PM 1987-041`._ CE'I.VE•p �., . Recording Requester, APP.-soy' Cityt� of.. La ..Quanta ' W cc f. o � When Recorded,, Return Zb : W d � Q� I a Quinta Cmutmity,: Developmezt Department t= o P. 0. Box1504 U_ i 78-105 Calle Estado O b CIO s 8 Ia Quinta, CA 92253 > a W > a No Fee, g103 Government Code La Benefit of Quinta Community Develoxxnent Department ti EXHIBIT A CERTIFICATE OF --PARCEL MERGER NO.84­0y/ Existing Parcels Record Owners Assessor Parcel Numbers A. John Della Lots 11 & 12 769102011-3 769102012-4 ,..Legal Description of Merged Parcel Lots.11 and 12 in Block 9 of Desert Club Tract Unit #1 as per map recorded in Book 19, page 75 of maps in the office of the County records of said county. ri . 1r Recording Requestew City of La Quinta Y When Recorded, Return Tb: La Quinta Camuunity Development Department P. O. Box 1504 78-105 Calle Estado La Quinta, CA 92253 No Fee, 6103 Govexrunent Code Benefit of La Quinta Cam pity Development Department C E RTI FI CATE • EXHIBIT B OF PARCEL MERGER NO,�!- - - A%LL.tr`( Record Owner-J0HN-C7. GLL44 Address Map Prepared By JaMES iZ-FeT2iyGe 9( T- HYWY, 11_I SU ITO �, Address �AL.M b�cQsE aiF. Area/District 4 art. ?69- (01-0 This Certificate of Parcel Merger No. 84-oyI is herd6y approved. By W4LLA-f-6 /-(, A49SO Title / -5,S -,,57V4-- T Date 3z/9/�� 4 78-105 CALLE ESTADO - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 564-2246 February 14, 1989 Mr. John Della 74-465 Driftwood Drive; Apt. #11 Palm Desert,,California 92260 SUBJECT: STATUS OF PP 86-361 Dear Mr. Della: As you requested during our telephone conversation of January 31, 1989, the following information is provided for your use in securing a refund from the Desert Sands.•Unified School District for school fees paid. The above -referenced plot plan approval was given on October 27, 1986; this approval expired on October 27, 1988. During the two years in which this approval was valid, no building or grading permits were issued. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free.to contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, Wallace Nesbit. Associate Planner WN/mr cc: Tom Hartung, Building Official Jerry Coffey, Engineering Supervisor Files: PP 86-361 P14 86-041 MR/LTRWN.036 MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. .BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 W 78-105 CALLS ESTADO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 564-2246 April 9, 1987. Mr.'Jim R. Fetridge 73-965 Highway 111 - Suite B Palm Desert, CA 92253 SUBJECT: Parcel Merger No. 87-041 Dear Mr. Fetridge: Attached please find a copy of the recorded Certificate of Parcel Merger No. 87-041, Exhibits A and B. If you have any questions or need further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Very-4.�truly yours, MURREL CRUMP- PLLANNING DIRECTORR / Wallace H. Nesbit Assistant Planner WHN:bja Atchs: Cert. of Parcel Merger No. 87-041 W/Exhibits A and B (Recorded Copies) cc:- Mr. John Della Bob Weddle, City Engineer File,LM 87-041 PP 86-361 78-123 Calle Estado (Bldg. File) PMAPPRVL MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 78-105, CALLE ESTADO - LA QUI-NTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 564-2246 March 24, 1987 County Recorder County of Riverside P. O. Box 751 Riverside, CA 92502 SUBJECT: Parcel Merger No. 86-038 Dear Sir: Attached please find Certificates of Parcel Merger No. 8cu7-041 Exhibits A and B. Also attached for recordation is the rrent referencing a deed restriction. Please record and return these documents to this office. Thank you. Very truly yours, MURREL CRUMP PLANNING DIRECTOR Wallace H. Nesbit Assistant Planner WHN•dmv Atchs: 1. Cert. of Parcel Merger No. 86-041 w/Exhibits A and B 2. Covenant & Agreement Restricting Occupancy of Residence cc: Bob Weddle, City Engineer Files, PP86-"361 PM86-038 78-123 Calle Estado (Bldg. File) MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 !>SITE PLAN • CERTIFICATE OF PAR'tEL MERGER NO.eq-oyi 0 N- ZD:O �\R= 20' Record Owner ..J-Oa=C► J Add ress_ - _ - - -- - -- - - - - - - Map Prepared B.y_ A1;�iES =2 FE T P-1 DjG E _—.h(ZGM- Add ress_ Scaleo" - — Assessors Parcel No--1 G 9=�o2=a l 16.9=1.0�2�� 2 - _ APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF PARCEL MERGER Record Owner A. John Della Name(s) 265 N. Saturmino Dr. Palm Springs, Cal, 92262 322-5129 Address Phone Representative, Name - Address Phone PROPERTY DATA: Assessor Parcel Nos.: Parcel-1 76910.?011-3 Parcel 2 769102012-4 Parcel 3 - - Parcel 4 - Street Address of Property: 78-123 Calle Estado, LaQuinta, Cal, 92253 REQUEST: (Include number of contiguous parcels to be merged and why merger is requested) Request for lots 11 & 12 to be merged for the purpose of constructing an office complex. APPLICATION FEE: $175.00 in cash or check payable to City of La Quinta. (I/We) hereby certify that; l.(1.am/we are) the record owner(s) of all parcels proposed .for merger by this application; 2. (I/We) have knowledge of and consent to the filing of this application.and,, 3. The information submitted in connection with this applica- tion is true and correct. Date (Letters of authorization may be attached) Date Date Representative:Signature: /� Date � _ OFFICE USE ONLY DATE STAMP Case No. Zoning Related Casesyv/:p e( - 3& ( �i iLc��t /245 Q4U e{So - -S Cc.I-c.177&-; are / n�� ✓a-L� P. O. Box 1504 78-105 Calle Estado La Quinta, California 92253 (619) 564-2246 AT354 2 20 175,00 R 0 ;SASE I N F 0 R M A T I0No Case No. Application Received Date 2(��/� _ _ Application Checked by \,J Date Applicant: 1:,,l 9,ar 05cAa r one: 22 -`slzz Address: /V. u �.�o /JS�' �Z2� -Z treet city State Zip Coae Owner:. �Phone: s�� Address: Street Ci ty State Z i p C o e Representative:M A27,-<26-1- Phone: .:5?.S - s1-33 Address: ...... Street city State Zip Code 1. Subject: z God 2. Location: S 4 3. Environmental Information E . A. No. Notice of Declaration E.I.R.No. Date 4. Related Files: D�sf2—Gc �3 nformation Filing Fee $ / E.A. Fee $ --p-- Total $ l _ Additional Fees $ S Receipts for Fees: A -?-� 5. Parcel Size/Acreage 23 - t 9. STwo- o Circulation Elementa c L,,6 - 6. General Plan Designation ///«_ 10. Housing Element 7. Zoning C— P `S 11. Council District 8. Surrounding Zoning 12. Assessor's _�� loz -Ca! , C->(Z 13. Tentative Hearing Date Hearing Information 14. Agency Deadline Date AMA Date Act' n----� 15. Plot Plan Checked CC -EA 16. Legal Description PC 17. Transmittals CC ADencv Ex "A" Notice Aoencv Ex "A" tlntice 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. General Telephone Road Department City of Cal Trans T—Ounty PlanningWater Quality CVCWD Home Owners Parks Building De t. Health Dept. Fire it n sneer I Othe-r--,- Transmittals sent -by: _ "ale: Public Hearing Notice Date: w//a- Notice Flailed by: Notice Posted by: Date: Entered in: Counter Book: 9 // Page to ParceZ . By �� ✓ Applicant Notified of Action: 9G83 Agencies Notified: File Closed: 9 B-+ Additional Pertinent Information: /�f�r1l/i-i.✓Sn l.�n.�,,.�n /.,•5ni�t' �.vi /9/.'.✓� �c[�'C'7.TJ � �]../.LfJ.�n,.Gn /J.9 L//7i �O!7 r� • b o v ., Net o RECORDING REQUESTED BY t _ • • _ r , i' ' ORANGE COAST TITLC CO. AND WHENAECORDED MAIL TO O < �- 3 � o / _N.T. A. John Della :• Us r Q W 265 N.. ti S3tutino c W w�em�«. Palm Springs, CA 92262 _ _ i j iui e' L i J s V o a- lY O r v o MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO Nam. r t 4, b" � L Lr— .. .rV stoat . same as above F• I ' .. - • - J { Aemm - Cu a State L I J F#a ;c SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE 1 CAT. NO. NNO05e2 Individual Grant Deed /^� (/ •• J 4 TO 1923 CA 17-831 - i-11 IORM /URN./HIED sly TICOR TITLC IN/URER/ /1/ 1/-/"6ild r 4 The undersigned grantors) declare(s): Documentary transfer tax is $ 66.00 o ( X ) computed on full value of property conveyed, or ( ) cunlputcd on full value less value of liens and encumbrances remaining at time of sale. ( ) Unincorporated area: ( X ) City of La Ouinta and FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, RICHARD M. DCNLEX and -HOPE E. DUCM, Husband and Wife hereby GRANT(S) to A. JOHN. DELLA; A Single -Man ' the following described real property in the city of La Quinta County of Riverside _ State of California: . ' Lots 11. atit 12 in Blr%6k 9, Desert Club Tract, •Unit. #] as.Fer rrta;t recnrr]M in Book 19, Page 75 of traps in the office of the.00unty. reoorder-of said county..,* = y 1 Dated: April 8, 1986 Richard M. Doniey i STATE OF (:ALIFORNIA COUNTY.O1' ' �:(As.fGf/LLLy .. I SS. OnJ before- m:, the undersigned, Notary Public in and for said State, _ "T personally a``pp''o,rcJ Ri uCea,uQ_ A[. DO7t�Lt..t personally knb n tp me or proved to c on the basis of sat- isfactory evi•Jencc Io be the persons whose nam_T a,&.d - subscri ed to the within instrument and acknowledged ' Ihq accutcd the same. - WITNESS t=and iilseal:OFFICIAL SI'AL-1'•A IC E PRIEBE NOTARY PUBLIC • CALIFORNIA lSignature �. ,Y.L #- VENTURA COUNTY - - - �. Mr comm. eapbes APR 16, 1988 - . (This art& for official notarial wa0 O [ Title Order No.. Escrow of Loan NO.a J MAIOTAX STATEMENTS AS, DIRECTED ABOVE L ` Y.. Jill /// 'STATE OF CALIFORNIA A• r ass ' �'' - y, CO'JNTYOF RIVERSIDE • ___- 18, :1987 p .4irfoir nn•. Ih undery (Inert, a Noliuy PuhOr, mantl for -' k o on -February A. JOHN DELLA*** t ` saitl Slate. personauy'app¢a!eA • ;`�� . •�3 ❑ - •.ram : _ .N � � ' 1 - t. N.pejsonally.known 10 me 10. mov.•n to me on Ih.! bal oI 5.rbe .OFFICIAL SFAI.: • '•`•I�,,. - T . Lleletyevntence1t011uthePrrsoms;whn5rnanLySn5:1�"SU1l GAERIELLA h-10REL r Srritied 1071tf w�lhin in:;llunl.:nland:ll:Fnnwl�vlii.;il In n,�•Ihal .,.; : r .. h.;/She/I.Y.Y esn.:nl•`O lhr Salne: - - WIT NL SS n y hantl anA - ` -��i-CC �: / -rlh.ir .,� .dlu.e,lnnlnii. J n. ,ll_ •I - �'+ _/L/�•L - q C r. 9 0 GJ N!P` �..•t y it-i.v s�'Sa=..� � ; � _ _ .'3,wr..r.a►.i-:ms. Tti'r^ - t - /'•,�,4.. iirS.1-.J .A � . {,+- �. .. _ .. .�E'.a `+v ry.t . '.. • ..f"Y,�.•'i. -3c.J'�W+.w:.S '. T - - cc 7fiV� OW ] - ---i.•tlann_�`g D_e��h''SacY...^.. O City C4 `0' Of Q Q ,When Facorded Please Mail to: o 'Platen ng Director P.O. Boot 1504 V Id Qninta, California 92253 °o o ° • j ] I Cme3Awr AND AGREM211''RFS'fRI Dc OCCUPANCY* OF RESIDnJCE. ibis covenant and agreement is made and executed on this 2nd day of t,.. February, 1987, by A. John Della, as owner of the hereinafter described property. The City of La Quinta, a municipal corporation, is hereby made:a party to.this 1 agreement for the purposes set - forth below. + The undersigned hereby certifies that- he is the owner of:the followi:ng`. described real property.located in the City of -La Quinta, County of;Riverside, - State of California.•- o + —Lots•�11_and:.12 in Block'9 0: LAgert Club Tract Unit #l' a as per map recorded in Book 19, -ego '?5 of maps in the Office of the County recordz if 3a_3 ccunty. In oonsideration of the City of La Qualmta iusuing a building and occupwarry. - w Permit for certain improvements which have been constructed on said property, the' ° Undersigned does hereby covenant -and agree to and with Said City to restrict the use of said property as follows; -'his structure is not intended to.be used as a residence ° for human habitation; provided however, that the structure - constructed on this prope.rty'may contain living quarters not to exceed 220.0 gross square feet; which living quarters _ shall be occup&ed only by the owner/operator of said property." _ This covenant -and agreement shall run with the land and shall be binding . upon any -future owners, their successors, heirs, or assigns, and ourselves, and 3 shall continue in effect so long as said building shall remain on the real property or unless otherwise'released'byj_the=author--ity of the City of La Quinta. All leases a o - of said dwelling -shall be subject to this restriction. This agreement shall be entitled to the remedy of injunctive relief in addition toanyother remedy in aw or equity. This covenant and a eement and.the' 4r provisions hereof are irrevocable a < and nonmodifiable except by the written consent of all parties to the ag including the City of Ia Quinta, a municipal corporation. The City shall 1�iavet• the right to enforce each and every hereof provision and the parties agree that the agreement shall not be rescinded, revoked, modified, or otherwise -amended or Chanjged, without the express written consent of the Cityfirst obtained. .In the event that owners, their heirs, assigns or successors in interest, .. shall fail to perform any obligation hereunder, they hereby agree to pay all costs andexpenses : insured by City in securing perforahanoe of_ suc3h •. obligation, including 1 reasonable attorneys fees. Dated,. 2/lgIS7 ° Notary -f / o ' r This must be in red to be a "CERTIFIED COPY" This is to certify, when stamped wlth the sealof the Riverside County , recorder, that this is a true copy of the permanent record on file in this office. Cod DahPR 2 41987 /j 1eA Recorder C RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIF. I��fFORNdP Certification must be in red to be a - "CERTIFIED COPY"