PM 1997-327ReCOrding Requested �s� cofttpafty Tool W" law ser► ter eseraEsd R rCITFuS DEVWP`IETIT, LLC 1 AO'•~ 51-370 Avenida Bercudas. Suite I e Lla Quinta. CA 92253 J wr► 1AK 3TATENEMN TO Off J ue" L MU sate 4t&W RWpyED FOR RECORD AT S:W O'CLOCK HOV 12 1997 a yrtlaaOa mace Few Silk[ ASOYt TH19 UWE roll 1ttCOltt011r' us[ x GRANT DEED THE UNOERSIGNEO GRANTOR($) DECULME(S) DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX is 5�---- C3 computed on full value of property conveyed. or 0 computed on full valueless value of hens or encumbrances remaining at time of ANO O unincorporated area Co city of Lt IntA FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. CITRUS DEVELOPMENT, LLC, a California Lioitcd Liability Company hereby GRAN TM to CITRUS DEtiELOPMVIT. LLC. a California Luoited LiabilitY Corap:'•ny the following described real property In the State of California: County of Riverside ' See: Exhibit 'A' attached. This deed reflects Parcel '•erger Stl. 97-327 as approved by the -,tty of La Quints. , �t1T' cop std�denal cf t: d t tn7l CITRUS DE%IELOP}IE?;T LLC. a California paled_.-- Linited Liability l;tinpany gc: );iron In�•2si�cnt'. lr.c.. :, STATE OfGe11 NtA �55. :tom �•t)I� (ali urnia cor-Nt>o oren. COUNTY OF q -7 :3nagcr On this _; -- daY 01 77�-_ Ine YNer 1-L• petoro r..e. tho nd.Gu� nd. 2jlelgry, Public in and lot said Slale. Ocr.onellY ooreerea . �pnrsonanykriawntorre President 110+10 to re on tho bests 01 3etl$13ttory o•idence 10"tn• "Wn wnosd name tz suo3cpbed Io inis mr.oument. and aCAnowl- edged In me 04t ee tore or ineYl cseccle0 :t �( PAPA 9t71tA W _ Zcop" ♦ IOselt� i -�wt C-OWty i Comm eZkw MAY I I. !1N :.'`'reording Requested By: City of La Quints {.'hen Recorded. Return To: La Quints Planning and Development Department P. 0. Boa 1504 La Quinta. CA 92253 No Fee, 5103 Government Code lk ncf.t of La Qulnta Community t%&%-tbinnnwnt Dcnartment EXHIBIT A C.ERTIFICATE OF PARCEL MEAGER NO, •,.,,. Existing Parcels Reccrd Owners Assessor Parcel Numbers CITRUS DEVELUXEN'T. 11C. a California Limited Liability Company Legal Description of Merged Parcel .57 ^. c� oC. inc.a;sive. O55 s.. le=a:r.Ci cf i3n= corpo.'ac 5 o. ..a ps. as s,ewr. oY %ac: ':J. c530-5, u' �; roonc!, California. t0q.:9 5 [!�Yv'JCh i:J, rccord5 JI -er510 APPRYM BY ONUP PTY OEVEM OAT VM EXHIBIT USE Ml ROM Rewarding Requestei BY -4` city of la Ain �,.=•; = i4=rded, aetsa_rrrn Tb. �'� Ouinta P1annlnit and Oeveiopscnt—Dep`artment— �.. P.O. Box 1504 La Quints. CA 92253 • No Fee, 6103 Cvverm ent a:de Benefit of La Qj nta amruuity oev+elopmmit Department EXHIBIT B CERTIFICATE OF PARCEL MERGER NO, 97-327 18' C ►t�TES At I rx: ctl ne) 1 GtS ore varai`t. iC\ Lots 57 thenvgh 63 contaln 9.829 F each / Lot 64 contal ns I 1 , : 91 S. F. �. The Poopose7 Percet cantal n- 77.999 s. F. DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Record Owner G4) D This Certificate of parcel Merger No.`s_ is Addrews;1,14-0 1 heroby approved. Mao Preoved By By Title Address Area/District Date I r � FILE C0PV 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO — LA QUINTA CALIFORNIA 92253 — (760) 777-7000 A FAX (760) 777-7101 TDD (760) 777-1227 November 4, 1997 Ms. Cindy Zamorez KSL Recreation Corporation 56-140 PGA Blvd. La Quinta, Calif. 92253 SUBJECT: Lot Line Adjustment 97-327 (APN 769-660-032 through 039) Dear Ms. Zamorez, Your request for Lot Line Adjustment 97-327 has been approved. The Grant Deed to be recorded has to be signed and notarized. Additionally, on the Grant Deed, the "recording requested by" in the upper left hand corner needs to be changed from the "City of La Quinta" to "KSL Land Corporation" in compliance with procedures. Please have the Grant Deed and exhibits for this adjustment recorded with the County Recorder and give us a copy of the recorded documents for our files. Until the recorded copies are received, our Lot Line Adjustment file is not complete. Attached is a letter addressed to the County Recorder for you to present to them indicating our approval of this lot line adjustment. Should you have any questions, please call me at (760) 777-7064. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR STAN B. SAWA Principal Planner sbs , Attachment Itrapprovlla97327 MAILING_ ADDRESS — P.O. BOX 1504 — LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 4 , c&t,/ .4 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO „— LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 (760) 777-7000 . • • .' , .FAX -(760) 777-7101 TDD (760) 777-1227 November 4, ,1997 County Recorder . County of Riverside , Post Office Box 751 Riverside, Calif. 92502 SUBJECT: Recording of Lot Line Adjustment 97-327 (KSL Land Corporation)' Dear Sirs: The City of La Quinta has approved the above noted Lot Line Adjustment.. Please allow its recording as presented by KSL Land Corporation.. . Should you have any questions, please call me at (760) 777-7064. , Very truly.yours, . .a JERRY HERMAN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR , STAN B. SAWA Principal Planner - sbs c: KSL Land Corporation 4" Itrco.rec.11a97-327 MAILING ADDRESS — P.O. BOX 1504 — LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 11 18 97 11:23 FAX 1 909 788 2356 1ST MERICAN TTL (a oo4: nn9 SITE PLAN ERTIFICATE OF PARCEL MERGER NO,..� APPLICANT, K. S. L. Land Corpora ti cn 56-1 40 PGA 8t vd. La Out nta, Cal l forni a 92253 (760) 564-1088 PROPOSED DESCRIPTION, A si ngt a parcel of t and composed or Lots 57 through 64 of Tract No. 24890-5. as shown by nap recorded in Book 225 cf Mops, pages 5 through 10, Records of Ri versl de County, Cat i Forni a. A. P. N. 769-660-032 through 769-660-039 1 nct usi ve. ' D/u' i ndi cater exi sti ng dri veway curk cut. 18' R/ CURB L c V NOTES, J I. At I exi stl neq I rats ere voecnt. 2. Lot: 57 throvgh 63 contal n 9. SZ9 s. i% , each / Lot 64 contcl ns : I . 1 91 s. F. �. rho, proposed parcel corittl ns 79, 999 �. 'PPROVED By COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT Record Owner CTT.RU'; I:F.VEWP>IF!I T , 1.1.': , ,I !:i 1; 1 orr, i:i B - L�- DATE 11a� Address I.inited Lial,i I ; I y Comr.'Illy FXHIBIT 'S ,i-t7L Arcnilli� � rtn;:, S:IrIr• (., Quinta, Ca 1Ci5��{ CASE N0. L,L4 q-7- Map Prepared By --� Address Tr: State I.anri ;urvcyor-.: (Avtl Fn}; rir:r �t;-ll�i (:nllc ::•:ratio I�i Qvin:J. i.t ,J!, ij Scale tea. V CITY OF LA QUINTA �17 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT �r . 7 8 -10 5 CALLE ESTADO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 f APPLICATION FOR PARCEL MERGER' t .,Pe ZS�-- ------------- ___===== OFFICE USE ONLY'•I' II o II •3 II u. _Zoning: PM No.: ^1� Related Cases: II . Reviewed By: ate Receiv Ded: O 13 -Cl II , PROPERTY OWNER: ' Name: HT. Land Corporation Address: 56-140 PGA Boulevard Di }lMe iANAdUNT_a Qui nta * CA 92253 Phone: (7hn) 5h4-1 nRR (City) (State) (Zip) REPRESENTATIVE: Name: Tri State Land Surveyors Address: 78-035 Calle e Rstado Daytime - ; Ln 011inta, CA 9 253• Phone: (760) 564-0271 (City) (State) (Zip) PROPERTY DATA Assessor Parcel Numbers: Parcel 1 769 - 660 - 032 through 41 Parcel 2 769 - 660 - 039 inclusive Parcel 3- Parcel 4 - - Street Address of Property: Calle• Cet fin, y G6 REQUEST,NOV 0 6 '1997 ( Include number of contiguous .parcels to be merge andahy -.,r� merger is requested.) O I Y U(6- LP G� °Fti r Mer er of 8 lots into 1 to fa ;l; a P s1jhGP4iPnt lnr lino arljnetmcntc • n 1 t f ' S RECEIVED FROM 'ADDRESS — - nn• _ ACCOUNT AMT.OF CASH • PARCEL MERGER APPLICATION MUST INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: 1. This completed form with attached completed Exhibits A and B and Site Plan. The location of all structures and easements must be plotted onto the Site Plan. 2. Proof of ownership in the form of a copy of the original Grant Deed for the properties involved. 3. A new, original, unrecorded Grant Deed with the following noted on the Deed: - Correct legal description, showing all involved properties for which the merger is requested (this must match, verbatim, the legal for Exhibit "A"); - "THIS DEED REFLECTS PARCEL MERGER NO. , AS APPROVED BY THE CITY OF LA QUINTA." (The Parcel Merger number will be filled in by this office.) This is required whether or not there is a conveyance involved, as state law does not recognize a lot line adjustment by itself as a legal, recordable document. 4. APPLICATION FEE- $.200 in cash or check payable to City of La Quinta. The Planning and Development Department will review and, if complete and acceptable, the Planning Director will approve the Merger Application. The Application will then be forwarded to the County Recorder's Office for recording purposes. ¢� ---------------- I/We hereby certify that: 1) I am/We are the record owner(s) of all parcels proposed for merger by this Application; 2) I/We have knowledge of and consent to the filing of this Application; and, 3) The information submitted in connection with this Application is true and correct. Owner(s) Signature: KSL Land Corporation Representative Signature: (Attach Letter(s) of Authorization) MR/FORMPM.001 APRIL 1988 Date Date Date Date RECORDING REQUESTED BY ANO WHEN RECOIOED NAIL THIS NEED AND ONUS$ OTHERWISE MOWN IELOW MAIL TAX STATEMENT TO: Name r City of La Quinta Street P. 0. Box 1504 Address La Quinta, CA 92253 city (No fee, Government Code 610-" State MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO "'m• rKSL Land Corporation Street 56-140 PGA Boulevard Address La Quinta, CA 92253 City e J state L TITLE OIOEN NO ESCIOW NO I SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE GRANT DEED THE UNDERSIGNED GRANTOR(S) DECLARE(S) DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX is $ -0- 0 computed on full value of property conveyed, or ❑ computed on full value less value of liens or encumbrances remaining at time of sale. ❑ unincorporated area ® city of _ Ten Quint- , AND FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, KSL Land Corporation hereby GRANT(s) to KSL Land'Corporation the following described real property in the County of Riverside , State of California: See: Exhibit 'A' attached. This deed reflects Parcel Merger No. as approved by the City of La Quinta. 97-327 Dated STATE OF CALIFORNIA SS. COUNTY OF On this day of In the year before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared 0 personally known to me p proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person whose name is subscribed to this Instrument, and acknowl- edged to me that he (she or they) executed it. Signature NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR SAID STATE KSL Land Corporation i (This area for official nolarial tool)