MA 2014-668i City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 PHONE: 760.777.7125 FAX: 760.777.1233 ` Office;�Use=Onl ,���< � ��,--� � �• ' � �- � "•. .Case NumberAccepted Assigned 30-Day By To . Deadline �w4 20/Y- bbt3 DS Notes: MINOR ADJUSTMENT = APPLICATION' ' RECEIVED. ' FEB 2 4 ,2014 CITY OF L,A-Q,U-IMTA s COMMUI�iP4'D�VpL�MENT' `Sectd s`A,:B and -C are-to&be completed by the applicant injihe r enfirety and shall be accornpariiedby all'listediplans,,studies - reports:and exhibits listed, inrSection,D°unless 4. Yspecifically,waivediby the appropriate City -staff member and ndted thereon. I I SECTION A -PROJECT INFORMATION Project Name: Q LO LK WA L1,, Requested Adjustment: 1,2 Zn SNGREhS-E ry FEIVGE HE161Y'r 7-o'Ae,10&0 6- -6 • WAL t k/l rmw l.5 f i o fr o r , FA on1 r S t i 6,ae-K APN #(s): Site Address/ ' Location: s 3 z 6 .o A ✓E IV I DA RA' i R t- Z- LA. QU INTA GA' 212 5s General Plan: Zoning: Specific Plan: Proposed Use: • Proposed Phases: Related Cases: , 1 Minor Adjustment Application Page 1 of 7 City*of La Quinta - Planning Department - 760.777.7125 05.20.13 R: Application Submittal Forms\Applications\MA\MA Application - 05.20.13.doc SECTION B — STATEMENT OF FINDINGS The purpose of this form is to provide a detailed statement addressing the required findings that must be made in order for a .minor adjustment, to be granted. Please use a separate sheet if needed. Surrounding Uses. Why will approval of the variance not create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare or injurious to or incompatible with other properties or land uses in the vicinity? SECTION C - APPLICANT/OWNER INFORMATION Applicant: VA ✓ I 0 WAR 060 760 771 53 4 2 (Name) (Phone) s 3 z b 0 A Vr" , 04 RA .1t 1 REz de"A of r woale h /QJ a ma d. co Ki (Mailing Address) (Email) Owner(s): % s ft 6 0 ✓e (Name) (Phone) (Mailing Address) (Email) Architect: (Name) (Phone) (Mailing Address) (Email) (California State License #) Applicant Certification I certify that I have read this application packet in its entirety and understand the City's submittal and review process and the requirements for this application. I further certify that each application item submitted as part of this application is consistent with the minimum required contents for that item as described in Section D_ of this application. 1 understand and agree that if during the processing of the application, it is determined the information does not strictly meet such standards or. contains errors or omissions, clarification and/or supplemental information may be required and the preparation of such information may be. considered, in the Planning .Director's judgment, an unreasonable delay and will result in a suspension of processing time limits in, accordance with the California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Se %tion 15109. Applicant's Signature: -/Z��. Date: Fey 1..4- Zo Print Name: Da VI � . ill aord Z h Minor Adjustment Application Page 2 of 7 City of La Quinta - Planning Department - 760.777.7125 05.20.13 P:\Application Submittal Forms\Applications\MA\MA Application - 05.20.13.doc Owner Certification I certify under the penalty of the laws of the State of California that I am the property owner of the property that is the subject matter of this application and I am authorizing and hereby do consent to the filing of this application and acknowledge that the final approval by the City of La Quinta, if any, may result in restrictions, limitations and construction obligations being imposed on this real property. Owner/Authorized Agent Signature*: &x..,,4d u4ix Date: FCh 2014 Print Name(s): Wc4 ird e h *An authorized agent for the owner must attach a notarized letter of authorization from the legal property owner. Any off -site work identified on the plans must be accompanied by a statement of authorization with a notarized signature of the subject property owner. SECTION D - APPLICATION SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS Additional information may be required based on review of the project description. Submittal waivers may be obtained through staff consultation, a pre -submittal meeting, or a preliminary review application. No applications will be accepted by mail. APPLICATION SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS — INITIAL TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY STAFF Each of the following items is required for submittal unless a waiver is granted by City Staff. Any waiver # of E- must be confirmed by initialing of ' this form by the # of copies Waiver £ 2person granting the waiver prior to submittal. Please see paper in PDF OK'd b Section D for the description and completion copies fan Cp_ (initials) tn' requirements of each item. FS=Full Size / R=Reduced to 11 "x 17" ROM) FILING FEES p p Filing Fees Receipt 1 NA APPLICATION INFORMATION p p Application w/Statement of Findings 1 1 NA p p Site Photographs 1 1 PLAN SET p p Index Sheet 5FS/1OR 1 NA p p Site Plan 5FS/1OR 1 NA p p Floor Plan 5FS/1 OR 1 PRIMARY REPORTS/STUDIES/EXHIBITS p p Preliminary Title Report 1 1 Minor Adjustment Application Page 3 of 7 City of La Quinta - Planning Department - 760.777.7125 05.20.13 P:\Application Submittal Form s\Applications\MA\MA Application - 05.20.13.doc 10 . SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS - PRIOR TO HEARING The following items are to be submitted after # of E- the project is scheduled* for Planning # of copies in Submitted Commission review and must be received by paper PDF format the Planning Department at least 12 working copies (on CD- days prior to the scheduled PC meeting date. ROM) Bound 11 "x17" reduction of complete final Plan Set with 3 1 colored Site Plan Sheets Full size (not to exceed 24"x36") complete final Plan Set 1 NA with colored Site Plan Sheets *If these required items are not received by the Planning Department by the end of the day 12 working days before the scheduled PC meeting date, the project's review will be re -scheduled for a later date. SECTION E - SUBMITTAL ITEM DESCRIPTIONS FILING FEES Filing Fees are to be paid at the time of application. As part of the submittal process you will be asked to pay your fees at the Finance Department counter and return to the Planning Department counter with the receipt showing payment of fees which will be copied and submitted along with the other application materials. Additional environmental review related fees (if any) will be determined and payable at the time the application is determined complete. REQUIRED AT TIME OF APPLICATION SUBMITTAL Minor Adjustment Application Fee: See attached Master Fee Schedule* REQUIRED AT TIME APPLICATION IS READY FOR FINAL REVIEW AND APPROVAL CEQA Filing Fee: $64** Required regardless of exempt status * Payable to City of La Quinta * * Separate cashiers check payable to County of Riverside APPLICATION INFORMATION Application: A City application form complete with all requested information and original signatures in Sections A, B and C provided. If you have any questions regarding filling out the Application, please contact the Planning Department at (760) 777-7125. Statement of Findings: The statement of findings portion (Section B) of the application explains how the proposed variance satisfies the required findings for granting a minor adjustment and shall be completed in its entirety. Minor Adjustment Application Page 4 of 7 City of La Quinta - Planning Department - 760.777.7125 05.20.13 P:\Application Submittal Forms\Applications\MA\MA Application - 05.20.13.doc PREPARED 2/24/14, 8:26:49 PAYMENTS DUE INVOICE CITY OF LA QUINTA PROGRAM PZ821L --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROJECT NUMBER: 14-00000036 MA 2014-668; ADJUSTMENT TO ALLOW 5'6" WA FEE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT DUE - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- MA (H2) 286.00 TOTAL DUE 286.00 Please present this invoice to•the cashier with full payment. • 'w I P.O. Box 1504 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92247-1504 78-495 CAL.Lr TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 February 27, 2014 Mr. David Warden 53-260 Avenida Ramirez La Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT: MINOR ADJUSTMENT 2014-668 53-260 AVENIDA RAMIREZ Dear Mr. Warden: (760) 7 7 7 - 7 0 0 0 FAX (760) 777-7161 The Community Development Department has reviewed your Minor Adjustment application (MA 2014-668), pursuant to Section 9.210.040 of the City of La Quinta Zoning Code. REQUEST: Grant up to a 10% adjustment to increase the maximum wall height from five feet (5') to five and a half feet (5'-6") to allow for the construction of a 5'-6" wall within the front yard setback. DECISION: Approval is granted for the requested adjustment based on the following findings and subject to the conditions of approval listed below: 1. Minor Adjustment 2014-668 is consistent with the La Quinta General Plan, in that the proposal does not alter the approved land use for the property, or affect land use on surrounding similar properties. 2. Minor Adjustment 2014-668 is consistent .with the intent of the La Quinta Zoning Code, in that the requested adjustment will be conditioned to comply with all other development standards as required under said Zoning Code. 3. Processing and approval of Minor Adjustment 2014-668 is in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act. The adjustment requested falls M 1w under CEQA Guidelines Section 15305(a) as a "Minor Alterations to Land" - Class 5 Categorical Exemption. i 4. Approval of Minor Adjustment 2014-668 is not detrimental to. the public. health, safety and general welfare, nor injurious or incompatible with other properties and land use. in the vicinity. The adjustment has no impact on health or safety issues, and will not affect physical land use characteristics in the vicinity. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. A building permit shall be obtained prior to construction. 2. The proposed construction shall comply with all other development standards as required under the La Quinta Zoning Code. Please be advised that the City only approves one Minor Adjustment for one setback per lot, regardless of the percentage of the development standard adjusted. This approval relates only to allowance of the reduction as stated above, and does not imply any entitlement or approval of. a building permit for any structures shown on the plans on file. All other development standards of the La Quinta Zoning Code are applicable and shall be adhered to in preparing plans for building plan check. If you have any additional questions, please contact me at 760-777-7067. Si cerely, AY As late Planner J ----------------- --------------------- ---- — A West Wall from Yard B NW Comer & North Walls looking North from Yard N Calie Monterey Curb flos I S Grade line on far side of wall 4) r r r r r r r r r r r r •--- r r r �+rrr r r r r N N U B —s C........ NOTES All construction to Code and to City of La Quinta Standards -� .z.Y x..„. 6✓j is ."..:,:�; . y -------- -------- ---- C East Wall from Yard' / / I I I I I 1 it l II • II II I� II it II li I I l c l it Ali II pill 11 CII 11 qll II II jl I jta 11 I I II I I Keep footing & wall clear of NE palm tree. (Section C). Visually sreen---------- any exposed concrete with landscaping stones. \ l 1 1 I Control Joints every 25 ft or less in straight runs WALL MATERIALS \ ORCO La Paz Slump Blocks Fill all cavities to highest grade on either side \ 6x6x16 l generally. 1 Fill & reinforce last 3 cavities in each run to end, comer or control joint. \ I = 1 \ 8x6x16 for posts &blocks more I m 13i \ than 4 below grade either side. I H 1 L.; Rake mortar joint below cap. Finish all other mortar joints flush to mask \ Half blocks as needed. joint lines & clean mortar from exposed block faces. \ 2^ Ca on all walls & columns. Utiility P i lix, Pole \ access'I Z Waterproof P high sides u to grade level \ ORCO Tan mortar x I I rP 9 oco .. ... ..........................: . _ . — . _ . — . — . .—.—'—'— flos-.—._.—.—.—.—.—.—.—._.—.—.— ....... �..Z-�s.�:..."s. �_...�^'"T--......i..�.,'....:t�....�.�..r��- ?... ••, r _» --i E.. n._...i.i. J}� c� z r ...-. �_,..,,.t. ,.'." 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