PM 2004-463W.., EXHIBI T A • CERTIFICA TE OF PARCEL MERGER NO. 2ppn_nYF3 RECORD OWNERS 'EXISTING PARCELS ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBERS CHARLIE POH 77J-044-029 LEGAL DESCRIP110N OF MERGED PARCEL IN .THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORN/A, IN SECTION 1, T6S, R6E, SB.B.M.: LOT 2 IN BLOCK 48 OF SANTA CARMELITA VALE AT LA QUINTA, UNIT NO. 4, AS SHOWN BY MAP ON FILE /N THE BOOK 18, PAGE 62 OF MAPS, OFFICIAL RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, TOGETHER WITH LOT J /N BLOCK 48 OF SAID SAlV7A CARMELITA VALE AT LA QUINTA, UNIT NO. 4, AS SHOWN BY MAP ON FILE /N THE BOOK 18, PAGE 62 OF MAPS, OFFICIAL RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY. TOTAL AREA OF PARCEL A = 10, 000 S F. (0.2J AC. MORE OR LESS) .PARCEL MERGER No. 2004- Iq (03 1-14-ENT No. APPROVED BY CITY OF LA QUINTA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTM NT BY '22, �a4,,-M DATE to 9bC+ Exhibit A \�NPL LA/y0 s & ��5 ENE A. M, - p� a °70 N0. 5479 Exp. 9/30/08 SUBJECT TO ALL COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESERVATIONS, RESTRICTIONS, 9T of F o oA L RIGHTS OF WAY, EASEMENTS, OR EXCEP DONS OF RECORD, lF ANY. EXHIBIT B. CERTIFICA TE OF MERGER NO.". :PARCEL 2004-4Fi3 NOTE ' THIS PLAT WAS PREPARED FROM RECORD DATA AND NOT REPRESENT SURVEY OF THE PROPERTY CA L L E YU CA TAN DOES A �, SHOWN HEREON. THIS MAP HAS BEEN APPROVED UPON THE EXPRESSED CONDITION THAT BUILDING , PERMITS SHALL NOT BE ISSUED FOR ANY DEWL- SAJ\Jf-A CATMIJELJ%rA A r VALE, l A C�JPVTA, Jl\JJ-C JVJ. r1 O°MENT WITHIN THIS ADJUSTMENT PLAT UNTIL NECES- SARY DEDICATIONS, IF ANY, HAVE OCCURED. I I LOT -25 ' LOT,1 I N 89 53 38' E • 100.00' ' ArP.N. 773-0447029. l LEGEND o g AREA = 0.23 AC. S S M LOT 24 LOT-2 S' --- 0 L1E — = LOT N TO BE REMOl•E0 �.� _ NOTE. 1 LOT LINEr'TO BE REMOVED (IYP. ) 3o• THERE MAY BE EASEMENTS OF N 895338` E• 100.00'. RECORD DELINEATED AND REFERENCED - - - — — — — — — — — ON THE UNDERL YlNG MAP OR THERE MAY BE EASEMENTS WITHIN THE AREA BEING ADJUSTED THAT ARE G NOT SHOWN ON THIS DOCUMENT THA T COULD ENCUMBER SAID a PARCEL HEREIN. LOT 23 " Q L 07. 3 N Q LAAjD Zt 2 \�NIkL A. 0� N 8953'38' E 100.00' a No. 5479 LOT 24 LOT 4 Exp. 9/30/08 zu CAL MONTE -. 30 0 15 30 80 AVE 1 inch 30 ft DEPARTMENT USE ON Y RECORD;OWNER CHARLIE POH THIS CERTIFICATE OF. PARCEL MERGER NODS_ CIS ADDRESS HEREBY APPROVED MAP PREPARED BY McGEE SURVEW, INC. BY IG, 5 ADDRESS 79301 COUNTRY CLUB DR., SUITE 102 BERMUDA DUNES CA 92203 771ZE I AREA/DISTRICT DA TE Lo Closures Parcel name: "A" North: 161.13 `.East : 593.75 Line Course: S 89-53-38 w Length: 100.00 North: 160.95 East 493.75 Line course: N 00-06-22 w Length: 100.00 North: 260.95 East -493.56 Line course: N 89-53-38 E Length: 100.00 . North: 261.13 East .593.56 Line course: S 00-06-22 E Length: 100.00, North: 161.13 East`: 593.75 Perimeter: 400.00 , Area: 10,0.00 sq.ft.,0.23 acres Mapcheck closure - (uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Error Closure: 0.00 Course: N 63-26-06 E Error North: 0.000 East 0.000 Precision 1: 400,000,000.00 � � ow 0 . . . . . . . FILE* COPY . P.O.'Z Box 1504 . / 78'495 CALLr 7AMp/oo (76 ') 7 71' 7 O'OO OF LAC>oIwTA, CALIFORNIA y22b8 . ^ . - - � ���� ��(76O) 777'7 l0l . ' - . October 26, 2004 M[. Charlie POh 78-242 \/inevvOOd [)rive Palm Desert,'CA 92211 Subject: Parcel Merger 2 463 on Avenida Rubio Dear Mr.. PDh: .. . � The Community Development C)6p8rtrnent has approved your request for rn8' e t' . ^ OrC8|S On the vv8St side Of Avenid | Rubio SOuth Of C8Ue ^Yuc8taw- Please prep -re Grant Deed to reflect this approval. A S8rnp|e []rant Deed is attached to show YOU..' what it needs to include. The Grant Deed page must be signed by you in front of O . Notary Public before recordation. The Grant Deed and Other enclosed City' approved ` documents must be recorded at the Riverside County, Recorders Office. � P|eOa8 submit.a copy Of the recorded dOCurn8nt3 to Our department as -Our files are not . considered final until we receive it. . If you have any questions, please contact me at 760-7 7-3(]64. . ^ Very truly yours, OSCAR ORCII' INTERIM . . COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR ` . ^ STA.N B. SA\8//\ Principal Planner EOCi ` . 9Asmu\pmO4403 |trvppdvo , ' s SITE - PLAN CERTIFICA TE OF PARCEL MERGER NO. 2004-463 NOTE. - THIS PLAT WAS PREPARED FROM RECORD DATA AND DOES NOT REPRESENT A SURVEY OF THE PROPERTY SHOWN HEREON. THIS MAP HAS BEEN APPROVED UPON THE EXPRESSED COND/TTON THAT BUILDING PERMITS SHALL. NOT BE ISSUED FOR ANY DEVEL- OPMENT WITHIN THIS ADJUSTMENT PLAT UNTIL NECES- SARY D£DICATTONS, IF ANY, HAVE OCCURED. CALLE YUCA TAN-. srli?j L rCrl A r ►/,1 L4, LA QJJjV-fll, JJVrC J\/J fI I I C LOT 25 i LOT I ° I N 895338' E 100.00' II LEGEND g, LOT 24 ---- LOT LINE TO BE REMO10 NOTE.• THERE MAY BE EASEMENTS OF RECORD DELINEATED AND REFERENCED - - - ON THE UND£RL19NG MAP OR THERE C MAYBE EASEMENTS WITHIN THE AREA BEING ADJUSTED THAT ARE NOT SHOWN ON THIS DOCUMENT THAT COULD ENCUMBER SAID 3 S PARCEL HEREIN. �, o LOT 23 A s LAND \QNpL S �g5 yaE A. ML, GAL CF(IN �P .4 — — — No. 5479 LOT 24 Exp. 9/30/08 I 'F CALF_ 30 0 15 30 60 I inch - 30 ft. A.P.N. 773-044-019 AREA = 0.13 AC. o$ LOT 2 * l.L 9 LOT LINE TO BE REMOVED (T)P.) . N 895338' E_ _ _ _ 100.00' QP �73 0 3 LOT 3 —� 2 100.00' LOT 4 i NOTE MAN NIA-� A\ N 895338' E DEPARTMENT USE ONLY RECORQ OWNER CHARLIE POH THIS CERTIFICATE OF PARCEL MERGER N0. o -41. S ADDRESS HEREBY APPROVED MAP PREPARED BY MCGEE SURVEYING, INC. BY S_ SGunr-k ADDRESS 79301 COUNTRY IXUB DR., SUITE l02 BERMUDA DUNES CA 9220J TITLE 'PrI1Ar,I DZ,1 d (Qy�tn AREA/DISTRICT DA TE 10. a C}- A� I Fl""NCE � . Rerende cove City of La Quinta Community Development Department 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta; California 92253 (760) 777-7125 APPLICATION FOR PARCEL MERGER APPROVAL OFFICEIUSE ONLY Case No. — q6 3 Date Recvd 10 l Fee:'Zc7O Related Apps: M6-,? B16-0F0 /t vPv 6 75 /&8 Logged in by: D OCT 012004 CITY OF LA QUINTA FINANCEDEPT. PARCEL MERGER applications are reviewed and'approved by the Community Development Director pursuant. to Chapter 13.36 of the Subdivision Regulations. The purpose is to allow merger of contiguous parcels or units of real property, under common ownership. .......................................................... APPLICANT C1bh21'/r- SON (Print) MAILING ADDRESS %g ZC/7 11,NEWo-n D2 • Phone No. S! ¢-b CITY, STATE, ZIP: PA-c." nES iEe-r CA , g22t t Fax No. S'i ►LS PROPERTY OWNER (If different): SAVk^ L--- (Print) MAILING ADDRESS Phone No. CITY, STATE, ZIP: Fax No. MERGER LOCATION: Sl - 2 zS V6'9L/JV A R h � o Assessor Parcel Number of Parcels to be'Merged: Parcel 1 723 - 4 ` Y - Parcel 2 - - Parcel 3 - - Parcel 4 - - (Attach additional sheets, if necessary) Merger may be processed if the following requirement is satisfied: O At least one of the affected parcels is undeveloped by any structure for which a building permit was issued or for which a building permit was not.required at the time of construction, or is developed only with an accessory structure or accessory structures, or is developed with a single structure, other than an accessory structure, that is also partially sited on a contiguous parcel or unit. A 1246=417.wpd 12/17/99 To obtain approval of a merger, the following criteria shall be met: ❑ The merger complies with the standards specified in Section above. ❑ The parcel will be consistent with the zoning of the property. ❑ The parcel will not conflict with the location of existing structures on the property ❑ The parcel will not be deprived of adequate access as a result of the merger. ❑ Access to adjoining properties will not be restricted as a result of the merger. ❑ No new lot lines are created by the merger. ❑ Existing grant deeds or title reports for all affected parcels. ❑ I New, original, unrecorded Grant Deeds for each resulting parcel with the following: ❑ Correct legal description of the merged parcel and the statement, ."This Grant Deed reflects Parcel_ Merger No. , as approved the City of La Quinta." ❑ Completed Certificate of Parcel Merger No. , "Exhibit A" ❑ Completed Certificate of Parcel Merger No. "Exhibit B" - Plat showing merged parcels Q. Completed Site Plan, showing merger parcels and existing structures and improvements; if any. ❑ If metes and bounds legal description is used for merged parcels, closing calculations shall 'be submitted. ❑ Filing fee for Parcel Merger. If filing multiple applications, the most expensive application will be charged full fee, with remaining related applications discounted 50% for each. ....................................................... SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT DATER NAME OF APPLICANT C A*t?.. l cr Po l-k (Please print) SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER(S) IF NOT SAME AS APPLICANT: DATE NAME OF OWNER C 4PCe(, C,C__ 'C-120h (Please print) (Separate written authority by owner.to submit application may be submitted) NOTE: FALSE OR MISLEADING INFORMATION GIVEN IN THIS APPLICATION SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR DENYING APPLICATION. Recording Requested By And when recorded mail to: r fv CHARLES G. POH. a 78-242 VINEWOOD DR. Addr CRY PALM DESERT, CA. VP 92211 L DOC a 2004- 0001220 11/09/2004 98:0 e:10.00 Page 1 0 Recorded in official Records ,^ County of Riverside V Gary L. Orso Assessor, County Clerk d Recorder 111111111111111111111111111111111111011111111111111111 M .ci _ U PAGE SIZE DA PCOR NOCOR ` SMF 1 M1SC. 1 A 1 R L j COPY LONG REFUND NCkC F VT OR WARRANTY DEED CHARLES G. POH 1/We, RWE OF GRANTOR(S) residing or having a principal place of business at ZERO dollars, in hand paid, receipt of which is here acknovA ed, f®r and in consideration in the sum of $ p by � has granted, bargained, sold, conveyed, and 4 does or 0 does not warrant the title against all persons whomsoever to CHARLES G. POH MW OF DFWlrEE S residing at or having a principal place of business at 78 242 VINEWOOD DR PALM DESERT, CA 92211 all that real property situated in the City of LA QUINTA , 4r in an unincorporated area of) RIVERSIDE County, State of CALIFORNIA described as follows: LOTS 2 & 3 IN BLOCK 48 OF SANTA CARMELITA VALE AT LA QUINTA, INSERT LEGAL DESCRIPTION . UNIT NO. 4, AS SHOWN BY MAP ON FILE IN THE BOOK .18, PACE 62 OF MAPS, OFFICIAL RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY. *THIS DEED REFLECTS PARCEL MERGER N6. 2004-463 AS APPROVED BY THE CITY OF LA QUINTA. (REF. PROPERTY ADDRESS 51-225 AVENIDA RUBIO) Assessor's parcel No. 773-044-029 Dated PALM DESERT, CA. at CITY'AND STATE Mail Tax Statement to: Neither Wolcotts, its resellers nor agents makes any representation or warranty, express or Implied, as to the fitness of this form for an intended use or purpose. if you have any concerns, consult an attorney before using this form. ALITOGFIAPH �DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX S D Computed on full value of property conveyed. or D Computed on full value less liens and encumbrances remaining al'ttme of sale. ❑ Exempt Autograph of Declarant or Agent Determining Tax FlmtName ®�G 02004 WOLCOTTS FORMS, INC. ll�l��l fill II II I l I I I� j 7 f57775 00778 7 CLASS 03 #778 REv. 2-04 4; Individual , STATE OF y COUNTY OF SS. ,�' , O this day 1 in a year dgi before me, this a Notary Public, duly commissioned and quahfin aove sai Cu d State, personally appearedC [bP S- �• O ® personally known to me orWproved to me on this basis of satisfactory evidence consisting of an identifying document of ® the oath of ' to be the person(0) whose name(sr) is/ere-subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/sheAhey executed the same in his/be~ authorized capacity(iss), and that by his&edllkeir signatureoyon the instrument the personal or the entity upon behalf of which the person(*) acted, executed the same. WITNES y hand and official seal. SUzANNE P. HAWOHD Commission O 1301t309 Notary Public - Califamis . Rtverside County tlpy Cori". EVWM MM 28, � Seal A RI1CH Corporate or Partnership STATE OF r COUNTY OF SS. +' r, On this day of _ in the year before me, - a Notary Public, duly, commissioned and qualified in above said County and State, personally appeared O personally known to me or O proved to me on this basis of satisfactory evidence consisting of an identifying document of O the oath of to be th® , person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument , and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his✓hedtheir authorized capacity(ies), as and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument on behalf of „ a organized under the laws of executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Seal �d. • This must be in red to be a "CERTIFIED COPY" Each document to which ;hia ceniftcate Is attachod is certified to bn a futi, ��,����9 true any corroct Dopy of the ori(tinai RIO on Me and of record in my ofi'ica t4 / COUNTY RECGZDER `t Coprtty of Riverside, Eta, a of Cciiforn!e 3r �_ !t NOV 0 9 2004 cgLIF Dated- I _ Oerwicatton must be in red to be 6 "CEIRTIRE® COPY" Sophand Tice Corporation RECORDING REQUESTED BY: SOUTHLAND TITLE - INLAND EMPIRE (Title) AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: Charles G. Poh 78242 Vlnewood Drive Palm Desert, CA 92211 Order No.: 63603078 ' Escrow. No.: IN31T8-RS A.P.N.: 773-044-029-2 TiZZA'. o io •• of n N 2003—s361393 /09/2003 08:00A Fee:30.00 ape 1 of 2 Doe T Tax Paid Recorded In Official Records County of Riverside Gary L. Orso -..:...-.._.... _.. Assessor, County Clerk 3 Recorder - IIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIlIIIII! I t. I III! IIIIIlI III IIIII illl Ills ... P. ...... S - • U, PAGE- SIZE ._.. __.... ..__� ._... NOCOR §MF -. MISC.' A R L _-• . COPY l LONG I REFUND NCNO E7(AM GRANT DEED THE UNDERSIGNED GRANTOR(S) DECLARE(S) ` DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX IS $225.50 [ X J computed on full value of property conveyed, or [ J computed on full value less value of liens or encumbrances remaining at time of sale. ( ) unincorporated area [ X ). City of La Quinta FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Richard Vargo, a married man as his sole and separate property hereby GRANT(S) to Charles G. Poh, a Widower the following described real property in the County of Riverside, State of California Lot 2 and 3 or Block 48 of Santa Carmelita at Vale, in the City of La Quinta, County of Riverside, State of Califomla, as per map recorded in Book 18, Page(s) 62.of Miscellaneous Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said County. . Dated; November 21, 2003 STATE OF CALIF�NIA COUNTY OF 1��V-erzickz On 4 gLC&y--wr S, 'ZCxo3 before me a Notary Public In and for said County and State, personally appeared (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the perso whose nameA i re subs ' ed to the within instrumeht and knowl6dged To me thahe/they ecuted the e i hi er/their authorized capacityand that b his er/tlgnatur on the instrument the person;Dror the entity upon behalf which the person acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my han and cial seal. Signature Commission 8 1386910 .,� Nokuy Pubic • Colltornla Rlverslde County My Cam. Exl*w Nov 19, signature of Notary (This area for official notary seal) MAIL TAX STATEMENTS AS DIRECTED ABOVE ILLEGIBLE NOTARY SEAL DECLARATION GOVERNMENT CODE 27361.7 I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT THE NOTARY SEAL ON THE DOCUMENT WHICH THIS STATEMENT IS ATTACHED, READS AS FOLLOWS: NAME OF NOTARY: Carin L. Moon COMMISSION NUMBER: 1385910 COUNTY WHERE BOND IS FILED: Riverside STATE WHERE BOND IS FILED: California DATE COMMISSION EXPIRES: 11/19/06 PLACE OF EXECUTION OF THIS DECLARATION: San Bernardino DATE: SOUTHLAND TITLE TRICIA REVETTA TITLE ASSISTANT r *--------------------------- Metroscan / Riverside Parcel:773 044 029 PIs I& Ref AP :000 000 000 Owner :Poh Charles G Land :$150,000, CoOwner . Struct: Site :*no Site Address* Other Mail :78242 Vinewood Dr Palm Desert Ca 92211 Total :$150,000 Xfered:12/09/2003 Doc # :961393 Exempt: Price :$205,000 Full Deed :Grant Deed Type LoanAmt Loan % Imprvd Lender:. IntTyp: % Owned :100 VestTyp :Widow\widower Tax Area :20-017 Use :R07 Vacant,Residential 03-04Tax :$2,215.20 Plat :18 Map Grid Census:Tract: Block: OwnerPh. . S: T: R: Q: I TenantPh .......... Bedrms: Stories .......... Acres :.23• ................ Year Built BthFull Fireplace:No LotSgFt :10,018. Street Type :Paved Bth3Qtr Pool :No Bldg SF Waterfront BthHalf RmAddtns :No AddOnSF Gas Service :None Cnt1Ht:No AddPkgTyp: GarSgFt .. Water Source:Developed Cnt1A/C :No Roof Type: GarType Sewer Type :None AgriPreserve: Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. m °'3° °'St POR.SW 1 T,6S. R.6E CITY OF LA OUII1TA '.,• I 3° Ex s, Er Fa Er THIS IEw WAA® S PIVAREO FOR ASS[SWI PJMES ONLY. ro 11ABILIIr IS ASSFOR THE 4MCY OF THE DAM SOWN. ASSESSOR'S PARCEI WY 1O1 WRY WITH LOCA1 Eat-57LIE OR BUILDING 511E DOWN! ! 03 . �Er v` `Ex O S OIe E% Ei Oj O8 I Ei I O9 10 a 6 g II 0 2 IJ a e� '¢x MD B OC o s 46 s 1e •• I \ 34 I I a° E e3 O I 9 ,E_AA {QY4� I — JS 29 _ _ 3 — }p _ _ I O 22 I I 3 `iygzt . E, 30 15 Y1 s IP) 7U s I ° —________ EE 6 , • 10 29 le 1B . °I° r U 9 m U sc 9 0 m e 2 J 0, or) B o Og Iv 9 27 e 1 13 10 16 10 71 y 4 'J 9 m'B I J1 I9 Ie 74 m¢ 0 Io 75 —--- .9.Ie Ir 12 JI T.R.A. 010-017 ] 7 3 - 0 4 010-098 — — — 1 2i58 010-103 — _ — 11 I 3J 13 / 76 Ie - SI ° 13 � 13 a, YO A DEC 0 81997 J " ' v,SANTA CARMELITA AT VALE LA OUINTA NO. 4 ASSESSOR'S YAP B¢. 773 PG. 04 11 / Riverside Counly, C91iI. 14V No. 1997