PM 1989-170RECORDING REQUESTED BY 0 AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO „... FCity of La Quinta s P. 0. Box 1504 `5 A- Ia Quinta, CA 92053 L(no fee- Govermmt Code 6103, (� MArL.TAX STATEMENTS TO „A I Dale A. and Elizabeth M. Culp S_w 10562 Louisiana Ave. AnDREss C'" & Los Angeles, Ca. 90025 STATE L ! a coCM €� o d a M 1� SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE Grant Deed The undersigned grantor(s) declare(s): Documentary transfer tax is $ '0' ( ) computed on full value of property conveyed, or ( ) computed on full value less value of liens and encumbrances remaining at time of sale. ( ) Unincorporated area: ( ) City of La QWnta , and FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Dale A. Culp and Elizabeth M. Culp hereby GRANTS(S) to Dale A. Culp and Elizabeth M. Culp the following described real property in the County of Riverside , State of California: (Property Description) Lots 18 & 19 Blk 297 MB 019/082 Santa Carinelita at Vale La Quinta Unit 27 This deed reflects Parcel Merger No. 89-170 as approved by the City of La Quinta. Dated 0_r • e A. Cuip STATE OF CALJYORNJA COUNTY OF Los Angeles ) SS. t � On this Si-xteenth day of JUne in the year • 1989 before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in 1 and for said County and State, personally appeared **Dale A. Culp and Elizabeth M. gulpQ *_.,_ _ personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory , a s OFFICIAL SEAL evidence) to be the person PAT KEITZMAN whose name S are subscribed to the within instrument "�� NOTARY PUBLIC - CAL►FORefIA and acknowledge that they executed the same. s . LOS ANGELES COUNTY My COM1114sion Etlp. SEP 22, 1"2 Signature Pat KE 1 This area for official nmriat seat. Name (Typed or Printed) Notary Public in and for said County and State Title Order No. Escrow or Loan No. MAIL. TAX STATEMENTS AS DIRECTED ABOVE ReCityof La0 When Recorded, Return To: La Quinta Planning and Development Department � P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 No Fee, 6103 Government Code Benefit of La Quinta Ccamunity Develounent Department Record Owners Dale A. and Elizabeth M. Cu1D 255'786 NON eq-170 Existing Parcels Assessor Parcel Numbers 774-221-006 774-221-007 Legal Description of Merged Parcel Lots 18 & 19, Block 297, Santa Carmelita at Vale La Quinta, Unit 27, as shown per Map on file in Book 19, Page 82 of Maps, Records of Riverside Countv, California. Recording Requ tech By.- City of Ia Vta When Recorded, Return TO: La Ouinta Planning and Develbobebt -D&-pYrtm­ent P.O. Box 1504 La Quintab CA 92253 No Fee, 6103 Goverrm-Lent, code Benefit of La oj3nta Camunity DeveloFrrent Department CAL L6* cc ku ,rof I Viftf 25-5786 N Om aR—i-P 0. DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Record Owner This Certificate of Parcel Merger No. Is Address I c2g2 2 Louisla^Q A C ,,qc,0,p5hereby approved Map Prepared By By—,-G4e�� Address Title Area/District Date Vu11.,.'*1'7i1,*,1,.'-'i'G DMISION 7 124163 i'S RUE • TWif 4 4(4j 78-105 CALLE ESTADO - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 564-2246 July 25, 1989 County Recorder County of Riverside P.O. Box 751 Riverside, CA 92502 SUBJECT: PARCEL MERGER NO. 89- 170 Dear Sir: Attached please find a Grant Deed for Parcel Merger 89- 170 , with Exhibits A and B. Recordation is requested by and for the City of La Quinta, in accordance with Government Code Section 6103, to insure compliance with zoning requirements prior to any construction taking place. Please record and return a copy of these documents to this office so our records can be updated. Thank you. Very truly yours, Glenda Lainis Assistant Planner GL/bja Attachments cc: Property Owner PM File MR/FORMLAW(L1NJ ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, .CALIFORNIA 92253 i • Glenda M. Lainis Assistant Planner City of La Quinta P. 0. Box 1504 78-105 Calle Estado La-Quinta, Ca,92253 Dear Ms. Lainis, Dale A.'& Elizabeth M. Culp 10562 Louisiana Ave. Los Angeles, Ca. 90025 June 16, 1989 EC Y ED J U N 19 1989 CITY OF LA QUINTA PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPT. Re: Parcel Merger Application We are enclosing the following documents regarding merger of contiguous parcels number 774-221-006 and 774-221-007: 1) Application for Certificate of Parcel Merger. (a) Copy of the current Grant Deed for parcel 774-221-007, Lot 18, Blk 297 MB 019/082 which is,a Corporation Grant'Deed issued at time of purchase February 11, 1947 by the Desert Club. (b) Copy of California Land Title Company Policy of Title Insurance, Policy 03-28535 issued October 6, 1977 on Parcel 774-221-006 Lot 19, Blk 297 MB 019/082 of Unit 27 of Carmelita at Vale La Quinta. I cannot locate the Grant Deed as yet and if I cannot locate it what is the procedure to have replacement? Copies of last tax bills are enclosed. 2). Exhibit A.- Certificate of Parcel Merger Names of current record owners, assessor parcel numbers, and legal description of the merged parcel..:.. 3) Exhibit B - Map 4) Site Plan 5) A new, original, unrecorded Grant Deed Glenda.M. Tainis 2- .Re Parcel.Merger Application We are also.enclosing copy of Notice of Assessment for,natural gas and sanitary sewer system in area of the City of la Quinta of Phase 2-- Cove Area for each parcel which are to be merged. We can be reached during weekdays at (213) 475-3638 and collect calls will be taken. Very truly Yours,.- Dale A. Culp Elizabeth M. Culp BY C r,,SDATE 2 Record Owner Dale A. ' & :Elizabeth M.. Culp Address 10562 Louisiana Ave., Los Angeles, Ca. 90025 Tel .. (213)'. 475-3638 Map Prepared By Owners as .above Address Saffie Scale 1" = 100' Assessors Parcel No. 774-221-006 and 774-221-007 'a; . CITY OF LA QUINTA PLANNING b DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 78-105 CALLE ESTADO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 APPLICATION -FOR PARCEL MERGER ---------------------------------------------------------------- uOFFICE USE ONLY a Zoning: (2. PM No.: j�� 7� u ri Related Cases: u u uReviewed By: S — Date Received: u u PROPERTY OWNER: Name • Dale A. & Elizabeth M. Culp Address: 0562 L6U---siana Ave. Los Angeles, Cal if. 90025 Phone: (213) 475-3638 (City) (State) (Zip) REPRESENTATIVE: Name: Dale A. Culp Address: 10562 Louisiana Ave. Daytime (213) 475-3638 Los Angeles, Calif. Phone: (City) (State) (Zip) PROPERTY DATA Assessor Parcel Numbers: Parcel 1 774 _ 221 _ 006 Parcel 2 774 _ 221 _ 007 Parcel 3 - - Parcel 4 - - Street Address of Property: Vacant Property REQUEST (Include number of contiguous parcels to be merged and why merger is requested.) Parcels 774-221-006 and 774-221-007. Merger requested for sewer and natural gas assessment purposes to serve one future household. MR7FORMPM.001 APRIL 1988 - OC_I t_ 7�.� T •L_�_."''Q Q I M.? _ CASE INFORMATION Case No. f:W Application Received'by Date Application Checked by &A-t— Date � % Applicant: ��Fnbc-}tc^one:ups- Address: I-,4 Cl::-', QrD�zs Street City stato 7nZ nAa Owner:. G��n.� Phone: Address: ........ Street city State Zip Code Representative: " " " Phone:... Address: ..... ...•.• Street ty State Zip Code 1. Subject: _'�p>lU\-- I 2. Location:�� 3. Environmental Information E.A. No. — Notice of Declaration . 4. Related Files: E.I.R.No. — Fee Information Filing Fee s E.A. Fee Y Total S Additional Fees = S Receipts for Fees: S. Parcel Size/Acreage zx 9. Circulation Element �t�,_ 6. General Plan Designation' 10. Housing Element t � 7. Zoning —2_ U 11. Council District 8. Surrounding Zoning s—p 12. Assessor's Tentative Hearing Date Agency.Deadline Date Plot Plan Checked Legal Description Transmittals Aaencv Ex "A" Nntirp CC -EA PC CC Anpnr•v Hearing Info .Date rma ti on Action CY is Jill ► r%+ - General Telephone Road Department City of Cal Trans County Planning Water QuaTTty CVCWD Home Owners Parks Building Dept. Hea th Dept. Fire i Engineer Other Transmittals sent -by: Date: Public Hearing Notice Date: Notice Mailed by: Notice Posted by: Date: Entered in: Counter Book: Page Parcel By Applicant Notified of Action: Agencies Notified: File Closed: Additional Pertinent Information:• 14 COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE SECURED PRE :PERTY TAX BILL FOR FISCAL YE 1 88-19 R. WAYNE WATTS, TREASURER AND TAX COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE CENTER 4080 LEMON STREET - 4TH FLOOR RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92501-3660 787-6331 TAX COLLECTOR INFORMATION (714) 787-2821 ASSESSOR INFORMATION (714) WX(i X 8 09/25/88 ,U item #7 on reverse LOT 18 BLK 297 MB 019/082 SANTA CARMELITA AT VALE LA QUINTA UNIT 27 OWNER OF RECORD, MARCH 1, 1988: ' CULP>r DALE A C ELIZABETH PROPERTY ADDRESS: Tax Rates and Amounts levied by Taxing Agencies GENERAL PURPOSE UNIFIED SCHOOL DEBT SV COMMUNITY COLLEGE DEBT.SV COACHELLA VAL WATER DEBT SERV CVWD STANDBY CUR DOMESTIC TAX BILL REQUESTING 1.0187 .0018 •OA590 Bill Number- 0396482 _• 020-015 774221007-6 30.45 TAX RATE 5T AREA ASSESSMENT NUMBER :05 2 00 - 1.79 PARCEL NUMBER 10.00 BILLING SERVICE NUMBER YEAR TAX DEFAULTED AND FULL VALUE $ 3 045 LAND $ 3045 . STRUCTURES �-- FIXTURES TREES AND VINES CITRUS PEST VALUE PERSONAL PROPERTY SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION TOTAL ASSESSED VALUES 1 OW CULP 'DALE A E ELTZABETH LESS EXEMPTIONS ITYPEI: OR I!URRENT OWNER 10562 LOUISIANA AVE LDS ANGELES„ CA 90025 $ 3045 NET VALUE COMBINED TAX RATE PER SI00 VALUE 1 - 07954 3 � CASHIER'S RECEIPT -1ST INSTALLMENT CASHIER'S RECEIPT-2ND INSTALLMENT YOUR BEST RECEIPT IS YOUR CANCELLED CHECK. 21 � 43 21.43 TAXES S IF YOU NEED A RECEIPT, ADD 10%PENALTY ADD 10%PENALTY FIXED AND SPECIAL 10 00 YOU MUST SEND THE AFTER AND S100000ST ASSESSMENTS ENTIRE BILL WITH YOUR ()CC[ MBER 10.1988 AFTER APRIL 10, 1989 n 14 i , TOTAL :30196 When recorded mail to �orpora�ttott � - r The Desert Club y . Ora nt "Ieeb .. _ 6?9So.Dunamuir_Ave .,�__Rm._,202 - Los An --�Calif ---------------el--a -------------.---- - Booh TO LOW - DALE A. CULP and ELIZABETH MAE CULP, - -, i 2210 7 ` - _ husband and wife as -Joint Tenanta DATED February llth, 19 47 -- T \ ( _ 16� JACK A. ROS � • - - ��� � F ='-` ' �� • -j '� : _ _ ... _ s� - \ S i1. � � � /r 7 tom' g�f �r (r-�=-//J�' Vi .�-. -+ _.' f♦ MTa<Z�;.. - _ 2.45-1M-APCO a°Y�, l t . •.Y�i.L •ae+a x,=•' -p.,.T � i-? Li..�w. -.—� ' ._ - -�' - _—_ _ _ _ _"Y � ' + . - - — �- - f_ - - __. --• � - _� �'-_ h pal .�-•.iSi B�.a l'� �..L�- _ . 1 65#* •'_� /'1.�xT 'if +F'F4Vt. P t -i 4 ' i rl PIT ` A ttLox ora�tio , �, r� orant leeb THE DESERT CLUB, a corporation organized; under • the laws of the State of California (hereinafter, designatedy'either•as "Grantor" or "Seller"), with its principal place of business at Los An eles 1 California in consideration _ , g ,, California, - deration of.:. ' I,0 --, .._ .. .,Dollars, ($_--_-_ •00 .....____), to it in hand paid, 1 receipt of which is hereby acknowled ged, does hereby (SnUtt f1l' DALE -A. i CULP -and ELIZABETS MAE CULP, husband and wife, as Joint i T(Shaxrts', f ;I the "real property in the County'of Riverside,', State of California'described as follows: ` Lot --- la ........ Block_ 297 ..........., of SANTA CARMELITA UNIT No.?? ........ as per Map thereof recorded in th6bffice' of the Recorder of Riverside County at page_-_02...... of book__ 19_____-_of Maps. SUBJECT. to covenants,conditions,, restrictions, assessments, rights -of -way and, easements of record, and subject to easements for sanitary sewer' and/or- storm' drain purposes; EXCEPTING AND RESERVING, from said property, all standing, flowing, percolating or other waters in or under'said proppAy, together with thWright to remove same through underground channels by means of wells or tunnels.on other property;, ALSO EXCEPTING AND -RESERVING. therefrom easements and rights -of -way ' in, on, over, along, across and through such portions of such property as in the opinion of'the Seller may be necessary for the erection, con- struction, maintenance, installation, operation and repairing of pole lines with the necessary cross -arms and wires �. for the transmission of electrical energy, and for telephone and telegraph lines and/or for laying and maintaining right of ingress and egress for the purpose of constructing', laying, maintaining, repairing and operating same; also reserving the right to convey or lease the whole, or any portion of said easements and rights -of -way and rights of ingress and egress. This Deed is executed and accepted upon the following express conditions: PROVIDED, however, that this conveyance is made and accepted, and said property is hereby granted, upon such of the following express conditions, provisions, restrictions and covenants hereinafter referred to as "conditions" as may by their terms be applicable thereto, which shall apply to and bind the parties hereto, their heirs, successors and assigns, and are imposed pursuant to a general planfor the improvement of said tract above designated, and each and every lot in said tract, and are designed for the mutual benefit of the owners of the lots in said tract, and shall inure to and pass with each and every lot therein. Said conditions are imposed upon said realty as an obligation or charge against the same, for the benefit of each and every lot in said tract, and the owner or owners thereof, with the right of enforcement of each and all of said conditions vested in the owner or owners of any one or more of the other lots in said tract; and similar con- ditions either have been, or will be imposed upon each and every other lot therein. Said conditions are as follows, to -wit: (a) That all lots in said tract shall be used for residence purposes only; that no outbuildings or structures other than one single, one -family residence, with the customary outbuildings, including,a private garage, to each half parcel or half lot of said property according to the plans and specifications referred to hereinafter in sub- paragraph (f) of this paragraph. (b) That any residence building erected, placed or maintained on said property shall cost and be fairly worth not less than $.... 15QDaQQ...... (c) No temporary building, shack, trailer, or tent shall be erected or maintained on any lot in said tract; that no old building shall be moved thereon from elsewhere; that any building or improvement erected, placed or main- tained on said property, shall be from, with and of new material. (d) The front line of any residence erected upon the property shall be at least twenty feet back from the property line of said parcel. (e) That all bathroom and toilet conveniences shall be within the walls of the house or building, and con- nected with underground drainage, which shall consist of septic tank or tanks; provided, however, that whenever a sewer line is constructed to within eighty feet of any portion of the front line of said property, said bath room and toilet conveniences shallbe connected with said 'sewer -line;. if' it is possible to connect therewith; further provided that nothing herein- contained shall be construed as requiring Grantor to construct such or any sewer line. x , y 11 .f e.»:,.iC3 •..;,,.#t.;,� Yu.,�. �:�. "Y.ri.. Eta ',1 ... wa .. t'r-. . „i ,d,-_:.�!,,,', _..v ��... �}r7. •stAs�• .-��' ,n; .. .. .­-- ii .t �.-.f 1 f ��,� re. ] r .�$+�. /� "+�^ �5djT..YI.�'��ry��'W'��F�.1�'•r�.���-!Y 7 �. Z.. �,,, •f fr1, a•,2 fr �ir�� �"�'�.r iY _ Fi"`.' f�`+`1 ��,,�� c . ;,} }n' T'�' y � jk it �',i4yr r� ,.tf r r � . � �• �it� t•'•rd�� + +� �3� <,���« ��c �h ' � !Sf .N �,�)i �'�t�` �S� fk. � F� �x �^�ll'� S"C",� � "< �� (f) That all buildings erected in said tract shall have tiled roofs and be, of or in conformity with Spanish style or type of 'architecture; that two complete sets of building plans for a, structure of any kind to be erected, placed or maintained on said property, accompanied by two sets of specifications for the erection of said structure, in compliance with all the conditions herein set forth, shall be submitted to Seller, and no structure of any kind, the plans, elevation and specifications of which have not received the written approval of Seller or any Architectural and Planning Commission approved by Seller, and which does not fully comply with such approved plans and specifica- tions and type of architecture, shall be erected, placed or maintained upon said property. Wherever practicable, such approval shall be endorsed upon the plans and specifications and such plans and specifications shall then be filed as required by law. Approval of ouch plans and specifications shall be further evidenced by a proper written instrument signed and acknowledged by Seller, and such approval shall not be complete or valid until said instrument has been duly recorded by Buyer or Grantee in the office of the County Recorder of Riverside County; approval by Seller as to the construction of any such building in accordance with the plans and specifications shall also be evidenced by a proper "written- instrument- signed —and —Acknowledged -by Seller, —which 'instrument shall -also -,be duly -recorded by Buyer or Grantee in the office of said County Recorder; the last named instrument may be executed at any time after the construction of said building; provided, however,that if Seller shall disapprove�of such construction, such disapproval, evidenced by a proper written instrument signed and acknowledged by Seller, shall be duly recorded within ninety days after recordation by Buyer or Grantee of "Notice of Completion' of said construction; failure on the part of Seller to record such Notice of Disapproval within said ninety -day period shall be deemed to be a waiver of any and all further jurisdiction of Seller as to said plans and specifications, or either of them, and of said construction of said building, but nothing herein contained shall be construed as a waiver on the part of Seller of the right to enforce compliance with any of the other conditions imposed herein. Upon recordation of any instru- ment in the office of the County Recorder of Riverside County, 'as hereinabove provided, the facts therein stated shall conclusively be deemed to be true as to all third parties subsequently acquiring said property, or of any interest therein, or any lien or encumbrance thereon. Seller shall not be responsible for any structural defects in said plans and/or specifications, or in any building or structure erected according to such plans and specifications. Buyer or Grantee agrees to pay to Seller $5.00 for the examination, inspection and approval of each set in duplicate of the plans and specifications submitted in accordance with the provisions of this condition. (g) That no horses, cattle, live stock, or poultry may be kept or maintained in, on or about said property. (h) That no part of any of said property ever, at any time, shall be sold, conveyed, leased or rented to any person not of the white or Caucasian race. =•., h (i) That no part of said property -shall, ever,. at, any, time; be used or,occupied;.or be permitted to be used;or_.� occupied, by any person not of the white or Caucasian, aucasian race, except such as are in the employ of the resident owners, or resident tenants of said property. I (j) That no signboards of any character, billboards,'Or any nuisance, shall be erected, placed, or per1mitted or maintained on any part -of the property herein described. (k) That all, water, or sewer, mains, conduits and other utilities installed in or'upon "said property, by'Seller, shall be and remain the property of Seller. ` { f ` ; PROVIDED that each •and all of the conditioner contairiediin; paragraphs (a) to (g) inclusive, shall; in_all respects, terminate and end, and be of no further effect, either legal or •equitable, after January 1, 1975; and that " the conditions contained in paragraphs (h)'to (k) inclusive shall. be perpetual and--binding.;forever, (uponl all of said lots, the parties hereto, their heirs, devisees, executors, administrators and assigns-' t i {I } PROVIDED, ALSO, that a breach' of any of the foregoing conditions sliall cause said' realty to, revert, to the said Grantor, or its successors in interest, who shall"have the'right of immediate re-entry ,upon said realty in the event of any such breach, and as to the owner or owners of any `other lot or lots, or part or � parts thereof, in rsaid ., Tract, the foregoing conditions shall operate as covenants running with the land, and the. breach of any such cove- i + nant, or the continuance of any such breach may be enjoined, abated -or remedied by,said'Grantor;, or.�its 'successors in interest, or by any such owner or owners, but by no. -other person., The term "owner" shall include the bona fide owner or holder of an Agreement of Sale executed by Grantor herein for any'of s i the lots Tract. PROVIDED, ALSO, that breach of any of the foregoing covenants, or conditions, or any re-entry by, reason iof such breach, shall not defeat or render invalid the lien of any Mortgage or Deed of Trust made in good faith and for value, as to said realty or any part thereof, but said covenants or conditions shall -be binding upon and effective against any subsequent owner of said realty. " This conveyance is made and accepted under, the further condition and, provision: `That nothing herein con- tained shall be construed to be a guaranty, warranty of representation as" to` the present ror future 'existence; non-' existence, scope, content, validity or effect of any zoning law or other law,` ordinance''or regulation of any goven- 16 mental or political organization or authority concerning 'or limiting the}type}or character of, or the right to -erect, buildings or structures on said realty, or the use to which the dame may be"put, and this grant and, the -conditions herein contained are expressly made subject to the present or future exercise of any.power• of such organization or authority to impose and/or enforce the same, other, further or different restrictions upon. said property. 3'. •� .. ,,:4••i� My k_ �}rrpyr t {�, 4� F �p`f.. ltS�X j '<���e• y Y a� ':Mu 41, E-;2:4: 1 TO HAVE AND TO HOLD to said! Granteep 4N WITNESS WHEREOF, said THE DESERT CLUB has caused its corporate name and seal r4 to+be, affixed hereto and this insstrument to be executed by its President and Secretary there unto 'It,, , dluly, authorized, 'this_._ -1zth_._.day of_'_'_.__ Februe,zy:__ }_- _____ i`r 9 i t THE DESERT CLUB 1.. it t B ' ., f✓� �, Y _ _.. ._..... s....,� esident ..... ...._ ... By A , I Secretary -j i. r h �. STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY, OF LOS ANGELES ' :i..- On this_�•�'>rk�--_---day .of_.__Fe�2►_z�t,_..��4?_ �_, before me_____________AYZ�__ RfhYL�.ILIA----------------_------------- a Notary Public in and for said County, personally appeared ------- EMYARD _ GLICg known to me to be the President, and -------------- FR=.. U01M -------------------------------- known to be to be the Secretary of THE DESERT CLUB, the corporation that executed the within and foregoing instru- ment and known to me to be the persons who executed the within instrument on behalf of the cor- poration therein named, and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal. ------------ --------- --------- Notary Public In and for the County of Los Angeles, State of California. i MY r-rn- ,tsfpn F..Tfr,-s Ian. 7, 1948 ~r t�J 1 - ' s . •fit �[• { y ` n tt S T II(} ���� ,. r r (]l'.� - ,r r• i -• + '1 y�/ • 1 t 1 f-. .' .•-1 , �1t 9