PM 1999-355P, AUG.11.1999 2:51PM NO.243 P.4 EXHIBI T "A " CERTIFICATE OF PARCEL MERGER NO. 99+355-_ Record Owners Donald J. Corvan and Elaine Cohan, Trustees of the DONALD J. CORVAN AND ELAINE CORVAN TRUST Donald J. Corvan and Elaine C0rvGn,, Trustees of the DONALD J. CORVAN AND EL 41NE CORVAN TRUST -- Existing Parcels Assessor Parcel Numbers 774-191-002 774-191-003 Legal Description of Merged Poroel LOTS 2 AND 3, BLOCK 259, SANTA CARMEMA AT VALE UNIT NO. 24 AS SHOWN ON MAP ON FILE IN BOOK 1-9OFMAPS, PAGES 44 AND 45, OMCIAL RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE, COUNTY, CA.; ALSO BEING IN A PORTION OF THE NORTH ONE HALF OF SECTION 13, TOWNSHIP 8 SOUTH, RANGE 8 EAST, SAN 6ERA14RDINO MERIDIAN. CONTAINING 12,388 So. FT. (0.28 AC.) MORE OR LESS APPR D COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEFT By '"'I "DATE EXHIBIT CASE N0. 2'S - 3 SS F XP. 12/31 /0 L ` I V� , 4 AUG.11.i999 2:51PM NO.243 P.5 APyPR COMMtlNITY DUEIOPMENT DEPT B � TE ,V"P EXHIBIT CASE NO. l - 5%- ECHIBI T ,,e » CERTIFICATE OF PARCEL MERGER NO. NOTE: PROPERTY IS VACANT Calle Chlllon _ N 89*59'000_W 221.89' V4 138.05 G w„k Lot M `g Ge ,c . 'v L MOi i N 89.59-Y !at i Record Owner Elaine Conan Address: 1165 Tamarack Ln. Columbia Folly, UM 59912 (406) 892-3915 Map Propared By: Aim EnpinI g. Inc. address: P. 0. Box 12980 Palm Desert Co. 92255 (760) 346-8015 Scale: 1 " — 60' Assessor's Parcel Nov. 774-191-002 6: 003 99-355 _, I ihiv CeRll7cote of Parcel Merger .Na..— is hereby approved, By. prea Trousdal1 >7 Assoc. Planner DAM 8-4-99 5 P.O. Box 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPIC0 LA.:.QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 August 5, 1999 Mr. James D. Feiro, P. E. Feiro Engineering, Inc. P. O. Box 12980 Palm Desert, California 92255 SUBJECT: PARCEL MERGER 99-355 Dear Mr. Feiro: (760) 777-7000 (TDD) (760) .777-1227 The Community Development Department has approved Parcel Merger 99-355 for recordation. Enclosed is the approved information for this application. Once recorded, please send a copy of the material to our office for filing. Enclosed is a letter addressed to the County Recorder stating that PM 99-355 can be recorded. The City has approved this merger based on zoning compliance and correctness of the metes and bounds legal descriptions. By execution of this approval, the applicant and/or property owner agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City of La Quinta from any legal claim or ligation arising out of the City's approval of this parcel merger. 41 Should you have any questions, please contact me at (760) 777-7067. Sincerely, J RRY HERMAN UNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR ROUSDELL Associate Planner GT. Enclosures c: Community Development Director Mw%e LT PM 355 - 36 4 P.O. Box 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA,QuINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 August 5, 1999 County Recorder County of Riverside P.O. Box 751 Riverside, California 92502-0751 SUBJECT: RECORDING OF PARCEL MERGER 99-355 (760) 777-7000 (TDD) (760), 777-1227 Dear Colleague: The City of La Quinta has approved the above noted Parcel Merger. Please allow its recording as presented by the applicant. Should you have any questions, please call me at (760) 777-7067. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Planner GT. LTPM 355Counry- 36 ki g�r� • -/• � 4Y Il P.O. Box 1504 78-495 CALLS TAMPICO LA.:QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 July 29, 1999 Mr. James D. Feiro, P.E. Feiro Engineering, Inc. P. O. Box 12980 Palm Desert, California 92255 (760) 777-7000 (TDD) (760) 777-1227 SUBJECT: PARCEL MERGER 99-355 AND LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 99-310 Dear Mr. Feiro: This Department cannot process your request to modify the size and shape of three lots in the Cove because the lot line adjustment application creates a substandard lot measuring less than 35' in width. Staff requests that you revise the applications by processing the merger of Lots 2 and 3, in their entirety, prior to adjusting the property line with Lot 4 under LLA 99-310. This request requires new legal descriptions and Grant Deeds for your applications. If you have any additional questions, please contact me at (760) 777-7067. Sincerely, JERRY HERMAN ZG ITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SDELL Associate Planner GT. c: Community Development.Director Public Works Director LT Pmerger 355 - 36 Me* 'D ECOVE o La Quint, City .f Q � JUL 2 �� 1�9 Community Develop nt Department CITY OF LAQUINTA 78-495 Calle Tampicl PLANNING DEPARTMENT La Quinta, California 92253 (760) 777-7125 OFFICE USE ONLY General Plan Amendment ❑ Rezone (Map Amend) ❑ Code Amendment ❑ Tentative Tract Map ❑ Tentative Parcel Map ❑ Site Plan Review ❑ Conditional Use Pennit ❑ Other: ❑ APPLICATION FOR PARCEL MERGER APPROVAL PARCEL MERGER applications are reviewed and approved by the Community Development Director pursuant to Chapter 13.36 of the Subdivision Regulations. The purpose is to allow merger of contigious parcels or units of real property, under common ownership. .•..•..•..•..•. o..•. o..•. o..•. o..•. o. o..•. o..•. o. o. o. o. o. o..•..•. o..o.•. o: r. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o. o..•..•..o.•..•. o. o..•..•..•..•..•. o. o. r..s.•. ......................................................... APPLICANT Feiro Engineering, INc. (Print) MAILING ADDRESS P. 0-.Box 12980 Phone No. 760-346-8015 CITY, STATE, ZIP: Palm Desert, Ca. 92255 Fax No. 760-346-2548 PROPERTY OWNER (If different): Donald J. Corvan and Elaine Corvan, Trustees 68 the DONALD J. CORVAN AND ELAINE (Print) CORVAN TRUST MAILING ADDRESS 1165 Tamarack Ln. Phone No. 466-892-3915 CITY, STATE, ZIP: Columbia Falls, MN. 59912 Fax No. MERGER LOCATION Assessor Parcel Number of Parcels to be Merged: Avenida Cortez south of Calle Chillon Parcel 1 774'-ti 1191 = 002 Parcel 2 por 774 - 191 - 003 Parcel - - Parcel4 - - - (Attach additional sheets, if necessary) REASON FOR MERGER: To combsne the remainder of ho.t:>31which was a remainder after lot line adjustment between lots 3 & 4, into one larger lot. Al2-fonn4l7.wpd Appvd I%6/98 cdi Ave....4. C. 4. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT DATE NAME OF APPLICANT Feiro Engineering, Inc. (Please print) SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER�S� IF NOT SAME AS APPLICANT: m DATE •2_ 2 _ g `- - NAME OF OWNER Donald J. Corvan and Elaine Corvan, Trustees of the DONALD J. CORVAN AND ELAINE CORVAN TRUST (Please print) (Separate written authority by owner to submit application may be submitted) NOTE: FALSE OR MISLEADING INFORMATION GIVEN IN THIS APPLICATION SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR DENYING APPLICATION. • 4 RECEIPT City of La Quinta, 78-495 Calle Tampico, p. O.. Box 150.4, La Quinta CA 92 253 DAT �19 Z� 36929 RECEIVED FROM ADDRESS FOR DOLLARS $Q — ACCOUNT HOW PAID _ AMT.OF ACCOUNT CASH AMT. PAID CHECK DUE NC MONEY BY 1 ORDER '. 251PM AUG.11.1999 • 0 N0.243 P.3 Order No. Escrow No, Loan No. WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO; Donald J. Corvan Elaine Corvan 1.1.65 Tamarack La. Columbia Falls, MN. 59912 DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX $............. :16t ................................ ...... Computed on the consideration or value of property conveyed: OR ...... Computed on the oonsidaretion or value less Ilene or encumbrances remaining at time of sale. C® P"T oaf Document Recorded Has not been catvarcd with original. COUNTY RECORDER MdemmomIMmM NOMMMMMM WEEMMMMMMM aIgnature of Daderent or Agent datermining tax Name rely! 01- =3 GRANT DEED FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which Is hereby acknowledged, Donald J. Corvan and Elaine Corvan, Ttustees of the DONALD J. CORVAN AND ELAINE CORVAN TRUST hereby GRANT(S) to Donald J. Corvan and Elaine Corvan, Trustees 65. the DONALD J. CORVAN AND ELAINE CORVAN TRUST ChkW Title CcmparW has recorded thts betel t by ronuoz as en aecuMdatitO MIV the real prop erty In the City of La Quinta end has not exammed It for ragularlty and ru* County of Riverside swnzy P Onto may beeupo th��a m any real State of Califomia, described as Per Attached Exhibits "A" and "B" NOTE: THIS DEED REELECTS PARCEL MERGER NO. 99-355 AS APPROVED BY THE CITY OF LA QUINTA. Dated 011 /YlpnFQr�v. } STATE OF-A4ktF8t4�t COUNTY OF �iLAatQ� On J LA 0, I G Q before me, rA . , personally appeared personagy known to me (or pmrsd to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the persons) whose names) is/are subscribed to thewlthin instrument srrd edowwWged to me that he/shaMey axeouted the same In hWherlt►leir authorized cap any(les), and that by hia/herfd Ir signa- ture(s) on the Instrument the person(a) or the entity upon beha*af which the person(s) acted, executed the Irmtrument WITNESS my and oftictal seal. Signature" 1--M MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO: VON* 464A#Aa4F C6400400 Pa. qQX 12#* 7 C A 9 2 ;L5,3 DONALD J. CORVAN AND ELAINE CORVAN TRUST ✓u onCorgy, Trustee Elaine.Corvan, Trustee PIS was for 010*1 notarial Gael) foot (1/sa) IQ ` JUN 28 '99 11:03AM CUST SERVICE r' • P.4/6 447279 RZCORDING REQUESTED BY RECEIVED FOR RECORD :•ean Ann Hirschi AT 8.'00 OCLOCK Attorney at Law AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO DEC - g 1997 ,'UND MAIL TAX: STATEMENTS TO Donalcj Z. Corvan � C00*q `awn >. O. Box 1217 row- ;Ja Quinta, CA 92253 GRANT DEED �IHE mmERSIGNED GRANTOR(S) DECLARES} DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX IS NONE-TRAtOPM TO REV LIVZiG TRUST computed on full value of property conveyed, or ` computed on full value less value of liens or encumbrances remaining at time of sale, unincorporated area X city of La Quinta - 1�ND ;OR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which i5 hereby acknowledged, DONALD x. CORVAN and ELAINE CORVAN, husband and wife ._3 joint tenants, Y:creby GPANT4S) to DONALD J. CORVAR and ELAINE CORVAN, TrUstees of '-ha DONALD •7. CORVA-N AND ELAINE: CORVAN TRUST Dated f:Ze follorincg described real property ive :he City of La Quinta, County of Riverside, State of California: 0T 2 OF SWCK 250 OF SANTA CARHELITA AT VALE LA QUINTA UNIT 24, AS rER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 19, PAGES 44 A14D 45 OF MAPS, RECORDS OF I� EL*VERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. APN 07' 4191002.ce r 1 / ) TED: /J I DONALD J AVAN ELAINE COWAN i f 1 , 1 � 4 . JUN 28 '99 .11:03AM CUST& SERVICE; • ! 5/6 �• • . is .. ZATt 9F CALI.FORNIA ) ! o .SS COUNTY O1F'RIVERSIDE j On yC C/, ��' ,' 1997, _ before me, Notary Public, personally appeare DONALD 47, cGRVAN aced ELAZ E CORVAN, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the persons whose names a'.e subcoribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that t_=ay executed the same in their authorized capacities, and that by their signatures on the instrument behalf of which the person acted, the person, or the entity upon executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal: t. :`rQ ARY PUBLIC » T ' ' ,. . Tn , d JUN 28 '99 11:02AM CUSTF SERVICE 447277 °7 RECEIVEO FOR RECORD RECORDING REQUESTED BY AT Soo O'CLOCK ,lean ,Ann Hirschi DEC - 5 1997 Attorney at;Law kND wHWI RECORDED MAIL TO ��+^+�+•��.aw.n AND "TAIL TAIC STATEMENTS TO � Donald Z. CQrvan P.O. ,Dox 1217 La Quinta, CA 92253 GRANT DEED THE UNDERSIGNED GRANTOR(S) DECLARE(S) DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX IS NO20-TRABTAFER TO REV LIVXMa TRUEST icomputed on full value of property conveyed, or computed on full Value less value of dens or encumbrances remaining at time of sale. unincorporated area X— city of La Quinta AND roV A VALUAaLX CONS16ZP.AT.X0N, recaipt Of which is hereby acknowledged, DONALD J. CORVAN and ELAINE CORVAN, husband and wife as joint tenants, hereby GRANT(&) to DONALD J, CORV?,N and ELAINE CORVAN, Trustees Of the DONALD J'. CORVAN AND ELAINE CORVA04 TRUST Dated 1997„ thm following described real prcperty in the City of La Quinta, County of Rivern-ide, State of California: LOT 3- IN BLOCK 259 OF SANTA CAWIELITA AT VALE LA QUINTA, UNIT 24, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN SCOT{ 19, PAGES 44 AND 45 OF MAPS, RECORDS Or RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. APN �77l191gg3. DATED: ONAiD X. QORVAN 7ZLAINE CORVAN 9 4# N JUN 28 '99 11:03AM CUST SERVICE 'r ATAIXE OF CALIFORNIA ) r COUVrY OF RIVERSIDE ) 11 , 6B/� nn .� I� �r on y_/Z'4J• Wls , 1991, before me, Notary Public personally appearedY DONALD J. colt and•ELAINE CORVAN, personally known to me or proved to me on the asis of satisfactory evidence to be the persons whose names are ubscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me. that the ekocuted the same in their authorized Capacities, and that by thei signatures on the instrument the person, or the entity upon beha f of which the person acted, exeoufied the instrument. w1TNZ$S my hand and official seal. Y Punic - -- .' roc•:.. c .,n�Y f--i a tM 112cllmcls �lat NLe�gex_ Project: 139s-001 Lot Map Check page 1 Mon Aug 02 08:30:17 1999 Lot name: PAR. 1 North: 291.0708 East: 192.3100 Line Course: S 89-59-00 E Length: 138.05 North: 291.0306 East: 330.3600 Line Course: S 00-00-45 W Length: 100.00 North: 191.0306 East: 330.3381 Line Course: N 89-59-00 W Length: 109.73 North: 191.0626 East: 220.6082 Line Course: N 15-48-00 W Length: 103.94 North: 291.0755 East: 192.3073 Perimeter: 451.71 Area: 12,388. sq.ft. 0.28 acres Mapcheck Closure - (Uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Error Closure: 0.0054 Course: N 29-11-08 W Error North: 0.00470 East:-0.00263 Precision 1: 83,861.13 Page 1 EXHIBIT "A " CERTIFIC4 TE OF PARCEL MERGER NO. Record Owners Existing Parcels Assessor Parcel Numbers Donald J. Corvan and Elaine Corvan, 774-191-002 Trustees of the DONALD J. CORVAN AND ELAINE CORVAN TRUST Donald J. Corvan and Elaine Corvan, Trustees of the DONALD J. CORVAN AND POR. 774-191-003 ELAINE CORVAN TRUST Legal Description of Merged Parcel LOT 2 AND A PORTION OF LOT 3, BLOCK 259, SANTA CARMELITA AT VALE UNIT NO. 24 AS SHOWN ON MAP ON FILE IN BOOK 19 OF MAPS, PAGES 44 AND 45, OFFICIAL RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CA.; ALSO BEING IN A PORTION OF THE NORTH ONE HALF OF SECTION 13, TOWNSHIP 6 SOUTH, RANGE 6 EAST, SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 2, THENCE S 89'59'00" E ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 2, A DISTANCE OF 138.05 FT. TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 2; THENCE S 00'00'45" W ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 2, A DISTANCE OF 85.00 FT. TO A POINT ON THE EAST ' LINE OF SAID LOT 3; THENCE N 89'59'00" W PARALLEL WITH THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 20 A DISTANCE OF 113.98 FT. TO A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 3; THENCE N 15'48'00" W ALONG THE WEST LINES OF SAID LOTS 2 AND 3, A DISTANCE OF 88.34 FT. TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. QROFESS/ON -4 D. FFi �FZ CONTAINING 10, 71 1 SO. FT. (0.24 AC.) MORE OR LESS ��`�P Z / co O c5 0. — 4 6 m E P. 12/31 /01 `�q CIVIL ���P t EXHIBI T "B" CERTIFICATE OF PARCEL MERGER NO. NOTE. • PROPERTY IS VACANT Colle Chillon • _ N 89'59'00" W 221.89' — — \ oo I +Q� Nw w I o o N II N 31.18' N 89'59'W 30, m 138.05' V J ROFESS/6 g °o z '� G' o sW W C y 0 W > \ 31.18' 11J.98' 30, P. 12/31 /01 * Q N 8959'W CIVI q� OF CA�IFQ DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Record Owner Elaine Corvan This Certificate of Parcel Merger No. _ is Address: 1165 Tamarack Ln. hereby approved. Columbia Falls, MN. 59912 (406) 892-3915 ' BY. Map Prepared By: Feiro Engineering, Inc. Address: P. 0. Box 12980 TITLE. Palm Desert, Ca. 92255 (760) 346-8015 DATE. - Scale: 1 " = 60' Assessor's Parcel Nos. 774-191-002 & a por. 003 112cllmcls page 1 Lot Merger Project: 139s-001 Mon Jun 28 15:03:40 1999 Lot Inverse --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot name: PAR. 1 North: 291.0708 East: 192.3100 Line Course: S 89-59-00 E Length: 138.05 North: 291.0306 East: 330.3600 Line Course: S 00-00-45 W Length: 85.00 ' North: 206.0306 East: 330.3414 Line Course: N 89-59-00 W Length: 113.98 North: 206.0638 East: 216.3645 Line Course: N 15-48-00 W Length: 88.34 North: 291.0708 East: 192.3100 Perimeter: 425.37 Area: 10,711. sq.ft. 0.24 acres r Lot Merger page 1 Project: 139s-001 Mon Jun 28 15:03:52 1999 Lot Area Listing --------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- Lot name: PAR. 1 Perimeter: 425.37 Area: 10,711. sq.ft. 0.24 acres w Page 1 ' CALLE 260 -` 260 SEC. L/NE v, _ eo e: .�. .e S•Sao o � , �G r. ..• qZo - ('67 i T7r4 Ot0 u� ''� TAA C?O-0c9 !O ° 24 (1 oo / 3 e 3 a o 24 ©a !3 / 3, ;. h 24 lJ 00 30 23 2a 2 23 OZ !Q 2. 2 3 r23.Oq fR< oY0 b 30 �° M 22 O l� 3 I 22 30 03 ° 22 Q N � e1 r3 19/ N N rA.►ozo- W rR4 4 p 2/ ® l(v 4 ~ 069 4 ® �` 'V O ~ QrR.: cze, - o" �O M 20 0 5 20 O 0 5 20 O5 J° v � ® �' II v /9@6 /9 6 h % ".25 4m,,/902393 /e'O® 97 Q /e 0 6 0' 30 30 ; '14 v?J•: "• { 17 /8 /7 ® /� B !7 V ® 8 �N /6 ©J9 Q /6 o e� o H /6 O ®9 C.) Q O Z b = rAi ORO a Q /5 0/0Z/ /0 Q /5 �0 (�/0 I v /5 ul o I ran r.?r ocz'do 11 ' r 00 iOJ �— —' 30 rRA r?r D6? _I ' �u I30 �.l� i/ 3 I Y0 c I �• 0 8 3% - r. } 0 I ?6C• " zan CALLE--'—.--.•- a N � 23 SANTA CARMEL/TA AT VALE LA QU/NTA UNIT No. 24 MB 19144 - 45