PM 1988-081Recording Requested. City of La Quinta W-jen Recorded., Return Th : La Quinta Planning and Development Department P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 Benefit of La Quinta Cammnity Development Department EXHIBIT A CERTIFICATE OF PARCEL MERGER NO.�-1 Record Owners Existing Parcels Assessor Parcel Numbers 7 -a : - D Legal Description of Merged Parcel 444 dale. re Co v,(J . 4C 04-r --Alt- � 144,,E *V.1!, a t ,o« Mqp 4 Recording RequesQuty.. City of La in When Recorded, Return Zb: La Quinta Planning and Development Department P.O. Box 1504 ' La Quinta, CA 92253 _ No Fee, 6103 Government Code Benefit of La Quinta CcmlulnitY Develognent Department CERTIFICATE EXHIBIT B OF PARCEL. MERGER N 0 N � -a--I Jh /YoR?-ff i� �'QIIC fonorar APPROVES [ Y P'.� ► .ING VIV9SBi1R �i Aq� 11 ,s000 sY. Qh v ' A of � SGt7U Spy �"• � . d� a4 Record Owner Address S2-33 Map Prepared By Address Area/District SE ONLY This Certificate of Parcel Merger N0.�� -0O� is hereby approved. By Title Soc i r f� ^' Date ._ - J a TW�t 4 4 QKWCIV aZ 78.105 CALLE ESTADO - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 564-2246 Z October 13, 1989 Mr. & Mrs. James Parnell 52-337 Navarro La Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT: PARCEL MERGER. 88-081 - COPY OF RECORDED GRANT DEED. Dear Mr. & Mrs. Parnell: This above mentioned Parcel Merger was approved by the Planning and Development Department on August 22, 1988 on condition that you prepare a new Grant Deed for these two properties and submit the new Deed to the Recorder's Office for recording.- (See attached letter): This Department has yet to receive a coy of the recorded Deeds.as requested. Until we are in receipt of a copy of this new recorded Grant Deed, this Department cannot issue any building permits for the merged lots. Please, therefore, mail a copy of the new recorded Deed as soon as possible. If you have any questions concerning the above matter, please contact -the undersigned. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR GCIU�-�LCrU S Glenda Lainis Assistant Planner GL:bja BJ/LTRGL.042 MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 78-105 CALLE ESTADO - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 (619) 564-2246 August 22, 1988 Mr. & Mrs. James Parnell 52-337 Navarro La Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT: Recordation of Parcel Merger No. 88-081 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Parnell: The above referenced application is being transmitted to you for recordation by the Riverside County Recorder's'Office, along with the Exhibits. These items must be recorded with the new grant deed which you are preparing.: The Parcel Merger has been approved by the La Quinta Planning and Development Department in accordance with provisions of Title 13, Chapter 13.61, of the La Quinta Municipal Code. A certified copy of the recorded deed will need to be submitted to the City Planning and Development Department prior to issuance of any building permit. Very truly yours, MURREL CRUMP PLANNING DIRECTOR err erman Principal Planner JH:WN:bja cc: Filer PM 88-081 BJ/LTRWN MVL� NG ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 � SITE PLAN CERTIFICATE OF PARCEL M EIGER NO.e��yl Record Owner Address Map Prepared By Address Scale Assessors Parcel No. Y �II ,��,�� ,ire• � � 411, APPROVED Ry Pi ks"!lI"ING NVISION 4or 3 6Vdp &i. I Pro poaedl � � I l � �Sv- S1 p00 N .LOrS 3 uAc! �� .Ca. Qw:.&OQJ Grit NO•, /j, a r er In a o �t �a�slcd In d od�t / J* Pad crs 7� 0 wr0,os eecoidj eP �.vt/Ji1�f• C.tit, L°R.l•'1�+..r... �%i.n�t a+�d �rlona. Pa�aall: Sx 8 ✓Q.�av'.-� , L �. 3 7 � • TU ..RE,CrBWEU AUG 108 -- - CITY 0f Uk quINTA PLANNINB & DEVELOPMENT DEPT; APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF PARCEL MERGER 50�3 3% 4ezelarr0 Address Phone Representative Name Address Phone PROPERTY DATA: Assessor Parcel Nos.: Parcel 1 773 Parcel 2 -773 Parcel 3 Parcel 4 Street Address of Property: J-, 337 REQUEST: (Include number of contiguous parcels to be merged and why merger is requested) Pi/.'f14hg drodtr� �aG 6���vc,Grr �J�'i'Ce/ (I/We) hereby certify that; 1.(I'.am/we are) the record owner(s) of all parcels proposed for merger by this application; 2. (I/We) have knowledge of and consent to the filing of this application and,. 3. The information submitted in connection with this applica- tion is true and correct. - Date Representative Signature: Date OFFICE USE ONLY DATE STAMP Case No. Zoning Related Cases P. 0. Box 1504 78-105 Calle Estado La Quinta, California 92253 (619) 564-2246