MA 2011-631CITY � LA Q UINTA � Case No." Fee: $200 Community Development Department APPLICATION FOR MINOR ADJUSTMENT APPLICANT: Submit this form with two copies of a scaled site plan, drawn to adequately depict the nature of the request. A nonrefundable fee of $200 is required when the Application is submitted. The check must be made payable to the "City of La Quinta". A Minor Adjustment Permit (Section 9.210.040/Zoning Ordinance) may be approved only for deviations of up to ten percent of a numerical development standard (for example, a reduction of one foot from a ten_foo setback requirement) or for deviations specifically identified in the La Quinta Zoning Ordinance. Other deviations shall require consideration of a variance (pursuant to Section 9.210.030/Variance\Zoning Ordinance). If the Applicant is not the owner of the property, a letter must be submitted by the owner authorizing the Applicant to execute this document in his behalf. PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE APPLICANT/CONTRACTOR: BLS - 401- DATE: 6 3 - 30 -1) CONTACT PERSON (IF DIFFERENT): q ,p PHONE: MAILING ADDRESS: ZA -qq I �rJ / 1�M gw-r a (Address) (City) (State) (Zip) OWNER'SNAME: I piti- ArrXL MAILINGADDRESS: 1� IZ,41 4�� p� ` Po�p L;l'l� 1 _ Of, q,,j-rA- G4 / Zz 5 3 (Address) - (City) (State) (Zip) STREET ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: LOT # ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER: _ ADJUSTMENT REQUESTED: 18 "-Vc, 0 REASON FOR REQUEST: SIGNATURE OF SIGNATURE OF OWNER (if not the same as TRACT Sept 7 DATE 3" —J PLANNER:' a The following findings shall be made by the decision -making authority prior to the approval of any Minor Adjustment Permit: 1. Consistency with General Plan. The project is consistent with the General Plan. .2. Consistency with Zoning Code. The project is consistent with the provisions of the Zoning Code. 3. Compliance with CEQA. Processing and approval of the permit application are in compliance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act. 4. Surrounding Uses. Approval of the application will not create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, ;caa;uocs�a�fety�a ddgeneral welfare or injurious to or incompatible with other properties or land uses in the vicinity. D;UIM DJ to M!: 110Z ® gwro13 POM � 082 s FILE40P`L-x, 01���� P.O. Box 1504 LA QUIN-rA, CALIFORNIA 92247-1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 April 6, 2011 r Mr. Jorge Septien GLS Architects 74-991 Joni Drive, Ste. 9 Palm Desert, CA 92211 (760) 777-7000 FAX (760) 777-7101 SUBJECT: MINOR ADJUSTMENT 2011-631:. 51-249 EL DORADO DRIVE FRONT YARD SETBACK ADJUSTMENT — MOUNTAIN VIEW C.C. Dear Mr. Septien: This letter is to report that the Planning Department. has .reviewed your, Minor Adjustment application (MA 201 1-631), pursuant to Section 9.210.040 of .the City of La Quinta Zoning Code, for the residence at* 5 f -249 El Dorado Drive, in the Mountain View Country Club. REQUEST: Grant up to a 10% adjustment to reduce the front yard setback from twenty (20) feet to eighteen feet six inches (18' 6"), to. allow for an addition to the existing residence, as shown on the attached plans. CONDITIONS: 1. A building permit shall be obtained from the Building & Safety Department prior to construction. 2. The construction of the addition shall not encroach more than one and a half (1.5) feet into the front yard - setback and shall . therefore be constructed no closer than eighteen and a half (18.5) feet from the .front yard property line. 3. The proposed addition and all other construction shall comply with all other development standards as required under the La Quinta Zoning Code. DECISION:. , Approval is granted for -the requested adjustment subject to #he.•'above -listed conditions and based on the following findings: Minor Adjustment 2011.-631 .is consistent with the La Quinta'General Plan,. in that the encroachment proposed does not alter the approved land use for the property, or affect land .use on surrounding similar properties. • Minor Adjustment 201 1-631 .is consistent with the intent of the to Quinta Zoning Code, "in that the requested adjustment will be conditioned to comply with all other development standards•as required under said Zoning - Code. • Code. • Processing and approval of Minor Adjustment~ 201 1-631 'is, in compliance - • with the California Environmental Quality Act. The adjustment requested falls under CEQA Guidelines Section 15305(a) as- a "Minor Alterations to. Land" - 'Class 5 Categorical Exemption. • Approval of Minor Adjustment 201 1-631 is ' not detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare, nor injurious or incompatible with other • properties and. land use in the vicinity. The adjustment has no impact'on health or. safety issues, and .will. not affect, physical land use characteristics in the vicinity. - Please be advised that the City only approves 'one Minor Adjustment for -one setback per lot, regardless of the percentage of the development standard adjusted. This approval relates, only to allowance. of the reduction :as stated above, and does. not imply any entitlement. or approval of a building -permit for any structures shown on the plans on file. All other development standards of the' La Quinta Zoning Code are applicable and shall be adhered to in preparing plans for building plan check.' If you have any additional questions, please contact me at 760-777-7125. Sincerely, ; Eric Ceja — - Assistant Planner - Attachment z " C: Building & Safety. Department " . VICINITY MAP NOT TO 5 G A L E 50 AVENUE 0�. VIA VALER05 POMELO ST. ' id to MOUNTAIN VIEW z COUNTRY CLUB O Q S.ITE 52 AVENUE ZQUINTAg.CA rUK THt EXCLU5IVE USE OF THE OMAIER NOTED AT THE EXCLUSIVE 517E INDICATED IN THE DRAWINC {5) ONLY THI5 DE516N AND DRANINGS ARE SUBMITTED AS RE5TRICTIVE AND CONFIDENTIAL DI' SITE : HARNINC : PLANT MATERIAL L15TED'MAY OR MAY NOT HAVE BEEN APPROVED BY THE AGRICULTURAL COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE. LANDSCAPED AREAS INDICATED SHALL BE PROVIDED H/ FULL COVERAGE AUTOMATIC i IRRIGATION SYSTEM W AN APPROVED BACK FLOH DEVICE. TEMPORARY TOILETS SHALL BE PROVIDED BY THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR FOR ALL TRADES; UNTIL .THE COMPLETION OF THE HORK. ALL TRADES SHALL AT ALL TIMES KEEP THE PREMISES FREE FROM ACCUMULATION OF HA5TE MATERIALS OR RUBBISH CAUSED BY THE HORK' � NO UTILITY TRENCHES PARALLEL TO A FOOTING AND DEEPER THAN W' SHALL BE LOCATED HITHIN A DISTANCE OF 4'-0OF A BUILDING FOOTING. ,1 UTILITY TRENCHES PERPENDICULAR TO A FOOTING SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 4'-0" DEEP AND THE D15TURBED 501L SHALL BE COMPACTED HITHfN A 4'-0" DISTANCE OF ANY FOOTING OR UNDER A CONCRETE SLAB. ALL PROPERTY LINES, EASEMENTS AND BUILDINGS BOTH EXISTING AND PROPOSED, ARE 5HOKIN ON THIS 51TE PLAN. THE DE1/ELOPER/CONTRACTOR/OHNER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE VERIFICATION OF EXISTING CURB (OR EDGE OF STREET PAVING IF NO CURB EX15T), LOCATION FROM THE PROPERTY LINE(S) HITH F C _ - HE EX - U IVE SITE INDICATED N TH �. TF NER NOTED AT GL 5 E. DRAWING. 5 ONLY HI5-DE51 AND DRAW ARE SUBMITTED RESTRICTIVE A D. F_N IA� DI G-05U. THAT M _ r' R H XG U51VE USE . THE N I L 7 GN INGS 5 BMITTE 5 R STRIG N GONFID i 5 L RE T MAY BE __D OR CP T c c, RE :THEY ;4R -FO THE L 5 OF U R RODUGED WI HOU7. THE WR T . N F i N _D Y 5 ARCHITECTURE. E (J I � CONSENT F G 5 ARCH T _ H_ ARE-: OW B GL N O L CGTURE. 7Hh.DRAWN R P A ADMINISTRATIVE COPE, THEY I I G REPRESENT . �ERVIG A5. DEFINED Y THE.GALIFO NI _. 5 A PRELIMINARY DE NGPE PERMITS. G A PYRIGHTED INSTRUMEN75.Ot- E D B 51G UNTIL UGH TIME THE BU,LDING DEPT. A F RP ES PRIOR TO OF. B IL. IN R ESE DRAWIN 5 RE GO . HAS AFFIXED THE F. INGS FOP PU OS TH P E STAMP OR.GOMP ETENE55 O DRAW FO N OF APPROVAL. O.L.S.G.L.S,:4RGHITEGTllRESHALL..NOT.BE.RE5PON51BLE.F L .. TT DbATE1TMEPL.09/30/11 BUILDING DEPT. SUB MIT T i I 4 I. ALL HORK GALLED FOR IN THESE PLANS SHALL I3E"EXEGU T ED HITH EX I REME GONI GERM. FOR CRAFT5MAN5HIP AND SAFETY IN FULL AGGORDANGE HITH THE ADOPTED GODE5 AND ORDINANGE5 OF THE JUR15DIGTION IN THIGH IT IS BEING GON5TRUGTED. 2. `ALL HORK, HHETHER SPEGIFIGALLY GALLED FOR OR NOT, SHALL BE GON5TRUGTED UNDER THE LATEST EDITION OF THE UNIFORM BUILDING GORE' AS ADOPTED BY THE LOGAL GOVERNING