PM 1992-279Rebo-R .i _Reque5ted- _By _.' City of Ja. _Qu3rrta- When Recorded, Return_ To: �~ La Quinta Planning and � Development Department P.O. Box 1504 i La Quinta, CA 92253 - Ido Fee, 6103 Governanent Code Benefit of La Qainta Camunity - Develounent Department EA"HIBIT A ChERTIFICATE OF P"ARCEL IMERGER N®.92_279 Existing Parcels Record Owners Assessor Parcel Numbers G. Stanley Hatch, Jr. 773-052-009 Marlene B. Hatch 773-052-010 Legal Description of Merged Parcel Lots 9 and 10 in block 44 of Santa Carmelita at Vale La Qainta, Unit 4 as per asap recorded in book 18,-page 62 of maps in the office of the county recorded of said county. Re o ci City- of La Quinta` When Recorded,, Return To: _ La Quinta Planning and Development DeVartinent "--I - P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA_ 92253 _ s No Fee, 6103 Government Code Benefit of La Quinta CcmT muiity Development Department HIM"- Fii M. 94�G7 a �g v -o 1 ° 0 -Sol DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Record Owner Mr. and Mrs. G Stanley Hatch, Jr. This Certificate of Parcel Merger No. 92-279 is Address 4E*Trenton, Irvine, -CA 92720 hereby approved. Map Prepared By _Applicant By Greg Trousdel l Address Same Title Associate Planner A.Pa/niztrir-t Date -1u1-y- 13, 1992 — - COUNTY OF RI`IWRSIDE OFFICE OF THE ASSESSOR Greg Trousdell City of La Quinta Post Office Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 RE: Parcel Merger 89-092 4 92-271 Dear Mr. Trousdell: Ah-y ADMINISTRATWE CENTER 4080 Lemon Street, 6th Floor P.O. Box 12004 Riverside, CA 92502-2204 (714) 275-6200 July 22, 1992 53 12 7 e ►� Assessor's Parcel Numbers 773-052-009 and 773-052-010 have been merged for the 1992 Roll into Assessor's Parcel Number 773-052-026. The Assessor's parcels were merged in March of 1992. Enclosed is a copy of Assessor's Map 773-05 showing the new Assessor's parcel numbers. If you have any questions, please contact us. JEW:bh Enclosure Very truly yours, GARY L. ORSO ssessor James E. Walker Chief Computer Mapping Tech. GIS/Mapping Division (714) 275-6225 Gary L Orso, Assessor Rex L Jackson, Assistant rr • 0, Tityx 4 4a Qul4m 78-105 CALLE ESTA00 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 564-2246 FAX (619) 564-5617 , July 14, 1992 County Recorder County of Riverside P. O. Box 751 Riverside, CA 92502- SUBJECT: PARC_41=MERGER_89-092_(51-230 AVENIDA OBREGON) Dear Sirs: In 1989, the City requested that the County of Riverside process the above mentioned case on behalf of the City for the benefit of F . B . & A . , Inc. The request was to merge two parcels (APN 773-052-009 & 010) into ,one parcel. The parcel merger request was recorded by your agency on January 26, 1989 (see attached information) . However, the current County Assessor's parcel maps still show them as two separate parcels. On July 10, 1992, our Staff was approached by the current owners of both properties (Mr. & Mrs. G. Stanley Hatch, Jr.) who purchased the parcels in 1990. The Hatch's requested that the City allow them the opportunity to merge these two parcels in order to receive a lower property assessment pursuant to the City's proposed Assessment District project for their area (AD 92-1) . After review of their request, we realized their property had been merged approximately two years ago. Therefore, no action was necessary by the city at this time. In conclusion, as soon as possible please correct the existing problem for Mr. & Mrs. G. Stanley Hatch by correcting. the Assessor's maps so that they do not incur any additional costs because of the future Assessment District .92-1 improvements. If you have any questions for Mr. & Mrs. Hatch, they can be reached at: LTRGT.069 Mr. & Mrs. G. Stanley Hatch, Jr.' 4 East Trenton Irvine, CA 92720 714-552-6038 MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 A Record Owner Mr. and Mrs. G.. Stanley Hatch Jr. Address 4E Trenton Irvine, CA 92720 Map Prepared By Applicant Address Same Scale 1" = 30' (APN 773-052-009 and 010) Accoccnrc ParrPi Nrt 6x1s-fi#G gW51 V CITY OF 'LA QUINTA Ar .PLANNING &.DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 78-105 CALLE ESTADO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 i- APPLICATION FOR PARCEL MERGER.+ t, ------------------------------------------------------=--------- - ------------------------------------------------------ u OFFICE USE ONLY u _ u Zoning: jp PM No.a- Related Cases: u Ii Reviewed By: .Date Received:• (C>- �2 ' n• -------------------------------------------------------- PROPERTY OWNER Name: ��,e�r-,�� f{s�r�•� , Address: uG-: i,PE,,j-r,--,e-/ Phone: (city) (state) ,(Zip)-; REPRESENTATIVE: 4 ti Name: , Address: Daytime Phone: (City) (State) (2ip), PROPERTY DATA' x Assessor Parcel Numbers: Parcel 1•;.. • 773 - 052 _ 009 Parcel 2 773 .._ 052 _ 010' Parcel '-3 - - „Parcel 4 Street Address of Property: REQUEST , (Include number of contiguous parcels to be merged and why merger is requested.) We.request parcel #773-052-009 and parcel #773-052-010'be merged as one -parcel to reduce the number of individual sanitary sewer "`laterals needed.( one per legal lot): APRIL 1988 +� • • PARCEL MERGER APPLICATION MUST INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: 1. This completed form with attached completed Exhibits A and B and Site Plan. The location of all structures and easements must be plotted onto the Site Plan. 2. Proof of ownership in the form of a copy of the original Grant Deed for the properties involved. (V� 3. A new, original, unrecorded Grant Deed with the following note on the Deed: - Correct legal description, -showing all involved properties for which the merger is requested (this must match, verbatim, the legal for Exhibit "A"); - "THIS DEED REFLECTS PARCEL MERGER NO. AS APPROVED BY THE CITY OF LA QUINTA.",- (The Parcel Merger number will be filled in by this office.) This is required whether or not there is a conveyance involved, as state law does not recognize a lot line adjustment by itself as a legal, recordable document. 4. APPLICATION FEE- $175 in cash or check payable to City of La Quinta. (�►vr-iC�gUE IN Cr>YE ^R6-A� The Planning and Development Department will review and, if' complete and acceptable, the Planning Director will approve the Merger Application. The' Application will then be forwarded to the County Recorder's Office for recording purposes. I/We hereby certify that: 1) I am/We are the record owner(s) of all parcels proposed for merger by this Application; 2) I/We have knowledge of and consent to the filing of this Application; and, 3) The information submitted in connection with this Application is true and correct. Owner(s) Signature:vK Representative Signature: (Attach Letter(s) of Authorization) Mill r vruilrrll . U u i APRIL 1988 Date 7 - 7 - ?-A Date 7 `Z- ? Date Date RECORDING REOUESTED BY .� AN O WHEN RECORDED MAIL THIS DEED AND UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN' BELOW NAIL TAX STATEMENT TO: i Name r City Of La CAinta } 4 Street Address P.BO% 1504 city a La Qiintat Ca. 92253 State L (No foot Goverment Code 6103.) MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO - Name F G..Stanley and Marlene B. Hatch-1 Street 4 &at Trenton � Address city a Trvinet Ca. 92720 State r _ TITLE ORDER NO. ESCROW NO. e. SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE GRANT DEED THE UNDERSIGNED GRANTORS) DECLARES) T s DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX is $ —a p computed on full value of property conveyed, or. , p computed on full value less'value of liens or encumbrances remaining at time of sale. p unincorporated area .',city of _La Qainta- , AND FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt'of which is hereby, ackriowledged, , ' G. Stanley Hatch Jr. and Marlene B.'-Hatch; Husband and Wife•'as y Community Property hereby GRANT(s) to G. Stanley Hatch Jr. and Marlene Be' Hateht" husband and wife as Coz mnity Property the following described real property in the County of Riverside ,State of California: Lots 9 and 10 in block 44 of Santa, Carmtslita, at Vale La Qainta, ' Unit 4 as per map recorded in book 181, page 62 of•napq in the office of the County recorder -of •said,,Rivezraide-..Count'y. , This'deed reflecti parcel Merger No. 92-279 Ie an approved by the City of Lattinta. STATE OF CALIFORNIA SS: .. COUNTY OF — On this op day of in the year 9 9 2- before me, the undersigned, a Nota645ub& in and for said State, personally appeared Cs•S-Fa-n a -.A- %'li,- let, e_ 1� 1.Jc-4' p personally known to me ` [proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence ~ to be the person whose namesi`s`subscribed to this instrument, and acknowl- edged to me that he (she o the) executed it. OFPICTAL SEAL JOYCE F LPWDEN SNOTARY PUBLIC - CALIFORNIA ORANGE COUNTY 'My comm. e)Vires AUG 8, 1992 Signature— — - - �'_ _ __ - • . 4 EECOR .n � ' CO FIb.LT'D AND Mf CW RECORDED MAIL TN6 DEED APO. UfVIESS � G7 OnTERWTSE WNW BELOW. MAIL TAX SIATEMENTS TO .N ��� - iA I " r G. Stanley Batch, Jr. 0 $ ` 1 Marlene B. Hatch, �...... Z ; SPACE ABOVE NE FOR RECORDER'S USE T toe T M* Older No. 203571 PTN Escrow or Loan No. 1065 Partnership Grant Deed The unaenigneo orantor(s) aeclore-r�sD1r' Documentary tronster loaf is S - - o� •S D ( ) computed on tug vchse of property conveyed. or ( ) computed on Ng value less value of Ilene and encumbrances remoinino at Time of sale. ( ) Unincorporated area: ( ) City of and FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, recut of which Is hereby acknowledged. A 6 M CONSTRUCTION, a GENERAL partnership organized under the laws of the State W hereby GRANTS to G. STANLEY HATCH, JR. AND MARLENE B. HATCH, HUSBAND AND WIPE, AS CMWNITY PROPERTY the tolbwing described real properly in the County of Riverside . slate of California LOT 9 B 10 IN BLACK 44 OF SANTA CARMELITA AT VALE LA QUINTA, UNIT 94 AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 18, PAGE 62 OF MAPS, RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. Dated February 16, 2990 STATE OF CALWORNW y S S COUNTVOF Riverside p,,,, 22nd a,y Pebruory tv 90 oerore mo. the unomvpnaa a Notes v P oc n ota to sou Caxvvarta Srore.tsenotonvappeorso Rick E. Morrie and Manuel Abarca Aid M CONSTRUCTION sr �trw By Rvtrta By pptordry krown to me (gn30maag)a601000 M to be By o the Po"nors of the pOrlMrwvp that e.ecutod tno wat.n nunr . ono ockr awteagW to rho mot fuch ponnetwa O.eCWed Pp W" OFFOM SEAL wtTNESS Deborah J. Miller at•ruimi.Csawuro wo yo pmy u Deborah J. Mi1 Noma (Typos a Rntod) (Ins omo to dt[o1 tM) MAIL TAX STATEMENTS AS DYIE= ABOVE m do red '®be a7 CEWIV thisoertiti�ta &o�V, RI�V��s�, . Each �urrwnt to `�i to � a Will O is atts� is certmed' the on inel sa o true and corm cm �U �b dinmy ` an 9ile and s+f reoor � J01 WY CLERK Q. WILLIAM , ap{�ER�Stattf of C� CpUttorn� LIFOR�� county at RiVerslCieo �t . Dated. �iticat� must ba ico�of - si EIROVIFIE�