PM 2011-494i PLEASE COMPLETE THIS INFORMATION RECORDING REQUESTED BY: Alan R. Pollock AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: Mr. Alan R. Pollock P.O. Box 491 La Quinta, CA 92247-0491 TRA: DTT: DOC # 2011-0181228 04/25/2011 04:20P Fee:30.00 Page 1 of 6 Recorded in Official Records County of Riverside Larry W. Ward Assessor, County Clerk & Recorder LIIIIII IIIIIII IIIII II IIIIIII IIIII I IIIII III IIIII IIII illl S R U PAGE 'SIZE DA MISC LONG RFD COPY M A L 465 426 PCOR NCOR SMF NCHG EXAM NO O T H cer ji T: CTY UNI space aoove tnls line for recorder's use only Parcel Merger 2011-494 Title of Document Alan R. Pollock APP BY PLANNING DE A TMENT DATE 141 - 1 IT CASE N0. — THIS PAGE ADDED TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE SPACE FOR RECORDING INFORMATION ($3.00 Additional Recording Fee Applies) ACR 238P-AS4RE0 (Rev. 03/2008) CER TI FI CA TE OF PA RCEL ' MERGER . N0. _ 2011-494 Existing Parcels Record Owners Assessor Parcel. Numbers Alan R. Pollock, Trustee, or Successor Trustee, of the Alan. R. Pollock Revocable Trust udt 3125193.. 643-181.-005 Alan R. Pollock, Trustee, or Successor Trustee, . of the Alan R. Pollock Revocable Trust udt 3125193. 643-181-008 Legal Description of Merged .Lots PARCEL "A." (Merged. Parcels) LOTS 42 AND 45. OF TRACT NO. 211 T, IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF -CALIFORNIA, AS. SHOWN ON MAP ON FlLE.1N BOOK_40 OF MAPS PAGES 81 THROUGH 83, INCLUSIVE, OFFICIAL RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE. APPR® Y PLANNING ®E A TMENT ®ATE t IEIT w' CASE NO. - Recording Requested By: When Recorded, Return to: Alan R. Pollock P. 0. Box 491 La. Quinto, CA 92247-0491 EXHIBIT "B" CERTIFICATE. OF PARCEL MERGER NO. 2011=494 r SAND FLOWER PLACE CURVE DATA I N89'38'45E 169.78' NO. DELTA RADIUS LENGTH C 1 49.58' 42. 00' 36.63' C2 49.58' 42.00' 36.63' / ,AND St y D. R� "' No. 4075 EXP. 6/30/12 Cl 36.32 5°W S74! s C2 S.7 / 40 Ss. PALM I� Q OOiii V 1, N89'38'45'E 169.78' _r GARDEN PLACE L Record Owner. Alan R. Pollock Address: P. 0. Box 491, La Quinta, CA This Certificate of Parcel Merger No. 2011-494 is Map Prepared By: Feiro Engineering, Inc. hereby approved. Address: P. 0. Box 12980; Palm Desert, CA 92255 BY — — -- (760) 346-8015 Title Area/District — — Date Ali, .0 c, P.O. Box 1504 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92247-1504 78-495 CALLS TAMPICO. LA Q'UINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 April 6,. 2011 Mr. Alan R. Pollock P.O. Box 491 La Quinta, CA 92247-0491 (760) 7 7 7 - 7 0 0 0 FAX (760) 777-7101 SUBJECT: PARCEL MERGER 2011-494: 78-435 SAND FLOWER PLACE Dear Mr. Pollock: The City of La Quinta's Planning Department has reviewed and approved Parcel Merger 201 1-494 for recordation pursuant to Chapter 13.32 of the Subdivision Ordinance. Enclosed is the approved information for this application. Once the exhibits have been recorded, please send a ' copy of the material to our office for filing. The City has approved this merger based on zoning compliance and correctness of the legal description. Any potential conflicts with. utility easements should be investigated by the applicant and/or property owner at the earliest opportunity. By execution of this approval, the applicant and/or property owner agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City of La Quinta from any legal claim or litigation arising out of the City's .approval of this application. Should you have any questions, please contact me at (760) .7.771-7125. Sincerely LES JQ*INSON Planning Director. C: Public Works Department attachments J who proved to me on the basis. of satisfactory evidence to be the persons) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument .and 'acknowledged ' to me..that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and .that. by his/her/their signature(s) , on the instrument the person(s), or -the entity upon behalf- of which - the person(s) acted, executed.the instrument. 1-certify under PENALTY OF.PERJURY under the laws of the State of California thafthe foregoing paragraph is true and correct. ' SUSAN MAYSELS WITNESS my hand and official seal. - COMM•a184"79 NOTARY PUBLIC • CALIF16. ORNW RMERSIM COUNTY Comttiss�ion APR 1.3 2013 Signature ' (Seal)` Y ' `• - •A',~. ` Y.U. Boa 129811 +1 ; • r � z;• P:ihn Dese►t, CA 92255 • y a _ (760) 346-8015 • ,F v (760) 346-2548 Fax f y ` : wwwA ro•net ` • i� a•i�; F t w i. �� _ �. , 4 � � •�• . i � f" '*J • h _ ¢ • �'! �n �y„ i." .+') '�"". ,f., r L. •...4 1�- :i .�'� ., • . r _• L h„ "• a ENGINEERING °Inc. " March 14, 2011 ; V ` • • .1�.' , . � 9 •'l'F�� / . , it . r �Aa' 4 City of La Quinta, t.. 7 ' O-Box`1504.—_ J e LA I Public,Works D: � T .�e'prt• w *F spLgerr:-2011-494 L� _ i * GRANTjD�-EED" Ns a( '-a ace to Grant -Deed Title ~arcel`M ' ''y� iiNo filled , 3 Legal Descnptiou matclied to ExliitiitA"- s • _ _ Changed Legal Descrip?tlon the lVlherged Parcels Legal Description - of to ofu �' 1Vlerged Lots' -Then changed •a_dded ` Parcel, A";Q4-er ged Parcels)" r ' 5 .Added "ofl between 45-and.Tract'and�deleted•comma~ ' . 51i#6.;A'dded period between NO-and,2117 . _ .� 7 ,Added comma -and `;Official -Records of Sand ounty of Riversde'after uiclusi_ve� 8.%Filled in •Pat e 1VIe gerNo-- Made -Lot Luce to' be Abandoned" itf bolder dashed lines. 10. Apn numbers are correct.' See attached print our from CoreLogic. Prelim has a type' EXIr rr "B„ ded scale •Added 12. Tract No.. and recording information & apn. 13. Added "Parcel "A"'and sq. footage" , :§ s=r�s" ' 7 � w.• ' Kcia=� Yy-1..,�G' '' :-pi,j='�� 3:r�c+C r3[^� � •1 Vs2•:a, . . . . . . . . . . . . . *csC i wItiv` • r `,} ` }.. •As it ` .�. fy.. . 'F� _•ir"_ -,ti,! - � 1 • �' _ ..". ,,.,r SRC," March 14, 2011 Page 2 Page 2 14. Filled in Parcel Merger No. 15. Made "Lot Line to be Abandoned" in bolder dashed lines. SITE PLAN 16. Added Tract. No. and recording information & apn. 17. Clarified gate by lot 45. 18. Corrected gap between prop. Line and wall. 19. APN's are correct -see attached sheets. 20. Filled in Parcel Merger No. Sincerely, 99�� James D. Feiro Vice President g D. O 'j No. 4075 * EXP. 6/30/.12 LV G P.O. Box 1504 d'�,��? LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92247-1504 78-495 CALLS TAMPICO (760) 777-7000 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 FAX (760) 777=7141. FILE COPY March 9, 2011 Mr.. Allan Pollock P.O. Box 491 La Quinta, CA 92247-0491 SUBJECT: PARCEL MERGER (PM) 2011-494: 78-435 SAND FLOWER PLACE Dear Mr. Pollock: Attached are the redlined revisions to Parcel Merger 201 1-494. Please make the appropriate corrections to the .exhibits and resubmit. Should you have questions regarding this application, please contact either Amy Yu, Assistant Engineer, at (760) 777-7047', or myself at (760) 777-7132. Sincerely, ERIC CEJAv - Assistant Planner Encl. C: File SITE PLAN CERTIFICATE OF PARCEL MERGER NO. 2011-494 o. 4075 * P 6/30/12 APPR BY PLANNING D P TMENT B DATE y �! 1B CASE NO. q� c�►UF�� 1 SAND FLOWER PLACE _ CURVE DATA N89'38'45E 169.78' Nn_ nFl TA RADIUS LENGTH ti CURB FACE 0 Cl 49.58' CZ 49.58' 42.OD' !6fl C1 W Lot 45, Tr. 2117 ( gate between house O gate UB 40/81-83 " and property line. sq. --_1 OUTSIDE FACE �+ OF BUILDING o AP �643_ 181 _008 DOS11NG BLOCK WALL 7-3 Q: o — — — POOL 0 APN �43-181-005 Existing W O Lot 42 Tr. 2117 Lot Line a �n s ,NB_4��81-83 o-' ., 9 sq. ft. r rn o 1 Xi - EXISTING CWUNUNK . o !` POND COLUMN AND W000 FENCE vo, '�~ I EAVE OF CARPORT . I CARPORT _ 5 5' to face of column to prop.. EXISTING BLOCK WALL CZ__.._..._ _._ line (TIP) / r,_\CURB FACE Record Owners: ALAN R. POLLOCK l ��� N89'36'45 E 169.78' REVOCABLE TRUST I _ P. 0. Box 491 PALM GARDEN PLACE La Quinta, CA 92247-0491 (760) 564-1670 Map Prepared By: FEIRO ENGINEERING, INC. House = 3312 sq. ft. P. 0. Box 12980 Carport = 1127.sq. ft. Palm Desert, CA 92211 (760) 346-8015 Scale: 1 " = 50' Assessor's Parcel No. 643-181-005 & 008 • .. (� •'tip;��.. '_._}�f . :._, h . . _ • ' OFF{CUUSE_ONLY ' City of Ld Minta 1- y 7 ' � e iYo. ( , O� Date_R Planning Department. Fee: ioo + sa zr IC ��ao 78-495 Calle Tampico Related Apps: ��a►o La Quinta, California- 92253 . : Logged in by: r� PHONE: - (760) 777-7.125 FAX: '777-123 _ --- -- + ° l _ 'FEB 1 & 2011 � APPLICATION FOR PARCEL MERGER APPROV CITY OF LA QUiNTA p F!M ��, � ZcPT PARCEL MERGER applications are reviewed and approved by the Planning i Iirector puzsuan o a 36 of ;. the Subdivision Regulations. The purpose is to allow merger of contiguous.parcels or units of real property, under common ownership. , �i .a0 y �,..�..� ff.,.� .3 �3.�a.��.�►.'� �'�►., �a Ji J. ya.� �a Ja y ��. ��.�. �i �.:�.i� Jam.?f.b.�..�a.� �.� '�►'Zi.7 �..� A •y., �i.�i ��� i r APPLICANT I— e� 1'r o (3 t\l C 71J e P -tyc - (Print) r MAILING ADDRESS PO bQ x . 1 a -� - 2b Phone No. (J lv 0� 3 g CITY, STATE, ZIP: PA1rn fl eSe�T ,C4' a2, 55 Fax No. (-1&) W& a5 8 PROPERTY OWNER (If different): l •A 1J - �O �I �G IC (Print)i MAILING ADDRESS P,y. (3)( _Pl;i vo.1_ i CITY, STATE, ZIP: L act 7eQ ; CA a A�f l r '0 MERGER LOCATION: 7 _ f S �kowen P� y t.at �� �3�- I gl �0 5) Assessor Parcel Number of Parcels to be Merged:. Parcel ` Parcel 2 ` �3 'Parcel3 Parcel I . (Attach additional sheets, if necessary) APPLICABIIdTY: r " Merger maybe processed if the following requirement is satisfied: Q At least one of the affected parcels is undeveloped by any structure for which a building perinit was issued or for which a building permit was not required at the time of construction, or is developed only with an accessory structure or accessory structures, or is developed with a single structure, other than an accessory structure, that is also partially sited on a contiguous parcel or emit: , MApplicationsTarcel Merger Approval.doc r r F. CRITERIA FOR APPROVAL.• - • To obtain approval of a merger, the following criteria shall be.met: ' - . ❑ . The merger complies with the standards specified in Section above. . ❑ The parcel will be consistent with the zoning of the property. 0 The parcel will not conflict with the location' of existing structures on the property ❑ The parcel will not be -deprived of adequate access as a`result of the merger. • _ ' . ; ❑ Access to adjoining properties will not be restricted as a result of the'merger' 5 Q : No new'lot lines are'created by the merger. 4 MINIMUM SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS:: , Existing grant deeds or title reports for all affected parcels. ` ❑ New, original, unrecorded Grant Deedsfor each resulting parcel with the following. • , Correct legal description of the merged parcet and the statement, `-`This Grant Deed reflects Parcel, . Merger No. as approved the City of -La Quinta." Id, Completed Certificate of Parcel Merger.No. , "Exhibit A" ZCompleted Certificate of Parcel Merger No. , "Exhibit B" - Plat showing metged parcels. Completed Site Plan, showing merger parcels and existing structures and improvements; if•any. .d' If metes and bounds legal. description is used for merged parcels, closing cal_ culations shall `be submitted. , t P, Filing fee for Parcel Merger. If filing multiple applications; the most expensive application will be charged full fee, with remaining related applications discounted 50% for each.' SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT DATE NAME, OFAPPLICANT re\rp � O6>e� eer.'i\QC� ��G . . ` (Please print) ' SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER(S) IF NOT SAME AS APPLITv- (,k 4 e -iL DATE NAME OF OWNER (Separate written authority by owner to submit application may be submitted) NOTE: FALSE OR MISLEADING INFORMATION GIVEN IN THIS APPLICATION SHALL BE GROUNDS .FOR DENYING APPLICATION. PAA.n,lir•orin AP.m 3 M.+.. As..w„ 1 Anr r •. v oe i Order No. Escrow No.. Loan. No. - WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO:.,L Alan R. Pollock P. O. Box 491 La Quinta, CA 92247-0491 + , DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX$.........0........._.............. SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE " ...... Computed on the consideration or value of property conveyed- OR ...... Computed on the consideration or value less liens or encumbrances remaining at time of sale. Signature of Declarant or Agent determining tax-Firm;Name GRANT DEED APNS:643-181-005 - 643-181-008 FORA VALUABLE CONSIDERATION,. receipt. of which is hereby acknowledged: Alan R. Pollock, Trustee, or Successor Trustee, of the Alan R. Pollock Revocable Trust udt 3/25/93 hereby GRANT(S) to Alan R. P„olloek, ' Trustee or Successor Trustee, of the Alan R. Pollock.Revocable Trust udt 3/25/93, the real property in the City of La Quinta, County. of Riverside, State of California, described as Lots 42 and 45*:of Tract No. 2117, as shown on map on file in Book 40, page(s).81 through 83, inclusive, official records of said County of. Riverside. ' -THIS DEED REFLECTS PARCEL MERGER NO.'2011-494 AS APPROVED BY THE_CITY OF.LA_ QUINTA', Dated. ALAN R: POLLOCK REVOCABLE TRUST ' r UTD 3/25/9.3 STATE OF CALIFORNIA )ss. COUNTY OF } On before me, Alan R. Pollock, Trustee (insert name and title of the officer), personally appeared _ s who proved to me on the - basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose names) Ware , subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that .� he/shetthey executed the same in histh4 their authorized capacity(ies), APPR BY'PLANNING ® P RTMENT and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or -DgTE the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. B I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under thelawsof the State of CASE Non California that the. foregoing paragraph is true and correct '. WITNESS my hand and official seal. , Signature (This area for official notarial seal) '- MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO: r. Alan R. Pollock t • • State of California County of Riverside ACKNOWLEDGMENT On 7 Zoit before me, SLASAd M S f S 0-1 Lt C, , (here insert name and fitle of the o icer) personally appeared L ES -d h. ( SO who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. - SUSAN MAYSELS WITNESS my hand and official seal. C0�18'a479 x � NOTARY PUBLIC • CALIFORNIA � RIVERSIDE COUNTY Comnrsaon E APR 13 1013 Signature . d t 1�91 nI 3d (Seal) of in©muriani Onice-mil,,,t, •t.� •.1 , t -&1'5 YTtg(f, gnitrianu� berth ntr,d 2eri u i +. r4 J brin oilll Mu1 i. A lit j bas tali) no IsntU»o u+T , JI)i N� !J314C q1 blil:43l h- M ttvaw It aebin:ii - *tsID yinouJ - goa."uA ei" 1;1 y1nov0 6 etc) of boini ed Isum nodsso iit197 *ygoo 031q 11 30,, • • This must be in red to be a "CERTIFIED COPY" I hereby certify the foregoing instrument to whit this stamp has been affixed consisting of W pages to be a full, true and correct copy of the original on file and of record in my office. '�e,w Wk Assessor - County Clerk • Rw4wder County of Riverside. State of APR Z 5 2011 \)T Dated - Certification must be In red to be a "CERTIFIED COPY' Realquest.com ® -Report Page 1 of 1 Property Detail Report For Property Located At „ CA Owner Information: Owner Name: Mailing Address: Phone Number: Location Information: Legal Description: County: Census Tract / Block: Township -Range -Sect: Legal Book/Page: Legal Lot: Legal Block: CorQLogic` RealQuest Professional POLLOCK ALAN R PO BOX 491, LA QUINTA CA 92247-0491 B005 Vesting Codes: OT 42 MB 040/081 TR 2117. -_ RIVERSIDE, CA APN: 451.1312 Alternate APN: Subdivision: Map Reference: 42 Tract * Market Area: Neighbor Code: Owner Transfer Information: Recording/Sale Date: / Sale Price: Document #. Last Market Sale Information: Recording/Sale Date: ! Sale Price: Sale Type: Document #: Deed Type: Transfer Document It New Construction: Title Company: Lender. Seller Name: Prior Sale Information: Prior Rec/Sale Date: / Prior Sale Price: Prior Doc Number: Prior Deed Type: Property Characteristics: School District: Munic/fownship: Deed Type: 1st Mtg Document #: 1st Mtg Amount/Type: 1st Mtg Int. Ratefrype: 1st Mtg Document #: 2nd Mtg Amount/Type: 2nd Mtg Int. Rate/Type: Price Per SgFt: Multi/Split Sale: Prior Lender: Prior 1st Mtg Amt/Type: Prior 1st Mtg Rateffype: //TR �643=181-005 / 2117 DESERT SANDS INDIO Year Built / Eff: / Total Rooms/Offices: Garage Area: Gross Area: Total Restrooms: Garage Capacity: Building Area: Roof Type: Parking Spaces: Tot Adj Area: Roof Material: Heat Type: Above Grade: Construction: AirCond: # of Stories: Foundation: Pool: Other Improvements: Exterior wall: Quality: Basement Area: Condition: Site Information: VAC Zoning: Acres: 0.22 County Use: MISCELLANEOUS (YY) Flood Zone: Lot Area: 9,583, State Use: Y04000 Flood Panel: Lot Width/Depth: x Site Influence: Flood Panel Date: Commercial Units: Sewer Type: NONE Land Use: VACANT LAND (NEC) BuildingClass: Water T Type: TYPE UNKNOWN Tax Information: Total Value: $37,803 Assessed Year: 2010 Property Tax: $466.24 Land Value: $37,803 Improved %: Tax Area: 20003 Improvement Value: Tax Year: 2010 Tax Exemption: Total Taxable Value: $37,803 http://pro.realquest.com/j sp/report.j sp?&client=&action=confirm&type=getreport&recordno=0&r... 3/14/2011 Realquest.com ® -Report Page 1 of 1 ~ Property Detail Report corehogic• For Property Located At RealQuest-PrQfessionaI 78435 SANDFLOWER PL,.LA QUINTA, CA•92253-2041 Owner Information: Owner Name: POLLOCK ALAN R Mailing Address: PO BOX 491, LA QUINTA CA 92247-0491 B005 Phone Number: Vesting Codes: Location Information: Legal Description: -tjLOT�45 M6 0401081_TR-2�tIT, County: RIVERSIDE; CA AP Census Tract / Block 451.1312 Altemate APN: Township -Range -Sect Subdivision: Legal Book/Page: Map Reference: Legal Lot:' 45 Tract M Legal Block: School District Market Area: Munic/Township: Neighbor Code: Owner Transfer Information: Recording/Sale Date: 05/15/1991 10411991 Deed Type: Sale Price: 1st Mtg Document #: .Document #: 161821 Last Market Sale Information: Recording/Sale Date: / lit Mtg AmountfType: " Sale Price: , - 1stMtg Int. Rate/Type: Sale Type: '. 1st Mtg Document #: Document #: 2nd Mtg Amount/Type: Deed Type: 2nd Mtg Int Rate/Type: Transfer Document #: Price Per SgFt New Construction: Multi/Split Sale: Title Company: Lender: Seller Name: Prior Sale Information: Prior Rec/Sale'Date: /- Prior Lender. Prior Sale Price: - Prior 1st Mtg Amt/fype: Prior Doc Number: Prior 1st Mtg Rate/type: Prior Deed Type: Property Characteristics:. DETACHED //TR C81-008 ME-008 / 849-G2 2117 DESERT SANDS INDIO QUIT CLAIM DEED Gross Area: 2,427 Parking Type: GARAGE Construction: Living Area: 2,427 Garage Area: 462 Heat Type: CENTRAL Tot Adj Area: 2,427 Garage Capacity: 1 Exterior wall: . Above Grade: Parking Spaces: 2 Porch Type: Total Rooms: Basement Area: ` Patio Type: Bedrooms: 2 Finish Bsmnt Area: Pool:- POOL Bath(F/H): 2 / 1'• Basement Type: Air Cond: CENTRAL Year Built / Eff: 19651 Roof Type: Style: Fireplace: Y / 1 Foundation: Quality: # of Stnries: 1.00 Roof Material: WOOD SHAKE Condition: Other Improvements: ADDITION Site Information: Zoning: R1 Acres: 0.23 County Use: SINGLE FAM RESID (R1) Flood Zone: X Lot Area: 10,019 State Use: R01001 Flood Panel: 0607090006B Lot Width/Depth: x . Site Influence: Flood Panel Date: 08/19/1991 Res/Comm Units: 1 / Sewer Type: NONE Land Use: SFR Water Type: Yp TYPE UNKNOWN Tax Information: Total Value: $187,705 Assessed Year. 2010 Property Tax: $2,372.00 Land Value: $37,803 Improved %: 80% Tax Area: 20003 Improvement Value: $149,902 Tax Year: 2010 Tax Exemption: HOMEOWNER Total Taxable Value: $180,705 http://pro.realquest.c6m/j sp/report.j sp?&client=&action=confirm&type=getreport&recordno=0&r... 3/14/2011 W Lr AM. 41 7� lirp-" - - - I-Mv.- - 1 41 46 47 10 .44 b �000 429 lk 40 lit T JAW Ag P11 V r// 7e 4.0 ....Opp Q7 aaao 44or -:040 THIS YAP WAS PREPARED FOR ASSESSMENT PURPOSES ONLY. NO LIABILITY IS ASSUMED FOR THE ACCURACY OF THE DATA SM. ASSESSOR'S PARCEL MAY NOT COMPLY WITH LOCAL LOT -SPLIT OR BUILDING SITE OROINAHC[S. • a ASSESSOR'S YAP BK643 PO.15 Riverside County, Calif. T1lE9l PORAW 30 T.5S.,R.7E CITY OF LA QUINTA 0 WASHlNCTON ST T.R.A.02kQ3 oz0-Ll9 643.18 020-067 020- 226 617-05 020-074 02M94 020-119 020-139 020-153 020-164 020-174 020-187 a T ee I YLee esoe w� ye m 1r ro n.eo ee I I w a DATA: RS 5/36, RS 7/92 MB 46/81-83 TRACT NO. 2117 NO 41/6-7 TRACT NO. 2043 Mar 2008 loll roll _ ♦ r r- SHEET 3 OF 3 SHEETS IN THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE �' t BEING A SUBDIVISION OF A PORTION OF THE N. W. //4 OF SECTION 30, T. 5 S., BaPYo,- R• 7 E. S. B. B. AND M. Q try P f� MA /950 - ✓. F. DAVIDSON, C. E. SCALE Ip=80' 9�vl7I-t4 B ? L:;;: 6/B•a/ N NR�°4/a9W 373.6St 'G - `� %49.4/ ——'!"iP5.Q9 �� /25A0 — —'�/Z�Lb • � ,` ?tP5 � ° � Na9'/6'45W .304.9/ - _ ' J • R• - - I I n `I0:4ClP. - 35 40 � 4/ .y$E(p 4l0 � � 47 • �I I �s 9, �k2 o e��*� y' Wj y(,, ��-. � 4 c��, oo" ��, �C' ��'.�a � � � i • .. --- - 36 4, 4 ' �•': '�� Poib.o � I•��V � W � y I .I�•�039 a W �42; �I ��5N� OC '4� IN W m ... _ . 93..56 I i� �V� t /•r56I I SGa°2�/�'/SE1 •5 •O (�' e�1� !i9/� 41 l R+9� •H9/ P .n V' � � R�9 �y I m/aa+rcm •' � �.a4wm• (� oaa9xoz� Iat �" o-i�aor�•• I �` CS 37 I8 t-z3 ao...:�c ,ti, •� ;c vz3� I$ ae3sv c� 2 �i uz�� ' 8j �I I B Z Qq 43 ... I 4¢ Z 25 25 VT 25 Nar2/i52V Sao Ba00 QO•� 72.03 '. V V�1 i� /97.03 ' 8,•_. �h d• Y• scv°ea�E /ea•�a9 - � � �� � � ti a CAMED PALM DR/VE t n� m 94 W 5►Foo 5aoa o0 9f W s6 ss g 54 = 53 N$ s2 - ;4 —gym— 7 ma9 Aar 6v - a� oo W $ ro9 70 7/ ff . 72 7-4 g 7¢ $ 75 , 9n 9oao ao a7 na� �rP �,3 R 2�? $ MARSHALL /Z92o3 --- 'STREET ` ..... - �: 63(0./6 - S94.55 r ..9Ga7"e/%9E flo52.9B ' . _ .. - Y - cyE�9�dT' - °�r.F�j./��• - _ . 1 '• _ i�ringsoieLas@!'one'fieLCof.MOrsf�//S/reefixeincJS�t7Pir.5•E - . -. � osshawnondeedRecordedoecemlx��J,,/959�i��h2GaYo/5.3•� . • , _ _ bfOffiivo/Recn�3ofRi✓er5ib'BCouny Lh/ifarnio. � - • . - _ P'x2°RedwzdSYnn.4e9`»inrf�dye//v�vo�if�ged.4.E.�2,sefof • O �i�aicotes/% Pae/iiggedF%EQo25ef. , . _ - � `Bur%Si���fi�cyGi�essf�o/%nffrnfi�'etrisfiiu�zonii-x�. • i, A7o3.•/