PM 1990-231RlCORDINtt1 AECUEBTED 0y Are dmn nalan NAIL "it K" AND bNL►, tTBEMrtttL IMowM 19 MI MAIL TAX tTAtIUENT W. 11Num r Cit? of h'i Rui.nto 8ttwt P.O. Box 1j0t1. Addrart 1 a. Qui_nta , CA 92253 cents MAIL TAX STATEMENTS Name 1 47 Helmut Lindenblatt > ddrIi :t Box 36 ciff a S^deaha.m, Ont. Canada state L� Y, CiI 2TO nn[ "On No EICMW No. J SPACE AROVR TH19 UKI FOR RECORDEII'a USE GRANT DEED THE UNDERSIGNED GRANTOR(S) DECLARE(S) DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX Is $ -0- ❑ computed on full value of property conveyed, or -[] computed on full value less value of liens or encumbrances remaining at time of sale. p unincorporated area p city of La Qui nta , AND FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, hereby GRANT(s) to Helmut Lindenblatt Helmut Lindenblatt the following described real property in the County of Riverside , State of California: of Unit 21 Lots 21 and 22 of Block 217 / Santa Carmelita at Vale La quinta, es reIr m1p .f. i led in Book 20 pages 22 of mans, record^ of Riverside %County,California. This deed reflects Parcel Merger No. 90-231 as aprroved by the Citz of La Ru.inta. Dated Province of Ontario SS. COUNTY OF Frontenac Canada On this y day of J , In the year O , before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public In and for said yS Vaie, per�sro�nally t 006arod Helmut Lindenblatt , epersonally known to me p proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person whose name Is subscribed to this Instrument, and acknowl. edged to me that he (she or they) executed It. Signature < �C o ..� N eL D'� ° to Ares lw OMOSI materiel goal NOTARY pUeLIC IN AND FOR *AID s4r>� P ft* 1 R '276 750 jei paoordficL Retum TO: ... La Quints Planning and ~ ....... �• Development Department ' P vO, Box 1504 La Quintal CA 92253 No Fee, 6103 " Gov n= 00de Bemfit of La Quints C=unity Develognent Department EXHIBIT A CERTIFICATE OF PARCELMERGER NO.In-r- Exisfing Parcels Assessor Parcel Numbers Record Owners Helmut Lindenblatt 774-05-W3 774-054-oo4 Legal Description of Merged Parcel of Unit 21 Lots 21 and 22 of Block 217 / Santa Carmelita at Vale La Quinta, as per map filed in book 20 pages 22 of maps, records of Riverside Cour,ty,Californiz I . City of � By ems' Reported, Pat= Tot J quint p enoin sad ve opmont partmoat Me Bolt 1504 L& Quinta, CA 92253 No Fees, 6103 Goven� t code Dwsofit of La O nta 0=mftity nevelommt Daparlmnt CERTIFICATE e ac w ac W Z Q a z• k4 Q 300 0-0 EXHIBIT B OF PARCEL MERGER 4--100I --01b Lot 22 000 S. If L of 2/ P, 30# 2'76'750 NO 10-z,31 N� DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Record Owner Hz!!�A m,-�L L_t o6--v ,later+-t— This Certificate of Parcel Merger No. 9 I& Address hereby approved. Map Prepared By 011 L7. Cc�;V'�u BY Address ko 1-f- zTC--D T1tte i stet— r— Area/Dlstrict Date APPR V DI!.'lSION BYGk x k, a'us r�TE 6 a 0 2'7G 750 PROVINCE OF ONTARIO ) Re: certnin real property being Unit 21, Lots 21 and 22 of CANADA ) Block 217/ Santa Carmelita at Vale La Quinta, Riverside COUNTY OF FRONTENAC ) County,.California. I, LOUIS HENRY TEPPER, Q.C., of the City of Kingston, in the County of Frontenac and Province of Ontario, Canada, a Notary Public in and for the said Province of Ontario, MAKE OATH AND SAY AS FOLLOWS. 1. I notarized the Affidavit of Helmut Lindenblatt on the Grant Deed hereto attached, on the llth day of June, 1990, and the signature of me "L. H. Tepper" and my Notarial Seal as shown thereon are acknowledged by me to be my signature and Notarial Seal. 2. Attached to this my Affidavit is a photostat of the original of my Appointment as a Notary Public in and for the Province of Ontario, which copy is dated the loth day of July, 1957, and the said appointment has been at all times in full force and effect since the date last mentioned. SWORN before me at the City of Kingston, in the County of Frontenac and Province of ), this loth day of July, Lou s Henry Tepper A Notary Public in art$ for the Province of Ontari 0 276750A -v ------------------------ - rbilk4irrithaupt, +lortor_of ��:Ztus. icutrniTnt-(hoUrrnor of thr rolrinrr of ontaria. u nll to hrhvm thfsF rFtiftit5 5�7���;Qmf ur�r�IIm thF sanu }I 1(r wrn (brFrting .�� ('�.Jyvri/� r%/u/�✓Jnrw.i/ir-ii/-�iiii; • _ ./ic-a/I�/�or//o./�iwrrii/x�'QI/vivo, to 43tir. ha1b.aajWL.vmftssnub rul°L ,L�.�riviro,���avra�er:lX!. /Rwv � !i V L1tm ..✓.,...�. $� $era! -law/ A;y-��, YEb of (,attria. .L% _ ✓Asrt �eho►��r_ � . r � 2'76-75U 4 4a 04 78-105 CALLE ESTADO — LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 (619) 564-2246 FAX (619) 564-5617 July 24, 1990 County Recorder County of Riverside P.O. Box 751 Riverside, CA 92502 SUBJECT: PARCEL MERGER 90-231 Dear Sir: Attached please find the Grant Deed for Parcel Merger 90-231, with Exhibit(s). Recordation is requested by and for the City of La Quinta, in _ accordance with Government Code Section 6103, to insure compliance with zoning requirements prior -to any construction taking place. Please record and return a copy of these documents to this office so our records can be updated. Thank you. Very truly yours,, JERRY HERMAN PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Glenda M. Lainis Assistant Planner GML:ccs Attachments cc: Property Owner LLA File CS/FORMLET.002 . MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 • • T4t�t 4 78-105 CALLE ESTADO — LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 564-2246 'FAX (619) 564-5617 July 24, 1990 Helmut Lindenblatt Box 36 Sydenham, Ontario CANADA KOH 2TO SUBJECT: PARCEL MERGER 90-231 Dear Sirs: Your parcel merger has been approved by the Planning Department. Attached are copies of the letter, approved Exhibits, and unrecorded Deeds, sent to the Recorder's Office for recordation. Please note NO ACTION IS REQUIRED FROM YOU at this stage. The Deeds will be mailed to you once they have been recorded. Should you have any questions, please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Gt Mk-453uus Glenda M. Lainis Assistant Planner GML:ccs Attachments CS/FORMPMLL.002 MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 H. Lindenblatt Box 36, Sydenham,Ont.Canada KOH 2T0 EC���� .l U L 1 " 1900 CITY OF LA QUINTA Mr. Jerry Herman, Planning & Development Director, PLANNING DEVELOPMENTDEPp City of La Quinta, 78 - 105 Calle Estado LA'QUINTA, California 92253 U.S.A. 12. July 1990 Dear Sir: Re: Parcel -Merger, Case 90-231,, Lots_21 .&_ 22.,_ Unit.__21 Enclosed please find the Grant Deed to above property with certain documents as requested. I hope that this will be satisfactory. Yours very truly Helmut Lindenblatt Helmut Lindenblatt Box 36, Sydenham, Ont. Canada KOH 2TO FAX (613) 384-676o City of La Quinta Att'n: Sharon Harris, Engineering Secretary f Re: Assessment District 90-1 Lots 774-054-003 and 774-054-004 Parcel Merger Dear Miss or Mrs. Harris: 11. June 1990 Thank you for transmitting the forms for merging the two lots. I have filled them out and return them herewith. Because I'm not sure, if the papers from the FAX mashine are acceptable for registry purposes, I have copied them on normal paper and hope that they will be acceptable. I have of course not yet received the -forms you sent by mail. If needed, I can fill out some or all of them as well and return them. But I'm afraid that they would not reach you before the deadline of June 22. I hope that this is all you need to process the matter, but if you have any other instructions, please use Fax. Yours very truly Helmut Lindenblatt Helmut hindenbintt 1.3ox 36j - aydenham, Ont. Cannda K011 2T0 YAX (613) 3A1,-(,7r,0 City of La Quinta, Cal. 9P2S3 FAX (r,19) 5(14-5617 Att'n: Sharon Harris., Engineering, .Secretary June 7. 1990 'Re: Ansessment District 90-1 Lots 774-05b-003 and 774-o5h-ooh Parcel Merger ;)ear Minn or Mrs. Harris: Thank ,you very much 1-or providing, scl promply nll the information regarding the merging of these two lots, which I have dec.ided to have,done now. If there are certain forms to .fill nut for.thin merr-er, ptenee send them to I`AX (613) 3R11-r,7F,0 , I�ccnune the mail takes usually F days for one way and may not reach you in time for the Tune 22nd deadline. Otherwise, if pomsible nt All., ,you may regard this letter as ,your authorisation to merge the two lots and thus avoid any-unnecessai;y sending -back and forth of papers. I understand, that the asnenbment for the Hewer project will he 11,�,0'3.o% for the merged single 100 feint lot and will .send this amnunt before the July 2nd deadline. would appreciate ,your confirmation, if the matter can be handled tis wny, or if not, your instructions to ahove YAX number. E Yours very truly. i Helmut T,i.ndenblatt Titit 4 78-105 CALLE ESTADO - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - t619) 564-2246 FAX (619) 564-56.17 June 1, 1990 Helmut Lindeblatt Box 36 Sydenham, Ont. Canada KOW 2TO Re: Assessment District 90-1 Lots 774-054-003 and 774-054-004 Parcel Merger , Dear Mr. Lindeblatt: We are in receipt of your letter dated May 31, 1990. You would by merging your lots receive a free building permit, half of the Infrastructure fee and there is no fee for merging your lots if done so before June 22, 1990. The assessment amounts are as follows: 50 x 100 (single lot) $ 1,395.62 (30 day cash pay off $ 1,214.19) 100 x 100 (double lot)$ 1,842.62 (30 day cash pay off $ 1,603.08) The cash pay off period will end on July 21 .1990. You will be receiving your official notice of assessment within the next week. If you have any further information, please feel free to call upon us. very truly yours, 4& taron Harris Engineering Secretary t cc: Planning Department MAILING ADDRESS - P.O.. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 1 x r .......... �Y E RiI F� EPARCELkIERGERj C RF � N 2 Rif,7!"xyY� r ' f I if b 1, 1 t IF LA 01 T Lot 22. tu �► Rk � s 51000 S• F. v `• r' <Q r W ot 0 5 000 o 4-30,1 w ,: r fe i ,ji ? • qRTI " } Record Owner Helmut Lindenblatt Maw Box 36, Sydenham, Ont. Canada KOH 2T0 ���y�D �� �L��?����� �������� f � Mep Prepared By Helmut Lindenblatt Y , N s - DATE_ Address Box 36, Sydenham, Ont. Canada KOH 2TO ! _ f inch _ ►E0 .feet Assenoes Parcel Na 774-054-003 and 774-0514--004 [` CITY or LA QUINTA -PLANNING.& DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. 78-105 CALLS ESTADO, LA QUIXTA',, CALIFORNIA. 92253 APPLICATION FOR PARCEL,MERGER OFFICE USE ONLY Zoning: Pit. No.: Related Cases: ReViewed By: Date Received: g00 PROPERTY OWNER.; Name Helmut Lindenblatt Address: Box 36. SXdenham, Ont. Canada LOH 2TO phone: (61-3) 376-3984 (City) (State) (ZIP) ...REPRESENTATIVE: Name: Address:, Daytime Phone: (City) (State) (Zip) PROPERTY DATA Assessor Parcel Numbers: Parcel 1 774 o54 -003 Parcel 2 774 = 054 oo4 Parcel 3 Parcel 4 street Address of Property: Avenida Herrera Lot 21 and 22 k �J E R (Include number of contiguous parcels to be merged. and why,. merger is requested.) to merge two adjacent 50 foot lots into one 100 foot lot to have a larger lot'for constructing a sing16 family dwelling. ■ CASE INFORMATIO ase No. ,g0-23/ Application Received 'by ClAAk- Date k lf 4-0 Application Checked by Date .ppl i cant: 14c-j Nwt- Phone: Gr 3 376 .3,8 iddress: tax 3 suds l-� -- , O!t� C-,:P��� _ koi* `io --- ree p code honer:. Phone: Wdress: Street city State Zip Code lepresentative: Phone: lddress: ..... ...... Street ty State Zip Code 1. 3. Subject: PM -2 l,f:> Location: Environmental Information E.A. No. Notice of Declaration 4. Related Files: E.I.R.No. Date 4 S. Parcel Size/Acreage 9. 6. General Plan Designation 10. 7. Zoning 11. 8. Surrounding Zoning 12. 13. Tentative Hearing Date 14. Agency -Deadline Date 15. -Plot Plan Checked 16. Legal Description 17. Transmittals AnPncv Fx "A" Notice 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Fee Information Filing Fee $ E.A. Fee $ Total : Additional Fees = Receipts for Fees: Circulation Element Housing Element V Council District Assessor's -7 I4 Hearinc Information - Date _ Actior CC -EA PC CC Aaencv Ex "A" Ho* Generil Telepone Road Department City of Cal Trans County Water Quality_ VC'dD Home Owners - Parks Build'irng Dept, Hea th Dept.-- Fire it Engineer Other Transmittals sAnt- by: -__ Date: Public Hearing notice uate: Notice Mailed by: Notice Posted by: Date: Entered in: Counter Book: Page Parcel By Applicant Notified of Action: Agencies Notified: File Closed: Additional Pertinent Information:• RECORDING REQUESTED BY FIDELITY NATFONAL LTLE'NHSOW CO. WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO Name Street, { Helmet Lindenblatt Addreee _ BOX 36 city a slate , Sydenham, Ontario, Canada KOH2'In 4 _J ORDER NO. 85864 ESCROW NO. 2747f r }; o` 4i 000 � ti'=�� Lp F- rr CU OCL c Q W W 40 SPACE ABOVE RECORDER'S USE ONLY GRANT DEED (INDIVIDUAL) The undersigned grantor(s) declare(s):: Documentary transfer tax is $ 17b NX ) Computed on full value of property conveyed, or ( ) Computed on full value less value of liens and encumbrances remaining at time of sale. ( ) Unincorporated area. (XX) City of Lea auinta Tax Parcel No. 774-054-003-004 RICHARD J. ODE AMID ROSEMARY COE husband and wife as Joint Tenants as to an undivided one/half interest and CHARLES GLOVER AND JANE GLOVER, husband and wife as Joint Tenants, as to an undivided one/half interest FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, HEREBY GRANT TO I` IELVIU!' LINDENBLAIT, a single man the real property in the County of Riverside State of California, described as: ' u t of Unit 21 Lots 21 and 22 of Block 217/Santa Carmelita at Vale La Quinta, as per trap filed ; .` • --•"-•---- in Book 20 pages 22 of maps;- records of Riverside County; -California:w-�- � - • �^� ., .Is., •i t4"� f y r, OZ t4•il R��d Coe March 10, 1988 �r Dated Coefemary GlZ,�t x es (Individual Acknowledgment) -_ ...:r.,....».--.....r_ ,-,- • � :.+; Jane Glover 1' STATE OF CALIFORNIA Riverside County of On this 4 th day of April •,in the year 19 88 before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for :t ate` said County and State, personally appeared Charles Glover and Jane Glover ---------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ti personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the perosn S whose name S are the subscribed to this Instrument and acknowledged that y executed It. OFFICIAL SEAL FRA.NCES V. HALL ); if WITNESS7mzy�"dand official seal. ;.�_ �I " ;, N �!d,7Y �U3LtC CAuFORNIAlj� ` ?.t 7.C:IPAL OFFICE IN '�'�--C—' -,c•�' � y� � �----�'" •�:ti 5AN DIEGO COUNTY NotaryPublic in and for said Count and State. ; Y My Commission Expires January (Notary Seal) z"� - MAIL TAX STATEMENT AS DIRECTED ABOVE CD-37