MA 2008-606City of La Quinta Planning Iwrtment 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 (760) 777-7125 FAX: (760) 777-1233 Case No. O8 —Lo(. 1Date Recvd. 6/41-% Fee:_ LO Related Apps.: Logged in by: J5�c_ APPLICATION FOR MINOR ADJUSTMENT APPLICANT: Submit this form with two copies of a scaled site plan, drawn to adequately depict the nature of the request. A nonrefundable fee of $200 is required when the Application is submitted. The check must be made payable to the "City of La Quinta". A Minor Adjustment Permit (Section 9.210.040/Z.oning Ordinance) may be a ( f� of up to ten percent of a numerical development standard (for example, a reduction of one foot fro -fast tlia ment) or for deviations specifically identified in the La Quinta Zoning Ordinance. Other deviations all require considerate f a variance (pursuant to Section 9.210.030Nartance\Zoning Ordinance). If the Applicant is not th ownerj�hj Orq'My, a t tter must be submitted by the owner authorizing the Applicant to execute this document in his behalf. x �c PLEASE PR�IINNT/OEM TYPE I —PLANNING DEPARTMENT 4-I'd ' K�DS�nTe[¢J DATE:_ 70,lc /(p� •?DD�' CONTACT PERSON (IF DIFFERENT): PHONE: 740 S`G% lell MAILING ADDRESS: 673 390 A(ytni dq4 r (r4kzq /-a ©ujhl4 C.4 1'•2^7f� (Address)/ ) (Zip) OWNER'S NAME: /�%i�lta,�/ A29.b&I �lGt/ eL .7,,&/.-71/ (city) �,/ (State) MAILING ADDRESS: (Address) STREET ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: SQyrt LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: LOT # If ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER: rjr?5/•.Dg� ADJUSTMENT REQUESTED: lZtd �tLt �ujd/��, REASON FOR REQUEST: (City). (State) (Zip I� u JUN 16 2008 U f 20 C. TRACT ,t 1 , EV /x%i SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT���_ DATE SIGNATURE OF OWNER (if not the same as applicant) PLANNER: The following findings shall be made by the decision -making authority prior to the approval of any Minor Adjustment Permit: (.Consistency with General Plan. The project is consistent with the General Plan. 2.Consistency. with Zoning Code. The project is consistent with the provisions of the Zoning Code. 3.Compliance with CEQA. Processing and approval of the permit application are in compliance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act. 4.Surrounding Uses. Approval of the application will not create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare or injurious to or incompatible with other properties or land uses in the vicinity. PAApplicationsWinor Adjustment.doc PREPARED 6/16/08, 10:44:27 PAYMENTS DUE INVOICE CITY OF LA QUI-.?A PROGRAM PZ821L --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROJECT I.LOGER= 08-00000162 MA 08-606 ROSENFELD FEE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT DUE ----= ---- — --------------------------------------------------------------- MINOR ADJUSTMENT 200.00 TOTAL DUE 200.00 Please present this invoice to the cashier with full payment. a :f i tl P.O. Box 1504 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92247-1504 78-495 CALLS TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 June 25, 2008. Mr. Michael Rosenfeld 53-380 Avenida Carranza La Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT: MINOR ADJUSTMENT 2008-606; 53-380 AVENIDA CARRANZA Dear Mr. Rosenfeld: (760) 7 7 7 - 7 0 0 0 FAX (760) 777-7101 hd �.fit� L f ►r This letter is to report that the Planning Department has reviewed your Minor Adjustment application, pursuant to Section of -the City of La Quinta Zoning Code. Request: To exceed the maximum gross floor area for a second residential unit by 1.5%. Conditions: 1. A building permit shall be obtained from the Building & Safety Department prior to construction of the second residential unit. 2. You are limited to one minor adjustment per lot therefore future request for minor adjustments cannot be approved. Decision: Approval is granted for the requested increase in maximum gross floor area for a second residential unit subject to the above listed conditions and based on the following findings: • Minor Adjustment 2008-606 is consistent with the. La Quinta General Plan, in that the increase proposed does not alter the approved land use for the property, or affect land use on surrounding similar properties. Minor Adjustment 2008-606 is consistent with the intent of the La Quinta Zoning Code, in that the requested adjustments will retain maximum lot coverage standards as required under said Zoning Code. Processing and approval of Minor Adjustment 2008-606 is in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act. The adjustments requested fall under CEQA Guidelines Section 15305, which includes minor alterations in land use limitations as Categorically Exempt under this Section. Approval of Minor Adjustment 2008-606 is not detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare, nor injurious or incompatible with other properties and land use in the vicinity. The adjustment has no impact on health or safety issues, and will not affect physical land use characteristics in the vicinity. Please be advised that this approval relates only to allowance of the increase as stated above, and does not imply any entitlement or approval of a building permit for any structures shown on the plans .on file. All other setback provisions and development standards of the La Quinta Zoning Code are applicable and .shall be adhered to in preparing plans for building plan check. If you have any additional questions, please contact me at 760-777-7125. Sincerely, DAVID SAWYER Planning Manager C: Building & Safety Department 9.21;040 <em>Minor</em> adjustments. http://gcode.us/codes quinta/view.php?topic=9-9_210-9_210_040&... La Quinta Municipal Code Up Previous. Next Main Search Print No Frames Title 9 ZONING Chapter 9.210 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW PERMITS I remove highlighting I 9.210.040 Minor adjustments. A. Purpose. The purpose of a minor adjustment permit is to -,provide for minor deviations from certain specific development standards set forth in this code. B. Definition. Minor adjustments are deviations in standards which have little or no potential for adverse_ impacts on the surrounding community and which are reviewed administratively. C. Applicability. A minor adjustment permit maybe approve&only for deviations of up to ten percent of a numerical development standard (for example, a reduction of one foot from a ten -foot setback requirement) or for deviations specifically identified in this code. Other deviations shall require consideration of a variance pursuant to Section 9.210.030. Only one setback adjustment per lot shall be allowed. Example —an adjustment of the front and rear yard shall not be approved. D. Decision -Making Authority. Minor adjustments shall be reviewed administratively by the director pursuant to Section 9.200.020 unless combined with another application which requires discretionary review by the planning commission or city council pursuant to Section 9.200.030. E. Conditions of Approval. If a minor adjustment is approved, conditions may be placed on the permit to mitigate or eliminate adverse impacts on surrounding properties, residents or businesses. F. Precise Development Plan. Upon approval, a minor adjustment permit constitutes a precise development plan. Therefore, any development authorized under such a permit shall be in compliance with the plans, specifications and conditions of approval shown on and/or attached to the approved permit. G. Required Findings. The following findings shall be made by the decision -making authority prior to the approval of any minor adjustment permit: 1. Consistency with General Plan. The project is consistent with the general plan. 2. Consistency with Zoning Code. The project is consistent with the provisions of this zoning code. 3. Compliance with CEQA. Processing and approval of the permit application are in compliance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act. 4. Surrounding Uses. Approval of the application will not create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare or injurious to or incompatible with other properties or land uses in the vicinity. H. Appeals. Appeals to decisions on minor adjustments shall be reviewed pursuant to Section 9.200.120. I. Expiration and Time Extensions. The decision -making authority may impose a time limitation on establishment of the minor adjustment permit as defined in Section 9.200.080. Time extensions may be granted pursuant to Section 9.200.080. J. Amendments to Minor Adjustment Permits. Amendments to minor adjustments shall be processed pursuant to Section 9.200.100. K. Staff Certification of Construction Documents. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the director shall certify that final construction documents conform to preliminary plans (schematic elevations, preliminary site and landscape plans, etc.) approved as part of the adjustment. (Ord. 325 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 1998; Ord. 284 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 1996) I of 2 6/24/2008 10:46 AM -Ot W.10* Second residential units. http://gcode.us/codW uinta/view.php?topic=9-9_60-9 — 60 090&fr ... La Quinta Municipal Code Up . Previous Next Main Search Print No Frames Title 9 ZONING Chapter 9.60 SUPPLEMENTAL RESIDENTIAL REGULATIONS 9.60.090 Second residential units. A. Purpose. This section provides standards and criteria for the establishment of second units within residential districts, consistent with California Government Code Section 65852.2. Second units shall be . permitted only in the RVL, RL, RC, RM, RMH, and RH zone districts. B. Definitions. For the purpose of these development standards, the following definitions shall apply: "Primary unit" means a single-family or multifamily residential unit constructed and intended as the principal unit and building on a lot. The primary unit shall be the largest unit on the lot. . "Second unit" In accordance with Government Code Section 65852.2(i)(4), second unit means an -attached -or' a detached residential dwelling unit which provides complete independent living facilities for one or more persons. It shall include permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking, and sanitation and' shall be located on the same parcel as the single-family dwelling is situated. A second unit also includes the following: 1. An efficiency unit, as defined in Section 17958.1 of Health and Safety Code; 2. A manufactured home, as defined in Section 18007 of the Health and Safety Code. C. Standards for Second Units. The following standards shall apply to second units: 1. A second unit shall be consistent with the provisions of the applicable zoning district in which it occurs. 2. A second unit shall only be permitted on a lot in which the primary unit and all other structures thereon conform to all minimum requirements of the applicable zoning district. 3. The lot shall contain an existing primary unit at the time an application for a second unit is submitted, or the application for the second unit may be made in conjunction with the development of the primary unit. 4. The owner of the lot shall reside on the lot, either in the primary unit or in the second unit.' Prior to issuance of occupancy approval of the second unit, the property owner shall enter into a restrictive covenant with the city regarding such owner -occupancy requirement on a form prepared by the city, which shall be recorded against the property. Such covenant shall further provide that the second unit shall not be sold, or title thereto transferred separate from that of the property. If the owner ceases to reside on the property, use of the second unit shall be discontinued (a) if it is an attached second unit, the unit shall be converted into a portion of the primary unit, or (b) if it is a detached second unit, the unit shall be removed or converted to a legal use. The director may grant temporary relief from this owner -occupancy requirement. 5. The maximum gross floor area of second unit shall not exceed thirty percent of the square footage of the . primary unit or one thousand two hundred square feet whichever is less. 6. The minimum gross floor area of a second unit shall be four hundred square feet. 7. A second unit shall have no more than two bedrooms. 8. The total gross floor area of all covered structures, including an attached second unit, shall not exceed the lot coverage area as prescribed by the applicable zoning district. 9. The second unit shall be architecturally compatible with the primary unit. 10. No attached second unit shall cause the height of the primary unit to exceed the height limitation for the applicable zoning district. If the attached second unit is not located above any portion of the existing primary unit, the maximum height of such unit shall not exceed the height of the primary unit. 11. A detached second unit shall not exceed seventeen feet in height nor more than one story. 1 of 2 6/24/2008 10:53 AM -9:60*0 Second residential units. http://gcode.us/code /laquinta/view.php?topic=9-9 60-9 60 090&fr... 12. An attached second unit may have a separate entrance; provided, however, in no event shall any external stairwell be placed within the front or side yard setback. 13. A second unit shall contain separate kitchen and bathroom facilities, and shall be metered separately from the primary dwelling for gas, electricity, communications, water, and sewer services. 14. All attached second units shall be equipped with approved smoke detectors conforming to the latest Uniform Building Code standards, mounted on the ceiling or wall at a point centrally located in an area giving access to rooms used for sleeping purposes. 15. In addition to the required parking for the primary unit, a minimum of one additional off-street parking space shall be provided on the same lot that the second unit is located. One parking space shall be provided for each studio unit, in accordance with the applicable parking regulations. No variance or adjustment shall be granted to allow substandard parking spaces or locations. 16. All construction, structural alterations or additions made to create a second unit shall comply with current building, electrical, fire, plumbing and zoning code regulations. 17. In the event of any conflicts between the standards set forth in this section and those set forth in the regulations of the applicable zoning district, the provisions of this section shall prevail. 18. The applicant shall pay to the city all applicable fees imposed on such new development. 19. The director may add other conditions, consistent with general law and applicable state and city standards, as necessary to preserve the health, safety, welfare and character of the residential neighborhood; provided, however, that such conditions shall not unreasonably restrict the ability of an applicant to create a second unit. (Ord. 445 §.2, 2007: Ord. 299 § I (part); 1997; Ord. 284 § I (Exh. A) (part), 1996) 2 of 2 6/24/2008 10:53 AM 5 -0 5 TB ACK E - 150.00 iE t PROGRESSIVE DESIGN CONCEPTS Y = U a xrsrlNG Arch itectural itectural De sign n fII E - F- BLOCK WALL . @ Res idential dential and Commercial w Planning and Development 115 _ Calle Estado Ste. e. 201 78 La Qu inta CA 92253 60 564-495 I 760 564-4707 Fax 7 5 I Office c 1 c ? s conce ts.com KITCHEN www. w p lAN E) LANDSCAPE PE — y Dwelling LIVING ROOM Second w � � g — I fr, () 0 5 68 50. PT. E BATH 1 LIVABLE FLOOR SPACE L Mike &lE) of 1 ❑ Rase e d as r GL E II 55 3 80 Avenida C arranza riN RESIDENCE x5 E I E � RE DE A 225 L m C9 3 La Q u to q APN. 774 08 1, 026- NEW CONC. WALK BED ROOM `1Yr' lul T PLAN ER (E) LANDSCAPE lE) fE) ❑ ❑ EXISTING I WA LL LL Date/ Description ❑ I D I p I _ C '@ Number @ I N m @ — I @ NEW 50FFIT @ @ I @ I I I I 2 CAR GARAGE N COLUMN PROPOSED NEW GOL J� L NEW TRELLIS t ❑ I n 815 50. FT r PROPOSED NEW TRELLIS NEW SOFFIT I NEW COLUMN I I — I lui PLAN TER ER , NEW 2 4" Drawn B k T y RAISED SPA I NEW EQUIPMENT ' I I NEW CONC, WALK ROOM ,4 1NF0_N� mAT10N E LANDSCAPE l ❑ I . I OWNER: �fCN4E_Ju ITN RO SENFELD Approved B pp Y A A -38� �1V ND C� AN R z �3 E R LA Qu lNTACA 92253 5 Jo4_loll Project Man ager er S m LEGAL DE5G zI TION. LO T N0.25 (E)LANDSCAPE _ P OS1 m2� _,4 N . �i� s U .4. U , a a -m N CONC. DRIVE Q N t'S Ci""i N t't NEW G S trt ( �3 3 >� D �R� z GT ,4 55 YE DJ Dp E m w PROJECT R 1-- N @ EXISTING S cR kl TING E 5 CA 2253 �'`� BLOCK WALL I c A GNU INTA 9 BLOCK W L ..r _ i F.X STING ONC cp BL EXISTING EX S NG BRIVEWAY K WAL L L L 5 ZONE . S C��E � 51N FAMILY i A Gl'. OCCu N ON- �4T �'�' R Eh PE V N � m0 5 _ 50. 2 AREA 5 TA5ULATION5 e _ w - TIN 6f Nc i xl5 � n� � � �� 5a. T. . s .. _O O�5CON � DWELLING S SQ.FT. _ r 0 _ o r 5h�/1 �>�s� 31 5 / 3i. EXISTING CURB TOTf�t j� I YA 50 t Q DATUM POINT AND GUTTER 1 INT 1 PROPOSED 41pU5E ATI T PR 1 000 5Q. I rr I I FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION 0 S - TOTAL 5 PAD ELEVATION VATI N 101.0 n G T INI I� FLOOR to 2 CF 5 ED LO t �. ' TOTAL LOT GOVEfRAGE ABOVE DATUM POINT ATTOP OF @ CU RB At CENTERLINE OF LOT.) 0 AVE1N D i�.i� I A C Z 77-7 Date. 0 6/13/2008 51TE FLAN x r� I 118 1 . ,... 5 CA 5 LE gym/ I�VI. T - - ! : i C.>� - , - 1 _ r i T _ l I I: i i