MA 2012-652CITY 'LA IN CaseNo. A ,� Z-6S7 Fee: $200 Community 'De velopment Department a APPLICATION FOR MINOR ADJUSTMENT APPLICANT: Submit this form with two copies of a scaled site plan, drawn to adequately depict the nature of the request. A nonrefundable fee of $200 is required when the Application is submitted. The check must be made payable to the "City of La Quinta". 'A Minor Adjustment Permit (Section 9.210.040/Zoning Ordinance) may be approved only for deviations of up to ten percent of a numerical development standard (for example, a reduction of one foot from a ten -foot setback requirement) or for deviations specifically identified in the La Quints Zoning Ordinance. Other deviations shall. require consideration of a variance (pursuant to Section 9.210.030Nariance\Zoning Ordinance): 'If the Applicant is not the owner of the property, a letter must be submitted by the owner authorizing the Applicant to execute this document in his behalf. PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE . APPLICANT/CONTRACTOR:' /4 ��� 6:51UC+ DATE. FP ' Z9>- Z CONTACT PERSON (IF DIFFERENT): PHONE: 760 • ra -1077 �- MAILING ADDRESS: PAX 4 so `f.jt 117rA OWNER'S NAME: (Address) Z-a;-1c (Address) (City) (State) . (Zip) (City) CIO STREET ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: - ' 7*O C�T2V S LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: LOT # TRACT Z4 590 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER -.;L7.(,8- ADJUSTMENT REQUESTED: (Zip) REASON FOR REQUEST:. 07 6 & U L,N-fZ-. La . qL� SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT DATE .Nc��di,� , SIGNATURE OF OWNER (jnot a same as applicant) PLANNER: The following findings shall be made by the decision -making authority prior to .the approval of any Minor Adjustment Permit: 1. Consistency with General Plan. The project is consistent with the General Plan. 2. Consistency with Zoning Code. The project is consistent with the provisions of the Zoning Code. 3. Compliance with CEQA. Processing and approval of the permit application. are in compliance with the requirements of the. California Environmental Quality Act. . 4. Surrounding Uses. Approval of the application will not create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare or injurious to or incompatible with other properties or land uses in the vicinity. ^ e zvc' A2\Form013 'AUG 209812 City a, LZ °� �tint0 Planning Department PREPARED 8/20/12, 15:35:10 PAYMENTS DUE INVOICE CITY OF LA QUINTA PROGRAM PZ821L --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROJECT NUMBER: 12-00000143 MA 12-652 CHENG RESIDENCE 79-770 CITRUS FEE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT DUE ----------------------------------- MINOR ADJUSTMENT 200.00 TOTAL DUE 200.00 Please present this invoice to the cashier with full payment 0 i =a o f'V Ui g� Q04 � �� L�r--,1 P Pacei ed AUG''+12 City 6 Lo e to Planning Department PREPARED 8/20/12, 15:35:10 PAYMENTS DUE INVOICE CITY OF LA QUINTA PROGRAM PZ821L ---7 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- PROJECT NUMBER: 12-00000143 MA 12-652 CHENG RESIDENCE 79-770 CITRUS FEE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT DUE ---------------------------------- MINOR ADJUSTMENT 200.00 TOTAL DUE 200.00 Please present this invoice to the cashier with full payment. f� ° oct: 't I ;"lI IZ AUG cityCti i fc c ii11C9 Planning Department L� P.O. Box 1504 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92247=1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 August .31, 2012 Mr. A.P. Skip Lench PO Box 450 La Quinta, CA 92247 SUBJECT: MINOR ADJUSTMENT 2012-652 79-770 CITRUS Dear Mr. Lench: (760) 7 7 7 - 7 0 0 0 FAX (760) .777-7101 &flit COPY This letter is to report that the Planning Department has reviewed your Minor Adjustment application (MA 2012-652), pursuant to Section 9.210.040 of the City of La Quinta Zoning Code, for the residence at 79-770 Citrus. REQUEST: Grant up to a 10% adjustment to reduce the front yard setback from twenty (20) feet to eighteen (18) feet, to allow for the construction of a casita, as shown' on the -attached plans. CONDITIONS: 1. A building permit shall be obtained from the Building & Safety Department prior to construction. 2. The proposed addition and all other construction shall comply with all other development standards as required under the La Quinta Zoning Code. DECISION: Approval is granted for the requested adjustment subject to the above listed condition$ and based on the following findings: 1. Minor .Adjustment 2012-652 is consistent with the La Quinta General Plan, in that the encroachment proposed does not alter the approved land use for the property, or affect land use on surrounding similar properties. 2. Minor Adjustment 2012-652 is consistent with the intent of the .La Quinta Zoning Code, in that the requested adjustment will be'conditioned to comply with all other development standards as required under said Zoning Code. 3.. Processing and approval of Minor Adjustment 2012-652 is in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act. The adjustment requested falls under CEQA Guidelines Section ,15305(a) as a "Minor Alterations to Land" - Class 5 Categorical Exemption. 4. Approval of. Minor Adjustment 2012-652 is not detrimental to the - public health, safety, and general welfare, nor injurious or incompatible with .other properties and land use in the vicinity. The adjustment has no. impact on health or safety issues, and will not affect physical land use characteristics in the vicinity. Please be advised that the City only approves one Minor Adjustment for one setback per lot, regardless of the percentage of the development standard adjusted. This approval relates only to allowance of the reduction as stated above, and does not imply any entitlement or approval of a building permit for. any structures shown on the .plans on file. All other. development standards of the La Quinta Zoning Code are applicable. and shall be adhered to in preparing plans for building plan check. If you. have any additional questions, please contact me at 760-777-7125. SincEkely, JAK�,WjU Associate Planner C: Building & Safety Department Camillo and Sarah Cheng 23708 SE 18th St. Sammamish, WA 98075 To Whom It May Concern: We are the owners of the property located at 79770 Citrus, La Quinta, CA. We are in the process of permitting plans to add a casita at the referenced location. This letter authorizes Skip Lench to sign on the application entitled "Minor. Setback Adjustment". If you have any questions, you may reach me at 425 / 985-4861 or locally at 760 / 625-1488. Thank you. Sincerel , Sarah .Cheng O OPYRIGHT OR CO PYRIGHT T PENDING.. RE VISIONS By R PERTY OF N O THESE DESIGNS ARE THE P GOVERNI NG NG CO DES DES LENC H DESIGN STUDIOS, DOS , INC. UNAUTHORIZED THORIZED USE , IN ANY , FOR M, IS EXPRESSLY OR IGINAL RE LY PROHI BITED AN D EXTENDS T O ORI AND MO DIFIED DIFIED DE RIVATIVE TIVE PLANS AND I APPL ICABLE A BLE TO GENERAL NOTES A_ IBC 09 OR CBC 2010 INTENTIONAL AN UNINTENTIONAL INFRINGEMENTS. S DOO E RE UIR ED EG RES RS S HAL L TH Q 1. FLOO RS AT _ LOADS _ 1 1 LOW ER E R THAN THE TOP OF B DE SIGN N N 2 NOT B E MOR E THAN / THE THR ESHOLD. ; 2. EX TERIOR RIOR LAN DINGS SHALL BE PE RMITTED TO _ a ROO F LIVE LOAD OAD 20 PS 1 L I N bDEAD LOA D 19 PSF HAVE A SLOPE NOT TO EXCEED /4 UN IT VERTICAL . ROOF 12UN ITS HORIZONTAL.C. WIND IMPOR TANCE ANCE FA CTOR O R 1.00 WI ND ZON E 95 MPH EXPOSU RE C . SITE CLASS DEFINITION N D SCOPE OF WORK d � ) e. OCCU PANCY PANCY CA TEGORY TEG ORY 1I 1.ADD NEW CASITA AT SIDE YARD f. SEISMIC DESIGN CATEGORY Y tD ) , , 2. ADD NE W PA NE XT TO EXI STING TIN G POOL 9 .CO COEFFI CIENT Cs 0. 15 S Ss1.5 .' BY SEPAR ATE E PERM IT h. SE ISMIC g i RFISMIC S10.6a a a W ,... a e. .— ed .a c _—._.—._._.—.—.—. .ir...•..................................,.................. • -- . -' -. .» ••y v imrrnwmnrrrrrmrmnrn+Ymrmrrir"nn�!i�` .! Pr!r4Pr�r4Pr 'r l,t]��r!r�r 1 C'-'-'- " 'C:C:.:C .:' .:.:�:�:�:::.:" it, 77. .N,.» ! i ! r r rr!r�ryrWr�rrrgq�r�r�rrWr�rru ��rlr�r�,r;W�r�r'r�r!r�rr�rsir ��r�Wrrr!r i4�r!rh��rNrrrri�iNW�rhirrrrrrrr�iri�rrWrrrrr�rl��rlr4, [:, z- ---------- `` e e' CALGREEN s installed b the builder shall be in place for final inspection and shall 1. Automatic irrigation controller(s) y �. `�� • ` "� _. N FLAT .,` 2' TOTAL meet the following requirements: \`• \ ` woRK ;. ARCHITECTURAL A) Controllers shall be weathe r- or soil- moisture based that automatically adjusts irrigation in response � , ., `� -.. \` PROJECTION 2'-0,� `\,,., . s as weather conditions change. to changes m plant need g stems that account for _ integral ram sensors or communication systems B Weather based controllers without g . `• fall shall have a separate wired or wireless ram Sens or which connects or communicates with local ram P ': ^ •. • .. ; ram sensor input. r not required to havee controllers .Soil moisture based controllers are q the �) , . '\;. a. ... . , .. • °' CALGreen 4.3 04.1 ) 1 _ a acceptable e rice or other media l compact disc web based reference eP e of final inspection, a manual, p , 2. At the time p `\ e 2 , S ....:. F '`�-. '�-. B ••—. • laced m the building: the following shall be'`•�. the enforcing agency which includes all of g P to g g Y • . NE 4 410. 1 ALGreen . C ) G building throughout th e life manual shall remain with the bu g g ns to the owner or occupant that the ma a) Directions p � cycle of the structure, 1 . coons forthe following: b Operation and maintenance instructions g ms HVAC systems, water -saving devices and stems, y , i Equipment and appliances, including w g Y a fiances and equipment. water -hearing systems and other major pp q p , ..is gutters and downspouts u Roof and and drainage, including P Y g rs and air fIt rs. ui) Space conditioning systems, includingcondensers • ms irri gation anon sy stems Lands cape a .. iv L Y p g vWater reuse Systems e ve prov iders on me thods to further red uce and wasteYeco anon from local utility, water a rY p e)Inforin� SQUARE FOOTAGE: .Q recycle programs and locations. consumption, including recy p gi' resource p g rtation and/or ca o P of o bons av ailable m the area. d Public trans o rP p eEd ucational material on the positive eimpacts ofan interior nor rel ative humid ity betw een 30 60 percent ce CASITACONDI (CONDITION N SPACE.... 591.00 S : FT. and what methods an occupant may use to maintain rel ative ive humidity level in that at range. e. : I _flInforma tion about water -conserving m landsca pe eandi irrigation ride design and con trollers ro llers whic h, con serve ' , water:: BUI LDING:..................................... 6 4.00 S . FT. I • - • t5 .. 'ter at leas : water di verting ert rice 0 fdv imp ortance o h i g and to is a wns ou and do p gutters a min u mta P for g In structions g g feet away from the foundation. � : mi aulki ng h Information required routine measuresin including, nothted t0 c , - painting, grading around th e bu ilding, g , etc. - .. - � ,.... �_ �.��.. � �•. •�. . ■.� ■/1 /AAA /•1 /'\ rT • n ° O �~ w' O 0-4 c w w a 0+ w a a w CHECKED S.L. DATE 08-09-2012 " SCALE 1/8=1 -0 JOB NO. 2012-002