTINE DI IORIO UBLIC WORKS DEPT. �ERRY HERMAN &/�TAN SAWA y�ALLY NESBIT ✓FARED BAKER A-- . ESLIE MOURIQUAND SCHOOL DISTRICT (DS/CV) CITY OF PALM DESERT CITY OF INDIAN WELLS CALTR.AN S FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT. (C/O GREG TROUSDELL) DATE: APRIL 8, 1996 SUBJECT: FAMILY DAY FAIR (APRIL 13TH) CASE(S): MINOR TEMPORARY OUTDOOR EVENT 96-117 SPECIAL ADVERTISING DEVICE 96-095 LOC.: ONE. ELEVEN -LA QUINTA CENTER PLEASE REVIEW AND PROVIDE ANY NEW COMMENTS YOU MAY HAVE ON THE ATTACHED ITEM BY APRIL 10, 1996, AT 1:00 P.M. THANK YOU. COMMENTS: ATTACHMENTS CITY OF ILA QUINTA PO Box 1504 • LA QUINTA, CA 92253 • 619-777-7067 • FAx: 619-777-7155 TRANSMITTAL MEMO TO: ko'CITYMANAGER ✓PUBLIC.WORKS DEPT. ✓PARKS DEPT. /TERRY HERMAN ✓MUILDING,& SAFETY �/�TAN SAWA W'CODE ENFORCEMENT L.-�ALLY NESBIT wlSHERIFF'S DEPT. ✓FARED BAKER / ;;51R.E MARSHAL &/LESLIE MOURIQUAND CVWD SCHOOL DISTRICT (DS/CV) IID CITY OF PALM DESERT CO. OF RIVERSIDE CITY OF INDIAN WELLS {/C(HRISTINE DI IORIO CALTRANS FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT. (C/O GREG TROUSDELL) DATE: APRIL 8, 1996 SUBJECT: FAMILY DAY FAIR (APRIL 13TH) CASE(S): MINOR TEMPORARY OUTDOOR EVENT 96-117 SPECIAL ADVERTISING DEVICE 96-095 LOC.: ONE ELEVEN -LA QUINTA CENTER PLEASE REVIEW AND PROVIDE ANY NEW COMMENTS YOU MAY HAVE ON THE ATTACHED ITEM BY APRIL 10, 1996, AT 1:00 P.M. THANK YOU. COMMENTS: 0 ATTACHMENTS CITYOF LA QUINTA PO Box 1504 • LA QUINTA, CA 92253 • 619-777-7067 • FAx: 619-777-7155 TRANSMITTAL, MEMO TO: ✓CITY MANAGER ✓PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. I✓PARKS DEPT. /FERRY HERMAN +/BUILDING & SAFETY TAN SAWA BODE ENFORCEMENT &..-WALLY NESBIT ✓SHERIFF'S DEPT. ✓F*RED BAKER SIRE MARSHAL &-�ESLIE MOURIQUAND CVWD SCHOOL DISTRICT (DS/CV) IID CITY OF PALM DESERT CO. OF RIVERSIDE .CITY OF INDIAN WELLS . t. CHRISTINE DI IORIO CALTRANS FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT. (C/O GREG TROUSDELL) DATE: APRIL 8, 1996 SUBJECT: FAMILY DAY FAIR (APRIL 13TH) CASE(S): MINOR TEMPORARY OUTDOOR EVENT 96-117 SPECIAL ADVERTISING DEVICE 96-095 LOC.: ONE ELEVEN -LA QUINTA.CENTER PLEASE REVIEW AND PROVIDE ANY NEW COMMENTS YOU MAY HAVE ON THE ATTACHED ITEM BY APRIL 10, 1996, AT 1:00 P.M. THANK YOU. COMMENTS: clo m t . ATTACHMENTS - - 1 a au 1 J. 1 V UlrY OF LA QUINTA PAGE 02 C_ ITY of LA 4A PLANNING & DEVELOPMENTNT DEPARTMENT 78-495 CALLE.TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CA 92253 PERMIT NO: APPLICATION FOR MINOR TEID?ORAAY OUTDOOR EVENT Proposed Use: 3 - I- -cu 12 Ptr2 IL ► 1J c-, l-<Dr F V E- kJT w mH ,1 o o7"i2 FI' (J 16 5� ' — C k Location: RQr K 11,16 Lp-J- (,UR-l_ MAtZ-r Assessor's Parcel No.? Length of Activity: (Dates) _ SST. AP a- I L (3 T To: S A''T- . }}-P 12 1 L 13 Houra of Activity:_ i ,g n-, -Ta p m Equipment,5et Up Date: Equipment Removal Date: Maximum number of people working at site during activity at any one time: Q Maximum number of people expected to attend the event at any one time: Total Per Day: ZOCD '-30o Grand Total: o200 -130Q APPLICANT: Name: - k LCX Daytime Phone: 7 7 a -- -1 1 `7 Mailing Addrena: 7?- Cot Z C Oun`Mkf C-LLl e:,, --b2. Slu'(E signature? dA-4 Cp 0AQPERTY;MWN2Rs Deytiate ;:Phone: �sgnature1 FOR STAFF COMPLETION 1. site plan and Description of Activity: 2: Signage Permit Dees Paid $ Receipt No.: 3. Building Permit Fees Paid $ Receipt No.: 4. Proof of Liability Insurance: S. Approved By: Planning & Deve opment D rector 5. Approved By: Fire Marsha 7. Approved By: Sheriff's Department 8. Approved By: City Engineer 9. Conditions of Approvals 'J i nrr� vJr 1770 1J•DIV rKUI`I KUtNiU TO ??2?1?7 P.O1 Washington/Adams L.L.C. Angela Koenig Asset Manager 2451 Canyon Creek Rd. Fcrnndido. CA 92026 Telephone 619-735-5988 Fax 619-735-5966 April 5, 1996 City of La Quinta Associate Planner Attn: Greg Trousdell Re: 111 La Quinta Center Dear Greg; As representative of the owner of the 111 La Quinta, Center, il, is our widerstanding tbat- on April 13th from 11 am to 2pm, several of the merchants of the center including Wa1Mart and Albertsons will he sponsoring a special event on site which will encompass one row of parking. This event will be coordinated exclusively by the tenants and will include KLCX Classic Rock station staging a remote broadcast from the center during the same hours. We are aware of the event and will allnw it to occur at the property site as specified above. Please let me know if you have any questions. Sincerely, Angela Koenig Asset Manager Post -It'' brand fax transmittal memo 7671 Not pages ►► FroT /1 e/q /CO£'nc Co, co. Dept. mere N Fax M Fax li