SBA 1976-348eAL /'�. vw_ RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT RIv6Rs,ID f APPLICATION' FOR SETBACK ADJUSTMENT SECTION 18.33 ORDINANCE NO..'348 APPLICANT: Submit this form with five copies of a scaled Plot Plan drawn to the.,specifications required on the attached Check List. A nonrefundable filing fee of $25 is required when the Application is submitted. Check must be made payable to,"County of Riverside." If the Applicant is not the owner of the property, a letter must be submitted by the owner authorizing the Applicant to execute this document in his behalf, Please Print or Type Applicant's Name Jerry W. Moffitt Date MaY 10, 1976 Mailing Address 43-679 IIeglet Noor Phone 347-0280 City Indio AP State Calif. 92201 , Z Owner's Name Same Mailing Address Ci ty State ZIP Street Address of Property 53-200 Avenida Montezuma, La Quinta Legal Description of Property (May be attached) Lot 2, 'Block 180, Santa Carmelita Unit #18, MB 19/31 PC 774-031-002 Adjustment requested To allow corners of house and garage to intrude 4' 5' reppectively, into setback area, as indicated on.atta.ched plot plan. Reason for request Due to size and shape of Lot, strict observance of setbacks would necessi*attarevisions o Ouse pan involving 1psp Url approximately 150 sq. ft, of living area. ,JUSTIFICATION: No request for a setback. adjustment shall be granted unless it is determined that the adjustment is consistent with the intent and purposes of this Ordinance; that there are special circumstances applicable to the property, including such factors as size, shape, topography, location or surroundings that justify the approval of the adjustment of the setback requirement, and that the adjustment will not be detrimental to the health, safety, and general welfare of the community or be detrimental to property in the vicinity of.the parcel for which the adjustment is requested. STAFF INF Receipt No. — District Zoning Assessor's Parcel No. PL'.-7 5-55 JLW::3�s 11-24-75 B Y • Date Re eived:._ /3_ Adjustment No. 3yy ALN:402 DO May 17,.1976 Indio Administrative Center 46-209 Oasis Street, Eogm 304 Indio. California 92201 (714) 347-8611, Ext. 274 .fir. Jerry W. Moffitt 43-679 Deglet Noor Indio, California 92201 BE: Setback Adj us tweet No. 348 Location: betweaa Avenida Monteauoa and Avenida Maderos north of Calla tfonterey Assessor's Parcel No. 774-031-002 Dear Mr. Moffitt: This Latter is to report approval of your recent application for a Setback Adjustment, pursuant to Section 18.33 of Ordivaace No. 348, to pandt eaGroach- mat of five feet into the front yard setback in accordance with Axhibit "A" for Setback Adj ustassat Mo. 346. It has been determined fro$ a study of the case that opecial circ=Wtaacea applicable to the property do exist. Due to the shape of, the parcel it the nodificatiaa wens not granted, the subject property -would be deprived of p.rivilogos enjoyed by other p�copartlas in the vicinity � the $� roue claseificsitia►. Enclosed for your tiles 1# a copy of the approved Ha401t "A" ►d r®a!f;pt for the tee paid. Very truly yours, RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLAMQNG WA8TMEM A. E. Newcomb - P1aanjus Airbctor AU: rd Encl. cc: Land Use Rieverside Office r e �L E C O"r � y • RE; Minor Setback Adjustment No. 37 Location: Assessor t a 'Parcel No. '7 431 n o 2_ This letter is to report approval of your recent Application for a Humor Setback .Adjustment, pursuant to Suction 18.33 of Dxdf�nce No.. 348, to permit ., it has been determined ftom::a study of the c4iee t t:sp"tal circumstances 4ppi,icahle to the property do eui.8t. : Due tom e77. W the modification were not -granted, the gubject� . icoperty would be deprived; of. privileges enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity and the same cone cl.as'eiff, cation. Enclosed for your files is-9 copy of the approved.`> Oibit ."A" and a receipt for; the f ee paid. Yours verb.:; truly, T RiV RBID4' COVV'PY; PLANNI G DEPARTKENT A. E. Ne4Ed.nb -- Planning Director Encl . cc: Land Use Riveroide office . 30