MA 2007-58803/01/2007 20:39 5624327179 PAGE 02 CITY OF LA UINT r 6. 01- 519 - Community Development CATION -FOR 1VIMOR ADAMMMI, b�'TLLOA�1 Subw tthis foam with two c%= of a scaled site plan, d mvu to adcquatdy depicttbe n&% to of *6 tegneat. A atioinfw, _ -- flee of $= is requbcd Wbw*cA"ft&don Is stetted. The chock must be made papWc to the "C'ity of La QWOW. A Minor Adjwmau Pewit Mcction 9.21Q.0401Zoning Ordirisfuce) may ba approved emly ftg deviations of up to ten percxat of o ntumaical davelop mM Mndod Or rauw*e. a redoatien of one foot fmm a ju sAack or for devhdiom R"dfiaft idendW in the 1A QuiDtL Zonigg Ordmanm Other deviations ehali regaire of a v8denoe tpmaumrt to Soaron 9.21Q:03QIYarianoelZooQi�rg Ordmaace). If the Applic ut is not the owner of the preparty, a letter r - - be aaba h 111 by the owner W2&MizWg the Applicat to euecute this dommeat in his bcWE a�#�sswssss+pslgga�sse+tsi*1�ass_ s�ssrsa*•q*ar#sacs,�rrrr�r�asR�r***#�*�er��toa�sss�s�.�tM PLEASE PRIMP oR TYPE APPUCAMICONTRACMR: L^j ,� DAB a o COit+ rACT.PBRSON (W DUFFBREM); J2.7V.y'd . � PHONE _ MAILING ADDRESS: `Dc (A) (City) (Tap) MAII:INc3�nORaass- O , (Addnm) (9 Y) " (sue) (zip) STREer ADDRFM OF MOPERTY:,��"S.S ` � "a�yli�� W LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: ' LOT # 415-Al TRACT ASSESSOR'S FARM NjiMBER: p���f�1f��T MR nV a\ii/1o�/1� MRUQMT: .-ice ; r SKNA'iURE OF AMJCANr SMAUM OF OWNER (gl ror Anwar fbU8fbwbkV shy be raada by aia4 daaiaion4b-mg a riry prior 0 the approval of brry Minor Aiftiatment Peanri� 1. CMAffew wilt Ca urnt Pima- The project is con910bat with the 0c2aal Plan- 2. Coiastatercy with Zwft CO& Me pQojact is conddent with 1he p mvisions of tikio 74orm Coda 3.: Cwrephtarae MIA Mat Pmcoft and app wd of On pamit gVuc tfton sire in 000aplierroe wig the M*01=118 of theme Environmemnl Quality Act 4. &&vcwurbW Usm Approval of ire appacatWn Will Wt fine or iajmn%us tv a a pK� aaes d'�ty. Mg007 MAR 0 6 2007 COMM ATV DEVELOPMENT - CITY OF LA QUINT_ �•b0 40 to e FINANr_e ncovr January 30, 2007 1 Mr. Keith Brinson Sun West Construction, Inc. =r. 74-885 Joni Drive, Ste. 3 f Palm Desert, CA 92260 ' • - •• ' �F�IE SOP • - ': � . SUBJECT: MINOR ADJUSTMENT 07-588 54-555 SOUTHERN HILLS Dear Mr. Brinson: This letter is to report that the Comm unity.Developm'ent Department has reviewed your. Minor Adjustment application, pursuant.to'Section 9.210.040 of.the City of .La Quinta'', Zoning Code. `- Request: ` To reduce the front yard setback from twenty (20) feet to eighteen (18) feet. ' Decision: = Approval is granted for the reduced the. front' yard'setback, ,based on the following - findings: , . • Minor Adjustment 2007-588 is consistent with the. La Quinta General Plan, in that M the increase proposed does not alter the, approved land use for the property, or - affect land use on surrounding similar properties. w. • Minor Adjustment 2007-588 is consistent with the intent of the La Quinta Zoning Code, in that the requested adjustments will retain adequate front and side yard separations as,required under said Zoning Code. • Processing and approval of Minor Adjustment 2007-588 is in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act. ' Tfie adjustments requested fall •under CEQA Guidelines Section 15305(a), which includes minor setback andparcel" adjustments as Categorically Exempt under this Section.. tn­ P.O. Box,,1.5U4 LA QUINTA, CALIFOR'NIA 92247'-1504 78-495 CALLE`hTAMPICO • LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA'92253C (760).777,-,7000 *FAX (7.60) 777-7,1.01 ; • Approval of Minor Adjustment 2007*588 is not detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare, nor injurious or incompatiblewith other properties and land use -in the vicinity. The adjustment has no impact on health or safety 'issues,. and will not affect physical land use characteristics in the'vicinity. Based on the noted findings, your Minor Adjustmenf'Pe'rmit is subject: to the following Conditions: f 1. A building permit shall be obtained from the Building & Safety.. Department prior to construction of additions. - Please be.advised that this approval relates only,to'allowance of the reduction as stated above, and does not imply any entitlement or approval of a building permit for any.. y` ; structures shown on the plans on file.' All other setback provisions and development standards of .the La Quinta Zoning .Code are applicable and ,shall be adhered to in preparing plans for building plan check. If you have any additional questions, please contact me at 760-777-7125:`' `. Sincerely, f . _ =+ , •_,.= _ y ERIC CEJA .. ' Assistant Planner C: Building & Safety Department'.' : '